Launching Your MLM Mastermind Business · 2015-10-07 · Now, the inventor of this amazing lead...

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Transcript of Launching Your MLM Mastermind Business · 2015-10-07 · Now, the inventor of this amazing lead...


The purpose of this training manual is to get you off to a fast-start with your Profit Leads business.

There are only two types of people you will ever talk to or contact about Profit Leads.

1) People that you know (your warm market)

2) People that you don’t know (the cold market)

I know that seems very simplistic, but from a marketing perspective this is 100% accurate. And, the better that

you and your entire organization become a MASTER of each technique the larger your check will be!

Within this training you’ll learn proven techniques to help you contact both types of people.

One important point I want you to remember is that in order to have a long-term residual income with Profit Leads

you have to learn and teach a DUPLICATABLE SYSTEM.

You are not the issue, your group is.

Yes, you could go into the marketplace and use your talents to sponsor 90% of everyone you talk to. But, your

team won’t be able to and they will eventually get discouraged and quit as they can’t duplicate your gift(s) of gab,

presenting the program, meeting new people, etc.

Talent isn’t duplicatable.

Systems are duplicatable.

What you’re going to learn today is how to create a duplicatable system within Profit Leads.

Within each of these two categories I’ll be sharing with you a sample:

Phone Script



I believe in a two-step process.

Step One: Expose your prospects to a DVD, CD, Brochure, or your Website.

Step Two: Get your prospects to a live opportunity meeting, conference call, three way call, etc.

I’m also a big believer that everyone has a window of opportunity a few times a year where they are “open minded”

to a business or making extra money.

It is waste of your time to try to sell or convince someone on the business opportunity or even the benefits of our

program if their window is closed.

Your job is not to sell or convince.

Your job is to sort and sift through people to find those people whose window is open NOW!

The likelihood of the first 50 family and friends that you contact being the person who will make you thousands of

dollars a month is slim. It happens, but it’s rare.

But, if you get those 50 to give you 5 referrals each, you now have 250 fresh prospects to contact via a third party

validation process.

It is in this potential list of 250 people where you are more likely to find a builder or two that can change your

monthly income level dramatically!

There is something very powerful with a 3rd party endorsement

that you just don’t get with your family and friends.

Your family and friends know you too well. They know of all your struggles and problems. Yet, their referrals

don’t, so they don’t pre-judge you or your message, they have more of an open mind when it comes to listening

about our products and opportunity.

So, as you are reading this training today, realize that you do need to make a list of 50 family, friends and

co-workers. Not to just recruit them as a customer or an IBO, but to also get at least 5 referrals (or more) from

each of them.

That takes the pressure off of you when you are contacting them. If you don’t get referrals from them what

happens when all 50 of your family and friends say NO to you?

You quit, and so will your downline!

So, don’t make that mistake that I did early on in my career.

What you’re about to learn today I didn’t do my first few years in this business. I thought it was way too simple or

a “stupid” way of doing business. That attitude cost me big time. I burned through my warm market list of

family and friends with a money focused mentality and they sensed it and nobody joined with me!

What you’re about to learn today is a VALUE FOCUSSED approach.

What does that mean?

That means you are 100% focused on what the products and business can do for THEM, not YOU! People can

sense the difference.

If you are MONEY focused or you’re coming off “greedy”, your prospects can tell.

If you are SURVIVAL focused where you’re desperate to sign someone up to make your house or car payment,

your prospects can tell.

But, if you are VALUE focused where you ultimately are concerned about your prospects wealth and health,

your prospects can tell that, too!

The techniques you’ll learn today are very professional and

they will not offend your prospects or make you feel uncomfortable.

Instead, they will give you more CONFIDENCE than ever before and leave most everyone you contact with a

feeling of appreciation for taking the time and effort to share Profit Leads with them!

There are just TWO SECTIONS to this training.

Part one is contacting people YOU KNOW.

Part two is contacting people YOU DON’T KNOW.

Pretty simple, right?

Yes, that’s why this training works.

It eliminates the confusion so you and your team are left with only ONE option…to take action!

Look, if you’re confused you won’t take action. I know I won’t. And, neither will your downline.

If you want to know how to EXPLODE your downline in Profit Leads without having to spend countless hours on

the phone or in person trying to get your downline going, then read this training and pass it on to your group.

I’ve spent the last 30 years and tens of thousands of dollars perfecting these two techniques, so I know they work.

I’ve made those mistakes and spent that money so you don’t have to. My suggestion is to try these techniques for

the first 10 to 25 people and TEST me before you try and change or adjust anything…that’s where true duplication

occurs anyway, where everyone does the same thing over and over again.

That’s how downlines explode overnight and you wake up one morning and wonder how all these people you don’t

know showed up in your downline report!

Part One:

How to Contact

People You Already Know!

(Sample Letter to Mail)

Your Street Your Address Your Phone

Hello John,

The purpose of this letter is to let my friends, family and business associates know that

I have started a new online business.

I am working with a company called Profit Leads and we market a product that every business

owner needs – fresh prospects!

Now, the inventor of this amazing lead generating system, Robert Blackman, has started a

unique opportunity where you can be your own Online List Broker with the potential of earning

$700 to $3,500 a month with just 20 to 100 customers!

I need a favor, can you help me out?

I am very excited about this new venture and I am looking for a couple of people with

leadership and management abilities and I naturally thought of you.

I have no idea if you would personally be interested in joining, but I know you know the

right kind of people who would. I need you to watch a short video on our website and tell

me who you know that I should talk to, can you do that?

To watch the short video go here:

Please watch this video and pass it along to someone who you feel can benefit from this

prospecting system.

I’m sure they will appreciate that, and I will, too!

Thank you for your help and I’ll give you a call in a couple of days to find out who you

think would like to get more information on how the program works.


Your Name

Your Phone Number

PS You can also pass along my website listed above where they can get more information

24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

(Sample Email to People You Know)

Subject: John, I need a quick favor…

Hello John,

The purpose of this letter is to let my friends, family and business associates know that

I have started a new online business.

I am working with a company called Profit Leads and we market a product that every business

owner needs – fresh prospects!

Now, the inventor of this amazing lead generating system, Robert Blackman, has started a

unique opportunity where you can be your own Online List Broker with the potential of earning

$700 to $3,500 a month with just 20 to 100 customers!

I need a favor, can you help me out?

I am very excited about this new venture and I am looking for a couple of people with

leadership and management abilities and I naturally thought of you.

I have no idea if you would personally be interested in joining, but I know you know the

right kind of people who would. I need you to watch a short video on our website and tell

me who you know that I should talk to, can you do that?

To watch the short video go here:

Please watch this video and pass it along to someone who you feel can benefit from this

prospecting system.

I’m sure they will appreciate that, and I will, too!

Thank you for your help and I’ll give you a call in a couple of days to find out who you

think would like to get more information on how the program works.


Your Name

Your Phone Number

PS You can also pass along my website listed above where they can get more information

24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

(Sample Phone Script to People You Know)

Now, before we go into what to say and what to get in your prospects hands I want you to understand this concept:

“You could have a lousy CD/DVD, stutter when you talk and even not remember the name of your company

when you talk to someone. But, if their window is open they’ll take a close look at what you are doing by

asking you for more information. And, you could have the best CD/DVD ever made on the planet and the #1

rated website in the country and if their window isn’t open nothing you can say or do will make them join. You

can’t say anything wrong to the right person and you can’t say anything right to the wrong person! Remember

this so you have the proper expectations when you start looking for customers and distributors. It’s their open

window you are looking for…you and I already know our window is open 365 days a year, but most of the

people who you talk to have a closed window! So, don’t get discouraged when you run into a closed window.

Approach them in a professional way so when their window does open they remember you!”

The name of the game is sorting and sifting looking for open windows!

The only thing you can control is the number of people you and your organization contact on a monthly, weekly

and daily basis.

Stop trying to tell people that “they’d be great at this business”. Don’t convince, sort!

Okay, here’s how you get your business off the ground and in the right direction your first 30 days and beyond.

Get your list of 50 prospects and you can choose to either mail them a letter or pick up the phone and call them. If

you prefer to call your top 50 contacts here is what you say to them on the phone, or in person:

“Hi John this is (your name). How are you doing? Hey, I wanted to know if you can do me a favor and help

me out? I just got involved in a new business and I’m really excited about it and I’m looking for a couple of

key people with leadership and management abilities and I naturally thought of you. I have no idea John if

you’d be personally interested, but I know you know the right kind of people that I’m looking for. What I need

you to do is watch a short DVD and tell me who you know that I should contact. Should I drop the DVD by

your home or your office? (of course if they live out of town either offer to mail the DVD to them, or get them

to your website so they can even get back to you with referrals the same day!)

You can replace the word “DVD” with CD, website, online video, brochure, etc.

Here are the reasons why this approach works when you are looking for distributors:

1. If someone you know is excited about something human nature says you want to know what it is that has them

all pumped up and motivated. So, they are curious and will be opened minded to find out what is exciting one of

their friends.

2. You also just complimented them by saying “I’m looking for a couple of key people with leadership and

management abilities and I naturally thought of you”. You just stroked their ego and patted them on the back as


3. Now, you’re going to relieve any potential stress and tension or where your friend would tell you NO by saying:

“I have no idea John if you’d be personally interested, but I know you know the right kind of people I’m looking

for”. You can almost hear the sigh of relief on the other end of the phone, or if you are in person you can see the

expression on their face show “relief” when you say that statement. You’ve given them an out, or what we call in

sales a “takeaway” and you’ve postured yourself to the point of almost guaranteeing they’ll give you some great


4. About 8 out of 10 people will say “sure, I’ll watch it for you and let you know who I can recommend you

contact”. You make it easy now for your 50 family and friends to tell you YES, rather than NO. Don’t try to

overcomplicate this process. It works because it’s simple. It works because trying to convince your family and

friends to join a Network Marketing program with you doesn’t work…the data after almost 60 years shows that.

So, use this approach and teach this to your downline so they can start seeing more “Yes’s” than “No’s” in their

first 30-days of business with you in Profit Leads!

Even if your best friend says: “No thank you, I’m not interested.” You go ahead and say: “I didn’t think you

would be interested, but I still need your help. I need you to watch this DVD and tell me who you know who might

be interested because I’m very excited about this and would really appreciate you doing me this favor!”

Some people might say: “I really don’t know anybody”. You go ahead and say: “John, I don’t expect you to

know anybody until you see the DVD. Should I drop it by your home or your office today?”

Always try to deal with any objection by agreeing with them and then how can you get the DVD to them, at their

home, their office, mail or website.


Get DVD/CD/Website to them.

Also, if they try to get you to tell them about it over the phone or in person, don’t. That never works. You only

give them some ammunition for them to say everyone they know wouldn’t be interested in that and you ruin your

chance for getting them in or getting referrals from them.

If they do try to get you to tell them more on the phone or in person go ahead and say:

“John, if I tried to do that it would take me over an hour and the DVD/Website does it in a much shorter amount

of time”.

You’ve got to get the DVD in their hands so it can go to work for you. You’re not trying to be evasive; you’re just

letting the tools do their job for you. Duplication occurs when everyone on your team is passing out DVD’s and

not saying very much on the phone or in person.

The less YOU say in this business the more money YOU make.

Recruiting is about creating and maintaining curiosity.

As soon as you say skin care, nutritional product, a red flag immediately goes up with your prospect and a

pre-conceived notion (good or bad) then comes flying back at you with a “I wouldn’t be interested in that, and

neither would anyone I know, but thanks anyway”.

You want ZERO preconceptions when they pop that DVD in their player or watch the video online.

I know that might be against what you’ve been taught in the past, but the tools are a 3rd party endorsement of you

and Profit Leads…let them do their job for you!

Your friends are much more likely to believe a person who they don’t know on a DVD than you anyway. Why?

Because they are too close to you. They know too much about you. Let the tools do the talking for you and

spend your time contacting more people!


Now that you got out at least 10 DVD’s or 10 people who said they’d watch the online video in the marketplace

you and your sponsor can do a 3-way call together by saying the following: (or you can call yourself, but get help,

if you need it)

“Hey John, this is (your name), I just wanted to follow up with you about the DVD I dropped off for you to

watch and I have my business partner (your sponsors name) on the phone with me.”

Don’t say another word…be quiet.

You are then waiting for your prospect to make the first move and whatever they say, you remain quiet and your

sponsor then answers questions.

The reason why you remain quiet is if you say something your friends are not as likely to believe you as they would

a stranger.

Your friends and relatives will be harsh with you on the phone, but they usually won’t be harsh with a

stranger…it’s human nature.

Your sponsor then will say something along these lines:

“Hi John, this is (their name). We don’t want to take a lot of your time tonight we are just calling to see if

you’ve had a chance to watch the DVD or not.”

Your prospect is going to say one of three things:

Yes, I’ve watched it

Yes, I’ve watched it and I don’t think I would be interested.

No, I haven’t watched it yet

That’s the only three things they will say.

Here’s how you respond to each one of those:

Yes, I’ve watched it:

Your sponsor says: “Great, are you open for more information?” If they say yes, then you want to take them to

the next step which could be a local meeting, a one-on-one meeting at a coffee shop, a conference call or a website.

