l:D BROWNVILLE, NEBRASKA, THURSDAY, MARCH fcdvei tinmen t mint be paid for ESTABLISH l:D 1856....

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Transcript of l:D BROWNVILLE, NEBRASKA, THURSDAY, MARCH fcdvei tinmen t mint be paid for ESTABLISH l:D 1856....


















ADVERTISING KATES. fue:ias, coleap? b co.,Insertion( lint ft) firstiq- -

1, siikseqornt w.-r.kon- I 1 " S.- fl i X" I ili V .It x . E , I I i V 1 ' i I rV'.iber aa4 Proprietors,Cards of fire line or lessjlnm too V. i t . h "V h "V i ; . . l V Mi f I r V , !

try notices, nu--n

oeluran, one year, et.ownvii.lt. Ni:r. r..-- -pghtbeolumn.slx months, $15;

r.fh column, one yealr - - -If I l V -- w V

column, six nrorUha, fa ; three month. 15 00fourth M w - b One eory, one yer.... f 3 C -yt.--column, onen-- jf One copy, tlx monliii 1 O'JJUU coiumn.mx monU,; thrar month a 00 - -One column, one year a... M 00

ODlonB.lnlontliSV: three month 30 00

47-A- ll

In advance,tmnscleut fcdvei tinmen t mint be paid for ESTABLISH l:D 1856. BROWNVILLE, NEBRASKA, THURSDAY, MARCH 3, 18T0. VOL. 14.--NO. 20. Of u!l kinds, Uoae on n!iortnot;c?sr.il t rf.v r,- -



0(flre, No. 70, McPheraon Block, vp it.lr.I

1TT0ENEVM d: COUNSELOUS AT UW.OftT In Court TTou?e Building

WlH rlvediltcent uttentiou to any legal bnslneag

truil to tlifircure, 4a-- tf J


and General Land Arnt,Tenim!!, Johnson County, NrbrMka.


t)rrn-- No. POfKeynold. Hotel.


. IXCHANCEnY,orrK'K Dittrlct Court Room.


j;braka City. Nebraska.


Tociimweh, Joliaeon County, yb.KYE A IIU3IPUREY,

aTTOBXEYS 3c COUNSELORS AT LAW,rioiiH City, Pawnee Co.. 'eb.


Bailee. Ouge County, Nebraek a.

piitsiciaks.VT. IL KIM BERLIN, M. D.

HTHCIAW ANI SURGEON TO NEB.L ETE AND KAll INFIK2IAUY.Omci-- K Maln-et- . OrncKHora-7a.n.toT.- M.

il c TnmjiAN,TITIICIAK AND SURGEON.r OfflceNo. S5 il.n Street.

Qgi kowr from 7 to II a. m. and 1 to 4 p. m.


Offlce In City Ilrug Stoie, Mala-- U


PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON,OSee In D. H. Lcwla A Co.'! Drug Store,

Olce houri from 7 to 8 a. m.; and 1 to 2 and 8 S' to';tl.m.



OSee over itannaferdjt HcFali'e Furniture store.'


Office Sa District Court Room.VU1 live preiapt attention to the aale of Real

raymeaief Taxes throughout the Neoxahalast DisirlcU


Cfflce wl 4 Probate Judge.Will atUnd to the Payment orTaiea rorIon

Ksr aeat Land Own?s 1b Nemaha County, Corren--

oeaeuee scllclled.


NOTARY PUBLIC A CONVEYANCER,Office In J. L. Carsoa'a Jlarvk.


Is'o. 72 Main St., second floor.Agent for the JCquItable and American Tontine

XI fe insurance Companies,



No. H Atalii st7s 11 aesertraent Drugs, Paints, Jtooks, Stationery,

., so baud, and sola at a holesale

I). H. LEWIS CO.,fsuot'icaaoRs ro noia adat a ov




Office and U'areroora 42 Mnin-.- ,Dealer In all kinds f Uraia nd Country Pre-oe- a.


Asplnll. Nebraska.The klghest taarket price, pal for anything the

Hrmr can raise. We will buy and sell sverytlilngksewn Is the market.


DIALERS IN GENERAL MERCHANDISEo, 72 Maln-eU- , Mcpherson Block,


erwaraia A CwbibsIsbIob Mereaat,4' No. : Naln-st- ., Brownvllle,

r ti.r. pinwi Ktnrea. Furniture. c. al- -srsos band. H igte-- 4 market price paid fee iildee,

rsiis, t urm. and Country rrvs.i'ce.



RtoTsa, Hard ware. Carpenter's Tools, Blacksnslthrsrnisbings, Ac., constantly on namv,


No. 7S MsJa-et- .


ARXKSS, BRIDLES, COLLARS, Etc.No. 9 Maln-st- .

Vsndlng done to order, tatlsfactlon guaranteed.



No. U Maln-s- L

Gas constantly on Utm3 a food assortment ofi ruis, Ladie s. Xias' and CbtfUwna liootsand

Mii. (usumi work done with umutess and dls--Paten. Impairing done on short jautlca.



S Ko, a Maln-a- oppoalUe City Drug iitor.Mss. Cakes. Fresh iind. Conlwctionrry. LlgUt4 fancy Groceries. OoiisianJJjr OJi band.


