Leadership Through Partnership

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Global Citizenship Imperatives and Initiatives by Paul Miller Director of Global Initiatives Leadership Through Partnership Conference October 8, 2007

Transcript of Leadership Through Partnership

Global Citizenship Imperatives and Initiatives

Paul MillerDirector of Global Initiatives

Leadership through PartnershipOctober 8, 2007

One Imperative: a clear vision

• The trustee actively supports and promotes the school’s mission, vision, strategic goals and policy positions

-- NAIS principals of good practice

Vision Statements

• Powerful tools for bringing about change

• People often respond more enthusiastically to big and inspiring challenges rather than incremental change

-- Medard Gabel and Jim Walker in The Futurist Sept/Oct 2006

An Audacious Vision

• A clear, concise, compelling and daunting challenge that acts as a catalyst to focus and energize the institution

Built To Last

Jim Collins and

Jerry Porras

A Bold Vision for internationalization

• Based on school’s core values and mission

• Takes the institution’s basic identity and projects it on to a global stage

-- JoAnn McCarthy

The Chronicle of Higher Education

June 29, 2007

It’s not enough to just articulate a bold vision.

Successful Programs also:

• Invest in the vision

• Sustain the vision--McCarthy

“Vision without resources is just hallucination”

“A vision without action is but a dream. Action without vision is a waste of time. But vision with action can change our lives”

--Greg Henry Quinn

author, “365 Meditations for Teachers”

Action + Vision - to what end?

• We want our students to be:

• Global Citizens• Global Leaders • Social


Global Citizenship

A Moral Imperative

An Economic Imperative

Social Entrepreneurship

Social entrepreneurs are not content just to give a fish, or teach how to fish. They will not rest until they have revolutionized the fishing industry” – Bill Drayton, CEO, Ashoka.

Producing Global Citizens, Leaders and Social Entrepreneurs

• Globally Sustainable


with a

• Global Education Curriculum

Global Sustainability: NAIS Principles of Good Practice. Schools should

• Present a view of the world that invites and rewards curiosity concerning the richness and diversity of all human societies, and encourages respect for all people.

Good Practice Schools:

• Develop curriculum which helps students recognize how differing cultures, traditions, histories and religions may underlie views and values

Good Practice schools:

• Provide resources and activities in support of instruction which can help carry learning in the direction of world understanding.

Good Practice schools: Expect teachers,

administrators and other staff members to model respect for all peoples and cultures and to address constructively instances of bias or disdain for nationalities, cultures or religions outside of their own.

Good Practice Schools:• Seek beyond the

institution itself partnerships and networking which may help it promote global awareness, experience, and problem-solving for its students.

Good Practice schools:

• Educate and encourage parents to support school initiatives which promote global understanding.

Good Practice Schools:

• Seek a diversity of cultural, national and ethnic backgrounds in the recruitment of teachers and administrators.

That all adds up to Global Sustainability

• It is One of 5 sustainabilities NAIS promotes

(The others are financial, programmatic, environmental and demographic)

What about Curriculum?

We need a comprehensive approach

Don’t just hire someone or add a couple of programs

• The Council of International Schools has proposed standards

Students should

• discuss substantive matters of principle from multiple perspectives. (ETHICS)

• understand the histories, cultures, beliefs, values and perspectives of a range of individuals and peoples. (DIVERSITY)

Students should

• understand current issues of global significance relating to geopolitics, the environment, health, trade sustainable development and human rights. (GLOBAL ISSUES)

• attain fluency in the medium of instruction, in another language, and, with as much support as the school can offer, in their mother-tongue. (COMMUNICATION)

Students should

• develop the disposition to serve their community, local and global, through engagement in meaningful and reflective service. (SERVICE)

• acquire and refine the skills of leading and following; collaborating, adapting to the ideas of others; constructive problem-solving, and conflict-resolution through experiencing leadership in authentic contexts. (LEADERSHIP)

The NAIS version: skills and values

• Problem Solving Skills

• Values• Life and Work

Skills• Citizenship


Problem Solving Skills

• Critical Thinking• Non violent

problem solving

• Ethical decision making

Critical thinking: Literacies

• Basic• Scientific• Economic • Media• Technological • Computer • Information• Multicultural• Global


• Multicultural literacy –

ability to understand and appreciate similarities/differences in customs, values and beliefs of cultures.

• Actively engage with other cultures: languages, interaction

(Metiri group)

LiteraciesGlobal Awareness:

Recognition and understanding of interrelationships among international organizations, nation-states, economic entities, socio-cultural groups and individuals.

(Global education checklist -Czarra, 2002-03)

Global Awareness• Students are

knowledgeable of connectedness of nations historically, politically, economically, technologically, socially, linguistically and ecologically.

• Understand role of US in international relations.

(Global education checklist -Czarra, 2002-03)

Values• Ethics- ability to not only distinguish right

from wrong, but to make informed choices between two rights,

• Honesty

• Respect, tolerance, acceptance

• Willingness to look at things from the other culture’s perspective


• Commitment to social justice.

• Concern for the common good.

• Caring, compassion.

• Open mindedness • Personal



Life and Work Skills• Communication


• Curiosity

• creativity

• risk taking

• interpersonal skills

• Self-direction and ability to work w/out supervision

Life and Work Skills• Working effectively in

teams, collaboration• Listening • Learning - Shift from

educational plateaus to constant learning

• Adaptability

• Ability to prioritize plan and manage complexity (and uncertainty!)

Citizenship Skills

• Civic responsibility as well as freedom

• Democratic skills: commitment to democracy, understand democratic values and processes, speaking and debating skill

• Citizen locally, nationally, globally


Global Programs that work

• Partnerships with other schools

• Exchanges for students and faculty.

• Service Learning Trips

• Languages- taught sooner, taught more intensively

Our Programs

• Challenge 20/20 solving the world’s problems, two schools at a time

Our Programs

The Institute for Student Leaders

Our Programs

• China Connection III

• Other resources

• Arabic – help may

be on the way

Other NAIS programs

• Train the Trainers


• Model Curriculum

• Web Pages

• Communities


Train the Trainers

Service Learning trip to the Dominican Republic in cooperation with LiveLearning

School for Ethical and Gloal Leadership

Model Curriculum

Math working group –on line community

three hour workshop at Annual Conference


• Global Education • The NAIS Global Initiative's Objective, as part of NAIS's larger

sustainability initiative, is to assist independent schools in their efforts to nurture the skills and perspectives that help students become global citizens and global leaders, and to assist schools and their students in making contributions across borders.

• To assist NAIS member schools in their quest for a more global future for their students, NAIS will nurture partnerships and provide resources within an international framework.

• - NAIS Global InitiativesMission Statement

ISGweb for Associations

ISGwebISGweb Online Communit iesOnline Communit ies

Global Education Summit

• Keynoters: Ken Bacon and Kwame Anthony Appiah

• Discussion

• Lunch

• Three Hour workshops