Leaders Have Vision™ visionsolutions.com 1 MIMIX ® AVAILABILITY 7 Includes preview of 7.1 FCS...

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Transcript of Leaders Have Vision™ visionsolutions.com 1 MIMIX ® AVAILABILITY 7 Includes preview of 7.1 FCS...

Leaders Have Vision™ visionsolutions.com 1

MIMIX® AVAILABILITY 7Includes preview of 7.1 FCS

Technical Overview

for Business

The Industry Benchmark For Enterprise HA/DR

Last Updated: January 31st 2012

Leaders Have Vision™ visionsolutions.com 2


Professional, Enterprise, Global Licenses – Match your environment

Unlimited Application Groups – Individually switchable applications

Auto Object Registration – automatic configuration of new objects

Advanced Audit & Repair – self correcting / autonomic features

Dynamic Apply – parallel apply jobs maximize performance

Zero Downtime Backup – users are not interrupted to perform tape backups

Automated Switch – flexible switch, predictable RPO/RTO

Vision Solutions Portal (VSP) – portal based graphical monitor

5250 Menus, Screens & Commands – advanced integration and customization

MIMIX For MQ – WebSphere MQ messaging support

MIMIX Director Optimization Utilities – monitor/manage/optimize IBM i system

MIMIX Monitor Jobs – customizable event control

MIMIX Promoter – minimize down time while re-organizing & copying

Library Name Mapping – allows library renaming & duplicating

Bi-Directional (active-active) Flow – advanced workload balancing

Over 4000 licenses sold to over 2000 customers

The industry benchmark for enterprise HA

Ideal for enterprise type environments

Full feature HA & DR

MIMIX Dynamic ApplyHighest apply workloads in the industry

MIMIX Optimization

Extensive optimization utilities for IBM i environments


Vision Solutions Portal (VSP)

Sophisticated multi-node graphical HA & DR monitor

Leaders Have Vision™ visionsolutions.com 3




Companion to base product *which allows MIMIX Enterprise to support clustered-hybrid-node environments

with IBM Power HA For IBM i Enterprise Edition


Companion to base product*which allows MIMIX Enterprise to support clustered-hybrid-node environments

with IBM Power HA For IBM i Standard Edition


Companion to base product which allows MIMIX Enterprise or

Professional support clustered-multi-node MIMIX environments


Suitable for multi-node and hybrid topologies


Suitable for A to B topologies

The Industry Benchmark for Enterprise HA/DRfor Business

*available in stand alone mode (without MIMIX backup node)

MIMIX Migrate While Active Temporary MIMIX license used to help migrate data to new server(s) without down time

Leaders Have Vision™ visionsolutions.com 4

MIMIX and iTERA PositioningS










Transaction volumes over 100MJTPH per journal

Transaction volumes up to 20MJTPH per journal

Virtual Role Swap Test (unique in the industry)

Lower Cost than MIMIX Enterprise

Always-on autonomics (self managing & self correcting)

Multi node & hybrid cluster support

Graphical user interface

Library redirection

Programmers interface

Lots of user configurable features

Essential features for most A to B environments





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l MIMIX - Medium and Enterprise Business

Very easy to use

Easy to use

iTERA - Small and Medium Business

Can be user configured to be autonomic (self managing & self correcting)


Leaders Have Vision™ visionsolutions.com 5

MIMIX Professional and MIMIX Enterprise

Multiple instances on same system/LPAR 2 max



Compatible with MIMIX Global – IASP Edition -

Compatible with MIMIX Global – SAN Edition - One to many topology (A to B & C) 2 max

Library name mapping -

Intra system topology (A to A ) -

If you want clustered multi-node support, add MIMIX Global Base Edition to either MIMIX Professional or MIMIX Enterprise

Suitable for A to B topologies

Suitable for multi node

and hybrid topologies

Leaders Have Vision™ visionsolutions.com 6

Migrating to MIMIX (or iTERA) From OMS/ODS

Evaluate functionality of new product before migrating or replacing

OMS/ODS Customers, current on maintenance can migrate to MIMIX (or iTERA) and get extra functionality for free

Leaders Have Vision™ visionsolutions.com 7*(1) Zero seconds with synchronous RJ and <1 second typical for asynchronous RJ*(2) Depends on customers business applications and environment

How Does MIMIX Work? Consistent, reliable & predictable

switch times (minutes)

Backup IBM i System

Dynamic ApplyReader

Production IBM i System

multi-node graphical monitor

Maximum hardware flexibility, servers can

be different models, different storage and different OS release.

