Leadership lecture 1 for dr du plessis

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Transcript of Leadership lecture 1 for dr du plessis

Naicker 2010 1


Unit 1: Leadership in the guiding task of the educational leader

Lecture 1:

PRESENTER : Dr Pierre du Plessis

Naicker 2010 2

Lets Get Rid of Management

People don’t want to be managed.They want to be led.Whoever heard of a world Manager:World leader, Yes.Educational leader. Political leader.

Religious leader. Scout leader. They lead. They don’t manage.

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The carrot always wins over the stick.

Ask your horse.You can lead your horse to water, but you can’t manage him to drink.

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If you want to manage somebody,manage yourself.Do that well and you’ll be ready to

stop managing. And start leading.

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Leadership vs Management

Management – day to day activities/tasks, efficiency, organisation, implementing policy

Leadership – influencing, designing policy, inspiring, having vision, strategy, aligning followers, bringing about improvement/change, futuristic

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The concept Leadership Write down the names of some leaders

that come to mind. Jot down some words that come to mind

if you had to describe them. Discuss Reflect on these in the context of your

profession as a teacher. Who are the leaders in a school?

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The Concept Leadership cont. The root word of leadership is lead. Hence two or more people must be

present. There is movement towards a

common goal. The person leading must have

certain abilities – convince, inspire, direct, support, guide, vision, creativity

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The Concept Leadership cont.

Leadership can also be viewed as interactions – between leader and group, leader and followers, leader follower and situation.

Guiding is an action of influencing followers by equipping, inspiring, supporting…

Interaction depends on communication.

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The Concept Leadership cont.

The leader fills a certain role and has a certain status.

Hence the leader has a certain amount of authority, influence, power and prestige that is awarded to him/her.

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Definitions - Leadership

Leadership is the ability to influence a group towards the achievement of goals.

Leadership is the calling and characteristics through which the leader in a creative and dutiful way stimulates, directs and co-ordinates group interaction towards the accomplishment of group goals.[Reader-pg3]

Naicker 2010 11

Definitions – Leadership cont.

Leadership is the capacity and will to rally men and women to a common purpose and the character which inspires confidence. (Bernard Montgomery)

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LEADERSHIP – Historical Overview

1.Person (Qualities, attributes, traits – born with) Learn these to make leaders

2.Behaviour (What successful leaders do – not inborn) Effective leadership methods can be taught – people oriented and task oriented activities.

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3. Interaction between the leader’s traits, the leader’s behaviours and the existing situation.

-style and situation -path-goal theory (leaders-


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4. Leaders must be able to take the organisation through change.

5. Motivational theories of leadership – transactional and transformational

6. Leadership broader – leadership is the accomplishment of group purpose – multiple members

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7. Superleadership – leadership within each individual in the group. Rotation of leaders

8. Leadership as a social process – leader emerges social constructivism – teamwork concept (Why?)– flatter hierarchy – collective, collaboration, participation, democracy, distribution, teacher leadership

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LEADERSHIP THEORY 1The theory of qualities/traits This theory looks at the leader as a person

who has certain qualities/ traits. These qualities included the physical (eg

height), mental (eg intelligence) or personality traits (eg self-confidence) of a person.

This theory is based on the idea that leaders are born not made.

This theory ignores the situational/ environmental factors that play a role in a leader’s effectiveness (eg superheads failed to turn around failing schools in England)

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LEADERSHIP THEORY 2 Situation/contingency theory

The situation determines what style of leadership should be used. Thus leadership should be applicable and suit the circumstances, time and the location (context).

This theory is based on the idea that there is no best leadership style.

We can use this theory to match individuals to job requirements.

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LEADERSHIP THEORY 3The group function


Leadership is something that happens in and with a group. (Leadership is not in a single person and situation.)

This means that leadership may be shared amongst the group members. The group collectively has a leadership role to fulfil.

As the needs of the group changes the leader also changes.

In this theory leadership is the movement towards a group goal.

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The group function theory cont. Interpersonal relationships between

group members are important.

An advantage is that the contributions of other great thinkers help to achieve the goals.

This type of leadership is valuable to education because teamwork is necessary in a school.

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What Leadership styles

Leadership style is the manner in which a person executes/carries out his/her leadership.

Leadership style determines the effectiveness of a leaders management.

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Different leadership styles

1. Democratic leadership 2. Autocratic leadership3. Free rein4. Bureaucratic leadership5. Charismatic leadership6. Transactional leadership7. Transformational leadership8. Educational leadership9. Entrepreneurial leadership

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Democratic Leadership (Group-centred leadership) This style is participative. Staff are involved by consultation

in decision making. Open communication (voluntary

and spontaneous) is encouraged. Staff contributions are encouraged

and valued. Positive interpersonal


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Benefits of Democratic Leadership

Contributions from staff members enable creative and original ideas.