To get them to your event you say: “Great, what are you doing Monday night? What we would like to do is dial

you into our conference call, our meeting, etc.” That’s how you turn a yes into getting them to the next step.

Make sure you say: “What are you doing Monday night” instead of: “Great, I need to get you to a meeting or I

need you get you on our next conference call.” If you do it that way, they’ll always have a reason they can’t make

it. Ask them what they are doing first on the night of your event so the logical conclusion is if they aren’t doing

anything they can attend with you.

Yes, I’ve watched it and I don’t think either I or anyone I know would be interested.

You sponsor says: “No problem. Let me ask you a question. If you were going to do this business who’d be the

first person you’d talk to?” They might say Mary. Then you say: “Why Mary?” Get as much information as

you can about Mary (phone, address, email, etc.) and contact Mary the same way. You then say: “Who’d be the

second person you’d talk to?” “Who else do you know that we should contact?” Again, the odds of the person

who you know being the one you are looking for are slim. But, the odds of them knowing someone who you are

looking for are much higher. So, don’t try to do what every other unsuccessful Networkers do. They call up all

their friends and tell them they have to join with them in a new MLM program. That doesn’t work. There’s a

99% chance their window is closed the day you call them. That’s why we also recommend that you get all your

family and friends as a Customer first. Let the product help you open up their window. I know that not everyone

in your life is in perfect health—so get them on the product first. By only contacting your list of 50 people one

way and one way only, via getting them in the opportunity as a distributor, you are severely limiting your exposure.

Get referrals! Get referrals! Get Customers! Get Customers!

No, I haven’t watched it yet:

Your sponsor is going to say: “Hey, no problem. Do you have a pen? Great. The DVD is very informative,

could you watch it tonight and just give me a call when you are finished? I’m going to up late and it doesn’t

matter what time it is.” A lot of times people will say yes. Other times they will say they have other plans and

they can’t watch it tonight. And, if they say that and they can’t watch it your sponsor says: “You still have that

pen? Could you do us a big favor? We have someone else out of state that’s waiting for this DVD, is there any

way you can drop it in the mail to them and I’ll have (your name) drop another off to you once he gets his next

shipment in?” Fear of lose is a motivating factor here even if their window is just cracked open a little bit. So, if

they won’t do you a favor by watching it tonight you go ahead and take it away from them and then you’ll get one

to them later. You now have regained posture in this process. If not, here’s what happens. You start to beg and

pled for them to watch it. You call night after night until one day you get so frustrated with them it gets in the way

of your friendship. You don’t want that to happen. So, kindly ask them to watch it tonight and call you back, or

ask them if they could do you a big favor and mail it to the next person on your list who is waiting for one. I know

that might seem “rough” to some people, but I’m telling you from experience that this is the way to do it for

maximum success.

Then, what your upline will do is get on the phone with the referral from one of your contacts that they are going to

mail the DVD to.

They say this:

Hi James, this is (your sponsors name), you don’t know me, but we have a mutual friend in (your name).

(Your name) and I have got involved in a new business together and we are looking to expand into your area. I

just wanted to let you know that we’ve got a DVD that we’ve sent to you and you should receive it in the next

couple of days. And, when you do, go ahead and watch and we’ll call you in the next week or so.”

These are three key factors in getting those people on your name list to make a decision.

Fear of loss.

Maintain curiosity

Sense of urgency.

Don’t chase people. Don’t beg them to watch the DVD or come to a meeting.

You move them to action in an excited and professional way!

NOTE: If you’ve satisfied someone’s curiosity there is no reason for them to come to your local meeting. There’s

no reason for them to get on your conference call. There’s no reason to watch the DVD. There’s no reason to

meet with you at a coffee shop or come to your home meeting.

If you can’t get people to a local meeting and you can’t get people to a conference call you and your organization

are telling the prospects too much information!

Don’t be evasive, just tell them that all their questions can be answered at the “meeting” or on the “DVD” and that

you have other calls to make.

Again, the less you say the more money you make.

The biggest fault of excited Networkers is that they want to tell everyone how excited they are about the product,

the company, the pay plan, the online system.

Remember, what excites you about Profit Leads may not interest any of the 50 people who you first contact.

There are only three types of people you’ll ever contact about Profit Leads:

Someone with no prior Network Marketing experience

Someone who was in a program before but they aren’t now

Someone who is in one or more programs now

Each of these three types of people will be looking and listening and gathering information differently. Let the

TOOLS do the work for you.

Let the meeting, the DVD, the CD, the conference call, the brochure, the website make the initial impression for


Then, answer their questions. And, if you’re concerned they’ll ask you a question you’re not ready to answer yet,

get your upline to help you.

Repeat this process on all of your 50 prospects.

Repeat this process on all of your downlines 50 prospects.

This is a proven duplicatable system.

Get help from your upline leader to implement this program.

I want you to understand that if you call and follow up with five people one of them is probably going to have an

interest in getting more information about the business.

But, four of them won’t be.

As soon as they say: “No, I don’t think this is for me.” They are expecting a hard sell from you. They are

expecting someone to try and close them into the program. But, when you get an objection and you say “no

problem”, it almost stops them in their tracks to where they wonder why you’re not trying harder to get them to

join. (You mean you don’t want me?)

Get a referral for the product and the business.

Ask them who is the first person and the second person who they can think of who is in poor health.

I’ve even had people tell me: “I’m not going to give you any of my good people!” And, I’ll say: “Well, I

thought you weren’t open for more information?” You’ll be amazed at the number of people who put their guard

up if they think you are trying to sell them something.

Just go into a department store and you get hit up by a salesperson who says: “Hello, can I help you?” What’s

the most likely answer you’ll give them? “No, I’m just looking?”

The same goes with this business. Nobody wants to be sold.

A lot of times people’s natural reaction is to say that this business isn’t for them, when they don’t even know what

the product is or what the business is!

The philosophy behind this approach is that you want the DVD to do the “selling” for you. Your job is not to sell

or convince anyone. Your job is to expose the product and the business to everyone you know and let them “sell

themselves”. That’s how true duplication occurs.

So, what do you do after your friends or referrals watch the DVD and want more information?

Get them to a local meeting, a home meeting, a conference call, a webinar or send them to your website to sign up

either as a distributor or as a customer!

Your goal should be to have at least 10 DVD’s in play at once. We suggest that you never have more than 25 or 50

DVD’s in inventory at once. Your goal is to either have your prospect give the DVD to someone else, or for you

to retrieve the DVD so you can give it to another prospect. Don’t send a DVD and never get it back. The sense

of urgency is that you need the DVD back to give it to someone else who is wanting to watch it.

