Leading In A Virtual World

Post on 18-Jan-2015

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Some thoughts on how to use web 2.0 to lead virtual teams.

Transcript of Leading In A Virtual World

© Doujak Corporate Development

ALWAYS VIRTUALLY CONNECTED“I picture myself having a headset on my head, laptop on my knees, mobile phone on the side, internal MSN and Skype connected: as we are having a conversation right now people are asking me questions about other topics through Skype –that’s the dynamic of being connected all the time.”

© Doujak Corporate Development

SMALL GARDEN vs. LARGE COMMUNITY GARDENS“Working locally: small garden with plants: easy to get an overview and easy to influence, observe and control. Working globally: community of houses with gardens. You can define the frame and direction but it is much more complex and needs many different factors to take into consideration. The inter-linkage between the gardens is also a very important topic. Changes are much more difficult to steer and control.”

© Doujak Corporate Development

REMARKABLE RUGBY COLLABORATION“Rugby team in the UK called the Barbarians – it has been around for 100 years. The whole team comes from different backgrounds - they are all international, what they have in common is that the know how to play. They all come together as a team – by sharing their experience they manage to communicate.”

© Doujak Corporate Development

A SPIDER WEB“It´s like a network, every point is connected through a line and it represents working together and collaborating. The spider is the headquarter, if the spider becomes too heavy, the net just tears apart. Need for balance between what the HQ does and how much freedom it is giving.”

© Doujak Corporate Development

A POINTILLISM PAINTING“Virtual teams are like a Pointillism painting: only from distance you see how things work. If you go closer you see the single points, you see a person specialized in risk management, another in project financing...to achieve the big picture it is essential that the individuals work together.”

Leading in a Virtual World.

What is Web 2.0?

© Doujak Corporate Development

Source: http://www.mckinseyquarterly.com/Six_ways_to_make_Web_20_work_2294

• Blogs (short for Web logs) are online journals or diaries hosted on a Web site and often distributed to other sites or readers using RSS (see below).

• Collective intelligence refers to any system that attempts to tap the expertise of a group rather than an individual to make decisions. Technologies that contribute to collective intelligence include collaborative publishing and common databases for sharing knowledge.

• Mash-ups are aggregations of content from different online sources to create a new service. An example would be a program that pulls apartment listings from one site and displays them on a Google map to show where the apartments are located.

• Peer-to-peer networking (sometimes called P2P) is a technique for efficiently sharing files (music, videos, or text) either over the Internet or within a closed set of users. Unlike the traditional method of storing a file on one machine—which can become a bottleneck if many people try to access it at once—P2P distributes files across many machines, often those of the users themselves. Some systems retrieve files by gathering and assembling pieces of them from many machines.

• Podcasts are audio or video recordings—a multimedia form of a blog or other content. They are often distributed through an aggregator, such as iTunes.

• RSS (Really Simple Syndication) allows people to subscribe to online distributions of news, blogs, podcasts, or other information.

• Social networking refers to systems that allow members of a specific site to learn about other members’ skills, talents, knowledge, or preferences. Commercial examples include Facebook and LinkedIn. Some companies use these systems internally to help identify experts.

• Web services are software systems that make it easier for different systems to communicate with one another automatically in order to pass information or conduct transactions. For example, a retailer and supplier might use Web services to communicate over the Internet and automatically update each other’s inventory systems.

• Wikis, such as Wikipedia, are systems for collaborative publishing. They allow many authors to contribute to an online document ordiscussion.

What is Web 2.0?

Source: http://www.mckinseyquarterly.com/Marketing/Digital_Marketing/How_businesses_are_using_Web_20_A_McKinsey_Global_Survey_1913?pagenum=3

© Doujak Corporate Development

How are companies using Web 2.0?

Source: http://www.mckinseyquarterly.com/Marketing/Digital_Marketing/How_businesses_are_using_Web_20_A_McKinsey_Global_Survey_1913?pagenum=3

© Doujak Corporate Development

• Deloitte: PBworks cuts the report editing process 90%

• Capgemini: PBworks cuts email 90% when coordinating a project with SAP and HP

• Increased collaboration

• Increased coordination

• Better, faster, more effcient

• Organic documenation

• Central knowledge base

What could be the benefits?

Source: http://pbworks.com/content/casestudies-business

© Doujak Corporate Development

“If people are allowed to interact socially at work, they are likely to engage more fully and for longer than those who are not allowed to.”

“Online networks could potentially be a more powerful employee engagement tool and benefit of employment than traditional employee benefits and other „top down‟ engagement strategies.”

What could be the benefits?

© Doujak Corporate Development

Source: London Business School

Leadership 2.0 is about...

• applying Web 2.0 to lead

• applying Web 2.0 to improve internalworking practises, increase productivityand collaboration

• „remote“ leadership

• a new leadership style for Generation Y

A definition

© Doujak Corporate Development

Leadership 1.0 Leadership 2.0

fairly static ↔ embraces change

opaque ↔ demonstrates transparency

delivers monologues ↔ celebrates dialogue

competitive ↔ employs collaboration

hoards resources ↔ practices sharing

aloof and detached ↔ welcomes engagement

rugged individualists ↔ builds community

What‘s the difference?

© Doujak Corporate Development

Source: http://michaelhyatt.com/2009/05/leadership-20.html

2.0 Questions

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„How can leaders use Web 2.0 to do what they do?“


© Doujak Corporate Development

„How can we, as consultants, use Web 2.0 to do what we do?“


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© Doujak Corporate Development

“We have been very customer driven and quite ad hoc. As we grow we are formalizing the process, but it is still driven by inspiration [and] passion from key stakeholders.”

Source: http://www.mckinseyquarterly.com/Marketing/Digital_Marketing/How_businesses_are_using_Web_20_A_McKinsey_Global_Survey_1913?pagenum=5

© Doujak Corporate Development

Creating Effective Virtual Teams

Source: CREATING EFFECTIVE VIRTUAL TEAMS by Professor Martha Maznevski, IMD

© Doujak Corporate Development


relationshipsManaging conflicts

LeadershipBuilding a

rhythmEmpowering the


• Die absolute Menge an Postings beziehungsweise die Intensität der Postings der Führungsperson: Will man Einfluss in einer virtuellen Gruppe erzielen, so muss man sich oft zu Wort melden.

• Kompatibilität der Postings mit dem generellen Diskurs im Forum und den geteilten Werten der Forumsteilnehmer: Will man in der Gruppe Einfluss gewinnen, so müssen die Beiträge Resonanz auslösen (gegenwärtige Themen der Gruppe aufgreifen) und geteilte Werte thematisieren.

• Mehrwert der Postings gegenüber anderen Beiträgen: Um einflussreich zu sein, müssen die Postings radikaler, klarer oder oder besser formuliert sein als andere Beiträge oder exklusivere Informationen enthalten.

Wie führt und verändert man eine virtuelle Organisation?

© Doujak Corporate Development

Source: Leaderless Jihad, Dr. Marc Sageman OE 2/09

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