Latvijas Republikas - AIKNC€¦  · Web viewTo LR Ministry of Education and Science . Commission...

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To LR Ministry of Education and ScienceCommission of Study Programs Accreditation

Rezekne Higher Education Institution

Faculty of Education and Design



Re-accreditation Materials


Latvijas Republika Izglītības un zinātnes ministrija


Atbrīvošanas alejā 90, Rēzeknē, LV-4600Tālrunis 64623709, fakss 64625901, e-pasts,


________________ Nr. _____________To LR Ministry of Education and Science

Commission of Study Programs Accreditation

APPLICATIONWe ask to consider accreditation materials of professional master studies program

“Career Counsellor”. Title of the program Professional higher education master

studies program “Career Counsellor”Program code 47142

Duration and volume of program implementation

full time studies, 2 years (4 semesters);part time studies, 2.5 years (5 semesters); 80 CP

Place and mode of program implementation

Rezekne Higher Education Institution, full-time studies and part-time studies

Admission requirements 2nd level professional higher education, teacher’s qualification

Bachelor degree in education sciences Bachelor degree of social sciences in

psychology or psychologist's qualification

Other academic or 2nd level professional higher education and 2 years work experience in counselling, which can be approved by the reference from the employer

Degree/qualification to be obtained Professional higher education Master degree in education and professional qualification of career counsellor (Profession code of the Republic of Latvia 241213)

Person responsible for accreditation Mg.paed., lecturer Gunārs Strodsphone: 29631948, e-mail:

RHEI rector E. Teirumnieks



Phone number of Gunars Strods:+371 29631948


1. The Aim, Tasks, and Results of the Study Program 6

2. Program Organization: 6

2.1. Compliance of the Curriculum with the Aims and Tasks of RHEI 7

2.2. Operation of the Internal Quality Mechanism of the Study Program 7

3. Structure of the Study Program 8

4. Assessment System 10

5. Practical Implementation of the Study Program 11

6. Perspective Evaluation of the Study Program: 15

6.1. Conformity of the Program with the State Standards of Academic

Education or Professional Higher Education and Profession


6.2. Employers Surveys about Graduates Employment for Six Coming




7. Students 22

7.1. Number of Students 22

7.2. Number of Students Matriculated in the First Year of Studies 22

7.3. Number of Graduates 23

7.4. Surveys of Students and their Analysis 22

7.5. Surveys of Graduates and their Analysis 23

7.6. Students’ Involvement in the Study Process Development 23

8. Evaluation of Academic Staff Engaged in the Study Program: 24

8.1. Number of Academic Staff 24

8.2. Compliance of Academic Staff Qualification to the Implementation

of the Aims and Tasks of the Structural Entity


8.3. Academic Staff Selection, Renewal, Training and Development

Policy for Six Coming Years


8.4 Qualification and Proficiency of the Academic Staff to Ensure the

Development of Research Skills, Theoretical Knowledge, Skills and

Proficiency Necessary for Students




8.4.1. Academic Staff Engaged in Foreign Education Institutions or

have Carried out Scientific or Research Work Abroad


8.4.2. Number of Visiting Lecturers within the Study Program 31

8.4.3. Students Having Studies Abroad within the Framework of

Students’ Exchange Programs 31

8.4.4. Number of Foreign Students 31

9. Sources of Financing and Infrastructure 31

9.1. Library Fund 32

9.2. Material Resources of Studies 33

10. External Relations 34

10.1. Collaboration with Employers 35

10.2. Collaboration with Similar Higher Education Programs in Latvia

and Abroad


11. Confirmation about Possibilities to Continue Studies in Case of

Interruption of the Study Program Implementation


12. Program Development Plan

Appendices 1. Academic staff CVs

2. Description of study courses

3. Sample of the diploma and its appendix to be issued to the graduates of the

higher education program (filled in)

4. Chronogram of the study program

5. Agreement with State Employment Agency

6. Methodological recommendations for practice

7. Standards of career counsellor’s profession

8. References about the study program

9. Comparison with other programs

10. Involvement of lecturers in international projects

11. Studies quality assessment and control system

at Rezekne Higher Education Institution (RHEI)

12. Agreement about continuation of studies

13. Advertisements and informative issues about possibilities of studies within the

studies program

14. RHEI provision about councils of studies programs

15. Fields of lecturers researches




16. Lecturers’ scientific publications

17. Students’ survey

18. Inter-universities collaboration agreement for implementation of the studies


19. Study literature

20. Self-assessment report




The aim of the study programTo ensure a possibility to develop students’ competences, allowing to carry out

career counsellor’s duties in state and municipal institutions, non-governmental organizations, education institutions, business entities as well as to perform independent researches in the field of career counselling and be self-employed.

The tasks of the study program

1. To promote theoretical cognitions and practical work experience of analyzing the issues of social environment and labour market, career choice and career management.

2. To help in acquisition of Latvia’s and foreign experience in methodologies of career guidance; to critically evaluate it and apply in professional work.

3. To activate scientific research, as well as to apply and popularize the obtained results in the researches, acknowledging the ideas of lasting education development.

4. To promote students’ self-implementation in the context of career counselling of lifelong education.

The results of the studies

A professional master degree in education and a professional qualification “Career Counsellor” (Profession code of the Republic of Latvia 241213) are awarded.

After successful completion of the master study program and graduation from the professional master study program, the graduates can continue their education by taking doctoral studies after meeting the admission requirements.

The completion of the aim and tasks is reflected in the learning outcomes envisaging what students must know, understand and be able to do after completion of the study program. Thus, in compliance with the amendments of 05.10.2010 to the Cabinet Regulations No. 990 “Regulations on the Latvian Education Classification” of 02.12.2008 regarding qualification framework there are formulated definite learning outcomes in the form of knowledge, skills and competences for the qualification of a career counsellor.

The quality of learning outcomes is determined by the acquisition of knowledge, skills and competences, which correspond to the international competences for education and career counsellors-practitioners (CEDEFOP Career Guidance Practitioners: Their Competences and Qualification Routes, Thessaloniki, 2008) and can be applied in the labour market. The graduates of the study program:

1. Are able to choose independently and formulate critically as well as analyze complex professional and scientific problems and select the ways to their solution.

2. Are able to make decisions in the field of career counselling and substantiate them, provide arguments and discuss about systemic aspects of career counsellor’s professional activities both with specialists and non-specialists.



3. Are able to identify precisely client’s career development problems and develop creative practical approaches to career support in order to solve them basing on the acquired career research methods and the latest cognitions.

4. Basing on the knowledge acquired in career counselling related branches are able to identify issues related to these branches and problems in career counselling, solve them creatively on their own using the cognitions and data of the respective branches as well as fully cooperate with the specialists of other branches to find solutions.

5. Are able to organize and implement both individually in a group the actions necessary to solve career counselling problems on a high professional level undertaking responsibility for the results of the personal workgroup.

6. Are able to gain, select, analyze and apply independently the latest cognitions and data in the respective profession and related fields, demonstrate understanding and ethical responsibility for the outcome of career counselling and possible impact of career counsellor’s professional activity on the society.

7. Are able to demonstrate profound knowledge and understanding in the field of career counselling which provide the basis for creative thinking and research, inter alia in the interdisciplinary field.


Studies at RHEI are regulated by the Regulations on Academic and Professional Studies and Study Programs. ( ) Implementation of the study program is supervised by the Board of the Faculty of Education and Design, RHEI Council of Study programs (Appendix No. 14 of the Regulation) and RHEI Study Council. The study program is implemented at RHEI Faculty of Education and Design, Department of Education and Methodology. The studies are organized in the mode of full-time and part-time studies. The programs of the study courses are identical, only the amount of contact hours and individual work differ.

Organization and management of the study program is performed by the director of the study program, whose work is regulated by RHEI Regulations on the Director of the Study Program ( ).

The Board of the Faculty of Education and Design approves the plan for the academic year, as well as changes made to the study plan, study program and composition of the state examination commission.

The director of the study program takes care of provision of the study courses with lecturers and supervisors of students’ research themes. Annually the director of the study program plans lecturers’ requirement for the coming academic year and reports on the regular basis about the implementation and development of the study program to the Board of the Faculty of Pedagogy.

Lecturers from RHEI Education and Methodology Department, Design and Craft Department, Law Department, Humanitarian Sciences Department, Economics and Management Department, Finance Management Department, Computing Science and Mathematics Department are involved in implementation of the study program as well as well-known Latvian and foreign doctors and professors, career counselling professionals for reading out individual lectures.

Full-time students obtain 20 CP per semester. On average one CP consists of 40% of contact hours and 60% of students’ individual work (refer to the Methodological



recommendations for organization of students’ individual work at RHEI; information of study department). Part-time students acquire less than 20 CP per semester. Procedure of contact hours is planned to occur on weekends (on average 16 contact hours per week).

Full time studies imply these methods and forms of work: work in the class, lectures, practical works, seminars, colloquiums, discussions, applied games, etc.; individual work of master students: work in a library and in computer classes, using the Internet, individual consultations. Individual consultations are rather topical in the study process, encouraging students for carrying out original researches.

The academic staff engaged in implementation of the studies program carries out various research projects involving students in scientific research. Annual students’ conferences are organized at RHEI in which master students are involved too. Students have possibilities to study in collaboration universities making use of ERASMUS mobility programs.


Practical implementation of the study program is defined by LR Higher Education Institutions Law, RHEI provision on academic and professional studies and studies programs (


Studies quality evaluation and control system of RHEI accepted with a decree of Senate from February 28, 2005 (for a decree of RHEI Senate No. 9, refer to Appendix 11, /), which aims to ensure planning and arrangement of RHEI resources (academic staff, infrastructure, finance) in order to develop competitive education, including, implementation of life-long education. The implementation of the quality system in compliance with the learning outcomes approach is determined by the recommendations „Learning Outcomes Based Study Quality System at RHEI”, which are approved in the meetings of the Studies Council on 16.02.2010. Protocol No. 6.

The results of evaluation of the quality of studies are reflected in self-evaluation reports of the study programs and are used for provision of Rezekne Higher Education Institution development.


The content of the studies program consists of theoretical studies, research work and practice. Practice is organized during the 1st, 2nd, 3rd and in the 4th semester in full-time studies and during the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th and the 5th semester of part-time studies according to Rezekne Higher Education Institution provision on practice at Rezekne Higher Education Institution (from December 16, 2002. See and methodological guidelines for practice developed by the Pedagogy and Psychology



department (see Appendix. No. 6). The programs of the study courses are developed in compliance with Law on Higher Education, decree of Ministry of Science and Education as well as instructions of RHEI Studies Council about composition of the courses of the studies program. Descriptions of the study courses are provided in Appendix No. 2.

The curriculum is divided into 4 modules: Career theory, social environment and labour market, professional work methodology, and research work.

Table No. 1

Modules of studies, corresponding study courses and credit pointsCareer and management theory-10 CPCareer Development Theories, Communication Theories in Guidance, Career Service Management, Practice I (research of institutional work)Social environment and labour market- 16 CP Personality Life Cycles, Labour Market and Employment, Social Integration and Multicultural Counselling, Organizational Culture, Legislation in Career Guidance, Ethics in Career Counselling,Practice II (observation of the counselling process)Methodology of professional work- 22 CPCounselling Theory and Methodology, Job Seeking Process, Information Technologies, Practice III (counselling)Research work- 12 CPMethodology of Research, Practice IV, V (research)

Each module involves theoretical courses and practice so that students get knowledge and practical work experience in methodology of counselling as well as issues of the master thesis development.

The modules of the studies program contain particular study courses; they are anticipated to occur in particular time during semesters thus ensuring gradualness, successive preparation for practice and independent research.

26 credit points are anticipated for practice.

Table No. 2Professional Master Studies Program “Career Counsellor”

1. Study courses that ensure acquisition of the latest achievements in theory and practice of the branch (18 CP) CP Form of


Career Development Theories 4 Exam Lect., Mg paed. Gunārs Strods

Labour Market and Employment 2 Test Prof. Dr. Oec. Leonārs Svarinskis

Organizational Culture 2 Test Assist. prof. Dr.oec.Lienīte Litauniece

Professional Ethics in Career Counselling

2 Test Lect. Mg.ed.Rita Burceva



Counselling Theory and Methodology

6 Test/Exam Mg. psych.Aija Kondrova Lect mg.psych. Rita Orska

Job Seeking Process 2 Exam Prof., Dr.paed.Velta Ļubkina

2. Study courses of research work, creative work, project work and management (10 CP)Methodology of Research 4 Exam Prof. Dr. paed.

Pēteris VucenlazdānsInformation Technologies in Career Counselling

2 Test Dr. ing.Pēteris Grabusts

Career Service Management 2 Test Lect. Dr. admin.Inta Rimšāne

Legislation in Career Guidance 2 Test Dr.iur, Gaļina Makarova

3. Study courses of Pedagogy and Psychology (6 CP)Personality Life Cycles 2 Test Lect. Mg.psych.

Rita OrskaSocial Integration and Intercultural Aspects

2 Test Mg. paed.,Mārīte Rozenfelde

Communication Theories in Counselling

2 Test Mg. psych.Aija Kondrova

TOTAL 384. Master’s thesis (20 CP)Master’s thesis 20 Presentat-

ion5. Practice (26 CP) 1st practice 2 CP Test Lect.Dr.paed.

Aina Strode Lect. Mg. paed.Gunārs Strods

2nd practice 6 CP Test Mārīte Rozenfelde

3rd practice 8 CP Test Lect. Mg. psych. R. Orska

4th practice 4 CP Test Assoc. Prof. Dr. paed. Jānis DzerviniksLect. Mg. paed Gunārs Strods

5th practice 6 CP Test Prof. Dr. paed. Pēteris Vucenlazdāns


The curriculum of the studies program can be seen in Appendix 2, time division for

acquisition of the study program (study plan) for full-time and part-time studies can be seen in Tables No. 3 and 4 as well as in chronogram available in Appendix 4.




RHEI studies quality evaluation system ( was developed and approved by the Senate in the academic year 2004/2005. Knowledge evaluation system is determined by RHEI Provision about Exams and Tests and Provision about the State and Final Examinations at RHEI (

Students’ knowledge is assessed in the scale of 10 grades in compliance with regulations No. 481 of LR Cabinet of Ministers from November 20, 2001 about second level professional higher education state standard, basing on summing up positive achievements, obligation of assessment, directness and transparency of requirements, diversity of forms of testing and principles of assessment conformity.

Self-reflection and mutual evaluation are significant forms of evaluating during the time of studies.

The criteria of evaluating knowledge in the study courses to be acquired, forms of testing and procedure of testing are determined by the lecturer who records it in calendar plan of the study course. Assessments are qualitative (verbal) in seminars, tests, creative forms of testing, and quantitative assessments (grades) are applied in exams and differentiated tests.

Evaluation of students’ knowledge can theoretically be divided into two stages: formative (creating) and summative (resumptive). Formative assessment provides lecturers and students feedback about the necessary further study process organization. This assessment provides information to the participants of the study process, but doesn’t influence the status of students. It encourages student to deepen knowledge, while allows lecturers to consider the effectiveness of chosen methods. Summative assessment in its turn approves the achievement of established requirements - criteria; shows how the study course is acquired in general. Assessment of this kind (test, differentiated test, and exam) approves the achievement of the aim put forward in the study course. With application of different summative assessment forms (tests, reports, essays, etc.) a lecturer examines level of acquisition of the definite themes, themes or the content of the entire study course.

The procedure of testing is determined by the Regulation about study course exams and tests as well as Regulation about State and Final Examinations at RHEI approved by RHEI Senate. According to the requirements of the study program students develop their Master's thesis in the 4th semester of the 2nd year in the full-time studies or in the 5th

semester of the 3rd year. Master’s theses are supervised by the master’s thesis supervisors. Master's thesis has to be presented publically. It is assessed by the supervisor, reviewer and the commission of Masters Examination. Elaboration of this work promotes development of students’ competences in research as well as in creative work.

The results obtained in assessment of competences are analyzed in discussions of lecturers and students as well as in meetings and later are used for improvement of the studies program, which in its turn promotes competitiveness of graduates in the labour market.


Practical implementation of the study program is regulated by the Board of the Faculty of Education and Design and RHEI Studies Council. The study program is



implemented at RHEI Faculty of Education and Design, Department of Education and Methodology. The studies are organized in the form of full-time and part-time studies. Programs of the study courses are identical, only the amount of contact hours and individual work differ.

Organization and management of the study program is performed by the director of the study program, whose work is regulated by RHEI Regulations on the Director of the Study Program ( ).

The Board of the Faculty of Education and Design approves the plan for the academic year, as well as changes made to the study plan, study program and composition of the state examination commission.

Each study course has its own individual curriculum and determined kinds and forms regarding testing of its acquisition (refer to Appendix 2 for study courses and description of master’s thesis development).

Curriculum for full-time and part-time studies is provided in Tables No. 3 and 4. Form of testing (‘E’ stands for an Exam, and ‘T’ – for Test) and the academic staff, responsible for the elaboration of the program and study materials of the particular study course , their coordination in the departments, with experts, etc., are provided next to the amount of anticipated credit points for acquisition of the particular study course. Reposing on Methodological recommendations for students of organizing individual studies at Rezekne Higher Education Institution of Protocol No. 9 approved in RHEI Studies Council meeting from June 9, 2003 recommended amount of contact hours (CH) for full-time and part-time studies was elaborated. In full-time studies it is 16 CH per one credit point while in part time studies it is 4 CP per one credit point.

Basing on the Regulations on the State Academic Education Standard and the State Standard of the Second Level Professional Higher Education, 22 credit points from the volume of studies are anticipated for practice.

Practice is divided into three parts: 2 research practices – research of institution work, observation of

counsellor’s work, 1 counselling practice, 2 research work practices in which a student approbates the empiric tasks

set for the master’s thesis as well as theoretically and practically use obtained knowledge in independent work.

Students can choose a place of practice from the list of offered institutions with which the higher education institution has made collaboration agreements on organization and provision of practice. Place of practice has to be conformed by the practice supervisor. RHEI has made collaboration agreements (see Appendix 5) about the practice of Career Counsellors with the State Employment Agency. Students have their practice in agency, local municipalities and in education institutions.

The graduates of RHEI study program work at school and cooperate in the implementation of the program at RHEI. For example, the graduate Ruta Geidāne works as a career counsellor in Rezekne Secondary School No. 5 and since 2010 students visit her to get to know the peculiarities of career counsellor’s professional activities at a general education institution. This school and other schools, where our graduates work – Kaunata Secondary School., Mezvidi Secondary School, Vilani Secondary School, Rikava Secondary School, Nautreni Secondary School, Deksares Basic School., Rezekne Secondary School No 1, Rezekne State Gymnasium, Balvi Secondary School of Craft --take the students of the program for practice.



The lecturer Rita Orska and graduates Vilhelmine Gosteva and Linda Reinika, students Inga Gerasimova and Kristine Ivanova work in Rezekne branch of the State Employment Agency in the position career counsellors. All the students of the program get to know career counselling in the State Employment Agency and have practice there.

Within practice students get to know the professional rehabilitation programs offered by Rezekne Support Point of the Society Integration State Agency (SISA). In 2011 RHEI and SISA has launched a joint project envisaging to involve students – ESF, project ”Establishment of Professional Education Support System for the Youth under Social Exclusion Risk”, Agreement No. 2010/0331/1DP/

In order to implement the program there is established cooperation with Latvia State Investment and Development Agency, Information and Career Support Department. The students of the program participated in the informative seminar organized by the department for the master students of the program „Career Counsellor” in Riga on 04.02.2011. The departments and RHEI Faculty of Education and Design organized a seminar for RHEI academic staff, doctoral, master and undergraduate students about the range of available information and resources using EURYDICE – the information, statistics and publications of the European Education Systems and Education Policies Informative Network – in Rezekne on 24.02.2011.

Table No. 3Curriculum of the professional Master studies program “Career Counsellor”

for the full time studiesNo Study courses 1st year 2nd year Responsible lecturer

1st sem. 2nd sem. 3rd sem. 4th sem.I Career Theories – 10 CP

Career Development Theories

4 Exam Lect. Mg. paed. Gunārs Strods

Communication Theories in Counselling

2 Test Mg. psych. Aija Kondrova

Career Service Management 2 Test Lect. Dr.admin. Inta Rimšāne

Practice I 2 Dif. test

Lect. Dr. paed. Aina StrodeLect. Mg. paed. Gunārs Strods

II Social environment and labour market- 16 CPPersonality Life Cycles 2 Test Lect. Mg. psych.

Rita OrskaLabour Market and Employment

2 Test Prof. Dr oecLeonārs Svarinskis

Social Integration and Intercultural Aspects

2 Test Assist. prof. Mg.paed. Mārīte Rozenfelde

Organizational Culture 2 Test Assist. prof. Dr.oec. Lienīte Litauniece



Legislation in Career Guidance

2 Tests Dr.iur, Gaļina Makarova

Professional Ethics in Career Counselling

2 Tests Lect. Mg. paed.Rita Burceva

Practice II 6 Dif. test Assist. prof. Mg.paed. Mārīte Rozenfelde

III Methodology of professional work- 22 CPCounselling Theory and Methodology I

2 Test Mg. psych. Aija Kondrova

Counselling Theory and Methodology II

4 Exam Lect. Mg. psych.Rita Orska

Job Seeking Process 2 Exam Prof. Dr. paed. Velta Ļubkina

Methodology of Research 2 Test Prof. Dr. paed. Pēteris Vucenlazdāns

Practice III 8 Dif. test

Lect. Mg. psych.Rita Orska

IV Research work 32 CPMethodology of Research 2 Exam Prof. Dr. paed.

Pēteris Vucenlazdāns

Information Technologies in Career Counselling

2 Testēteris Grabusts

Practice IV 4 Test Dr.paed. Jānis DzerviniksLect. Mg. paed. Gunārs Strods

Practice V 6 Test Prof. Dr.paed. Pēteris Vucenlazdāns

Master’s thesis 2 4 14 Prof.Dr.paed. Pēteris VucenlazdānsLect. Mg. paed. Gunārs Strods

Total: 20 20 20 2080



Table 4 Curriculum of the professional Master studies program “Career Counsellor”

in part-time studies

No. Study courses 1st year 2nd year 3rd year

Responsible lecturer

1st sem.

2nd sem.

3rd sem.

4th sem.

2nd sem.

I Career Theories – 10 CPCareer Development Theories

4 Exam

Lect., Mg paed. Gunārs Strods

Communication Theories in Counselling

2 Test Mg. psych. Aija Kondrova

Career Service Management

2 Test Lect. Dr.admin. Inta Rimšāne

Practice I 2 Test Lect. Dr. paed. Aina StrodeLect. Mg. paed. Gunārs Strods

II Social environment and labour market- 16 CPPersonality Life Cycles 2 Test Lect. Mg. psych.

Rita OrskaLabour Market and Employment

2 Test

Prof. Dr oecLeonārs Svarinskis

Social Integration and Intercultural Aspects

2 Test

Lect.Mg.paed. Mārīte Rozenfelde

Organizational Culture 2 Test Assist. prof. Dr.oec. Lienīte Litauniece

Legislation in Career Guidance

2 Test

Dr.iur, Gaļina Makarova

Professional Ethics in Career Counselling

2 Test Lect. Mg. paed.Rita Burceva

Practice II 6 Test Mārīte Rozenfelde



III Methodology of professional work- 22 CP

Counselling Theory and Methodology I

2 Test Mg. psych. Aija Kondrova

Counselling Theory and Methodology II

4 Exam

Lect. Mg. psych.Rita Orska

Information Technologies in Career Counselling

2 Testēteris Grabusts

Job Seeking Process 2 Exam

Prof. Dr. paed. Velta Ļubkina

Practice III 8 Lect. Mg. psych.Rita Orska

IV Research work- 32 CPMethods of Research 4 Exam Prof.Dr.paed.

Pēteris Vucenlazdāns

Practice IV 4 Test Prof.Dr.paed. Pēteris Vucenlazdāns

Practice V 6 Test Dr.paed. Jānis DzerviniksLect. Mg. paed. Gunārs Strods

Master’s thesis 2 8 10 Prof. Dr.paed. Pēteris VucenlazdānsLect. Mg. paed. Gunārs Strods

Total: 16 16 16 16 1680


Until 1991 the professional orientation system existed in Latvia. Vocational orientation, educational/vocational guidance, (Berufsaufklärung; Berufsberatung in German) was considered as a provision of information to youth about the trends of further education and work, its diversity; advice and recommendations for individuals to ensure a possibility to choose appropriate job – the one corresponded to own abilities.

The approach that the chosen profession is for the entire life was dominant. Thereby there was no need to counsel the employed in the labour market about the possibilities of work, uninterrupted improvement, and change of place of work as well as further education possibilities for the career development.



Rapid growth of science and development of various technologies provide new possibilities for people employment and thus creates demand for new competences, which can be acquired both formally and informally.

It is no more professional development of proficiency in specific sphere of work. Communicative proficiency as well as ability to understand others and oneself, critical assessment of own and others' actions in particular daily situations and ability to find and select necessary information, etc matter too.

Processes of changes in society have made a demand for qualitative informative and consultative support to individuals by helping to choose them sphere of work or education during the entire life.

Thereby the terms mentioned below apply to holistic approach in personality development and self-implementation in changing social conditions: Career counselling, career management and career education. Career counselling (Berufsberatung in German) is a form of social services, necessary for people of different age in different stages of their lives when choosing a sphere and place of employment.

Career guidance (Berufsleitung in German) is a form of helping individuals to apply the obtained knowledge and skills in definite conditions when they need to make decisions for developing own career.

Career education (Karrierausbildung in German) is a form of helping individuals to acquire knowledge, develop skills and master proficiency necessary for making qualified decisions and planning, and managing the development of own career during the lifetime.

Career education is bound with the operation of education institutions. In today’s conditions one of the aims of career education is to include the content that promoted the development of such a personality, who can think critically independently and takes responsibility for own actions and is communicative as well as able to work in a team and manage own career into various education programs.

The quality of career counselling services is mostly determined by proficiency of the counsellor and it has to be varied. It means that qualitative consultations can be provided only by properly educated specialists.

Until now there were neither general studies programs nor further education programs for acquiring a Career Counsellor’s qualification in higher education institutions of Latvia.

The demand for such program is determined by the political, economical and social situation in Latvia as well as education and employment policy in the European Union context. Comprehension of multiculturism process as well as European movement towards the development of individual’s career is a matter of great importance.

The program is based on the European strategic documents till 2020, European scale research “New Skills for New Jobs” (2010) indicating appearance of new branches and necessity for new competences because the competent action of an individual will be decisive in the future knowledge-based economy. CEDEFOP research (2010) “Demand and Supply of Skills in Europe till 2020” emphasizes the importance of lifelong training and education as well as recognition of knowledge and skills gained in a non-formal way. On January 28-29, 2010 in Barcelona there was a non-formal meeting of the ministers of employment and social affairs. Within framework of this meeting there were discussions about new skills and changes in employment. During the meeting it was emphasized that a link between the educational system and the needs of the labour market must be



improved as well as recognition of knowledge and skills gained non-formally shall be facilitated. At the same time in the meeting it was acknowledged that currently nobody can precisely forecast future development, thus the ability to adapt to changes in the labour market is more important than specific skills.

Ideas emphasized in these documents of the European Union: (European Council. The Report on the Concrete Future Objectives of Education an training Systems (2001, Stockholm), Communication from the Commission- Making a European Area of Lifelong Learning a Reality (November, 2001), The White Paper „A New Impetus for European Youth”(2001), The Council resolution on lifelong Learning (27 June, 2002), The Commission Communication „Action plan for Skills and Mobility”(2002), The Council Resolution on the promotion of Enhanced European Co-Operation in Vocational Education and Training (19 December, 2002) The Commission Communication “Investing Efficiently in education and Training: an Imperative for Europe”(2003), The European Employment guidelines (2003) The Recommendation of UNESCO on Technical an vocational Education and Training (2001 Revision), The International Labour Organization (ILO, 2003) on the Revision of ILO human Resources Development Recommendation No. 150 (1975) Joint Interim report of the Council and the Commission on the Implementation of the Lisbon Strategy “Education and training 2010: the Success of the Lisbon Strategy Hinges on Urgent Reforms” (2004) Review of Career Guidance Policies in 11 Acceding Candidate Countries, Synthesis Report, July 2003., 9286/04 Draft Resolution of the Council and of the representatives of the Member States meeting within the Council on Strengthening Policies, Systems and Practices in the field of Guidance throughout life in Europe, May 2004 ) were considered during the development of the study program and include the following: an individual has a right to consult about the development of own career (lifelong guidance and counselling) in order to promote the achievement of aims of the European Union economical development; labour market efficiency; geographical and employment mobility; to increase the efficiency of resources invested in development of education and human resources; to ensure the abatement of social cast-off; to increase social justice and active civic consciousness. The program anticipates acquisition of such knowledge and professional experience that according to the EU strategy regarding the framework of long-lasting development of humanity promoted varied mental development and ensured the maintaining of rich heritage of humanity as well as delivering it to the next generations. Theoretical basis of the program grounds on the researches of scientists from different countries in the sphere of career counselling and career development (R.Vance Peavy, Nilsson, Åkerblom, Marjatta Lairio, Sauli Puukari, Mika Launikari, Peter Plant, Berndt - Joachim Ertelt, Peter Hawkins, a.o.)

The legislation of the Republic of Latvia states that complete higher professional education counts as completed only after graduation from a professional master’s program.

Career counsellors are trained in majority of higher education institutions or colleges within the European Union (Ireland, Sweden, Finland, Hungary, Lithuania, Estonia, Czech Republic, Germany, Great Britain, a.o.). It is possible to acquire the qualification in both bachelor and master’s level study programs. The study programs of those countries implementing master’s study programs (see Appendix 9) and those which work experience is acquired within the framework of the project by participating in study visits, seminars and conferences about Career Counsellor work were chosen for comparison.



After comparative analysis of the master study programs of various countries it can be concluded that RHEI study program is similar in aspects mentioned below:

Students having teacher’s qualification or psychologist’s qualification as well as work experience of at least 2 years (DU) in the sphere of career counselling, if they have education in other field, are enrolled into the master study programs.

After acquisition of the study program rights to work in the sphere of career counselling in schools, higher education institutions and employment centres are conferred.

The study programs are implemented in the system of modules; modules include: courses of general education, theoretical, branch theoretical study courses, master thesis and practice.

The program provides a possibility to acquire theoretical knowledge and methodological work experience allowing helping a customer to comprehend and evaluate own features of character and abilities; to understand changes in society; to choose necessary information for the development of own personality.

The study programs are oriented towards the development of students’ independent experience of studies.

Duration of studies is 2 years.Differences of the study program are listed below: Titles of the study courses as well as the amount of credit points allocated for the

particular study courses. Terms of matriculation (separate study programs anticipate entrance

examinations). Duration of studies – 1.5 years (Lodz University). Practice is not indicated separately (Lodz University).But in general it can be concluded that RHEI professional master study program

“Career Counsellor” matriculated students will be able to make use of the exchange programs within the framework of Erasmus/ Socrates or Mundus projects without restrictions.



The curriculum of the study program is developed in compliance with the profession standard of Career Counsellor (see Appendix 7). The content of the study courses according to the competences defined in the profession standard is analyzed in Table 5.



Table No. 5The Content of the Study Program and Competences to be Acquired according to

the Profession Standard

Study modules, corresponding study courses and credit points

Competences to be acquired according to the profession standard

Career and Management theory - 10Career Development Theories Ability to apply the theoretical knowledge of career counselling in

practical counselling in compliance with the profile of professional activity and target audience, peculiarities of the branch of economy or company, environment, including situational context.

Communication Theories in Career Counselling

Ability to counsel clients of various ages, social groups, cultures and educational levels individually and in groups, inter alia virtual environment.Ability to cooperate with other professionals in the field of career counselling and establish contacts with cooperation partners.Ability to communicate in the official state language and a foreign language.

Career Service Management Ability to evaluate the quality of one’s own and/or others career counselling services and take measures to improve it.Ability to work out, evaluate and develop career counsellor’s education for having independent practice. Ability to develop one’s own and facilitate clients’ professional development. Ability to create and maintain safe counselling environment and relations with clients.Ability to cooperate with other professionals in the field of career counselling and establish contacts with cooperation partners.Ability to organize and provide counselling services.Ability to meet the requirements of labour protection, fire safety and environment protection normative acts.

Practice I Ability to apply the theoretical knowledge of career counselling in practical counselling in compliance with the profile of professional activity and target audience, peculiarities of the branch of economy or company, environment, including situational context. Ability to find, summarize and analyze information related to career counselling, inter alia, using online databases.

Social Environment and Labour Market -18 Personality Life Cycles Ability to identify the factors influencing client’s career development in

various life periods. Ability to develop one’s own and facilitate clients’ professional development.

Labour Market and Employment Ability to research and analyze the tendencies of the labour market and national economy development and use the topical information in counselling.

Social Integration and Intercultural Aspects

Ability to cooperate with other professionals in the field of career counselling and establish contacts with cooperation partners.Ability to communicate in the official state language and a foreign



language.Organizational Culture Ability to identify the factors influencing organizational culture.

Ability to cooperate with other professionals in the field of career counselling and establish contacts with cooperation partners.

Legislation in Career Guidance Ability to ensure observation of the norms of labour legal relations. Ability to meet the requirements of labour protection, fire safety and environment protection normative acts.

Professional Ethics in Career Counselling

Ability to observe ethical norms when executing duties and tasks.Ability to ensure confidentiality of the information provided by the client.Ability to create and maintain safe counselling environment and relations with clients.

Practice (observation, study of institution work)

Ability to apply the theoretical knowledge of career counselling in practical counselling in compliance with the profile of professional activity and target audience, peculiarities of the branch of economy or company, environment, including situational context. Ability to cooperate with other professionals in the field of career counselling and establish contacts with cooperation partners.

Professional Work Methods- 18Counselling Theory and Methodology

Ability to apply the theoretical knowledge of career counselling in practical counselling in compliance with the profile of professional activity and target audience, peculiarities of the branch of economy or company, environment, including situational context. Ability to identify the factors influencing client’s career development in various life periods.Ability to research and analyze the tendencies of the labour market and national economy development and use the topical information in counselling. Ability to understand and evaluate clients’ professional suitability and career decision making skills.Ability to become aware and evaluate clients’ individual characteristics, needs and wishes. Ability to set the aim of career counselling in compliance with clients’ needs, plan the counselling process and work out an individual career development program. Ability to work out various (for example, individual, group, specific target groups clients, etc.) counselling methods and programs, approbate and evaluate them. Ability to counsel clients of various ages, social groups, cultures and educational levels individually and in groups, inter alia virtual environment.

Job Seeking Process Ability to provide professional support to the client in career development and job seeking.

Information Technologies in Counselling

Ability to find, summarize and analyze information related to career counselling, inter alia, using online databases. Ability to ensure confidentiality of the information provided by the client.Ability to counsel clients of various ages, social groups, cultures and educational levels individually and in groups, inter alia virtual environment.



Ability to cooperate with other professionals in the field of career counselling and establish contacts with cooperation partners.

Practice (counselling) Ability to apply the theoretical knowledge of career counselling in practical counselling in compliance with the profile of professional activity and target audience, peculiarities of the branch of economy or company, environment, including situational context. Ability to set the aim of career counselling in compliance with clients’ needs, plan the counselling process and work out an individual career development program. Ability to provide professional support to the client in career development and job seeking. Ability to work out various (for example, individual, group, specific target groups clients, etc.) counselling methods and programs, approbate and evaluate them. Ability to introduce the latest professional achievements in career counselling practice. Ability to observe ethical norms when executing duties and tasks.Ability to ensure confidentiality of the information provided by the client.Ability to counsel clients of various ages, social groups, cultures and educational levels individually and in groups, inter alia virtual environment.Ability to create and maintain safe counselling environment and relations with clients.Ability to cooperate with other professionals in the field of career counselling and establish contacts with cooperation partners.Ability to communicate in the official state language and a foreign language.

Research Work - 14Methodology of Research Ability to plan and conduct scientifically practical research individually

and in cooperation with other researchers in the field of career counselling.

Practice (research)

Ability to apply the theoretical knowledge of career counselling in practical counselling in compliance with the profile of professional activity and target audience, peculiarities of the branch of economy or company, environment, including situational context. Ability to introduce the latest professional achievements in career counselling practice. Ability to plan and conduct scientifically practical research individually and in cooperation with other researchers in the field of career counselling.

The study program is developed in compliance with provision about the 2nd level professional higher education standard (LR Cabinet of Ministers Regulations No. 481 from November 20, 2001). It encompasses the study courses ensuring acquisition of the latest achievements in branch theory and practice, research work experience, management science theory, theory of pedagogy and psychology as well as skills to use this knowledge in professional work.



The study program anticipates practice; part of the state examination is a master's thesis (LR Cabinet of Ministers Regulations No. 481, Clause 18). Provision of study courses in compliance with regulations about the compulsory content and the state examinations see in Table 6 and in Table 2 listed before.

Table No. 6. Conformity of the volume and structure of the study program with the state

standard of the 2nd level professional higher education

Courses of the programRequired by the standards

(CP)Career Counsellor

(CP)Study courses ensuring acquisition of the latest achievements in branch theory and practice

7 18

Research and management science 5 10Pedagogy and psychology 2 6Practice 6 26State examination 20 20Total 40 80

The content and volume of the study courses provide graduates from the study program the skills to carry out professional responsibilities and solve problems in new or in little known environment in multi-disciplinary context; it ensures originality possibilities in development and implementation of ideas including research; abilities to integrate knowledge and to deal with complexity, to define conclusions in case of partial information when reflecting social and ethical responsibility in conclusions; it develops skills of learning allowing to take up further studies.


State Employment Agency, Rezekne City Education Board, Rezekne County Education Board (see Appendix 8) express their support to the established RHEI professional master study program drawing the attention to necessity of such study programs and importance of training of highly qualified professionals with academic, professional and social proficiency.

The reference about the content of the program is provided by the professor of Manheim University B. J. Ertelt. The informative report “On Short-Term Forecasts in the Labour Market for 2011 and Prioritary Training Fields of the Unemployed Persons and Job Seekers” provided by the Ministry of Welfare on 28.02.2011 emphasizes that in order to involve an individual into the labour market after training or re-qualification faster the choice of the prospective profession shall be based both on personal wishes and labour market needs. Thus, it is important for an individual to have close cooperation with a career counsellor in the decision-making process who would provide the necessary information about the situation in the labour market and the professions and skills required in the future. At the same time the quality of career counselling shall be ensured – taking into consideration that the most frequently career counsellors have acquired a



psychologist’s profession within the academic education, counselling is also more oriented to evaluation of individual’s psychological characteristics and their suitability for the chosen professions and the short-term and medium-term forecasts in the labour market are less observed.

The Synthesis Report of OECD (Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development) “Reviews of Vocational Education and Training, “Learning for jobs” 2010” warns that working out labour market forecasts one cannot rely just on employers’ opinion because employers’ interests can differ from individual’s wish to develop their knowledge and skills or public interests in general. Employers can often request very narrow scope of knowledge and skills related to one profession, which in the long-run limit person’s career opportunities and mobility in seeking for a new job or professional growth in the chosen profession.


The citizens and residents of the Republic of Latvia can become students of RHEI professional master study program "Career Counsellor" implemented in Faculty of Education and Design if acquired 2nd level professional higher education, teacher's qualification, bachelor's degree in pedagogy, bachelor of social sciences degree in psychology or psychologist’s qualification, other academic or 2nd level professional higher education and 2 years work experience in counselling, which can be certified by the reference from the place of occupation (without any age limitation) in competition in compliance with RHEI matriculation regulations. Studies are implemented for the state budget sources and for study fee. Number of places for the state budget sources is 10. Advertisement and informative expanses for the possibilities of studies are depicted in Appendix No. 13.

The studies can be financed from the state budget subsidy for the study loans or by students themselves, as well as by other individuals or legal entities. Students having their studies paid from the state budget sources have a right to apply for the grant according to RHEI Provision about study grants.


Studies in the professional master study program "Career Counsellor" are implemented since September, 2007.

Study year Part-time studies Full-time studies2007/2008 - 252008/2009 - 162009/2010 - 102010/2011 - 11


The number of students matriculated for the 1st year of studies by years.- 25 students in the full-time studies in 2007, 19 graduates in 2009. 3 students did

not launch their studies and were expelled due to this reason, 2 students ceased 24


their studies in the 1st semester due to the conditions related to work, 1 student died.

- 16 in full-time students (8 students paid a tuition fee for their studies) in 2008 – 11 graduates (5 students paying a tuition fee) in 2010. 3 students paying a tuition fee exmatriculated due to the financial reasons, 2 students ceased their studies due to the family conditions.

- 10 full-time students (3 students paid a tuition fee for their studies) in 2009 – 3 graduates in 2011. 3 students paying a tuition fee exmatriculated in the 1st semester due to the financial reasons, 1 student did not launch her studies and was exmatriculated, 2 students have an academic year.

- 11 full-time students (3 students paid a tuition fee for their studies) in 2010 – there will be 9 graduates in 2012.2 students did not launch their studies and were exmatriculated.


The number of graduates in the professional master studies program “Career Counsellor”:

- 19 graduates in 2009. All graduates are working: 3 in the State Employment Agency as career counsellors, 2 are RHEI lecturers, 1 is in the Orphans’ Court, 1 in “Latvenergo” Training Centre, 1 in the municipality, 1 – a social worker, 1 – psychologist at school, 9 – teachers at school.

- 11 graduates (5 students paid a tuition fee for their studies) in 2010. 2 graduates are studying in the doctoral program of pedagogy at RHEI, 2 are career counsellors and teachers at school, 7 are teachers at school.

- 3 graduates in 2011. All are working: 1 psychologist at school, 1 teacher at school, 1 employee in a private company.


RHEI carries out students’ surveys on regular basis in order to ascertain students’ opinions about various issues. At the end of each academic year the survey is carried out in order to find out students’ opinion about the quality of lectured study courses as well as quality of lecturing, lecturer’s attitude towards students. The survey serves as a feedback as well as evaluation of the study process. The results of surveys are discussed in meetings of Education and Methodology Department. As regards the assessment of studies in stage of communication "student-lecturer" the feedback is granted; it is possible to draw detailed and constructive conclusions which helped both to improve the quality of the study course and methods of lecturing.

In general participants of questionnaire judge the program positively, they are satisfied with the curriculum and its implementation; work of lecturers involved in implementation of the study program is evaluated positively. The results of the survey are available in the Education and Methodology Department.

Small number of students in the study program, lecturers and students’ collaboration in various projects involving career development support, and researches,



ensure regular exchange of information about the study process and possibilities for its development.


Graduates’ surveys have been conducted three times – in half a year after each graduation. They prove that all graduates work in the field related to career counselling. Graduates recognize the acquired mater degree and qualification as an advantage in competition for positions. See graduates’ surveys in Appendix 20.


RHEI regulations anticipate students’ involvement in collegiate decision-making institutions: Loan Allocation Commission, Faculty Board, and Senate. It ensures students’ participation in all issues relating to the content of the study process, its organization and activities beyond studies.

RHEI Students’ self-government and students self-governments of each faculty work actively. Students actively participate in activities organized by the faculty as well as in activities’ organization, and in solving different problems concerning students.

Self-evaluation of the study program is developed annually. Students of the particular study program participate in self-evaluation workgroup who adduce their assessment about implementation of the study program as well as participate in improvement of the study process by offering their suggestions. Students express their opinions about the study process and possibilities of its improvement in surveys about the course of the study program implementation and lecturers’ work quality and the surveys are organized on regular basis Lecturers are trying to eliminate reproaches expressed by students by changing and improving their work. The results of surveys can be seen in Pedagogy and Psychology Department. See Self-Assessment Report in Appendix 20.

Likewise students actively participate in distribution of informative materials about possibilities of studies at RHEI during Information days.


List of academic staff involved in implementation of the study program and its qualification is shown in Table No. 7; for academic staff CVs refer to Appendix No. 1.

Table No. 7Academic staff engaged in implementation of the study program

Name, surname Collaboration with RHEI

Position, scientific or academic degree

Study courses

Pēteris Vucenlazdāns RHEI elected Prof., Dr. paed. Methodology of Research, Practice

Velta Ļubkina RHEI elected Prof., Dr. paed. Job Seeking ProcessLeonārs Svarinskis RHEI elected Prof. Dr. oec. Labour Market and EmploymentLienīte Litavniece RHEI elected Assist. prof. Dr.

oec.Organizational Culture



Gaļina Makarova RHEI elected Dr.iur. Legislation in Career Counselling

Pēteris Grabusts RHEI elected, Dr. ing. IT in Career Counselling Aija Kondrova RHEI elected Mg.

psych., PhD candidate

Communication Theories in CounsellingCounselling Theory and Methodology

Rita Burceva RHEI elected Lect. Mg. paed., PhD candidate

Professional Ethics in Career Counselling

Gunārs Strods RHEI elected Lect., Mg.paed.PhD candidate

Career Development TheoriesPractice

Mārīte Rozenfelde RHEI elected, Mg.paed., PhD candidate

Social Integration and Intercultural AspectsPractice

Rita Orska RHEI elected Lect.Mg.psych., PhD candidate

Consultation Theory and MethodsPersonality Life Cycles Practice

Inta Rimšāne RHEI elected Assist. prof.., Dr. Admin.

Career Service Management

Jānis Dzerviniks RHEI elected PracticeAina Strode RHEI elected Assist. prof. Dr.


Lecturers and methodologists from RHEI Education and Methodology Department, Design and Craft Department, Law Department, Humanitarian Sciences Department, Economics and Management Department, Finance Management Department, Computer Science and Mathematics Department, as well as secretaries of Faculty of Education and Design are involved in implementation of the study program.


14 lecturers are involved in implementation of the study program; all of them are RHEI elected.

Table No. 8Scientific Degrees of Academic Staff

Doctors Masters – PhD candidates

Number % RHEI elected Number % RHEI elected6 64 9 - 100% 5 36 5 - 100%

Table No. 9Academic positions of the academic staff engaged in the study program

Professors Assistant professors


Number / % RHEI elected Number % RHEI elected Number % RHEI elected



5 - 36% 5 - 100% 5 - 36% 5 - 100% 4 - 28% 4 - 100%



Academic staff involved in implementation of professional master study program “Career Counsellor” is working in corresponding specializations, is experienced and qualified. All the lecturers are delivering study courses conforming to their professional qualification. Pedagogical work experience of all lecturers is more than 10 years. Lecturers’ qualification is in compliance with the aims and tasks of Faculty of Pedagogy and sphere of work of the departments.

Table No. 10Conformity of Lecturers’ Professionally Scientific Activities with the Tasks

in the Study ProgramNo. Name, surname Academic/

scientific degree

Professional work experience

Elected Position Study course Professional scientific activities

1. Leonārs Svarinskis

Dr.oec. RHEI Prof Labour Market and Employment Expert in ESF project national program “Career

Education Program Provision in Education

Institutions”. 2. Velta

ĻubkinaDr.paed. 21 RHEI Prof. Job Seeking Process US Dreifus Health

Foundation coordinator in Latvia

A head of RHEI Personality

Socialization InstituteExpert of ESF projects

in the Ministry of Education and Science

3. Pēteris Vucenlazdāns





Methodology of Research, Practice V

Expert of ESF projects in the Ministry of

Education and Science

4. Lienīte Litavniece

Dr. Oec.. RHEI Assist. Prof.

Organizational Culture Expert in ESF project Lingvo-Cultural and

Socio-Economic Aspects of Territorial

Identity in the Development of Latgale Region”

Expert of regional economy in Latvian

Academy of Sciences 5. Gaļina

MakarovaDr.iur. RHEI Assist.

prof.Legislation in Career Counselling

6. Pēteris Grabusts RHEI

IT in Career Counselling Expert of computer science in Latvian

Academy of Sciences7. Rita Burceva Mg. paed.,

PhD candidate

RHEI Lect. Professional Ethics in Career Counselling

Expert in ESF project “Improvement of

Work and Cooperation Skills for Rezekne

Youth with Learning Difficulties and Low

Basic Skills for Future



Career Development”8. Aija

KondrovaMg. psych. PhD candidate


Counselling Theory and Methodology ICommunication Theories in Counselling

A head of RHEI Special Pedagogy

Laboratory Section “Specialized

Computer Software”9. Mārīte

RozenfeldeMg.paed. PhD candidate


Social Integration and Intercultural Aspects Practice II

A head of RHEI Special Pedagogy

LaboratoryExpert in ESF project

national program “Career Education

Program Provision in Education Institutions”

10. Gunārs Strods Mg. paed.; PhD candidate

21 RHEI lecturer Career Development TheoriesPractice I, IV

Expert in ESF project national program

“Career Education Program Provision in

Education Institutions”11. Rita Orska Mg. psych.

PhD candidate

25 RHEI lecturer Counselling Theory and MethodologyPersonality Life Cycles Practice III

Practical psychologist in integrative schools

support centre of Rezekne district

education council; practical psychologist

of RHEI Special Pedagogy Laboratory Expert in ESF project

national program “Career Education

Program Provision in Education

Institutions”. 12. Inta Rimšāne Dr. sc.

administr.RHEI Assist.

prof.Career Service Management Researcher of

Personality Socialization Research

Institute 13. Jānis

DzerviniksDr. paed. RHEI Assoc.

profPractice Expert of LLP project

„ESIMTRA”;Expert in ESF project

“Improvement of Work and Cooperation

Skills for Rezekne Youth with Learning Difficulties and Low

Basic Skills for Future Career Development”

14. Aina Strode Dr. paed. RHEI Assist. prof.


Scientific researches of lecturers are subordinated with the field of research of the departments (see Appendix No. 16).

The results of the researches are summarized in scientific publications and lecturers participate in international scientific conferences in Latvia and abroad with reports (see Appendix No. 17).

The academic staff involved in implementation of the study program actively participates in the state and international projects (see Appendix No. 10).

Academic staff assessment is carried out on regular basis. Lecturers’ work is assessed by the students, colleagues as well as by lecturers’ self-assessment. Consequently, the results of students’ surveys provide evaluation of lecturers work and study course programs. Lecturers and students introduce colleagues with the results of their researches in scientific and scientifically practical conferences in Latvia and abroad on regular basis.



Faculty of Education and Design annually organizes scientifically practical conference “Society. Integration. Education” involving RHEI lecturers, students and lecturers from other higher education institutions in Latvia as well as scientists from foreign countries – Russia, Lithuania, Estonia, Norway, Finland, Germany, Austria, Belgium, etc.In May 2008 the 12th international students’ scientific conference “We in Time, Space, Development” with a section “Career Counselling” takes place at RHEI. Students of Career Counsellor study program from higher education institutions of Latvia participate in the section. Students’ reports are published in the collection of abstracts.

Assistant professor M. Rozenfelde as a representative of Latvia in the EU projects and researches of Special Education Development Agency.


Lecturers with corresponding education, qualification and practical experience are invited for implementation of the study program; they have worked in education institutions of different type for many years and have won recognition of their employers as well as continue their education.

Lecturers are informed about conferences and seminars in other higher education institutions on the regular basis. Higher education institution supports participation in these events within limits. RHEI is one of the most active higher education institutions to run projects, as well as to develop new ones.

Lecturers implementing the study program have in-service training by taking doctoral studies and developing doctoral theses in pedagogy and psychology as well as by participating in seminars, conferences and international projects.

Annually RHEI announces a competition for free academic positions which are available for both RHEI lecturers and people not employed at RHEI, but who have finished pedagogical in-service training courses in university didactics. All submitted documents are evaluated in contest commission in accordance with the criteria developed by RHEI Senate.

Academic staff assessment is carried out on regular basis. Lecturers’ work is assessed by the students, colleagues as well as by lecturers’ self-assessment. Consequently the results of students’ surveys provide evaluation of lecturers work and study course programs. Collegial supervision method acquired in Denmark (video can be found in the department) is widely used for carrying out lecturers’ self-assessment. Self-assessment criteria are developed for carrying out more qualitative self-assessment of lecturers.

5 lecturers are taking doctoral studies and have graduated from theoretical course; actively get involved in various projects, carry out scientific researches, which witness about development possibilities of the academic staff implementing the study program. It is anticipated that doctoral students will obtain doctor’s degree by 2011. Dynamics of academic staff is depicted in the table below.

2008 2009 2010 2011Masters 6 4 - -

Mg.- doctoral students

5 4 5 5



Doctors 6 8 9 9

In accordance with RHEI Pedagogy and Psychology Department development plan changes are anticipated in scientific degrees and academic positions of the academic staff. Till the end of the academic year 2011 assist. prof A.Kondrova, assist. prof. M.Rozenfelde, lecturer G. Strods, lecturer R.Orska, lecturer R.Burceva are planning to defend their doctoral thesis.

Foreign lecturers from universities and lecturers, participants of international projects can be involved in implementation of the study program within the framework of higher education institutions collaboration agreements.





RHEI has made agreements which anticipate lecturers and students’ exchange within the framework of ERASMUS project, SOCRATES and other programs.

Lecturer’s name, surname

Country and University Aim of visit Time of visit


Leonārs Svarinskis

EstoniaUniversity of Tartu

Lecturing 2005 ERASMUS

Velta Ļubkina

GermanyWilhelmshaven Higher Education Institution

Intensive course of German

2000 Germany

Denmark, Danish University of Pedagogy in Copenhagen

In-service training and research

March-June, 2001

Danish grant of Rectors Council’


Participation in Dreyfus Health Foundation project activities

2004; 2005 Dreyfus Health Foundation project

EstoniaUniversity of Tallinn

Lecturing 2005 ERASMUS

LithuaniaVilnius College

Lecturing 2006 ERASMUS

SpainUniversity of Madrid

Lecturing 2007 ERASMUS

Canary Islands Laguna University

Lecturing 2007 ERASMUS

GreeceHarokopio University

In-service training 2008 ERASMUS


NorwayOslo UniversitySpecial Education Department

In-service training 2001 Northern Countries Council

Norway In-service training 2001 Northern Countries Council



Overby Children Special Research Centre


Germany, Berlin In-service training 2001 Education Foundation

BelgiumHogheschool Gent

In-service training 2003 SOCRATES

Vilnius College in Higher Education

Lecturing February, 2006


Šiauliai University Lecturing May, 2001 ERASMUSLienite Litavniece

Lithuania Lecturing 2009 ERASMUS

Gaļina Makarova

Lithuania Probation 2008 ERASMUS

Pēteris Grabusts





Probation 1999 TEMPUS

LithuaniaUtenas College

Lecturing 2010 ERASMUS

GermanyFachhochschule Oldenburg/Ostfriesland/Wilhelmshaven

In-service training 2010 RHEI funding

Rita Burceva M.Rozenfelde

DenmarkVyborg special training and support centre for parents

In-service training 1997 Ministry of Education and Science

NorwayOslo UniversitySpecial Education Department

In-service training 20012002

Northern Countries Council

NorwayOverby Children Special Research Centre

In-service training 2001June2003

Northern Countries Council

DenmarkSlagelse Social institute

In-service training 2003 SOCRATES

BelgiumHogheschool Gent

In-service training 2003 SOCRATES

The NetherlandsHogeschool Amsterdam

In-service training 2003 SOCRATES

RussiaKIA Moscow Correction Pedagogy institute

In-service training Development of programs


Self-financingRHEI financing

Belgium, BrusselsEU Special Education Development Agency

In-service training 2005 Self-financingRHEI financing

NorwayUniversity of Agder

In-service training 2006 Agder local municipality

NorwayUniversity of Agder

Lecturing 2006 SOCRATES

IcelandUniversity of Reykjavik

In-service training 2006 University of Reykjavik




In-service training 2007 LR Ministry of Education and Science

LithuaniaSiauliai University

Lecturing 2008 ERASMUS

LithuaniaUtenas Kollegia

Lecturing 2009 ERASMUS

Gunārs Strods USA Teacher Training College of Columbia University

In-service training 1997-1998 Soros Foundation

Great BritainNewport college of Wales University

Lecturing 2000 ERASMUS

FinlandTurku University

Lecturing 2004 ERASMUS

DenmarkPedagogical University of CopenhagenLithuania Vytautas Magnus University of Kaunas Vilnius Pedagogical UniversityEstoniaUniversity of Tallinn, University of Tartu Hungary Eotvos Lorand University, Budapest Germany Manheim Higher Education Institution and Heidelberg University Great Britain Derby University Finland Jyvaskyla University

In-service training

In-service training

In-service training

In-service training

In-service training

In-service training

In-service training








National program “Provision of Career Education Programs in Education System”

CyprusUniversity of Cyprus

Lecturing 2007 ERASMUS

EstoniaUniversity of Tallinn

Lecturing 2008 ERASMUS

LithuaniaSiauliai University

Lecturing 2010 ERASMUS

LithuaniaVilnius Collegia

Lecturing 2010 ERASMUS

PolandLodz University of Humanities and Economics

Lecturing 2011 ERASMUS

A.Kondrova BelgiumHogheschool Gent

In-service training 2003 SOCRATES

RussiaKIA Moscow Correction Pedagogy institute

In-service training 2004 Self-financingRHEI financing

Germany In-service training 2005 SOCRATES



University of Oldenburg

LithuaniaUtenas Collegia

Lecturing 2009 ERASMUS

R. Orska Czech Republic University of Prague

In-service training 2005 ESF

RussiaKIA Moscow Correction Pedagogy institute

In-service training2004 RHEI financing

BelgiumHogheschool Gent

In-service training 2003 SOCRATES

NorwayOslo UniversitySpecial Education Department

In-service training 20012002

Northern Countries Council

Germany Berlin

In-service training 2001 Education Foundation

LithuaniaUtenas Collegia

Lecturing 2009 ERASMUS

Inta Rimšāne

USAMillersville University, State of Pennsylvania

Drafting doctoral thesis

2005-2006 Fulbright scholarship

Jānis Dzerviniks

LithuaniaVilnius Kolegia

Lecturing 2008 ERASMUS

TurkeyOndokuz Mayis University

Lecturing 2009 ERASMUS

LithuaniaUtenas Kolegia

Lecturing 2010 ERASMUS

FinlandHelsinki University

In-service training 2010 LLP Grundtvig

FinlandSastamala Community College

In-service training 2010 LLP Grundtvig

LithuaniaUtenas Kolegia

Lecturing 2011 ERASMUS

ItalyVerona, Europolo

In-service training 2011 LLP

Aina Strode LithuaniaKaunas Kolegia

Lecturing 2010 ERASMUS

PortugalGuarda Polytechnical Institute

Lecturing 2010 ERASMUS

Finland Laurea University

In-service training 2009 ERASMUS

EstoniaTallinn University

Lecturing 2008 ERASMUS

CyprusCyprus University

Lecturing 2007 ERASMUS

GermanyMinster University

In-service training 2005 Leonardo da Vinci

BelgiumKatho–Reno Hoghschule

Lecturing 2001 ERASMUS




Visiting lecturers in the study program are mainly attracted within the framework of different programs and projects, and students are offered to attend lectures and obtain certificates.

