Lecture 10 - Maritime ICT.ppt

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Transcript of Lecture 10 - Maritime ICT.ppt

7/23/2019 Lecture 10 - Maritime ICT.ppt

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Maritime ICTMaritime ICT


Communication &Communication &


 Topic 10 Topic 10

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Why we nee ICT inWhy we nee ICT in seasea

transport transport !!• Recent sea transportation is a complexbusiness. It needs the use of latest andmodern technology to make its operations


• Maritime technology needs the use ofcommunication and information technology(IT!.

• IT or IT enables all maritime business tocome together to produce dedicatedser"ices # procedures.

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• omputers become standarde$uipment in maritimeindustry.

• %actors dri"ing thede"elopment&

'hippers re$uire more "alueadded ser"ices.

ontaineri)ation re$uiremore dedicated IT to supportthe de"elopment of theser"ice.

*orts are becoming more


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International consignmentmo"ement is becoming morecomputeri)ed.

+idespread usage of electronicdocumentation.

Market research data is essential.,nline computer access to databanks is important.

ost of setting up computeri)edoperation is getting lo-er.

edicated soft-are for maritimeser"ices.

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/.g. argo Tracking 'ystem

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ome ea Cargo Trac'ingome ea Cargo Trac'ing

ytem:ytem: tlantic ontainer ine

* merican *resident ine

/mirates 'hipping ine

/"ergreen ines

,', ,2TI2/R I2/'

,', 3'

,', anada


Maersk ine 256 2ippon 5usen 6aisha ines

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ow to trac' a cargo orow to trac' a cargo or

container!container! 2ormally -e need to

keyin 7,8 containernumber8 "esselnumber8 and so forth.

%or container&container numberbasically consists of 11characters in -hich the9rst : are alphabeticand the rest are

numeric. It is printed on the

container;s door (loo'at the *icture!

 Then go to appropriatecargo tracking system.

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t t ' t t

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ow to trac' aow to trac acontainer!container!

I will how you+I will how you+ ,or e-am*le8 today-e -ant to track theposition of thiscontainer (as in pic!.

Identify the containerno. (5ou can see it inyour 7, or bill!.

 This container isbelonged to *.

,pen * Tracking-ebsite.

Insert the container no.

*<3 =0>=01?

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#-am*le:#-am*le: %". ytem%". ytem

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The reult (The reult (Now/ toayNow/ toay):): %".%".


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The reult (The reult (.at emeter.at emeter):):

%". ytem%". ytem

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The reult (The reult (.at year in May.at year in May


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• 7ased in ondon. /stablished in 1@=@. Its goal toenable merchant ships to stay in touch acrossthe oceans and to call for help in an emergency.

• +orld;s 9rst mobile satellite communications

operator. In other -ords8 pro"idescommunication -orld-ide.

•  Today Inmarsat o-ns and operates three globalconstellations of 11 satellites Aying ingeosynchronous orbit B=8=CD km (>>8>:0 statute

miles! abo"e the /arth.• *ro"ide links for phone8 fax # data

communications to more than >108000 ships.

• It has more than C0 partner countries

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Ty*e of INM%R%TTy*e of INM%R%T

Inmarsat A- provides two-way direct-dial phoneconnection as well as fax, telex anddata services at rates between9.6kbps up to 64kbps.


- supports !lobal voice, telex, fax

and data at speeds from 9.6kbps to64kbps, as well as "#$%% &the4lobal Maritime istress and'afety 'ystem! - compliant distressand safety functions. 

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Ty*e ofTy*e of

INM%R%TINM%R%TInmarsat '

- is one of the most flexible mobile

satellite messa!e communicationsystems in the (orld, it has theability to handle commercial,operational and personal messa!es )ust as easily as distress and safetycommunications.

- offers two-way, store-and-forwardpacket data communication via ali!htwei!ht, low-cost terminal.

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Ty*e of INM%R%TTy*e of INM%R%T

- the only system in the world that, on its own,allows ships to meet the ma)ority of the

communications re*uirements of the "#$%%.Inmarsat $

- Inmarsat $+ is a two-way data

communication services that uses very smalle*uipment. It is fitted with "%-assistedsatellite roamin! and meets the re*uirementsfor %hip %ecurity Alert %ystems &%%A%.

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Ty*e of INM%R%T


- A !lobal maritime distressalertin! service usin! smallemer!ency positionindicatin! beacons that

automatically send messa!eto maritime /escue'oordination 'enters. 