3f o, 40 Malnt. .

fnth Bread, Cakes, Oysters. FrulU. etc., on hand.


No. 44 Maln-s- t.

uusiaMRS. J. M. GRAHAM,

TEACHER OF MUSIC.Rooms, Maln-st- .. bet. 4th and 5th.

riven on the Piano, Organ. Melodeon,ailar and Vocalization. Having had eiht years

etperinc as teacher of SI usiC lu New York Ucun-is- nt

of glTiag Katlsfactiou.


U. S. WAR CLAIM AGENT,Washington City, D. C

- 111 attend to the prosecution of clslms before the'fcPanmiit In person, for Additional Bounty. Back

and FrDKtons. and all claims accruing againstoTernment during the late war.



l"he hew. Wines and kept on hand.


No. 4. Whitney's Block.



STEVENSON A CROSS, PROPRIETORS.Front-et- , between Msin and Atlantic.-

This Ilonoe has Jtint been nm(Klc led. Inclde andout. SSUifie Olllce for all points West. Oiunibusseetoalltraius.


88 & 90 Main street, Brownville.Bert accommodBtions In the city. New House,

newly furnished. In the heart of business part 01cUy. Lu ery stable convenient, 4i-iw-n


Front-st- ,, beL Main and Water.A rood Feed and Lirery Stable In connection with

the House.



THE PEACE.Off.ce In Court House u!ldlng.


PIONEER BOOK AND NEWS DEALER.City Book Store, No. 90 Maln-s- t



Sole agent for R. W. Smith's Patent Truss Bridge.Tbestrongest and best wooden bridge now la use.



IT as on hand a'tpletdid stock of Goods, and willmake them up In the latest styles, on short noticeand reasonable terms.


BLACKSMITHS A HORSE SHOERS.First-st- ., bet Main and Atlantic.

All work done to order and satisfaction guaranteed.


DEHTISTci? Would respectfully

announce Unit he has- located in Urownyllle

and Is now prepared

"- V- niHiiner. ALL operations pertaining tothe Hclence of Den- -tUtry.

Office Over City Drug Store, lroat room. 1M



WAGON MAKING, Repairing,V IMows, nnl all work done) In the lxst

manner and on short notice. Satislaction guaran-antcc- d.

Give him acalL I4-l- y.


eooiisiif o

.... MAKER.Na. 15

Main Street,5k BROWNVILLE, NEB.

ITas constantly on hand a superior stock of Bootsand shoes. Custom work done with neatness anddispatch.- -


PAINTER,Grain cr V Pajicr Hanger,


Brownvllle, Nebraska.3M f


CHE, 0011


OrowiivlIIe, IVcbrasIta.OFFERS his pen ices to the public,

confident belief that lus workwill meet the approbation of his patrons.

Shellenbcrger 3ro3.ARD17ARE L1E0CIIIII1IS

No. 74,9IcPIicrsoiis IIIocK,




ARCHITECTS &CUILDERSAre prepared to furnlcb. 9



of the latest and most approved styles.

ALSO TAKE CONTRACTS!J.U. kind 0 Job Work Aone. to order!

trmof, corner Main and Second streets,


Clocks, Watches, JewelryNo. 59 Main Street, Brownvllle.

JOSEPH SHUTZ,f3L Ha Jit op.nel and w ill constantlytJV kc-- r on IuukI a hirp nd well assortedE; .Kto-- ot ttitultwrtlclR In his line.Repairing of Cltn-ks- , Waieh!, nd Jcw- -

eiry uone oa enorv iw.ut.4LL irOiJA' WAMtAXTED.


C. M. KAUFF3IAN,rnoraiKToa

40 Maln-st- ., BrowaTille.This nuse has been remodeled and refirnlRhed

throughout, and alTonls thebet a(cnimolationslnthe citv to the local and trveitne public. It I con-trail v Watd, stRces for the West, and OmnibusSir a"! trains, to tnnn the Hheriuan lloutw Fnirtirst ciawa, rtiarRes moilerale. l.VwT


THE rtONKEB,Is fully prepared to do all kln0 of

HOUSE.SIGH.CARRIAGE,Oinomental Paint ins:,

Gntldtng, Glazing-- Pperhaglng, Ae.

JOB WORK, Neatly and PlainlyO Executed, at the Ad vert laer Job Rooms.


AND CAPS.-andBtylo- s, -- All Varietiesat lZETZELts.

VOICES.Hnld the lllly to the bey,'Come, rover, lodjte with me.And I'll distill for theI La re sweets to mnke honle ;"

And the bee, sharp and wise,Plunged into Paradise.

To" the lark rtpon the lea,The cloud hailed. 'Fly to nle.And I will breathe on theeThe dewa of hp.rmonle;"

And the lark Jubilant,Rose heavenward with a chant.

BJffhed tho white moon, pensl Telle,ing, nlrhtlnfiale. to me,

And I will ope to t.heeClear wells of ecsUsle;'

And sweet the nightingaleThrilled all the :iooky ralej

Moaned the lover by the tree,"Hastebeautlful, vo me, .

And bending on true knee.Pure heart I'll give to thee-- "

And, mooning in her charms,Hhe glimmered to his arms.

Tlnsley'a Magazine.