If you are calling by yourself and don’t have your sponsor on the phone with you when you make your follow up

phone call use this script instead:


Hello _____________ this is (Your Name) I just wanted to call and make sure you received the DVD I sent you a

couple of days ago and see who you have passed it along to?

WAIT FOR RESPONSE. 99% of the time they will say something like, Yes, I got it, but I haven’t given the

DVD to anyone yet, your response….

NO PROBLEM, Who were you going to give it to?

WAIT FOR RESPONSE, they will usually say my brother, sister. co-worker, etc.

Can you do me a favor?

Wait for Response.

Just pass that DVD along to someone else and I will mail one to your brother, sister, co-worker, etc. what is there


Do you see what has happened, you now have control and the opportunity to send a brochure to a great prospect.


The odds of the person being the one you are looking for is slim to none, the odds of them KNOWING THE RIGHT

PERSON is extremely high!

Remember, you can also substitute the word “video” or “audio” and send them to your website if that is more

convenient for you. Any tool works. But, remember, there is power in someone locally watching the DVD and

then you having to pick that DVD back up from them. It creates a sense of urgency. I have a higher conversion

rate using a DVD vs. a Website. But, I also understand that sometimes it’s easier to use the DVD presentation of

the opportunity on your replicated website!

How to Build Your 50 Person Name List

The best and fastest way to start building your Profit Leads business is by contacting those family, friends and

business associates who already know, like and trust you.

We recommend you make a list of 50 people (or more) your first month in the business.

These could be family, friends, co-workers and even former upline, downline and crossline members in another

sales organization who would recognize you by name.

Call and mail 10 of these prospects per week for the first five weeks. Do not try and call or mail all 50 of your

prospects the first week. This will result in “overwhelm”. Instead, make your list, contact 10 a week and either

mail or give them a DVD in person.

Below is how you develop your list of 50 or more contacts during your first month:

How to Develop Your List of 50+ People to Contact

A warm market list is a list of people you know; they may be acquaintances, friends, coworkers, or family. This list

is used to develop leads so you can begin to practice and hone your business skills. You also can use this list of

people to expand your business by asking for leads and through referrals.

Try to brainstorm all of your friends, family, and acquaintances from work, school, and community events. Use

this list to develop your business by practicing, sharing, or inviting them to the Profit Leads opportunity. People

prefer to get recommendations from their friends and associates rather than from strangers.

Use these reference guides to brainstorm:

Your Address Books

High School Annuals

Cell Phone Addresses

Social Media Networks

College Annuals

Neighborhood List

Your Significant Other

Your Social Clubs/Organizations

Your Church

Your Local PTA

Soccer Team

Cub, Boy & Girl Scouts

Youth Groups

Anyone who has every sold you ANYTHING!

Who Do You Know That is: Real Estate




Interior Decorator

Paper Delivery Person

Apartment Landlord

Dry Cleaners

Fraternity/Sorority Associate






Golf Pro

Store Clerk



PTA President



TV/Radio Announcer

Research Technician





Office Manager







Physical Therapist





Bank Teller

Insurance Agent

After you make your list use the phone script and technique below.

This approach works. It’s a proven system that has built downlines of tens of thousands of distributors by letting

your third party tool (a DVD) do the work for you.

Remember, this is your first 30 days of business. Your only job is to EXPOSE the Profit Leads products and

opportunity to everyone you know and then to get referrals. You are not going to sell anyone on this program, nor

should you try.

Your goal is to let them watch the DVD and give you referrals and for them to let you know if they are personally

interested or not.

If you make a list of 50+ people and you try to get them into the business by being pushing or overbearing and they

all say “NO”, then your business stops there.

But, if you approach your list of 50+ with the idea that you are asking them for a favor to review the DVD and give

you referrals your list of 50 could jump to 100, 250 or even 500!

Your warm market list includes anyone you used to be in a MLM Business with!

That means:

Former Uplines

Former Downlines

Former Crosslines

Part Two:

How to Contact People You Don’t


(Sample Letter to Mail to People You Don’t Know)

Discover How You Can Cash-In On The Lucrative Online List Broker Business!

Hello John,

Ever received something in the mail because you’re on a mailing list?

If you have, you’re not alone! Millions of pieces of mail are sent out every day due to the

fact it’s still one of the most profitable business models on the planet today!

Watch this free presentation online now:

If you’re in a business, guess what? You need fresh prospects to contact each and every month.

Why do you think major Fortune 500 companies like McDonalds, Coca-Cola and Pepsi still run ads

on TV?

Because they work!

As amazing at it seems there is somebody who went to a McDonalds for the first time today!

And, there are people who swear they will never go to another McDonalds again!

So, just like you and I, McDonalds needs fresh prospects to contact to replace those that they


You have the opportunity to be one of the first distributors in the U.S. to earn a significant

income by becoming part of our team.

If you’ve been looking for a way of making more money and wishing something great would cross

your path that required very little experience or money to get started today is your lucky day!

Just visit my website below to get more information now, or give me a call at my number listed


I’ll be calling you in a few days to discuss the possibilities!


Your Name

Your Phone

Your Phone

(Sample Email to People You Don’t Know)

Subject: Cash-In on the lucrative List Broker Business!

Hello John,

Ever received something in the mail because you’re on a mailing list?

If you have, you’re not alone! Millions of pieces of mail are sent out every day due to the

fact it’s still one of the most profitable business models on the planet today!

(Watch this free presentation online now: )

If you’re in a business, guess what? You need fresh prospects to contact each and every month.

Why do you think major Fortune 500 companies like McDonalds, Coca-Cola and Pepsi still run ads

on TV?

Because they work!

As amazing at it seems there is somebody who went to a McDonalds for the first time today!

And, there are people who swear they will never go to another McDonalds again!

So, just like you and I, McDonalds needs fresh prospects to contact to replace those that they


You have the opportunity to be one of the first distributors in the U.S. to earn a significant

income by becoming part of our team.

If you’ve been looking for a way of making more money and wishing something great would cross

your path that required very little experience or money to get started today is your lucky day!

Just visit my website below to get more information now, or give me a call at my number listed


I’ll be calling you in a few days to discuss the possibilities!


Your Name

Your Phone

(Sample Phone Script to People You Don’t Know Who Are Active

Interent/Network Marketers)

Get your list of prospects that you have received from me and you can choose to either email them a letter or pick

up the phone and call them. If you prefer to call your leads every month here is what you say to them on the


“Hi John this is (your name). I’m calling you from Profit Leads, an online list broker company that is

expanding in your area . We’re looking for experienced Networkers and I noticed you used to be in XYZ

company, is that correct?

