Lesson 7 the demonstration materials

Post on 21-Dec-2014

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Educational Technology

Transcript of Lesson 7 the demonstration materials

The Chalkboar

d and Other

Display Materials

Presented by: Group 2BSED 3B Math and SocSci

The chalkboard is the most versatile medium for instruction; it is always there and is always available.


It is especially useful in presenting a variety of instructional materials like charts, graphs, pictures etc.


The Chalkboard is also considered as an important medium for demonstration.


1. To illustrate facts and processes, often with the help of drawings and sketches, maps and others.


Uses of the Chalkboard

2. To present important facts and principles such as new words, terms, rules, definition and classification.


Uses of the Chalkboard

3. To provide a good medium for student’s demonstration.4. To display a wide variety of materials ranging from the motivational, development to evaluative activities.


Uses of the Chalkboard

5. To enhance maximum pupil/students participation.6. To provide for individual differences.


Uses of the Chalkboard

1. It should be within reach of the pupils or the students, the height for Grades 1-2 is 28 inch, for Grade 3-4 is 32 inch while for the Grades 5-6 is 36 inches.

2. It should be easily erased and cleaned.

3. It should not be glaring4. It should not be abrasive

Characteristic of a Good Chalkboard


1. Mistakes can be easily right away2. Teacher’s demonstration can be paced to suit the level of the students3. Maximum students participation is insured as students go to the board.

Advantages of using the Chalkboard


4. Can be used for demonstration purposes5. Principles of correct spelling and various processes can be illustrated6. It is always available as it is a permanent classroom fixture.

Advantages of using the Chalkboard


1. Keep the chalkboard clean. Erase the board after using. When erasing, start from top to bottom so the chalk dust are led to the chalk ledge rather than having them fly to the faces of the students.

Suggestions in using the Chalkboard


2. Make your letters and drawings large enough to be seen by everybody.3. Avoid hiding the materials on the board by standing directly in front of it. Position yourself at the side such that most of the students can see the materials.

Suggestions in using the Chalkboard


4. Always write or prepare your materials ahead of teaching time. Simply, write your board work ahead of time but take care not to over expose it so that it does not lost its novelty. Teachers use curtain to cover their board works.

Suggestions in using the Chalkboard


5. It is best to line the black board especially in the elementary grades so that pupils will learn to write legibly6. Avoid overcrowding materials to be displayed on the board at one time unless your purpose requires so.

Suggestions in using the Chalkboard