Multi-node and hybrid HA clusters

Low overhead remote journaling captures all data & object

changes in real time below MI interface and provides efficient transport over any distance.

Async and Sync modes

Backup database is always on-line, consistent and

ready (no vary-on required)

Multiple dynamic apply jobs

cooperate tomaximize apply


Extensive developments in autonomic capabilities

recently ensure very low


Consistent tape backups take place

on the backup system with zero

production downtime

Machine Interface

Leaders Have Vision™ visionsolutions.com 8

Graphical Monitor (Vision Solutions Portal - VSP)


Installed in the IFS

User defined permissions (incl. view only)

Respects all IBM i node security

Supports https


Portal Container

Included in both Professional and Enterprise licenses

Multi-node/instance monitoring and control

Fast response times

Strategic for multiple Vision products

Built on Apache Jetspeed-2 portal technology

Supports JSR-168/286 industry standards

Product Instances


Operator Actions

Leaders Have Vision™ visionsolutions.com 9

MIMIX 5250 Interface

MIMIX can be controlled with extensive set of CL commands.

Includes many retrieve and outfile commands which allow custom integration with other applications

Includes completion and escape messages which can be monitored

Command defaults can be changed

Easy to navigate SAA/CUA compliant Menus & Screens

Screens have extensive on-line ‘cursor sensitive’ help text

Leaders Have Vision™ visionsolutions.com 10

MIMIX GLOBAL Base Editioncompanion product

And while in recovery mode applications continue to have full HA/DR

Production applications are protected whilemaintaining two MIMIX backup systems in normal mode



All MIMIX Global Editions support up to 128 nodes in a single cluster

MIMIX Global Base Edition is a ‘companion product’ which can be added to MIMIX Professional or MIMIX Enterprise

Allows customer to extend traditional A to B topologies to multi-node* clustered topologies

Having two backup nodes gives you some operational advantages. Eg. Do un-interrupted tape backups locally while maintaining an hot offsite backup.

If you execute a planned switch you still maintain HA/DR which could be important if you have an SLA which states that you must never run without HA/DR.



Leaders Have Vision™ visionsolutions.com 11

MIMIX GLOBAL IASP & SAN Editionscompanion products

And while in recovery mode applications continue to have full HA/DR

Production applications are protected whilemaintaining two MIMIX backup systems in normal mode



MIMIX Global IASP & SAN Editions are ‘companion products’ which can be added to MIMIX Enterprise or used in ‘stand alone mode’

Allows customer to extend traditional A to B topologies to multi-node hybrid* HA/DR cluster topologies

A hybrid HA/DR cluster is one where both MIMIX and Hardware HA/DR backup nodes co-exist in the same cluster

Stand-Alone mode is for topologies where there is no MIMIX backup node

Having two backup nodes gives some operational advantages. Eg. Do un-interrupted tape backups locally while maintaining a hot offsite backup

If you execute a planned switch you still maintain full HA/DR (could be important if you have an SLA which states that you must never run without HA/DR)

SYSBAS replication is included



SAN Edition supports: Metro Mirror, Global Mirror & LUN Level SwitchingIASP Edition supports: Synchronous/Asynchronous Geo Mirror & LUN Level Switching

Leaders Have Vision™ visionsolutions.com 12

MIMIX Dynamic Apply

Multiple applyTasks (sessions) work in parallel

Leverage multi-core multi-task


Cooperative ProcessingAllows efficient cooperative processing of apply workload in mult-processor and multi-core environments resulting in faster apply rates

Self-Maintaining File RelationshipsIntelligently handles relationships between physical and logical files by assigning them to the same or appropriate apply sessions each time you start replication

Self-Maintaining Data IntegrityAutomatically maintains data integrity of replicated objects including operations such as creates, deletes, moves, and renames

Power 7 Chipscan run 32 tasks

(quadruple that of Power 6)

MIMIX 7.1 FCS Achieved over 290 MJTPH* in this environmentA new industry record!

