Lcm3 Esr Meter Engl

Post on 24-Oct-2014

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Transcript of Lcm3 Esr Meter Engl

Start ever in mode C, and switch “callibrate” in work (OFF)position.

Calibration for ESR:

1.Turn power ON, wait 2-3 seconds for self test(F0 and Fcal).2. Short circuit middle and left pins(GND+electrolyt).3.Switch calibrate to ON, wait 2-3 seconds for „Switch to measure”.4.Switch calibrate to OFF ( normal work position), wait 2-3 sec. You will see U ESR average 170-200 mV and RX average 0 +-5milioms.

5.Open GND and electrolyt pins.6.Done.

Calibration L:

1.Turn power ON, wait 2-3 seconds for self test(F0 and Fcal).

2.Turn switch L/C to L mode.3. Short circuit middle and right pins(GND+LC).

4.Turn ON calibration (you will see Re), and wait for „Switch to Meas”

5.Turn OFF calibration(normal work position),Lx will be 0.00 -0.01.

6.Remove short circuit.


Note: Version with transistor tester inside nas the calibrate switch positions transposed versus.

New development! ESR measurement within the circuit. Read more about the 8. site!


Unknown capacity or resonant circuit inductance measurement is the easiest place. A resonant circuit for at least two energy storage components such as, any of the inductors (coils) and capacity (condenser).

An unknown value capacitor, a coil of known value in parallel on a parallel resonant circuit has already obtained. This is the oscillation frequency can be measured by a micro-controller, and can calculate the unknown value capacitor capacity of the Thomson formula.

The inductance measurement functions similarly, when we make a known value capacitor in series with the unknown coil and measure the frequency.

The capacity of electrolytic capacitors is so great that an oscillating around the subject would not vibrate or very low frequency, i.e., "belly-shock could only saccolni capacity." Ezek kapacitását máshogy kell mérni. These capacities and needs to be measured.

Elméleti tudásunkra támaszkodva, Q = C * U illetve dQ = dI / dt, vagyis egy kondenzátorban tárolt töltés (Q) egyenlő a kapacitás (C) és a mérhető feszültség (U) szorzatával. Based on our theoretical knowledge, Q = U or C * DQ = dI / dt, that is stored in a capacitor charge (Q) is equal to the capacity (C) and the measured voltage (U) multiplied. A töltés pedig egyenes arányosságban nő a töltőárammal (I). The charge is directly proportional increase in the charge current (I). Mit jelent ez az oszcilloszkópon? What does this mean to the oscilloscope? Azt, hogy egy kondenzátort egy ellenálláson keresztül, egy adott, konstans (állandó) feszültségről töltve a kondenzátoron mérhető feszültség logaritmikusan (exponenciális függvény inverze) növekszik.... The fact that a capacitor through a resistor, a given constant (constant) voltage charged in the capacitor voltage is measured logarithmically (inverse exponential) increases ....

Tehát elektrolit kondenzátoroknál feszültséget kapcsol a mikrovezérlő egy ellenálláson az előzőleg kisütött kondenzátorra, és megméri, mennyi idő alatt (t) emelkedik a feszültség egy bizonyos szintre (pl. 63%-ra). Thus, electrolytic condensers connected to the microcontroller to a voltage resistance of the previously discharged capacitor, and will measure the amount of time (t) rises to a certain level (eg 63%). Ismert ellenállásnál pedig ki tudja számítani a kapacitást. Known resistance, and can calculate the capacity. T időállandó = t = R * C. T = time constant t = R * C U c = 63%*U 0 , általánosságban: U c = U 0 * (1 - exp(-t / T) ). U c = 63% * U 0, in general, U c = U 0

* (1 - exp (-t / T)). A mérés során ezt alkalmazzuk, mert a töltőáram és idő korlátozott volta miatt nagy kapacitás értékeknél nem lehet 63%-ig feltölteni a kondenzátort. During the measurement it is used as the charging current and time is limited because of the high yield values can not be filled up to 63% of the capacitor.

