Lecture 06 design loads

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Transcript of Lecture 06 design loads

Lecture # 06

Design Loads

• Introduction.The bridge engineer must first list all the possible loads on the superstructure; to wit,

– A) Permanent Loads:• 01. Dead Loads• 02. Superimposed Dead Loads• 03. Pressures (earth, water, ice, etc.)

– B) Temporary Loads:• 04. Vehicle Live Loads• 05. Earthquake Forces• 06. Wind Forces• 07. Channel Forces• 08. Longitudinal Forces• 09. Centrifugal Forces• 10. Impact Forces• 11. Construction Loads

– C) Deformation and Response Loads:• 12. Creep• 13. Shrinkage• 14. Settlement• 15. Uplift• 16. Thermal Forces

– D) Group Loading Combinations.

A Brief History of Highway Loading.

The primary design parameter for highways are truck loadings. The American Association of State and Highway Transportation Officials (AASHTO), founded in 1914 as AASHO, developed the concept of a train of trucks in the 1935 that imitated the railroad industry’s standards. However, as the weight of the trucks grew, the bridges were overstressed.

In 1944, AASHTO developed a new concept: hypothetical trucks, called the H (with two-axles) and the HS (with three-axles) classes of trucks. These were fictitious trucks, used only for design and they did not resemble any real truck on the road.

In 1975, the federal DOT upgraded the allowable gross weight for trucks from 73,280 lb to 80,000 lb (although some states increased them to 90,000 lb).

A similar standard exists for Canada (the Ontario Highway Bridge Design Code, OHBDC), or the United Kingdom, the BS5400 code. Europe has higher bridge loads, because they are designed to carry heavier loads than the US, primarily military loads.

Permanent Loads.

Permanent loads are always on the bridge throughout its life.

1. Dead Loads (DL). The dead loads of a bridge are all the loads from the superstructure, such as, the wearing surface, the deck, the stay-in-place forms, parapets, sidewalks, railings, bracing, connection plates, stiffeners, signing and utilities. The table below shows some of the dead load unit weights that are used to calculate the superstructure.

2. Superimposed Dead Loads (SDL).In a typical composite superstructure, the deck is formed by an 8 inch thick slab of reinforced concrete, placed upon steel stringers or box girders. The top chord of this composite is in compression, which is ideal for concrete, and the bottom chord is in tension, which is ideal for steel. The superimposed dead loads are those loads placed on the superstructure after the deck has cured, and thus has begun to work with the primary members. These are sidewalks, railings, parapets, signing, utilities and the wearing surface.

3. Pressures.In general, earth pressures upon the back-wall of the abutment is part of the substructure. The same is true of the water pressure (and ice) upon the pier. However, part of the earth pressure can end up affecting the superstructure, and this must be checked in all designs.

Temporary Loads.

4. Vehicle Live Loads (LL).A live load is any load that moves along a bridge. AASHO in 1935 came up with the concept of a train of trucks, which is seen below, and identified as the H-20-35 and H-15-35. In 1944, the much heavier trucks (due to WWII) were the new five truck categories were, the H10-44 (20,000 lb), the H15-44 (30,000 lb), the H20-44 (40,000 lb), the HS15-44 (54,000 lb) and the HS20-44 (72,000 lb). All of these are still valid except for the H10-44, which has been dropped.

H20-44 8,000 LB H15-44 6,000 LB

32,000 LB 24,000 LB

14'-0" :s: ,... f-------'--'----''-------.;' ~ d• ,c::)

--1 0.1 W 1-----------1 0.4W 1-----I

- - I o.j w 1- - - -- - - - - - - 1 o.4 w 1-- -- -·




2'-0"_J 1-4-1~--=-6·-=--0-· -~ ... 1 1.- 2'-0"

Standard H T.-ucks

HS20-44 8,000 LB 32,000 LB 32,000 LB HS15-44 6,000 LB 24,000 LB 24,000 LB

:s:·.. 14'-0" ..... :s: v .. ·:s: ~I I co I~ c=> I I c:::i ~~

----- I 0.1 w 1---- ~ 0.4 w ~ ---- ------- ---- I 0.4 w ~ -I I I I I I


----- I 0.1' w 1---- ~ o.4 w ~ -------------- - I o.4 w ~ -



2'-0"_J lt+ .. --=-6'-=-- 0-" --+1 .. 1 1.-2'-0"

Standard HS T.-ucks

AASHTO Standard H & HS Design Trucks. (Adapted from Standard Specifications for Highway Bridges, 15th Ed., Ref 3.3.)

