Lesson 18: Maximum and Minimum Vaues

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We define what it means for a function to have a maximum or minimum value, and explain the Extreme Value Theorem, which indicates these maxima and minima must be there under certain conditions. Fermat's Theorem says that at differentiable extreme points, the derivative should be zero, and thus we arrive at a technique for finding extrema: look among the endpoints of the domain of definition and the critical points of the function. There's also a little digression on Fermat's Last theorem, which is not related to calculus but is a big deal in recent mathematical history.

Transcript of Lesson 18: Maximum and Minimum Vaues

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Section 4.1Maximum and Minimum Values

V63.0121, Calculus I

March 24, 2009


I Homework due ThursdayI Quiz April 2, on Sections 2.5–3.5I Final Exam Friday, May 8, 2:00–3:50pm

..Image: Flickr user Karen with a K

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The Extreme Value Theorem

Fermat’s Theorem (not the last one)Tangent: Fermat’s Last Theorem

The Closed Interval Method


Challenge: Cubic functions


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Why go to the extremes?

I Rationally speaking, it isadvantageous to find theextreme values of afunction (maximize profit,minimize costs, etc.)

I Many laws of science arederived from minimizingprinciples.

I Maupertuis’ principle:“Action is minimizedthrough the wisdom ofGod.”

Pierre-Louis Maupertuis(1698–1759)

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..Image credit: Jason Tromm

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Why go to the extremes?

I Rationally speaking, it isadvantageous to find theextreme values of afunction (maximize profit,minimize costs, etc.)

I Many laws of science arederived from minimizingprinciples.

I Maupertuis’ principle:“Action is minimizedthrough the wisdom ofGod.”

Pierre-Louis Maupertuis(1698–1759)

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.Image credit: jacreative

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Why go to the extremes?

I Rationally speaking, it isadvantageous to find theextreme values of afunction (maximize profit,minimize costs, etc.)

I Many laws of science arederived from minimizingprinciples.

I Maupertuis’ principle:“Action is minimizedthrough the wisdom ofGod.”

Pierre-Louis Maupertuis(1698–1759)

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The Extreme Value Theorem

Fermat’s Theorem (not the last one)Tangent: Fermat’s Last Theorem

The Closed Interval Method


Challenge: Cubic functions

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Extreme points and values

DefinitionLet f have domain D.

I The function f has an absolutemaximum (or global maximum)(respectively, absolute minimum)at c if f(c) ≥ f(x) (respectively,f(c) ≤ f(x)) for all x in D

I The number f(c) is called themaximum value (respectively,minimum value) of f on D.

I An extremum is either a maximumor a minimum. An extreme value iseither a maximum value or minimumvalue.


.Image credit: Patrick Q

. . . . . .

Extreme points and values

DefinitionLet f have domain D.

I The function f has an absolutemaximum (or global maximum)(respectively, absolute minimum)at c if f(c) ≥ f(x) (respectively,f(c) ≤ f(x)) for all x in D

I The number f(c) is called themaximum value (respectively,minimum value) of f on D.

I An extremum is either a maximumor a minimum. An extreme value iseither a maximum value or minimumvalue.


.Image credit: Patrick Q

. . . . . .

Extreme points and values

DefinitionLet f have domain D.

I The function f has an absolutemaximum (or global maximum)(respectively, absolute minimum)at c if f(c) ≥ f(x) (respectively,f(c) ≤ f(x)) for all x in D

I The number f(c) is called themaximum value (respectively,minimum value) of f on D.

I An extremum is either a maximumor a minimum. An extreme value iseither a maximum value or minimumvalue.


.Image credit: Patrick Q

. . . . . .

Theorem (The Extreme Value Theorem)Let f be a function which is continuous on the closed interval [a, b]. Then fattains an absolute maximum value f(c) and an absolute minimum valuef(d) at numbers c and d in [a, b].


. . . . . .