One detail I stopped, and this is the series loss resistance measurement. Idáig minden szépnek és egyszerűnek tűnik, mondhatni mesébe illő. So far all seems pretty simple and, dare I say fabulous. Lássuk azonban, hogy is van mindez a gyakorlatban. Let's see, however, that it is in practice.

No effect without side effects.

Szóval egy újonnan vásárolt kondenzátornak is van egy pici induktivitása, és egy pici ellenállása. So I bought a new capacitor also has a small inductance, and a little resistance. Ugyan így, egy tekercsnek is van egy kis ellenállása és egy kis kapacitása. Likewise, a coil also has a small resistance and a small capacity. Ez azt jelenti, hogy nem létezik ideális kondenzátor, és nincs ideális tekercs, minden valós alkatrész több R, L és C soros és párhuzamos kapcsolások együttese. This means that there is an ideal capacitor, and is ideal for rolls, more than any real part R, L and C combination of serial and parallel connections.

A legjobban a tekercsek o The best of the coils o hmikus ellenállásán lehet szemléltetni, hiszen a feltekert drótnak ellenállása van. hmikus resistance can be illustrated as a wire wound resistor. Hasonlóan elképzelhető, hogy a felcsavart alufólia fegyverzete az elektrolit kondenzátorokban induktivitásként működik. Similarly, it is conceivable that a rolled-up aluminum foil for electrolytic

capacitors induktivitásként armament works. "A hab a tortán" az az, hogy pl. "The icing on the cake" is that, for example. a kondenzátorok parazita induktivitása frekvenciafüggő. frequency-dependent inductance of the parasitic capacitors. Ugyanígy, a nem légmagos tekercsek induktivitása is. Similarly, non-air-core coil inductance as well.

Ezek a nem kívánt "parazita dolgok" nehezítik meg a pontos mérést. These unwanted "parasitic things" more difficult for the accurate measurement. Egyes komponenseket egy függvény alapján matematikailag lehet kompenzálni, de nem mindet! Some components are based on a mathematical function can be compensated, but not all of them!

The picture shows the coil inductance and parasitic capacity is measured.

Az ESR-ről írott cikk átolvasása után világossá válik, hogy itt miliohmokról van szó. The ESR-written article about after reading it becomes clear that there is miliohmokról. Tehát 1Ohm ezred és század részéről. So part of the century and millennium 1Ohm. Mindennek ellenállása van. All of this is resistance. A NYÁK vezetősávjainak, a kapcsoló érintkezőinek, a csatlakozóknak és a csipeszeknek is. The PCB is the leading bands of the switch contacts of the connectors and clips as well. Tehát már itt is látszik, hogy a helyzet nem egyszerű, mindent figyelembe kell venni, a hozzávetőlegesen használható eredmény érdekében! So here we see that the situation is not easy, taking everything into account, the results can be used around! Tehát a készüléket a megépítése után kalibrálni kell, sőt az idő múlásával, az évszakok változásával és sok más egyéb külső tényező befolyásolására újra és újra kalibrálni kell. So after building the machine to be calibrated, even as

time passes, the seasons change, and many other external factors influencing time and time again to be calibrated. Ennek folyamatáról később még szót ejtünk. This process of word ejtünk later.

A műszer méri a szivárgó elektrolit kondenzátorokat is (a fényképen látható a csel), és ezekre figyelmeztet is! The instrument measures the leakage of the electrolytic capacitors (the photo is the trick), and warn them as well! Szivárgó kondenzátornak az minősül, melynek feszültsége másodpercenként 15%-kal esik. Leaky capacitor is considered a second voltage drops by 15%. Ennek több oka is lehet, de az ilyen kondenzátort célszerű cserélni, mert valószínű hamar tönkre fog menni, mivel belülről melegszik. There are several possible reasons, but such a capacitor should be replaced soon because it is likely going to be devastated as it heats from the inside.