Different points of view/perspectives are shared enriching the discussion.

Staff feel ownership of decisions made.

Staff take collective responsibility for decisions made and accomplishment of goals.

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Autocratic leadership (leader-centred leadership) The leader dominates decision-

making and policy making. The leader makes decisions

without consulting or involving staff.

One-way communication between the leader and the group.

Leader assumes responsibility for decisions and goals.

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Autocratic leadership cont. Leader wants to fulfil his/her own

needs. Staff become dependent on leader. Leader approaches and instructs

staff individually. Leader is the ruler and

commander. Praise and criticism to staff

becomes personal rather than group oriented.

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Autocratic leadership

Dominating therefore has difficulty in working with others

May be appropriate in situations where there is a lack of discipline. Eg in the classroom.

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Free rein leadership(laissez-faire/individual centred)

Laissez (leave) – faire (do) The presence of the leader is not

felt. Staff have freedom to make own

individual or group decisions. Leader appeals to the personal

integrity of staff members. Individual feels totally trusted and

makes own decisions.

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Bureaucratic leadership The leader adheres strictly to the

law, rules and regulation to maintain his/her position but sometimes does as he pleases.

Teachers seen as merely employees.

Head-subordinate relationship. Authority from above (centralised)

– staff to obey.

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Bureaucratic leadership - Characteristics

High efficiency Predictable – set rules and

regulations Uniformity Impersonal – law does not take

person into account. Inflexible and rigid.

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CHARISMATIC LEADERSHIP Regarded by followers as having heroic

or extraordinary leadership abilities. These leaders have extremely high self

confidence, dominance, strong convictions in their beliefs, a strong compelling vision

They are prepared to make self-sacrifices, and demonstrate courage for their beliefs in the vision. Eg Nelson Mandela, Bill Gates

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Transactional Leadership The leader uses his/her position to

create an exchange process (transaction) to motivate followers.

Rewards for efforts (bonuses) Rewards for good performance

(promotion, good work reports) Recognises accomplishments

(praise, letters of recognition)

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Transactional Leadership cont.

Example of how a teacher can use transactional leadership - If everyone passes the class test the class will get an extended break. / Those who get the highest results get praised in the assembly.

Motivation by extrinsic rewards.

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Transformational leadership

Motivation by intrinsic ,moral purpose.

Inspires followers to go beyond their self interests and work for the good of the school by: Communicating high expectations Provides intellectual stimulation –

promotes intelligence, rationality in problem solving.

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Treating each person according to their individual needs - gives personal attention, coaches, advises, supports, mentors (fosters good relationships)

Uses charisma – provides vision, gains respect and trust of followers, models behaviour

Develops and empowers followers. Promotes teamwork, open


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Educational Leadership Leadership provided in the school

context to promote teaching and learning.

Various professional skills needed besides personality. Subject knowledge Knowledge of human nature Communication skills Decision-making skills

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Problem-solving ability Listening abilty Delegating skills

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Entrepreneurial Leadership

School leaders require business skills to improve the school by securing additional funding. These funds can be used to purchase resources such as equipment, textbooks, pay for extra teachers, pay for teacher training.

Benefit: Improve quality of education

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ASSIGNMENT 1 Read the following scenario and answer the

questions following.

You are a teacher at school X. Two big problems were identified at the school:

(a). The first is a little problem where the school grounds are excessively littered.

(b). The second is a disturbing increase in drug abuse.

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The school principal asks you to take responsibility for ONE of the two problems and to work on a solution to address the problem.

Identify the leadership style and theory you think would be the best option to resolve this problem. Motivate.

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Assignment no, Topic)LANGUAGE 10ARGUMENT 10GENERAL 5TOTAL 100

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define)EXPLANATION 35 (specifically explain how

you would use the above to solve the problem i.e what would you do.

CONCLUSION 10 (Recap/reinforce main points)

COVER PAGE 5 LANGUAGE 10ARGUMENT 10 (logical thinking)GENERAL 5 (overall impression)TOTAL 100

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Good leadership

Does not force others Does not oppose change Welcomes co-operation Acts on reason Does not seek own gain Wants to make progress Respects followers

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The five most typical patterns of leadership


1. Telling – Leader identifies problems and solutions and instructs (tells) others what to do. Leader makes decisions.

2. Selling – The leader decides and persuades (sells) others to accept decisions by pointing out the benefits.

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Typical patterns of leadership cont.

3. Testing – The leader decides and allows followers to comment or react. The leader listens and then makes the final decision.

4. Consulting – The leader involves followers from the beginning. The leader eventually selects the most promising solution.

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Typical patterns of leadership cont.

5. Joining – The leader joins the discussion as an equal group member. The group decides on a decision and the leader carries out the group decision.