Theorem (The Extreme Value Theorem)Let f be a function which is continuous on the closed interval [a, b]. Then fattains an absolute maximum value f(c) and an absolute minimum valuef(d) at numbers c and d in [a, b].





. . . . . .

Theorem (The Extreme Value Theorem)Let f be a function which is continuous on the closed interval [a, b]. Then fattains an absolute maximum value f(c) and an absolute minimum valuef(d) at numbers c and d in [a, b].















. . . . . .

No proof of EVT forthcoming

I This theorem is very hard to prove without using technical factsabout continuous functions and closed intervals.

I But we can show the importance of each of the hypotheses.

. . . . . .

Bad Example #1

ExampleConsider the function

f(x) =

{x 0 ≤ x < 1

x − 2 1 ≤ x ≤ 2.

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Then although values of f(x) get arbitrarily close to 1 and neverbigger than 1, 1 is not the maximum value of f on [0, 1] because it isnever achieved.

. . . . . .

Bad Example #1

ExampleConsider the function

f(x) =

{x 0 ≤ x < 1

x − 2 1 ≤ x ≤ 2.

. .|.1





Then although values of f(x) get arbitrarily close to 1 and neverbigger than 1, 1 is not the maximum value of f on [0, 1] because it isnever achieved.

. . . . . .

Bad Example #1

ExampleConsider the function

f(x) =

{x 0 ≤ x < 1

x − 2 1 ≤ x ≤ 2.

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Then although values of f(x) get arbitrarily close to 1 and neverbigger than 1, 1 is not the maximum value of f on [0, 1] because it isnever achieved.

. . . . . .

Bad Example #2

ExampleThe function f(x) = x restricted to the interval [0, 1) still has nomaximum value.

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Bad Example #2

ExampleThe function f(x) = x restricted to the interval [0, 1) still has nomaximum value.

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Final Bad Example


The function f(x) =1x

is continuous on the closed interval [1,∞) but

has no minimum value.

. ..1


. . . . . .

Final Bad Example


The function f(x) =1x

is continuous on the closed interval [1,∞) but

has no minimum value.

. ..1


. . . . . .



The Extreme Value Theorem

Fermat’s Theorem (not the last one)Tangent: Fermat’s Last Theorem

The Closed Interval Method


Challenge: Cubic functions

. . . . . .

Local extremaDefinition

I A function f has a local maximum or relative maximumat c if f(c) ≥ f(x) when x is near c. This means that f(c) ≥ f(x)for all x in some open interval containing c.

I Similarly, f has a local minimum at c if f(c) ≤ f(x) when x isnear c.











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Local extremaDefinition

I A function f has a local maximum or relative maximumat c if f(c) ≥ f(x) when x is near c. This means that f(c) ≥ f(x)for all x in some open interval containing c.

I Similarly, f has a local minimum at c if f(c) ≤ f(x) when x isnear c.











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I So a local extremum must be inside the domain of f (not on theend).

I A global extremum that is inside the domain is a local extremum.









.local and global


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Theorem (Fermat’s Theorem)Suppose f has a local extremum at c and f is differentiable at c. Thenf′(c) = 0.











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Sketch of proof of Fermat’s Theorem

Suppose that f has a local maximum at c.

I If h is close enough to 0 but greater than 0, f(c + h) ≤ f(c). Thismeans

f(c + h) − f(c)h

≤ 0 =⇒ limh→0+

f(c + h) − f(c)h

≤ 0

I The same will be true on the other end: if h is close enough to 0but less than 0, f(c + h) ≤ f(c). This means

f(c + h) − f(c)h

≥ 0 =⇒ limh→0−

f(c + h) − f(c)h

≥ 0

I Since the limit f′(c) = limh→0

f(c + h) − f(c)h

exists, it must be 0.

. . . . . .