9117-MMB (770), Feature #4980, 350GB Memory, DS8800 storage mixed HDD and SSDs, V6R1M1, Multiple MIMIX Data Groups, MIMIX 7.1 FCS, IBM Montpellier Test Environment, Calls and Billing applications, Oct 2011

Leaders Have Vision™ visionsolutions.com 13

Data Groups & Application Groups

A data group* is a logical grouping of database files, data areas, objects, IFS objects, DLOs,

Defines a unit of work by which replication activity is controlled.

A data group may represent an application, a set of one or more libraries, or all of the critical data on a given system.

Application environments may define a data group as a specific set of files and objects

Application Groups* allow users to group and control multiple data groups as one entity.

8=Display status

*This is true for Professional, Enterprise & Global licenses

*Sometimes called ‘Data Resource Groups’ and ‘Application Resource Groups’

There is no limit on how many Data Groups or Application Groups can be defined in MIMIX*

Leaders Have Vision™ visionsolutions.com 14

MIMIX AutoGuard

MIMIX AutoGuard is a set of features which automatically detect and correct replication issues either in real time or during automatically scheduled audits

Audits - Audits are predetermined programs that are used to check for known conditions, preferably at regularly scheduled intervals

Automatic Recovery - if AutoGuard identifies an issue which is known to interfere with maintaining switch readiness, it will automatically start recovery actions to correct them. For example a record that failed to update a target file

Complience - MIMIX determines compliance by verifying whether successfully completed audits or regular switches occur within a time range defined in policies

Policies – Allow users to enable/disable/change AutoGuard actions at a Data Group level

Notifications – Alert operation when AutoGuard activities end in error

MIMIX AutoGuard significantly simplifies the amount of time and effort required to maintain your MIMIX environment for availability and switch readiness.

Sometimes called ‘Autonomics’

Audits that willrun automatically for

this Data Group

Automatic Recoveryhas been enabledfor this Data Group

Data Group name

Leaders Have Vision™ visionsolutions.com 15

MIMIX Optimization

Gartner Research has identified that the difference in TCO between an unmanaged and a well-managed system can be as much as 36 percent.

iSCORE utility calculates your system health

System health details displayed graphically

System health analyzed automatically

System cleaned up to improve health automatically

System health reports

File re-organizers

Event managers & monitors

Spool management


Object level analysis including user generated views

Automatically keep your IBM i environment healthy

Utilities Designed to Help Analyze, Optimize and Manage your IBM i Environment

Current system health

Storage utilization

Leaders Have Vision™ visionsolutions.com 16

MIMIX Optimization Utilities

JBT Job Tracking

JOB Active Job Analysis

OBJ Object Enquiries

OPR Operations

OPT Optimizer

PER Performance

PGM Program & Performance

RIP RWA - In Place

RWM RWA - Mirrored

SAV Save & Restore

SEC Security

SPA Break Down Of Spools

SPL Spool & Management

TMP Temporary Storage Monitor

TSK Task Scheduler

ARC Archiving

CAL Calendar & Schedule

CEQ Customized Enquiries

CFG Configuration

CLN System Clean Up

DOM Domains & Change History

DSH Health Dashboard

DXR Dynamic Cross Reference

EVT Event Manager

EXP Exit Point Control

FIL File Enquiries

HLR Health Reports

IFS Integrated File System

ISR iSCORE Report*(1)

*(1) Separate install without a license fee (to allow a quick initial analysis of a system/LPAR)

Utilities also sold separately as a separate product called MIMIX Director

Leaders Have Vision™ visionsolutions.com 17

3.3 iOptimize License Consolidation(Packaging & Documentation)


Previously there were four license types i.e. ‘Director' , ‘Director Enterprise ', 'RWA Mirrored' , ‘MIMIX Optimization Feature' which each offered subsets of functionality. These have been consolidated now into a single license which includes all functionality.


Allows v7.1 users to get all functionality at no extra cost.

More Functionality No More Cost

DIRECTOR 8.1Utilities

DIRECTOR 8.1Enterprise





MIMIX Optimization



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Disclaimer This is a First Customer Ship (FCS) release. There may be changes right up to the General Availability

(GA) Date.

