Legacy Letter

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Legacy Letter

Transcript of Legacy Letter

From the desk of Steve Martel

December 14th, 2015

Ottawa Ontario

This is my last letter of the year,

and the most important letter I’ve

ever written.

I’m not writing to you today to talk

about a real estate market update, or

the next marketing idea. Nor am I

writing about the latest and greatest asset to acquire or the

next big business idea for 2016…

I have no interest in addressing anything that has to do with

Trudeau and his politics and same goes with Trump. No refugee

talks or opinions, no terrorist attacks, I’m not even here to

talk about money or financial freedom.

You can find all of that stuff on my new website.

I’m here today to talk about something much, MUCH bigger.

Something so big, that it’s probably never crossed your mind,

and if it did, the sheer “grandiosity” of it all would likely

just overwhelm you – like it did to me when it first crossed my

mind a few years ago.

I’m writing to you today about 3 really important points:

1. I want to have a heart to heart with you about my personal

life – specifically, a conversation I had with my son Jake

that you’ll greatly benefit from.

2. For the first time EVER, I’m going to reveal to you how I

built my credibility from zero to hero and became one of

the world’s highest paid advisors with nothing but balls

and a little creativity.

3. Lastly, I’ll share how you can take part in the biggest

giveaway in entrepreneurial history and realize your goals

so you live your dreams… absolutely free of charge.

STOP NOW, if you don’t have a clear, uninterrupted reading

space for the next 20 minutes… and schedule yourself a good 20-

30 minutes in the next 12 hours. This is by far, one of the

most important things you’ll ever read for yourself, and your


Having faced death on 3 different occasions, the number one

priority that I have utmost respect for is time. And before you

read this entire letter, I want to make sure you understand, I

respect your time and won’t ever waste it.

WARNING: If you’re weak-willed (in which case I don’t know why

you’d even open my emails since I’m known for my straight, no

BS bluntness that doesn’t waste anyone’s time – cause there

are just too many “yes” people out there), then stop reading


Or, if you’re complacent with your life… Someone who’s

“accepted” your destiny and decided to “coast” through life,

like 98% of North America’s population… Or, if you have no

interest in growing your income, don’t believe in passive

income, don’t believe in financial freedom, or you’re satisfied

where you are right now and believe the government will ‘take

care of you’ in the future (keep dreaming)… Please, don’t waste

your time reading any further.

This letter is only intended for people like me.

If you want to take control of your own life, take

accountability for your future, and are ready to work as hard

as it takes for a short amount of time to reap sustainable

rewards and leave a lasting legacy behind for your family and

the world to remember you by, then this will be the most

exciting and important message you’ve ever read.

I’ve found that the most extremely successful people all share

one strong motivator that fuels a burning passion within to

take on such a bold approach to life. I call this the “WHY” we

work so freaking dang hard in our beginnings and never, ever

give up.

For me, this is my “WHY”:

(I mean just look at those faces)

Oh… and if you’re one of those dream-stealing, time sucking

vampire saboteurs who create a toxic environment whenever you

open your mouth to further your temporary need for stardom…

Please get off my list now!

Successful people know one vital secret. “If you lie down with

mongrel dogs, even for a short nap, you wake up with fleas –

and they ride with you wherever you go.”

So to the “haters” who’ve tried to sabotage me over the years,

who’ve tried to steal my creations, vision and dreams and pass

them off as their own, or spread lies about me while I took an

amazing two years off - I want to thank you.

You sincerely helped me get rid of my own fleas, and forced me

to realize who I truly want to surround myself with. Some

people will always be followers and never learn to think for

themselves. And I never would have realized that without you.

So I think I’ve done a good job here to repel the fools with

nothing better to do than spread rumors, and gossip about

others’ misfortunes… But hey, here we are right now, and I’m

still enjoying a 7-figure income and making a positive impact

on peoples lives – and never been happier.

Heck, who else has mentored students who have bought and sold

over $373,000,000.00 (USD) worth of real estate?

NOBODY, that’s who. (See the undisputable proof below).

NB: As you see, that USD $100 million accounts for down

payments alone! Keep in mind, that USD$ 100,000,000.00

letter is already a year old so that doesn’t even include

new acquisitions for 2015… but I think you “get” why so

many individuals seek out my real estate wealth programs

and business coaching. Put simply, my students gain

incredible results.