Adopted by the Xonual Class.

. "A place for everything and every-thing in its place" is good maxim, especially so for the teachers, for If thereis any calling or avocation in lifewhich requires order and exactness, itIs the business of teaching. Yet, howmany teachers there are whose transactions are kept in so loose and disororderly a manner as to put to defianceall method or form ; and the taskwhich otherwise would be pleasantand agreeable, becomes a tiresome andunsatisfactory undertaking.

The merchant who wishes to be suc-

cessful does not jumblehis accounts together in an inextrica-ble way, but is careful to have every-thing arranged with order and pre-

cision. His bqoks present a conciseas well as copious exhibit of nil his af-

fairs. It takes but a glance to ascer-tain the exact state of his business,whether prosperous or adverse ; andthe task is performed with ease auddispatch, which, if not systematical-ly arranged, would be arduous indeed.

So, also, order in ali things h themark of a good teacher. He cannotfail to command respect as a teacher,who is prepared if called upon, to exhibit the exact standing ol his schooln every department without spend

ing a weary hour of toil in decipher-ing his vague and ambigious state-

ment. To accomplish this purpose,much depends upou the form of the"Teachers' Schedule," which, to ar-

range property, is often a dreadedtask to the teacher. And then, frequently, he finds that it does notmeet every requirement; either it isunwieldy and inconvenient, or someexigency has been left unprovided.

To meet these difficulties, to someextent, and contribute something towards a system in education, we wouldpresent to the public the followingschedule as a simple and comprehen-sive method of keeping a school register. Although we do not claim thatit is entirely original with us, we haveintroduced some improvements whichcannot fail to be useful aud conven-ient. We have recommended a sys-

tem of marking whioh will enablethe teacher to "balance" his books atthe end of each week so that it willrequire but a glance to ascertain thestanding and attendance of each pupiland the average of the whole schoolfor any day or week in the year. Also,at the end of the term this methodwill prevent the arduous and perplex-ing task, of which so many complain,of enumerating separate marks toascertain the average attendance,which is unsatisfactory and uncertainat the best. Although some object-ions may be urged, we do not hesitateto present It to the public as a simpleand comprehensive method, andwould urge its adoption by the teach-ers of the State:

" 1


Cl T.


til Conductmarks

j Days

Friday. S XXXrihuraday.Wed'sdny.Tuesday... XS

8 iMorday... XNN.XX


1 marksI11V8 Rt- -tendance I- -Friday X XXX0 (Thursday. IXXXXo !!Vv'eriHlay. SXXXXXiw iTucsday X"-X-X

lMonday N

Jomiucttnvrkt L"C'"-g- "Mays at--teinlance cc re --r m o -


6M I? I'rl.l.n I L -- l I I

Thursday.H j jtVeJ'aday. n,U;;

jlTuealay., si;Hk jlMonday... fcU,

Conduct I

marks oegsew g e

2 lftjs at-- Ltendance c:a:-- i-

. j Prrday 1 , h'O jTho'nolav. I

Wed'alay. H-i- N

1;Tues.lay lSHjO j Monday. s

Age I rs n! 7T7T.I

x x w1 a 5

J i l 5Slt ;il?; oeSecb.

Number- -, j jj


Attendance. An oblique line madefrom right to left denotes that the pu-

pil was present in the forenoon, andan oblique line from left to right thathe was present In the afternoon ; two

oblique lines crossing each other thathe Was present all day.

2d. Days Attendance. Id this column write the number of days eachpupil ba3 attended during the week.

3d. Conduct Marls. In thi3 column write each pupil's standing forthe week j what should be consideredgood and what bad conduct, and howit should be marked. The teachermust be his own judge. But wewould suggest a method perhaps notwithout worth. Let ten be the high-est mark any pupil can obtain andfive the medium mark. Then if thepupil neither receive a credit nor a de-

merit mark, he will have the medi-um standing. If he receives an equalnumber of merit and demerit marks,they will balance each other, and hisstanding will still be five. If he re-

ceives more merit than demerit marks,his standi hg Will be represented by anumber greater than five : JE. G. . Ifhe has received three merit marksand one demerit mark, hi3 standingwill be five plus their difference orseven. If the pupil should receivemore demerit than merit marks, hisstanding will be greater than five.;E. G. If he has received three de-

merit marks and me merit mark, hisstanding will be represented by five,decreased by their difference or three.If he should receive a merit mark ev-

ery day, at the end of the week hewill receive ten for his standing, orthe maximum mark provided thereare no special marks. The meritmark is a small dot placed on the leftof the attendance ' mark, thus XThe demerit mark is a dot placed onthe right of the attendance mark,thus X . If there are any specialmerit marks, generally called headmarks, they are represented by a dotplaced above the attendance- - mark,thus .

4th.' Total Days Attendance. Addthe'numbers representing the weeklyattendance from left to right andplace the sum in this column.

5th. Total Days Absent. These arethe difference between the number ofdays in the term and the days thepupil ha3 attended.

6th. Total Conduct Marks. Theseare found in the same manner as theattendance marks.

7th. The total attendance for eachweek is found by adding the numbersopposite each pupils name in the column designated ; E. G. Total daysattendance for the first week in themodel is twenty.

