Leading Positive Change

Post on 21-Feb-2017

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Transcript of Leading Positive Change


AGENDA• The Change Mindset• Lewin’s Freeze and Unfreeze Model• Stages of Change~ Lunch ~• The Emotion of Change• Broaden & Build• Psychological Capital – HERO• Be the change you want to see

Scientific research shows that there are strong links between feelings and successful organisational change programs.


Adaptation of Lewin’s Model of Change (1947)

STAGES OF CHANGE1. Denial 4. Commitment- “This won’t happen” - “Let’s sort out the resources”- “They will never get away with it” - “You do this; I’ll do that”

- “I’m not going to change”- “Let’s confirm objectives and get moving”

- “Let’s just keep doing things the way we

always have”


 Communication is disregarded Communication is calmer and more focused

2. Resistance 3. Exploration- “They can’t make me do this” - “This could actually benefit us”- “This is all too hard” - “What’s my role?”- “Let’s focus on why it won’t work” - “I think I get it now!”

Communication is emotional, negative andargumentative

Communication is questioning, enthusiastic,erraticAdapted from Prochaska & DiClemente (1983)

“The secret of change is to focus all of your energy not on fighting the old, but on building the new”


When we feel positive we:• Make better decisions at work• Are more socially integrated (have better working relationships)• Are more creative and better at problem solving• Have lower levels of absenteeism• Experience greater job satisfaction

Psychological capital, Mindfulness & Positive Emotion and their Effect on Organisational Change

Avey et al (2008)




HERO Hope – We’re focused on achieving our goals and we have a plan for doing so Self efficacy – We’re confident that we have the skills and ability to achieve our goals. Optimism – We’re optimistic about our chances of achieving our goals. Resilience – We bounce back from stress, conflict, failure, change or increase in responsibility.

1. Are you a HERO on a regular basis?

2. Aim for 3 to 5 positive responses for every negative response.

3. Let your team experience success.

4. Work with them to set goals and solve problems.