More on that later, for now I want to share a bit about what

I’ve been up to lately and how I got here.

A few years ago back in August 2013, my now ex-wife and I came

to the harsh realization that our marriage didn’t work anymore,

and made the painfully grueling decision to finally go our

separate ways, after years of trying to ‘work it out’.

Sometimes, being an overachiever has its downside.

We learned we were pregnant with our first son Jakob after only

being together for 6 months, when I was 21 and she was 19… (my

doctors had told me I’d never have children after fighting

cancer at 16, but hey… I HAD A BABY!!!), so even though we were

young and surprised, we made it work and I can’t express in

words how it was the most amazing, gratifying and best decision

of my life.

Anyway, today after the split about 2.5 years ago, we’ve

managed to stay good friends (yes, really!)and still work

together to raise our 3 amazing kids. We live 4 minutes apart,

share equal custody and talk almost every day about the kids to

ensure our parenting is aligned and we have a clear path of

communication. I’m considered SO “lucky” because it was an

“amicable” split (for the most part yet still expensive as

hell… lol), but that experience was one of the most challenging

times of my life – including going through bankruptcy, battling

cancer, having a heart attack and a whole host of not-so-great

experiences I wouldn’t wish on my worst enemy.

Until I came to a realization. That we are both infinitely

happier apart, and more importantly, our kids have never been

so happy.

Now here’s where it gets really interesting for you…

A Mind-Blowing Conversation

With My 7-Year-Old Son, Jake.

Over the last 2 years, I’ve stayed out of the public eye mainly

because I‘ve been working on one simple goal:

To not only be an amazing father for my kids, also to become

their best friend.

And if you’re wondering, yes, I accomplished my mission ;)

So back to the mind-blowing conversation with Jake… On November

6th, 2015, I was helping Jake get ready for his hockey

tournament. It was a school day and man was he ever happy to

skip and play hockey…

Jake’s game was at 11:15am, so we got to the arena around

10:30am to get all ready for the big game. Problem was that

once 11am hit, only 10 out of the 16 kids on his team had

showed up to play. He and his team were pretty disappointed.

His coach Pierre (absolutely amazing guy), gave the kids a

motivating speech to play hard and have fun even though they

were short on players.

Then Jake turns to me and asks why so few players showed up. I

explained to him that it’s hard because it’s a school day and

not every parent can take time off work. He asked why again so

I promised him we’d talk about it later since it was time to

hit the ice.

The kids played a great game. Jake’s team lost 6-3, but man did

those 10 kids hustle.

When the game ended, I took Jake to eat at Boston Pizza (one of

his favorite restaurants) for lunch until his next game at 3pm.

On our drive over, Jake asks me, “Dad, I still don’t understand

why we only had 2 lines when we always have 3. How come you

could take the day off work but the other parents couldn’t?”

I started with the after-school special “fatherly” response

that school is more important than hockey… then, I put my best

friend hat on and explained, “Daddy doesn’t need to ask for

time off, because Daddy doesn’t have a job like everybody else,

he owns real estate.”

Course, the conversation didn’t end there because now Jake

wanted to know more about what that meant and how that worked.

So I described it as plainly as possible, “Daddy owns lots and

lots of real estate that he rents out to people. Every month,

they pay me to live in my houses, I pay all the bills and I

live off of all the money that’s left over. Just like when we

go to a hotel… we need to pay to sleep there. And every month,

that’s how I make money.”

And after some more questions from Jake and more explanations

from me, he asked me what I do on the computer all the time. I

told him that that’s how I help to build those villages in

Haiti, and help other people start businesses the right way,

and help other people buy real estate too by writing articles,

creating training video’s and sharing my systems.

To which he replied, “So why do I have to go to school if I

only need to learn how to buy real estate?”

I’ll admit, it was hard not to burst out laughing and start a

rant on my personal views about school… but I managed to

restrain myself, smile and reply that school is about

education, not money.

But it got me thinking…

What age should I start teaching my kids about how to buy real


I’m already teaching them about money, entrepreneurism,

investments, morals and work ethic… so when do I start the

conversation about how to work smart and buy assets that become

passive so you get paid without doing anything?