8th. The total conduct marks foreach week is found in the same manner.

9th. The average attendance andaverage standing lor eacn day arefound by dividing the total amountby five ; E. G. The average attendance for each day in the first week isfour, and the average standing is six.

10th. The average attendance, theaverage number of pupils absent andthe average standing for each day inthe whole term, are found by dividingthe same of each of their respectivecolumns by the number of days in theterm; E. G. In the model given, theaverage attendance is four, the averageabsence two and the average standing6ix. The last three columns need notbe added until the close of the termunless desirable. In 'the model wehave only represented one month forwant of space, but presume it will besufficient to explain the design.

For a convenient and. comprehen-sive method of keeping the term re-

cord or making out the final report,we would call the attention of thepublic to "White's Common SchoolRegister," which will be found sim-ple and adapted to every requirement.

The careful and candid considera-tion of every teacher is respectfullyInvited to the above schedule, and ifit is found to possess any merit, wouldurge itsadoption throughout the State.If improvement can be made or ob-

jections urged, it is open for discus-sion; and we heartily invite an inter-change of views upon the subject.

It is the object of the Normal Class,in presenting this and perhaps a seriesof articles to the public, to arrive at ageneral system of education, whichis eminently essential for the harmo-nious working of our common schools.

We shall endeavor, by compilingfrom standard authors and by sugges-ting various improvements of ourown, to present a summary of thegeneral principles necessary In the artof teaching, which will perhaps provevaluable aid to those teachers whohave neither the time nor as efficientmeans for obtaining these facts.

If we wish our common schools tobe a success, we must adopt somemethod which will prevent a revolu-tion in the manner of instruction andschool discipline each time a newteacher Is employed. Hence, we hopethese reports which we pullish fromtime to time will not only prove val-uable hints, but that they will be putto a practical application.

G. E. Howard,Committee.

A liquor dealer in Indianapolis oneday last week sold a customer fromthe country a jug of whisky. Thenext day, being dry, he tried to drawa morning's potation, but lo! itwouldn't run. Early in the daycountry customer cailed ipon theliquor dealer for explanation. "I'llswear! them d d boys have gone andsold you summer whisky! ' Here,boys, change this for winter whisky,and if ever !" Lc.

- A young man in Lonisvtlle recent-ly examined a keg of damaged gun-powder with a red-ho- t poker, to see ifit was good. It is believed by hisfriends that he has gone to Europe,although a man has found some hu-man bones, and a piece of shirt-tai- l,

about twenty miles from Louisville.

Speech A beaator Tipton before IT. S.Conjris Delivered February 11th,A5UMr. IVsidcni: I expect to vote for

tue Dinjor tne admission of Missis-sippi ; lit I do not understand thut itis necef&ry in doing so that I shouldinvestigte the past legislationoe mei country ior tne purposeor settsig any question of consistencj I have never nnderstoodthat tli Republican party of thiscountryvvaa pledged to any system onthat qition. They have never beanpledgetto the details of any systemon tnarmestion.

Whej the new State of Nevadacame tlbe admitted she came in herewith afonstitution that kuew nothing wlitever in regard to this ques-tion oftnpartial or universal suffragewueuine ocaie 01 AeorasKa camehere vi had taken one step forward :the fofteenth amendment to the con- -stitu.tin had been adopted ; and thenas aparty, naving.no established nolicy V this subject except that withinthe (institution of the United States.inteiied to protect the loyalty of thecounty, you required of Nebraskawhatyou said had become necessaryin yar onward progress toward theconsilnmation of our reconstruction

Thh, when another State from theboutlpresents herself, aud the ques-tion b how shall she be admitted,shamhe be admitted as Nevada?Perhiis so; that will depend uponthe cfcumstances. Shall shecome inas JNbraska? Perhaps so. Whoknowj? You do not know, sir ; I donotkbw; no man in this Chamberknow until, he investigates the cir-cumstances under which she makesher atolication ; and then, withoutany pkcedent to bind us on the subject, fe within the pale of the Constitute desire to do what is necessary tiaccomplish the grand object ofnnai au tnumpnant reconstruction.

No lan, therefore, in this SenateChamfer can talk to any one of uswith rjard to preserving our consist-ency I what we shall vote for Mississippi. 1 vote in regard to Mississippito-day- lis my judgment dictates, andI wouii appl no part of that princi-ple tc Texas unless Ithougl it absolutely necessary ; butwhen exas comes here if her case ispeculh, standing on its own individ-uality,!: will vote for something sounheal of a3 perhaps to astound youif I bepve it is that which is necessary tobring her in, tie up the interests omer people, and guaranty tothem 1 republican form of Government.

