Learning review

Post on 08-Aug-2015

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Transcript of Learning review

Learning – Notes Summary Lesson One: What is the difference between:

Stimulus –

Response –

Classical Conditioning Terms:

Classical Conditioning Term:

Abbreviation: Description / Example:

Neutral Stimulus

Unconditioned Stimulus

Unconditioned Response

Conditioned Stimulus

Conditioned Response

Classical Conditioning Terms: Part 2

Key Term: Description:



Spontaneous Recovery



Strength of Conditioning Terms:

Key Term: Order of Effectiveness


Delayed Conditioning

Trace Conditioning

Simultaneous Conditioning

Backward Conditioning

Lesson Two:

The Difference Between Classical and Operant Conditioning:

What did Thorndike research? What was the outcome?

Classical Conditioning Operant Conditioning

Thorndike’s Key Terminologies:

Instrumental Learning –

Law of Effect – What Were Skinner’s ABC’s of Behavior?

A –

B –

C - Briefly Describe the Skinner Box:

Skinner’s Four Training Procedures:

Training Procedure: Description:

Positive Reinforcement

Negative Reinforcement


Omission Training

What is the Premack Principle? What is a good example of this?

What is the difference between:

Avoidance –

Escape – What is learned helplessness and when do you see it happen? What are the three rules of punishment? 1. 2. 3. What are some concerns regarding punishment? What is the key to getting omission training to work effectively? Lesson Three:

Types of Reinforcers:

Primary Secondary Generalized

What is a token economy and where is it often used? What is the difference between:

Shaping –

Chaining – What is the difference between:

Continuous Reinforcement –

Partial Reinforcement –

Schedules of Reinforcement: Application For each of the following, come up with a few real life example of each schedule of reinforcement. 1. A fixed interval means that a reward will occur after a fixed amount of time. For example, every five minutes.

Example: 2. A variable interval schedule means that reinforcers will be distributed after a varying amount of time. Sometimes it will be five minutes, sometimes three, sometimes seven, sometimes one.

Example: 3. A fixed ratio means that if a behavior is performed X number of times, there will be one reinforcement on the Xth performance. For a fixed ratio of 1:3, every third behavior will be rewarded.

Example: 4. A variable ratio schedule means that reinforcers are distributed based on the average number of correct behaviors. A variable ratio of 1:3 means that on average, one out of every three behaviors will be rewarded.

Example: 5. With a random schedule, there is no correlation between the animal's behavior and the consequence.


Lesson Four: What is the difference between:

The Contiguity Model –

The Contingency Model –

From a conditioning perspective, how is working with animals different than working with humans? What is latent learning and how might it work in a “real world” setting? How did Edward Tolman reinforce the idea of latent learning through his research?

How do you interpret this chart?

Describe Wolfgang Kohler’s research. What did his research conclude? Why is Insight Learning difficult for psychologists to explain from a conditioning perspective? What are Albert Bandura’s Four Steps of Observational Learning? 1. 2. 3. 4. What was academically interesting about Bandura’s Bobo Doll Experiment? Lesson Five: Why are taste aversions difficult for behavioral psychologists to explain? What is instinctive drift and how does it apply to both animal and human conditioning? What is systematic desensitization and how does it work in a therapy setting?