Lesson 1 - ellesmerecollege.org.uk · Lesson 1 This week we are looking at sorting with 1 criteria!...

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Transcript of Lesson 1 - ellesmerecollege.org.uk · Lesson 1 This week we are looking at sorting with 1 criteria!...

Lesson 1 This week we are looking at sorting with 1 criteria! Equipment for this lesson: scissors, glue, pencil, paper, objects from around the home. Today we will be sorting objects in the home! Online Activity Click on the link and have a go at playing the matching game. https://cdn.oxfordowl.co.uk/2016/05/10/08/28/28/967/20163_content/startpage.html?activity=Matching_Pairs.html Active Activity First ask your adult to get a few objects from different rooms in the house. Write on 1 piece of paper a room in the house and on another piece not that room. For example, kitchen on one and not kitchen on the other. Then put all the things from the kitchen on or around the sheet that says kitchen and everything else on the not kitchen. Repeat this using different rooms! Worksheet If you can print then cut out the pictures and stick them in the correct room. If you can’t print then you could write the names of the rooms on paper (or use the ones from earlier) and draw the pictures on them.

Lesson 2 This week we are looking at sorting with 1 criteria! Equipment for this lesson: scissors, glue, paper, pencil Today we will be sorting what we like and don’t like! Talk Activity Talk to the people in your house about what you like and don’t like. Ask them what they like and don’t like. Is everything the same? Are some things different? Active Activity Go around your home and choose some things you like and don’t like. You could point to things, write them down or collect them and put them into different piles and take a photo! Worksheet If you can print then cut out the pictures and stick them into whether you like or don’t like. If you can’t print then you can try to draw them on paper or point to them on the screen saying whether you like or don’t like.

Lesson 3 This week we are looking at sorting with 1 criteria! Equipment for this lesson: scissors, glue, different coloured objects you have such as Lego, toy cars, colouring pens, pencils or even smarties or starburst! Today we will be sorting by colour.

Talk Activity Talk with someone in your home about colours! How many colours can you name? What’s your favourite colour? Active Activity You are going to sort your different coloured objects. If you don’t have any objects you could draw some circles and colour them in and cut them out or use the pictures for the worksheet below. Choose a colour, lets say red, then sort your objects into red and not red. Then change the colour, blue and not blue, yellow and not yellow… you can choose any colour! Example below.

Worksheet If you can print then cut out the pictures and sort them into the correct colours or you can do it as before, red and not red. If you can’t print you could have a go a drawing your own things and colouring them in!

Lesson 4 This week we are looking at sorting with 1 criteria. Equipment for this lesson: scissors, glue, different sized objects from around the home Today we will be sorting size

Talk Activity Talk to your adult about all the different words you know for big and small. Active Activity You are going to sort your objects into big and not big and then small and not small. There may be some items in your home too big to move, you can just point at these or draw a picture of them! Worksheet If you can print then cut out the minibeasts and decide if they have legs or no legs. If you can’t print you could have a go at drawing them or talk to your adult about where they go!

Lesson 5 This week we are looking at sorting with 1 criteria Equipment for this lesson: scissors, glue, objects in your home which have patterns (stripes, spotty, zigzags, stars etc.) Today we will be sorting by patterns

Talk Activity Talk to your adult about patterns. Where do you see patterns? What type of patterns are there? Active Activity Sort any objects you have found that have patterns. This could be stripes and no stripes or spots and no spots! If you can’t find many items that have patterns then try and draw some simple ones like a circle with spots or stripes in. Worksheet If you can print then cut out the monsters and sort them into the right place for each sheet. You may need to print the monsters out more than once or don’t stick them down and move them! If you can’t print then you try drawing them or talk to your adult about where they go!