So while we’re having lunch, I start asking Jake a few

questions to get a clear idea on his level of comprehension

about real estate. He’s a sharp kid but it seems like 7 might

still be a little early. I figured definitely within the next 3

to 5 years, he’d be ready to get started. He’d be between 10 to

12 years old at that point.

Then I started thinking about my daughters… it’ll be 5 to 8

years before Janelle is ready to learn, 6 to 9 for Jenessa and

10-13 for Ariel (who was due last Friday with my new life

partner, Crystal or we’re so excited to welcome her to this

world). Yes, you followed that right. That’s 4 kids total, 1

boy and 3 girls! God help me, I’m already anxious about those

teenage years and all the boys they think they’re going to

bring home ;p I know… I know… I’m just kidding!

So then I started to think… what if, worst case scenario, I’m

not even here in 3-13 years to teach them all these life

lessons? To teach them about business, entrepreneurship,

philanthropy, investing in real estate, marketing, advertising,

sales, managing…

What’s My Legacy?

My 7-year-old son hadn’t even known what I did for a living

before that conversation. If I was to pass tomorrow (knock on

wood), what legacy am I leaving my children?

And I’m not talking about some rich kid trust fund to blow

money on fancy toys (I’ll let them pick foundations for

donations), I’m talking about teaching them how to “fish” – for


I know it’s the last thing you want to think about as a parent,

and it brings tears to my eyes as I’m writing this, but shit

happens. I’ve already had cancer, a heart attack, A-fib and now

I’m 50 pounds overweight (yes working on that as we speak, lost

19 pounds in the last 30 days! YAY!).

So I finish lunch with Jake and couldn’t get my mind off the

idea of creating a legacy for my kids. Something to educate

them, from me, on the true way to “print” money for themselves.

Here are two pictures I’ll always cherish from the day Jake

literally lit a fire under my butt to create my legacy.

(When you meet Jake, you’ll want to thank him for what you’re

getting today)

Being the crazy-minded entrepreneur I am, my mind went nutso

thinking about my legacy!

I started planning right away. I scheduled a meeting the next

day with my team to gather every single piece of intellectual

property I’ve ever created on entrepreneurship and real estate.

Every piece of content, training, events, resources, all

organized into ONE master Legacy System.

During our meeting, my head of acquisitions Bronwen, mentioned

that my first-ever event was back in December 2010. Which means

that I’m not only am I creating this legacy system for my kids,

I’m also celebrating my 5 year anniversary as The U.S. Real

Estate Wealth Expert.

So in light of all this…(drum roll please)

Announcing the Complete

Legacy Collection

But before you can grab a copy (well… the 4TB hard drive) of my

legacy system. I need to ask you…

What are you leaving behind for your loved ones?

How will you be remembered when that day comes?

What will people say about you at your funeral?

How would your eulogy sound? How would people react to it?

I know I’m a “little bit” of a control freak, to want to

“control” how my own funeral goes… but let’s face it, there

isn’t much I’ll be able to do about it unless I start acting on

it now.

My goal is to be remembered by my children as the person who

helped create who they are and secure their future with

knowledge - the person who instilled the right mindset, ethics,

integrity and knowledge to give my kids the power to live their


I want my kids to know how to play the game of life to win. You

have situations you can control, and others you can’t. And

regardless of what comes up, you can control outcomes by being


So let me ask you again… what is your legacy?

Because if you don’t do anything about it now, you’re letting

other people define it for you.

That’s why I’m launching my Mystery Box

giveaway today.

What’s in the box?

Put simply, your future.

And not just any future, the future you dreamt about back when

you were a kid, before you got bogged down and started to ‘just

go along to get along’. The future with the real authentic you,

no holds barred - because the future where you live your dreams

IS your one true legacy – your immortality, your legend, your

genuine self that stands the test of time. You have to fight to

make that future a reality otherwise, you’re just another

faded, dull version of wasted potential.

And I know that maybe all of this is a bit overwhelming, morbid

and “heavy”… and that’s why I want to help you create your

legacy today, by passing you my legacy.

Let me help build your legacy,

by giving you my legacy.

You’ve been wishing and praying for it. Someone to hand you

down the exact plan, road map, knowledge and step-by-step

action steps to achieve wealth. Here’s your winning lottery

ticket being handed to you on a silver platter, right now.