Name, surname of visiting lecturer

Scientific or academic degree

Position Principal workplace

Rima Jasaitytė Dr.paed Assist. prof. Klaipeda Kolegia, Lithuania

Maria Angeles Caballero Hernandez-Pizarro

PhD Professor Universidada Complutensa de Madrid (Spain)

Joseph Mafokozi Nadibishibije PhD Professor Universidada Complutensa de Madrid (Spain)

Jarmila Tkachikova PhD Professor Bratislava University of Economics (Slovakia)

Māra Andersone PhD Professor USA, Fulbright scholarCarl Chr. Bache PhD Agder University,

NorwayRenata Hinz PhD Professor Dortmund University,

GermanyBarbara Moshner PhD Professor Oldenburg University,

Germany Walid El Ansari PhD Professor Gloucester University,

EnglandHorst Biermann PhD Professor Dortmund University,



The following students have mastered professional practice abroad within ERASMUS program:Žanna Dubrovska, Jolanta Ivanova - Ondokuz Mayis University, Turkey Jeļena Kovaļeviča, Tatjana Rukmane - Tallinn University, EstoniaSvetlana Panfilova, Ivans Korņiļjevs - Siauliai University, Lithuania, Tallinn University, EstoniaLeila Rasima, Vaira Šaicāne - Siauliai University, Lithuania.

In 2008, 2009, 2010 and 2011 at RHEI there were organized the 12th, 13th, 14th and 15th international students scientific conferences “We in Time, Space, Development” and ”Personality.Time.Communication” including a career counselling section. The students of the program participated in sections and their articles are published in the conference proceedings. The students Eleonora Kalašņikova and Kristīne Ivanova participated in the international scientific conferences in St. Petersburg (Russia) and Kaunas (Lithuania).In May, 2010 the student Rita Burceva participated in the international conference in Cyprus organized by Cyprus University ob career counselling (EUROPEAN CAREER Guidance Counselling Conference 2010 "CAREER-EU 2010" 23 - 27 May 2010, Limassol, Cyprus). On May 11-13 2011 the student Kristīne Ivanova with her report



participated in the international scientifically-practical conference “Human and Nature Safety” at Lithuanian University of Agriculture.


Foreign students are attracted within the framework of ERASMUS agreement with partner institutions. In order to attract foreign students in 2011 there was signed a letter of intention about dual diploma studies in cooperation with Lodz University of Humanities and Economics, the study program “Employment and Personal Counselling”. See Appendix 18. It is envisaged to sign an agreement by December, 2011.


Full time time studies are partly financed from the sources of the state budget - 10 budget places; study programs are financed from the study loans or installments of students themselves or other individuals, or installments of legal entities.

Part time studies are financed from the study loans or the instalments of students themselves, other individuals or legal entities.

The amount of study fee is annually determined by the Faculty Board and approved by RHEI Senate. The approved study fee for the academic year 2011/2012 is:

- for the full time studies – LVL 800 per year; - for the part time studies - LVL 800 per year;


The library of Rezekne Higher Education Institution is located in 2 buildings in Rezekne: Atbrīvošanas aleja 90 and Atbrīvošanas aleja 115.There is a subscription department, 3 reading rooms, department of foreign literature, and classification and processing department. RHEI library occupies area of 386.22 m2, there are 76 work places in the reading rooms. Approximately 86.000 copies of books, 11404 titles of serial publications, 236 electronic documents, 98 audio-visual documents, 90 titles of the latest periodicals in Latvian, Russian, English, and German, 39 titles of statistical issues and 11 titles of informatics service issues (various normative documents of the Republic of Latvia). Annually RHEI library fund is stocked with 4.000 copies of printed materials. Alphabetical catalogue, systematic catalogue, card index of newspapers and magazines, card index of Latgalian articles as well as electronic catalogue is created for usage of funds. Students and lecturers can use interlibrary subscription and the Internet services. There are copy machines and computers, which facilitate usage of library resources available in reading rooms. Libraries inform RHEI lecturers about the purchase of the latest literature on the internet homepage of RHEI: on regular basis.

Books and magazines can also be subscribed from RHEI collaboration library in Wilhelmshaven higher education institution. Literature purchased by RHEI Baltic philology research centre, Latgale culture history museum literature stocks and reading room, Rezekne zonal archive library as well as Rezekne city libraries and reading rooms are offered to be used for the needs of the study process.



Since 2000 when RHEI involved in co-project with Soros Foundation Latvia (SFL) / Open Society Institute (OSI), 5 EBSCO Publishing data bases of periodicals in CD and DVD format, as well as stand-by mode. Available data bases are: Rubicon, Springerlink, EBSCO, Letonika, NAIS, Lursoft.Library stocks are supplemented with literature accordingly to the curriculum of the study program “Career Counsellor”. Already purchased books (include 63 different titles), and an order is made (ESF financing), as well as the data base of the Internet addresses is batched.

Students can access rather wide selection of special literature at the Pedagogy and Psychology department in Latvian, Russian, and English (see at the department). After making the collaboration agreement with Correction Pedagogy institute of Russian Education Academy, students will be able to use Russian State Scientifically Pedagogical library named after K. Ushinsky interlibrary and Internet services (KIA KPI "Almanah"; web address: Students can also use libraries of Rezekne Secondary School No. 1, Rezekne Speech Therapy Elementary Boarding School, as collaboration agreements with these schools have been made.

Lecturers offer students both printed and electronic materials from lectures, as well as monographs, articles, and reports.

Within the framework of ESF National program study books are being translated from English and German; currently methodological materials are being translated from foreign languages. The translated and adopted methodological materials will be published in RHEI publishing house and offered for sale to students and teachers. In collaboration of lecturers from five higher education institutions a study book “Karjeras atbalsta sistēmas pamati [Basics of Career Support System]” in Latvian was published in academic year 2008.

The following databases are available to students and academic staff:SCOPUS (Elsevier). Additional information about Scopus Library PressDisplay (NewspaperDirect). Address: http://library.pressdisplay.comAPA (American Psychological Association) PsycNET. Address: http://psycnet.apa.orgResearch Methods Online (SRMO). Address: Routledge Education Journals. Address: Publishing. Detailed information and access to resources: Politics Review (EBSCO). Database access: http://search.ebscohost.comOxford University Press. Address: Freedom Collection. Address: http://www.sciencedirect.comSAGE Journals Online. Available in the reading hall of RHEI library. RUBRICON. Users are identified by IP addresses. LETONIKA. Encyclopedical references about Latvia, translating and explanatory online dictionaries.NAIS. Available in the reading halls of RHEI library. For provision of study program with study aids refer to Appendix No. 19.




RHEI material resources are used for implementation of the study process: rooms in Atbrīvošanas aleja 115 and Atbrīvošanas aleja 90 in Rezekne, computer class with access to the Internet and multimedia, as well as library funds.

Professional collaboration has been established between six higher education institutions in Latvia (LU, RPIVA, LLU, DU, LPA) in development of the study program “Career Counsellor”, which allows sharing a possibility of mutual usage of methodological materials.

Students have possibilities to use programs developed by RHEI Special pedagogy laboratories, materials of international scientific conferences in pedagogy and psychology; study visit materials. books, etc. obtained within the framework of National Program of ESF Project Activities 3.2. “Provision of Career Education Programs in Education System”.

RHEI Faculty of Education and Design is located in Atbrīvošanas aleja 115, in Rezekne. Faculty of Humanities and Law, library, RHEI publishing house, RHEI Video studio is located in the very same building.

Currently, the building at Atbrīvošanas aleja 115 is being renovated to ensure study conditions for students and provide opportunities for individuals with movement disturbances to study.

Information about use of computer as of 01.10.201001.10.2010





Total: 370 86 284IBM PC 386 and older modelsIBM PC 486 or similar IBM PC Pentium, Pentium Pro, Pentium MMX or similar 16 16IBM PC Pentium II, Pentium Celeron or similar 149 26 123IBM PC Pentium III or similar 15 15Other – Pentium IV 190 60 130






Constant connection with speed above 2 Mbps

356 86 270

The same computers are used for scientific work, study process and administration needs.

Material technical resources of Faculty of Education and Design (Atbrīvošanas aleja 115):

Material technical resources of RHEI Faculty of Education and Design as in 2010 for implementation of Career Counsellor study program was as follows:

1. Capital assets LVL 141062.67 Computers 93 pcs. (in computer classes) Tape recorders 18 pcs. Video recorders 10 pcs. Television sets 11 pcs.



Copy machines 13 pcs. Fax machines 4 pcs.

Overhead projectors 22 pcs. Video assembling plate 1 pcs.

Video camera 4 pcs. Scanner 5 pcs. Piano 18 pcs. Projection panel 5 pcs. Monitor 2 pcs. Printers 15 pcs. Photo camera 4 pcs. CD-RW device 42 pcs. Internet devices of about LVL 1,500 Apart from computers located in the departments, lecturers can use computers

connected to the network in RHEI computer rooms with the total area of 107.97 5 m². Internet connection is available in computer rooms; there is also a possibility to show POWER POINT presentations with a projector, use smart boards and wireless Internet. In September 2006 RHEI Information Technologies Centre started to operate; its area is 1,000 m².


In the course of implementation of the study program good creative collaboration with higher education institutions implementing similar study programs in Latvia and abroad as well as with education institutions, education boards, State Employment Agency was established.

The program was developed within the framework of ESF for education National program Project 3.2. activities “Provision of Career Education Programs in Education System”. Finnish, Danish, Hungarian, Polish, Irish, Lithuanian, Estonian, and experience of other countries was adopted in the process of development of the study program; researched operation of career consultative system.

The study program was developed in collaboration with the experts from six higher education institutions in Latvia (Latvian University of Agriculture, University of Latvia, Daugavpils University, Rezekne Higher Education Institution, Liepaja Academy of Pedagogy, and Riga Pedagogy and Education Management University College).

Lecturer Mg.paed. Gunārs Strods, lecturer and Mg. Paed. Rita Orska are working as an expert from RHEI in a project. Prof. Dr. oec. Leonars Svarinskis, assist. prof. Mg. Paed. Mārīte Rozenfelde participated in a project when developing study course programs and methodological materials for provision of the study process. Sauli Puukari (Finland), Peter Plant (Denmark), Grace O' Grady (Ireland), Joachim Ertelt (Germany), Reirde Hughes (Great Britain), etc., participated in the process of development of the study program as foreign experts.

There is collaboration with lecturers from Oslo Special Education Department at Agder University and workers of Overby Children Special Pedagogy Competence Centre (in Norway), lecturers from Iceland University of Reykjavik, lecturers from Hogheschool Gent in Belgium, Oldenburg University lecturers in Germany, lecturers from Turku



University and Jyvaskyla University in Finland, lecturers from Linz Pedagogical Academy, and lecturers in Russian Academy of Sciences, Correction Pedagogy Institute of Moscow .

Lecturer Gunārs Strods is engaged in the workgroup of Northern and the Baltic countries Career Counselling specialists “NordBalt”. The workgroup is working on development of common career education and counselling specialists’ education program. Assistant professor M. Rozenfelde is invited to involve into work of the EU Special Education Development Agency, she participates in two projects relating with special education development in our country.

For information about collaboration partners visit


We have made successful collaboration with the State Employment Agency and many other general and special education institutions in Latvia and there are agreements about provision of the study practice, practical lectures and field trips. There is collaboration with local municipalities where the students have practice, carry out the researches relating to the problems of local municipalities. The most experienced employees of the mentioned institutions are involved in implementation of the study program, as well as in development of mutual projects, and new study programs. Students have practice in the schools of Rezekne City and County, where practice supervisors are the graduates of RHEI study program “Career Counsellor”.


Daugavpils University, Latvia University of Agriculture, and Liepaja University as well as RHEI is implementing Professional master study program "Career Counsellor”. There is tight collaboration with these higher education institutions by participating in joint international projects and exchanging information, methodological aids etc. Inter-university agreement about collaboration in implementation of the study program is made. (see Appendix 19).Academic staff of the higher education institutions’ studies programs “Career Counsellor” collaborates within the framework project “Provision of Career Education Programs in Education System” of ESF national program In a course of a project:

- the study program was developed, - e-studies version – was developed, - A book “Karjeras atbalsta sistēmas pamati [Basics of Career Support System]”

was published. Shared students surveys were developed in order to observe the quality of studies.

The results of the research are presented in conferences of higher education institutions. Students’ scientifically practical conferences are organized in different higher education institutions year by year in order to promote students’ researches. International students’ scientific conferences “We in Time, Space, Development” with a section “Career Counselling” take place at RHEI. Students of Career Counsellor study program from higher education institutions of Latvia participate in the section. Students’ reports are published in the collection of abstracts. Currently Career centres are being established in



higher education institutions, which will support students’ careers. RHEI already runs Business incubator, which provides consultations and support for graduates for starting their business and legal consultations centre, which is run by the students from juridical programs, providing consultations for residents free of charge.

Collaboration agreements providing lecturers and students’ exchange with higher education institutions in Lithuania, Poland, Germany, Austria, Finland, Belgium, Norway, Cyprus, etc. are made.

There is signed a letter of intention about dual diploma studies in cooperation with Lodz University of Humanities and Economics, the study program “Employment and Personal Counselling”.

For information about collaboration partners visit



In case of termination of the study program implementation, students will have a possibility to continue studies in RHEI Master of pedagogy study program (see Appendix No. 12) or in compliance with collaboration agreements (Appendix No. 19) in Daugavpils University, Liepaja University, Latvia University of Agriculture master study programs.


Main development tendencies of the study program are defined by RHEI development conception, approved in 2008.

Development plan of the study program anticipates:1. To continue in-service training of lecturers to raise scientific qualification in order to

ensure necessary proportion of doctors and professors working in basic work;2. to take measures which provide probation of academic staff:3. For lecturers and students to participate in international seminars, conferences,

symposiums, exchange programs offered by ERASMUS projects, SIF and SOROS foundation;

To look for new possibilities of participating in international projects; To get into continuous contacts with similar higher education institutions of the EU

countries to collaborate within the framework of programs and projects (Finland, Germany, Denmark, Great Britain, Lithuania, Sweden, etc.);

To conclude an agreement about dual diploma studies between RHEIU and Lodz University of Humanities and Economics in the study programs “Career Counsellor” and “Employment and Personal Counselling”.

To conclude an agreement about creation of a joint interdisciplinary bachelor study program (knowledge management, career counselling, information technologies) in cooperation with Manheim Hoghschule (Germany) and J.Duglosc Cestohov University (Poland);

4. To establish RHEI Career Centre5. To develop creation of methodological materials of career education;6. To improve e-studies version of the study program



7. to improve the material and technical supply of the department: To purchase: portable computer, projector, scanner, overhead projector, copy machine

for carrying out the research work; To set up modern lecturing room, conference hall for students, adjusted for people

with special needs as well as audiology centre and the cabinet of speech therapy; To increase the number of computers providing wider options of students and

lecturers for research work; to improve the library of the department; To stock up RHEI library funds with special literature; To participate in contests of grants of RHEI and Academy of Sciences with projects

on regular basis.8. to organize students’ participation in scientific conferences of RHEI on regular basis;

to support participation in conferences organized by higher education institutions of Latvia and abroad;

9. to organize academic conferences scientific discussions, seminars, readings on regular basis, involving students;

10. To expand collaboration with foreign institutions of higher education.11. To carry out self-evaluation of the study program annually and to ensure qualitative

study process depending on the results of the self-evaluation.



Academic staff CVs




1. Name, surname Aija Kondrova2. Date of Birth: October 30th, 19583. Place of Birth: Rezekne region, Malta4. Educational

background:Since 1998 Doctoral studies at Daugavpils Pedagogical

University, Psychology branch, - Social psychology sub-branch;

1996 graduated from Daugavpils Pedagogical University, received Master’s degree in psychology, sub-branch of age period and pedagogical psychology

1989 graduated from Leningrad State University, psychologist, qualification diploma No. 20404, issued on July 31, 1989

1981 graduated from Daugavpils Pedagogical Institute, Faculty of Physics and mathematics and received teacher of physics and mathematics qualification. Diploma No. 316264, issued on June 27, 1981

5. Academic titles and degrees:

Psychology master’s degree in age period and pedagogical psychology’s sub-branch, diploma No. 000303, issued in Daugavpils, in June 1996

6. Occupation: Since 2002 – assistant professor of Pedagogy and psychology department at RHEI

Since 1995 pedagogy lecturer of Faculty of Pedagogy and psychology department at RHEI;

1991 – 1995 teacher at Rezekne Teachers Training Institute;

1982 – 1991 teacher and psychologist of Malta special school;

1981 – 1982 teacher of Jaunjelgava secondary school.7. Scientific

publications:Skola un sabiedrības sociālās izmaiņas [School and Society

Social Changes].// Conference proceedings. – Rezekne, 1995.

Skolotājs pedagoģiskajā saskarsmē [Teacher in Pedagogical Communication] // Skolotājs. – 1999.- No. 2.

Skolotājs un skolēns – mijiedarbības partneri pedagoģiskajā procesā [Teacher and Student – Interaction Partners of Communication Process] // Proceedings of an international scientific conference. – Rezekne, 1999.

Empātija pedagoģiskajā procesā [Empathy in the Pedagogic Process] // Proceedings of an international scientific conference. – Rezekne, 2000.

Sociālās percepcijas īpatnības jauniešiem no mono un polinacionālajām ģimenēm [Particularity of Social Perception for youth from Mono and Poly-national Families] // Proceedings of an international scientific



conference. – Liepaja, 2001.Etniskā pašapzināšanās [Ethnical Self-awareness] //

Proceedings of an international scientific conference. – 2003.

8. Scientific activities: Master’s paper “Social perception practice as the element of professional preparation”.

9. The training of academic staff:

10 Masters, 44 bachelor and diploma papers

10. Other scientific activities:

2010 Utenas Kolegia, Lithuania (certificate)2010 Participation in the seminar–training with supervisions “Psycho-correction of Behavioural Disturbances in the Teenagers’ Group according to the Program INTEKS” (certificate)2009 Utenas Kolegia, Lithuania (certificate)2005 – 2007 participation in the project “European Dimensions in Senior Training and Memory Training”(Bratislava, Athens, Rezekne, Soloniki – certificates)2006 Academic conference “A Child with Special Needs in Comprehensive Education Establishment. Integration Problems and Solutions. (certificate)2006 Participation in the Art Therapy Personality Growth Group (certificate)2005 European dimensions in senior education and memory training;2005 Problem Solving for Better Health;2004 PTC program “Individual upbringing, tuition and development program development for children with special needs in pre-school education institutions” RHEI;2004 Teachers’ camp about bilingual education and integration questions;2003 International project “International Competence” in Belgium;2002 Š. Amonasvili further education author courses “Humane and personal approach to children in educational process”2001 Participation in seminar organized by the World Bank and BOV SIA “Psiholoģijas centrs” within the framework of Health Reform Project “National tuition program for mental health specialists work in critical situations;2000 Participation in project “Drug usage prophylaxis’ textbooks development and appropriate teachers’ education in the Baltic countries” in learning seminars, and approbation of methodological aids;2000 School psychologists’ summer school – courses in individual-psychology: basics of art therapy; lifestyle analysis; therapy focused on solution;



2000 J. Česnakova seminar–psychological training “Dialogical method”;2000 Seminar–practice “Psychology teaching methods” (RPIVA);1998 Seminar “Practical introduction into support rendering” (L.Ruperte, Mtupese);1996 School psychologists courses “Usage of Psychotherapy methods for family consultations”1994 J.Romanova and T.Sitko author courses “Body oriented therapy”;1992 LR Nation Education Ministry. Psychotherapy teachers’’ courses organized by Education Development Institute;1991 K.Boldirev and A.Romasko seminar NLP ,,Целевая бессодержательная коммуникация’’ [“Target contentless communication”];1990. School-seminar “Methods of Psychological diagnostics and consulting nowadays” (L Sobshaka author courses);1990 Seminar “About therapeutic rehabilitation commune (based on FOSSUM program) usage in teenagers’ rehabilitation”.

11. Teaching – methodological and pedagogical work

Study courses: “General Psychology”, “Communication Psychology”, “Pedagogical Psychology”, “Social Pedagogy and Psychology”, “Psychology of Study Process”, “Theory of Small Groups” School psychologist

12. Other study process activities:

Participation in project “Open school”

13. Language skills: Latvian, Russian, German

_______________________ _____________________ date signature



Curriculum vitae

1.Name, surname: RITA ORSKA2.Date of birth: August 23, 19593.Place of birth: Rezekne district, Kantinieki rural parish 4. Education: 1996 DPU master’s degree of psychology in the sub-branch of

age groups and pedagogical psychology (diploma No.000270). 1990 Leningrad State University, psychologist’s qualification (diploma DBA No.137830).1981 Liepaja State Pedagogical Institute, qualification of a basic school teacher (diploma ŽV No.266647).

5. Titles and degrees:

Master’s degree of psychology in the sub-branch of age groups and pedagogical psychology

6. Occupation: Since 1995 a lecturer at Rezekne Higher Education Institution 7.Scientific publications:

Pusaudžu sociālā intelekta attīstības jautājumi. [Issues of Teenagers’ Social Intellect Development] // Proceedings of international scientific conference.- Liepaja, 2007.Profesionālās karjeras starta apstākļu izvēle pēc obligātās izglītības ieguves. [Choice of Professional Career Launching Condition after Completion of Compulsory Education]// Conference proceedings. – Rezekne, 2007.Sociālās vides ietekme uz skolēna uzvedību. [Impact of Social Environment on Pupil’s Behaviour]// RHEI PSRI Collection of scientific articles.- Rezekne, 2006.Pusaudžu uzvedības tipoloģija. [Typology of Teenagers’ Behaviour]// Conference proceedings. – Rezekne, 2005.Pusaudžu agresivitātes izpausmes grupas ietekmē. [Expressions of Teenagers’ Aggression under Group Influence] // Traditional and Innovative in Sustainable Development of Society. – Rezekne, 2002.Pusaudžu agresivitāte grupā. [Teenagers’ Aggression in Group]// Proceedings of international scientific conference.- Liepaja, 2001.Pusaudžu agresivitāte un tās izpausmes mikrovides ietekmē [Teenagers’ Aggression and its Expressions under the Influence of Microenvironment]// Integration Problems of Baltic Region States on the Way to the European Union. Conference proceedings. – Rezekne, 2000.

8. Scientific research activities:

Master paper “Influence of Microenvironment Peculiarities on Expressions of Pupils’ Personality Aggression”

9. Training of academic staff:

15 masters.

10. Other scientific activities:

Supervision and reviewing bachelor papers. Organization of a scientific-methodological conference for the 2nd level professional higher education study program “Social Teacher” students.



11. Teaching-methodological and pedagogical activities:

Lectures: “Family Pedagogy and Psychology”, “Development Psychology”, “Adult Psychology”, “Basics of Psychotherapy”, “Difficult Children and Parents”, “Deviant Behaviour”, Stress Management”, “Human Crisis Conditions”, “Opportunities for Individual Self-Education”, etc.

12. Other study process activities:

November, 2007. 8 hours. “Elements of Theatre Art Education in Self-expression of Prospective Teachers”February, 2007. 10 hours. “Notion of Competence, Kinds and their Relation to Studies”December, 2006. 16 hours. “Career Counselling Theory and Methodology”October, 2006. 16 hours. “Multicultural Counselling”September-November, 2005. 40 hours. “Innovations in Higher Education System”August, 2004. 24 hours. “Fairy-Tale Therapy”September, 2003. 30 hours. “Pedagogically Psychological Support to Pupils with Attention Deficit Syndrome”March, 2003. 18 hours. “Facilitation of Mental Health in Family”October, 2001. 16 hours. “Diagnostics, Correction, Prevention of Deviant Behaviour”June, 2001. 22 hours. “Existential Psychology in Work with Prisoners”March, 2001. 20 hours. “Aggression: Productive Behaviour”January-February, 2001. 60 hours. “National Training Program for Mental Health Specialists for Work in Crisis Situations”November, 2000. 30 hours. “Introduction into Existential Psychology” August, 2000. 19 hours. “Life Style Analysis”May, 2000. 20 hours. “Psychology Teaching Methodology” June, 1999. Seminar “Contemporary Psychological Vocational Counselling Methods”November, 1998. 16 hours. “A. Adler’s Psychology in School Psychologists’ Work” October, 1998. 24 hours. “Acquisition of Career Development Educational Program”August, 1998. 45 hours. “Summer School for School Psychologists” July, 1998. 24 hours. “Practical Introduction into Supporting” June, 1998. 16 hours. “Violence, Dependence, Equality in Family” June, 1998. 21 hours. “Understanding of Violence and Psychological Help for Violence Victims”April, 1998. 12 hours. “V.Satira’s Family Therapy”October-December, 1997. 64 hours. “Developing Curriculum and Methodological Materials in Applied Psychology for Job Seekers”



August, 1997. 32 hours. “Positive Short-Term Psychotherapy” Projects: 2005-2007 ESF national program project “Provision of Career Education Programs in the Educational System”2006-2007 ESF project “Pre-Diploma Practice for Higher Professional Education Study Program “Social Teacher” Students in State, Municipal and Non-Governmental Organizations”2005–2007 ESF project of Rezekne District Council “Establishment of Support System for Children with Special Needs”2005-2006 Dreifus Health Foundation project. September, 2003 Participation in the international scientific conference on violence in families towards children and women, Rendsburg, Germany2002-2005 Norwegian-Latvian project “School for All” 2002-2003 ERASMUS intensive program for students and academic staff “International competencies”

13. Language skills: Latvian, Russian, English 14. Other additional information:

Member of Latvian Professional Psychologists AssociationMember of Latvian Schools Psychologists Association

------------------------------- ------------------------------------ date signature




Name, surname: Gaļina Makarova Date of birth: August 25, 1952Place of birth: Ludza region, Deglava, Latvia Educational background: 1974 LU Faculty of Law, specialty of Law sciences,

qualification: lawyer

Titles and degrees: Candidate of law sciences 1990 Assistants professor since 1991PhD in Law awarded in 1992

Occupation: Since 1996 assistant professor, RHEI Faculty of Humanities and Law, Department of Law. Since 1974 – solicitor, Rezekne Legal Advisors' OfficeSince 2001 sworn solicitor in G. Makarova Solicitor’s Office

Scientific publications: Scientific publications – 8Articles in magazines –3

Scientific research: Procedural and non-procedural solicitors’ activities in prevention of crimes.The Bar in Latvia and sworn solicitors’ procedural status. Labour and commercial legislation.

Other scientific activities: 2003 participation and presentation of reports in international scientific conferences in Minsk (Belarus), St. Petersburg (Russia), Rezekne. 2003, 2004 participation in international scientific conferences at Rezekne Higher Education Institution. September 2005 participation in an international scientific conference at Daugavpils University.November 2006 European Union Socrates/Erasmus – Action 2.2 Teaching staff mobility grant.March, 2008 European Union Socrates/Erasmus Utenas College, Lithuania – “Law of Civics”

Teaching – methodological and pedagogical work

Study programs: Participation in working out the 2nd level higher professional education study program “Teacher of Social Studies” (2003).Prepared and delivered study courses and course programs: Law Enforcement Institutions, Labour Law, The Bar, Protection of Children Rights, Municipal Law, Commercial Law, International Law, Protection of Children Rights, EU Law, Civil Law (general part, family law, rights in things, liability law). For Master studies program in law:



International Legal Combating of Terrorism, Police Law, Anti-corruption Law and its Effectiveness. Pedagogical experience at tertiary level – 14 years.Average pedagogical load per year – 1200 hours.

Other study process activities:

From November 6, 2002 till March 12, 2003 an in-service training program “Didactics of Higher Education Institutions” attended

Social activities: Member of the Bar. Main publications 1.Процесуальная деятельность адвоката по

предупреждению преступлений. Журнал “Юстиция”, 1984, Но.15/16, 0,3 п.л.// [Procedural Activities of Solicitor in Prevention of Crimes. Magazine “Юстиция” No.15/16, 1984.] 2. Проблемы прав на защиту. Таллин, изд. Валгус, 1988, 4 стр.//[ Problems of Rights for Defence. Tallinn, Valgus, 1998, 4 pages.]3.Процесуалъная деятелъность адвокатуры по предупреждению преступлений. Научнопрактическая конференция адвокатов Прибалтийских республик, Рига, 1987, 0,2 п.л.//[ Procedural Activities of Solicitor in Crime Prevention. Scientific practical conference for solicitors of Baltic States, Riga, 1987]4. Автореферат дисертации. Москва, 1990. «Процессуальная и внепроцессуальная деятельность адвоката – защитника по предупреждению преступлений».//[Procedural and Non-procedural Activities of Solicitors in Crime Prevention. Summary of thesis, Moscow, 1990.]5. April 28-29, 2003, Minsk, Belarus, VII international scientific conference “Problems of Economics and Management”. Report “Legal Regulations of Labour Legal Relations between the Employee and the Employer”. 6. June 24-27, 2003, St. Petersburg, Russia, international scientific conference “The Role of International Law under New Conditions for Ensuring International Peace and Security”. Report “Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Courts Decisions in the Republic of Latvia”. 7. Scientific publication “Advokatūra vēsturiskā atskatā un tiesu varas pārmaiņu gaidās” [“The Bar in Historical Overview and Expectations of Changes in Judiciary”]//Likums un tiesības, Volume 5, No.7 (47), July, 2003. 8. September 26, 2003, Rezekne, Latvia, III international scientific conference “The Role of Youth



Moral Upbringing in the Integration Process in Society”. Report “Jauniešu tikumiskās audzināšanas kriminoloģiskie aspekti” [Criminological Aspects of Youth Moral Upbringing]. 9. December 2-5, 2003, Moscow, Russia, international conference “About the World Ocean Problems”. Report “Legal Aspects of Maritime Law in the View of the New Maritime Code in the Republic of Latvia”. 10. Advokāta tiesiskais stāvoklis. [Advocate’s Legal Status] // Proceedings of an international scientific conference “Scientific Achievements for Welfare and Development of Society”, March 4-5, 2004. 11. September 15-16, 2005, Latvia, Daugavpils University, international scientific conference. Report “Zvērināta advokāta darbība pārkāpumu novēršanas jomā” [Sworn Advocate’s Activities in the Field of Preventing Offences]. Expected to be published in February 2006 in the international scientific proceedings. 12. November 2-3, 2006 participation in international scientific conference „Human. Society. Security 2006” –Globālie izaicinājumi un draudi – pretdarbības problēmas [Global Challenges and Threats – Problems of Counteraction]”.Obtained a certificate.13. November 26, 2007 Latvia, RAS, Scientifically – practical conference „Tiesiskums un ētika tiesībsargājošo iestāžu darbībā [Rule of Law and Ethics in Work of Law Enforcement Bodies]”. Report „Advokāta ētikas jautājumi [Issues of Lawyer Ethics]”. 14. March 6, 2008 International scientific conference in Lithuania, Utena. Report “Protection of Children Rights”.15. March 7, 2008 international scientific conference in Latvia, Rezekne “Jaunība 21.gadsimtā – ģimene, izglītība, karjera [Youth in the 21st century – family, education, carrier]” Report “Vecāku un bērnu savstarpējo pienākumu tiesiskais regulējums [Legal Regulation of Mutual Obligations of Parents and Children]”, obtained a certificate.

