Leadership and You in the School Library World Session 1322 January 30, 2009 Derrick Grose...

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Transcript of Leadership and You in the School Library World Session 1322 January 30, 2009 Derrick Grose...

Leadership and You in the School

Library World

Session 1322

January 30, 2009

Derrick Grose derrick.grose@ocdsb.c


Martha Martin mmartin34@cogeco.c

aMichael Rosettis


Leadership Qualities

• Vision

• Integrity

• Dedication

• Magnanimity

• Humility

• Openness

• Creativity

• Fairness

• Assertiveness

• Sense of Humour

• Selflessness

• Empowering


• Critical Thinker

• Communication

• Collaboration

“Few will have the greatness to bend

history itself; but each of us can

work to change a small portion of

events, and in the total of all those

acts will be written the history of

this generation.”

Robert F. Kennedy

Leadership Opportunities

• The Teaching Librarian*

• Building Strong Relationships in

your School & Beyond

• Reaching Out to the School


• Board Level & Beyond

• OLA Opportunities

• Additional Leadership Involvement

Building Strong Relationships in Your School &

Beyond• Collaborative Programming

• Collaboration – Special Projects (e.g.

grant initiatives, literacy, leadership)

• Technological Literacy

• Promoting Reading Literacy: Reading

Club, Literature Circles, DEAR, FVR …

Resource Pathfinders

Website Access

Boys’ Literacy

Technological Literacy

Promoting Reading

Building Relationships

Additional Ideas from Session


• Newsletter

• School Webpage

• Staff Meeting: −collaboration/sharing−new resources−requesting new partnerships

Reaching Out to the School Community

• Virtual Presence – School Library


• Formal Communication –


• Participation at Community Events

• Leading an Initiative (e.g. fundraising)

Formal Communication

Community Events& School Initiatives

Reaching Out to the School Community

Additional Ideas from Session Discussion:

• Family Literacy Night

• JK/SK registration (physical presence)

• Mini Booktalk during announcements

• Wiki for library; podcasts

• Author visits

Board Level & Beyond

• PA Day Planning

• Board Committees

• Board Initiatives

• Board Level Curriculum Writing

• Ministry Curriculum Review

• Ministry Curriculum Writing

• Teacher Federation Involvement

Board Level & Beyond

Additional Ideas from Session Discussion:

• PA Day planning: collection development; technology; new resources to go with PLC’s, etc.

• Welcome to Kindergarten Program

• Partner with Public Library

• Thank-you letters

OSLA Opportunities

• Listserv participation

• Teaching Librarian Magazine

• Super Conference volunteer

• Super Conference planning team

OLA Opportunities

Additional Ideas from Session


• Education Institute

• Knowledge Ontario

• Forest of Reading – selection

committee, steering committee,

volunteer at events

Additional Leadership Involvement

• Writing to your Local Newspaper

• Ontario Coalition for School Libraries

• Canadian Coalition for School


• People for Education



• OSAPAC survey

The Importance of School

Libraries “School libraries are places where students

can develop a passion for reading and

learning … [and] inspire our students and

help them succeed.” (Dalton McGuinty, Premier of

Ontario, 2006)

Contact InformationDerrick Grose

derrick.grose@ocdsb.ca http://lisgar.ca/library.php

Martha Martin mmartin34@cogeco.ca


Michael Rosettis michael.rosettis@ycdsb.ca http://stau.ycdsb.ca/library

Other Useful Sites

Book Babe Guide Wiki:http://


SATL Wiki (Special Assignment Teacher Librarian


Animoto – Video Site:


Image Chefwww.imagechef.com