Sketch of proof of Fermat’s Theorem

Suppose that f has a local maximum at c.I If h is close enough to 0 but greater than 0, f(c + h) ≤ f(c). This


f(c + h) − f(c)h

≤ 0

=⇒ limh→0+

f(c + h) − f(c)h

≤ 0

I The same will be true on the other end: if h is close enough to 0but less than 0, f(c + h) ≤ f(c). This means

f(c + h) − f(c)h

≥ 0 =⇒ limh→0−

f(c + h) − f(c)h

≥ 0

I Since the limit f′(c) = limh→0

f(c + h) − f(c)h

exists, it must be 0.

. . . . . .

Sketch of proof of Fermat’s Theorem

Suppose that f has a local maximum at c.I If h is close enough to 0 but greater than 0, f(c + h) ≤ f(c). This


f(c + h) − f(c)h

≤ 0 =⇒ limh→0+

f(c + h) − f(c)h

≤ 0

I The same will be true on the other end: if h is close enough to 0but less than 0, f(c + h) ≤ f(c). This means

f(c + h) − f(c)h

≥ 0 =⇒ limh→0−

f(c + h) − f(c)h

≥ 0

I Since the limit f′(c) = limh→0

f(c + h) − f(c)h

exists, it must be 0.

. . . . . .

Sketch of proof of Fermat’s Theorem

Suppose that f has a local maximum at c.I If h is close enough to 0 but greater than 0, f(c + h) ≤ f(c). This


f(c + h) − f(c)h

≤ 0 =⇒ limh→0+

f(c + h) − f(c)h

≤ 0

I The same will be true on the other end: if h is close enough to 0but less than 0, f(c + h) ≤ f(c). This means

f(c + h) − f(c)h

≥ 0

=⇒ limh→0−

f(c + h) − f(c)h

≥ 0

I Since the limit f′(c) = limh→0

f(c + h) − f(c)h

exists, it must be 0.

. . . . . .

Sketch of proof of Fermat’s Theorem

Suppose that f has a local maximum at c.I If h is close enough to 0 but greater than 0, f(c + h) ≤ f(c). This


f(c + h) − f(c)h

≤ 0 =⇒ limh→0+

f(c + h) − f(c)h

≤ 0

I The same will be true on the other end: if h is close enough to 0but less than 0, f(c + h) ≤ f(c). This means

f(c + h) − f(c)h

≥ 0 =⇒ limh→0−

f(c + h) − f(c)h

≥ 0

I Since the limit f′(c) = limh→0

f(c + h) − f(c)h

exists, it must be 0.

. . . . . .

Sketch of proof of Fermat’s Theorem

Suppose that f has a local maximum at c.I If h is close enough to 0 but greater than 0, f(c + h) ≤ f(c). This


f(c + h) − f(c)h

≤ 0 =⇒ limh→0+

f(c + h) − f(c)h

≤ 0

I The same will be true on the other end: if h is close enough to 0but less than 0, f(c + h) ≤ f(c). This means

f(c + h) − f(c)h

≥ 0 =⇒ limh→0−

f(c + h) − f(c)h

≥ 0

I Since the limit f′(c) = limh→0

f(c + h) − f(c)h

exists, it must be 0.

. . . . . .

Meet the Mathematician: Pierre de Fermat

I 1601–1665I Lawyer and number

theoristI Proved many theorems,

didn’t quite prove his lastone

. . . . . .

Tangent: Fermat’s Last Theorem

I Plenty of solutions tox2 + y2 = z2 amongpositive whole numbers(e.g., x = 3, y = 4, z = 5)

I No solutions tox3 + y3 = z3 amongpositive whole numbers

I Fermat claimed nosolutions to xn + yn = zn

but didn’t write down hisproof

I Not solved until 1998!(Taylor–Wiles)

. . . . . .

Tangent: Fermat’s Last Theorem

I Plenty of solutions tox2 + y2 = z2 amongpositive whole numbers(e.g., x = 3, y = 4, z = 5)

I No solutions tox3 + y3 = z3 amongpositive whole numbers

I Fermat claimed nosolutions to xn + yn = zn

but didn’t write down hisproof

I Not solved until 1998!(Taylor–Wiles)

. . . . . .