Smaller resistors can be accurately measured by the instrument, the automatic detection! Zárlatos elkónál is utalhat ez a kijelzés, csak ellenállást lehet mérni. Short-circuit elkónál may also refer to this display, but resistance can be measured. Az ellenállás (ESR is) 50-10 Ωig tekinthető értékelhetőnek. The resistance (ESR) in 50 to 10 Ωig considered assessable. Felbontása ugyan 2 mohm körüli is lehet, de a mért érték linearitása már 5-10%-os eltérésű is lehet. Resolution is about the same 2 ohm, but the linearity of the measured value is 5-10% eltérésű can. De ellentétben az egyszerűbb multiméterekkel, 10 mohm - 1 Ω között is mérhető ellenállás, ha a pontosság nem kritikus! But in contrast with the simple multi-meter, 10 ohm - 1 Ω of resistance can be measured when the accuracy is not critical!

Now let's see what we can this instrument yet.

The following data were determined on the basis of theoretical calculations, the auto-range, and the display resolution is different from that.

LC meter

min. max. resolution accuracy

polarizálatlan capacitor 1pF 1NF 0.1pF 1%

polarizálatlan capacitor 1NF 100nF 1pF 1%

polarizálatlan capacitor 100nF ~ 1uF 1NF 2.5%

electrolytic capacitor 100nF 0.1F 1NF 5%

inductance 10NH 20H 10NH 5%

resistance 1 mOhm 0.5Ohm 1Mohm 5%

resistance 0.5Ohm 30Ohm 10mOhm 10%

Larger inductors measuring, among other things, the inductance falsify their capacity, the device will measure and therefore their capacity to correct him the results. The inductance measurement limit is about 20H, but this is strongly dependent on the coil veszteségeitől. The measurement is only as accurate (ie, heat-dependency), as far as the kalibrálió capacitor.

ESR measurements: 90 kHz-Ωos loss measures the resistance of the capacitor, a resonant circuit calculated from the measured voltage.

The device has 3 connectors, a switch push button switch and a handle, on / off apart. Consider these lines.

LC-switch: This switch must change the inductance and capacitance measurements. One position (v1 PCB right position switch on the right), inductance meter, in another capacity. Capacity measurement position can be measured polarizálatlan (ceramic, film) or polarized (electrolytic, tantalum) capacitors. The polarizálatlan (usually <<1uF) capacitors (C1 PCB Right) L / C meter socket and GND (center), one must be connected. Electrolytic capacitor or a Cp of any larger marking gauge pod (v1 and neck left) and one must be connected to GND.

Reset button: "Use" chapter to deal with detailed answers, in short, a zero output, respectively. the meter leads and the PCB conduction capacity can be compensated by him. Its role is, however, the electrolytic capacitors series loss resistance (hereinafter referred to as ESR) measurements precisely.

After switching on, the following happens:

1. A one-second ending, a welcome sign after only a monitoring and troubleshooting purposes, is also a second sign tells us until the measured frequency of the resonant circuit and the set (calibrated), the theoretical frequency. These photographs can be seen around the values (+ / - 20%) can be considered normal parts of the plan described in usage. If F0 is very low <1 kHz, the oscillation does not work, there is likely an error in your neck, or implanted in a bad part, or any other value! If two nearly equal frequency: the relay does not pull in, or not properly connected, the calibration capacitor is not connected to the oscillating circuit.

If the reset button for some reason we could trace, then a warning device to 'translate the measurements' Note: The reset button can be used instead of switches, so you understand the

importance of the message!

The L / C switch positions depending on the already measurable. Pl. egy jó nagy induktivitást: For example, a good high-inductance:

Now you can see the specific connection, and the circuit!

The above link to version 2 áramellátásáról-9V battery, or greater than dugasztáp-7V. Consumption of the circuit 5V on the 8-elkó measurement 15mA 9mA, impulzusszerűen! (Display, with a total of so many during measurement.)Surprising? No problem, still there will be a few surprises.