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Ty*e of INM%R%T

Inmarsat 0leet

- actually a family of networks that includes the

Inmarsat-0leet11, Inmarsat-0leet22 and Inmarsat-0leet33 members.

- Incorporatin! voice and data reco!nition

- most advanced maritime service, helps meet the

re*uirements of the International %hip and ort0acility %ecurity &I%% code.

- fleet11 e*uip to meet the latest "#$%%

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INM%R%T Co4erage

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Inmarsat 0leet 011

Inmarsat A

Inmarsat $

Inmarsat '


e.! product

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INM%R%T er4ice

osition and data reportin! &Inmarsat '

$istress alertin! &Inmarsat

5essel mana!ement &Inmarsat A, 5ideoima!e transmission &Inmarsat A,

#aritime safety information &Inmarsat '

lectronic data interchan!e &Inmarsat A,

7thers 8 mail &Inmarsat A,,'

 - ay-phones.

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INM%R%T er4ice

Wide range of services includes:

1.Position & Data Reporting

Reporting ship position automatically.Take position coordinates from vessels’navigation equipment & transmitperiodically via satellite to head office.

Also supports the transmission of datasuch as ship course, speedat certain interval.

!"AR#AT $%

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INM%R%T er4ice

2. Distress Alerting

lo'al "aritime (istress and #afety#ystem )"(##* + international satellite

technology and ship+'oard radiosystems.nsure rapid, automated alerting ofshore+'ased communication and rescueauthorities

-rovides faster & accurate glo'aldistress alerting service.Alert delivered via !"AR#AT+ tomaritime rescue coordination center)"R%%* ithin / minutes.

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INM%R%T er4ice

3. Vessel management

0leet operators can monitorinventory, track spare parts & place

orders.Access eather routing services toshippers.

"anaging staff records, supportcargo planning & monitor shipmaintenance.

!"AR#AT+A and 1.

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INM%R%T er4ice

56 7ieo8image Tranmiion

 Transmit "ideo or still image.

 TE # ne-s can be transmitted toships.

lso allo-s "ideo conference.

'horeside engineers could assists inship repair.

I2MR'T and 7.

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INM%R%T er4ice

96 Maritime afety Information

6no-n as International 'afety2/Tser"ice.

*ro"ide -eather analysis8 -arnings #predictions for certain geographicalarea.

'ent to ships -hich subscribe.


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INM%R%T er4ice

6. Electronic Data Interchange

2sed to su'mit documentation inadvance )%ustom, 134, %- etc.*.

"ore efficiency & shorter laytime.

!"AR#AT+A & 1.

7. Others:

5 +"ail 6 !"AR#AT+A,1 and %.

5 -ay+phones

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+hat is /IF /I stands for #.#CTRONICD%T% INT#RC%N3#6

 The de"elopment of /I standards -as closely monitored by the industry  and a

message development group. 

set up early in the life of the /I

ssociation to consider ne- ElectronicData Interchange for Administration,Commerce and Transportation or trade(EDIFACT ! standards for the shippingindustry.

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INT#RC%N3#• Electronic Data Interchange: The transfer of

structured data, by agreed standards fromapplications on the computer of one party to theapplications on the computer of another party byelectronic means (fully computeried!.

• Electronic Data Processing:

Computeried handling of information (e.g.

business data!. For shipping" Fast documentation # reporting of

cargo status.

$educe cost by eliminating errors and simplify the

transfer of information process.

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INT#RC%N3#0or shipping company, there is a need to

connect their system ith one another.

#peed up transaction & eliminate replication

of data. %ommunication ith:7 Third parties (custom, port authorities)

7 Internal & group companies

7 Business partner ( agents, customer)

1eteen these three $ paperless 'ooking,invoicing, as ell as insurance & 'ankingtransactions.

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#DI IN "ORT (#-am*le)

(ata a'out each cargo inside of containercan 'e stored easily using 'ar+code reader.

"ovement of cargo through the terminal

automatically controlled 'y system.Automatic categori8ation of container 'ased

on voyage, port, si8e etc.

(evelop the stoage plan 9 stacking model.

-aperork necessary can 'e produced 'y thesystem.

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#DI IN "ORT#DI IN "ORT (#-am*le)

• %omputer calculate sta'ility of ships.

• After departure, produce list of containers.

•%harges associated including demurragecalculated 'y computer.

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ene;t of #DI

%aster discharging and loadingcontainers.