Tangent: Fermat’s Last Theorem

I Plenty of solutions tox2 + y2 = z2 amongpositive whole numbers(e.g., x = 3, y = 4, z = 5)

I No solutions tox3 + y3 = z3 amongpositive whole numbers

I Fermat claimed nosolutions to xn + yn = zn

but didn’t write down hisproof

I Not solved until 1998!(Taylor–Wiles)

. . . . . .

Tangent: Fermat’s Last Theorem

I Plenty of solutions tox2 + y2 = z2 amongpositive whole numbers(e.g., x = 3, y = 4, z = 5)

I No solutions tox3 + y3 = z3 amongpositive whole numbers

I Fermat claimed nosolutions to xn + yn = zn

but didn’t write down hisproof

I Not solved until 1998!(Taylor–Wiles)

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The Extreme Value Theorem

Fermat’s Theorem (not the last one)Tangent: Fermat’s Last Theorem

The Closed Interval Method


Challenge: Cubic functions

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The Closed Interval Method

Let’s put this together logically. Let f be a continuous functiondefined on a closed interval [a, b]. We are in search of its globalmaximum, call it c. Then:

I Either the maximumoccurs at an endpoint ofthe interval, i.e., c = a orc = b,

I Or the maximum occursinside (a, b). In this case, cis also a local maximum.

I Either f is differentiableat c, in which casef′(c) = 0 by Fermat’sTheorem.

I Or f is notdifferentiable at c.

This means to find themaximum value of f on [a, b],we need to check:

I a and bI Points x where f′(x) = 0I Points x where f is not


The latter two are both calledcritical points of f. Thistechnique is called the ClosedInterval Method.

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The Closed Interval Method

Let’s put this together logically. Let f be a continuous functiondefined on a closed interval [a, b]. We are in search of its globalmaximum, call it c. Then:

I Either the maximumoccurs at an endpoint ofthe interval, i.e., c = a orc = b,

I Or the maximum occursinside (a, b). In this case, cis also a local maximum.

I Either f is differentiableat c, in which casef′(c) = 0 by Fermat’sTheorem.

I Or f is notdifferentiable at c.

This means to find themaximum value of f on [a, b],we need to check:

I a and bI Points x where f′(x) = 0I Points x where f is not


The latter two are both calledcritical points of f. Thistechnique is called the ClosedInterval Method.

. . . . . .

The Closed Interval Method

Let’s put this together logically. Let f be a continuous functiondefined on a closed interval [a, b]. We are in search of its globalmaximum, call it c. Then:

I Either the maximumoccurs at an endpoint ofthe interval, i.e., c = a orc = b,

I Or the maximum occursinside (a, b). In this case, cis also a local maximum.

I Either f is differentiableat c, in which casef′(c) = 0 by Fermat’sTheorem.

I Or f is notdifferentiable at c.

This means to find themaximum value of f on [a, b],we need to check:

I a and bI Points x where f′(x) = 0I Points x where f is not


The latter two are both calledcritical points of f. Thistechnique is called the ClosedInterval Method.

. . . . . .

The Closed Interval Method

Let’s put this together logically. Let f be a continuous functiondefined on a closed interval [a, b]. We are in search of its globalmaximum, call it c. Then:

I Either the maximumoccurs at an endpoint ofthe interval, i.e., c = a orc = b,

I Or the maximum occursinside (a, b). In this case, cis also a local maximum.

I Either f is differentiableat c, in which casef′(c) = 0 by Fermat’sTheorem.

I Or f is notdifferentiable at c.

This means to find themaximum value of f on [a, b],we need to check:

I a and bI Points x where f′(x) = 0I Points x where f is not


The latter two are both calledcritical points of f. Thistechnique is called the ClosedInterval Method.

. . . . . .

