Lecture # 06 (diversity at workplace)

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Lecture for M.Phil Students on the role of diversity in human resources management.

Transcript of Lecture # 06 (diversity at workplace)


Role of diversity in Human Resources Management

Dr. Akhlas AhmedGreenwich University

M. Phil Class Lecture # 06

26th Sept 2014


What is diversity?

How to evaluate people Who is a high performers and who needs help? Let's find

out! In simple terms, diversity is "otherness," or those human

qualities that are different from our own and outside the groups in which we belong. There are various qualities that differentiate one individual from the next.



The uniqueness of all individuals; includes everyone.


What Is the role of diversity in human resource management?

The role of diversity in human resource management is to create an

enriched workplace environment where differences are respected rather

than discriminated against.

Diversity is connected to ethics principles as well as compliance

management laws and corporate social responsibility (CSR) policies in many

parts of the world.

A workforce in which employees are hired based on their skills and

qualifications without discrimination as to gender, sexual orientation, race,

religion, ethnicity, disability or other factor supports a human resource

management system that values diversity.

Diversity in human resource management encourages respect among people of different backgrounds and genders in the workplace.


Corporate purpose statement on diversity:- Many companies express diversity values in their operating or

"purpose" statements. These types of statements communicate

the company's commitment to creating and maintaining a diverse

employee base.

These companies then must commit to following through with

their stated policies on diversity or risk becoming singled out by

advocacy or legal groups.

People of color, different sexual orientations and physical or

mental abilities are expected to work together in many


In some countries without laws that relate to diversity in human

resource management, though, unfair hiring practices can occur.


Elements of Diversity:-


Gender Ethnicity Race Physical Ability Physical

Characteristics Ability



Marital Status

Religious Beliefs

Geographic Location

Parental Status

Personality Type

• Organization that view diversity as an asset and leverage the power of forming diverse teams to meet daily challenges can realize long-las. • In USA every business organisation believes on diversity & employs a work force that is diverse in terms of age, gender, abilities and ethic origin.


Principles of Diversity Management

Establish a business strategy for effectively managing a diverse workforce

Create a positive work environment Promote personal and professional

development Empower all people to reach their full

potential Remove barriers that hinder progress Ensure equal opportunities and prevent



Creating an Organization That Can Manage Diversity

Organizational vision Top management commitment Auditing and assessment of needs Clarity of objectives Clear accountability Effective communication Coordination of activity Evaluation


Techniques for Managing Diversity

Managing diversity training programs Core groups Multicultural teams Senior managers of diversity Targeted recruitment and selection



Techniques for Managing Diversity

Compensation and reward programs tied to achieving diversity goals

Language training Mentoring programs Cultural advisory groups Corporate social activities that celebrate



Managing diversity effectively

Greater range of perspectives, ideas, and creativity.

Better problem definition, generation of alternatives, and decisions.

Greater potential of developing a high performance team.

Greater resilience in dealing with escalating demands.


Mismanaging diversity

Disrupts development of trust, constructive working relationships, arriving at consensus & agreement.

Stereotyping of other members and sub grouping along cultural lines.

Misunderstanding and disruptive communication.

Low levels of efficiency, effectiveness & productivity


Unintended Results of Managing Diversity

Programs that focus on encouraging certain groups may create feelings of unfairness or exclusion in others

Giving preferential treatment to certain groups may stigmatize their members

Increasing diversity without recognition and rewards for the new members can create organizational tension


Implications for Managers

Managing a diverse workforce is an important part of an international manager’s job

Must understand the impact of diversity and know how to utilize

Realize different cultures view diversity differently and consider impact on manager


Potential Benefits of an Effective Diversity Management Program

Improve organizational performance Help prevent unlawful discrimination or harassment

incidents Improve workplace relations Build more effective work teams Improve organizational problem solving Improve customer service Enhanced recruitment efforts


Making heads count is more important than counting heads


Possible barriers in the organization that prevent a more balanced

workforce? Limiting area of consideration Lack of diversity at the senior ranks Categorizing people into certain positions Always recruiting from same source Grooming/developing only one person


Strategies for Inclusion


The Value of Mentoring

Without regard to race, gender, religion, national origin ….

Inconvenience yourself to show someone else the way

Unleash someone else’s potential


Professional Development

Identify training and development needs for all employees

Utilize Individual Development Plans Rotational & Developmental Assignments Rotate “acting” supervisor


Cost –Benefit of Diversity


Diversity in the workforce – careers, human resource issues

Wellness in the workplaceHealth & Safety, Disability management, Benefits


Interaction in the Workplacecommunication, teambuilding, managing conflicts, sexual



Diversity in organisation – policy and strategy


Managing diversity in workplace


Diversity in volunteering


Diversity is an issue for every organisation. 

It refers to racial diversity, but also to age, gender, disability, sexual orientation & socio-economic background – to name

but a few!


Diversity management in multicultural workforce is increasingly becoming animportant issue for the business in the era of globalization. It affects the productivity andefficiency of the workforce in general.Cultural diversity is a major issue in diversity management. Ely and Roberts (2008) definecultural diversity as differences among team members in race, ethnicity, gender, religion, nationality, or other dimensions of social identity that are marked by a history of inter groupprejudice, discrimination or oppression.

Diversity dimentions:-1. Primary dimensions:• Race• Ethnicity• Gender• Age• Disability

2. Secondary dimensions• Religion • Lifestyle• Economic status • Culture• Family status• Thinking style • Geographic origin• Political orientation • Nationality• Work experience • Language

3. Tertiary dimensions• Beliefs• Assumptions• Perceptions• Attitudes• Feelings• Values• Group norms


Diversity Management

Diversity management is about full utilization of people with different backgrounds and experiences.

Effective diversity management strategy has a positive effect on cost reduction, creativity, problem solving, and organizational flexibility



Diversity management is about full utilization of people with different backgrounds and experiences.

Effective diversity management strategy has a positive effect on cost reduction, creativity, problem solving, and organizational flexibility

How to measure diversified performances?

Measure employees contribution in a fair way. A team is much more than the sum of its individuals. A

good team can accomplish far more than the sum of its individuals. We should stimulate 'team thinking' and reward people if they place their team goal above their own goals.

Team members know best. We want team members to give the input for individual

performance reviews. The people that work closest to you, know best how much you contribute to your team.

Feedback is an easy tool for fast, reliable evaluation.

Collects feedback from each and every employee to create a culture in which team performance is important. People should be stimulated to progress themselves and above all their team.

Create teams culture in your organization. Teams are the core of a company, therefore regularly

evaluate them.


Thank you