Leading a learning community

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Transcript of Leading a learning community

Leading a Learning Community

Jonathan E. MartinLeadership 2.0 Open Course

October 23, 2012

Jonathan E. Martin 10 years experience teaching high school history 15 years experience principal/head of school, pk-12. Currently educational writer and consultant. BA, Harvard University; M.A, School Admin, U. of San Francisco

www.21k12blog.netTwitter: @JonathanEMartin



Alberta Standards:

The principal nurtures and sustains a school culture that values and supports learning, and

a) promotes and models life-long learning for students, teachers and other staff

b) fosters a culture of high expectations for students, teachers and other staff

c) promotes and facilitates meaningful professional development for teachers and other staff

d) facilitates meaningful parental involvement and ensures they are informed about their child’s learning and development.

Social /relational trust is foundational for meaningful school improvement.

4 considerations, each essential:

1. Respect.

2. Competence.

3. Personal regard for others: caring about them and extending yourself beyond your formal role.

4. Integrity: do what you say and say what you do

Five Facets1. Benevolence2. Honesty3. Openness4. Reliability5. Competence


We all want to be better leaders. And the best leaders, it turns out, are the most insatiable


How are you learning as fast as the world is changing?

Lead Learner

How are you learning as fast as the world is changing?

the best leaders (and learners) have the widest field of vision. 

Lead Learner

How are you learning as fast as the world is changing?

the best source of new ideas in your field can be old ideas from unrelated fields.

Lead Learner

How are you learning as fast as the world is changing?

successful learners work hard not to be loners. 

Nobody alone learns as quickly as everybody together.

Lead Learner

Participate in all LearningAttend PD

Be curious

Read books

Read Books




I use twitter to mine for teachable moments, interesting activities, and ways to broaden my thinking about teaching and learning.

If I have questions...there are people in my PLN who can help me. It has been a fun and interesting experiment for me.

Support Faculty in forming their own PLN’s


geometer’s sketch pad to design a duck google sketchup 3d printer for prototypes getting online on twitter to join educator hashtag

#edchats, synchronously and asynchronously videotaping lectures and posting them on

teacher websites, and how that advances learning;

favorite extensions for Chrome, including send-to-kindle and awesome screenshot;

schoology and edmodo uses in the classroom; AP English video projects; Wolfram Alpha uses in Science and Math classes; documentary videos in history; following senators on Twitter; integrating ALEKS.com in math classes open computer testing in theater history class;


"Collegial Conversations” from Cale Birk

For our activity, we came up with was a collaborative Google Document that asked three basic questions:

How will we select and/or identify the topic for the Collegial Conversations portion of each staff meeting?

How will we end the conversation?  What types of exit strategies do we need to have in place?

How do we ensure that we leave each staff meeting on a positive note?   

Visiting Other Schools

Visiting other schools






Egg rubric here….

http://goo.gl/G3Lwr (readings and resources)

Twitter: @jonathanemartin