The Closed Interval Method

Let’s put this together logically. Let f be a continuous functiondefined on a closed interval [a, b]. We are in search of its globalmaximum, call it c. Then:

I Either the maximumoccurs at an endpoint ofthe interval, i.e., c = a orc = b,

I Or the maximum occursinside (a, b). In this case, cis also a local maximum.

I Either f is differentiableat c, in which casef′(c) = 0 by Fermat’sTheorem.

I Or f is notdifferentiable at c.

This means to find themaximum value of f on [a, b],we need to check:

I a and bI Points x where f′(x) = 0I Points x where f is not


The latter two are both calledcritical points of f. Thistechnique is called the ClosedInterval Method.

. . . . . .

The Closed Interval Method

Let’s put this together logically. Let f be a continuous functiondefined on a closed interval [a, b]. We are in search of its globalmaximum, call it c. Then:

I Either the maximumoccurs at an endpoint ofthe interval, i.e., c = a orc = b,

I Or the maximum occursinside (a, b). In this case, cis also a local maximum.

I Either f is differentiableat c, in which casef′(c) = 0 by Fermat’sTheorem.

I Or f is notdifferentiable at c.

This means to find themaximum value of f on [a, b],we need to check:

I a and bI Points x where f′(x) = 0I Points x where f is not


The latter two are both calledcritical points of f. Thistechnique is called the ClosedInterval Method.

. . . . . .

The Closed Interval Method

Let’s put this together logically. Let f be a continuous functiondefined on a closed interval [a, b]. We are in search of its globalmaximum, call it c. Then:

I Either the maximumoccurs at an endpoint ofthe interval, i.e., c = a orc = b,

I Or the maximum occursinside (a, b). In this case, cis also a local maximum.

I Either f is differentiableat c, in which casef′(c) = 0 by Fermat’sTheorem.

I Or f is notdifferentiable at c.

This means to find themaximum value of f on [a, b],we need to check:

I a and b

I Points x where f′(x) = 0I Points x where f is not


The latter two are both calledcritical points of f. Thistechnique is called the ClosedInterval Method.

. . . . . .

The Closed Interval Method

Let’s put this together logically. Let f be a continuous functiondefined on a closed interval [a, b]. We are in search of its globalmaximum, call it c. Then:

I Either the maximumoccurs at an endpoint ofthe interval, i.e., c = a orc = b,

I Or the maximum occursinside (a, b). In this case, cis also a local maximum.

I Either f is differentiableat c, in which casef′(c) = 0 by Fermat’sTheorem.

I Or f is notdifferentiable at c.

This means to find themaximum value of f on [a, b],we need to check:

I a and bI Points x where f′(x) = 0

I Points x where f is notdifferentiable.

The latter two are both calledcritical points of f. Thistechnique is called the ClosedInterval Method.

. . . . . .

The Closed Interval Method

Let’s put this together logically. Let f be a continuous functiondefined on a closed interval [a, b]. We are in search of its globalmaximum, call it c. Then:

I Either the maximumoccurs at an endpoint ofthe interval, i.e., c = a orc = b,

I Or the maximum occursinside (a, b). In this case, cis also a local maximum.

I Either f is differentiableat c, in which casef′(c) = 0 by Fermat’sTheorem.

I Or f is notdifferentiable at c.

This means to find themaximum value of f on [a, b],we need to check:

I a and bI Points x where f′(x) = 0I Points x where f is not


The latter two are both calledcritical points of f. Thistechnique is called the ClosedInterval Method.

. . . . . .

The Closed Interval Method

Let’s put this together logically. Let f be a continuous functiondefined on a closed interval [a, b]. We are in search of its globalmaximum, call it c. Then:

I Either the maximumoccurs at an endpoint ofthe interval, i.e., c = a orc = b,

I Or the maximum occursinside (a, b). In this case, cis also a local maximum.

I Either f is differentiableat c, in which casef′(c) = 0 by Fermat’sTheorem.

