Laura Clarke & Adam Drinkall Productions

Post on 05-Dec-2014

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Transcript of Laura Clarke & Adam Drinkall Productions

Laura Clarke & Adam Drinkall Productions present

“Blooming Heather”

PlotThe plot begins by establishing an equilibrium between the three young characters Matthew, Sophie and Liam. This is shown by them playing together on the moors. Then suddenly a fatal car crash kills Matthew, leaving his best friend Liam devastated, the film then follows Liam through his journey of grief, including anger, pain and depression. Towards the end of the film after a confrontation with Sophie he realises that they share a friendship that can help them both through this tough time.

CharactersLiam – He is the ‘main’ character. The audience will sympathise mostly with him throughout the film. He goes through different phases of grief, and we see how he comes to terms with his friends death.

Sophie – She is the sister of Matthew, who is killed in a car accident. She is neglected throughout the film by Liam, but they find friendship in each other by the end of the film.

Matthew – He is Sophie’s brother who is killed in a car accident. This happens early on in the film. He is a likeable character who leaves a considerable gap in his friends’ lives.

Liam’s Mum and Dad – They worry about Liam and help him to deal with Matthew’s death. They are very typical parents, especially Mum who is very concerned and protective to the point of being hysterical. However, Dad is the laid-back type, and takes the situation in a more controlled manner.

Other characters include: Matthew and Sophie’s parents (Sue and Graham); Driver; Vicar; Liam’s Granddad.


In our film one of each gender is ideologically correct, and the other is not. For example.

• Liam’s Mum- She is controlled by Liam’s dad, this is ideologically correct because the male is dominantly in charge. She is also fairly whiny and protective over her son which is the stereotypical thing for a mother to do.

• Liam’s Dad- In the film we find that Liam’s dad is mostly controlled and laid back at the whole situation, however at the funeral he comes across as being concerned and consoles in Sue and Graham. This then shows that as well as being the more dominant parent he has a soft caring side.

• Sophie- Even though she is the sister of Matthew, she shows a strong side and copes with the situation better than Liam. This shows that she is not the typical traditional ideology.

• Liam- He is not politically correct. Even though he is young and hi grieving is understandable, he is not able to cope as well as Sophie. This makes him seem more emotionally unstable, which is not typically usual for a male.


In a way our film goes against ideology, because people are not used to a child being killed. And especially not another child depressively grieving over it.

ThemesThe obvious theme’s in this film are Death and Grief. This is what we concentrate on, we start by examining how Liam copes with his friends death and how it affects him in different ways. We then portray how time can change the way that he feels and how his emotions change. We also explore this on a wider scale by portraying how other people are affected by death, for example how Sophie and also Liam’s parents are affected. We also explore other themes like friendship and how important it is in such situations.


Because Liam feels guilty for Matthews death, we pursue the moral of whether or not we can prevent death. We resolve this question at the end of the film when Sophie and Liam begin to accept Matthews death and start to move on from it. We want the audience to feel and think that although we can’t prevent death, we should try and move on from it, taking into account all the good things that happened in their life. We also want the audience to sympathise with Sophie and then Liam at the end. We feel that the audience should think about life and death in a more positive attitude than the characters in the film.

The End

Thank you for listening to our presentation. Please feel free to ask any questions.