Increased producti"ity through faster turnaround of containers and "essels.

7etter monitoring of the storage ofcontainers (leading to increases instacking area;s capacity!.

<igh le"el accuracy of information. <igh le"el of consistency of theinformation gi"en to "arious parties inthe chain of transport

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ene;t of #DI

• +ith /I8 order entry becomes fast8 costecient8 and error free -ithout manual reentry.

• /I impro"es a company;s relationship-ith customers and suppliers.

• /I reduces in"entory and in"entorycarrying cost by reducing and oreliminating order lead times.

• /I standardi)es programs andprocedures8 therefore allo-ing data to becontrolled more easily.

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ene;t of #DI

/I helps to automate tasks and relocate people toother tasks.

7ecause consumers ha"e diGerent expectations8/I helps to deli"er a product or ser"ices that meet

consumer expectation -ith regard to price and timeframe8 therefore increasing sales.

/I;s speed of transmission helps a company togain a competiti"e edge.

/I reduces the paper Ao- bet-een organi)ations8

-hich can reduce cost and increase speed and easeof use.

4ains in producti"ity from /I help companiesreduce existing labor.

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7ene9ts of /I(*aperless!

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Internet #DI (I#DI)

• Internet /lectronic ata Interchange (I2T/I!arise due to the problems that small businessfacing of.

•  The main problem they ha"e to face of is in

term of cot of im*lementation /I.•  The high cost that the users of /I need toconcern is on the "alue added net-ork (E2s!.

• /"en though the using of E2s is highlyrecommended and re$uired by the other

partners or parties regarding to the security ofdocuments and data transferred8 smallbusiness still resist to implement and use it asa tool or medium data transferred.

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Internet #DI

Most of these small 9rms are tend to use theinternet as the main of data transferred -hichmeans there is no E2s usage.

 The using of this I2T/I day to day become

-ider because of some bene9cial gained tothose small 9rms.

 Thus8 the I/I trading techni$ues aim toimpro"e the interchange of information

bet-een trading partners8 suppliers andcustomers by bringing do-n the boundariesthat restrict ho- they interact and do business-ith each other

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#lectronic e4ice incontainer terminal

1. Microwave technology  Employ to track the placing and pick-up of containers by

recording relevant data on tags installed on the containers.

- include a tag that allows data read and write.

Example: In ship-to-rail- would reduce the crane’s waitingtime when the spreader is in ship’s hull. o! human resourcecan be saved and performance of port terminal is appraised.

"his system is called #rime $over tracking system %#$"&-

enables the terminal supervisor to track and unloadedcontainers at any time while containers are in the terminal.

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#$" enables the operator to track the containers andfeed back the location of the containers to the central

information system where data can be checked.

2. Tagging technology in transportingcargo by rail

'it advance than microwave technology especially forcountries that use high speed freight trains %()*km+hr:,apan and erman&.

"his technology used antenna to create an inductiveradio freuency field to activate and receive data fromtags.

It contains a transmit-coil with associated tuning andmatching components! and a receive-coil.

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/hen a consignment is loaded on the train! the

computer will be able to provide relevant information oncontent of containers loaded on the train- information ispass to the yard operator+ staff.

"hen! based on the information given! it will be

transferred to the crews of the train.  0utomated vehicle identification %01I& reader reads the

tags on each wagon and sends a message to the centralcomputer to compare the manifest with information in thecentral computer.

In the mean time! the wagons are weighted to check forload discrepancies. 'oth sets of data are then sentahead of the train to the next stop.

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3. Barcode scanner help customs decide whether physical inspection of

containers is reuired particularly when vesselsunload thousands of container simultaneously.

capable of providing prompt information reuired bycustoms when vessels are at berth.

'arcode scanner is a wireless scanning technologythat communicates with the host computer.

the wireless system provides effective services tomost terminal operators and operational systems.

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 4. Radio frequency icrocircuit syste !R"#

was developed to identify the containers when traffic at terminalsreaches the peak.

this system is suited for operation in harsh and outdoorenvironment.

"his system consists of the reader or antenna transponders%tags&! an interrogator and computer interface tags.

"his 23 offers high-speed and remote electronic identification ofeuipment.

one application of 23 is in monitoring the movement ofcontainers and their status in the terminal.

the system can also track containers entering and leaving theterminal through the gate or as they pass the scanning points inthe yard.

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T# #ND+T# #ND+T%N< =OU>T%N< =OU>