I Or f is notdifferentiable at c.

This means to find themaximum value of f on [a, b],we need to check:

I a and bI Points x where f′(x) = 0I Points x where f is not


The latter two are both calledcritical points of f. Thistechnique is called the ClosedInterval Method.

. . . . . .



The Extreme Value Theorem

Fermat’s Theorem (not the last one)Tangent: Fermat’s Last Theorem

The Closed Interval Method


Challenge: Cubic functions

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ExampleFind the extreme values of f(x) = 2x − 5 on [−1, 2].

SolutionSince f′(x) = 2, which is never zero, we have no critical points and weneed only investigate the endpoints:

I f(−1) = 2(−1) − 5 = −7I f(2) = 2(2) − 5 = −1

SoI The absolute minimum (point) is at −1; the minimum value is −7.I The absolute maximum (point) is at 2; the maximum value is −1.

. . . . . .

ExampleFind the extreme values of f(x) = 2x − 5 on [−1, 2].

SolutionSince f′(x) = 2, which is never zero, we have no critical points and weneed only investigate the endpoints:

I f(−1) = 2(−1) − 5 = −7I f(2) = 2(2) − 5 = −1

SoI The absolute minimum (point) is at −1; the minimum value is −7.I The absolute maximum (point) is at 2; the maximum value is −1.

. . . . . .

ExampleFind the extreme values of f(x) = x2 − 1 on [−1, 2].

SolutionWe have f′(x) = 2x, which is zero when x = 0.

So our points to checkare:

I f(−1) =

I f(0) =

I f(2) =

. . . . . .

ExampleFind the extreme values of f(x) = x2 − 1 on [−1, 2].

SolutionWe have f′(x) = 2x, which is zero when x = 0.

So our points to checkare:

I f(−1) =

I f(0) =

I f(2) =

. . . . . .

ExampleFind the extreme values of f(x) = x2 − 1 on [−1, 2].

SolutionWe have f′(x) = 2x, which is zero when x = 0. So our points to checkare:

I f(−1) =

I f(0) =

I f(2) =

. . . . . .

ExampleFind the extreme values of f(x) = x2 − 1 on [−1, 2].

SolutionWe have f′(x) = 2x, which is zero when x = 0. So our points to checkare:

I f(−1) = 0I f(0) =

I f(2) =

. . . . . .

ExampleFind the extreme values of f(x) = x2 − 1 on [−1, 2].

SolutionWe have f′(x) = 2x, which is zero when x = 0. So our points to checkare:

I f(−1) = 0I f(0) = − 1I f(2) =

. . . . . .

ExampleFind the extreme values of f(x) = x2 − 1 on [−1, 2].

SolutionWe have f′(x) = 2x, which is zero when x = 0. So our points to checkare:

I f(−1) = 0I f(0) = − 1I f(2) = 3

. . . . . .

ExampleFind the extreme values of f(x) = x2 − 1 on [−1, 2].

SolutionWe have f′(x) = 2x, which is zero when x = 0. So our points to checkare:

I f(−1) = 0I f(0) = − 1 (absolute min)I f(2) = 3

. . . . . .

ExampleFind the extreme values of f(x) = x2 − 1 on [−1, 2].

SolutionWe have f′(x) = 2x, which is zero when x = 0. So our points to checkare:

I f(−1) = 0I f(0) = − 1 (absolute min)I f(2) = 3 (absolute max)

. . . . . .

ExampleFind the extreme values of f(x) = x2/3(x + 2) on [−1, 2].

SolutionWrite f(x) = x5/3 + 2x2/3, then

f′(x) =53

x2/3 +43

x−1/3 =13

x−1/3(5x + 4)

Thus f′(−4/5) = 0 and f is not differentiable at 0.

So our points to checkare:

I f(−1) =

I f(−4/5) =

I f(0) =

I f(2) =

. . . . . .

ExampleFind the extreme values of f(x) = x2/3(x + 2) on [−1, 2].

