LER 89-006-01:on 890315,pressurizer code safety valves out ... · pursuant to...

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Transcript of LER 89-006-01:on 890315,pressurizer code safety valves out ... · pursuant to...

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10 CFR 50.73*



P. O. 50x 402

WINE R AL. VIRolNI A 23117


October 5, 1990


| U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Serial No. N-89-009A' Attentlon: Ibcument Control Desk NAPS /JIIL

Washington, D.C. 20S55 Ibcket No. 50-339-|.

License No. NPF-7

Ikar Sirs:,


The Virginia Electric and Power Company hereby submits the followingLicensee Event Report revision applicable to North Anna Unit 2.'

Report No. LER 89-004-01

1his report has been reviewed by the Station Nuclear Safety and OperatingCommittee and will be forwarded to Corporate Nuclear Safety for their review.

Very truly yours, '|


. r

.'E. Kane. i'Station Manager


| ect U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission -

101 Marietta Street, N. W. !

- Suite 2900Atlanta, Georgia 30323

Mr. M. S. LesserNRC Senior Resident inspector /,4North Anna Power Station

901'0340172 901005 -


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LICENSEE EVENT REPORT (LERI ''OMfi ,s'Uci.M'.fo'fu%o"#f#iU.'li #vil e"eot"ni" ' ' ' ' ' *-


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At 1600 hours on March 15, 1989, with Unit 2 in Mode 6(lle f uel ing) the "A" Pr es s u r i ze r Code Sa f e t y Va l ve , 2 -IlC-SV- 2 551 A , "a s jf ou nt'" set pressure was found to be out of tolerance. The "as found"set pressure was not within the set pressure of 2485 psig +/- 1 percental' owed by Technical Specification 3.4.3. This event is reportablepursuant to 10CFR50.73(a)(2)(1)(B).

On March 8, 1989, all three Pressurizer Code Safety Valves weresent to Wyle Labs for the performance of the " Pressurizer Code SafetyValve Setpoint Verification" Periodic Test (2-PT-50). Each valve wasfunctionally tested for the "as found" set pressure and leak tightness.The "as found" set pressure for the "A" safety valve was found to bebelow the minimum set pressure allowed by Technical Specification3.4.3. Also, all safety valves leaked following "as found" testing.

As a corrective actlon, the safety valves were repaired andrladjusted at Wyle Labs to within the correct setpoint tolerance


allowed by Technical Speelfication 3.4.3. Following repair andi

readjustment none of the safety valves exhibited leakage.

This event posed no significant safety implications because the"A" Pressurizer Code Safety Valve would have performed its safety |


function in the event of an overpressure condition. The hes.lth and'

safety of the general public were not affected during this event.NRCFe,m3541689,

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LICENSEE EVENT CEPORT (LER1 ($h",,',",9a*,y"J,NQi,' yo"$d,'o.ff"*,,',Vo'n",'";-

TEXT CONTINUATION o?""4"4'JdS'a$d ay"f M'/*^,M 'u",' "gf!-

W"#44",Mi"O'uino*~'Mf"#f4*A' 0?,1?Of MANAGEMENT AND SuOGat,n A&MINotosu.DC 70603-

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1.0 Description of Event

At 1600 hours on hhrch 15, 1989, with Unit 2 in hbde 6(Refueling) the "A" Pressurizer Code Safety Valve (Ells SystemIdentifler AD, Component identifier RV, Vendor identifler D243),2-RC-SV-2551A, "as found" set pressure was found to be out oftolerance. The "as found" set pressure was not within the set pressureof 2485 psig +/- 1 percent allowed by Technical Specification 3.4.3.This event is reportable pursuant to 10CFR50.73(a)(2)(1)(B).

On hhrch 8, 1989, all three Pressurizer Code Safety Valves weresent to Wyle Labs for the performance of the " Pressurizer Code SafetyValve Setpoint Verification" Periodic Test (2-PT-50). Each valve wasfunctionally tested for the "as found" set pressure and leak tightness.

The "as found" set pressure for the "D" and "C" safety valveswere found to be within the set pressure allowed by TechnicalSpecification 3.4.3. The "as found" set pressure for the "A" safetyvalve was found to be below the minimum set pressure allowed byTechnical Specification 3.4.3. The three safety valves leakedfollowing the "as found" testing. A list of the "as found" and "asleft" set pressures are provided in Attachment 1.

2.0 Significant Safety Consequences and Implications

This event posed no significant safety implications because the,

"A" Pressurizer Code Safety Valve would have performed its safetyfunction in the event of an overpressure condition. The health andsafety of the general public were not affected during this event.

3.0 Cause of the Event

The cause of this event has not been determined.

4.0- Corrective Action

As a corrective action, the safety valves were repaired andreadjusted at Wyle Labs to within the correct net pressure allowed byTechnical Specification 3.4.4. Following repair and readjustment, noneof the safety valves exhibited leakage.

5.0 Similar Events

Previous similar events have occurred at North Anna Power Stationon Unit 1 on hhrch 2, 1981 (LER 81-040/03L-0), hby 6, 1987 (LUl

| 87-008-00), and on Unit 2 on h1 arch 23, 1982 (LDt 82-014/03L-0) and| September 13, 1987 (LH1 87-008-00).


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8.0 Additional Information

North Anna Unit 1 was in Mode 5 throughout this event and was notaffected.






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2-IC-SV-2551A 2485 +/- 25 2444 2484 ,

2-IC-SV- 2 55111 2485 +/- 25 2507 2490-


2-IC-SV- 2551C 2485 +/- 25 2468 2481

Values are for the initial lif t of the three test runs,














NRC Pere 3 6A (649)