So m!ch On the point of consistency. T(u ask me to impose upon thelmciiiucp vi tut; Ajeyismture 01 jlissis- -sippi tqJay an oath which i3 set forthin this jocument before us. I will notattempko do that, but if it is put uponthe biilt will take the bill as thusamendd. I will not vote upon thatproposion, and then when it is car-ried abadon the bill. I will uot standhere in by placeand advocate amend-ments tia bill, and after the bill isconsummated with those amendmentsthen tnrl upon the amendments andthe bill.lbandon them entirely, andleavo theq to whatever fate may over-take theri. I shall under all circum-stances ve for the bill for the admis-sion of . Mississippi, when the hourcomes. j protest against imposingthis oath;upon her Legislature, be-ceu- se

alre'dy an oath as strong hasbeen impsed upou the members ofthat Legiiiture. They have swornin the prebnee of Almighty God thatthey werehot disqualified as membersof the Mississippi Legislature Uvvirtue of m tliing in their State con-stitution p the Constitution of theUnited Sktes; and the Constitutionof the Uiied States, by reason of thefourteentl amendment adopted, rulesthem ever one out if they have beenguilty of he crimes specified in thatfourteentl amendment. When, there-fore, a mm be r of the Legislature ofMississipi takes that oath prescribedby the Jate, he takes an oath, asearchingpne, which will admit of noevasion ojhis part. I say, therefore,thattheathl hold in my hand asbeing thi oath administered to themembersbf the Legislature has al-

ready pured that Legislature of a fewmen, or riher, perhaps, more proper-ly speakjig, there were some menoffering tfcmselvea as members whocould notjake their.places under thatoath of tfcir own, so broad, so com-prehensive so practical. I am will-ing, thenl to leave the interests ofMississipi and the loyal people ofMississippi to that oath which theythemselvti have incorporated intotheir constitution.

Now, Jr. President, in regard tothe questn of voting, it is proposedtoputinfcis bill a restriction uponthem prodding that they shall neverhereafter h all coming time changetheir congitujion from the basis onwhich it rjsts to-d- ay on the questionof the rigit to exercise the electivefranchise') What have they done onthat subjex? They have declared, inthe spiritof tne fourteenth amend-ment, thi every man lorn in theState of Mississippi and living there,and evarpcitizen of the United Statesresiding here a certain time, shallhave the ight of exercising the elect-ive francHse. That they have guarantied. What else have they aone?They hae adopted the fifteenthamendment to the Constitution of theUnited Suites, and by that they havedeclared hat neither the constitutionof the Stste, nor the Constitution ofthe Unite! Stateshall ever be amended so as toabridgs the right of exer-cising theelective franchise. Couldthey havegone further? 'Ihentheywould ha& been compelled to go fur-

ther, and teaching to eternit;', stretchtheir limibtation beyond the confinesof time. They have not only saidthat in regird to the exercise of theelective fnnchise, but they havethrown thk door open, and in theirState Legislature at home have per-haps thirtycolored men as represent-atives of tint people in the Legisla-ture of the tate of Mississippi. Willyou be satisied with that?

Are they'honest on that subject?They have adopted the fifteenthamendmentto the Constitution of theUnited Stats; and if that to-da- y isthe fundamental law, if twenty-eig- ht

States of th Union have voted for itand withh ten days the twenty-nint- h

will b? registered, for Nebraskawill set her leal to the principle with-in ten days Ironi this hour the- Stateof Mississipji is bound by it until it isstricken by a constitutional amendment out of the Constitution of theUnited States. Is there any strengthin that? Suppose that is not the fundamental law, then what? Then It isthe deliberate expression of the peopleof Mississinri a3 a nledfre to you. Itwa3 a condition precedent that j'ourequired of tiem before they shouldcome here and occupy their place inthe sisterhood of States; They complied with it : and if it ia not yetconstitutional amendment by a sufficient number of States voting, for it,

it is still a condition-precede- nt onthe State of Mississippi to-da-y, andyou can not make it more. bindinp; by.. .!fc ti I .11 -saying mat n, ena.il do considered acondition-precede- nt two, three, or fourtimes over.

You ask me to repeat it on Missis-sippi. I am satisfied that she has her-self made it a condition-preceden- t,

and that is what I am concerned toknow. If you want a condition-preceden- t,

you have got it. If yon wanther under the power of the Constitu-tion of the United States, you have it,if the Constitution is really amendedin that behalf.

Is she honest? She seems to actvery much so. What else do youwant her to pledge herself to? Shehas shown not only her desire to grat-ify the extreme of radicalism on thisquestion, but she sends here whatMassachusetts cannot do and whatOhio cannot do ; she sends here a rep-resentative of the colored race as aSenator. Is that mark enough foryou ? Can you stand that, or do youdesire something else after she hasdone all that? She ha3 lifted up therace, placed them in her legislativehalls, sent them here and inhtalledthem In the Capitol of the nation;and yet you say to her, "Are you inearnest? We doubt you. You seemto act rather plausible on the subject ;

but really we think we will j He upsome fundamental conditions on youto hold you." You are afraid to trustthirty thousand colored majority inthe State of Mississippi, for fear here-after they will refuse to send you oth-er representatives of their race, forsooth I What would you not distrustif you are not willing to be satisfiedon the basis of what the State has al-

ready done for you ?Then you say that in some future

time, some time intervening betweennow and the sounding of Gabriel'strump, you are afraid Mississippi willundertake to change her law on thesubject of education. Is that any ofyour business? Can you say to mylittle State of Nebraska that she shallnever change her laws on the subjectof educotion ? She may change themwhen she pleases, and she will asknothing of you or of this Congress,and after she has changed them shewill be amenable only to the Consti-tution of the United States. And ifthirty thousand majority of coloredmen if a colored party in Mississippilinked hand in hand with a lar:ewhite vote as Republicans if theywith thirtv thousand colored maioritvare noS abr to take care ef their edu-cational interests, then appoint an administrator for them, and leave theState out until she can take care ofherself.

