Learning Process Theories

Post on 18-Nov-2014

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Transcript of Learning Process Theories

Learning Process Theories

By : Malyn C. SingsonMaEd GS740

Topics Definition of Learning Definition of Theories Importance of Learning Theories to educators

Six (6) main theories of learning process• Behaviorism• Cognitivism

• Social Learning• Social Constructivism

• Multiple Intelligence• Brain-based learning

Kinds of students’ learning The Cone of Learning


Learning the acquisition of knowledge or skills through experience, study, or by being taught. The process of gaining knowledge. acquiring new, or modifying and reinforcing existing knowledge, behavior, skills, values or preferences and may involve synthesizing different types of information.


Theories Is a system of ideas intended to explain something, such as a single or collection of facts, events of phenomena. a general explanation for observation made overtime. Explains and predicts behavior.


Learning Theories

- Are the conceptual framework that described how information is absorbed, process and retaining during learning.


Kinds of Students’ Learning

1. Passive – is a learning in which student sits in the classroom and listen to teacher lecture about the subject.

2. Active – is a learning that actively involves the students thru questions, discussion, interaction and debating the subject matter.


The Cone of Learning



10% of what they read

20% of what they hear

30% of what they see

50% of what they see and hear

70% of what they say and write

90% of what they do

Learning Activities: Students generally remember

Learning Outcomes: Students are able to …

Analyze Create Define


Demonstrate Apply


Define Describe


Importance of Learning to Educators

To know the nature and relationship between teachers and students.

Used as tools for the purpose

and method assessment.

Help teachers to avoid seeking toolkit approach of wanting simple answers to complex


Useful in analyzing teaching practices.

Theories and practices helps educators to understand the reason for their actions and

foundations for re-evaluating them. To know what is the

real problem and be aware

of it.


Six (6) Learning Theories


Social Learning TheorySocial ConstructivismMultiple IntelligenceBrain-based Learning


Behaviorism Theory of Learning

“Teachers must learn how to teach…

they need only to be taught more effective

ways of teaching.” B.F.Skinner


Behaviorism(Ivan Pavlov’s Classical ConditioningB. F. Skinner’s Operant Conditioning)

Behaviorism is a learning theory, is based on a change in knowledge through controlled stimulus/response conditioning. It is observable and measurable behavior.

Learning is a result of environmental factors.

- The learner needs reinforcements to keep interest. Learner is dependent upon instructor for acquisition of knowledge.


Cognitivism(Jean Piaget Theory)

It focuses on the inner mental activities – opening the “black box” of the human mind is valuable and necessary for understanding how people learn. Knowledge can be seen as schema or symbolic mental constructions. Learning is defined as change in a learner’s schemata.

means through interaction and self cognition development to acquire knowledge, and concern what learner know and how to use efficiency way to processing information.

- Is theory added a social element, arguing that people can learn new information and behaviors by watching other people or through environmental influences.

Social Learning(A. Bandura’s Theory)

Conditions for effective modeling:

1.Attention – watching behavior occur2.Retention – recalling of what was observed 3.Reproduction – replicating behaviors4.Motivation – influencing someone to do something


Social Constructivism(Led S. Vygotsky Theory)

is a theory of knowledge in sociology and communication that examines the development of jointly understanding of the world. The level of potential developments is the level at which learning takes place.

The level of ACTUAL development is the LEVEL of development that the learners has already reached and is the level at which learner is capable of solving problems independently.


Multiple Intelligences(Howard Gardner Theory)

is a theory of intelligence that differentiates it into specific (Primary sensory) “modalities” rather than seeing intelligence as dominated by single general ability. Each individual possess unique blend of all intelligence. The theory of multiple intelligence should “empower learners” not restrict them to one modality of learners.


Eight (8) types of Multiple Intelligences

Musical/rhythmic – ability to produce rhythm, appreciate pitch and timber. Visual/Spatial – capacity to think images and pictures. Verbal/Linguistic – sensitivity to the sounds and meaning of words Logical/Mathematical – ability to think conceptually and discern patterns. Bodily kinesthetic – ability to handle object skillfully and control body movements. Interpersonal – capacity to respond appropriately to others. Intrapersonal – capacity to self-aware and in tune inner feelings. Naturalistic – ability to recognize objects, plants in nature.


Brain-based Learning is a theory based on the structure and function of the human brain. It constantly accessing information and interpreting its environment and continuously interacting with its surrounding to learn and how to function appropriately.

Each brain is unique because it process information in ways that makes sense to the one brain may not make sense to another.


Brain-based learning encompasses educational concepts: