Lesson 06 Ist402 Keywords 02

Post on 19-May-2015

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Lesson_06_ist402_keyowrds_02 Note: some of these sldies are based on presentations by Theresa Flaherty

Transcript of Lesson 06 Ist402 Keywords 02

Keywords for Your Campaign

Jim Jansen

College of Information Sciences and Technology The Pennsylvania State University


It is at the campaign level where you determine whether or not to show ads on the Google Network

AdWords Structure

• Account: An AdWords account can contain up to 25 campaigns– Campaign: Each campaign can have up to

100 ad groups • Ad Group: Each ad group combines keywords

with the ads that will show when those keywords are searched on Google.

• Therefore, you can have a max of 2,500 Ad Groups within one account.

Designing Effective Campaigns for Good Keyword Management

1. Stick to one goal per campaign (i.e., “What do I want to achieve with this campaign?”)

2. Make Ad Groups to organize your keywords (i.e., similar keywords together and 5 or so Ad Groups per campaign)

3. Review, test, and refine (i.e., one campaign, keywords by Ad Group, refine keywords, update Ads)

Dos & Don’ts for account structure and campaign management

Do… • create multiple Ad Groups per campaign • group Campaigns by theme, geography or product line• make it easy to maintain• continue refining your keywords and ad textDon’t…• create just one Ad Group and a big list of keywords• mismatch keywords in one Ad Group• run dozens and dozens of keywords for a low budget• stop checking your campaign statistics


Campaign A Campaign B

Ad Group 1 Ad Group 2 Ad Group 3 Ad Group 4

Ad Group 5

You will need to develop strategy at both the CAMPAIGN level and the AD GROUP level – today, we focus on keywords

Exercise for Designing an Effective Keyword Campaign

1. Individually, use your client or select a business, store, etc. that you believe would be a good candidate for the Challenge.

2. Individually, develop a campaign goal for the business and five possible sub-themes.

3. As a team, select one business (if no client) and one campaign and agree on five sub-themes.

4. Each team member, chooses a sub-theme.

You have 5 minutes. Begin

Exercise for Designing an Effective Keyword Campaign

1. The team captain sets up a campaign in AdWords.2. Each team member creates an Ad Group for their theme (3-5

keywords or phrases; quick on the Ad).3. When all team members are done, team members individually

evaluate the other 4 Ad Group keyword list. List positives and negatives (best you write them down somewhere).

• Does each Ad Group fit with the overall campaign? – they should.

• Are the keywords logically grouped? – they should be.• Are there duplicate keywords across Ad Groups? – there

shouldn’t be).4. Discuss findings as a team. (Team leader, note lessons learned for

real campaign. … Be thinking about selecting an AdWords Coordinator for your team!)

5. Once done with #4, individually, correct issues with your Ad Group.

You have 30 minutes. Begin!

Exercise for Designing an Effective Keyword Campaign

Individually, using your Ad Group, do:

1. What is the estimated daily traffic for your Ad Group?2. What is an estimated daily cost for your Ad Group?

(Assume 1% of the people who view your ad will click on it. Use the Google suggested bid price. See Tools -> Search-based Keyword Tool.)

3. Add one broad match keyword.4. Add one match exact phrase.5. Add one exact match keyword.6. Add one phrase with a negative keyword.

7. As a team, what is the cost for running this campaign for 21 days (based on the calculations in #2)?

You have 20 minutes. Begin!

Next Class

• Some higher level stuff about keywords (e.g., why important, theories, models).

• Some varied and more sophisticated keyword tools.

• Some exercises using these tools.

• Complete the business recruiting process now!

Thank you!(reminder to do your daily logs)

Jim Jansen

College of Information Sciences and Technology The Pennsylvania State University
