Leonardo da vinci

Post on 20-Jun-2015

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Transcript of Leonardo da vinci

What was Leonardo Da Vinci’s famous piece? And Why?

The Last Supper (Italian: Il Cenacolo or L'Ultima Cena) is a 15th century Mural painting in Milan created by Leonardo da Vinci for his patron Duke Ludovico Sfroza and his duchess Beatrice d'Este. It represents the scene of The Last Supper from the final days of Jesus as narrated in the Gospel of John 13:21, when Jesus announces that one of his Twelve Apostles would betray him.

What was the purpose and reason for creating ‘last Super’

Leonardo worked for Ludovico Sfroza, Duke of Milan, for nearly eighteen years (1482-99). The Duke decided he wanted this particular religious scene painted and Leonardo, who was not stupid, decided painting it made perfect financial sense.

Who was the fresco painted for/who was the audience

Leonardo worked for Ludovico Sfroza, Duke of Milan and his audience is Catholics and Christians.

He began working on it in 1495, and finished Last Supper in 1498. This is worth noting, as Leonardo was a known procrastinator with a marked tendency to leave projects unfinished. The painting was made using experimental pigments directly on the dry plaster wall and unlike frescos, where the pigments are mixed with the wet plaster.

What was the process of creating the fresco?