Language skills: Russian, Latvian, German (with a dictionary), English (with a dictionary)

Additional information solicitor’s experience – 31 year

Dr.iur. G. Makarova



Curriculum VitaeName, surname Pēteris VucenlazdānsDate of birth: July 30th, 1951Place of birth: Preiļi region, LīvāniEducational background: 1969 graduated from Līvāni secondary school, Preiļi region;

1969 – 1973 – Daugavpils Pedagogical University, Faculty of Physics and Mathematics. Secondary school physics and mathematics teacher qualification;

1992 – Latvia University, Master studies, Master’s degree in Pedagogy;

1994 - Daugavpils Pedagogical University, Doctor’s degree in pedagogical science.

Academic titles and scientific degrees

Professor in school pedagogy sub-branch, Pedagogy branch professors board of Daugavpils University meeting decision, protocol No. 3, November 21, 2002 ;

Associated professor in school pedagogy, degree of DPU extended Habilitation board in pedagogical science 23.12.1998., certificate –RHEI APR No.002;

Doctor’s degree in pedagogy science, diploma G-D No. 000036, issued in Daugavpils, DPU 30.05.1994.

Occupation Since December, 2002 professor of Pedagogy and psychology department at RHEI, director of Master program in pedagogy and teacher-speech therapist program;

Since September, 2001 associated professor of Pedagogy and psychology department at RHEI, director of Master program in pedagogy;

September 1999 – September 2001 - head of Pedagogy and psychology department at RHEI, director of Master program in pedagogy;

Since 1997 – visiting lecturer at RHEI Faculty of Pedagogy;Since 1994 – Latvia Police Academy – the head of Study

department and Science department, simultaneously – a lecturer at Latvia University, Faculty of Pedagogy;

1990 – 1993 IM MSD – the deputy head of science and special subjects department, simultaneously lecturer at LU Faculty of Pedagogy;

1986 – 1990 IM PZPI – junior scientific researcher, simultaneously lecturer at LU Faculty of Pedagogy;

1982 – 1986 – Inspector of National Educational Department of Stučka region;

1976 – 1982 Valle secondary school principal deputy in upbringing work, principal;

1973 – 1976 – Vircava Secondary school, teacher of physics.Scientific publications: 70 scientific and methodological publications

Scientific research fields:

Scientific research is concerned with comprehensive schools arts-and-crafts subject content, diagnostics of students’ knowledge level in arts-and-crafts;



Management of IZM ISEC research “Working out subjects tests structure and content in handicraft for basic school”;

Participation in scientific research of Ministry of Education and Science (IZM) “Professional education programmes implementation possibilities in national language at Russian language of tuition’s groups, situation research and analysis”;

Manager of professional education program development methodology experts’ group of national program project “United methodology development for professional education quality improvement, and involvement and education of social partners” (2005 – 2007).

Training of academic staff:

1 defended, 2 supervised promotion works

Other academic activities:

Commission member of the Republic of Latvia PM decree (November 24th, 1997) “About officials candidates qualification exams and certification commission”;

Deputy head of RHEI, LLU Pedagogy Masters’ commission;Head of state exams commission in arts-and-crafts and

pedagogy study program at LLU (Latvia University of Agriculture), Technical Faculty

Head of state exams commission in arts-and crafts and Bachelor of pedagogy study program at the University of Latvia

RHEI Member of scientific proceedings in pedagogy editors’ board

Senator of RHEI Senate, RHEI Science Council; RHEI Study board; tutor of RHEI scientific researches programs: in school pedagogy and the researches of the study process (in the field of pedagogy and psychology)

Teaching-methodological publications

P.Vucenlazdāns. Metodiskie ieteikumi maģistra darbu izstrādei pedagoģijā [Methodological Recommendations for Master’s paper development in Pedagogy].- Rezekne, 2006, pp. 49;

P. Vucenlazdāns. Metodiskie ieteikumi maģistra darbu izstrādei pedagoģijā [Methodological Recommendations for Master’s paper development in pedagogy].- Rezekne, 2003, pp. 34

P. Vucenlazdāns. Jaunlatviešu kustības ievērojamāko pārstāvju devums darbmācības un darbaudzināšanas jautājumu risinājumā ( 50.-70.g.). [The most remarkable representatives of New Latvians movement’ contributions to arts-and-craft and mentoring questions (50’s – 70’s of the 19th century). Study aid].- Rezekne, 2001., 22p

G. Strods, P. Vucenlazdāns. Metodiskie norādījumi



kursadarba izstrādāšanai pedagoģijā un psiholoģijā 2.kursa studentiem [Methodological guidlines for 2nd year students for study paper in pedagogy and psychology development].- Rezekne, 2001., pp. 21

Teaching-methodological and pedagogical activities:

Developed study programmes:Academic Master’s education study program “Pedagogy” (program director), and second-level higher professional education program “Teacher-Speech Therapist” (program director); prepared further education program “University Didactics” (program director) for higher education institutions’ lecturers. Prepared further education programs:“Pedagogy, Psychology and Methodology of Teaching the Subject” (for teachers of general education), “Pedagogy, Psychology and Methodology of Teaching the Subject” (for teachers of interests education), “Pedagogy, Psychology and Methodology of Teaching the Subject” (for teachers of arts-and-crafts).Study courses:“Pedagogical methods of Research”, “Arts-and-crafts Methodology”, “Didactics”, “Study and Academic theories” (comparative aspect), “Didactic Theories”, “Students’ Study Achievements’ Assessment and Diagnostics”, “Tests, Their Compiling”;Average pedagogical load: 1.5Pedagogical work experience at tertiary level 22, total – 34 years

The training of academic staff and specialists of professional qualification:

66 Master’s theses, and 52 Bachelor’s papers

Other study process’ activities

International courses: “Innovations in Didactics of Higher Education Institutions” LU, 1995;“Management psychology in Police Work”, Sweden 1995;International Police Executive Symposium “Challenges of Policing Democracies” May 17 – 20, 1995 International Institute of Sociology of Law ONATI, SPAIN;In-service training courses in Scotland “Methodology of Police Training” – 1996;Republic of Latvia Ministry of Science and Education’ certificate for full program DELATE II project “Industrial-pedagogy basic education program implementation into Higher Education Institutions of Latvia”Soros fund – Latvia program “Change Education” project “Reading and Writing for Development of Critical Thinking Skills”, November 1999 – October 2000Certificate for taking part in international conference “Social Pedagogy and psychological adaptation of personality in the changing environment”, March 9 – 10, 2001(Riga Pedagogy



and Management Higher Education Institution, in collaboration with Wroclaw University, Vilnius Pedagogical University and Academy of Humanitarian Education – St. Petersburg).Certificate for taking part in international conference “Psychological Aspects of Personality” March 9 – 10, 2001 (RPaMHEI, Latvian Academy of Acmeology in collaboration with international Acmeology academy of St. Petersburg, Vilnius Pedagogical University, Minsk Business Management Institute).Confirmation of Participation, Reshaping the Structure and Focus of Teacher/Trainer Training in Latvia and Lithuania in-service training programme of the Finnish Component of the donor cooperation Project between European Training Foundation, Ministry of Education of Finland and Ministry of Education of Denmark ORGANIZATIONAL DEVELOPMENT IN VET SCHOOLS March 27th 2000 – December 31st, 2001;Second international summer camp for higher education institutions’ lecturers in Sigulda “DEVELOPING TEACHERS PEDAGOGICAL COMPETENCE THROUGH SCHOOL – UNIVERSITY PARTNERSHIP” August 19 – 21, 2001;Special Olympics Europe/Eurasia Certificate of Participation in the Special Olympics adapted physical education seminar, October 4 – 7, 2001;Participation in the project “Teacher Training in Latvia 2000 – 2002: Latvia, Iceland, and Norway”.Latvian coordinator in the project “Children’ special needs ensuring within the Rezekne city and Rezekne region” (Latvia, Norway).SOROS foundation – Latvia program “Changes in Education”Project “Open School” for higher education institutions’ lecturers to enable Latvia society’s integration into education field 1999 – 2003.Certification of short-term qualification promotion, January 28th, 2004 – January 31st, 2004. Scientifically practical seminar at GNU “RAO Correcting Pedagogy Institute” in project “Higher Education Institution of Rezekne and Correcting Pedagogy Institute”Certificate about participation in seminar “Methodology and Basic Principles of its Development”, 10th May, 2005.Within the framework of national program project “United methodology development for professional education quality improvement, and involvement and education of social partners” Identification No. VPD1/ESF/PIAA/05/NP/ for participation in the experience exchange



seminar “Estonian system of professional education” in the framework of carrying out of National program project “The working out of unite methodical for the increasing of professional education quality and for the involvement and education of social partners”.Identification No. 2005/0001/VPD1/ESF/piaa/05/NP/

Social activities: Member of Latvian pedagogic scientists’ association. Member of association of Latvian higher education institutions professors, Latvian methodological association of practical study courses. Member of LZS.

Important publications: P.Vucenlazdāns editorship of the 9th collection of abstracts of scientifically practical masters conference “Pedagogical Theories and Teaching Process” 2007.

P.Vucenlazdāns editorship of the 3rd collection of the study program “Teacher Speech-Therapist” scientifically methodological materials “Innovations in Activities of Teacher-Speech Therapist”, 2007.

A.Vindeče, P.Vucenlazdāns “Pedagoģiskā procesa individualizācijas un diferenciācijas būtības speciālajā pirmskolas izglītības iestādē bērniem ar valodas sistēmas nepietiekamu attīstību” [The Essence of Individualization and Differentiation of Pedagogical Process in Special Pre-School Education Institution for Children with Insufficient Language Development]. – RHEI, 2007.

P.Vucenlazdāns editorship of the 8th collection of abstracts of scientifically practical conference “Pedagogical Theory and Teaching Process”, 2006.

M.Mežāre, P.Vucenlazdāns – monographic publication “Studentu iniciatīvas veicināšana studiju procesā” [Promotion of students initiative in the study process], - RHEI, 2006.

Ē.Kalvāns P.Vucenlazdāns monographic publication “Studentu sociālā trauksme pašprezentācijas situācijā” [Students’ Social Alert in Self-Presentation Process] RHEI, 2006.

P.Vucenlazdāns editorship of the 7th collection of abstracts of scientifically practical masters conference “Pedagogical Theories and Teaching Process”, 2005.

P.Vucenlazdāns editorship of the 2nd collection of the study program “Teacher Speech-Therapist” scientifically methodological materials “Innovations in Activities of Teacher-Speech Therapist”, 2005.

V.Šlendins, P.Vucenlazdāns The role of teacher in distance education in military pedagogy //Innovations in the higher school pedagogy. Proceedings of the international conference. Rezekne, 2004.

V.Šlendins, P.Vucenlazdāns Zemessardzes speciālistu



sagatavošanas pedagoģiskie aspekti [Pedagogical Aspects of Training of Home Militia Specialists] // Pedagogy: Theory and Practice. Collection of abstracts 3rd part, Liepaja, 2003.

Arodvidusskolas audzēkņu paškontroles veidošanās aspekti [Vocational school students’ aspects of self-control development] // ATEE Spring University towards Quality in Education: comparative studies – Riga – 2002, pp. 271-285.

Pedagogical aspects of arts-and-crafts and mentoring in works by Kārlis Cīrulis.// LPA international conference “Pedagogical Innovations of Teachers’ Education” compilation “Pedagogic: Theory and Practice” – Liepaja, 2001. – pp.198-208.

Professional competence of a bilingual teacher // Bilingual education: practice of collaboration. – SFL program “Changes in Education” project “Open School” 2001 – pp. 4-11 (co-author).

Problems arising of evolution of Home economics students progress// Kuybiškumo ugdymas mokant darbu ir buities kultūros bendrojo lavinimo mokikloje. – Šiauliai, 2000.

Language skills: Latvian, Russian, English (conversational level)

____________________ _______________________(Date) (Signature)



Curriculum vitaeName, surname LEONĀRS SVARINSKIS

Date of birth November 1, 1947

Place of birth Latvia, Ludza district

Education 1969-1974 – State University of Latvia, Faculty of Economics, Finance and crediting speciality.1977-1981 – Moscow Finance institute, residency.

Academic titles and scientific degrees

1982 – candidate of economics sciences;1985 – docent of Finance and credit department;1992 – doctoral degree in economics;1999 – associated professor;2005 – professor

Occupation Since 2005 professor of Finance management department, Faculty of Economics, Rezekne Higher Education Institution (RHEI); Since 2004 rector of Rezekne Higher Education Institution; associated professor of Finance management department, Faculty of Economics, RA; Since 2002 Management Board's consultant in JSC "Regional Investments Bank";Since 1999 associated professor of Finance institute, University of Latvia (LU);1998-1999 docent of Finance Institute, LU;1991-1997 – part-time job in LU;1993-1997 – head of JSC 'Latvia Deposit Bank" branch, president;1991- 1993 – first vice-head of management board in JSCB "Banka Baltija";1989-1997 – deputy of Jurmala city council;1985-1998 – docent of Finance and crediting department, State University of Latvia;1981-1984 – senior lecturer of Finance and crediting department, State University of Latvia;1974-1977 – assistant, senior teacher of Finance and crediting department, State University of Latvia.

Scientific publications Number of scientific publications -54

Field of scientific research European economic integration.Activities of Central bank in transition economics.

Training of scientific personnel 3 doctoral students

Other scientific activities Participations with speeches in scientific conferences59


Pedagogic and instructional publications

Study books – 1 (with co-authors)Teaching instructional aids

Pedagogical work, academic courses

Developed and taught study courses and programs: European Economic and Monetary Integration; Indicators of Finance and Banking Activities, Financial Statistics, Banking Statistics, Banking Accounting, Long-term Crediting, Money and Crediting Policy, Deposit Operations, Banking Management, Banking Operations, Basics of Finance.

Training of academic staff and professionals

Supervising of economics and management science bachelors, masters and economists.

Public activities Work in EMF study programs council, LU (2002-2004).Director of professional study program Economics (Finance Management) (2002-2004).Member of LU Arbitrage (2000-2004).Member of LU Faculty of Economics and management Council.Head of professors' group in Institute of finance, LU, Faculty of Economics and management.Joint stock company “Regional Investment Bank”, consultant of the board (2002-2004).Materials of international scientific conference “Achievements of Science for Welfare and Development of Society”. March 4 and 5, 2004 – Rezekne, 2004- pp. 145 – member of editorial board. Member of RHEI Senate (since 2004).Member of editorial board of Daugavpils University Social Sciences Faculty, regional reports’ editorial board council of Institute of Social Researches (2007)

Main publications 1. Managing risks of commercial banks activities// Finance and credit: problems, concepts, management, LU Scientific publications No.627, Riga, 2000, co-author - U.Zālītis.2. The Problems of the European Union Enlargement//Finance and credit: problems, concepts, management, LU Scientific publications, No.644; p. 644-652, Riga. 2001, ISSN 1407-2157, co-author - Ž.Svarinska.3. Problems of internal market protection in Latvia//Traditional and innovative in society sustainable economic development. Proceedings of international conference, p. 142, Rezekne, 2002, ISBN 9984 - 585 -3, co-author - Ž.Svarinska.4. Establishment of the Latvian institutional structure for work with the EU Structural and Cohesion



funds //Finance: Public Finance and macroeconomics, investment and capital market, Corporate finance and capital budgeting, banking and credit risk management. ABAGAR, p.173-191, Bulgaria, 2002, ISBN 954-427-477-4, co-author - Ž.Svarinska.5. Model Proposed by there Government Structural Funds and there Cohesion Found // Thesis collection. Problems and ways for business development and rights in 20th century. Baltic Russian Institute. International Academy of Sciences of Higher Education Institution. p.51-53, Riga, 2002, ISBN 9984-30-031-5, co-author - Ž.Svarinska.6. Readiness of the Bank of Latvia for the Integration in the European System of Central Banks - Future of the Banking after the year 2000 in the World and in the Czech Republic. VII Comparison of the Banking Sectors in Transition Economies- Karvina: Silesian University Opava. School of Business Administration Karvina, 2002, p. 64-70, co-author - Ž.Svarinska.7. SAPARD program and the scheme of its implementation in Latvia. – EU enlargement in Baltic Sea region: social challenges and opportunities. Riga, LU EMF EI, 20.06.20038. Models for financial insurance of Latvia's agriculture exploiting state loans.- Economics and Business, RTU scientific publications, 3rd series, 9th volume, p. 112-119, 2004., Riga, ISSN 1407-7337, co-author – Ž.Svarinska.

9. Efficiency and Integrity of Central Bank Operation // Possibilities and Problems of National Economy, Materials of international scientific conference, Rezekne Higher Education Institution, pp. 132 - 142, 2006, Rezekne, ISBN 9984 – 779 – 26 – 2, co-author – V.Pilsuma.

10. Central Bank’s Role in the Development of the Economic Environment: Latvia’s Experience // Legal, Political and Economical Initiatives Towards Europe of Knowledge. International Conference on European Processes. – Kaunas: Kaunas University of Technology, 2006, co-author – V.Pilsuma.

In-service training and delivering lectures at foreign universities

Lecturing at Tart University (Estonia) within the framework of Socrates-Erasmus program from March 13 – 22, 2005. Certificate: 06269-010405-9-2/RA

Management of internationally financed research projects, participation in internationally financed research projects

Contest 2003/004-979-06-03/18: Phare of 2003 National program project “Activities of Economical and Social Cohesion in Latvia” 2nd activity of proficiency “Investments in Development of Human Resources” 2nd

activity “Development of Professional and Further Education” – expert in development of higher education



institution strategy; Project No. 2006/0088/VPD1/ SF/PIAA/05/APK/ “Development of Proficiency of Teachers from Latgale Region in Implementation of New Standard of Basic Education in Secondary School”- preparation and implementation of economical thinking module materials, co-author of teaching methodological study aid for teachers of comprehensive schools;SOCRATES/ GRUNTVIG2 project No.06-LVA01-S2GOI-00047-1 „Sustainable Development of costal areas” – member of a project;ESF National Program “Provision of Career Education Programs in Education System” KIPNIS, agreement No. 2005/0002/VPD1/ESF/PIAA/04/NP/, professional master study program “Career Counsellor” content and methodological materials development expert.ESF project “Mathematics Studies’ Methodological and Technical Modernization for needs of Engineering Sciences at RHEI”, agreement No.2006/0256079/VPD/ESF/PIAA/06/APK/, expert of Economics study programs.

Language skills: Latvian - native, Russian - fluent, English – conversational level.

____________________ _______________________(Date) (Signature)




1. Name, surname: Pēteris Grabusts2. Date of birth: 30th June, 19583. Place of birth: Latvia, Rezekne4. Educational background: RTU Automatics and Computing Technique Faculty (since

2001, Computer science and information technologies) Institute of Computer Technologies professor group of decision support systems – doctoral studies of administrative information technologies (2006);LU Faculty of Physics and Mathematics (1983), applied mathematics.

5. Academic titles and scientific degrees: since 2006Assistant professor of RHEI since 2001Associated professor

6. Occupation: Since 2006 a director of master study program “Computer Systems” at Rezekne Higher Education Institution, Faculty of Engineering.Since 1996 assistant professor of Engineering faculty, department of computer sciences and mathematics;1996-2005 RHEI Engineering faculty head of computer centre.1994-1996 specialist, administrator of computer network of Bank Baltija Rezekne branch;1993-1994 manager of Data Centre of Rezekne branch of Citizenship and Migration Department;1989-1993 leading specialist of computer department of Computer centre, Latvia Ministry of Agriculture1983-1989 leading specialist engineer-programmer of computer centre, Rezekne branch of Statistic department.

7. Scientific publications: Articles in scientific issues – 7Publications in scientific articles’ compilations – 12Abstracts – 3

8. Scientific research: Artificial networks of neurons; methods of clusterization; intellectual computer technologies; fuzzy logic.

9. Other scientific activities: Assigned LZP doctoral grant in May13th, 2002. No. 3-2-1;Participation in international scientific conferences in Poland, Czech Republic;Participation in organizational work of scientific conferences preparation.

10. Teaching methodological and pedagogical activities:

Prepared and delivered study courses at RHEI: “Data banks”, “Operating systems”, “Cryptography”, “Microprocessors”, “Computer Architecture”, “Computer Bookkeeping”. Pedagogic work experience at higher education level - 10 years.Average annual pedagogic load: 800 hours.



11. Training of academic staff and professional qualification:

Supervised more than 40 bachelor papers, diploma projects, and study works of engineer-programmer study program students.

12. Other study process activities:

Supervised students’ scientific works in Engineering faculty students’ scientific conferences.2001 ERASMUS – probation in Wilhelmshaven (Germany) 1999 TEMPUS - “Logistic Management”; probation in Ghent.

13. Public activities: Member of RHEI Science board14. Honorary titles, awards: Rezekne Higher Education Institution acknowledgements.15. Main publications: 1. “Bankrotu datu analīzes metožu iespēju izpēte” [Research

of Bankruptcy Probabilities Data Analysis Methods], International scientific conference “Opportunities and Problems in the Development of National Economy” - RHEI, Rezekne, Mar. 24, 2006. – pp. 55-63. 2. “Application of Fuzzy Rule Base Design Method”, Scientific proceedings of Riga Technical University: Computer Science. Technologies of Computer Control, RTU, Riga, Issue 5, Volume 24. pp. 125-131, 2005.3. “Analyzing Bankruptcy Data with Neural Networks”, 10th International Conference on Soft Computing- Mendel 2004, Brno, Czech Republic, June 16-18, 2004. pp.111-117. 4. “Using Association Rules to Extract Regularities from Data”, 6th International Baltic Conference on Data Bases and Information Systems- DBIS”, Riga, June 6-9, 2004. pp.117-126. 5. „A Study of Clustering Algorithm Application in RBF Neural Networks”, Scientific proceedings of Riga Technical University: Computer Science. Information Technology and Management Science, RTU, Riga, Issue 5, Volume 5. pp. 50-57, 2001.6. “RBF neironu tīklu pielietošanas perspektīvas” [RBF Perspectives of Neurons Networks Application]. Theses of the report for the 2nd world congress of Latvian scientists. Aug. 14-15, 2001.7. “Using a Thermal Equilibrium Method in the Neural Networks”. International conference on Parallel Computing & Electrical Engineering-PARELEC’98. Bialystok, Poland, Sept. 2-5, 1998.

16. Language skills: Latvian - native, Russian – advanced, English – conversational and special literature of own specialty level.



Curriculum Vitae1. General information Name, surname Gunārs StrodsIdentity number 281065-11429Address “Ozoli”, Greivuli, Veremi parish, Rezekne County, LV4604Tel., mob. tel. 64623728, 29631948E-mail: 2. EducationHigher (degree awarded, place and year):Doctoral studies program in pedagogy – LU, 2005.Master’s degree in pedagogy in the sub-branch of pedagogy theory and history – DPU, 1999. Diploma No. 000615. Veterinary’s qualification – Latvian Academy of Agriculture, 1988. Diploma No. 155480. Languages (speaking, reading, writing; evaluated in 5-point system where 5 is the highest evaluation – TOEFL):

speaking reading writingLatvian (native) 5 5 5English (TOEFL 1999) 5 5 4Russian 5 5 4

My further education1. February 17, 2011 – academic staff professional development program “Tertiary Didactics. Practice Organization for Development of Professionalism”, 10 hours, Rezekne Higher Education Institution. 2. December 12, 2010 – academic staff professional development program “Tertiary Didactics. Changing Paradigms in the Study Process ”, 10 hours, Rezekne Higher Education Institution. 3. October 20-22, 2010 participation in the seminar „Brain Drain – Brain Gain” within the framework of the European Commission Lifelong Learning Programme subprogramme EUROGUIDANCE” led by prof. Bernd-Joachim Ertelt (Germany). Professional Education Development Agency, Riga. 4. 2010 – „Analysis of Quantitative Data by AQUAD, Writing Articles for International Reviewed Collections, Input of Quantitative Data for Processing and Analysis SPSS 18”, 2 CP (80 hours), LU Doctoral school „Individual Capacity and Learning for Life in Diversity Inclusive Contexts”, scientific seminar led by prof. G.L.Huber (Tübingen University, Germany).5. March 27, 2009 – academic staff professional development program “Tertiary Didactics. E-course Management System Moodle”, 10 hours, Rezekne Higher Education Institution. 6. February 27, 2009 – Developing and placing an interactive study course in e-environment: Altsolem House”. 6 hours. Leonardo project No.LLP-LDV/TOI/2007/IT/169 „ILLIMITED- Implementing Language Learning Materials to Increase Teachers Education Development”, seminar at RHEI.7. February 5, 2008 – academic staff professional development program “Tertiary Didactics. Lecturing Quality Management”, 10 hours, Rezekne Higher Education Institution. 8. December 22, 2006 – participation in the seminar „Theory and Methodology of Career Counselling” led prof. Bernd-Joachim Ertelt (Germany). Professional Education Development Agency, Riga. 9. October 22, 2006 – participation in the seminar „Multicultural Counselling” led by Dr. Mika Launikari (Finland). Professional Education Development Agency, Riga. 10. December 6, 2005 – participation in the seminar “Career Guidance and Counselling- philosophical and theoretical basement” led by Copenhagen University (Denmark) professor Peter Plant. Professional Education Development Agency, Riga. 11. July 23-24, 2004 participation in the seminar organized by LU and Tübingen University, (Germany) „Mixed methods and analysis of qualitative data with AQUAD” led by professor Günter L. Huber, 16 hours, Riga.



12. May 23-July 4, 2003 – academic staff professional development program “Innovations in the Higher Education System”, Certificate No. 293, Daugavpils University. 13. June 7-8, 2003 – Participation in the seminar organized by LU and Tübingen University, (Germany) Computer– Assisted Analysis of Qualitative Data with AQUAD Six” led by professor Günter L. Huber, 16 hours, Riga. 14. April 21, 1998 participation in the seminar “Project Management”, 12 hours. Lect. Dr. Stefan Hanzelman, Deutsch-Lettisches Wirtsschaftsförderungsprojekt, Riga.15. May 2-6, 1994 – Course of Spanish dance. Led by Olga Sosias, Barcelona, 36 hours, Extracurricular Work Organizationally Methodological Centre, Certificate No. 507, Riga. 3. Work experience Workplace, positionSince 2010 -- a lecturer at Rezekne Higher Education Institution, Faculty of Education and Design, Education and Methodology DepartmentSince 2005 – a lecturer at Rezekne Higher Education Institution, Faculty of Pedagogy, Pedagogy and Psychology Department2003-2005 – a dean of Rezekne Higher Education Institution, Faculty of Pedagogy1999-2003 – a lecturer at Rezekne Higher Education Institution, Faculty of Pedagogy, Pedagogy and Psychology Department1998 – 1999 – a head of Rezekne Higher Education Institution, Faculty of Pedagogy, Pedagogy and Psychology Department1995 – 1998 – a lecturer at RHEI Faculty of Pedagogy, Music and Choreography department.1992-1995 – a teacher in Rezekne Teacher Training Institute.1989 - 1992 – a teacher in Rezekne Pedagogical School. 1988 – 1989 – a teacher in Luznava Agricultural Vocational School.Public activitiesSince 2004 – board member of “Trīsreiztrīs” [Three Times Three] – World Latvian Families Camps Movement. Since 1999 – member of Latvian Higher Education Institutions Teaching Staff Cooperation Association. Acknowledgements: 2009 – Rezekne Higher Education Institution for active work to involve academic staff of Pedagogy and Psychology Department into international projects and transfer of the best European and world experience to the study process.2005 – Rezekne Higher Education Institution for responsible work performing the duties of the dean of the Faculty of Pedagogy and ensuring an excellent study programs accreditation process 2004 – Rezekne Higher Education Institution for contribution into organization of a successful study programs accreditation process at the Faculty of Pedagogy 2002 – Rezekne Higher Education Institution for successful application of experience gained in international projects in teaching-methodological work

4. PublicationsPublications (full title, co-authors, issue, year of publishing, place and number of pages, indicate if publication is prepared, submitted for publication or published): Articles in reviewed issues: 1. Strods G. (2011) Promotion of Students Self-Directed Learning Readiness in Cooperative

Learning. Education reform in comprehensive school: education content research and implementation problems. The collection of scientific papers,2010. The articles appearing in this scientific collection are indexed and abstracted in EBSCO: Education Research Complete ( Rezekne, 120-134. ISSN 1691-5895, ISBN 978-9984-44-058-3.