Whether you’re starting out as a rookie or have a couple dozen

units in your portfolio, the legacy system is your answer to

bring your life to the next level to achieve financial freedom.

I know this may sound “hokey”, but honest to god, this is the

next best thing to being born independently wealthy.

This isn’t just another “new course or training program” I’ve

created. You’re getting literally EVERYTHING I have ever

created, produced, written and published on real estate and

entrepreneurship over the last 5 years. EVERYTHING. That

includes my legendary elite coaching program content from

Bronze, Silver and Gold to the advanced Platinum and even my

exclusive Titanium program materials that range between

$15,000.00 to $150,000.00 by application only.

All yours, to use over a few days, or for the next couple of


To celebrate my 5 consecutive years as the leading US Real

Estate Wealth Expert, and give my children a complete Legacy

System to achieve financial freedom, I'm making you the most

generous (and insane) offer in the history of US real estate

education, ever.

When you get my Legacy System, you get a 98% discount (today

only) on my entire life's work - the very same collection of

products that sell for a total

combined value of $148,797.00.

And for a limited time today, 100

people get it all for a tiny

fraction of that (I know this is

going to create havoc as I have

4,679 people on the waiting list as of Friday Dec 11th, but I

simply give away everything I’ve worked so hard at creating,

and charged $100,000 for 5 years to too many people).

But it get’s even better than that, because for some of you the

Legacy System is completely free.

If you’re one of the 100 people who manages to put your hands

on the Legacy System today, you’re automatically entered into a

draw to win my entire collection of content, training,

resources, videos and more absolutely free of charge.

Here’s how that works.

1) First, you get one of the limited Legacy System sets today

(there are only 100 available so I’d suggest you do that


2) Then, you submit your ‘WHY’ to enter the free giveaway.

Just tell me how my Legacy System collection will help you

create your legacy, and what your legacy is all about.

Basically, send in either a 3-minute video OR an 800-

character email to info@stevemartel.com with subject line

‘My Legacy’ that describes:

a. What legacy you want to leave behind,


b. How you plan to use my Legacy Collection to help you

build your legacy.

3) Lastly, of the 100 people who get my Legacy System

collection and submit their Legacy responses, I’ll

personally pick the top 5 responses and contact the lucky

winners on December 22, 2015 to give you my entire Legacy

System absolutely free.

It really is that simple. But you must be one of the 100 action

takers and follow the instructions above (you’ll get an email

with instructions again).

Now, before I break down everything that’s included in the

Legacy System (literally every teaching material I’ve ever

created, a total of 4 terabytes on my hard drive - equal to

2,447 full length Hollywood movies), I want to explain exactly

what you “get” from this epic, life-changing content that most

people don’t realize.

In a nutshell, you “get” me… my hard-won wisdom, my tools, my

systems and my resources.

All my life, I’ve had a knack for thinking ‘outside the box’

when it comes to money.

I remember being a 12-year old kid begging my parents to buy a

$179 PlayStation (they said NO, loudly), and realizing that I

had to make my own money.

So I went to each of my neighbors to

ask if I could cut their lawn once a

week, at $15 for both the front and

back lawn. I “signed” 16 neighbors

and collected enough to buy my

PlayStation in 1 week. Wasn’t bad

for 1 day’s work.

Then, I bought the PlayStation and the

neighbors still wanted their lawns cut, but I

wanted to play my games. So I told the 9 year-

old and the 11 year-old across the street –

Matt & Dominique, that I’d pay him $10 per

house to do my lawns. I’d collect the money,

they’d do the job, then I’d pay them and got

to keep the extra money. So now, I got paid to

play my games. You could say… I was living

every 12-year old boy’s dream as a

professional gamer.

And every amazing money-making journey I’ve

taken since then has applied some version of that initial


Flash forward to my 18-year-old self, starting out as a

realtor. I had to compete against 2,500 realtors who weren’t,

basically a sperm, lol, and put people at ease with a “young

kid” helping them buy or sell their home and handle their life


So I learned to be creative.

I was smart enough to recognize the value of a coach, and got

myself an epic coach, Craig Proctor. He taught me how to use

direct response marketing and creative USP’s to build my

credibility and generate leads. I became the first realtor in

Ottawa to coin (the now way overused) “Your home sold

guaranteed or I’ll buy it” slogan.