Leaders Have Vision™ visionsolutions.com 18

Application Group Switching – Proc & Step

User DefinedApplication Group Name

User DefinedProcedure Name

User definedstep within the


How long the step took

to run

Current status ofstep

Procedures & Steps (Proc & Step Feature) allows users to define procedures which are user initiated and run automatically against an application group

Most common uses of Proc & Step are: Planned Switch ProcedureUnplanned Switch Procedure

Each application group can have its own user defined switch procedures

Each procedures is made up of multiple user defined steps, each step identifies a program to execute.

Procedure starts one job for the application group and an additional job for each of its data groups. Jobs run in parallel.

Procedure history is stored so you can see who run which procedure, when and a detailed log of each step that was executed.

‘One Button’ SwitchingPredictable RTO & RPO

Application Groups plus Proc & Step are recommended Best Practices in MIMIX 7

Leaders Have Vision™ visionsolutions.com 19

Library Name Mapping

Allows library renaming & duplicating

Example 1:

Problem: Customer wants to consolidate two environmentsinto one backup environment but library names are the same on both production systems

Solution: Library Name Mapping enables both environments to co-exist on a single backup system or single backup LPAR

Production System 1

Backup System

Production System 2

Backup System

Example 2:

Production System

Backup System

Solution: Library Name Mapping enables the common library to be selected in more than one Data Group and renamed on the backup so that there are multiple complete mirrored backup environments.

Problem: Customer has a multi-environment business application which uses a common library and wants to create separate and complete backup environments

Leaders Have Vision™ visionsolutions.com 20

Bi-directional (Active-Active) Flow

Advanced workload balancing

MIMIX AVAILABILITY 7 allows users in two locations to update local data and MIMIX will keep this data synchronized bi-directionaly with a remote system. This is configured at data group level using

unique key replication. MIMIX HA 6.0 also allows automatic collision resolution which is configurable

Bi-directional flowkeeps data synchronized

Users at location AUpdate Customer Info locally

Users at location BUpdate Customer Info locally

Spread application workload across more than one system Accelerate role swap time (some environments)

AdvantagesConsideration: When implementing bi-directional replication there are special considerations which are environment specific. Bi-directional replication should therefore only be implemented with assistance from Vision or Vision partners technically certified in MIMIX.

Leaders Have Vision™ visionsolutions.com 21

MIMIX 7.0 New Features 1/2

Application Groups: Application groups allow several data groups to be combined for easier management and switching

Vision Solutions Portal (VSP): New graphical monitor based on a portal container and portlets. Allows multi-system monitoring and switching and basic problem resolution from an all-new strategic GUI

V7 GA: Sept 13th 2010

MIMIX Optimization: Collection of 29 utilities (MIMIX Director) which help analyze and optimize the System i environment and help keep it healthy. Portlets integrated in VSP. Included in both Enterprise and Professional license. Industry First: First HA solution to have System Optimization included

*(1) MSF still supported in 7 to provide backward compatibility Optimization portlets

HA Portlets


Proc & Step: User defined procedures and steps allow user defined ‘one button switch’ processing at application group level

Leaders Have Vision™ visionsolutions.com 22

MIMIX 7.0 New Features 2/2

OMS/ODS Migration Tools: 3 new tools which can be used to help migrate ORION 1.2 / 6.0 to MIMIX HA 7.0. Step 1: Install MIMIX 7.0, create system and transfer definitions. Step 2: Run EXPPRDCFG to extract OMS/ODS configuration Step 3: Run CRTMMXDFN to create MIMIX configuration Step 4: Manually check MIMIX configuration Step 5: Run STRCVTAG to start convert at application group level

Database Apply Cache: Apply performance improvements of 35%-45% can be achieved in some environments by providing user configurable caching feature which runs on the backup node (similar to IBM option 42) – Enables/disabled at data group level. Uses commit boundaries to cache updates in memory on the backup.