The loading is now performed by placing one HS-20-44 truck, for example, per lane, per span. The truck is moved along the span, to determine the point where it produces the maximum moment.

Some state have very heavily loaded roads (for example, California and Texas, due to NAFTA). These states are using a semi-official class, called the HS25, with a gross vehicle weight of 90,000 lb.

Notice the position of the axles of the HS20-44. The two rear axles have a variable spacing, that ranges from 14 to 30 feet. This is varies to induce a maximum positive moment in a span. For a simply supported bridge span, that spacing of the axles will be 14 feet. For continuous spans, however, the position of the axles at adjacent supports are varied to create the maximum negative moment.

To model the train of trucks, two components are used: (1) a uniformly distributed load, plus (2) a concentrated load.

Concentrated loadings generally govern for short simple spans. Lane loading governs for long and continuous span bridges. The concentrated load is moved along the span to determine the point of maximum moment.To determine the maximum positive moment in continuous spans, only one concentrated load is used (which is also true for a simple span bridge). To determine the maximum negative moment in a continuous span, two concentrated loads are used.A reduction of the live load is permitted for bridges with three or more lanes, that have maximum stress caused by fully loading each lane. A reduction to 90% is allowed for three lane structures and to 75% for bridges with four or more lanes (AASHTO 3.12). Reduction is justified on the premise that it is unlikely that all the lanes will be fully loaded to the maximum at the same time.

Two additional classes of loading are used by some agencies.

One is the AASHTO 3.7.4, which was developed in 1975 by the FHA (Federal Highway Administration), and is known as the Alternative Military Loading. It is represented by two axles separated by only 4 feet, and each carry 24,000 lb. All bridges on the United States Interstate system are required to compare the HS20-44 loading with the Alternative Military Loading, with the configuration that produces the greatest stress being chosen as the design criterion.

The second is the P Load class. States like California, that experience a large number of over-loaded trucks, use the P loads (from permit design). The P load design vehicle has a single steering axle in front, and between two to six pairs of loaded axles in tandem.

~ ~~~~ '*(fij ~"-wm-

I. .I .1. I .I .1. j ~-··typ

18'-0~ 18'-0~ 18'-0~ 18'-0" 18'-0" 18'-0~



PS 26K 48K 48K Min. Veh. P7 26K 48K 48K 48K pg 26K 48K 48K 48K 48K P11 26K 48K 48K 48K 48K 48K P13 -26K · · 48K 48K 48K 48K 48K 48K Max. Veh.

!:URJ fm~ fiE Em fiE~ tmfm Em~ ~Em l13Kl tmtm Em fiE EfE,fm fiE Em tmtm Emtm I. 18'-0" I 18'-0" I 18'-0" .I. 18'-0~

I I 18'-0" I 18'-0" .I a I •

1 o·-o· clearance

Caltrans permit truck. (AASHTO LRFD Bridge Design Specifications 2nd. ed., American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials. Washington, D.C., 1998. With permission.)

5. Earthquake Forces (EQ).Earthquake forces are a natural force, that depends on the geographical location of the bridge. These forces are temporary, and act for a short duration of time. The application of these forces to the bridge is usually studied with their effect upon piles, pile caps and abutments, via the Mononobe-Okabe analysis method. These will be studied later.

There are four factors that are taken into consideration to determine the magnitude of the seismic forces: 1) The dead weight of the entire bridge;

2) The ground acceleration (all three axes);3) The period of vibration, and4) The type of soils or rocks serving as bearing for the bridge.

The sum of these factors are reduced to an equivalent static force, which is applied to the structure in order to calculate the forces and the displacements of each bridge element.

The first step is to ascertain what is the seismic performance category (SPC), via AASHTO I-A, 3.3 (next two slides). The next step is to determine the type of analysis required, via AASHTO, I-A, 4.2, which are either Method 1 (Single-Mode Spectral Analysis) or Method 2 (Multi-mode Spectral Analysis). Method 1 is the simpler of the two, and can be done by hand-calculations. Method 2 is complex, and requires specialized software. The single-mode spectral analysis uses the same procedure for calculating the longitudinal as the transverse loading. This is done via the principle of virtual displacements, in order to develop a mode shape model for the bridge. An arbitrary uniform static force po = 1, is applied to the length of the structure in order to produce an initial displacement vs. This displacement, combined with the dead load weight of the superstructure, and part of the substructure, is used to determine the earthquake force.