I advertised my slogan all over the city, went to meetings and

competed against 40-year veteran realtors, and I’d always (well

96.8% of the time) get the listing. Why? Because I’d actually

give sellers a post-dated check, dated 120 days from the day of

our meeting.

I’d tell the clients, “Listen, I’m sure everyone’s promised you

the world to sell your house, but what I’ll do, is put my money

where my mouth is, and actually give you a check for what I

think your home is worth (less fee’s…). So if I can’t deliver

on my promise, you get to cash my check…”

I laugh today for having the balls to do that because I

probably had no more than $10,000 in my account, but it was

such a hot market that I knew I would sell the property within

7 days so long as it’s priced right… and I quickly became one

of the top 5 agents in town at the age of 20.

Not long after, I launched Martel’s Real Estate Inc. brokerage,

which I turned into a multi-million dollar brokerage within 2

years by combining my sales and marketing with technology. (I

eventually handed this business over to my parents after having

a heart attack back in 2007, who still run it today!).

Some would say my “career path” has been unorthodox, to say the


After recovering from that heart attack in 2007, I decided to

go into U.S. real estate because the economy was so depressed

and assets were so undervalued. Heck, still today, you can buy

U.S. homes at $30,000, rehab and flip it to sell at $150,000 in

6 months or less.

The only problem was that by the time I was ready to take

action and invest in U.S. real estate – and I swore I’d never

sell another homes as a realtor, I had run out of money. With

no income coming in after my heart attack and creditors calling

daily, I was forced to declare bankruptcy in 2009. So not only

did I have no income or capital to invest in U.S. real estate,

I also now had a bankruptcy on my credit.

Do you think I let a lack of money or credit stop me?

Think back to the PlayStation. Heck NO.

I had one task at hand: find people with lots of money and no

time, in order to partner with them and buy U.S. properties. So

I identified dentists as well-

to-do, no time people and went

off to find my new “partners”.

At first, it was REALLY hard to

convince a dentist to invest in

my deals with my mouth wide

open, salivating and drooling

with foreign objects in my

mouth… Yes! When I say I would “meet dentists”, I actually

mean… I’d book a cleaning, and meet them that way…

I had the cleanest teeth you’d EVER seen!

Anyways, it was pretty impossible to hold a conversation with

two people playing in your mouth, and I soon learned two

invaluable lessons:

1. If someone brushes their teeth twice a day and flosses at

least once a day, a dentist can’t tell the difference between

whether you got your mouth cleaned professionally yesterday, or

you just have good hygiene. Lol.

2. I’d have to be creative to stir up conversation AFTER the

cleaning. So my dirty little trick was to put a few polaroid

pictures with a property, address and price in my pockets. I’d

then purposefully let the pictures “fall” on the ground while

sitting in the dentist chair and wait

for the dentist to pick them up – and

human nature dictates that they always

discreetly look at the pictures before

giving them back to me (the real

secret is in slipping the pictures in

the key ring, let the keys hang out of your pocket before you

sit and then pull the key’s as you sit down). By that point,

natural curiously leads you straight into your “pitch” – which

I had down-packed. Sneaky… but worked 70% of the time.

I’d say something along the lines of, “Oh, those are the

properties I’m buying in Atlanta.” Then he/she’d say “Oh, for

how much? (as if they didn’t see the BIG BLACK BOLD $30,000 on

the picture) and I knew I had them from there…

Shifty… but I needed to feed my family while I crawled out of a

bankruptcy. Also, these were truly amazing deals that delivered

incredible gains, so the way it worked out was win-win for


As my portfolio grew, I decided it was time to start acquiring

apartment complexes, since that’s where the hard-core money and

cash flow is at.

My first step was to put my hands on as much training and info

as possible, then start looking for deals.

None of my small-time dentists wanted to do deals that big, so

I was back to square one.

My goal was to find the absolute best deals possible, then call

everyone I’d ever met at an apartment seminar to partner up

with. It was a long shot, but I wanted it so bad, nothing was

going to stop me.