Parallel Access Path Maintenance: Apply performance improvements of 75%-100% can be achieved in some environments by delaying access path maintenance on user specific files. Includes maintenance parameters and monitors for easy setup

Audit/Object Level History: History of all auditing now easily accessible on-screen

V7 GA: Sept 13th 2010

MIMIX Global: Companion product in 3-editions . Allows support of multi-node MIMIX clusters & hybrid node clusters. Includes management, monitoring, switching and *SYSBAS replication

Leaders Have Vision™ visionsolutions.com 23

MIMIX 7.1 New Features

Five Areas Of FocusTwenty Five* New Features

*.Some of these can be broken down into more sub features

1. Performance

1.1 Fast Journal Read1.2 Fast Commit1.3 Fast Commit Rollback1.4 Fast QAUDJRN Processing1.5 Fast IFS Data Group Start1.6 Fast Lock Allocate/Release

2. Audit & Self-Heal

2.1 Prioritized Object Audit2.2 Unauthorized Change Notification

3. Packaging & Documentation

3.1 Director Rebranding to iOptimize3.2 iOptimize Release Harmonization3.3 iOptimize License Consolidation

4. iOptimize

4.1 Fast Cross-Reference4.2 User Configurable Cross-Reference4.3 Customizable Banners on Health Reports4.4 Graphical IFS Explorer4.5 User-Class Security4.6 System Value Defaults Report4.7 Mass Group Action4.8 Growth Forecast4.9 Processing Window4.10 Expand Object Detail4.11 Dashboard Refinements4.12 Job Accounting

5. Monitoring & Tracking

5.1 Arrivals & Backlog Graphs5.2 Replicated Object List


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Disclaimer This is a First Customer Ship (FCS) release. There may be changes right up to the General Availability

(GA) Date.

Leaders Have Vision™ visionsolutions.com 24

Arrivals & Backlog Graphs(Status Monitoring)


New portlet captures statistical information at regular intervals including 'arrivals on source' (journal workload), 'replication backlog' (apply lag) and' RJ backlog' (comms lag). This information is displayed graphically to show peaks and valleys of workload plus periods where lags may have occurred.

The information is also available in the form of data tables. History is retained for a 2 month period.


Allows for better understanding of the environment and helps highlight areas for improvement.

Shows Historical Workloads& Replication Performance


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Disclaimer This is a First Customer Ship (FCS) release. There may be changes right up to the General Availability

(GA) Date.

Leaders Have Vision™ visionsolutions.com 25

ProductionModel 520


Custom Online

Banking +MQ Series

MIMIXLocal Backup

Model 5202-CoreV6R1

MIMIX Global 7.0 – Base Edition

Topology Features Local HA/DR system (B1) Remote HA/DR system (B2) Three node MIMIX Global cluster Fully automatic SYSBAS replication Vision Solutions Portal (browser based GUI) Automated Self-Correcting audits Fast dynamic apply processing Automated switch/switch back operation Automated MQ Series support Optimization utilities (Director)

Benefits Enables true 24 hour business One button fast (1) switch operation One button fast (2) switch back operation Zero downtime backup (SAVLIB with exclusive lock) Full HA/DR during planned maintenance (B2) Full site failure protection (B2) No IASPs needed OS release flexibility (V5R4 – V7R1) Low administration (5 minutes per day) Low communications bandwidth to remote site Built on robust industry proven MIMIX technology Low resource utilization (<5% CPU per node) RPO = last transaction RTO = 30 minutes (1)

No IASPs needed

Online Banking

Data Centre 2

Data Centre 1



Live Since

December 2011

Vision Solutions Portal



MIMIXRemote Backup

Model 5202-CoreV6R1


Zero downtime backup

(exclusive lock)

(1) Switch time (RTO) is predictable for MIMIX and depends mostly on the application and environment. 30 min – 60 min is typical

(2) Switch back after planned maintenance takes 30 min - 60 min

Leaders Have Vision™ visionsolutions.com 26

MIMIX Support

24X7 Support – telephone, e-mail, on-line First level MIMIX support from certified local business partners Second level MIMIX support from support centers:

Rochester MN Manchester UK Hong Kong

Third level MIMIX support from development lab in Rochester MN On-line knowledge base On-line incident tracking Regular Service Packs (approx every 2 months) On-line software upgrades On-site assistance (extra cost)

Leaders Have Vision™ visionsolutions.com 27

Thank you