' '


' I I I


I I I R / II $.., /I

.; .; I

2 I ;4 ' I ~ '

6 '



~ - ' \


' \


\ --' ~


'R>" ,..5, /-- ..... ,~· ~',.;-,, I

'',A~'"', ' ·~\-1111 '« \ -...""/I ·~ -'I 1.5


\ I

'5- I



Horizontal acceleration (A) values. Divide values on map by 100 to obtain the coefficient used in calculations. (Adapted from Standard Specifications for Highway Bridges, 15th Ed., Ref 3.3.) Consult map in the AASHTO specifications for more detail.




Essential bridges with an acceleration coefficient greater than 0.29 are assigned an importance classification (IC) of "I." All other structures have an IC of "II." An essential bridge is one that is deter­mined to be critical to "social/survival and security/defense" needs (MSHTO, I-A, 3.3). Based on the IC and the accel­eration coefficient at the bridge site, a seismic performance category (SPC) can be determined from the table below (MSHTO, 1-A, 3.4).

Seismic Performance Categories

Acceleration Coefficient IC A II

A~ 0.09 0.09 <A~ 0.19 0.19<A~0.29 0.29 <A

A A B B c c D C


3.5 SITE COEFFICIENT As stated at the beginning of this sec­tion, the type of soil present at the bridge site plays an important role in the forces an earthquake exerts on a structure. The site coefficient is deter­mined by selecting one of three soil profile types that best fits the condi­tions at the site. (AASHTO, 1-A, 3.5.1 ).

SOIL PROFILE TYPE 1: S = 1.0 If rock of any type is present, this profile type applies. Shale I ike orcrystall ine types with a shear wave velocity greater than 2,500 ft/s (762 m/s). Stiff soil on top of rock with a depth less than 200ft (61 m) consisting of stable deposits of sands, gravels, or stiff clays.

SOIL PROFILE TYPE II: S = 1.2 For stiff clay or deep cohesionless soil conditions along with sites where the soil depth on top of rock is greater than 200 ft (61 m) consisting of stable depos­its of sands, gravels, or stiff clays. If the soil type is unknown or the soil proper­ties do not fit any of the three types, this site coefficient (S = 1.2) is used for all calculations.

SOIL PROFILE TYPE Ill: S = 1.5 Soft to medium-stiff clays and sands with a depth of 30ft (9.1 m) or greater of soft to medium-stiff clay with or without intervening layers of sand or other cohe­sion less soils.



For bridges with a SPC = B, C, or D, the seismic design forces for individual mem­bers are calculated by dividing the elastic forces by the appropriate R factor.

Substructure Wall-Type Pier 2 Cone. Pile Bent (Vertical Piles) 3 Cone. Pile Bent (1+ Batter Piles) 2 Single Columns 3 Steel Pile Bent (Vertical Piles) 5 Steel Pile Bent (1+ Batter Piles) 3 Multiple Column Bent 5

Connections Superstructure to Abutment 0.8 Exp. Joints within Span of Super. 0.8 Columns, Piers, or Pile Bents to

Cap Beam or Superstructure 1.0 Colums or Piers to Foundations 1.0



Once a seismic performance category (SPC) has been assigned, the type of analysis required is identified based on the SPC and whether the bridge is regular or irregular. Regular bridges are those with an unchanging bridge cross sec­tion, similar supports, and a uniform mass and stiffness. Bridges which do not satisfy these criteria are irregular. The two methods are applicable to multispan bridges only (AASHTO, 1-A, 4.2).

Method 1 = Single-Mode Spoctral Analysis Method 2 = Multi mode Spectral Analysis

Analysis Procedure

SPC Regular Bridge Irregular Bridge

A B c D

1 1 1

1 2 2

Bridges with 2 or More Spans Only

The next step is to calculate the dead weight value w(x) from the superstructure and part of the sub-structure. It can also include some live load if the bridge is in a heavily traveled urban area. From these two values, vs and w(x), we can find the fundamental period T of the bridge and the seismic force pe(x).


a = J Vs( :x;)d:x;



f3 = J UJ(:X)V5 (:X)d:x;



y = f UJ(:X)Vs(X)2d:x;


'QV'"here L = length of bridge

"WTith.. iliese factors kno'QV"ll, the fundamental period of the bridge can be computed 'QV'"ith the follo'QV'"i:ng:

'QV'"here p 0

= 1

g = acceleration of gravity (length/tirr1e2 )

1.2AS Cs = y 213

where A = Acceleration Coefficient S = Site Coefficient

Nonlinear effects included per 4 . 6 .3.7

Large deflection theory required per 4.6. 3 .8

Closed section

May not be analyzed as

single-spine beam


Refined analysis required; o r put load coefficients on plans per 4 .6 . 3 . 1


Beam-Girder Bridges ( Table 4 .6 .2 .2 . 1-1 )






Planar struct. per Refined anaiysis

Strip method 4 .6 .2 . 3

per 4 . 6 . 3 . 5 ,6


Refined analysis required; put load coeficients on plans per 4 .6 . 3 . 1

Open section

Refined analysis required; put load coefficients on plans per 4 .6 .3.1

Ok to use load distribution factor tables ; Table 4.6.3. 3 .3a to 3f for moment; Table 4 . to 3c for shear; Dynamic load allowance per 3 .6 . 2


Number of design lanes per 3 .6 . 1 . 1 . 1 ; Dynamic load allowance per 3 .6 . 2 ; Multi presence per 3 . 6 . 1 . 1 .2

Decimal number of lanes from Table (above); Dynamic load allowance per 3 .6.2; Multi presence always included in factors

L ive- load distribution for s upers truc ture design.

6. Wind Forces (W and WL).

Similar to the earthquake forces, wind forces are extremely complicated, but through a series of simplifications are reduced to an equivalent static force applied uniformly over the exposed faces of the bridge (both super and sub-structures) that are perpendicular to the longitudinal axis.

AASHTO specifies that the assumed wind velocity should be 100 mph. For a common slab-on-stringer bridge this is usually a pressure of 50 psf, and a minimum of 300 p/lf. Truss and arch bridges require a pressure of 75 psf, and a minimum of 300 p/lf on the windward and 150 p/lf on the leeward sides. These forces are applied at the center of gravity of the exposed regions of the structure.

AASHTO recommends the following for common slab-on-stringer bridges:

1) Wind force on structures (W): a) transverse loading = 50 psfb) longitudinal loading = 12 psf

2) Wind force on live load (WL): a) transverse loading = 100 psfb) longitudinal loading = 40 psf

The transverse and longitudinal loads are placed simultaneously for both the structure and the live load (AASHTO

AASHTO also requires an additional 20 psf of overturning force, to be applied at quarter points on the windward chord.

For this equation, in S.I. units, VDZ is the design wind velocity at the designated elevation Z in km/h. VDZ is a function of the friction velocity Vo, also in km/h, multiplied by the ratio of the actual wind velocity to the base wind velocity both at 10 m above grade, and the natural logarithm of the ratio of height to a meteorological constant length for given surface conditions.

The design wind pressure PD can also be calculated from,

TABLE Values of v;, and Z0

for Various Upstream Surface Conditions


v., (km/h) Z , (mm)

Open Country

13.2 70


15.2 300




Source: AASHTO LRFD Bridge Design Specifications, 2nd. ed., American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials. Washington, D.C., 1998. With pernuss1on.



Moderate Cold

Temperature Ranges, ° C

Steel or Aluminum Concrete

-18 to 50 -12 to 27 - 35 to 50 - 18 to 27


-12 to 24 - 18 to 2 4

Source: AASHTO LRFD Bridge Design Specifications, 2nd. ed., American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials. Washington, D.C., 1998. With permiSSIOn.

_ ( v;.o J ( Z J Vvz- 2.5~ VB ln Zo

7. Channel Forces (SF and ICE).

Channel forces come from the stream flow, floating ice and bouyancy. These forces affect primarily the sub-structure.

The force Pavg of the stream flow upon the pier, is half the maximum stream flow pressure Pmaxmeasured by a hydrologic study.

For floating ice,



The equation for the pressure due to stream flows uses a constant to de­scribe the geometry of the pier in a water channel. The three possible val­ues are listed below:




Where the pier ends are angled at 30 degrees or less.


The coefficient Cn varies depending on the inclination of the nose to vertical (i.e., the pier nose angle in the vertical plane). Pier noses are often equipped with a steel angle or similar device raked at an angle to act as an ice breaker.

