LBaker Healthy Fats Handout

Post on 13-Apr-2017

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Transcript of LBaker Healthy Fats Handout


Foods  containing  fat  are  full  of  Calories  and  can  help  you  gain  or  maintain  weight.  Some  fats  have  extra  health  benefits.  Choose  healthy  fats  for  your  high-­‐calorie  diet.  

DHA  and  EPA:  You  can  find  DHA  and  EPA  in  

fatty  fish  such  as  salmon,  sardines,  tuna,  

and  fish  oil  supplements.  

Polyunsaturated  Fatty  Acids  (PUFAs):  

PUFAs  have  been  shown  to  improve  blood  cholesterol  levels  and  decrease  the  risk  of  

coronary  artery  disease.  The  most  important  types  in  your  diet  are  omega-­‐3s  and  omega-­‐6s.  


Monounsaturated  Fatty  Acids  (MUFAs):  

MUFAs  can  improve  blood  cholesterol  levels,  reduce  the  risk  of  heart  disease,  and  help  your  blood  sugar  control.  MUFAs  are  found  in  Olive  Oil,  Canola  Oil,  Almonds,  Avocados,  

and  Peanuts.    

Omega-­‐3s:  These  fats  are  needed  for  brain  development.  

They  have  proven  anti-­‐inflammatory  effects  and  may  

help  lung  function.  Three  kinds  of  Omega-­‐3s  are  DHA,  EPA,  and  ALA.  

Omega-­‐6s:  These  fats  are  needed  for  normal  blood  flow  and  healthy  inflammation.  They  are  found  in  vegetable  oil,  corn  

oil,  and  sunflower  seeds.  

ALA:  This  fat  is  found  in  plant  sources  such  as  

ground  flax  seeds,  ground  chia  seeds,  and  walnuts.  

Olive  Oil:  In  addition  to  the  MUFA  benefits,  olive  oil  also  

contains  polyphenols,  vitamin  E,  and  oleic  acid  which  can  lower  blood  pressure  and  fight  cancer.  

Coconut  Oil:  This  fat  is  neither  a  MUFA  nor  PUFA.  It  contains  medium-­‐chained  fatty  acids  that  are  easiest  to  absorb.  

Studies  have  shown  that  coconut  oil  may  play  a  role  in  reducing  heart  disease  risk  and  improving  blood  sugar  control.  


Type  of  Healthy  Fat   Food  Sources   Average  Cost  Polyunsaturated  Fatty  Acids  

Omega-­‐3s:  DHA  and  EPA  

Salmon   $6.00-­‐15.00  (per  pound  fresh)  

Tuna   $2.50-­‐3.50  (12-­‐ounce  can)  

Fish  Oil  Supplements     $15.00  (120-­‐count  jar)  

Polyunsaturated  Fatty  Acids  

Omega-­‐3s:  ALA  

Flax  Seeds   $3.00  (12-­‐ounce  box)  

Walnuts   $7.00-­‐8.00  (16-­‐ounce  bag)  

Chia  Seeds   $12.00-­‐17.00  (13-­‐ounce  bag)  

Polyunsaturated  Fatty  Acids  


Vegetable  Oil   $2.00-­‐3.00  (48-­‐ounce  bottle)  

Sunflower  Seeds   $2.00-­‐3.00  (16-­‐ounce  bag)  

Corn  Oil   $3.00-­‐4.00  (48-­‐ounce  bottle)  

Monounsaturated  Fatty  Acids   Olive  Oil   $6.00-­‐7.00  (25-­‐ounce  bottle)  

Avocado   $0.75-­‐2.00  (per  Avocado)  

Canola  Oil   $3.00-­‐4.00  (48-­‐ounce  bottle)  

Almonds   $6.00-­‐8.00  (16-­‐ounce  bag)  

Peanuts   $2.50-­‐3.50  (16-­‐ounce  container)  

Medium-­‐Chained  Fatty  Acids   Coconut  Oil   $7.00  (14-­‐ounce  jar)  



For  best  absorption,  take  enzymes  when  eating  foods  with  fat!