2. Strods G. (2007) Studentu pašizglītības prasmju pašnovērtējums [Self-evaluation of Students Self-education skills].// Society. Integration. Education. International scientific conference



proceedings. Rezekne, 364–375. ISSN 1691-5887, ISBN 978-9984-779-41-63. Strods G. (2006). Studentu pašizglītības prasmju pašnovērtējums [Evaluation of Students’ Self-

Education Skills]. Learning environment at educational establishments: problems and solutions. Collection of scientific articles. Rezekne, 106–116. ISBN 978-9984-779-52-2

4. Strods G. (2006). Studentu pašizglītības pedagoģiskie aspekti. [Pedagogical Aspects of Students Self-education]. Society. Integration. Education. International scientific conference proceedings. Rezekne, 93–105. ISBN 978-779-40-9Strods G., Ose L.,Skoromka T., Maslo I. (2005). Qualitative research methodology design for teachers’ pedagogical action models and students’ socio-cultural learning experience interaction evaluation. Society. Integration. Education. International scientific conference proceedings. Rezekne, 364–375. ISBN 9984-779-03-3

5. Strods G., Ose L., Skoromka T., Maslo I. (2005). Collaboration in Computer assisted Qualitative Research. Areas of Qualitative Psychology- Special Focus on Design, Verlag Ingeborg Huber, Tuebingen, 235-249, ISBN 3-9810087-0-7

6. Strods G. (2003). Studentu pašizglītība studiju procesā. [Students’ Self-Education in the Study Process] Personality, Time. Communication. Proceedings of international conference. Rezekne,122-131, ISBN 9984-585-75-1

7. Strods G. (2002). Kvantitatīvo pētniecības metožu izmantošana skolēnu sociokulturālās mācīšanās pieredzes izpētē ‘’Atvērtās skolas’’ projekta ietvaros. [Application of Quantitative Research Methods in the Study of Pupils’ Socio-Cultural Learning Experience within the Framework of the Project „Open School””. Developing teachers’ pedagogical competence through school-university partnership. 2nd international summer school. Riga, School Support Centre, 114-125, ISBN 9984-9477-2-6

8. Strods G. (2000). Kooperatīvā mācīšanās pedagogu praksē [Cooperative Learning in Teachers Practice]. Integration Problems of Baltic Region States on the Way to the European Union. Proceedings on the international scientific conference. Rezekne, pp. 63-66 , ISBN 9984-585-10-7

9. Strods G. (1999). Sociālo prasmju attīstīšana ar interaktīvo mācību metožu un folkloras deju palīdzību [Development of Social Skills by Interactive Learning Methods and Folk Dances]. Professional Teacher Training Problems. Proceedings of the international scientific conference. Rezekne, pp.57-59, ISBN 9984-585-54-9

Textbooks:1. Miķelsone I., Latsone L., Strods G., Oļehnoviča E., Mackēviča L., Ķirse A., Soika I, Apse D.,

Anspoka Z. (2008). Karjeras attīstības atbalsts-izglītība, konsultēšana, pakalpojumi [Career Development Support – Education, Counselling, Services]. Riga, State Education Development Agency (LTD "Jelgavas tipogrāfija"), ISBN 978-9984-8012-0-4.

2. Strods G. (1998). Kooperatīvā mācīšanās praksē. Deja. [Cooperative Learning in Practice] Mācīsimies sadarbojoties [Let’s Learn in Cooperation]. Chapter of a textbook, Riga,pp.107-111, ISBN 9984-18-372-6

Textbooks (published in registered publishing houses):1. Vucenlazdāns P., Strods G. (2001). Metodiskie norādījumi kursa darbu izstrādāšanai

pedagoģijā un psiholoģijā 2.kursa studentiem [Methodological Guidelines for Course Papers. in Pedagogy and Psychology for the 2nd Year Students]. Rezekne, RHEI publishing house, 23 p.

2. Strods G., Deksne D. (1997). Einam, šeinam. Folkloras deju krājums. [Collection of Folk Dances]. Rezekne, Latgales Druka, 52 p.

Popular scientific publications: Strods G. (2009). Par Francijas augstskolu, profesionālo skolu un uzņēmēju sadarbību.[On Cooperation between Universities, Vocational Schools and Entrepreneurs in France] Profesionālais un sociālais guvums Eiropas Savienības Mūžizglītības programmas individuālajās mobilitātēs.[Professional and Social Benefit in Individual Mobilities of the



European Union Lifelong Learning Programs]. Academic Programs Agency, Riga, pp. 92-94 Other publications: Strods G. (2007). Karjeras konsultanta programma Rēzeknes Augstskolā [Career Counsellor’s Program at Rezekne Higher Education Institution]. Latgale Regional Portal, 26.03.2007, Participation in conferencesParticipation with a report in any kind of conferences and congresses (indicate place, time, title of report, co-authors, publication of abstracts, place, year, number of pages). International conferences or congresses:1. May 27-28, 2011 – presentation of the research “Development of Self-Directed Learning

Notion” Society. Integration. Education. International scientific conference proceedings. RHEI, Rezekne.

2. February 09-12, 2011 – presentation of the research “Promotion of Students’ Self-Direction in Cooperative Learning at Teachers Training in University” at the 25 th The International Self-Directed Learning Symposium, Cocoa Beach, Florida, USA.

3. April 16-17, 2009 – participation in the 7th INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE “INFORMATION TECHNOLOGIES AND MANAGEMENT 2009” in the section ”Education and Training Competence”, Higher School of Information Systems Management, Riga.

4. March 9-13, 2009 – presentation “Role of higher education in vocational training in Latvia”.

FORMASUP conference, Lille, France.5. February 23-24, 2007 - presentation “Self-evaluation of students’ self-education skills”. Society. Integration. Education. International scientific conference proceedings. RHEI, Rezekne.6. August 23-25, 2006 – participation in the conference “Cross-over: Guidance in Transition”.„International Association of Educational and Vocational Guidance”, Copenhagen, Denmark.7. February 24-25, 2006 – presentation “Pedagogical aspects of students’ self-education”. Society. Integration. Education. International scientific conference proceedings. RHEI, Rezekne.8. February 25-26, 2005 – presentation “Qualitative research methodology design for teachers’ pedagogical action models and students’ socio-cultural learning experience interaction evaluation. Society. Integration. Education. International scientific conference proceedings. RHEI, Rezekne.9. October 25-28, 2004 – presentation “Collaboration in Computer assisted Qualitative Research.” Areas of Qualitative Psychology- Special Focus on Design. Conference proceedings. Tübingen University, Germany. 10. March 1-3, 2003 – presentation „Students’ self-directed education in the study process”. Personality.Time.Communication. Proceedings of the international scientific conference . RHEI, Rezekne.11. August, 2001 - presentation “Application of Quantitative Research Methods in the Study of Pupils’ Socio-Cultural Learning Experience within the Framework of the Project „Open School””. Developing teachers’ pedagogical competence through school-university partnership. 2nd international summer school. LU conference proceedings, Sigulda.12. May 12-15, 2000 – presentation “Implementation of Cooperative Learning in Teachers Training in Latvia”. Intercultural education and cooperative learning – insights and practices after 5 years of European experience. Ghent University, Belgium. 13. March 2-3, 2000 - presentation “Cooperative Learning in Teachers’ Practice”. Integration Problems of Baltic Region States on the Way to the European Union. Proceedings on the international scientific conference. RHEI, Rezekne.14. February 26-27, 1999- presentation “Development of Social Skills by Interactive Learning Methods and Folk Dances” Professional Teacher Training Problems. Proceedings of the international scientific conference. RHEI, Rezekne.



Local conferences or congresses: 1. October 30, 2009 - presentation “Youth Readiness for Self-Education”. Conference “Career Development Support for Pupils”. VIAA, Riga.2. Strods G. (2007). Karjeras izglītības programmu attīstības perspektīvas Latvijā. [Perspectives of Career Education Programs Development in Latvia]. The Role Regional Higher Education Institutions in the Development of Lifelong Learning. Conference proceedings. RHEI, Rezekne.3. September 19, 2007 – participation in the conference piedalīšanās “Provision of Career Education Programs in the Educational System”, VIAA, Riga.4. Strods G. (1999). Comparative Evaluation of Group Work and Cooperative Learning in Teachers’ View. DPU pedagogical conference. Abstracts. Daugavpils.5. Strods G. (1997). Some Issues on Folk Dance and its Application in Primary School. Professional teachers training problems. Conference abstracts II. Rezekne.6. Pedagogical activities Lecturer’s work experience participating in the implementation of bachelor and master study programs. Prepared and read study courses:

In the bachelor of pedagogy study program and professional study programs in 1999-2009:

1. History of Pedagogical Theories-3 CP, Moodle e-studies form: History of Social Pedagogy -2 CP, 3. Pedagogical Thought in Latvia – 2CP, 4. National Pedagogy-2 CP, 5. Bilingual Education -2 CP, 6. Cooperative Learning –2 CP, 7. Career Development Theories -4 CP, Moodle e-studies form: Pedagogical Practice -2 CP, 9. Supervision of study papers- 5 CP10. Supervision of bachelor papers – 10 CP11. Member of the bachelor examinations commission In professional study programs in 199.-1999:12. Rhythmics- 2 CP13. Basics of Classical Dance -3 CP14. Dance Composition and Staging -4 CP15. National Dance -3 CP16. Latvian Dance -4 CP17. History of Costumes and Historical dance -2 CP18. Qualification practice “Teacher of Dancing”- 8 CP19. Member of the state examinations commission 20. Folk Dances - 2 CP, Liepaja Academy of Pedagogy, visiting lecturer for the 3 rd year

students of the study program “Psychology”, Liepaja In Master programs “Pedagogy” and “Career Counsellor” in 2000-2009:

21. Cooperative Learning -2 KP, - “Pedagogy”22. Career Development Theories- 4 CP, Moodle e-studies form:, Organizational Culture-2 CP, Moodle e-studies form: Career counsellor’s professional practice I - 4 CP,

Moodle e-studies form: Career counsellor’s professional practice II - 6 CP,

Moodle e-studies form:



26. Career counsellor’s professional practice V - 6 CP, Moodle e-studies form:

In the professional development program “Basics of Academic Staff Pedagogical Education/ Tertiary Didactics”:

27. Cooperative Learning and Multiple Intelligence Methodology in the Study Process at the Tertiary Level - 12 hours, LLU- 2003, RA- 2008.

28. Students Self-Direction in the Study Process – 10 hours, RA- 2011. Teacher further education program development and implementation: Developed and implemented programs-

1. 5-6 Form Teachers Professional Qualification Development in Didactics of Mathematics or Latvian or Nature Studies. 72 hours, 2011.

2. Implementation of the Learning Process Facilitating Pupils’ Cognitive Activity, Independence and Creativity in United Forms (Forms1-4)-72 hours, 2009.

3. Implementation of the Learning Process Facilitating Pupils’ Cognitive Activity, Independence and Creativity in United Forms (Forms 5-9) -72 hours, 2009.

4. Organizer of Children and Youth Free Time – 72 hours, 2009.5. Folk Dances – 36 hours, 1994-2002.

Development of study programs:1. Academic bachelor study program “Pedagogy”, director. Since 1999.2. Professional master study program “Career Counsellor”, director. Since 2007.

Supervised bachelor, master and qualification papers Trained 68 bachelors, 35 masters at RHEI and 2 at Latvia University of Agriculture, supervised 18 qualification papers 7. Research projects Participation in research project implementation (title of project, duration, funding and position):18.03.2011 – 17.05.201. – scientific assistant at LU Faculty of Pedagogy, Psychology and Art project “Development and Implementation of Support Programs for Establishment of Support System for Youth Exposed to Social Exclusion Risk”, Agreement No. 2010/0328/1DP/ 01.03.2010-31.05.2010 – Participation in LU Scientific Institute of Pedagogy ASEM HUB LLL (Asian and European Lifelong Learning and Educational Research) 2nd international research cycle “Competence Development Learning at Workplace” (managing data the gathering process – selection of respondents, assistance, in filling in the questionnaire, motivation of respondents, co-creation and maintenance of the electronic database)01.05.2001-27.12.2001 Research of pupils’ socio-cultural learning experience within the project “Open School”. LU, Soros Foundation Latvia, researcher. Other projects:1. 2011.28-29.04. – participation in the planning seminar of the project (Germany, Switzerland, Austria, Luxemburg, Italy and Poland) “Qualifizierung von Berufsbidungspersonal hinsichlicht der Identifikation & Beratung von Auszubildenden mit hohem Abbruchsrisiko”, Cestohov, Poland2. 2011- 2013 – Social Integration State Agency ESF activity, project “Establishment of Professional Education Support System for Youth Exposed to Social Exclusion”, No.. 2010/0331/1DP/ 2005-2007 “Provision of Career Education Programs in the Educational System”. ESF, Latvia National program, project, expert.4. 2006 “Exchange of Experience in Career Counsellors Training”. RHEI in cooperation with Copenhagen Higher Education Centre, LEONARDO project LV/06/400, project manager.5. 2005 - 2006. “Pedagogical Practice of Housekeeping and Basics of Economics Teachers Speciality Students at Comprehensive Schools“, No.2005/0144/VPD1/ESF/PIAA/05/APK/ ESF, expert.



6. 2000 Soros Foundation – Latvia, program “Changing in Education”, project “Reading and Writing for Development of Critical Thinking”.7. 1999 Soros Foundation – Latvia, program “Changing in Education”, project “Step by Step”. 8. 1997-1998 Soros Foundation – Latvia, program “Changing in Education”, project “Cooperation and Experience as Novelty in Teacher Education”. 8. International cooperation In-service training at higher education institutions and research institutions abroad:2009 – study visit at FORMASUP-dual education agency, Lille, France.7 days2007 – study visit at Jyvaskyla University, Finland. 7 days study visit at Derby University, Great Britain. 7 days study visit at Eotvos Lorand University, Budapest, Hungary. 7 days study visit at Manheim Hoghschule, Germany. 7 days study visit at Heidelberg University, Germany. 4 days2006 - study visit at Tallinn University, Estonia. 7 days study visit at Tartu University, Estonia. 4 days study visit at Kaunas Vitautas Magnus University, Lithuania. 4 days study visit at Vilnius Pedagogical University, Lithuania. 7 days2005 - study visit at Copenhagen Pedagogical University, Denmark. 7 days1997-1998 – in-service training at Institute of International Studies, Teachers College, Columbia University in cooperation with Soros Open Society Institute - one year programme „Experiental and Cooperative Learning”. New York, USA Lectures at higher education institutions and research institutions abroad:2011 – Lodz University of Humanities and Economics, Poland, 7 days 2010 – Vilnius Kolegia, visiting lecturer within ERASMUS program, Lithuania, 7 days2010 – Siauliai University, visiting lecturer within ERASMUS program, Lithuania, 7 days2008 – Tallinn University, visiting lecturer within ERASMUS program, Estonia,7 days2007 – Cyprus University, visiting lecturer within ERASMUS program, Cyprus, 7 days2004 –Turku University, visiting lecturer within ERASMUS program, Finland, 7 days2000 –Wales University, Newport College, visiting lecturer within ERASMUS program, Great Britain, 7 days Other activities:2003 – Estonian Song Festival Agency - Seminar for Estonian dance teachers, visiting lecturer, Tallinn ___________________/ ______________ signature date



Curriculum vitae

1. Name, surname: MĀRĪTE ROZENFELDE

2. Date of birth: June 25, 1960

3. Place of birth: Limbaži region, Skulte

4. Educational background: Since 2000 doctoral studies at DPU;2005 graduated from theoretical course1999 LU, obtained Mg.paed. degree1987 – Graduated from Liepaja Pedagogical Institute, Defectology Department. Obtained qualification of a teacher of special school (diploma ПБ No.095958, issued in Liepaja on July 29, 1987).

5. Academic titles and scientific degrees:

Master of Pedagogy degree 2004 – elected in a position of assistant professor in special pedagogy and psychology2006 – elected in a position of a researcher in RHEI Personality Socialization Research Institute

6. Occupation: Since 2011 Head of Education and Methodology Department, researcher of RHEI Personality Socialization Research Institute, head of special pedagogy laboratory, lecturer. Practicing coach in live couching.Since 2010 Head of Education and Methodology Department, researcher of RHEI Personality Socialization Research Institute, head of special pedagogy laboratory, assistant professor.Since 2006 researcher of RHEI Personality Socialization Research Institute, head of special pedagogy laboratory, assistant professor, a head of Pedagogy and Psychology Department.Since 2005 head of RHEI Special pedagogy laboratory, assistant professor at RHEI, head of Pedagogy and Psychology Department.Since 2004 assistant professor at RHEI, head of Pedagogy and Psychology Department.Since 2001 RHEI lecturer, head of Pedagogy and Psychology Department.Since 1996 lecturer at RHEI Faculty of Pedagogy, Pedagogy and Psychology Department, deputy director in the field of upbringing, methodologist at Malta Special Boarding School 1992 – 2001 deputy director in the field of upbringing, methodologist at Malta Special Boarding School.1988 – 1992 deputy director in the field of upbringing at Carnikava Special Boarding School.1985 – 1989 speech therapist at Riga Speech Therapy Kindergarten No. 251.1979 – 1985 teacher of Koknese Special Boarding School

7. Scientific publications: 12

8. Scientific research: Academic year 2009/2010 a head of scientific sub-theme “Correction of Children Development Disturbances in Study and



Upbringing Work”Academic year 2008/2009 a head of scientific sub-theme “Correction of Children Development Disturbances in Study and Upbringing Work”Academic year 2007/2008 a head of scientific sub-theme “Correction of Children Development Disturbances in Study and Upbringing Work”Academic year 2006/2007 a head of scientific sub-theme “Correction of Children Development Disturbances in Study and Upbringing Work”Academic year 2005/2006 a head of scientific sub-theme “Correction of Children Development Disturbances in Study and Upbringing Work”Since academic year 2005/2006 a director of RHEI Special Pedagogy Laboratory2005 Passed examination of theoretical part of doctoral studiesAcademic year 2004/2005 a head of scientific sub-theme “Correction of Children Development Disturbances in Study and Upbringing Work” Academic year 2004/2005 written and acquired grant “Development of Specialized Computer Software for Correction of Disturbances of Children with Developmental Disturbances” Academic year 2003/2004 a head of scientific sub-theme “A Student – Emerging Teacher – Solver of Educational Problems” Academic year 2002/2003 participation in a grant “A Pupil with Special Needs in Comprehensive Education Institution”Academic year 2001/2002 – participation in a grant “Modules of Pupils with Special Needs Integration into Society” 1999 presented Master thesis “Possibilities of Acquiring Social Norms in Out-of-class Activities of Special Boarding School for Children with Mental Development Disturbances”

9. Other scientific research activities:

Coordinator in international projects: International ERASMUS project ”Intercultural

competencies” (in Belgium, Finland, Switzerland, Italy, the Netherlands, Poland, Latvia, England, Romania)

Phare project “Development of Connection between Professional Education Institutions and Entrepreneurship Sector in Rezekne Region”

ESF project “Perfection of Support System for Children with Special Needs”

Dreyfus Health Foundation (USA) sub-project “Informing Families of Rezekne City and District about Early Diagnostics and Correction Possibilities of Children Development Disturbances”

ESF project “Study Methodological Aid for Pupils with Special Needs in Integrative Classes/Groups”

Expert Dreyfus Health Foundation (USA) project “Problem



solving for better Health in the Latgale region” ESF project “JJJ – Education Activities Youth with Low

and Insufficient Social Skills “Youth to Youth” ESF project “Development of Professional Subjects

Teachers and Practice Supervisors Theoretical Knowledge and Practical Competences” (Agreement No. 2010/0043/1DP / /IPIA /VIAA /001). Expert of the workgroup developing a methodological aid for teachers to create teaching materials and implement them in e-environment

ESF project “Further Education of General Education Teachers”, expert of the program “Class Management Process, its Organization and Leading. Individual Work with Parents”.

Participant Northern countries project “TEACHER TRAINING IN

LATVIA 2000 – 2004” (Teacher training for work with children having special needs. Norway, Iceland, Latvia)

Northern countries project “Teachers Training in Latvia, 2000 – 2004’’ sub-project “Provision of Children with Special Needs of Rezekne City and District within the District 2001 – 2004” (Norway, Latvia)

EU Special education agency project “Evaluation” ESF project “Provision of Career Education Programs in

Educational System” European Agency for Development in Special Needs

Education HEAG – MUNDUS project “All International Higher Education Accessibility Guide of study abroad information for students with disabilities.”

ESF project “Development and Strengthening of Inclusive Education Systems for Children with Special Needs in Daugavpils District”

ESF project “Improvement of Education Possibilities of Youth with Special Needs in Saldus District”

ESF project “Development and Implementation of Pedagogical Correction Programs in Liepna Elementary Boarding School”

IZM project “Development of Scientific Activities and Infrastructure in RHEI PSP Institute – Educational Reform in Comprehensive School: Researches of Curriculum and Problems of Implementation”

ESF project “Implementation of Motivation programs in Rezekne Family Support Centre for various groups of Social Risk and Development of Methodological Materials for Specialists of Social Work”

EU Structural Funds National program project “Development of Provision of Teachers Further Education Methodological Network”



ESF project “Support for Deaf Youth Integration into the Educational System, Society and Labour Market”

ESF project “Preparation of Youth with Special Needs for Acquisition of Further Education”

ESF action program “Human Resources and Employment”, activity “Providing Access to Education for Youth Exposed to Social Exclusion Risk and Development of Inclusive Education”, sub-activities:

sub-activity 1: Establishment of Support System for Youth Exposed to Inclusive Education and Social Risk, Personnel Training, Provision and Raising Competence, participant;

sub-activity 2: “Establishment of Support System for Learners with Functional Disturbances”, expert – head of RHEI SPL.

ESF activity “Facilitation of Teachers’ Competitiveness under the Conditions of the Education System Optimization”– author of a course syllabus, a lecturer to 20 RHEI course groups.

Since 2003.organized and conveyed annual methodologically practical conferences of students of teachers of the special education study programJune 20, 2006 organized and conveyed an academic conference “A Child with Special Needs in Comprehensive Education Institution”. Integration Problems and Solutions”.April 25, 2008 organized and conveyed UNESCO Latgale regional discussion “Inclusive Education in Latgale: Situation, Problems, Solutions”. 1997-2002 a member of Rezekne district pedagogically medical panel of children selection for special programsScientific collaboration with:LU PIAC, Russian Academy of Sciences, Correction Pedagogy Institute; Norwegian Support System for Special Education Overby Resource centre; University of Reykjavik in Iceland; Agder University College; Oslo University, Special Education Department; Linz Pedagogische Akademie; Laurea Politechnic, Finland; Hogeschool Gent, Belgium; Lodz University in Poland, Northampton University in England, Manchester University in England.July, 2010 a member of the organizational committee of the international conference „Embracing inclusive approaches for children and youth with special education needs” and an expert for selecting presentations.

10. Teaching methodological and pedagogical activities:

Prepared, licensed and accredited professional higher education study programs:Second level professional higher education study program “Teacher of Special Education” (4.5 years)Second level professional higher education study program



“Teacher of Special Education” (2.5 years)Second level professional higher education study program “Teacher for Children with Impaired Hearing” (2.5 years);Prepared, licensed and accredited professional master studies program “Special Pedagogy” (1.5; 2 years)Director of: First level professional higher education study program “Interpreter for Individuals with Impaired Hearing” preparation and licensing.Participation in development of the second level professional higher education study program “Teacher Speech-Therapist”In the academic year 2003/2004 prepared and delivered on demand 4 different teacher training further education programs “Diagnostics and Correction Possibilities of Disturbances of Children with Developmental Disturbances” for Teachers of Special and Comprehensive Education Institutions”In academic year 2004/2005 prepared and coordinated with the Ministry of Education and Science and implemented on demand 11 teachers’ further education programs:

“A Child with Special Needs in Comprehensive School”. “Pedagogically Psychological Correction of Learning

Difficulties and Disturbances” “Usage of Specialized Computer Software in Correction of

Children Developmental Disturbances” “Pedagogically Psychological Children Research and

Development of Individual Education Programs” “Individualities of Children with special needs in

Profession Acquisition in Vocational Education Institutions”

“Possibilities of Children Disturbances Correction in Special Education Institution in Teaching and Upbringing Work”

“Special Didactics and Novelties in Methodology of Teaching Study Subjects in Special Schools”.

“Topicalities of Pedagogical Process and the Latest Methods in Work with Children with Special Needs in Special Pre-school Education Institution”

“A Child with Special and Peculiar Needs in Comprehensive and Special School. Pedagogically Psychological Correction of Learning Difficulties”(B1)

“Education Process, Development Disturbances Correction Programs Implementation and Promotion of Comprehensive Development in Special School”(B2)

Education Process, Implementation of Development Disturbances Correction Programs and Promotion of General Development in Comprehensive Education Institution” (B2)

In the academic year 2007/2008 Prepared, coordinated with the Ministry of Education and Science and implemented on demand 5



teachers’ further education programs: Diagnostics of Children with Developmental Disturbances

and Possibilities of Correction of Disturbances during the Education Process (A)

Possibilities of Using Specialized Computer Software for Individualization of Educational Process of Children with Developmental Disturbances (A)

Development and Implementation of Correction Programs in Comprehensive School (A)

Correction of Children Mental Development Disturbances and General Development Promotion within the Education Process in Special Education Institution (B)

Implementation of Development Disturbances, Learning Difficulties and Disturbances Correction Programs as well as Promotion of General Development within the Educational Process (B)

In 2008/2009 Prepared, coordinated with the Ministry of Education and Science and implemented on demand a teachers’ further education program:

Psychologically Pedagogical Support System for Children with Special Needs at a Pre-School educational Establishment (A)

In 2009/10 developed an in-service training program „Teacher’s Assistant”. Prepared and delivered study courses in professional and bachelor study programs:Theory and Methodology of Upbringing; Class Teacher Work Organization;Introduction into Special Pedagogy; Special Pedagogy; Special Psychology ; Children Age Patho-psychology; Pupils Selection Methods for Special Schools; Psycho-Somatic Disturbances; Art Therapy;Upbringing of Pupils with Special Needs in a Family; Social Adaptation of Pupils with Special Needs; Early Teaching of Children with Mental Development Disturbances, Development of Plans, Projects in Special Pedagogy. Professional Master Study Programs: Integration and Inclusion into Education Institutions, Development of Plans and Projects in Special Pedagogy, International and Comparative Special Education System, Possibilities of Special Education for Graduates of Special Education Institutions and Adults, Social Integration and Intercultural Aspects.March 31 – April 5, 2006 – delivered lectures within the ERASMUS lecturers’ exchange programs at Agder University in Norway.Participation in ARION students’ visit to Mirandola, Italy. May 25-31, 2007.



2008.15.-20. 09. – delivered lectures within ERASMUS staff mobility at Siauliai University, Lithuania.2009 – Experience exchange visit with ERASMUS program at Utenos Kolegia.Edited and prepared for publishing:

collection of scientifically methodological materials for the study program “Teacher of Special Education”,

leaflet of V.Čepele “Insufficient Learning Outcomes at Basic School”

Development of study and methodological materials: participation in the workgroup developing a study aid for

pupils with special needs in integrated classes “Look. Think. Do.”;

participation in development of methodological materials “Introduction of Motivation Programs for Various Social Risk Groups”.

Average pedagogical load - 0.9Pedagogical work experience 32 (total), 15 (RHEI)

11. Training of academic staff and specialists of professional qualification:

6 master theses, 48 professional master theses, 7 academic bachelor papers, 106 diploma papers, 21 professional bachelor papers

12. Other study process activities:

Latvia, 11-14 July 2010. Conference “Embracing Inclusive Approaches for Children and Youth with Special Education Needs”. Riga.Report Support System Model for Inclusion of Children with Special Needs in to General Education Establishment. 2009.12.04. Course “E – Course Management System MOODLE”February 4, 2009. Course “Cost Management In Pedagogical Work at Tertiary Level”.November 3, 2008. Course “Opportunities for Using Smart Board in the Study Process”. September 27, 2008. Participation in an international conference organized by LU and Leipzig University “Special and Inclusive Education in Latvia and Germany”, certificate.September 15-20, 2008. Participation in Erasmus staff mobility program, exchange of experience and lecturing at Siauliai University. July 24, 2008. Report “Integration of Children with Special Needs in the Education System. How far are we?” at the conference “Integration of Children with Special Needs into the Education System, Life Skills and Inclusion into Society after Form 9”, within the framework of Rudbārži Special School EU project “Preparing Youth with Special Needs for Further Education”.April 24, 2008. participation in Rezekne City Council conference “Integration Processes in Society and Facilitation of their Development in Rezekne”.April 11, 2008. Course “Psychological Aspects of Students



Learning Peculiarities”.2008.25-26.02. Report in UNESCO international conference ”Inclusive Education”.May 25-31, 2007 participation in ARION students visit in Mirandola, Italy. Theme: Integration of Children with Special Needs into Comprehensive Education Institutions.February 23-24, 2007 participation in an international scientific conference “Society. Integration. Education.”February 8, 2007 professional in-service training courses “Concept of Proficiency, its Kinds and Relation with Studies”October 19-22, 2006 participation in development of international special education methodological materials and 2 days seminar in London.September 7, 2006 participation in an international seminar with lecturers from RHEI, LLU and Reykjavik University (Iceland). “Inclusive education or a „school for all” What and why?”June 9 – 10, 2006 participation in an international conference “Socio-Paediatric Care for Children and Their Families”June 20, 2006 participation in an academic conference “A Child with Special Needs in Comprehensive Education Institution. Problems and Solutions of Integration”March 29, 2006 participation in an international seminar “Problem Solving for Better Health”February 24 – 25, 2006 participation in an international scientific conference “Society. Integration. Education”April 28 – 30, 2005 participation in an international conference “Problem Solving for Better Health”February 25 – 26, 2005 participation in an international scientific conference “Society. Integration. Education.”January 2004 scientifically practical seminar in Russian Academy of Sciences, Correction Pedagogy Institute in Moscow. June 2003 – courses “A school for all” Project “Cooperation Latvia’’March 2003 courses “School for All”2002 further education program “Special Education as Logical Component of Comprehensive Education System”2001 seminar “Pedagogical Problems in Teachers’ Work’’ 2000 courses of English1999 computer courses1997 seminar in Denmark “Integration of Children with Special Needs in Comprehensive Schools”;1997 courses “Health Education in Sexual Education, Sexology”1996 Soros Foundation organized courses for health education teachers1995 courses for special schools life teaching teachers; a member of Special Education Teachers Association.