0 to 15 degrees:

15 to 30 degrees:

30 to 45 degrees:

Cn= 1.00

Cn= 0.75


The effective ice strength ranges from 100 lb/in2 to 400 lb/in2 and is dependent on a variety of factors including the tem­perature of the ice mass at the time of movement and the size of moving ice pieces. Listed below are AASHTO's gen­eral guidel ines on selecting the effective ice strength. In general, the lower the temperature the ice moves at, the more damage it can do to a pier or other bridge component it comes in contact with.

p = 100 lb/in2 (690 kPa) Ice breaks apart at the melting tempera­ture. Ice pieces are disintegrated and move as small cakes.

p = 200 lb/in2 (1379 kPa) Ice breaks apart at the melting tempera­ture. Ice pieces are solid and move as large pieces.

p = 300 lb/in2 (2069 kPa) When breaking apart, the ice moves in large, solid sheets which may impact with the pier.

p = 400 lb/in2 (2758 kPa) Ice breaks apart or moves at a tempera­ture well below the melting temperature.

8. Longitudinal Forces (LF).

Longitudinal forces result from the transfer of momentum from the truck braking or accelerating on a bridge. AASHTO 3.9 specifies that 5% of the appropriate lane load along with the concentrated force for moment be used as the resulting longitudinal force. This force is applied 6 feet above the top of the deck surface. The stiffer or rigid the structure, the greater the effect of the longitudinal force.

9. Centrifugal Forces (CF).

A truck turning on a bridge, because of a horizontal curve exerts a centrifugal force, as calculated below, and located 6 feet above the top of the deck surface, using truck loading.

10. Live Load Impact (I).

Trucks at high speeds may hit the deck with a large vertical force (impact) because of several causes, such as a pot hole, or a large vertical step between the approach slab and the rigid deck, etc. AASHTO 3.8.2 defines the impact factor as follows:

11. Construction Loads (I).

During the erection of the bridge, some members may be subjected to larger loads than those calculated for normal use. The experienced designer usually consults with the (likely) contractors to obtain information on the method of construction, the heavy equipment that may mount the bridge, staging materials, and other problems in order to add these loads to the bridge analysis.

12. Creep.Creep is the deformation of a concrete mass caused by carrying a load over a period of time. When the load is applied, the concrete experiences an instant strain (linearly related to the stress), and an instant deformation. Over time however, an additional strain (creep strain) occurs, which may be from 150% to 300% larger than the instant linear strain. Creep strain is a function of its moisture during curing. If the concrete is left to dry out, creep will be very large. On the other hand, a protected fresh concrete surface that is kept moist, will experience minimal creep strain. Excessive concrete in the deck may deform the length of the members and lead to warping or misalignments.

13. Shrinkage.Shrinkage is also, like creep, a deformation due to material properties. It is a consequence of the natural change in volume of concrete, and not related to load. The shrinking is due to the los of moisture during its drying. Steel reinforcing is usually added to absorb some of the tensile stresses induced by the shrinking. The best way to diminish shrinkage is to keep the concrete moist during curing, and using plasticizer to provide workability in lieu of extra water which increase shrinkage (and creep).

14. Settlement.Settlement of the foundations will produce sizable moments in the superstructure, especially differential settlement. Settlement can have one or several causes, including (1) exceeding the bearing capacity of the soils, (2) lowering of the phreatic surface, (3) vibrations, (4) loading the embankments, and (5) changes in the soil properties (for example, shrinkage and swelling).

15. Uplift.Some bridge configurations may produce the lifting of a span with respect to its adjacent elements. For example, high loading a long span, next to a short span. This is called uplift, and its discussed in AASHTO 3.17.

16. Thermal Forces.The fluctuations in temperature in a bridge may be very high, and produce sizable thermal forces. This force is similar in nature to differential settlement. For example, a bridge in a northern climate, oriented East-West, will always have its southern face heated, and the northern perennially in the shade. This bridge will have a tendency towards thermal forces. Please refer to AASHTO 3.16 on this issue. One common problem of extreme cold weather is brittle fracture of steel, which occurs instantaneously, leading to fatal failure.



The impact factor is applied only to certain elements and components. Group A elements include the impact factor. Group B elements do not.


SUPERSTRUCTURE Also includes the legs of a rigid frame.

PIERS All features above the ground level.

MISCELLANEOUS SUPPORTS Any concrete or steel piles supporting the superstructure and above the ground level.


ABUTMENTS Including any retaining walls or piles (not falling into the Group A category)

FOUNDATIONS Pressures and footings.



CULVERTS In addition to any structures with 3 ft (0.9 m) or greater of cover.