WAIT FOR RESPONSE. If they are not interested ask them if they know of anyone in their area that would be

interested in earning an extra $700 to $3,500 a month working as a part-time list broker. If their window is

open say this:

“What I’d like to do John is direct you to my website so you can watch a

video online tonight if possible.”

You have to remember you are calling people that you know have already joined a previous Network Marketing

opportunity. They know what Pay Plans are and other lingo of the trade. There is a 90% chance they are not

making more money than they are spending. Plus, they may even be off autoship for their program and have

quit. But, they probably won’t reveal that to you on your first phone call to you. The key is you’re talking to

a proven buyer of the Network Marketing experience. They have contacts, they have spent money and they are

GREAT candidates for Profit Leads! Get them to watch the VIDEO!

If you are going to contact the Profit Leads leads that you get from me each month to your own website use the above

email and phone script to call and email your leads.

You can simply send them to your site and ask them to WATCH the presentation.

Remember, if someone is “open” it doesn’t matter what you get to them, a brochure, a DVD, a website, an Interview, a

conference call, etc. If they are NOT open, then nothing will work.

So, don’t get caught up on trying to figure out which is the best tool to use. I use the online video because I don’t have

to mail them anything and I usually get immediate feedback from them because it’s all online!

I would email them at least once a week until they either opt in to your site, or opt out of your autoresponder.

If you are new to this business following these instructions may seem easy.

If you are not new to this business you may be thinking that I am crazy to teach contacting your warm market list. You

have either done that and it didn’t work, or you just might feel uncomfortable doing it.

That’s why I’ve designed the letter and email for you.

Years ago I had a former neighbor contact me about his MLM program.


I had lived next to him for five years and thought all he did was work for the telephone company.

He had quit his job and built a team of over 5,000 people since I had moved away from him.

I was living on the same block with this guy and refused to even contact him by letter or email because I was scared to

and thought it would be uncomfortable for both of us if he said NO.

So, I missed out big time and

have never made that mistake again.

It’s not who you know that always counts; it’s who THEY know that counts long term.

And, with the approach that we use you’ll find that many of your family and friends will be more than happy to give you

five or more referrals!

The How to Doesn’t Matter Until You Know Your

Reasons Why!

Starting your own Profit Leads business is one of the smartest investments you can make of your time and money.

But, before we get started teaching you all the “how to’s” of Network Marketing and our retail and recruiting

systems, let’s go over a very important point that you need to address with yourself and with any family members

who may be involved with your decision to make Profit Leads an investment of your time and money.

What are your “reasons why” for joining Profit Leads?

What are your “reasons why” for sticking with Profit Leads for the future?

Starting your own business is not only an intellectual decision; it’s an emotional one as well.

You have a life outside Profit Leads and now you’re going to have to slowly and steadily incorporate this business

into your day to day life.

But, just like with any new venture (like building a new home), you will have to put in more time in the beginning

without a lot of return.

In Network Marketing you work your hardest and spend your most time your first year of the business. Yet, that

is most likely a year where you earn the least amount of money compared to later years as your business grows.

Most of us are used to going to a job, working 40 hours and getting a steady, predictable paycheck from our


In Network Marketing you get paid a commission once a month.

Treating your Profit Leads business like your very own form of Social Security or Pension is a great

delayed-gratification mindset to have.

On the other hand, you’ll learn how to start making money quickly with our Compensation plan and turn Profit

Leads into a full-time income stream if you wish.

What we want you to understand is the “cycle” of being in Network Marketing. At the beginning you are laying

the foundation of your business. That will mean learning about the products, how to retail the products and how

to recruit and retain new distributors.

Just like going to college for 4 years, you’ll need to get educated in how exactly the Network Marketing business

model works and how you incorporate it into your day to day life.

At first that might seem easy as you are very excited about the products and about your new found ability to write

your own paycheck and be your own boss.

But, as time goes on, the emotions of this business eventually wear off…life gets in the way.

How to insure that you and your entire organization stay focused until your goals are reached is to make a list of

your “Reasons Why” and keep those reasons in front of you every day.

A few real-world examples are when you make a New Year’s resolution to lose weight, stop a bad habit, or to join

the gym and start exercising every morning before you go to work.

The first few days or even weeks of the new year seem to be easy and fly by. You feel good about yourself for

sticking to your new goals and you’re starting to see an improvement in your attitude and outlook on life!

Then, one day you sleep in late and you don’t go to the gym. You justify it in your mind why you missed but

eventually you start to sleep in every day until you find yourself calling the gym and cancelling your monthly


If you’ve done this, don’t feel bad. This is a common problem in life and a common problem in Network


One of the biggest reasons we are supplying you with this manual is to give you the proper expectations and

mindset to turn your dreams into reality with your Profit Leads business.

Success leaves clues. And, after 60 years of existence, the Network Marketing industry has left many “clues” to

what makes one distributor successful while another fails.

The first step of action for you today is to take a look at the next page and print this out and make a list of your “Top

Three Reasons Why” you’re building your Profit Leads business:

There are 10 identical forms for you to fill out.

Print one out for you and print one out for your spouse, or significant other.

My Top Three Reasons Why I’m Building Profit Leads Leads Program:

1. ____________________________________________ 2. ____________________________________________ 3. ____________________________________________

My Top Three Reasons Why I’m Building Profit Leads Leads Program:

1. ____________________________________________ 2. ____________________________________________ 3. ____________________________________________

My Top Three Reasons Why I’m Building Profit Leads Leads Program:

1. ____________________________________________ 2. ____________________________________________ 3. ____________________________________________

My Top Three Reasons Why I’m Building Profit Leads Leads Program:

1. ____________________________________________ 2. ____________________________________________ 3. ____________________________________________

My Top Three Reasons Why I’m Building Profit Leads Leads Program:

1. ____________________________________________ 2. ____________________________________________ 3. ____________________________________________

My Top Three Reasons Why I’m Building Profit Leads Leads Program:

1 ____________________________________________ 2. ____________________________________________ 3. ____________________________________________

My Top Three Reasons Why I’m Building Profit Leads Leads Program:

1. ____________________________________________ 2. ____________________________________________ 3. ____________________________________________

My Top Three Reasons Why I’m Building Profit Leads Leads Program:

1. ____________________________________________ 2. ____________________________________________ 3. ____________________________________________

My Top Three Reasons Why I’m Building Profit Leads Leads Program:

If you have a boyfriend or even a girlfriend, get them to fill one out with you, or at least tell them why you’re doing

this…to make a difference in your life and possibly theirs!

Letting your family and friends know what you are doing is a very significant thing. If nobody in your sphere of

influence supports you, don’t worry, you’re not alone, that’s not uncommon.

IMPORTANT POINT: do get a copy of your “Top Three Reasons” into the hands of your sponsor or upline that

you are working with so they know your Reasons Why!

