Learn More About Us Online

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A Quick Guide for Curious minds COnsidering Acupuncture.

A Look at The Top 5 Myths About Acupuncture,as Well as The Top 5 Reasons People Get It.

It’s Free. Take One. Take Two!

Pain. Acupuncture excels at pain management almost anywhere on the body. This includes headaches, TMJ, neck pain, shoulders, back, hips, elbows, wrists, knees,

ankles, plantar fasciitis, sprains, strains, broken bones, �bromyalgia, and more. It restores mobility, shrinks swelling, and cuts surgical recovery time almost in half.

If something hurts, acupuncture can help.

Chronic Illness. Acupuncture is especially supportive for people with chronic diseases,

meaning conditions that are managed more often than cured. Because these individuals usually take many medications with multiple side e�ects,

acupuncture can greatly improve their quality of life by enhancing their mood, energy, and sleep patterns. Acupuncture is a great adjunct therapy for people living with asthma, arthritis, high blood pressure, hot �ashes, diabetes, and the side e�ects of

chemotherapy. Acupuncture is e�ective for an assortment of ailments, and can help almost any problem to some extent, even if it can’t cure it completely.

Stress. Acupuncture is the simplest, safest, lowest-tech, and the least expensive

remedy for the most common health problem in America: STRESS! In our experience, acupuncture can calm anxiety, lift depression, soothe grief, ease

frustration, and create deep relaxation. Since stress impacts every aspect of our physical, mental and emotional health, acupuncture can target the intersections of

stress and sickness, a zone that conventional medicine misses by a mile.

Pregnancy. Acupuncture is bene�cial in all stages of the childbearing experience.

Acupuncture works with couples who are trying to conceive by increasing fertility and regulating hormones. Once pregnant, acupuncture relieves morning sickness, sciatica,

low back pain, pelvic discomfort, indigestion, and breech presentation. When ready, acupuncture induces labor. After childbirth, acupuncture can boost milk production,

ease post-partum depression and anxiety, and soothe an infant’s colic. And for couples who must accept unsuccessful fertility e�orts, acupuncture can help to lessen the pain

of knowing there may never be a pregnancy.

Wellness. For someone with no health complaints, receiving acupuncture once or

twice a month can help prevent the onset of disease or injury. All of the “side e�ects” of acupuncture are positive. It’s mood-elevating, immune-

boosting, anti-in�ammatory properties aren’t addictive and there’s no way to overdose on it. You can receive acupuncture as often as you’d like. Many people enjoy acupunc-

ture so much that they come in for a treatment just because it feels good!

Top 5 Reasons to Get AcupunctureMyth #1 “It’s expensive.”

We use a sliding scale of $15 - $35, and you decide what you will pay…no �nancial questions asked. Community acupuncture clinics like The Turning Point have low prices because we want you to be able to access acupuncture often enough to get well and stay well. We can o�er low prices because we treat lots of people. We treat lots of people because folks like you do the marketing for us when you tell your

friends, family, co-workers, and neighbors about the good work we do.

Myth #2 “The needles will hurt.” Not really. You may feel a bit of a pinch initially, but that should ease right away. It’s

normal to feel a dull, heavy, achy sensation near the needle – that’s a good sign that the body is responding productively. You are in charge of your experience. If anything

doesn’t feel right to you, just let your acupuncturist know…we’ll either adjust the needle or pull it out. Most people �nd acupuncture so comfortable and relaxing that

they fall soundly asleep.

Myth #3 “I don’t believe in that. ” You don’t have to. You just have to be willing to come in a few times and observe whether your symptoms start to change. You don’t have to understand it, expect it to do anything, or subscribe to a particular philosophical or religious belief. Acupuncture works in ways that no one fully understands…what matters is that it does work, if you

give it a chance.

Myth #4 “You’ll have to put a needle where my pain is.”

Not likely. We use distal treatment strategies, which allow us to use points on your arms, legs, and head to target conditions elsewhere on your body. In our experience with thousands of patients, this is consistently e�ective for the majority of conditions.

It’s important to remember that there are as many ways to practice acupuncture, as there are acupuncturists.

Myth #5 “People like me don’t get acupuncture.”

Acupuncture is for everybody! We treat people of all ages, from newborns to centenarians. Acupuncture is received by people of all religions:

Christians, Buddhists, Jews, Hindus, Muslims and atheists, among others. Community Acupuncture is �nancially accessible to people of varied economic means, from working class poor to the upper wealthy class. People of all ethic and cultural

backgrounds �ll our chairs, re�ecting the diversity of our community. Community acupuncture has successfully rede�ned the notion of “who” gets acupuncture.

Top 5 Myths About Acupuncture