The central part of the microcontroller, a PIC16F690-. from 20MHz, there is no external RESET, immediately after the appearance of the 5V. The internal rezgőkőr to measure the komparátoraiból trained TIMER0 frequency.

The right toggle buttons on the LC. To better understand the functioning of, the list I present a separate illustration after, they alsoin detail.

The relay (K1) is that the software C9-C10-et párhuzamosítsa, LC, and calibration, measurement and calculation of the capacity of the induktivitásmérés parasite. This is a single-line, 5V reed relay, a záróérintkezővel.

Calibrate the r töltőellenállás (R7 + PIC output resistance). This is a 1%, 1/4 of the resistance. It is necessary to load the R7 elkók and kisütéséhez.

The switches in the microcontroller one-is a separate input, but also because the programming of these legs, two védőellenállás (the R8 and R9).

If you would not be clear, the tüskesor-LCD 4-bit mode is to communicate with a HD44780-compatible 2 serial, line by line 16-character display.

Zéner diode D4 is that the careless management do not damage more than 5V on elkó uploaded by. Anyway it is always measured and elkókat!

Therefore, the General is said to be kapcsolásban are verily a components, which is the value you're searching for, but the operation can be used to glue the kind, quality, so it is not at all of these in more detail in the following pages show.

Now, however, let's see, that "we vibrate". The operation to help you understand the following drawings:

Connect the external condenser capacity measurement without also vibrate, because of the rezgőkör of C10 + L1 is connected to a parallel. The condenser to be measured parallel to the switch, so the only elhangolja in the rezgőkört. The software calculates from these, and on this basis, the capacity. The C5 tantalum kondi egyenáramilag the symbol only, and a half voltage supply. This measures the TIMER0 inputs.

Not to be measured, the measurement of the Induktivitás, between the two connectors, coaxial switch-L1, which constitutes a C10-parallel rezgőkört. 80 over 100mH-C8 (33nF) also participates in the rezgőkör. The R7 through the PIC to turn; Here is no longer a measure of the parasitic capacity, due to inaccuracies in the measurement, but there is less of a problem only because of the significantly larger mérőkapacitás.

Here you can see that in the shaky induktivitás measurement not the rezgőkör without external coil connected. This is a problem, if the current calibration frequency shall be measured, therefore, be in time (C) of the LC-váltókapcsolónak. Where L is in, a message will appear to "Switch (C) the position!".

Simple measurement of the elkók, as I said in the introduction. The only thing that szépséghibája the kisütésnél to kisütő is added to the output resistance of Polish resistance in the PIC (around 50 Ω) and the resistance of contacts (in the order of a few hundred mOhm). Thus, the ex-post kalibrációra. Look, this is how.

3 + 1 mode must be calibrated to be/. The process is complete, the microcontroller's internal EEPROM-jába saves the current values for calibrated, so that they are, of course, again, even after the power is available.


1. To Turn On 2. L/C-váltókapcsolót C-position switch 3. Mérővezetékeket rátenni, (GND and L/C into the vagina) but did not collapse. Do not touch

it, because it would distort the measurement.

4. The zero-option to switch to, and then switch back to the label after the release. In General, less than half the time it takes. .

5. Wait until the 0.0pF, do not touch the instrument!

Induktivitás calibration

1. (L) the váltókapcsolót, 2. short closed the L/C input, 3. átbillenteni to the zero option, and then, if you are ready to likewise, back. 4. Wait a little. The induktivitásmérés is reset. You Are Done.

Elkó (ESS) calibration

Elkó measurement of resistance to the microcontroller of the charger (180Ohm + PIC output resistance) to calibrate. Similarly during operation should be converted to the zero option, or button, and then if the phone displays "Tab for" [1], you must switch to, and then resets the display and the kapacitásmérést also calibrates.Although this repeating, short closed mérővezetékkel (Cp + GND), the ESR measurements calibrates and sets [2]. Also displayed here also the acknowledgment message [3]. 