Also, put a copy of them:

In your wallet

In your purse

On the door on the way out to your garage

On the door on the way into your house

Your bedroom door

Your bathroom door

Your bathroom mirror

The door into your closet

Next to your computer at home

Next to your computer at work (if allowed)

On the refrigerator

In the car

In the pantry

Guys, next to the grill outside (yes, laminate them)

Guys, on the back of the remote control!

Gals, use it as a book marker

And, most importantly, next to your phone!

You get the idea!

Put your “Top Three Reason’s” why as a constant reminder why you’re building your Profit Leads business.

Is it for your retirement?

To get out of credit card debt?

Get a new car that starts every time you put in the key?

Get a bigger house?

The kids college education?

Pay off back taxes?

Help a loved one?

Join the gym?

Hire a personal trainer?

Get a nanny?

Have a weekly date night (remember those?)

Give more to your favorite charity or church?

Whatever your REASONS are, write them down and put them where you will see them on a daily basis to help you

FOCUS on the business!

The $9.95 Recruiting System – How to Sponsor & Keep New


You must realize the odds that the person you are talking to about Profit Leads being the person you are looking for

are very low. But, the chances they know someone who you are looking for is very high.

Most distributors make the mistake of trying to convince everyone they know to join with them. Sometimes they

even pay for their membership and products, which never works long term.

Look, a person’s window is either open or it’s not open.

You are not looking to force people’s windows open.

Instead, when they open the window, you want to be the one standing outside ready to give them a helping hand.

You are looking for people who are looking for you! You’re looking for people who are sick and tired of being

sick and tired. You’re looking for people who are ready to do something different with their lives and they are no

longer satisfied with the “status quo” or the 9 to 5 routine.

You’re looking for employees who are tired of building their bosses dream.

You are looking for traditional small business owners who are tired of their businesses running them into the

ground 24/7!

You’re looking for people who are tired of being broke and tired of having a dream of doing more with their life,

but they don’t know what to do and who to turn to!

You’re not looking to convince anyone of the benefits of being a Profit Leads distributor.

When you contact all your family and friends about this business and nobody joins, you get discouraged and quit.

Your might be thinking: “I contacted everyone I know about joining as a distributor and nobody joined, now what

do I do?”

The purpose of this chapter is to help you avoid this most common mistake in Network Marketing.

Tens of thousands of people join a Network Marketing company every week.

You are looking for people whose window is open. What do I mean by that? Something has happened in their

life and their window opens.

And, when their window is open they are ready to listen to an alternative way of making money, which is Network


They are ready to receive.

A large number of people’s windows are not open now…but that doesn’t mean it will never be open in the near


That is why they way you approach people when their window is closed is VERY important.

So, the odds when you contact someone you know, or even don’t know, about this business are very slim that their

window is open.

Don’t make the mistake of being a window pusher.

Your job isn’t to open people’s windows…your job is to be there when people open up their window, which is a

huge difference. And, this is the #1 reason why most distributors get discouraged and quit.

They can’t understand why someone won’t join when they barge into their life by smashing open their window.

In a 365 day year I believe that everyone’s window opens up at least once!

What are some things that make people’s window open?

They didn’t get that promotion they were counting on

Their car needs repairs they can’t afford

Maybe their mortgage payment just went up

Maybe their company is laying off good people

An illness in their family caused a financial stress

Amateurs in this business try to convince people, professionals sort through people.

It’s a whole lot easier working with people who have their own reasons for doing this business than trying to

motivate everyone on your team just to stay on auto ship and attend a local meeting!

That’s why getting your own “Top 3 Reasons Why” is so important.

That’s why you need to get your downlines “To 3 Reasons Why” in your hands.

If you have a team of 20 distributors and none of them will fill out a card of their top 3 reasons why and give it to

you, what does that tell you about your organization?

Is it more likely to grow quickly or is it more likely to fade quickly?

Likewise, take those same 20 people and if 5 of them get their top 3 reasons back to you what do you think is about

to happen to your business?

It’s about to grow.

Get those 3 reasons why quickly…those are the people you will want to work with now.

Get them to make their top 50 prospects as explained in Chapter 3 over the next five weeks (mail 10 letters a week).

That’s how you get your current group to grow and that’s how you get your check to grow even if you don’t

personally sponsor someone this month.

This business is about finding and developing leadership.

It’s not about being a Network Marketing salesperson.

Yes, you want to sponsor new customers and new distributors every month. But, not at the expense of finding and

developing leaders. If you spend all your time bringing in 50 to 100 new customers and distributors a month how

are you ever going to find time to teach and train them?

The answer is you won’t.

And, the conclusion of that process is you’ll simply be replacing those that you sponsored three months ago with

new signups you put in this month.

It becomes a revolving door and your business eventually hits a wall. Which means your check stops at a certain

level and then drops back 10% to 25% and you never seem to regain any momentum.

That happens when duplication stops.

Duplication occurs when everyone is on the same page.

They are getting their three reasons to their sponsor and they are contacting their top 50 prospects as outlined

earlier in this manual. Then, when they run out of people to talk to, they get new people to talk to from our monthly

autoship of 100 to 2,500 leads a month!

Remember, people do things for their own reasons, not yours. What’s important to you may or may not be

important to them.

Some people may be happy with their job and their income level. But, they join Profit Leads to make more money

to give to their favorite charity or church.

Find out what motivates your downline and work with them to achieve their goals, not yours, and you’ll start to see

your downline grow!

The Profit Leads $9.95 Recruiting System

First of all, look at the flow chart below as it gives you an example of how the Profit Leads website you get for free

as an affiliate provides you with leads, a website capture page, an autoresponder, and a follow up system that

emails all your website visitors for you, 24hr online presentations, weekly conference calls and training to help you

build your Profit Leads business:

Here are some important facts you should know about people who sign up as a distributor in your Profit Leads


Most will have no previous or sales experience

Most will have no previous Network Marketing experience

Most people work a full time job and have little time to work Profit Leads

Most people are afraid of rejection and won’t even talk to one person

Many people will feel awkward talking about making money when they haven’t made any money yet. It’s the

adage of: “I’ll talk to my family and friends when I make some money first”.

Almost every new distributor is overwhelmed with what to say and do if someone asks them a question or gives

them an objection.

Your Profit Leads downline is a volunteer army on commission. They don’t punch a time clock and you’re not

their boss, you are their business partner there to help train and motivate them so they succeed.

You cannot control the attitude and actions of others, you can only control your own attitude and your own actions.

Your downline will only end up doing what you do. If you make $700 a month they will be inspired to make $700

a month as well. If you do nothing, they will do nothing.

So, how do you motivate a bunch of volunteers?

You don’t.

You get them to motivate themselves.

You get them to back a “cause” or “movement” that they all believe in.

A common purpose that motivates them to take the time and invest their hard earned money to take consistent

action on a subject matter that is important to them.

You also give them a recruiting system that anyone can do their first day in business regardless of their level of

experience or expertise.

You don’t feed steak to a baby.

You don’t teach algebra to first graders.

You don’t expect your new distributors to know how to build a successful thriving business their first thirty days

in the business.

The $9.95 program works because:

It’s affordable (it’s easier to get a yes for $9.95 than a yes for $500!)

It’s believable (you wouldn’t promote a product that you don’t believe in, so we encourage you to try the

product first and get your own personal testimony).

It gives you and your downline confidence by getting sales so easily

It gives our program 30 days to go to work for you on your customers

A satisfied customer will keep buying the product month after month to insure you receive a consistent

commission check

A satisfied customer will give you referrals to help you build your business.

A satisfied customer will be a great distributor because they believe in the product and they won’t be afraid to

talk about their personal testimony.

Yes, making money is a key component to your common bond between you and your downline of distributors.

But, if after your first 90 days you aren’t making the kind of money you’ve set as a goal, how do you wake up in the

morning and motivate yourself to talk to someone about the Profit Leads business opportunity?

In other words…

“You and I Can’t Recommend Something We Don’t Believe In!”

Can you recommend a restaurant you’ve never eaten at?

Can you recommend a movie that you’ve never seen?

Guys, can you recommend a mechanic that’s never worked on your car?

Ladies, can you recommend a hairdresser who’s never done your hair?

The answer is no, you can’t.

It goes against human nature to recommend something that you’ve never experienced before. Even if you get

paid a referral fee for doing so…it goes against how you and I are made to recommend something blindly just for


That’s why most distributors get discouraged and drop out of Network Marketing.

They set a specific financial goal with a specific period of time.

When they don’t reach that goal, they cannot recommend a business opportunity that hasn’t worked for them!

But, if you take our products and you believe in them, you’ll keep taking them even if you never get a commission

check from Profit Leads.

But, if you primarily get into Profit Leads just to make money and in 90 days you aren’t, then you get discouraged

and quit.

You don’t quit because the products didn’t work.

You don’t quit because Network Marketing doesn’t work.

You don’t quit because your sponsor didn’t help you (although you might use that as an excuse)

You quit because you can’t recommend something that hasn’t worked for you.

And, most people quit in Network Marketing without even talking to a single person!

So, how do you avoid this most common problem?

You lead with the product first and backend the business second.

Now, if this concept is new to you, or if you are skeptical of this process here are just two examples of how retailing



In the late 1990’s a Nutritional company grew to 65,000 distributors and over $120 Million dollars in sales in just

four years. Out of the 65,000 distributors 50,000 of them were customers first! They led with a weight loss

product that retailed for $29.95 for a month’s supply. They didn’t even have a free trial; they sold the product at

retail direct to the customer!


A few years ago a prominent Nutritional company generated $750,000,000 million in annual sales. $500,000,000

million of that was from customers!

There are more examples of how retailing works with this industry but I wanted you to know that this method we

are teaching you isn’t some untested theory.

The fact is distributors come and go, but satisfied customers stay for a lifetime. And, the best distributor is a

happy and satisfied customer.

When you have hundreds, thousands and even tens of thousands of customers who are “afraid” to stop taking our

product because how much you have educated them on the health benefits, then you have locked in a long term

commission check!

Retailing also helps a Network Marketing company to maintain its legality.

If there are no end users, i.e., people who are buying the product who are not distributors, then some regulators

view that as a negative against this industry.

We truly believe we are creating a NEW business model within the Network Marketing industry by creating the

Retail to Recruit system.

We know of no other company in this industry who has a clinically proven product that offers a 30-day trial for just


That is our USP, or Unique Selling Proposition.

That is a major feature that sets us apart from the competition. So be sure to remind anyone to talk to, especially

those who have been in Network Marketing company before of this unique benefit of being a Profit Leads


And, if you are talking to an experienced sales person or Network Marketing veteran be sure to communicate how

you can “make money by giving away free 30-day trials”.

That will get their attention and that will help you recruit more distributors in the long run!

How the Retail to Recruit System Works:

1. Get your customers on our 30-day trial program for just $9.95 s&h.

2. In 30 days they automatically convert to a Profit Leads Distributor

for $97 + $9.95 shipping where you earn 15% on your first level (or

$15) and 40% on your second level (or $40).

3. You call your customers on days 7/14/28 to lock in them in for their

second month and get referrals and upgrade them to a higher lead



1. Call your customer 7 days after they place their order. If

they order on Monday, you call them the next Monday. This

allows Profit Leads team to process the order and for the package

to be delivered to their home or office.

2. The purpose of this call is to validate their $9.95 purchase

decision, set them at ease, and to set the next appointment in 7


3. Here is what you say:

“Hi, this is (your name) calling you from Profit Leads. I wanted

to thank you for your order and be sure that you have received

your leads and training as promised on the website! Also be sure

to watch the DVD and listen to the CD you received. Also, if you

don’t mind, I’d like to call you in a week to see how you are doing,

is that okay?”

DAY 14

1. You call your customer 14 days after their place their order.

2. The purpose of this call is to insure they have used their leads

or have watched, listened and read the training material they


3. Here is what you say:

“Hi this is (your name) calling you from Profit Leads. We spoke

about a week ago and I was calling to see how it’s going?

(Their Name), let me ask you a question, do you know of anyone

else who would be interested in trying our leads and training

program for free for 30 days? Who’s the first person you think of

who could benefit from our product?”

4. Get a list of referrals you can call, email, mail or meet in

person with. Be sure to keep track of everyone who gave you a

referral as you can use them as an added benefit on day 28.

Day 28

1. Call your customer 28 days after they order.

2. The purpose of this call is to determine if they are going to

stay a preferred customer on auto ship or upgrade to a distributor.

3. Here is what you say:

“Hi is this (your name) calling you from Profit Leads. I’m

calling you today to be sure you understand our pay plan and how

you can start making $700 a month with just 20 people Is now a

good time to go over that?”

The Compensation Plan – How You Get Paid as a Profit

Leads Distributor

The best explanation of our compensation plan can be found in an audio training located online where you can

watch it on your computer anytime:


Retail bonus

MLM Big Money Book Sales

MLM Mastery Course CD Sales

Autoresponder Sales

Lead Sales

Bonus Pool


Level 1: 1 x $100 = $100 x 15% = $15.00

Level 2: 2 x $100 = $200 x 45% = $90.00

Total: $15.00 + $90.00 = $105.00 a month

$105 X 12 MONTHS = $1,260 A YEAR


Level 1: 4 x $100 = $400 x 15% = $60.00

Level 2: 16 x $100 = $1,600 x 45% = $720.00

Total: $60.00 + $720.00 = $780.00 a month

$780 X 12 MONTHS = $9,360 A YEAR!