13. Main publications: Rozenfelde M. Bērni ar attīstības traucējumiem speciālajā un vispārizglītojošā skolā [Children with Developmental



Disturbances in Special and Comprehensive School]// Baltic region countries’ integration problems in the European Union. Proceedings. – Rezekne, 2000.Rozenfelde M. Children with special needs in the system of education of Latvia // Oslo University Special education department materials, 2001.Rozenfelde M. Bērnu ar garīgās attīstības traucējumiem socializācija [Socialization Children with Mental Development Disturbances]// RHEI conference proceedings - Rezekne, 2003.Rozenfelde M. Skolotāju sagatavošana darbam iekļaujošā skolā [Teacher Training for Work in Inclusive School] // Proceedings of RHEI scientifically methodological conference -Rezekne, 2004.Rozenfelde M. Bērnu ar speciālām vajadzībām socializācija [Socialization of Children with Special Needs]// Skolotājs N.4.-Riga, 2004.Rozenfelde M. Bērnu ar garīgās attīstības traucējumiem aprūpes, audzināšanas un apmācīšanas Latgalē vēsturiskais apskats [Historical Overview of Taking Care, Upbringing and Teaching of Children with Mental Development Disturbances in Latgale] // Proceedings of international scientific conference “Society. Integration. Education.” - Rezekne, 2005.Rozenfelde M. Bērnu ar speciālām vajadzībām integrācijas vispārējās izglītības iestādē problēmas un risinājuma ceļi [Problems and Ways of Solving of Integration of Children with Special Needs into Comprehensive Education Institutions]// Proceedings of international scientific conference “Society. Integration. Education.” - Rezekne, 2006.Rozenfelde M. Bērnu ar attīstības traucējumiem integrāciju veicinošas vispārējās izglītības iestādes vides veidošanas iespējas [Possibilities of Creating Environment Promoting Integration of Children with Developmental Disturbances into Comprehensive Education Institution]//RHEI Proceedings of Doctoral Students, -Rezekne, 2006.Rozenfelde M. Bērnu ar speciālajām vajadzībām integrācijas iekļaujošās skolas aspektā [Integration of Children with Special Needs in the Aspect of Inclusive Schools]// Proceedings of international scientific conference “Society. Integration. Education.” - Rezekne, 2007.Rozenfelde M. Bērnu ar speciālām vajadzībām integrācija vispārējās izglītības iestādēs pamatizglītības satura reformas kontekstā [Integration of Children with Special Needs at Comprehensive Schools in the Context of Basic Education Content Reform] // BSKA collection of articles, 2008. Rozenfelde M. Brochure. Bērns ar attīstības problēmām vispārējās izglītības iestādē. [A Child with Developmental Disturbances at Comprehensive Education Establishment]. Rezekne. 2008. 89 p.Rozenfelde M. Rēzeknes Augstskola un speciālās izglītības attīstība Latvijā [Rezekne Higher Education Institution and



Special Education Development in Latvia] / Īpašās ziņas No.7, 2008. Rozenfelde M. Bērnu ar speciālām vajadzībām integrācijas vispārējās izglītības iestādēs rezultāti Atbalsta sistēmas modeļa aprobācijas procesā [Results of Integration of Children with Special Needs into Comprehensive Education Establishments in the Approbation Process of the Support System Model]. // Proceedings of the international scientific conference “Society. Integration. Education.”- Rezekne, 2011. Rozenfelde M. Atbalsta sistēmas veidošanas modelis bērnu ar speciālām vajadzībām iekļaušanai vispārējās izglītības iestādēs [A Support System Model for Inclusion of Children with Special Needs into Comprehensive Education Establishments] // Proceedings of the international scientific conference “Society. Integration. Education.”- Rezekne, 2011.

14. Language skills: Latvian, Russian, English

15.Awards, acknowledgements: 2008.14.11. RHEI Acknowledgement for skilful work organization at the department and promotion of academic staff personal growth.2008 RHEI PF Acknowledgement for personal contribution to generating ideas for attraction of the EU funding for the development of Personality Socialization Research Institute. 2008 RHEI Certificate of gratitude and award for unselfish work for development of Rezekne Higher Education Institution.2006 RHEI Acknowledgement. For successful development of the special pedagogy branch and promotion of international collaboration.2005 RHEI Acknowledgement. For selfless work in organization and work in special pedagogy laboratory, for contribution in development of the further education centre and promotion of life-long education in society.2004 RHEI Acknowledgement. For contribution in preparation, for licensing and accreditation, active work in international projects and initiative in establishment of the special pedagogy laboratory.2003 RHEI Acknowledgement. For contributed work in development of new study programs.2002 RHEI Acknowledgement. For personal contribution to development, licensing and preparation of accreditation materials of new study programs.2001 RHEI. Acknowledgement. For initiative-full work in implementation and development of the study program “Special Education Teacher”.2001 RHEI. Faculty of Pedagogy. Appreciation. For promotion of active collaboration within the international projects.1999 Rezekne district council education department. Acknowledgement. For qualitative work in pupils education and



upbringing.1998 Malta Special Boarding School. Acknowledgement. For dutiful attitude towards work and for going further.

16. E-mail:

13. 05. 2011. ____M.Rozenfelde___




Name, surname:

Velta Ļubkina

Date of birth: June 1, 1956Place of birth: Viļāni, LatviaEducational background:

1977 - Riga Light Industry Technical school, specialty of dress-designer, constructor;1980- 1984 – University of Latvia, undergraduate in economics;1991 – Riga Technical University, obtained qualification of light industry engineer technologist; Diploma PB No. 162831, issued in June 27, 1991.1994 – Education Academy of Russia, qualification in Pedagogy, Ph.D. candidate; Diploma KH Nr.005131, May 20, 1994 1994 – University of Latvia, Ph.D. degree, Diploma CD No. 001244, issued in Riga, June 14, 1994. 2006 – Liepaja Academy of Pedagogy – obtained qualification “Elementary School Teacher of English”.

Academic titles and scientific degrees:

Doctor of Pedagogy Science (PhD) –1994;The degree of a Ph.D. candidate –1994;Assistant professor 1995 – 1998;Associated professor 1998-2002;Professor since 2002.Leading researcher since 2006.

Occupation: Since 2007 – director of the doctoral study program “Pedagogy”. Since 2006 – director, and leading specialist of a scientific institute “Personality Socialization Research Institute”;Since 2005 – a head of Board of Faculty of Pedagogy;Since 2002 Professor in school pedagogy;1998-2002 – associated professor in school pedagogy;1997 – 2003 – Dean of Faculty of Pedagogy;1996 – 2003 – a head of Faculty of Pedagogy, Arts and Crafts Department;1995 - 1998 – assistant professor at RHEI, Faculty of Pedagogy;1994 – 1995 – Rezekne Teacher Training Institute, a head of the Department of Methodology;1982 - 1994 arts-and-crafts teacher in Vilani secondary school.

Scientific Publications:

Monographs – 2 Articles in scientific issues, including indexed data bases – 67 Methodological materials – 21

Scientific research activities:

- Personality socialization and resocialization processes research. Pedagogical and socially economical aspects of consumer education.- Professional education in context of long-lasting development and collaboration with social partners.

Scientific research activities in the EU Member States

- 2010 DAAD scholarship for scientific research at Dortmund University, Germany related to introduction of personality socialization and resocialization researches at PSRI (1 month)(Referat: 323; Kennziffer: A/10/05927; haushaltstitel: 331 4 03 151).In 2001 (3 months) scientific research at Denmark Pedagogical University in Copenhagen.



Participation in international scientific conferences – Lithuania (Siauliai), Belarus (Vitebsk), France (Paris-UNESCO), Slovakia (Bratislava); Norway (Hamada); Bulgaria (Sofia); Germany (Berlin); Cyprus (Kirenia); Spain (Castellona de La Plana). Participation with a report in the world congress - Lisbon (Portugal), 2005. Participation in organizational committees and leading international conferences:Siauliai University, Lithuania – 2002. Jaume 1 University, Castellona de La Plana, Spain – 2010. Work in editorial boards and scientific committees of conferences: - Siauliai University, Lithuania – international scientific conference, 2002.- Jaume 1 University, Castellona de La Plana, Spain – 2010.

Expert work: - Vilnius, Lithuania international expert in a seminar “The Baltic

Environmental programs’ Office and Dreifus Health Foundation” (USA); 2004. 2006

- Ukraine, Lvov, international Seminar for “SALUS” foundation in collaboration with DHF, (USA); international expert, 2004.

- Belarus, international seminar at Brest university in partnership with DHF (USA), international expert, 2004, 2005. International expert of an international seminar in Torun, Kopiernika University – City municipality health department in collaboration with DHF (USA), 2006.- Intensive summer programme EPICA – Towards a Consumer Citizenship Education 2009. 21.06.- 03.07.- Expert in LLP project „Active citizenship trough information and Communication Technologies at all ages”, Contract No. 2008-1-ESI-GRU06-001313, 2008.-2010.

Scientific research projects:- PERL: Partnership for Education and Research about responsible

Living, 2009-2012 Jean Monnet- BELILA- Strengthening Latvian, Lithuanian, Belorussian

collaboration between higher education institutions and social services for the implementation new competences- Baltic Sea Region project

Scientific research activities in the world:

2010 A visit to US DHF, meeting with cooperation partners, planning scientific cooperation and introducing new programs .Since 2004 National coordinator in Latvia of US DHF scientifically practical program PSBH (Problem Solving For Better Health) http://www.dhfglobal.orgParticipation in international scientific conferences – Canada (Toronto)- CICE 2010.

Other scientific activities ar RHEI and in Latvia

- 2010 manager of the workgroup preparing documents of the doctoral study program “Pedagogy” for accreditation (program accredited for 6 years – expert’s recommendation of 09.04.2010)- supervisor of two doctoral thesis within ESF project “Support for



Implementation of Doctoral Study Programs at Rezekne Higher Education Institution” No.2009/0161/1DP/ 2008 manager of the workgroup preparing documents for licensing the doctoral study program “Pedagogy” (licensed on 2008.21.01.) - 2007 worked out a doctoral study program “Pedagogy” - 2006 established RHEI Personality Socialization Research Institute (PSRI) and registered in the Register of Scientific Institutions of the Ministry of Education and Science, 7 new PhDs are involved in scientific activities at RHEI – director of PSRI - Since 2006 – head of RHEI Commission of Doctoral Studies and Scientific Qualification Promotion of Scientific Council- Since 2000 a head of the department scientific program and member of

RHEI Science Council- Since 1996 a member of the board of Latgale Research Institute (at

Daugavpils University).

Participation in international scientific conferences – at Rezekne Higher Education Institution, Latvian University of Agriculture, Jelgava, Daugavpils University, Liepaja Academy of Pedagogy.

Participation in international organization committees and leading conferences – 13.

Supervision of workgroups in international seminars – 25.Work in editorial boards and scientific commissions of conferences since 1998

Chairwoman of the editorial boards:- Journal “Pedagogical Technologies in Socialization and Resocialization of

Society”// Rezekne: PSRI, ISSN 1691-5909 ; available in the database;

- Education reform in school: education content research and implementations problems: The collection of scientific papers.- Rezekne: Personality Socialization research institute, ISSN 1691-5895 indexed: EBSCO: Education Research Complete   available in the database:

- Proceedings of the annual scientific conference “Society. Integration. Education” - Rezekne, since 2006 (ISBN 978-9984-44-018-7) (ISSN1691-5887) Thomson Reuters http://www.

- Member of the editorial board of RHEI master students scientific conference since 2000

- Member of the editorial board of Riga Technical College annual scientific conference since 2002

Expert/reviewer at the defence of doctoral thesis;- I.Kuliša- LLU- 2010.12.- I.Kangro – LU-2011.g.01.



Expert work: - since 1996 member of IZM ISEC Housekeeping Consultative Council;- since 1997 expert of education programs of IZM ISEC and professional

education, and further education development department;- 2002-2009 expert/consultant of IZM ISEC Consultative Council;- 2003 – expert of PHARE project “Perfection of link between professional

education institutions and entrepreneurship sectors in Rezekne region”. (Contract No. 5 with Latgale Business Support Centre from March 1, 2003).

- Expert of ESF projects for education since 2005. - Expert in project of national program “Development of Single Methodology

for Improvement of Professional Education Quality and Attraction of Social Partners and their Education” Agreement No. 2005/0001/VPD1/ESF/PIAA/05 /NP/, 2006/2007.

- Expert in national program project “Establishment of Teachers Further Education Methodological Network Funding”, Agreement No. VPD1/ESF/PIAA/06/ NP/; 2006/2007.

- Expert-advisor in sphere of project management and pedagogy of ESF project “Establishment and Implementation of Pedagogical Correction Programs in Liepna Boarding Elementary School", No. 2007/0115/VPD1/ESF/PIAA/07/APK/ 0041/0630, 2007- 2008.

- Elected expert in pedagogy in the Latvian Council of Sciences 22.12.2009 - 22.12.2012.

- Expert/consultant in ESF project “Work and Life Skills Development for the Youth in Rezekne with Learning Difficulties and Low Basic Skills for Development of their Future Career”. No. 2009/0302/1Dp/, 2010-2012. - Senior expert of the Pedagogy, psychology and communication skills competences workgroup within ESF project ”Development of Professional Subject Teachers’ and Practice Supervisors’ Theoretical Knowledge and Practical Competences”. (Agreement No. 2010/0043/1DP/ (03.08.2010-30.01.2011.). I supervised development of PP module program, selection of materials, preparation in Word documents and e-environment.

Scientific projects:- Manager of IZM scientific research project “Development of Scientific Activities at the Higher Education Institution: Development of RHEI Personality Socialization Research Institute scientific infrastructure”, 2006. - Manager of IZM scientific research project “Development of Scientific Activities at the Higher Education Institution: Development of RHEI Personality Socialization Research Institute scientific activities and infrastructure – Educational Reform at Comprehensive School: Research of Education Content and Introduction Problems”, 2007.- Manager of IZM scientific research project “Development of Scientific Activities at the Higher Education Institution: Introduction of Educational Reform in Schools of Latgale Region: Qualitative Analysis of Quantitative



Results”, 2008. - ESF program “Attraction of Human Resources to Science”, worked out, submitted and positively appreciated project “Attraction of Human Resources to Science to Reduce Population Socialization and Resocialization Problems in Latgale Region” (not accepted), 2009.- BELILA- Strengthening Latvian, Lithuanian, Belorussian research and collaboration between higher education institutions and social services for the implementation new competences - Baltic Sea Region project (submitted, 2010). - Applied research of the Latvian Council of Sciences (LCS) – Interdisciplinary Research for Development of Linguistic and Communication Skills for Pupils with Special Needs in Inclusive Environment, submitted on 2010.01.10. (approved by the Latvian Council of Sciences , but funding is not allocated due to the cut funding of LCS).

Teaching-methodological and pedagogical activities:

Prepared and delivered study courses:- Prepared study course for the doctoral program in pedagogy: “Qualitative Research Methodology, Structuring Doctoral Thesis and

Preparing Scientific Publication”; “EU Education and Science Development Tendencies and Provision of Education Quality”; “Regional Economy and Attraction of EU Funding to Scientific Research Projects”; “Social Dialogue in Professional Education, Research Peculiarities and Labour Market Development Tendencies in Latvia and the World”

- Prepared study courses for the master program in pedagogy: “Pedagogical Research Process and its Methodology”

- Prepared study courses for the 2nd level higher professional education bachelor programs:

“Basics of Scientific Work”, “Methods of Pedagogical Research”, “Methodology of Scientific Research in Pedagogy”, “General Pedagogy” “Introduction into Profession, Teacher’s Duties and Functions”, “Basics of Scientific Research and its Methods” , “The Social Tasks, Activities and Organization of Professional Education Institutions”, “ The Interaction Between Professional Education Institutions and Home Economics”, “Clothes’ Designing and Modelling”, ”Technology of Sewed Products”, “Basics of Arts and Crafts Methodology”, “Home Management and Budgeting”, “Enterprising”, “Introduction into Profession”, “Content of Education in Profession”, “Consumer Science”, “Consumers Education”, “Basics of Economics”, “Personnel Management and Communication”, “Professional Competences, Labour Market and Research”.

Textbooks for students – 6;Methodological Guidelines for Arts and Crafts and Vocational Education Students’ Course Papers, Course Projects, Qualification Papers Design and Defence – 2.Methodological Guidelines for Master’s Papers –1.Pedagogic work experience at secondary school – 12 years; at tertiary level –



17 years. The training of academic staff and specialists of professional qualification:

Supervised 4 doctoral students. Trained: 50 masters at Rezekne Higher Education Institution and Daugavpils University (school pedagogy), 36 teachers of Arts and Crafts and Economics with additional specialty for work in professional education system; 9 professional education teachers; issued approx. 300 certificates to 1-year program vocational teachers; 8 bachelors of pedagogy; 5 primary school teachers.

Projects: 1. “DELATE”(Latvia-Denmark) project coordinator in Rezekne Higher Education Institution, 1996-2000.

2. 1998 “Formation of students’ susceptibility and daring in the Pedagogical institutes of higher education of Latvia”(Latvia – England) participant;

3. “Accent and structural changes in Vocational pedagogical education in Latvia and Lithuania“, (Latvia-Lithuania-Finland-Denmark) project coordinator; RHEI 2000-2002

4. GRUNDTVIG 2 project „EDILAMTOS” N 05-LVA01-S2G01-00026-1 coordinator in Latvia, 2005-2007.

5. LSIF project No. 2003/004-979-01-02/SVAP-1 manager, 2005-2006. 6. Project about students’ pedagogical practices „CHANGE” (SOCRATES,

COMENIUS 88116-2000-1-AT-COMENIUS-C31), project coordinator in Latvia, 1999-2003.

7. Socrates ERASMUS-3 PROJECT No. 109872-CP-1-2003-1-NO-ERASMUS-TN „Consumer Citizenship Network” (CCN); Information in database: – Project manager at Rezekne Higher Education Institution, 2003-2006, 2006-2009, and a member of 2nd

project workgroup of international level. 8. ESF project manager “Development of Teachers’ Competences for

Implementation of the New Standard of Elementary Education in Comprehensive Schools in Latgale Region.” Agreement No. 2006/0088/VPD1/ESF/PIAA/05/APK/; 2006-2007.

9. ESF project manager “Teaching Methodological Aids for a Child with Special Needs in Integrative Classes/ Groups” 2007/0104/VPD1/ESF/PIAA/ 07/APK/3.3.7./0045/0160; 2007.-2008.

10. „Development of General Subjects Teachers Involved Vocational Education Competence” No.2009/0274/1DP/ 09/IPIA/VIAA/003 – in cooperation with LU, coordinator at Rezekne Higher Education Institution, 2010-2012.- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Probation, in-service training: 1997 – Danish Vocational institute DEL, Copenhagen, international certificate

“Advanced course in Modern Vocational Pedagogical Teacher Training”;1998 – Exchange of experience in Denmark, Danish Pedagogical university in

Copenhagen;1999 – Exchange of experience in Norway, Oslo and Hamara teachers’

college;2000 – 1-month intensive courses of German in Germany, Wilhelmshaven;



2000 – In-service training in SOROS Fund Latvia program’s “Changes in Education” project “Reading and Writing for critical thinking development.”

2001 – exchange of experience in Estonia, Tallinn Pedagogy academy;2001,2003 – Exchange of experience at Linz Pedagogy Academy in Austria2002 – Exchange of experience at KATHO higher education institution in

Kortrijk, Belgium.2002 – Exchange of experience at Pedagogical University of Kaposvar in

Hungary March 27, 2000 – December 31, 2002 – Certificate “Reshaping the structure

of teacher and trainer Training in Latvia and Lithuania Total of 12 study credits; Vocational Teacher Education College Jyvaskyla polytechnic”

2003 – Exchange of experience in Finland, Turku pedagogic university;2003 – Belarus, Vitebsk – Institute of Modern Technologies—international

scientific conference;2003 – Certificate N 132 Has attended lectures of Jette Benn The Danish

University of Education, Institute of Curriculum Research “Consumer Education – educational considerations” and “Home economics in the new millennium a challenge and opportunity”;

2004 – Lingen, Germany (GRUNDTVIG contact seminar „Education for senior citizens – certificate;

2004 – France, Paris, UNESCO – workgroup and international scientific conference within the framework of CCN project;

2005 – Estonia, read out 8-hour lectures in Tallinn university within the framework of ERASMUS project;

2005 – international scientific conference within the framework of CCN project in Bratislava Economics University, Slovakia

2005 – certificate N 5-24-88 for attending A1 further education courses “Knowledge and Skills of Equal Value in Education Programs for Minorities and Latvians as well as for Children with Special Needs in Implementation of Education Reform.”

2005 – Certificate of attendance at the conference of the project Grundtvig 2 „European dimension in learning and memory training of the seniors” Bratislava, Centre Memory, Slovakia

2006 – Certificate of attendance at the conference of the project Grundtvig 2 „European dimension in learning and memory training of the seniors” Athens, Greece;

2006 – International scientific conference in Hamar, Norway 2006 – Vilnius College – Lecturing for 8 hours within the framework of ERASMUS academic staff mobility project (certificate) 2007 – Spain, University of Madrid - Lecturing for 8 hours within the framework of ERASMUS academic staff mobility project (certificate); 2007 – Certificate of attendance at the conference of the project Grundtvig 2

„European dimension in learning and memory training of the seniors” Thessaloniki, Greece;

2007 – Certificate of attendance at the conference of the project Grundtvig 2 „European dimension in learning and memory training of the seniors”



Bratislava, Slovakia;2007 – International scientific conference within the framework of CCN

project in Sofia, Bulgaria.2008 – Laguna University, Tenerife Canary Islands, Spain – Lecturing of 8 hours within the framework of ERASMUS academic staff mobility project (certificate)2008 – Kiev KROK University, Ukraine – participation in the workgroup of the EU Master Program in Education Management development within the framework of 6 countries;

2008 – Harokopio University Athens, Greece; participation in a workgroup of the EU Master Study Program in Consumer Science development within the framework of 8 countries;

2008 Dortmund University, Germany – professor’s meeting in relation to launching a doctoral study program and lecturing for 8 hours within ERASMUS staff mobility (certificate); 2008 Jauma University, Spain, Castellona de la Plana, LLP project “Active citizenship trough information and communication technologies at all ages”, visit (certificate);2008 Reykjavik University, Iceland, scientific qualification development

course ”Capacity Building for PhD supervisors in Educational and Learning research” (certificate);

March, 2009, Germany, Berlin Technical University – work in the EU workgroup within CCN project and participation in the conference “Making differences”;

April, 2009 – course “E-course Management System Moodle” – 10 hours (Certificate No.2008/09-257); 2009. 21.06.- 03.07. Setubal College of Education, Portugal, LLP program- Intensive programme EPICA – Towards a Consumer Citizenship Education– summer programme – professor; „The role of the European citizen in a globalizing world ”; September 2009, Romania, Calarasi – exchange of experience in LLP project “Active citizenship trough information and communication technologies at all ages”, visit (certificate); 2009.25.10.-31.10. University of Gloucestershire, UK, LLP Grundtvig Workshop “Sustainability, Well- Being and Care”; November, 2009, Ondokuz Maiys University, Turkey – lecturing for 10 hours within ERASMUS staff mobility (certificate) April, 2010 Castellona de La Plana, exchange of experience in LLP project “Active citizenship trough information and communication technologies at all ages”, visit (certificate) and participation in an international conference. May, 2010 Toronto, Canada – participation in an international conference CICE-2010; May, 2010, USA, New York, exchange of experience in DHF;

June, 2010 Krakow and Myslovice, Poland, exchange of experience in LLP project “Active citizenship trough information and communication technologies at all ages”, visit (certificate);

2010.25.-26.08.16-hour seminar in Lilaste, “Teachers Further Education Module Program Development and Placement in E-environment” within ESF



project “Development of Professional Subjects Teachers and Practice Supervisors Theoretical Knowledge and Practical Competences” (Agreement No. 2010/0043/1DP/ (Certificate No.16.1-25/7); October 17-30, 2010. ERASMUS mobility at Dortmund University, Germany, lecturing for 10 hours.December 15-16, 2010, Sigulda, seminar “Organizing Studies in e-Studies Environment Moodle” Part 2. “Use of Teaching Aids and Support Materials, their Approbation and Implementation in e-Studies Environment Moodle” within ESF project “Development of Professional Subjects Teachers and Practice Supervisors Theoretical Knowledge and Practical Competences” (Agreement No. 2010/0043/1DP/ (Certificate No.16.1-25/114);May 2-6, 2011. Transversal study visit “Supporting Excellence through Frameworks, Instruments and Tools”, LSDA Northern Ireland, UK, Belfast (Certificate of attendance)

Main publications:

1..Monograph: Pašapziņas attīstīšana pirmsskolas iestādes bērna un skolotāja saskarsmes procesā. [Development of Self-confidence in Communication Process of a Pre-school Child and a Teacher] - Rezekne, RHEI, 2007.- 125 p. ( Lapiņa L., Ļubkina V.) (ISBN-978–9984–779–56–0)2. Monograph: Patērētājizglītības pedagoģiskie un sociāli ekonomiskie aspekti. [Pedagogical and Socio-Economic Aspects of Consumer Education.] – Rezekne: RHEI, 2008. – 176 p. .(Danilāne L.,Ļubkina V.) (ISBN978-9984-779-91-1)

3. Work specificity of Liepna boarding school during economic crisis.// Education reform in comprehensive school: Education content Research and implementations problems: The collection of scientific papers.- Rezekne: Personality Socialization Research Institute, 2010.- 51.-62 p. (PatapovaI., LubkinaV.) ISSN 1691-5895 indexed: EBSCO: Education Research Complete and available in the database: 4. Development of consumer education concept within cultural background and socially economic situation of Latvia and European context.// Education reform in comprehensive school: Education content Research and implementations problems: The collection of scientific papers.- Rezekne: Personality Socialization Research Institute, 2010.- 17.-30. p. (Danilane L., LubkinaV.) ISSN 1691-5895 indexed: EBSCO: Education Research Complete   and available in the database: 5. The Latvian Example for Search of Supervision Implementation Solutions in Education of Prospective Social Pedagogues// Canada International conference of Education: CICE-2010. Proceedings: Copyright C CICE-2010 Published by Infonomics Society 775-777 pp. ( (ISBN 978-0-9564263-2-1) (Truskovska Z., LubkinaV., Patapova I.)


91; 6. The Role of Boarding School in Work with Latvian Social Risk Group Pupils: Problems and Solutions.// Canada International conference of Education: CICE-2010 Proceedings: Copyright C CICE-2010 Published by Infonomics Society 609-611m pp. ( (ISBN 978-0-9564263-2-1) (Patapova I., LubkinaV., Truskovska Z.),

7. Computer as medium for the development of language and social skills of the pupils of special needs// International conference on special education, Kyrenia, Cyprus, (Usca S., Prudnikova I., Lubkina V.), submitted for publication 8. School and Family Cooperation Models for Reducing Social Problems at Boarding School.// Problems of Education in the 21st Century; ISSN 1822-7864  indexed; PEC 2010; 21(21):96-108; ICID: 913570 *IC™ Value: *3.00 ; ABSTRACT<> 9. Using the Information Technologies for Integration Problems of Persons with Disabilities. - Proceedings of the International Conference Society, Integration. Education / Rezekne, 2010, 444.-452.lpp. (ISBN 978-9984-44-018-7) ( ISSN 1691-5887 ) (Korniljevs I., Lubkins G., Lubkina V.)Thomson reuters

Language skills:

Latvian – fluent, Russian – fluent, English and German – communicative in the sphere of pedagogy.Courses of German in 2000. (1 month) in Germany Wilhelmshaven University, certificate No 25.082000; language courses in 2003 (64 hours), certificate No. 468;2004 intensive courses of English (50 hours) in Rezekne Language Learning Centre, diploma No. 08.07.2004.2006 Qualification: Teacher of English

Additional information:

Computer skills – Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Internet

Awards: 1998 LR Ministry of Education and Science1998 Rezekne Higher Education Institution1999. Rezekne Higher Education Institution2000 Rezekne Higher Education Institution2001 Rezekne Higher Education Institution2002. Rezekne Higher Education Institution2005 Rezekne Higher Education Institution "For International Scientific Work"2006. Latvia Education and Science workers trade union “For Significant Contribution in Sphere of Education and Establishment of Higher Education Institution Trade Union Organization”2006 Rezekne Higher Education Institution “For Personal Contribution in Work of Home Culture Education Department”2006. Daugavpils University “For Contribution of Work in Latgale Research



Institute Board”2007. Rezekne Higher Education Institution „For Personal Contribution into Establishment and Management of RHEI Personality Socialization Research Institute and Doctoral Study Program „Pedagogy””. 2008. Rezekne Higher Education Institution „For Development of Significant Scientific Projects, their Successful Implementation and Facilitation of Science of Pedagogy“.2010. Rezekne Higher Education Institution „For Significant Contribution into Preparation and Implementation of the Accreditation Process of the Doctoral Study Program „Pedagogy””.

