Learning Intentions Tk

Post on 18-Nov-2014

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Transcript of Learning Intentions Tk

  • 1. Do now activity:
    • Te Reo pronounciation

2. Learning Intentions and Success Criteria Te Kotahitanga 2009 3. Today we are learning to..

  • understand what learning intentions and success criteria are;
  • * be able to identify and frame learning intentions and success criteria; and
  • * identify opportunities for using learning intentions and success criteria in our own classroom.

4. Success Criteria I can: * understand what an effective learning intention is * understand what effective success criteria look like * construct learning intentions and success criteria in my own subject area 5. What words should I use?

  • In assessment, as in all areas of education, there are some terms that need to be clarified if they are to be used consistently and effectively in practice.

What do we want students to know and be able to do as a result of this learning experience? Learning outcomes orintentions What kind of learning experience will be appropriate to achieve the learning outcomes / intentions? Context or task What will the quality or standard of work be in order for students to achieve the learning outcome / intention? Achievement criteria or success criteria 6. So..What is alearningintention? Activity: Think.peer.share All these terms mean the same thing: Learningintentions Learningoutcomes Learningobjectives 7.

  • The difference between the doing and the learning.

8. Why AreLearningIntentions andSuccessCriteria Important? Using learning intentions helps students develop a picture of what is expected of them from the learning. If learners are to take more responsibility for their own learning, then they need to know what they are going to learn, how they will recognise when they have succeeded and why they should learn it in the first place. - (An Intro to AfL, Learning Unlimited, 2004) Learning Intentions What and why SuccessCriteria How to recognise success 9.

  • A learning intention describes what students should know, understand or be able to do by the end of the lesson or series of lessons.
  • Learning Unlimited 2004
  • Learning intentions:
  • Identify new learning
  • Focus on transferable skills when possible

10. SharingLearningIntentions

  • Identify what the students will be learning
  • Explain the reason for the learning
  • Share (and sometimes co-construct) the learning and the reason with students at the beginning of the lesson or activity
  • Present them in language that the students understand
  • Revisit the learning intention throughout the activity/lesson

11. LearningIntentions can be written in different ways

  • We are learning to..
  • To be able to ..
  • To understand/explain/discuss
  • Today we will be able to..
  • To know how to..
  • To present ..

12. Define thelearningthat is going to happen in your lesson or series of lessons

  • This MAY focus on the key competencies
  • We are learning to work collaboratively (mahi ngatahi)
  • Identify the written names for fractions
  • Learning intentions live alongside the over arching context or activity

13. Learning Intentions with context

  • To present an argument for and against the smacking bill
  • To produce a questionnaire about transport trends in Kerikeri
  • To order the months of the year in Maori

Learning Intentions without context

  • To present an argument using for and against positions
  • To be able to investigate the distribution of local activity
  • To order Te Reo concepts
  • These learning intentions help students apply the skill or knowledge in a number of different contexts.

14. What the students thought they were learning.. From Clarke, S. (2005).Formative Assessment in Action: weaving the elements together. We would learn to find out about how other people lived. To know how primary sources help us to find out about the past (Great fire of London, Samuel Pepys) We would be learning about what happened and what he wrote.We would also learn how to put a fire out To know why Samuel Pepys is important in understanding the events of the Great Fire of London We would be learning to write instructions. To write instructions (A sandwich) I would learn how to make a sandwich. To write instructions to make a sandwich What students thought they were learning now Learning intentionwithout context What students thought they were learning Learning intentionwith context 15. Activity: Sort out learning intentions with context and learning intentions without context, then add what the context or activity may be. 16. Why are success criteria important?

  • Activity:
  • Brainstorm reasons

17. When effective success criteria are used.

  • the learning intention becomes clearer
  • students understand what they are learning and why
  • the learning becomes more explicit
  • students have a scaffold - confirm, consolidate and integrate new knowledge
  • students can focus on their learning
  • students can see what quality looks like
  • students have a basis for feedback and peer/self-assessment (measure their own success)
  • self-esteem is lifted

18. Examples

  • I will be successful if:
  • set the scene in the opening paragraph;
  • build up tension/suspense;
  • use spooky adjectives and powerful verbs; and
  • end with a cliffhanger.
  • I will be successful if:
  • people enjoy reading my story; and
  • it frightens them.

Activity:Write a ghost story. Learning Intention: We are learning to write a narrative. 19.

  • Remember to
  • count from the minute hand
  • stop where the minute hand finishes
  • count in fives
  • go clockwise
  • Remember to
  • include opening and closingstatements
  • give reasons for and against
  • use evidence to support
  • use language to persuade

We are learning to calculate the passing of time in 5-minute intervals. We are learning to present an argument. 20. The first active element of formative assessmentis

  • Sharing the learning outcomes or learning intentions with students at the beginning of a lesson.
  • Research shows that:
    • not only are students more motivated and task-oriented if they know the learning outcome of the task,
    • but they are also able to make better decisions about how to go about the task.
  • The learning outcome needs to be clear and unambiguous, and explained to students in a way that they can understand.

21. Where do learning intentions come from? Learning intentions or outcomes are not selected at random rather they arise from the evidence that we already have about students learning. When we know where students are at in their learning we can identify the next step to move the learning on. The learning outcome or intention will reflect this learning shift, showing the students what they are aiming for. The success criteria will then provide them with a clear picture of what their work will be like if it is to meet the stated intention. 22. Dinosaurs - triceratops Context Animals from long ago - dinosaurs Learning outcome To complete an observational drawing Your Task Using the picture on the next page as a model, draw a triceratops (in the original task a plastic model was used) Successcriteria Before you start, make a note of the key elements of an observational drawing that you would be looking for in a students work 23. 24. Finished? When you have completed your drawing, use the marking schedule on the following page to assess your own work. You can also use the examples of student work to level your drawing. 25. Marking schedule the triceratops observational drawing 4Very high 3Quite high 2Moderate1Low Lifelike quality. Confident treatment of the subject. Expressiveness 4Very high 3Quite high 2Moderate1Low Fine detail of features observed and included. Appropriate tonal marking (texture, pattern, line) Detail 4Very high 3Quite high 2Moderate1Low Appropriate placement and size of near and far features. Use of shading 3-dimensional quality 4Very high 3Quite high 2Moderate1Low Main parts and features observed and recorded. Different parts appropriately shaped and in reasonable proportions Main features of observed object Mark Key Attributes Skills 26. M arking schedule The triceratops low range 27. Marking schedule The triceratops mid range 28. Marking schedule The triceratops high range 29. Sharing achievement criteria

  • Students understanding of the task and their achievement will be maximised ifachievement criteriaas well as the learning outcome(s) are shared with them prior to the lesson.
  • These criteria need to be the main focus ofthe feedback given to students.

30. Summary of steps

  • Clarify the learning intentions at the planning stage.
  • Make it an expectation for students.
  • Explain the learning outcome in child speak if necessary.
  • Invite students to say how we will know this has been achieved.
  • Write the success criteria.
  • Clarify with Why is this an important thing to learn? (big picture).
  • Get students to read out the learning outcome and the achievement criteria.

31. Learning intentions and success criteria need to be displayed and be easily accessible to both the students and the teacher. 32. This isnt all new but we need to be more systematic about using these approaches in our classrooms.