No, sir ; it is a magnificent farce ; itis a consumation of radicalism runmad to say that you will not trust apeople who have thus done every- -thintr and a little more than some ofyou desired them to do. I welcomeher here on the basis of her radicalism ; I welcome her here on the principles of her constitution ; I welcomehere her representatives or both races.I claim that it is an insult to her totalk to her in regard to the probabili-ties of her going back upon herself.of these men there going back uponthemselves. Therefore I would leavein her hands to-da- y the interests ofthe State and the destiny of her people, and take her as an ally In the fu-

ture march for the consummation ofall that we have politically desired iuthis matter, rather than doubt her for

a ione moment wnen sne nas aone ev-erything you required her to do, andwhen in your law you pledged j'our- -

self to her hat when she presentedherself here, having done that, shehould be admitted.You claimed no control over her

further than that, and simplv- - desiredto look into her action to see whethershe had acted in accordance with thelaw. The law said "adopt the four-teenth amendment." She has done it.The law said "adopt the fifteenthamendment." She has done it. Thelaw did not ask her to go so far as shehas gone in showing that she is inearnest in regard to this matter bysending here joint representatives ofthe two races ; but she has done that ;

and now, forsooth, because youthought

.Georgia had gone back upon

r .ayou, tneretore you tnougnt it neces-sary to put a certain bill with its con-

ditions upon Virginia, and now to beconsistent the truly loyal State ofMississippi is to be put through thesame process.

I vote first against the conditionsproposed, believingthem to be unnecessary; hut if they snail oe aaopteaby the Senate 1 shall yield id them,and vote for the bill for the admissionof the State of Mississippi.

Confidential. We hear a goodstory of a man who went to the frontier to see a Tr end, 'ine ramiiy con-sisted of the husband, his wife andtwo grown sons. The good old ladywas the only one of the family whodid not take a little of the "O oejoyful." Sitting by the fire a fewminutes, the old man tipped mm awink, and the visitor followed himout. Stopping by a tree, he pulledout a lo.ng necked bottle, remarking,"I have to keep this hid, for the hoysmight get to drinking, and the womanwould raise the d 1." They took adrink and returned to the fireside.Soon Tom, the eldest son asked thevisitor out to see a colt, and takinghim behind the barn, pulled out aflask, remarking "I have to keep, thishid, for the old man will get drunk,and the d i is to pay ;" and they bothtook a drink and returned, boonBob stepped on the visitor's toes andwalked off, the visitor following. Asthey reached the pig pen, Bob drewout a good sized bottle, remarking,"You know the old man ana Aomwill get drunk, and I have to hidethis." The visitor concluded hecouldn't stand it to drink confiden-tially against the whole family andstarted for home.

The Nic.ht Lamp. There aremany families who use night lamps,and through inability to provide gas,have been in the habit or ourningkerosene oil, a very good thing whenDroperlv used. A few words on thesubject of its use at night may proveinteresting to tne general reauer.When the light of the kerosene lampis turned down low, the combustion isnot perfect, and the atmosphere of theroom becomes vitiated by the uncon-aume- d

oil vapors, by the gas producedby combustion, and also legitimateparticles of smoke and soot thrownoff. to be taken into the lungs of theoccupants. Air thus poisoned is deadly in its effects, and the wonder istiiat the people are not immediatelyand fatally injured by breathing itIts are the unaccountable and mysterious headaches, irrita-tion of throat and lunsrs. dizzinessand nausea.

To be Happy. Buy fair, sell fair,take care of profits, and live economSeal.


A little bird flewTo tho tt p of a tree;

The sky It wan b!a.And the bird sang to n

So tender and trno woa the strainThe i lner. I hoped, would remain ;O Utile bird, stay aim prolongThe i apturevtiie grief of that song.

A little thought came.Came out of my heart;

It whl.penM a nameThat made me to fctart.

And the rose-oolor-od breath of mv slirhFlushed thecarth and the sea and iheaity,Dela;' 1 little thourrhr, . delay,Ann tiaaaen my lire with thy ray!Fron 'The Woman Who Pared," by

Epesttorjent, published by Pjberts Brothers.

View cn St. John's Rirer, Florida.We are up bright and early and rush

for the forward deck. We have passedsome fi le scenes during the night, butnow a lovely vision bursts upon us.We are in a narrow part of the riverjuat" acove Lake George, so narrowthat w occasionally touch the foliageon either bauk. While below all wasin winter costume, here almcstevery-thin- g