Dr. paed., prof. V.Ļubkina 12.05.2011Tel. 26464930




Date and place of birth: July 23, 1980, Rezekne

Education2002-2004 Rezekne Higher Education Institution, Master's degree studies in Faculty of Economics. Obtained degree: "Master of social sciences in 'Management Science'" (

1998-2002 - Rezekne Higher Education Institution, Faculty of Economics, Company Law specialty. Obtained economist's qualification in company law.

1986 -1998 - Rezekne Secondary School No 1

Academic titles and scientific degrees2004 -2008 PhD studies at Faculty of Economics, Latvia University of Agriculture. Doctoral thesis "Importance of Crediting for the Development of Latgale Region". October 24, 2008, obtained a doctorate in Economic Sciences (Dr.oec.)

Since 2009 - assistant professor at Rezekne Higher Education Institution, Faculty of Economics

OccupationSeptember 2009 - November 2009 - a head of Sciences department at Rezekne Higher Education Institution.

December 2008 - August 2009 - a head of Doctoral studies department at Rezekne Higher Education Institution.

April 30, 2003 - 2009 - customer service specialist of Rezekne branch of JSC DnB NORD Banka.

April 15, 2002 - April 30, 2003 - credit analyst at Rezekne branch of JSC "NORD/LB Latvia".

December 2001 - April 2002 - economist in centre "Rezekne" of the State JSC "State Employment Service".

Publications Mietule I.,Litavniece L. Pilsētu pievilcības novērtēšanas kritēriji reģionu attīstības kontekstā [Criteria for evaluating urban attractiveness in regional development context] // Latgales Tautsaimniecības pētījumi. Sociālo zinātņu žurnāls Nr.1 (2). Rezekne, RHEI Publishing house, 2010. pp. 259-267

Znotiņa D., Litavniece L. Determination of Human Resource Capital Priorities in Rezekne City Development.

From: Economic Science for Rural Development - 2010: Proceeding of the International Scientific Conference, 2010

Jelgava:LLU 2010. pp. 33-40

Kreditēšanās iespējas un problēmas Latgales reģiona mikro, mazo un vidējo komersantu vērtējumā [Crediting opportunities and challenges from the point of view of micro, small and medium businesses in the Latgale region]. From: Ekonomikas zinātne lauku attīstībai- 2008: Proceeding of international scientific conference, April 24-25, 2008, Jelgava, Latvia. Jelgava: LLU, 2008. pp. 122-129.

Theoretical aspects of crediting and regional development. Scientific articles volume 2, economy and business: A Company of Union of Scientist in Bulgaria, 2006



Development of small and average enterprises in the region of Latgale. Science and studies of accounting and finances: problems and perspectives. The Paper of International Scientific Conference Nr.1: Akademija, 2006

Hipotekārās kreditēšanas attīstība Latvijā [Development of mortgage crediting in Latvia]. Proceedings of international scientific conference: Ekonomikas zinātne lauku attīstībai 2005: Jelgava, 2005

Other scientific work activitiesMay 12, 2011 together with S. Murinska participated with a report in seminar of ESF project "Teritoriālās identitātes lingvokulturoloģiskie un sociālekonomiskie aspekti Latgales reģiona attīstībā" [Linguo-sociocultural aspects of territorial identity in development of Latgale region] creation of databases and data processing methodology (Seminar organizer: Latvian Language Agency and Rezekne Higher Education Institution).

April 15, 2010 attended and spoke with a report "Pilsētu pievilcības novērtēšanas kritēriji reģionu attīstības kontekstā [Cities attractiveness assessment criteria in regional development context in international scientific conference of Rezekne Higher Education Institution "Tautsaimniecības attīstības problēmas un risinājumi [Economic Development Problems and Solutions].

April 24-25, 2008 attended with a report in the international scientific conference "Ekonomikas zinātne lauku attīstībai 2008 [Economic Science for Rural Development 2008]", held in Latvia University of Agriculture. Report theme - "Mazo un vidējo komercsabiedrību atbalsta ietekmes uz Latgales reģiona attīstību vērtējums ar hierarhijas analīzes metodes palīdzību [Evaluation of Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises Support on the Latgale Region Development, using hierarchical analysis method]".

April 24-25, 2008 attended with a report in the international scientific conference "Ekonomikas zinātne lauku attīstībai 2008 [Economic Science for Rural Development 2008]", held in Latvia University of Agriculture. Report theme - Kreditēšanās iespējas un problēmas Latgales reģiona mikro, mazo un vidējo komersantu vērtējumā [Crediting Opportunities and Challenges from the Point of View of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises in the Latgale region].

December 15, 2006 participated with a report in the international conference "Science and studies of accounting and finance: Problems and perspectives. The Papers of International Scientific Conference No. 1 (5)", held in Kaunas University of Technology. Report theme - "Development of small and average enterprises in the region of Latgale".

April 24-25, 2005 participated with a report in the international scientific conference "Ekonomikas zinātne lauku attīstībai 2005 [Economic Science for Rural Development 2005]", held in Latvia University of Agriculture. Report theme - "Hipotekārās kreditēšanas attīstība Latvijā [Mortgage Crediting Development in Latvia".

Teaching methodological and pedagogical activitiesSince February 2009 - Rezekne Higher Education Institution. Courses: European economic integration (currently), Innovation management and banking statistics (do not deliver anymore). November - December 2008 training centre "Austrumvidzeme". Delivered lectures "Basics of Commerce" (40 hours).

June - September 2008 - training centre "Austrumvidzeme". Delivered lectures "Business economics" (70 hours) and "Finance and crediting" (60 hours).

February 21, 2007 - Rezekne District Council project "Building capacity of Rezekne district human resources in ESF projects management". Delivered lectures "Insight into project management" (6 hours)

May - July 2005 - SIA "Biznesa komplekss". Delivered lectures "Business financing and crediting "(12 hours).



Training of academic staff and specialists of professional qualificationSince September 2009 Supervising two Doctoral theses in Daugavpils University. Master papers - 2

In-service training, coursesJanuary 12, 2011 - Professional development program "Didactics of Higher Education" in Rezekne Higher Education Institution Further education centre, theme "Students' readiness of self-determination in the study process." (10 hours)

December 10, 2010 - Professional development program "Didactics of Higher Education" in Rezekne Higher Education Institution Further education centre, theme "Shifts of paradigms in study process and philosophical aspects of education". (10 hours)

November 26, 2010 - Professional development program "Didactics of Higher Education" in Rezekne Higher Education Institution Further education centre, theme "Higher education and science reform agenda in Rezekne Higher Education Institution". (10 hours)

November 22, 2010 - April 6, 2011 - Professional development program "English - Upper Intermediate" in Rezekne Higher Education Institution Further education centre.

June 8-9, 2004 - obtained a certificate for a seminar on 'Effective selling of products in NORD/LB Latvia branch of the bank"(lecturer A. Pētersons - Mercuri International consultant, seminar organizer - Mercuri International) May 28, 2004 participated with a report in the 6thstudents' and lecturers' scientifically practical conference "Tautsaimniecības attīstība: problēmas un risinājumi [Development of National Economy: Problems and Solutions]" held in Rezekne Higher Education Institution. Report theme - "Komercbanku kredītpolitikas ietekme uz nekustamā īpašuma tirgus attīstību [Effects of Credit Policy of Commercial Banks on the Real Estate Market Development]."

September 13, 2003 obtained a certificate for participating in a seminar on 'Basics of business communication" (lecturer I. Krūmiņš, Organizer: JSC NORD/LB Latvia)

September 20 and 21, 2002 obtained a certificate for attending a course "Investment funds" (lecturer J. Kuhn - a head of JSC NORD/LB Luxembourg, organizer JSC NORD/LB Latvia)

Participation in projectsSince December 2009 - chief executive (the researcher) of ESF funded project "Teritoriālās identitātes lingvokulturoloģiskie un sociālekonomiskie aspekti Latgales reģiona attīstībā" [Linguo-sociocultural aspects of territorial identity in development of Latgale region].

September 2009 - November 2009 - the supervisor of ESF funded project "Atbalsts doktora studiju programmu īstenošanai Rēzeknes Augstskolā" [Support for implementation of doctoral programs in Rezekne Higher Education Institution].

Public activitiesFebruary 2009 - January 2010, a member of Ph.D. Commission at Rezekne Higher Education Institution.



Language skillsLatvian - native

Self-assessment(European level)





Comprehension Speaking WritingListening Reading Dialogue Monologue

C2 Proficiency level

C2 Proficiency level

(C1 Advanced level

C2 Proficiency level

B2 Intermediate Level

C2 Proficiency level

C2 Proficiency level

(C1 Advanced level

C2 Proficiency level

B2 Upper Intermediate Level

B1 Intermediate Level

B2 Upper Intermediate Level

B1Intermediate Level

B1 Intermediate Level

A1 Elementary level

A1 Elementary level

A1 Elementary level

A1 Elementary level

A1 Elementary level

A1 Elementary level

Computer proficiencyWord, Excel, Power Point, etc.

Rezekne, 13.05.2011. L.Litavniece




1. Name, surname Aina Strode2. Date of birth January 29, 19653. Place of birth Latvia, Rezekne4. Education University of Latvia - 1994 Teacher of Textile Art (Diploma No.

000176)Riga Polytechnical Institute - 1988 Civil engineer (diploma No.156326 PB)

5. Academic titles and scientific degrees

Doctorate in pedagogy (Dr.paed.) in pedagogical sciences - 2011 (Diploma Series D No.0042)Professional Master's degree in art, subbranch of environment design - 2011 (Diploma Series PD F No.0826)Professional Master's degree in pedagogy, subbranch of home economics methodology - 1998 (Diploma No. 000458)

6. Occupation Since 2010 a researcher of Personality Socialization Research Institute in Rezekne Higher Education InstitutionSince 2010 a lecturer at Design and Craft Department of Faculty of Design, Rezekne Higher Education InstitutionSince 2009 a lecturer at Home culture education department of Faculty of Pedagogy, Rezekne Higher Education Institution2002 - -2009 assistant professor at Home culture education department of Faculty of Pedagogy, RHEI1995 - -2002 a lecturer at Home economics department of Faculty of Pedagogy, RHEI1992 - 1994 teacher at Rezekne Teacher Training Institute1988 - -1991 Rezekne CRBP-6

7. Scientific publications Articles in scientific publications - 21Abstracts - 13

8. Scientific - research activities

Students independent professional activities during pedagogical practice;Current events of design education

9. Training of academic staff 6 Masters10. Other scientific work

activitiesParticipation in international scientific conferences - in Riga, Rezekne, Jelgava, Daugavpils, Siauliai, Brugge (Belgium), Vilnius, Valencia (Spain), Paris, Guarda (Portugal), Kaunas

11. Teaching-methodical publications


12. Teaching-methodological and pedagogical activities

Prepared and delivered study courses: "Pedagogical models of learning process" 2CP, "Content and methodology of handicrafts" 1KP, "Graphic Language" 2CP, "Handicrafts" 1KP, "Paper, plastics" 2CP "Graphical techniques of interior display" 2CP, "Architectural graphics" 2CP, "Interior Design and ergonomics" 4KP "Computerized design" 2CP, "Basics of Architecture" 2CP, "Layout design" 4KP, methodical practice 6CP, pre-diploma practice 7CPPedagogical work experience at tertiary level - 15 years.

13. Training of academic staff and specialists of professional qualification

6 Masters, 37 primary school teachers, 33 teachers of home economics and basics of economics, 7 environmental designers

14. Other study process 2011 Course in didactics of higher education institutions "Practical



activities use of E-environment MOODLE"Academic year 2010/2011 expert of the ESF project "Further education of teachers of comprehensive education" No. 2010/0062/1DP/

2010 participation in the ERASMUS exchange program - Kaunas College2010 participation in the ERASMUS exchange program - Guarda Polytechnic Institute (Portugal)2009 - -2011 ESF project "Darba un sadzīves prasmju pilnveide Rēzeknes jauniešiem ar mācīšanās grūtībām un zemām pamatprasmēm nākotnes karjeras attīstīšanai [Development of work and social skills for young people with learning disabilities and low level of basic skills in Rezekne for future career development" agreement No.2009/03021DP/ International Seminar "Urban Park" 27.-28.04.2009. Finland2009 participation in the ERASMUS exchange program - Laurea University (Finland, Espoo) 26.04.-01.05.2009.Academic year 2007/2008 program "Didactics of higher education institutions"2008 Participation in the international lecturers exchange program ERASMUS, University of Tallinn (Estonia) 02.10.- 15.02.2008.2007 Participation in the international lecturers exchange program ERASMUS, University of Cyprus (Cyprus) 02.10. - 15.02.2007.2007/2008 ESF project “Mācību metodiskais līdzeklis skolēniem ar speciālām vajadzībām integratīvajās klasēs/grupās [Teaching Methodological Aids for Students with Special Needs in Integrative Classes/Groups]” Nr. VPD1/ESF/PIAA/07/APK/3.3.7./0045/0160 implementation 2007 Courses: IT environment design program using: ArchiCAD 10. 2006 Art therapy courses. Personality development group.2005 - -2006 Mentor training course (British Council, ISEC)2005/2006 ESF project Preparation and management of "Pedagogical practice of home economics and basics of economics teacher's specialty students in comprehensive schools"No.2005/0144/VPD1/ESF/PIAA/05/APK/ Project "Bionics in education" (University of Munster)2005 courses "Attractiveness of the image". Personal and professional style" RHEI cert.1998-2003 PhD studies in DU Completed the theoretical course of studies.2003 lect./sem. "Home Economics in the New Millennium" J Benn (Denmark) RHEI cert.2002 Training course "Projekta cikla vadība [Project Cycle Management]" cert.2001 Participation in the international lecturers exchange program ERASMUS, Katho-Reno Higher Education Institution (Belgium) 11.05.- 16.05.2001.

2000 Soros Foundation Latvia program "Pārmaiņas izglītībā [Changes in Education]" project "Lasīšana un rakstīšana kritiskās domāšanas attīstīšanai [Reading and writing for critical thinking



development]."15. Public activities Since 2010 member of BBCC (Baltic & Black Sea Circle

Consortium)2002 - -2010 a member of the council of Rezekne Higher Education Institution, Faculty of PedagogySince 2002 councillor of PBLA "3x3"Since 2000 - an assemblian of Rezekne Higher Education Institution Constitutional Assembly

16. Honorary titles, awards Rezekne Higher Education Institution acknowledgements in: 2010, 2008, 2006, 2005, 2004

17. Publications 1. Monograph: Strode A. (2010). Studentu patstāvīga profesionālā darbība pedagoģiskajā praksē [Students independent professional activities during pedagogical practice]. Rezekne: RHEI Publishing House, pp. 186, ISBN 978-9984-44-044-6.

2. Strode, A., Apele, D. (2010). Methods of Analogical Thinking in design studies. International Conference ”ART, DESIGN AND ART EDUCATION: METHODS AND EXPERIENCES OF CREATIVITY DEVELOPMENT” 05/10/2010., Kaunas, Lithuania.

3. Strode, A. (2010). Student's independent professional activity in pedagogical practice. In A.Skrinda (Ed.), Journal of Teacher Education for Sustainability, 13(2).

4. Strode, A. (2010). Participatory action research for development of prospective teachers’ professionalism during their pedagogical practice. In I.Mičule (Ed.), Sustainable Development. Culture. Education. 8th International JTEFS/BBCC Conference Proceedings. Paris, France 17-19 May (pp. 17)

5. Strode, A. (2009). Transfer Skills in Prospective Teachers’ Professional Skills Development. Innovations and Technologies News, 1(2) , 37-49. ISSN 1691-4937.

6. Strode, A. (2007). The Development of Student Teacher’s Professional Independence in Pedagogical Practice. In A.Šļahova (Ed.) Scientific Articles of V International Conference PERSON. COLOUR. NATURE. MUSIC (pp.134-144). Daugavpils: DU Akadēmiskais Apgāds ”Saule”. ISBN 978-9984-14-367-5

7. Strode, A. (2010). Empiric studies of students independent professional activities understanding. Proceedings of international scientific conference Society. Integration. Education" (pp.134 143). Rezekne: RA izdevniecība. ISSN 1691-5887.

8. Strode, A. (2008). Student’s Transferable Skills as the Base of Development of Professional Self – Dependency in the Teaching Practice. In L.Gomz Chova (Ed.), INTED Abstract book. International Association of Technology, Education and Development (IATED) (p.521). Valencia, Spain. ISBN 978-84-612-0192-1

9. Strode, A. (2008). Topošais skolotājs skolā: prakses vadītāju viedoklis par studentu profesionālo patstāvību [Emerging teacher in school: supervisors' views on the students' professional integrity]. Izglītības reformas ieviešana Latgales



reģiona skolās: rezultatīvo rādītāju kvalitatīvā analīze [Implementation of education reform into schools of Latgale region: qualitative analysis of quantitative results]. Collection of proceedings (pp. 89-100). Rezekne: RA izdevniecība. ISBN 978-9984-44-015-6, ISSN 1691-5895.

10. Strode, A. (2007). Didaktikas principi pedagoģiskās prakses norisē [Didactic principles during pedagogical practice]. Izglītības reforma vispārizglītojošajā skolā: izglītības satura pētījumi un ieviešanas problēmas [Education reform in comprehensive school: studies of education content and implementation problems]. Collection of proceedings (pp. 72-80). Rezekne: RA izdevniecība. ISBN 978-9984-779-76-8 (URL:

11. Strode, A. (2007). Studentu profesionālās kompetences vērtēšana pedagoģiskajā praksē [Students' professional competence evaluation in pedagogical practice]. Society. Integration. Education. Proceedings of international scientific conference (pp. 355-364). Rezekne: RA izdevniecība. ISBN 978-9984-779-41-6, ISSN 1691-5887

12. Strode, A. (2007). Sadarbības aspekti pedagoģiskās prakses norisē [Cooperation aspects during the pedagogical practice]. Society. Integration. Education. Proceedings of international scientific conference (pp. 205-209). Rezekne: RA izdevniecība. ISBN 978-9984-779-40-9

13. Strode, A. (2006). Studentu profesionālās kompetences vērtēšana pedagoģiskajā praksē [Students' professional competence evaluation in pedagogical practice]. Izglītības iestāžu mācību vide: problēmas un risinājumi [Learning environment of Education Institutions: Problems and Solutions.]. Collection of scientific proceedings (pp. 106-116). Rezekne: RA izdevniecība. ISBN 978-9984-779-52-2 (URL:

14. Strode, A. (2004). The Component of Creative Activity within the Structure of Professional Competence of Prospective Household Teachers. International Scientific Conference “The Problems of Efficient Artistic Education” proceedings (pp. 180-184). Vilnius: Vilnius Pedagogical University. ISBN 9955-516-77-1

15. Strode, A. (2004). Studentu profesionālās kompetences veidošanās un vērtējums pedagoģiskās prakses kontekstā [Students' professional competence development and assessment in the context of pedagogical practice]. "Theory and practice in teacher education II"" . Proceedings of international scientific conference (pp. 40-48). Riga: RPIVA. ISBN 9984-689-29-8

16. Strode, A. (2003). Konstruktīvisma principi pedagoģiskās prakses norisē [Constructivism principles in pedagogical practice]. Personality. Time. Communication. Proceedings of international scientific conference (pp. 114-122). Rezekne: RA izdevniecība. ISBN 9984-585-75-1

17. Strode, A. (2003). The role of Pedagogical Practice in



Students’ Professional Development. International Scientific Conference “Teacher Education in XXI Century: Changes and perspectives”. Siauliai University, Lithuania.

18. Creative activities January - February 2011 Exhibition "5.izlaidums" in DU art galleryCatalogue: Savvina, J. (compiler) 5.izlaidums: Catalogue of creative works of graduates of 2011 and mentors' of Daugavpils University professional Master's program "Art", Daugavpils, Daugavpils University Academic Publishing House "Saule", 2011. pp. 28-29.May 21-23, 2011 Art plein Air Siauliai - DaugavpilsMay 30.05. Plein Air Exhibition in DU art gallery2009 October 15-November 15 The second Riga's biennale of novel designers (administration of exhibited students works - A. Strode, D. Apele);December 2000 "Gaisīgā realitāte" Mazsalaca County Museum (A. Strode, D. Apele, L. Zarembo)

19. Language skills Latvian - excellent, Russian - good, English - satisfactory20. Other information Computer skills - Microsoft Word, Excel, ArchiCAD, AutoCAD,





Name, surname Inta Rimšāne

Date of birth January 28, 1962

Place of birth Latvia, Rezekne.

Education Latvia State University - 2002-2005 Doctoral studies in management science program, education management subprogram.

Latvia State University - 1996-1997 Master studies in the Faculty of Foreign Languages.

Latvia State University - 1981-1986 Studies in the Faculty of Foreign Languages.Qualification: teacher of English language and literature, philologist of English, translator.

Academic titles and scientific degrees

MA Phil. (degree in English Philology) - 1997Dr. sc. administr - 2010


Scientific publications

Since 1993 a lecturer in Foreign languages department of Rezekne Higher Education Institution

Since 2002 a coordinator of public relations and project manager in Rezekne District Council.

Godar, S.H. & Rimsane, I. Communication Problems in Utilizing a Native Informant for Cultural Knowledge, International Business: Research, Teaching, and Practice (U.S.A.), Publishing, 03/2010, 114 pages, English. ISBN: 1602645256/ ISBN-13: 9781602645257 (pp. 21-31)

Rimšāne, I. Changes in Planning the Student Teacher Programs in the West and Latvia, Education Reform in Comprehensive School: Education Content Research and Implementation Problems. The collection of scientific papers. Rezekne, 2010. ISBN 978-9984-44-038-5. ISSN 1691-5895. (pp. 75-83)

Rimšāne, I. Influence of the Historical Context and Labour Market on the Education of Foreign Language Teachers. Latvijas Universitātes raksti. 2009, volume 749 Education Management pp. 154-168. ISSN 1407-2157. ISBN 978-9984-45-114-5

Rimšāne, I. Educators as Driving Forces in Europe and North America, Innovations and Technologies News. Reg. No. 703241, ISSN 1691-4937. 2009 (pp. 20)



Scientific-research activities

Rimšāne, I. & Godar, S.H. How is Latvia teaching foreign languages? A study of pedagogy implementation.// Proceedings of the Association for the Advancement of Baltic Studies.-Bloomington, USA, 2008 (10 p.)

Rimšāne, I. Meeting the Needs of the Global Labour Market with Latvia’s Teacher Training Programs. //Proceedings of the international conference.—Rezekne, 2005. (pp. 365-368)

Rimšāne, I. Teacher Training and Outcomes Based Education in America and Europe.// Proceedings of the international conference.—Rezekne, 2006. (pp. 272-274)

Rimšāne, I. Educational Philosophies in America, Latvia, and West Europe at the End of the 20th Century. // Proceedings of the international conference.—Rezekne, 2007. (pp. 291-294)

Godar, S.H. & Rimsane, I. Developing a Web Based Learning Program. // Proceedings of the international conference.—Rezekne, 2007. (pp. 96-100)

Godar, S.H. & Rimsane, I. A Research Design for Testing Product Crisis Communication Strategies. // Proceedings of the international conference.—Rezekne, 2008. (pp. 147-151)

Rimšāne, I. Main Trends in Foreign Languages Teacher Education in Latvia and Europe.//TEPE Conference. - Ljubljana, 2008. (pp. 1-14)

The research results have been presented in the following international conferences:

July 10-21, 2005 International seminar of doctorates within the framework of Socrates program in University of Latvia, "Active learning in higher education".

October 28-29, 2005 International scientific conference in Millersville University, Pennsylvania, USA. "World languages - peacemakers for future generations".

March 24-26, 2006 International scientific conference "Kvalitātes nodrošināšana svešvalodu mācīšanas procesā [Quality assurance in foreign language teaching process]", University of Latvia. Organizer - European Language Network

February 23-24, 2007 International scientific conference in Rezekne Higher Education Institution "Society, Integration, Education".

November 7-9, 2007 International Business Academy Conference in Nashville, Tennessee, USA. Godar,



Other scientific work activities

S.H., & Rimšāne, I.  (2007).  “Communication Problems in Utilizing a Native Informant for Cultural Knowledge,” Academy of International Business / Southeast Region Annual Meeting:

April 03, 2008 Conference William Paterson University, Wayne USA. Presentation "Communication Problems in Utilizing a Native Informant for Cultural Knowledge."

April 17, 2008 International scientific conference in Rezekne Higher Education Institution "Tautsaimniecības attīstības problēmas un risinājumi [Economic Development Problems and Solutions].

May 28, 2008 - June 1 21st conference of the Baltic studies in Bloomington Indiana University, USA. Presentation: Rimšāne, I. &  Godar, S.H., (2008). "How is Latvia teaching foreign languages? A study of pedagogy implementation," Association for the Advancement of Baltic Studies.

October 29-31, 2008. International Business Academy Conference in Florida, USA. Presentation: Godar, S.H. & Rimsane, I. 2008. “Communication Problems in Utilizing a Native Informant for Cultural Knowledge.” August 23-27, 2010. ECER 2010 Helsinki - European Conference on Educational Research. Presentation: Linking the Foreign Language Teacher Education of Latvia with the Latest Trends in the West.

I 2009European Union Multiskill Programme of study visits scholarships for training of education specialists-teachers the emerging trends, studying in Edinburgh, Scotland.

2005 VIII-2006 IFulbright's scholarship for carrying out PhD Research in Millersville University, Pennsylvania, USA.

2001 VII-VIIIFulbright's scholarship for studying American Studies in summer institute of Western Michigan University, USA.

2010 - 2011 Member of the project "In-service training of teachers involved in vocational education of comprehensive subjects". ESF program. Leading partner of University of Latvia. Project number: 2009/0274/1DP/



Teaching-methodological and pedagogical activities

Training of academic staff and specialists of professional qualification

2010-2011 "Art farers" project coordinator in Latvia; Greek organization ECOSE ( Program

"Culture-Artist Mobility". Project No. 2009-11773.

2010 Project Coordinator in Rezekne municipality project of NGO "Ezeru zeme" "Tīrāku un zaļāku kopienu veidošana Latvijas - Lietuvas austrumu pierobežas reģionos"/„Green Investments". Latvian - Lithuanian cross-border cooperation program. Project No. LLII - 100.

2009 -2010 "Learning Key Competences in Home. Gr8" project coordinator in Latvia; Greek organization ECOSE ( Lifelong Learning/KA2-Languages program. Project No. 2008-4456/001/143341-LLP-1-GR-KA2-KA2MP.

2005-2008 Manager of the European Commission funded project "Establishment of Structure to Host the Information Relay of the Europe Direct Information Network in Eastern Latvia". No. GCI-2005-EN-04-5. Project implementer: Rezekne District Council in collaboration with central libraries of Balvi, Ludza, Preiļi and Krāslava.

2005-2006 "School is Cool" project coordinator in Latvia; Greek organization ECOSE ( Financing of Socrates, Leonardo and Youth Joint Actions Programs. Project No. 119388-JA-1-2004-1-GR-Joint-CALL ACYP.

2003-2004 Manager of the European Commission Delegation in Latvia funded project "Founding European Office of Eastern Latgale (Satellite Office of Carrefour Kaakkois-Suomi)." Project No. B7-030-SPP/2003/010. Project total: 32,800 EUR. Project implementor: Rezekne District Council.

Prepared study programs:"American and British studies", "Business English".Pedagogical work experience at tertiary level - 17 years. The average annual pedagogical load - 400 hours.

Trained more than 60 teachers of English language.



Other study process activities

Competition "European Acknowledgment in Language Learning 2006. laureate of "The European Language Teacher". Acknowledgement of Ministry of Education and Science.

Language skills Latvian - native, Russian-fluent, English - fluent.

Other information Computer skills (O/S Windows, PowerPoint)

Date: May 12, 2011 __________________ signature




1. Name, surname Rita Burceva

2. Date of birth July 6, 1969

3. Place of birth Rezekne

4. Education Higher1992 graduated from LU, obtained qualification teacher of Russian language and Literature and Latvian language and literature, diploma No. 100886, issued in Riga, June 20th, 1992.