So I looked in Tulsa (as it was a crazy emerging market in 2009

[to present]) and found an amazing 50-unit complex that was

owned by a regional bank called ONB – Oklahoma National Bank. I

managed to convince the bank underwriter Dale, to give me the

loan for 100% financing (that’s a whole other story in itself

where I went in all cash offer and at the 11th hour pulled the

“I’m backing out unless you finance me” card) as long as I put

the rehab money of $276,000 in their escrow account (which I

obviously didn’t have yet).

So I started dialing.

I’m going to be straight with you, it was a long and painful

process. The conversations were amazing because I was just

calling to “chat” with an ulterior motive

to put my hands on their money, by never

asking (there’s an art to this, I teach

it in my “How to Pick Up Investors


Finally, on my 20th-ish call I contacted

(for privacy, let’s call him ‘Bob’), who

shocked me.

Bob picks up the phone, I ask how it’s going and he tells me

“Horrible Steve”. I’m thinking… oh crap… I just walked into a

war zone here… but I listened as I genuinely love solving

problems and it turned out to be one of the best decisions of

my life.

Bob tells me that he has 2 weeks to find a deal or he’ll be

taxed a little over $100,000 in capital gains. I had no idea

what he was talking about at the time, but soon learned what a

1031 tax deferral was (most amazing tax exception ever

created!), and his tax clock was ticking.

So through sheer persistence and determination, I found my

first apartment investor for $298,000, funds that he needed to

defer anyway. Again, win-win.

Unfortunately, Bob and I started running out of money after a

couple months and needed to bring someone else in. I managed to

find a Texan road salesman at a hotel bar in Tulsa’s Embassy

Suites at the last minute who invested $100,000 to save the

deal. But that’s an awesome story you’ll learn through my sales

teachings in the Legacy System (The art of “picking up”

investors at the bar).

By this time, my entire approach to real estate had changed.

Afterwards, I was offered to buy a neighboring property near

our apartment and decided that I wanted to do this deal by

myself. I had started pulling down money on flips in Atlanta

that I had going on at the same time with the dentists, and I

wanted to make bigger waves. But I learned two tough lessons

that no one else teaches you ‘out there’:

1. Well this one was obvious… if you’re in bankruptcy in

Canada and you’re a foreign national asking for a

financing, it’s pretty dang hard to get a bank loan. Now,

because I was successfully turning around my first 50

units, Dale, the bank underwriter, decided to invest in me


NB: Important lesson here. Commercial bankers don’t invest in

your deals (although they want it as collateral), nor do they

really care about your full financial history. They invest in

you, and your vision. Just watch my buddy Jim on the Dragons

Den or my partner Kevin Harrington on Sharks Tank. There’s

countless proof there.

CONFIDENTIAL: see the secret project video (still very rough cut) Kevin and I are working on in

2016 HERE:

2. I had no idea that bankers cared more about your current

portfolio and past deal experience than anything else.

Knowing now, it makes sense. But at that time, I had very

little credibility as I hadn’t done any successful

apartment deals yet. So I needed credibility.

But Dale let me off the hook and gave me the loan. At the same

time, I had a lead on an amazing 128-unit complex in northern

Dallas that my new partner (the Texan road salesman, let’s call

him ‘Mike’) brought to me.

I put an offer on the building, started due diligence and

everything seemed perfect… until I started

applying for loans. Dale wouldn’t lend in

Texas. So I had to go the traditional

route. After applying at least 3 times, it

became clear that no bank wanted to give me

the loan and I had to back out.

It was a great experience that ended up

costing me over $6,000 (inspections, travel, environmental,

loan applications and other 3rd party reports required by


So I had to go back to the drawing board. And it was my sister

who helped me come up with the most brilliant solution (she

worked with me for 2 years at the start).

We’re sitting at the bar (yes, again) and my sister, Emilie

made me realize that after Bob’s and Mike’s shares in my first

building, I only owned a little under 7% of the building. (Yes,

yes… it was low, but it was my first step into apartments).

But she pointed out that when I talked to people, including

bankers, I would tell them “I own this 50-unit building,” NOT I

own 7% of the 50-unit building. And even more importantly,

banks wanted proof of ownership, NOT percentages of ownership.

Side note here:

This is just like founders of major corporations.

Did you know Bill Gates only owns 4% of

Microsoft? But who cares right? Bill gates

IS Microsoft.