Valts a meresre=”Switch to measure”


ESR measurement of the exact condition that the 100uH and consisted of 33 + 1nF rezgőkör serial resistance loss should not be 1,5-2 greater than Ω. The AC is aggregated here (90kHz), the resistance of the ESS 33nF je, the switch and contact resistance of csatlakozok and a few other factors. This can be verified that the input position (C) rövidrezárjuk, elkó, and the L/C input, 100-130 mV voltage shall be measured in peak-peak (about 30-40 mV RMS value). If lower, at a reduced resolution and accuracy of the measurement (2mOhm around value available).

It is possible, can be a smart connector feltéttel, (push button) to clarify the standard capacity (C10). To do this megépíthetjük feltétet in the following figure, and (C) the zero position, button down, the rádughatjuk Panel. The value indicated on the display, you can change it, CCal up from 0.1.9nF 1nF. The two buttons at the sense and to advance the upward.

But this is not mandatory, and without this calibration of the instrument can also be used, if you are using the exact components! On the next page shown in the KIT (alkatrészcsomag) are!

The components

Legend: marking (bit)

U1 (1) a PIC16F690 microcontroller Q1 (1)-quartz 20MHz R1, R2, R3 (3) 100 k 1% resistor-s R4-47k (1) 1% s resistance R5 (1) 10 k-s resistance R6 (1) 220 Ωos resistance R7 (1) 180 1/2W Ωos resistance R8, R9 (2) resistance 1 k-s R10 (1) k-s trimmerpoti R12 (1) 47 of 1% of Ωos resistance D1, D2 (2)-1N4148 diode C1, C2 (2) kerámiakondenzátor-22pF C6 (1) a 100nF-kerámiakondenzátor C4, C5 (2) 10 µF-os tantálkondenzátor C3 (1) 100 µF/electrolyte capacitor-16V C8 (1), preferably with small loss 33nF stiroflex, or poliprop. condenser (MPK) C9, C10 1nF (2), 1%, small hőfokfüggő, preferably stiroflex condenser

L1 (1), induktivitás 100uH (0.0.4, 32A, 10% of RAD, RLB0712-101, 7 * 10 mm) K1 (1) HE3621; SIL tokozású (one-line)-500 Ωos reed 5v reed relay S1, S2 (2) kétáramkörös, three-position switch "nyelves" IC1 (1) 5V, low-drop feszültségstabilizátor HD44780 LCD (1) 2 * 16-character LCD display Q1, Q2, Q3 (3) forrasztható banándugalj 2 banana plug-compatible speaker 2 insulated krokodilcsipesz a small line to the mérőkábelekhez

Critical components

C9, C10: 2 x the calibration and measuring capacitor 1nF stability/hőfokfüggetlensége is important. The accuracy of the calibration capacity is also relevant, because if this time is elmászik, it may be the instrument, do not reliably. Other than possibly polystyrene or polypropylene, polyester or discounts may be in any way is not good of ceramics!

L1: induktivitás is a small loss 100uH: DC resistance of 0,3-0,4 Ωnál should not be greater, and of good quality is ferrite, otherwise the measurement of non-polarized capacitor 100nF already becomes uncertain over, as well as to the accuracy of the measurement resolution/ESS very have. Not too big nor méretűt, not for the reasons set out in. Marked in brackets.

C8: the material should preferably be 33nF polypropylene-small serial loss, 275 V AC voltage. 

Measurement of electrolyte capacitor. The diagram on the basis of this capacitor is bad, too large for the ESS.

2. measurement of coil 2mH-s, the parasitic power capacity

Accurate measurement of small resistors. Simply and reliably.


1. The following files are strictly for the purpose of their own, non-commercial utánépítésre here!

2. Use only in the form of published here without modification, is permitted. 3. The published content of the transmission, in a different location. permission to

advance publikálásához

Kéretik to comply with the above rules.