is dressed in lovely green. Thedeciduc us trees r,re just in early leaf,in that light green which is so freshand beautiful; the wild p'um is loadedwith white blossoms; an occasionalmaple with scarlet seed brightens thescene, cud mfngled with ail are pal-mettos, live oaks, with hanging mos3,and loity pines. The banks of theriver are low all the way with an occasional exception, and alone: theedges are beautiful borders of pondlillles, ith yellow blossoms, the leavesof dark, rich green, with wild lettuceand rank weeds to add to the variety.Often our boat runs over the lillies inroundirg the beniis of this verycrooked river, and brushes against thetrees. All day long we sit on theupper-forwar- d deck and watch themulitude of living creatures. Thereis an alligator on yonder shore youinsist that it is a log, until you sec itslipping into tne water with a heavylumber ng movement. On that logjutting out into the stream is a largeturtle. Lo! he slips away as we ap-proach. There is a small squad ofducks. :lying close to the water andbeating it as they fly with a musicalsound. The huge bird with a longneck ar d legs, that can hardly balanceitself as; it flies, is a blue crane, and asit rests on yonder tree-to- p you see itstands'fully three feet high. Thatbeautiful bird that you can see at sucha long distance ia the white crane.There .is a lively bird crossing ourbows; it. Is a kingfisher. Whew!wiiat ar. unpleasant odor! an army ofbuzzartr tell the tale of a dead alliga-tor on the banks. The birds are offen-sive to the eye, but imperatively de-manded in this latitude. But I cannot tell you all ; the river seems alivewith these I have named, and coots,rails, snipe, ibis, flamingoes, snake-bird- s,

or water turkeys, velvet ducks,and everything a traveler would wishto see or sportsman to kill.

Prairle Sod as Fuel.A correspondent of the Iowa Home-

stead writes as follows, concerning thesubject of the future supply of fuel.We here in Illinois, with our almostlimitless supplies of coal, arc perhapsnot so immediately interested a3 arethe people of the less favored States,but even with us it will do no hai m toexperiment with other substances.

"I agree with Prof. Hinrichs, of theState University, that the great fuelmakers of the earth are the sunlightand air. Fuel is all around us, particularly beneath our feet. Prairie sod,cut a few inches thick with a breakingplow, in mid-summe- r, aud put awayin a dry shed, makes the very best offuel. Do you suppose that the peopleof Omaha and Council Bluffs who paythree or four prices for cottonwoodfuel, and dirty soft coal, more thanhalf clinker and brimstone, knowthis? . When prairie sod can not beprocured, that from any pasture isequally good, provided it is dried andkept so. 1 put a lot or or it away lastfall, and have been using it extensive-ly this winter. A sod a foot squareretains its shape fcr twenty-fou- r hoursif not broken up, and gives out a sur-prising amount of heat. Turf, as it iscalled, is the only fuel used by theIrish peasant, where peat is not found.This reminds me that every ciyvwhich does not wash out with a cur- -

rent, in the State of Iowa, and everyother State, 13 filled with this valuable carbonaceous deposit 'waiting onl3for man to dig out in a dry time, andkeep him warm nnd cotnfortabie byits cheery heat. It is the very best offuel ; far superior to any coal that wehave, and exists In unlimited abundance every where. While on a tripacross the Statedurlng the excessivelydry season of 1S54, 1 saw a great manyof these deposits, which had been seton fire by camping immigrants, whichburned for months, and made holessix feet deep in the ground. A benefi-cent Providence has been much morekind and attentive to tha unworthydwellers here below than is generallysupposed. There is certainly no lackof fuel anywhere, if we look for itproperly."

Harry M'Arthy used to tell of anIrishman who was seen at the trench- -

m a v a a

es or xorKtown noiaing ins nanasabove the earthwork. His captainasked :

"What are you doing that for Pat?"He replied with a grin and a work-

ing with his fingers : "I am feelin'for a furlough, sure !"

Just then a minnie-ba- ll struck hisarm below the wrist. Slowly drawing it down ami grasping it with theother hand to restrain the blood, aqueer expression of pain and humorpassed over hi3 race as he exclaimed :

"An' faith, it's a discharge!"

Deacon B. a very piou3 man, wasnoted for his long prayers, especiallyIn his family. One Monday morningthe old gentleman and his wife werealone, and, as was his custom, afterbreakfast a prayer was offered-- . Therebeing an unusual amount of workthat day, the Deacon's prayer wasshort, and seeing his hat and milk-pai- l,

he started for the barn. Hiswife, being deaf, did not notice hisabsence, but supposed him to be stillengaged in prayer. On his returnfrom milking, he was surprised tofind-he- r still kneeling. lie steppedup to her and shouted "Amen," whenshe immediately arose and wentabout her work ad if nothing hadhappened.

A colored man at Roanoke, N. C,was found in a neighbor's cabbagepatch on his knees. He said it wasqueer a man couldn't go "no whar"to pray without being interrupted,lie was left to h'13 devotions, and inthe mornimr. simrularlv enoush. itwas found he had prayed offthe headsor hair the cabnagos in tne garden.

j. tic yi aj vi ui iiivtiu lwu tvi-t- inright smart c.f yur kraut.

Xlisocri Frail Hints to Pro Lice".A meeting of horticultural; w:n

held at Kansas City the ether iay.The President believed that, ri naapple region, Missouri wa unsur-passed. Apples arc tetter flavored,larger, more solidand Letter keeperr ere than anywhere;ele. Th;y canr tise goodapplesas far South a Boston.Mountain Lbelow that they ful; b ;tthen they have peanuts and 1:. liethought the railroad centerin - hrogave great advantage to f uit rumorsthey open up many mark-eta- , aud rruitneed rapid transportation. He didnot think much fruit would L sentsouthward, but we have the moun-tains aud pliins markets, and ourapples are of such superior qualifythat they would brin the hi.'he-'- trico in New York and other easternnarkets. He had spoken to director

f eastern railroads on the sut'ct cfvestern fruit, and they replied''" thatthere was not enough of It to make itof interest ta them; 'the re wn no ti icjwhere they could load a train withapnles.