Or the late Steve Job’s

(huge fan of his vision) only owned 0.5%

of Apple! But yes… he was and still is


So my sister suggested to find someone else who owned a lot of

apartment buildings and buy into their shares. Then, I would

gain instant ownership of numerous apartment buildings to

establish credibility so I could get loans from the banks.

It was flipping genius… And I knew just the guy.

Through all my networking with real estate pros, I had met an

amazing individual (let’s call him ‘Pete’), who I’m still very

good friends with. Pete owned 1,538 units, but would never

partner with anyone or lend money. Still, I had my mind set on

him to execute my plan.

I flew into his hometown (at the time, he lived next to one of

Tiger Wood’s houses – who knows who owns it now) to visit him

at his place, one of the most beautiful Spanish manors I’ve

EVER seen. And I offered to buy 1% of his entire portfolio for

3 years for an undisclosed amount (for his privacy). I needed

one of my entities to be a 1% owner of his holding company and

would have full rights to declare to anyone that I owned all

these 14 buildings from California to Texas.

My plan worked like a charm. Now

that was thinking outside the box

- thanks Emilie!

Look, I could go on and on… from

“buying” a boat with no money down

to my 120% financing on a 29-acre

riverfront lot with $5,000/m cash flow off the solar panels and

getting a free Big White BC (right near the best ski mountain

in Canada) condo for 2 years to buying and selling $17,000,000

worth of apartments in the last 24 months, owning the best 2

pieces of land, a waste water treatment plant and a trucking

company in North Dakota to teaching my real estate wealth

creativity to 486 people who’ve bought over $376,000,000 worth

of real estate.

Now, I’m definitely NOT sharing this to brag, or flaunt how my

‘crazy’ mind operates, but to show you that I do not care who

you are, how successful you currently are, what rumors you’ve

heard about me through the grapevine or the 9 idiotic negative

comments you can find online from people with ulterior motives

(3 of which are ex-employee’s I fired for stealing, 2 are

legitimate Platinum members who never reached out to me so I

never got the chance to make it right for them, and four are

based purely on assumptions with absolutely zero substance).

Hey, for dealing with over 27,000 people, I’ll take 9 negative

reviews even though if they are fabricated...

I have something amazing to teach you. And it far

exceeds any other real estate training that’s ever

been offered before.

Yes, with the legacy system that I’ll present to you in a

moment, you get EVERYTHING you could ever imagine about real

estate… and then some!

My system to buy single family homes and flip for top

profits in any market.

The ultimate investor guide to buy 2/4-unit properties

from start to finish so you know how to evaluate deals and

close like a pro.

How to find, evaluate, finance and close on apartment

complexes with top ROI performance.

How to buy and operate passive cash flow storage unit

facilities for hands-off income.

How to buy and operate mobile parks with optimal cash


All my creative financing secrets so you know how to fund

any deal, no matter what your financial background or

level of experience.

My guide for traditional financing processes to accelerate

your applications with major banks and fund your deals.

My legendary ‘Subject-To’s’ low-risk, top profit

acquisitions system to implement right away and start

pulling down real money, real fast.

The ultimate direct mail system that shows you how to set

up a stream of 100% seller financing off-market

acquisitions in any market.

Never-Before-Revealed: My sales and persuasion tactics and

secrets of NLP (Neurologic Linguistic Programing) to close

on any deal, win any negotiation and attract top


The ultimate rehab blueprint for investors to perform on-

time, on-budget smart renovations that yield top ROI.

My coveted investor property management training to

oversee your assets for consistent hands-off income.

Business-in-a-Box to run and operate your wealth machine

with automation systems that save time and boost your

bottom line.

And much, much more.

But most importantly, you’ll get a front row seat into my

‘crazy’ mind… I know that’s pretty freaking scary ;)… but I’m a

problem solver with an eye for money.

Why else would I be the highest paid adviser in the world at

$12,000/hour? Because within a 30-minute conversation, I can

get you “unstuck” from any situation and show you how to make

tens, if not hundreds of thousands of dollars.

I can’t tell you how many times I’ve heard: “oh… I didn’t even

think of that! Thanks Steve, this changes everything!”