A lot of feedback, and having heard the advice of the software, and tökéletesítettük has been called, inter alia, to a mérőfeltéttel. (See next page)

/* v1 version */20.Changes:

Heavily loss-making, great-less thick. Elkó measurement of 2-3 to clarify the domain below the µF linearity to improve further. Elkó measurement on 1 µF during 3-digit (1 nF resolution). ESR measurement resolution/linearity improvement during the 100-200 mOhm. Small non-electrolyte kondenzátoroknál clarification of the ESR measurements (0.5 to 10 µF

and ESR 100 mOhm). Induktivitásmérés calibration data saving (off after), so it must be carried out only once in

the "L" in the calibration and only a value of zero must be calibrated again in the case of elállítódása, in particular during the 1-2 thick is uH.

Ellenállásmérésnél (picture tube short circuit elkónál) to turn off the elkó measurement impulzusainak, in order to save energy.

The range of the calibration capacitor and seat control via the ICSP-an increase of 900-1100 from pF-896-1203 pF-on.

The In-Circuit (circuit) ESR measurements on the possibility of using a simple measuring probe, it protects the LCM3-at any elkón to be feszültségtől and the remaining circuit to be measured is the wrong méréstől. (For more information on the next page)

The mérőjel is only a few mV-85-90 kHz szinuszfeszültség. The elkó (upload) the measurement, regardless of the szivárgástól after a 0-60 mV

feszültségesés between the szivárgástól whatever! This show is the extent of the feszültségesés, if there is no leakage. If leakage occurs even in the levels to be displayed. It can be separated from the actual leak or some parasite RC network ten mV-due to a voltage drop. Some applications, this is the feszültséglépcső (no leakage) after the upload can be confusing, this feature becomes measurable.

All software applications, of course, you will be sent to the new software.

Addendum to the determination of the theoretical

Capacitor memory, a detailed explanation of the English language

This is the property of the kondenzátoroknak consists of a model representation of the actual realistic parallel RC-member capacity. These are usually negligible effect, but not all. Not one of these RC-network

sampling and of circuit (distortion) lyukszűrökben caused by jóságcsökkenés.

  HIFI erősítőkben, or műszererősítőkben, (mainly in the way of the signal can cause

anomalies in the vicinity of the lower cutoff frequency) Other applications may affect frekvenciamenetet: RIAA, in addition to band-stop filter,

amplifier, or below-bypass filters

Therefore, it is also important that one can measure the instrument. The capacitor memory of a relative up to the number 0-99, which can be well used mainly for comparison. The condenser

capacity, serial loss in addition to the community obstructed by France (ESS), a third factor, which can help you beazonosításban.

The "capacitor soakage" words and search many theoretical knowledge to the people on this topic. Herefor example.

Now, let's see, however, the mérőfeltétet, which is a InCircuit more frequently used, the additional practical. Go To!

A lot of feedback, and having heard the advice of the software, and tökéletesítettük has been called mérőfeltéttel, which is a special mérőkábel for a couple of parts.

You can also áramkörbe soldered electrolyte kondenzátoroknak we can measure the loss of kiforrasztás. Any modifications to the instrument circuit is not required, but must be carried out in the new software. Of course, the required software, and now the HEstore into the instruments supplied by the add-in already know this.

The block diagram:

Contained in the söntölt mérővezetéken shottky 300mV voltage not greater than. In practice, even less. Accuracy of the measurement is still satisfactory. This is a real measurement, not drawing, or simulation:

The components are:

The microcontroller is serious, several months of development, and testing work on the part of the fruit of István Pudics. I hope you understand that we cannot upload the source code, whereas a lot of unpleasant surprise has been the instructor with the uploaded value, unfortunately, some programs that arcátlanul may have been more. While no increase in the level of this nation, to understand the meaning of the copyright and licensing, unfortunately, so is this.

On the other hand-as in the previous page I wrote-the complete software, without restriction, made available free of charge to individual utánépítőknek.

Fejleszőcsapat: István LCM3, Piri, Pudics

Note: If you work with charged condensers without protection circuit, you may burn PIC16F690; LCD; R=220 Om; R=180 Om