SolutionWrite f(x) = x5/3 + 2x2/3, then

f′(x) =53

x2/3 +43

x−1/3 =13

x−1/3(5x + 4)

Thus f′(−4/5) = 0 and f is not differentiable at 0.

So our points to checkare:

I f(−1) =

I f(−4/5) =

I f(0) =

I f(2) =

. . . . . .

ExampleFind the extreme values of f(x) = x2/3(x + 2) on [−1, 2].

SolutionWrite f(x) = x5/3 + 2x2/3, then

f′(x) =53

x2/3 +43

x−1/3 =13

x−1/3(5x + 4)

Thus f′(−4/5) = 0 and f is not differentiable at 0. So our points to checkare:

I f(−1) =

I f(−4/5) =

I f(0) =

I f(2) =

. . . . . .

ExampleFind the extreme values of f(x) = x2/3(x + 2) on [−1, 2].

SolutionWrite f(x) = x5/3 + 2x2/3, then

f′(x) =53

x2/3 +43

x−1/3 =13

x−1/3(5x + 4)

Thus f′(−4/5) = 0 and f is not differentiable at 0. So our points to checkare:

I f(−1) = 1I f(−4/5) =

I f(0) =

I f(2) =

. . . . . .

ExampleFind the extreme values of f(x) = x2/3(x + 2) on [−1, 2].

SolutionWrite f(x) = x5/3 + 2x2/3, then

f′(x) =53

x2/3 +43

x−1/3 =13

x−1/3(5x + 4)

Thus f′(−4/5) = 0 and f is not differentiable at 0. So our points to checkare:

I f(−1) = 1I f(−4/5) = 1.0341I f(0) =

I f(2) =

. . . . . .

ExampleFind the extreme values of f(x) = x2/3(x + 2) on [−1, 2].

SolutionWrite f(x) = x5/3 + 2x2/3, then

f′(x) =53

x2/3 +43

x−1/3 =13

x−1/3(5x + 4)

Thus f′(−4/5) = 0 and f is not differentiable at 0. So our points to checkare:

I f(−1) = 1I f(−4/5) = 1.0341I f(0) = 0I f(2) =

. . . . . .

ExampleFind the extreme values of f(x) = x2/3(x + 2) on [−1, 2].

SolutionWrite f(x) = x5/3 + 2x2/3, then

f′(x) =53

x2/3 +43

x−1/3 =13

x−1/3(5x + 4)

Thus f′(−4/5) = 0 and f is not differentiable at 0. So our points to checkare:

I f(−1) = 1I f(−4/5) = 1.0341I f(0) = 0I f(2) = 6.3496

. . . . . .

ExampleFind the extreme values of f(x) = x2/3(x + 2) on [−1, 2].

SolutionWrite f(x) = x5/3 + 2x2/3, then

f′(x) =53

x2/3 +43

x−1/3 =13

x−1/3(5x + 4)

Thus f′(−4/5) = 0 and f is not differentiable at 0. So our points to checkare:

I f(−1) = 1I f(−4/5) = 1.0341I f(0) = 0 (absolute min)I f(2) = 6.3496

. . . . . .

ExampleFind the extreme values of f(x) = x2/3(x + 2) on [−1, 2].

SolutionWrite f(x) = x5/3 + 2x2/3, then

f′(x) =53

x2/3 +43

x−1/3 =13

x−1/3(5x + 4)

Thus f′(−4/5) = 0 and f is not differentiable at 0. So our points to checkare:

I f(−1) = 1I f(−4/5) = 1.0341I f(0) = 0 (absolute min)I f(2) = 6.3496 (absolute max)

. . . . . .

ExampleFind the extreme values of f(x) = x2/3(x + 2) on [−1, 2].