Ye should raise good fruit. Somakind that are good in the Iat aronot good here. Some of the seedlingraised iu Arkansas and Missouri arjuperior to any imported kinds, andfhey have the advantage of bein- -

acclimated ; wo know how lon thyUl continue beauing, and howmuclithey will bear.

The Society was now to determine,from the experience of it3 members,what were the best kind of apple toplant, and in what their good quali-ties consist.

SUMMEIt APPLES.Early Harvest best ; adopted. .

Yellow and White Juneating men-tioned ; not decided.

Benoni adopted, for family us;rich.

Red Astrachan adopted : len?season.

Keswick Codlin referred to com-mittee.

Canada Codlin referred to commit-tee

Carolina Red June adopted ; bear?young, short lived.

Sweet June worthy of trial.Early Peunock mentioned, not

Uscussed.Sweet Bough; rejected. v

Golden Sweet; for trial.Am. Summer Pearmain adopted,

'or family use, beauty, flavor.Summer Pippin and Early Joe not'

liscussed.FALL ArPLES.

Maiden's Blush adopted; best. -

Rarabo adopted. Some interestingremarks were made in regard to thifavorite apple; it grows much largerand handsomer here than in the East,

ut loses flavor and becomes mealy;hould be picked before it become4uite ripe.

Fall Pippin rejected ; fchy bearer.Fall'Wine not ifofi.bvl.Fallawater adopted for trial.Fameuse adopted for trial.Northern Spy adonted. Thi nnrda

counted in the list of Eastern winterippies. rail to keeD lato hern ? rbnae,!

as late fall ; tree slow to bear.l'ennsyivania Kedsteak adopted.Sweet --Nonsuch uii pi-il-


$Yellow Bellflower; shy bearer; re-rr- ed

to committee. St. Jo. Union.

General Grant's Latest Hit.A Washington eorrsnn!ii?'nr nf tha

Louisville Journal relates that a letterfrom Governor Ashlov. of Mnntinnto a friend, wa lately read to General

m t aurant. u ne governor wa rather fr?on his stricture on f rant's nrmntnfaoa

Finally thi passage wri ad ; 44 TbPresident ha made some bad appoint-ments," etc. Grant ouietlv mm.' Well, I think I have, a id I'll justemoveoncof them now." And tho

-- rder for Ashley's deenpit Uon wasnd forthwith. Thh is afnnn tho

best thine Grant has done dadministration. T.thim toonnniiiajoke and send other weak and uncongenial head adrift.

Table Conveksation. You willfind that a grat deal of character isimparted, and received at the table.Parents too often forsret thi: audtherefore instead of swallowing yourfood in sullen silence, instead of ;

brooding over your business. Instead ,

of severely talking about others, letthe conversation at the table be gonial,Kind, social and cheerlnir. JJon'tbring disagreeable thing to the tablein your conversation, any mere thanyou would In your dishes. For thi '

reason, too, the more trood companyyou have at your table i an educatorto the family. Jlenco the Intellicnco-and the refinement and appropriatebehavior of a family which i given tonospiianty. .Never reel that intelligent visitors can be anything but ablessing lo you and yours. How fewhave fully gotten hold of the fact,that company and conversation at thatable are no small part of education.

An Item for Dispeptic Sufferers. 1 he kernel of the peach pit haproved, In my case, a perfect --remedyror wnat l termed "heart burn." Isuffered from it hourly for year ; moraat some time than other. Seeingthis remedy recommended in somajournal, two or three years ago, Ioften since purposed to try it, but didnot, ujtll thi winter. When thosuffering manifest itself, eat one ortwo or the kernel, and after a fewdays the symptom will disappear.The remedy la simple, cheap andharmless, and, best of ail, effectual.

Dr. Chapin says that every voun?lady should jump at the chance ofmarrying a mehanic. A good respectable mechanic could not do betterthan let some of them jump a lonjftime before he married them. M03Cfashionable young women would ruina mechanic in short order.

A well-know- n yonn: lawyer obtained a divorce for a pretty andwealthy client. He sent in a bill for$1000. The next day the lady calledon him and enquired if he wa in earnest in proposing to her. " Proposoto you, madam! I didn't propose toyou," replied thcastonished attorney.44 Well, you asked for my fortune, and1 thought you would have the graceto take me with it," waj the calm re-- iply. The hvwjci wilted,

An Irish woman, who 4had kept nlittle grocery store, wrt brought toher deuth-be- d, and wa3 on '.he pointof breathing her last, when she culledher husband to her hed;d.

"Jemmy," she faintly said, "there'sMUhtres Mullaney, she owe3 ma sixshillimr."

"Oeh!" exe'aimed her hular. l"Biddy darliiit, ye'er sinsitle ta thelast!"

Yes, Jemmy ; and thercra Misth- -

res Mc Graw, I owe her one dollar.'"Oeh, be jabersjarcd ye'er i f.gt-- i