Now, there’s always going to be people who can’t take

accountability and blame others for shortcomings, but if you

don’t reach out to me, I can’t help you. If you do reach out to

me, that’s a whole other story. That’s when the fun starts!

Heck, I have a BowFlex in my gym room that serves better as a

clothes dryer than a workout tool right now. Do

you think I blame Chuck Norris for not losing

weight? NO. It’s not his job to come to my house

and force me to use it. He’s got Chuck Norris

things to do… whatever that is.

An-y-ways… Back to the program here.

If you really want to prove to everyone around

you what you’re really made of, and show people that you are

serious about becoming the success you keep telling people

you’ll be, and you truly want to break free from the financial

rut 98% of North Americans are living in right now, you have to

take action and do something about it.

Once you take action and COMMIT to following my Legacy System,

it’s only a matter a time until you achieve your goals. And not

as much “time” as you think.

Every day, week, month and year, you do have to practice self-

discipline. You will have to work hard and persist, to hold

yourself to the standards of millionaires and billionaires you

respect so you know how to act, talk, walk and embody the

success you deserve. But there’s a light at the end of tunnel.

The beauty of real estate wealth is that after you’ve made that

initial investment, you get paid to do nothing at all.

And that’s what I want to give you by offering you my Legacy


I don’t care what it takes to put your hands on this Legacy

System, if you want success bad enough, you’ll make it happen!

Now, I don’t want to be responsible for anyone thinking about

robbing a bank here… keep it ethical and legal… but be


This Is Like Getting A Check For $98,810.00

But More importantly, this will secure your future, and create

your own legacy for your children. Click here to find out what’s in the mystery box, or visit:


Unfortunately, as “gimmicky” as this may sound, I HAVE to automatically kill the offer after the first 100 hard drives are

gone. No-one will need to attend my seminars in the future if everyone gets a copy

NB: And please DO NOT email for a free copy, you must follow the instructions to qualify.

Start Your Legacy of Generosity Now

One quote that’s always struck my heart is: “If you want to

touch the past, touch a rock. If you want to touch the present,

touch a flower. If you want to touch the future, touch a life.”

– Anonymous.

I rarely disclose the amounts of money I donate towards my

philanthropic work as I believe that anyone can write a check,

but very few dedicate time to good causes. But you should know,

that 20% of the proceeds of my Legacy Collection system will be

donated for two important philanthropic projects.

As most of you know, my friend Sir Richard Branson inspired me

a few years back to build a business model based on principles

of social entrepreneurship.

Social entrepreneurship is

based on creating solutions

that have a positive impact

on people’s lives. A BIG

part of my legacy is my

choice to be a social

entrepreneur, to help others

achieve their dreams and

financial freedom AND take

on an active role to take

part in meaningful philanthropic projects.

For instance, with the help of

Scott Bonnell and Frank McKinney

through my Martel Alliance

foundation, we’ve helped thousands

of homeless children and families

by building villages, orphanages

and more to give to others less fortunate

and in need.

Today, Haiti’s political and social

realities continue to wreak havoc on their

people and our partners are working towards

helping to create solutions. We will give a

portion of proceeds from the Legacy System

to our primary partners in Haiti, Scott

Bonnell and Frank McKinney, to continue to offer sustainable

solutions for those in need.

And in local contributions from the

Legacy System proceeds, we will

also contribute donations again

this year to the amazing Ottawa-

based Youville Centre organization

that helps new, young mothers and

their children achieve financial


Youville Centre is an innovative organization established over

a century ago that helps young, single mothers move through

crises and become self-sufficient. It is an amazing charity

that works with mothers and children to build a better future.

So, when you do get one of my limited 100 Legacy System

collections today, you’ll also be donating to help in Haiti and

young mothers become entrepreneurs in Canada. Feel free to make

that part of your new legacy.

I really want to thank you for reading this entire letter. I

hope you enjoyed reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it.

Yours truly,

Steve Martel

P.S. Read this whole letter entirely as I reveal, for the first

time ever, the inner workings of my rise to fame including some

of my sneaky, creative tricks to build instant credibility.

P.P.S. If you are interested in a free copy of my entire life’s

work called the “Legacy Collection System”, DO NOT HESITATE

because I’m not kidding about only releasing 100 copies


Visit http://www.stevemartel.com/only100 for more details NOW.