Leavitt Memorial established at University; Faculty trips ...

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Leavitt Memorial established at University; Faculty trips Leavitt Memorial established at University; Faculty trips

scheduled; Weekly Sports Roundup scheduled; Weekly Sports Roundup

University of Montana--Missoula. Office of University Relations

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January 25, 1957

Montana State U niversity Weekly News Roundup


ADVANCE— A g i f t o f over $200, donated to the Montana State U niversity Law School

by the fam ily and frien ds o f the la te William B. L eavitt, Miles C ity attorney,

w ill be used to establish a Leavitt Memorial Shelf in the Law House lib ra ry at

Missoula, Dean Robert E. Sullivan announced.

L eavitt’ s grandchildren, Craig B. and Krista Carlson, Luke and Greg Cunningham,

and Scott Bardsley, headed the l i s t o f donors to the memorial fUnd, Dean Sullivan

said. L eavitt ’ s widow said the fund w il l be added to from time to time by the

’’The volumes purchased w il l be permanent additions to our lib ra ry and w i l l be

in constant use by the law students and the lawyers who use the Law House f a c i l i t i e s , ”

Dean Sullivan said . "In th is way, the Leavitt c o lle c t io n w il l be a f i t t in g memorial

f o r a beloved member o f the le g a l profession and, at the same tim e, a valuable addi­

men fo r the lega l p ro fe ss io n .”

The books w ill be placed in the lib ra ry o f the Law House, residence and le g a l

center fo r law students, in accordance with Mrs. L eav itt ’ s w ishes. The sh e lf w il l

bear a small copper or bronze plaque in scribed , "William B. Leavitt Memorial S h e lf ,"

and each volume w ill carry an appropriate bookplate.

The MSU Law Library contains more than 33,000 volumes, not counting nearly 4,000

duplicates used fo r exchange purposes, Dean Sullivan said . While the m ajority o f the

books are in the Law Building, a great many are part o f the Law House lib ra ry , he



tion to the f a c i l i t i e s that are dedicated to the preparation of other outstanding


MSU Weekly Roundup, page two

Special co lle c tio n s in the MSU Law Library include the William Wirt Dixon

Memorial L ibrary, which formed the core o f the Library; the J. Paul Freeman Memorial

Library; and the Alumni Memorial L ibrary, Among recent benefactors o f the Library

are the Commissioners o f Lewis and Clark and o f Dawson counties; the Missoula law

firm of Smith, Boone and Rimel; A tty. Gen. Forrest Anderson; Mrs. Guy E. Sheridan

of Missoula; MSU Pres. Carl McFarland; and the estate o f Frank L. R iley .



Dean Robert E. Sullivan o f the Law School w i l l attend the eighth annual In­

stitu te o f the Law o f O il and Gas Taxation in D allas, T ex ., January 29-Februaiy 2.

Prof. Lloyd Oakland o f the Music School w il l be in Great F a lls fo r a Music

Educators Conference on January 30. J. Justin Gray, associa te pro fessor o f music,

w ill conduct a Woodwind C lin ic a t the Wyoming Music Educators Conference in Casper,

Wyo., January 31 - February 3*

Dr. Andrew W. Halpin, p ro fessor o f education , w il l be at Ohio State U niversity ,

Columbus, January 31 - February 2 , to serve as consultant to the Department o f Educa­

tion . He w il l describe "A Paradigm fo r Research on Administrator B ehavior,” which

he has written as a chapter fo r a forthcoming book on sch ool adm inistration.

Dr. Halpin was guest le ctu rer in education a t the U niversity o f Chicago,

January 28, 29, and 30. He spoke on the find ings and im plica tions o f h is recen tly

published monograph, "The Leadership Behavior o f School Superintendents.”


Publications and News Service MONTANA STATE UNIVERSITY, Missoula


The surprising Montana G rizz lies face two more Skyline conference opponents th is

weekend at the F ield House when they meet the Wyoming Cowboys on Thursday night and

the Colorado A&M Rams on Saturday night.

Montana, with a 3*-2 mark in league play, w il l be out fo r th e ir fourth and f i f t h

straight conference wins* The G rizz lies have beaten New Mexico, Denver, and Utah at

home fo r th e ir three wins and have dropped decisions to Brigham Young and Utah State

on the road.

Wyoming, figured to be in the battle fo r the league championship, had a tough pre­

season record but has won two conference contests to date. Coach Ev Shelton has some

fine performers in Tony Windis, Terry Eckhardt, and Phil Mulkey.

Colorado A&M, showing fin e form in recent conference con tests , also has two wins

in the Skyline league. Stan A lbert, Boyd (brant, and Rich Gregory are the to p -f l ig h t

Rams who w il l o f fe r fin e competition fo r the S ilv e r t ip s .

Next game fo r Montana is on February 7th when they meet Utah U niversity at Salt

Lake City in a league game. G rizz lies defeated the Redskins 60—1|8 at Missoula ea r lie r

this season.

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Weekly Sports Roundup

Publications andNews Service