SolutionWrite f(x) = x5/3 + 2x2/3, then

f′(x) =53

x2/3 +43

x−1/3 =13

x−1/3(5x + 4)

Thus f′(−4/5) = 0 and f is not differentiable at 0. So our points to checkare:

I f(−1) = 1I f(−4/5) = 1.0341 (relative max)I f(0) = 0 (absolute min)I f(2) = 6.3496 (absolute max)

. . . . . .

ExampleFind the extreme values of f(x) =

√4 − x2 on [−2, 1].

SolutionWe have f′(x) = − x√

4 − x2, which is zero when x = 0. (f is not

differentiable at ±2 as well.)

So our points to check are:I f(−2) =

I f(0) =

I f(1) =

. . . . . .

ExampleFind the extreme values of f(x) =

√4 − x2 on [−2, 1].

SolutionWe have f′(x) = − x√

4 − x2, which is zero when x = 0. (f is not

differentiable at ±2 as well.)

So our points to check are:I f(−2) =

I f(0) =

I f(1) =

. . . . . .

ExampleFind the extreme values of f(x) =

√4 − x2 on [−2, 1].

SolutionWe have f′(x) = − x√

4 − x2, which is zero when x = 0. (f is not

differentiable at ±2 as well.) So our points to check are:I f(−2) =

I f(0) =

I f(1) =

. . . . . .

ExampleFind the extreme values of f(x) =

√4 − x2 on [−2, 1].

SolutionWe have f′(x) = − x√

4 − x2, which is zero when x = 0. (f is not

differentiable at ±2 as well.) So our points to check are:I f(−2) = 0I f(0) =

I f(1) =

. . . . . .

ExampleFind the extreme values of f(x) =

√4 − x2 on [−2, 1].

SolutionWe have f′(x) = − x√

4 − x2, which is zero when x = 0. (f is not

differentiable at ±2 as well.) So our points to check are:I f(−2) = 0I f(0) = 2I f(1) =

. . . . . .

ExampleFind the extreme values of f(x) =

√4 − x2 on [−2, 1].

SolutionWe have f′(x) = − x√

4 − x2, which is zero when x = 0. (f is not

differentiable at ±2 as well.) So our points to check are:I f(−2) = 0I f(0) = 2I f(1) =


. . . . . .

ExampleFind the extreme values of f(x) =

√4 − x2 on [−2, 1].

SolutionWe have f′(x) = − x√

4 − x2, which is zero when x = 0. (f is not

differentiable at ±2 as well.) So our points to check are:I f(−2) = 0 (absolute min)I f(0) = 2I f(1) =


. . . . . .

ExampleFind the extreme values of f(x) =

√4 − x2 on [−2, 1].

SolutionWe have f′(x) = − x√

4 − x2, which is zero when x = 0. (f is not

differentiable at ±2 as well.) So our points to check are:I f(−2) = 0 (absolute min)I f(0) = 2 (absolute max)I f(1) =


. . . . . .



The Extreme Value Theorem

Fermat’s Theorem (not the last one)Tangent: Fermat’s Last Theorem

The Closed Interval Method


Challenge: Cubic functions

. . . . . .

Challenge: Cubic functions

ExampleHow many critical points can a cubic function

f(x) = ax3 + bx2 + cx + d


. . . . . .

SolutionIf f′(x) = 0, we have

3ax2 + 2bx + c = 0,

and so

x =−2b ±

√4b2 − 12ac6a

=−b ±

√b2 − 3ac


and so we have three possibilities:I b2 − 3ac > 0, in which case there are two distinct critical points. An

example would be f(x) = x3 + x2, where a = 1, b = 1, and c = 0.I b2 − 3ac < 0, in which case there are no real roots to the quadratic,

hence no critical points. An example would be f(x) = x3 + x2 + x,where a = b = c = 1.

I b2 − 3ac = 0, in which case there is a single critical point. Example:x3, where a = 1 and b = c = 0.

. . . . . .


I Concept: absolute (global) and relative (local) maxima/minimaI Fact: Fermat’s theorem: f′(x) = 0 at local extremaI Technique: the Closed Interval Method