Level 1: 20 x $100 = $2,000 x 15% = $300.00

Level 2: 80 x $100 = $8,000 x 45% = $3,600.00

Total: $300.00 + $3,600.00 = $3,900.00 a month

$3,900 X 12 MONTHS = $46,800 A YEAR!


Level 1: 36 x $100 = $3,600 x 15% = $540.00

Level 2: 216 x $100 = $21,600 x 45% = $9,720.00

Total: $540.00 + $9,720.00 = $10,260 a month

$10,260 X 12 MONTHS = $123,120 A YEAR!

A True MLM Case Study

As a consultant I talk to Network Marketers all the time.

In fact, here is a case study from one of my clients who has agreed to let me share this information with you.

His name is "Bill".

Bill has spent the last 12 months building up a group of 343 people.

He now has 185 "active" distributors in his program.

His 7-level sales volume last month was: $15,410.

His sales per level were:

Level 1: $3,099

Level 2: $3,159

Level 3: $3,029

Level 4: $2,730

Level 5: $2,340

Level 6: $923

Level 7: $130

His check was a dismal: $405

That's typical though in Network Marketing!

When we laid Bill's 7-Level sales volume of $15,672 over our Pay Plan he would of made a WHOPPING:


That's how powerful our List Broker pay plan is!

So, the question for you is this:

"Which check would you want to be making?

$405 a month?


$2,179.55 a month?"

That's the power of the List Broker Business. That's how I was able to RAKE-IN over a Million Dollars in just one

year with this concept!

Before you get out a pen and paper and start trying to figure out all the ways you get paid and get frustrated with

where you should start let me help you FOCUS on the most important points of the compensation plan that you can

easily learn in the next few pages.

If you desire to replace your income at work and go full time with Profit Leads you can do so by doing nothing

more than “Signing Up $9.95 Free Trials”.

Profit Leads Goal & Commitment Form!

Name ________________________________Date____________

Address (City, State, Zip) _______________________________________


Sponsor’s Name________________Sponsor’s Phone__________________

I am on Auto-Ship each month for _____________ leads.

Total Monthly Advertising Budget_________________________________

I will re-invest my monthly checks back into more leads and postage: Yes No

Why I joined Profit Leads:______________________________________

My Greatest Strength is:_______________________________________

My Greatest Weakness is:______________________________________

Monthly Check needed to quit work and go full-time:_________________

Short Term Goal $190 mo: Group of 6 People (2 who get 2)

I will build a Group of 6 and earn $190 by__________________

I will help 2 people build a Group of 6 by___________________

I will have 12 first level active members on 100 Leads autoship by_______________

I will be on Autoship for____________ Leads a month

Intermediate Goal $700 mo: Group of 20 People (4 who get 4)

I will build a Group of 20 and earn $700 by__________________

I will help 4 people build a Group of 20 by__________________

I will have 20 first level active members on 100 Leads autoship by_______________

I will be on Autoship for____________ Leads a month

Long Term Goal $3,500 mo: Group of 100 People (20 who get 4)

I will build a Group of 100 and earn $3,900 by__________________

I will help 12 people build a Group of 20 by__________________

I will have 40 first level active members on 100 Leads autoship by_______________

I will be on Autoship for____________ Leads a month


Send Your Goal Sheet to Robert Blackman at: E-Mail: Profit

The Philosophy Behind the “Goal” System

Accountability. Having everyone on your team fill this form out and fax it back is VITAL to your success. If

you have 10 people in your group and only 5 fill it out and fax it back to me, then you know who your “FIVE”

are who are ready to work the business NOW, not later. You make money when YOU and your TEAM take

action NOW, not next month or next year.

Budget. It’s important for you and everyone on your team to know their budget and actually write it down on

paper and share it with someone. Even if your budget is just $100 a month, don’t be embarrassed. When I

started this business I had to cancel my cable bill and change my spending habits just to come up with an extra

$50 a month. So, you have to START somewhere. And, by writing down what your monthly budget is, you

get to SEE it and then you are personally committing to that and you will ensure that you save that much

money a month for your leads and training.

Goals. We’ve all heard of them and know we need to do them, but we hesitate when doing them. Why?

After 29 years in this business I believe most people are afraid to write down a goal as they have a low

self-esteem and don’t believe they can achieve their hopes and dreams. Plus, they don’t want to write down

a goal and share it with anyone as it will then make them ACCOUNTABLE to someone else. And, everyone

knows that, for the most part, they are not taking daily action with their business. Because if they were, they

would sign up more people and their check would be bigger.

Action. Massive, consistent action is the key. If everyone on your team just signed up 1 person out of 100

leads a month in 12 months your team would 2,048 members. But, that never happens, does it? Why not?

Because not everyone takes action. That’s why saturation never occurs. It’s because people fail to take action

is why attrition occurs and why groups never get off the ground. If you focus on YOU first, then your downline

next, you will succeed. If you stop waiting for something to happen with your group and focus on your own

attitude and actions and your own written goals, then and only then, will you start to see results.

System. The only way I know for you to generate a monthly residual income that will keep coming in for

month after month is for you to work a system. The Profit Leads system is the same one I’ve used in my

primary programs to build Million Dollar Downlines. It starts with a simple concept: “Go here and read this

23-page report”. Then, get on at least 50 leads a month autoship for $49.95 a month. That gets you Level

1 in our Pay Plan. Join at 100 leads and you qualify for Level 1 & 2 in our Pay Plan of 15/40 where the big

money begins!

Tools. Know your website. Go to: wwwProfit Read it. Print it out. Print out

the 23-page report and read it. Know the commission schedule. Read all articles that are emailed to you.

Get on the conference calls. Listen to your monthly training conference calls. Understand that if you’re not

doing the business, neither will your downline. Re-invest your monthly check into 100, 250, 500 or 1,000 or

2,500 leads a month. Yes, it’s a numbers game…the more you contact, the more potential sign-ups you’ll


Your 30-Day Check List

Here’s a checklist for you and your team to follow for your first

30 days as a Profit Leads distributor:

Be on auto ship for at least 100 leads a month

Fill out your “Reasons Why” sheet and Goals and get them

back to me ASAP!

Attend a weekly conference call

Set a goal to make $190 in 30 days.

Set a goal to make $700 in 90 days .

Set a goal to make $3,500 in 180 days.

Help your downline to do the same thing!

Here’s My Contact information:


(405) 833-6899


Robert Blackman