Learning Center Director Interview

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Lindamood-Bell's Darien Learning Center Director answers questions from an interview with AllAboutDarien.com covering topics from testing, instruction, program theory, and the instructional process.

Transcript of Learning Center Director Interview

11/09© Lindamood-Bell Learning Processes

An Interviewwith

All About Darien

June 2010

11/09© Lindamood-Bell Learning Processes

The following is from an interview between our Darien Center Director and

a local website, AllAboutDarien.com.

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Introduction from All About Darien

I’d like you to meet Natalie Gallant, Director of Darien’s Lindamood-Bell Learning Center, a Premiere Sponsor of AllAboutDarien.com.  I really didn’t know much about Lindamood-Bell Learning Processes until I met and became friends with Natalie, but have come to understand that it is one of those “in-the-know” educational resources that is exceptional in every way, and I am excited to share more information with you.

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Question: So Natalie, tell us, in a nutshell, what is the Lindamood Bell® Learning Center?

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Lindamood-Bell Learning Processes helps children and adults learn to their potential. Our research-based instruction develops the processes that underlie language and literacy skills such as reading, spelling, comprehension, critical thinking, and math. In order to be a proficient learner, it is critical that someone efficiently process information, either by listening or reading. It is this unique focus on processing, that allows our students to learn how to learn which allows them more success in all areas of school and in life.

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Question: How would you say Lindamood-Bell Learning Processes is different from other educational programs like Sylvan, Huntington, Tutor Time, etc?

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While I’m not an expert in their programs or curriculum, generally speaking more traditional tutoring typically offers students help with homework in specific content areas such as math or science. Our instruction focuses on developing the underlying processes necessary to read, comprehend, and process information regardless of content area; essentially learning how to learn.


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Often a person is struggling because their brain does not take in information and process it efficiently. Weaknesses in the underlying sensory-cognitive processes can negatively impact performance at school or work.

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Question: What age groups do you typically work with?

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All ages, pre-K through adult, and we have proven success with those previously diagnosed with learning difficulties such as dyslexia, hyperlexia, ADD/HD, CAPD, and autism spectrum disorders.

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Question: Wait, did you say adults??  Even those who are out of school?

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Yes!  We often work with high school and college students, as well as adults of all ages, and see phenomenal results. It is a common misconception that after a “certain” age the brain is not able to change. 


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Current brain research proves that this is incorrect – this research (which we were involved with through Georgetown University and Wake Forest University) has shown that the adult brain is still elastic and new neural pathways can be developed.  This allows adult students to improve their language and literacy skills which of course are so important at any stage of life!

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Question: What are some common indicators that a child might need or could benefit from working with Lindamood-Bell?

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Many of our students have a prior diagnosis of a learning difficulty, but for most, they come to us when it is realized that tutoring on particular subjects, does not seem to help. Our students come to us with many different levels of difficulty from many different types of challenges with reading to an often under-recognized comprehension difficulty where they seem to constantly have problems understanding what they read or hear. This can often seem like a person is lazy or “just not getting it.”

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Question: How is your program structured, i.e. three days a week, after school, for the school year, four weeks of 5-days-a-week sessions, etc?

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Our instruction is based on an individual’s learning needs and embodies an interactive, balanced approach. Through Socratic questioning, clinicians teach students to integrate sensory information to help them become self-correcting and independent in all learning skills. Most students are seen 5 days / week, anywhere from 1-6 hours per day depending on the amount of instruction needed and schedules available. I should probably mention that summer is our busiest time of year and early registration is highly recommended.

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Question: If I’m not sure my child needs the program, is there a way I can learn more and/or discuss their needs with you without obligation?

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Before we work with any student, a diagnostic learning evaluation must be administered to determine the kind and length of instruction needed. If a family is unsure about going through with the testing process, I’m always happy to meet with the potential student and review any prior testing or school reports with the family. Lindamood-Bell has developed a free-screening to help us look at how appropriate our services are for each individual we meet.

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Question: Does the Darien center serve families who live in surrounding towns as well?

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Of course! We actually have students that commute over an hour each way to come to our center every day. I have even had families come from further away, even from other countries, to receive instruction in our center because our instructional program is so unique.


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We are directly owned and operated by the authors of the programs and have created a learning environment that is difficult to replicate, so families are often traveling to our learning centers to take advantage of the quality instruction and results for which Lindamood-Bell is known.

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Question: Is there anything else you feel would be helpful for our readers to know about Lindamood-Bell Learning Centers?

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First and foremost, parents should trust their instincts when it comes to their children. They are usually right! So, I do encourage families to gather as much information as possible if their child is struggling. Too often, I have parents say to me, “I wish I had done something sooner.” Sometimes a smaller challenge to overcome now will be a bigger problem in time. But if you are not sure of where the challenges are coming from, it will be really hard to overcome them.


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Many parents find that even just taking the first step of going through the evaluation and consultation process with me at the center helps them to gather good information about how their child is learning.

I guess the other thing I’d love for people to know is how much our students enjoy coming. They make progress and feel successful. That makes them more excited about learning.

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To learn more about Lindamood-BellLearning Processes, visit our website at:


Or call our Learning Centers at:


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Thank You!800-300-1818


“You gave Alphie the gift of a lifetime. How could we say more.”

~ June