The loaded length L varies depending on the element being analyzed. The following lists AASHTO's specification for certain members and calculations.

ROADWAY FLOORS Design span length.

TRANSVERSE MEMBERS Span length of member from center to center of supports (e.g., a floor beam).

1Rt£K LOAD MOMENT CALCIIAnllt Design span length. For cantilever arms use length from moment center to farthest axle.

TRUCK LOAD SHEAR CALCULATION Length of loaded portion of span from point of analysis to farthest reaction. For cantilever arms use I = 0.30.

CONTINUOUS SPANS Length of span being analyzed for posi­tive moment plus the average of two adjacent spans loaded for negative mo­ment.



AASHTO provides acceptable tempera­ture variations depending on whether the structure is in a moderate or cold climate region. For metal structures, the values are given in the form of extreme hot and cold temperatures. Concrete structures are given tempera­ture rise and fall changes.


From Moderate Climate: 0°F Cold Climate: -30°F


Rise Fall Moderate Climate: 30°F 40°F Cold Climate: 35°F 45°F

Group Loading Combinations.

Bridges experience a combination of the previously discussed forces. Experience has generated ten load groups. These are described by the equation below.

0.... 13 Factors ::::> "( 0 a: D (L+I)" (L+I)p CF E 8 SF w WL LF R+S+ EQ ICE 0/o CJ

WORKING STRESS DESIGN I 1.0 1 1 0 1 J3E 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 100

lA 1.0 1 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 150 IB 1.0 1 0 1 1 j3E 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 **

II 1.0 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 125 Ill 1.0 1 1 0 1 J3E 1 1 0.3 1 1 0 0 0 125 IV 1.0 1 1 0 1 J3E 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 125 v 1.0 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 140 VI 1.0 1 1 0 1 j3E 1 1 0.3 1 1 1 0 0 140 VII 1.0 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 133 VIII 1.0 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 140 IX 1.0 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 150 X 1.0 1 1 0 0 j3E 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 100

LOAD FACTOR DESIGN I 1.3 l3o 1.67* 0 1 .0 l3E 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0

lA 1.3 J3o 2.20 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 18 1.3 J3o 0 1 1 .0 l3E 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 II 1.3 J3o 0 0 0 j3E 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0


Ill 1.3 J3o 1 0 1 J3E 1 1 0.3 1 1 0 0 0 ..... IIZII c

IV 1.3 J3o 1 0 1 J3E 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 u :::::;

v 1.25 l3o 0 0 0 J3E 1 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 A. A. c

VI 1.25 J3o 1 0 1 J3E 1 1 0.3 1 1 1 0 0 b VII 1.3 l3o 0 0 0 J3E 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 :z

VIII 1.3 J3o 1 0 1 j3E 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 1

IX 1.20 J3o 0 0 0 J3E 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1

X 1.30 1 1 .67 0 0 l3E 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Table Group Loading Coefficients and Load Factors


J3E Earth Pressure 1.00 Vertical and lateral loads on all other structures.

f3E Earth Pressure 1.0 and 0.5 Lateral loads on rigid frames (check both and use the one that governs).

f3E Earth Pressure 1.3 Lateral earth pressure for re-taining walls and rigid frames excluding rigid culverts.

J3E Earth Pressure 0.5 Lateral earth pressure when checking positive moments in rigid frames.

f3E Earth Pressure 1.0 Rigid culverts.

f3E Earth Pressure 1.5 Flexible culverts.

f3o Dead Load 0.75 Columns, when checking mem-ber for minimum axial load and maximum moment or maximum eccentricity.

f3o Dead Load 1.0 Columns, when checking mem-ber for maximum axial load and minimum moment.

f3o Dead Load 1.0 Flexural and tension members.

Table Earth Pressure and Dead Load Coefficients



Live load plus impact for AASHTO H or HS loading.

Live load plus impact con­sistentwith owner's overload criteria.

Group X: Pertains to culverts.

Wind Load: If member or connection carries only wind load, then no increase in allowable stress is allowed.

*NOTE: For outside roadway girders, if the governing load combination is

Sidewalk Live Load + Traffi c Live Load with Impact

use p = 1.25

The capacity of the section should not be less than

Traffic Live Load with Impact with

p = 1.67

**NOTE: Compute the increase in the normal allowable stress to be

Maximum Unit Stress (Operating Rating) x

100 % = _....:.....:_--=---=-Allowable Basic Unit Stress

%COLUMN: For working stress design method is the percent increase of the basic unit stress.