5. Academic titles and scientific degrees

Master of pedagogy in learning methodology sub-branch, diploma No. 001473, issued in Riga, February 9th, 1996Bachelor of Philology (in Latvian language and literature), certificate No. 130, issued in Riga, June 20th, 1992. Since 2004 - PhD student of pedagogy program in LLU Education and home economics institute

6. Occupation Since 2005 - RHEI Pedagogy faculty, head of primary school methodology departmentSince 2005 - RHEI Pedagogy faculty boardSince 1996 RHEI Pedagogy faculty, lecturer 1992 - -1996 teacher of Latvian language in Kraslava region Ezezera basic school.1992 teacher of Latvian language in Riga secondary school No. 681990-1991 teacher of Latvian language in Riga pedagogical school No. 21988 - -1990 teacher of Latvian language in Riga secondary school No. 681989 - -1991 - lecturer in Riga Languages Centre1988 - -1992 LU student of Pedagogy and Psychology Faculty

7. Scientific publications Articles in scientific publications - 9Abstracts - 2

8. Scientific - research activities 2005, 2006, 2007 and 2008 - manager of sections "School pedagogy" at RHEI in the international scientific conferences 2006 - Manager of a research program “Educational Environment in Rezekne Higher Education Institution”.Since 2005 – Manager of scientific research theme of primary school methodology department “Topicality of Education Quality Development”.Master’s thesis “Elements of Game and Their Usage in Latvian Language Acquisition in Minorities’ Schools”

9. Teaching-methodical publications Teaching aids – 3



10. Teaching methodological and pedagogical activities

Study courses:Pedagogy, Comparative pedagogy, Pedagogy of abilities, Integrative studies, Alternative theories of pedagogy, Methodology of teaching reading and writing, Curriculum and teaching native language and methodology, Methods for teaching reading and writing in speech therapy, Native language content and teaching methodology in speech therapy, Children's Literature in speech therapy, Effective learning, Interactive and non-traditional teaching methods, Gifted children.

11. Training of academic staff and specialists of professional qualification

Supervised 3 Masters, 12 bachelors, 84 teachers. Currently 10 candidates for a degree are supervised.

12. Other study process activities Lectures for primary school teachers in further education courses in Balvi, Kraslava, Rezekne.2010 May 23-27, European Career Guidance Counselling Conference „Career - EU”, Limassol, Cyprus.2008-2009 a member of the project - project "Elaboration of methodological aid 'Compulsory Preschool and Primary School Education Evaluation and Development Possibilities'".2007-2008 project manager - ESF project "RHEI study program "Primary school teacher", students' professional practice 2008 seminar "Managing the quality of teaching" (RHEI Further education centre)2008 seminar "Updating problems of teaching methods and forms" (RHEI Further education centre)2008 courses, "Secretary-assistant" (Training Centre "AVETA")2007 project manager - ESF project "Provision of high-quality professional practice to students of RHEI primary school teacher's specialty in base school' 2007 a member of the project, Ministry of Education and Science scientific project “Development of scientific activity and infrastructure in RHEI Personality Socialization Research Institute – Education reform in comprehensive school: researches of curriculum and implementation problems” 2007 seminar "Problems of sistemology within the study process of higher education institution" (RHEI Further education centre)2006 seminar "Support for practice for professional education and higher education students" (preparation of the European Social Fund projects).2006 program's "Training of new and emerging teachers-mentors" courses (code: A2-9014310040), 200 hours.2005 Courses in State school of Administration "Recordkeeping" 2005 courses "Business-like and personal style" (Ilze Blumfelde)2003-2004 PHARE project "European information office/network development in Eastern Latgale" seminars "Guidelines of the European Union"



2002-2003 courses "Didactics of Higher education institutions" LLU2002 courses of English at RHEI

2002 courses "Project Cycle Management" UAC2000 Soros Foundation Latvia program "Pārmaiņas izglītībā [Changes in Education]" courses "Lasīšana un rakstīšana kritiskās domāšanas attīstīšanai [Reading and writing for critical thinking development]."November 20-24, 2002 S.Amonasvili "The human and personal approach to children in the educational process" (36 hours)1997-1998 - U.S. Columbia University, Teachers College course "Models of Teaching: Cooperative and Experimental Learning”Participation in international projects and programs:1994 joint project of Latvia-Canada for development of teachers' foreign language skills1997-1998 project "Experience as novelty in teacher training";1999-2000 - joint project of the USA and Latvia "Elaboration of School and university cooperation models"2003 - project "Preparing and Developing Intercultural Competencies in Social Work, Pedagogy and Education" (Latvia, Belgium, Romania, Poland, Holland, Switzerland)

13. Honorary titles, awards Rezekne Higher Education Institution acknowledgments in 1998, 1999, 2004, 2008

14. Main publications Mācīsimies sadarbojoties [Let's learn in collaboration]./ I. Silovas un L.Grigules red. – R.: Mācību grāmata, 1998.Burceva R. Bērna uztvere kā spēju attīstības priekšnoteikums [Child’s perception as precondition of abilities development].// Sākam mācīties: pieredze, problēmas, risinājumi./ Baltijas valstu sākumskolas skolotāju konferences materiāli.- Daugavpils, 1998.Burceva R. Mācību satura integrācijas sākumskolā daži aspekti [Some aspects of learning content integration in primary school] // Raksti. – IV sējums. – Rezekne, 2001.Burceva R. Ekspertmetodes pētījumos pedagoģijā [Expert-methods in researches in pedagogy].// International scientific conference “Sabiedrība. Integrācija. Izglītība” proceedings. – Rezekne, 2005.Burceva R. Izglītības vide augstskolā [Educational environment in the higher education institution].// Izglītības iestāžu mācību vide: Problēmas un risinājumi. - proceedings. - Rezekne, 2006.Burceva R. Mobilitātes loma un iespējas studiju pieredzes veidošanā [The role and opportunities of mobility for developing learning experiences].// International scientific conference "Sabiedrība un kultūra" proceedings. - Liepaja, 2007.Burceva R. Vides loma izglītības satura apguvē [The role of environment in acquisition of curriculum.//Izglītības reforma



vispārizglītojošajā skolā: Izglītības satura pētījumi un ieviešanas problēmas: Proceedings - Rezekne, 2007.Burceva R. Vide kā izglītības kvalitātes aspekts augstākās izglītības iestādē [Environment as an aspect of education quality in higher education institution]. //International scientific conference "Sabiedrība. Integrācija. Izglītība" proceedings - Rezekne, 2007.Burceva R. Informative environment at the University as the context for professional competence development of nature studies teachers.// Information &Communication Technology in Natural Science Education-2007. Proceeding of International Scientific Practical Conference. – Lithuania: Siauliai, 2007.Burceva R. Karjeras konsultanta profesionālās darbības ētiskie aspekti [Ethical aspects of career consultant's professional work.//International scientific conference "Sabiedrība. Integrācija. Izglītība" proceedings - Rezekne, 2008.Burceva R. Individuals of the pre-retirement age in the labour market// Klaipeda, Vadyba, ISSN, 2008, Nr.2(31)Burceva R. Izglītības satura reforma Latvijā - mērķis vai līdzeklis? [Education curriculum reform in Latvia - goal or tool?]//Izglītības reformas ieviešana Latgales reģiona skolās: rezultatīvo rādītāju kvalitatīvā analīze. Proceedings. –Rezekne: Rēzeknes Augstskola, 2008. ISBN Burceva R. Individuals of the pre-retirement age in the labour market// Lithuania, Klaipeda, 2008 Burceva R. Izglītības loma pieaugušo karjeras attīstībā Latvijā [The role of adult education for career development in Latvia] // International scientific conference "Society. Integration. Education. proceedings – Rezekne, 2009.Burceva R. Communication Problems in Primary School:Opinion of Primary School Pupils in Latvia//Izglītības reforma vispārizglītojošajā skolā: izglītības satura pētījumi un ieviešanas problēmas. 2010 Scientific proceedings. – Rezekne, 2011.

15. Language skills Latvian - native, Russian - fluent, English - basic skills

17.05.2011. ___________________signature




1. Name, surname: Jānis Dzerviniks2. Date of birth: December 4, 19693. Place of birth: Rezekne, Latvia4. Educational

background:Higher, graduated from Daugavpils Pedagogical University in 1993 and received qualification of physics and mathematics teacher

5. Titles and degrees: Associated professor – 2005;Doctor of pedagogy – 2004;Docent – 2002;Lecturer – 1998;Master of Pedagogy - 1996

6. Occupation: Since 2010 - Dean of Faculty of Education and Design at RHEI, associated professor;2005-2010 - Dean of Faculty of Pedagogy at RHEI, associated professor;Since 2005 - Dean of Faculty of Pedagogy at RHEI,

associated professor of Department of Primary School Methodology;

2002-2005 Docent at RHEI, Faculty of Pedagogy, Department of Primary School Methodology;

2000-2002 Acting docent at RHEI Faculty of Pedagogy, Department of Primary School Methodology;

1998-2000 Lecturer at RHEI Faculty of Pedagogy, Department of Primary School Methodology;

1998-2002 teacher of physics at Rezekne gymnasium;1993-1998 Teacher of Mathematics, Physics, Astronomy

and Technical Graphics at Rezekne Secondary School No.1.

7. Scientific publications: Number of articles in scientific issues – 22Number of abstracts – 6Number of publications as separate issues – 1

8. Scientific research: 1. Usage of educational films in acquisition of natural sciences.

2. Experimental work in acquisition of natural sciences.

3. Model of display experiment at school course of physics.

9. Other scientific activities:

Since 2010 – Head of Education and Methodology Department scientific research group. Scientific theme: “Quality Improvement in Lifelong Learning Basic Competences Acquisition”.Member of the scientific editorial board of the international scientific conference “Society. Integration. Education.” proceedings (ISSN 1691-5887).Member of the scientific editorial board of the collection of



scientific articles “Educational Reform in Comprehensive School: Researches of Education Content and Problems of Introduction” (ISSN 1691-5895).Member of the scientific editorial board of the scientific journal “Pedagogical Technologies in Socialization and Resocialization of Society” (ISSN 1691-5909).Coordinator of LR Ministry of Education and Science scientific research project “Research of Learning Environment in Educational Establishments of Latgale Region” (2006)Chairman of the Scientific Committee RHEI PF international scientific conference (2006), member of the committee in 2007, 2008, 2009.Member of 3 international scientific conferences’ organization committees (2003 – 2005)Head of sections or subsections in 8 international scientific conferences (1998 – 2005, 2008, 2009)Member of RHEI Grant Competition Commission (2002 – 2007)Head of Department of Primary School Methodology research group. Scientific theme: Topicality of Education Quality Development (2002 – 2005)

10. Teaching- methodological publications

Teaching aids -2Study courses in Moodle – 3: General Pedagogy, Pre-School and School Pedagogy, Pedagogical and Psychological Cognitions of Personality Development.

11. Teaching – methodological and pedagogical work

Study programs: Director of the professional bachelor study program “Teacher” (since 2010).Director of the professional bachelor study program “Teacher of Basic Education at Primary School” (2005-2010).Director of professional study program “Teacher of Basic Education at Primary School with one Additional Speciality for Work at Basic School” (1998-2008). Developed and read out study courses: “General Pedagogy”, “Pre-school and School Pedagogy”, “General, Pre-school and School Pedagogy”, “Basics of Nature Science”, “Pedagogical and Psychological Aspects of Personality Development”, “Didactics of General Education Subjects”, “Content of Nature Studies in Basic School”, „Content of Algebra in Basic School”. Pedagogic load at tertiary level – 12 years.

12. Training of academic staff and specialists of professional qualification:

Trained (by supervising master thesis/ diploma papers/ bachelor papers) 9 masters, 5 bachelors, 16 teachers. Currently 3 doctoral students are supervised.



13. Other study process activities:

In-service training in computers, English language, office work, pedagogy, mathematics and natural sciences methodology courses – 18 (1997 – 2011)Coordinator of LVAF project “Improvement of Students Training at Rezekne Higher Education Institution, Faculty of Pedagogy for Implementing Environmental Education at Educational Establishments” (2007)

14. Social activities: Since 2008 head of Rezekne Secondary School No.1 Council2005-2010 head of RHEI Senate2000 – 2005 head of Faculty of Pedagogy Council at RHEI1999-2010 member of RHEI SenateSince 1998 member of Faculty of Pedagogy Council at RHEI.

15. Honorary titles and awards

RHEI acknowledgement awards in 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2007, 2008 and 2009.

16. Main publications 1. Dzerviniks J. Students’ emotions in the development of natural sciences and technology competence.// Education Reform in Comprehensive School: Education Content Research and Implementation Problems. The Collection of Scientific Papers. –Rezekne: Rēzeknes Augstskola, 2011. ISSN 1691-5895, EBSCO Index

2. Poplavskis J., Dzerviniks J. The continuity of the content in physics education in secondary and higher education.// Pedagogical Technologies in Socialization and Resocialization of Society. Vol.1, 2010. ISSN 1691-5909, ISBN 978-9984-44-048-4

3. Dzerviniks J. Natural Sciences as a Component of Social Culture.// Society. Integration. Education. Proceedings of the International Scientific Conference. – Rezekne: Rēzeknes Augstskola, 2009. ISSN 1691-5887, ISBN 978-9984-44-018-7, Thomson Reuters ISI Web of Knowledge

4. Dzerviniks J. Evaluation of changes in pedagogic opinions within the process of teaching of natural sciences in basic school.// Didactics of Natural Sciences Education and Communication Technologies. Problems of Education in the 21st Century, Vol.17, 2009. ISSN 1822-7864, EBSCO Index, Copernicus Index, the Asian Education Index and list of Science Education Journal



5. Dzerviniks J. Development of Pupils’ Knowledge, Comprehension and Skills in Natural Sciences at Comprehensive School.// Innovations and Technologies News. No.1, 2008.

6. Dzerviniks J. Dabaszinātniskā izglītība pamatizglītības satura reformas kontekstā.// Izglītības reforma vispārizglītojošajā skolā: izglītības satura pētījumi un ieviešanas problēmas. [Nature Studies Education Educational Reform in Comprehensive School in the Context of Basic education Content Reform// Research of Education Content and Implementation Problems.] –Rezekne: RHEI Publishing House, 2007.

7. Mācību izziņa dabaszinātnēs vispārizglītojošajā skolā [Learning Cognition in Natural Sciences in Comprehensive Schools].// III international scientific conference “Theory for Practice in Education of Contemporary Society” – Riga: RTEMA, 2006.

8. Dzerviniks J. Improving Methodology of Demonstration Experiments for Development of Pupils’ Knowledge, Comprehension and Skills.// Journal of Baltic Science. Education. – 2005. – No.2 (8).

9. Demonstrējuma eksperimenta modelis mehānikā skolas fizikas kursā: promocijas darba kopsavilkums [Model of Display Experiment in Mechanics at School Course of Physics: Doctoral Thesis Summary] – Rezekne: Rezekne Higher Education Institution, 2004.

10. Dzerviniks J. Teaching-Learning Theories in Up-to-Date Acquisition of Knowledge in Physics.// Teacher Education in 21st Century: Changes and Perspectives II.- Siauliai: VšI Šiauliu universiteto leidykla, 2003.

11. Dzerviniks J. Eksperimentālais darbs izglītības kvalitātes uzlabošanai dabaszinātnēs. [Experimental Work for Improving Education Quality in Natural Sciences]// Proceedings of international scientific conference „Communication and Community”. –Jelgava: LLU, 2002.

12. Dzerviniks J. Mācību resursu problēma un inovatīvā pieredze tās risināšanā. [Problem of Teaching Sources and Innovative Experience in its Solution]// International Conference “Decade of Reform: Achievements, Challenges, Problems”. – R.:



Izglītības soļi, 2002.13. Dzerviniks J. Observation and experimentation - the

way of the surrounding world.// Scientific articles of Rezekne Higher Education Institution. - Rezekne: Rezekne Higher Education Institution, 2001.

14. Fizikas elementi sākumskolā: novērojumi un demonstrējumi [Elements of Physics in Primary School: Observation and Display] Rezekne: Rezekne Higher Education Institution, 2000.

15. Language skills: Latvian – native, Russian – fluent, English – conversational level and in the field of special literature of own specialty.

16. Additional information

Driver’s license

_______________________ _____________________ Date signature



Career Development TheoriesCourse annotationThe aim of the study course is to promote students’ comprehension about the most significant cognitions in the career theory and practice; to introduce students with the latest researches within the framework of these theories and to orient students for application of career counselling theories in practice. The most significant career guidance theories, their basic conceptions are analyzed within the study course; the ability to use professional terminology, to evaluate critically the results of empiric research is developed; comprehension about career development in the socio-cultural context is promoted.

Learning outcomes defined for the study course Evaluation form of learning outcomes

Are able to evaluate own knowledge critically and structure own learning by planning materials of the acquirable study course according to own knowledge about career development

Seminars: Career theory issues in reproductive discourse; the course content modelling

Are able to formulate topical career theory challenges, explain them and reasonably discuss them within the group of students

Colloquium, seminar

Are able to set independently career development problems for the research by establishing theoretical justification, and collect and analyze the results of the research

Group research presentation

Are able to demonstrate thorough knowledge and understanding of the career counselling field, which provide the basis for creative thinking and interdisciplinary research.


Communication Theories in Career Counselling Course annotationThe aim: Comprehension of the theoretical aspects of communication; the ability to use theoretical cognitions in practice as regards awareness of one’s own communicative approach of abilities and skills and relations with society and others.Communication, its’ relevance, coherence, features. Communication elements and their practical implementation. Application of verbal and non-verbal communicative skills (public speaking skills). Communication and collaboration. A small social group and communication peculiarities within it.

Learning outcomes defined for the study course Evaluation form of learning outcomes

Are able to evaluate own knowledge critically and structure own learning by planning materials of the study course according to own knowledge about career development.

Seminar: communication modelsReport: semiotics

Able to recognize peculiarities of the perception of clients of different age, different social and cultural groups and levels of education and use them for implementation of the acceptance and management in communication individually and in groups, including virtual environment.

Practical classes

Are able to make effective use of listening skills and work with other professionals in the field of career counselling and contacts with business partners

Practical classes

Are able to speak in front of the audience, demonstrating compliance with the criteria of public speaking




Career Service ManagementCourse annotationThe aim of the study course is to develop comprehension about career services and the processes of their management. During the acquisition of the study course students will acquire the basic principles of the management theory, career services provision possibilities and forms, strategic mapping and quality management as well as management of human resources by participating in lectures, seminars and by developing suggestions regarding provision of career services in the context of life-long education. The obtained knowledge will give a possibility to analyze offered services and to plan their development; to develop information resources and to create materials, supporting clients in decision making and in choosing a field of occupation; to manage and organize the work of institutions.

Learning outcomes defined for the study course Evaluation form of learning outcomes

Are able to make and justify decisions independently based on the career counselling field and explain and discuss the systemic aspects of career counsellor’s work with both specialists and non-specialists with a good reason.


The ability to evaluate career counselling services quality of one own and/or of others, and to carry out its development activities; to elaborate, evaluate and develop career counsellors education for carrying out unassisted practice.


Ability to establish and maintain safe counselling environment and relationships with customers; organize and conduct counselling services, ensure regulatory requirements of work safety, fire safety and environmental protection.


Ability to develop own career, and facilitate professional development of clients; work with other professionals in the field of career counselling and develop contacts with collaboration partners.


Personality Life CyclesCourse annotationThe aim of the study course is to deepen comprehension about psychological and social development of human personality, possibilities of his professional development at a different age. The study course emphasizes professional and achievements motivation as a condition for individual’s maturity to develop a successful career and to self-implement.

Learning outcomes defined for the study course Evaluation form of learning outcomes

Are able to evaluate own knowledge critically and structure own learning by planning materials of the study course according to own knowledge about personal development.

In seminars: level of training, knowledge, self-esteem

Are able to formulate topical developmental psychology challenges, explain them and discuss them reasonably within the group of students.

Seminar: Overview and comparison of human development theories

Are able to independently assess person's personality holistically by creating a theoretical justification, and collect and analyze factors influencing professional growth and crises in the various cycles of human life and career.

Completion of independent work

Basing on the knowledge of psychology are able to identify the issues of the stage of human development in the field of career counselling and solve them independently and creatively using psychological cognitions and data, as well as fully cooperate in

Completion of independent work



finding solutions with specialists of other fields.Are able to demonstrate thorough knowledge and understanding in the career counselling field; objectively determine individual differences of people, and provide professional assistance to career choice according to the client's age group peculiarities.


Social Integration and Intercultural Aspects Course annotationThe aim of the study course is to develop comprehension about client’s inclusion into the education system and labour market in multicultural society with respect to the most significant social aspects of this process (integration, language, religion, social state, social strata, minorities, special needs of individuals, etc.) in the context of personality and society development.

Learning outcomes defined for the study course Evaluation form of learning outcomes

Students understand the influence of social and cultural aspects, as well as the influence of developmental disorders of work with the client, and have knowledge and understanding about integration and inclusion of these clients into the education system and labour market.

Practical classesSeminar Test

Can formulate topical questions related to career counselling and multicultural issues in the multisocial aspect; can discuss them within a group of students and with other professionals in the field of career counselling, as well as develop contacts with collaboration partners.

Colloquium, seminar

Able to identify and evaluate the client’s social needs and provide advice in mapping his personal capacity with the chosen career and necessary competences.

Practical classTest

Able to obtain, select, analyze and use the latest cognitions and data of social integration process independently; demonstrate understanding and ethical responsibility for the results of career counselling and potential effects of professional work of career counsellor on society.

Completion of independent work

Able to demonstrate thorough knowledge and understanding in the field of career counselling in the multicultural and multisocial aspect, which ensures the basis for high-quality work of career counsellors.


Organizational CultureCourse annotationThe aim of the study course is to develop comprehension about the peculiarities of organizational culture, factors influencing it, and process of its development and management.During the practical lectures students will acquire and develop skills to analyze the impact of external environment on the development of organizational culture, improve proficiency necessary for a career counsellor in order to create client-oriented organizational culture.



Learning outcomes defined for the study course Evaluation form of learning outcomes

Able to detect and define problems in organizational culture, discuss them and propose possible solutions.


Able to evaluate and develop independently internal organizational environment according to clients' needs as well as identify clients’ needs and evaluate them.

Practical classes

Able to prepare qualitatively both individually and in groups to organize and take steps to solve career counselling problems taking responsibility for the results of the personnel group work

Report on organizational culture research

Able to demonstrate thorough knowledge and understanding of factors influencing and developing organizational culture, as well as use them in the research and practice.

Test, seminars

Legislation in Career GuidanceCourse annotationThe study course aims to introduce master students with law science, clarifying the nature of law and basic functions of legal regulations; to introduce students with normative acts of the Republic of Latvia and to consider the key branches of legal disciplines – human rights, constitutional law, administrative law, criminal law, civil law, a.o. spheres of law.

Learning outcomes defined for the study course Evaluation form of learning outcomes

On the basis of the acquired career research methods and legal knowledge are able to accurately identify client’s career development issues and develop creative approaches to practical guidance to solve them.

Practical class

Ability to ensure observation of norms of labour legal relations, labour protection, fire safety and environmental protection


Job Seeking ProcessCourse annotationKnowledge about the strategies of job seeking, flexibility of the labour market and its evaluation. Drafting of job-seeker’s resources self-analysis program. Practical analysis of documents significant in the process of finding a workplace (Curriculum Vitae, form of application, letter of motivation, applications, etc.). Problematic issues dealing with assessment of: the process of job-seeking, positions of the employer and the employee. Assessment of various conditions of careers regarding health condition restrictions.

Learning outcomes defined for the study course Evaluation form of learning outcomes

Ability to provide professional customer support in the career development and job seeking process.


On the basis of the acquired job seeking methods are able to accurately identify client's career development issues and develop creative approaches to practical guidance to solve them.




Counselling Theory and Methodology IThe aim of the study course Widening proficiency in methodology of career counselling, development of skills in order to work professionally with clients of different groups.Career counselling theories. Counsellor’s individuality. Stages of the counselling process. Methods for establishing a contact with a client. Kinds of counselling. Methods of client investigation. Interview.

Learning outcomes defined for the study course Evaluation form of learning outcomes

Able to assess own knowledge, proficiency, personal characteristics, personal resources critically

Self-reflection work

Capable of a reasoned discussion on career counselling theories within a group of students.


Able to choose an appropriate method of client's study and apply it, as well as interpret the obtained results; observe ethical requirements during the study of the client.

Practical classes

Able to demonstrate thorough knowledge and understanding in the field of career counselling - recognize and observe client’s individual differences, needs and wants; to identify the factors influencing client's career development at different stages of life; understand and assess client’s professional suitability opportunities and career decision-making skills; study and analyze the labour market and economic development trends and use the current information in counselling.


Counselling Theory and Methodology IIThe aim of the study course Widening proficiency in methodology of career counselling, development of skills in order to work professionally with clients of different groups.Getting introduced with a client’s individuality. Research of the motivation sphere and evaluation of perspectives. Counselling in multicultural environment, education institutions and groups of risk. Development of a career counselling program. Methods of career mapping and formation of development programs. Documentation of counselling. Supervision in counsellor’s work.

Learning outcomes defined for the study course Evaluation form of learning outcomes

Are able to evaluate own knowledge critically and structure own learning by planning materials of the study course according to own knowledge about career development and counselling.

In seminars: level of training, knowledge, self-esteem

Able to formulate topical career counselling theory and methodology challenges, explain them and discuss them reasonably within the group of students.


Able to assess independently and understand clients’ individual differences and preferences; provide a client support for mapping his personal qualities, abilities and skills with competences necessary for the chosen career; draft an individual career counselling program, implement it and evaluate in the context of lifelong learning, as well as advise and support clients in decision making.

Practical classes, completion of independent work



Able to demonstrate thorough knowledge and understanding in the field of the career counselling; know the requirements and how to consult in a multicultural environment, in risk groups, in different organizations, as well as clients of different age, different social and cultural groups, and levels of education individually and in groups, including virtual environment. Able to analyze and evaluate the process of counselling.

Exam and term paper

Labour Market and EmploymentCourse annotationWithin the framework of the study course the main conceptions of the labour market as well as the conceptions of labour demand and supply are being acquired; it develops comprehension about the labour market structure and features characterizing it, labour regulation and basic principles of social security in the private and public sector, state employment policy as well as discusses the issues of possibilities of labour force mobility in the international labour market.

Learning outcomes defined for the study course Evaluation form of learning outcomes

Ability to study and analyze trends and use the topical information in counselling.

Completion of independent work

On the basis of the acquired latest labour market and economy development cognitions are able to identify accurately client's career development issues and develop creative approaches to practical guidance to solve them.


Information Technologies in Career Counselling The aim of the study course – to acquire possibilities of information technologies in guidance. Forms of textual, voice and video communication over the Internet. Usage of Internet technologies for searching of information for educational and labour career purposes. Usage of data bases in development of education and career. E-studies. Mobile communication technologies. Data protection. Ergonomics of computer usage.

Learning outcomes defined for the study course Evaluation form of learning outcomes

Able to use information technologies for collection, processing of required information, as well as for evaluation of results, and preparation of legal correspondence and provision of confidentiality of information provided by the client.

Practical class

Able to select or elaborate and use methods of data collection and processing appropriate to the research goals, objectives and target audience; analyze and evaluate the obtained results and elaborate recommendations.

Presentation of the research

Ability to find, collect and analyze career counselling-related information, including through online databases; consult clients of different age, different social and cultural groups and levels of education individually and in groups, including virtual environment; work with other professionals in the field of career counselling and develop contacts with collaboration partners in virtual environment.


Professional Ethics in Career Counselling122


To develop comprehension about the essence of the conception of professional ethics characterizing the principles of its operation in career counselling regarding the choice of client’s education and profession as well as alignment with the labour market in the EU and in the context of life-long education. The study course promotes professional development of a career counsellor in respect with the aspects of professional ethics.Skills for professional ethical actions will be acquired by officiating duties and tasks of a career counsellor.

Learning outcomes defined for the study course Evaluation form of learning outcomes

Able to comply with ethical standards in the performance of professional duties and tasks; demonstrate awareness and ethical responsibility for career counselling results and confidentiality of information provided by the client; to establish and maintain safe counselling environment and relationships with clients.

Practical classTest

Methodology of ResearchWithin the study course master students widen their knowledge and skills about the philosophical aspects of the research, its ethics, kinds and methods of researches, theories measuring the obtained data, theoretical, empiric (experimental) data processing, applicable mathematical statistical methods, usage of computers for obtaining the information and processing it; information about editing a master’s thesis, scientific original text, and other articles, as well as presentation and publication of the results of the research.

Learning outcomes defined for the study course Evaluation form of learning outcomes

Knowledge and comprehension of:• essence, significance and content of science and scientific

research,• aims and functions of science in modern society; • scientific discourse problems in the historical and

contemporary context;• peculiarities of scientific research methodology in

pedagogy, and career counselling theories


Discussion.Pair work.


Skills to analyze, synthesize and evaluate:• fundamental principles of scientific research development; • plan the development of a scientific research; • choose and develop the potential design of the scientific

research; • use scientific research models in research activities


Analysis and comparison of research models.Discussion.Seminar.


Skills, knowledge to be used: • to carry out a research in studying the process of career

counselling, using the acquired theoretical cognitions,• to develop master's level study in professional career

counselling, using acquired theoretical knowledge.

Elaboration and justification of the research plan.A report on the range of problems of master thesis.

Communicative skills: • to formulate and analytically describe the basic principles of

scientific research;• to discuss and address specific problems of pedagogy-

psychology (career counselling) in both historical and

Presentation and discussion on the problem of the research



contemporary context;• to solve pedagogy - psychology related problem situations in

professional work. General skills:

• promotion of independent research skills;• promotion of independent scientific position;• to structure own learning independently, manage own further

education and professional development.

Elaboration of a scientific research article in the theoretical aspect.

Practice I (Observation) Students analyze the particularity of work of institutions, enterprises, organizations. They got introduced with practical implementation of the development of the collaboration network. Analyze various versions of career counselling programs. Acknowledge themes of a master thesis research, its topicality as well sphere and specific features.

Learning outcomes defined for the study course Evaluation form of learning outcomes

Able to choose independently, formulate critically and analyze complicated professional problems and choose the ways of solving them.


Ability to use theoretical knowledge of career counselling in practical consultancy activities in accordance with professional profiles and target groups, particularities of economic sectors or economic activities of a company, including environmental and situation context.

Group research

Ability to find, collect and analyze the career counselling-related information, including through online databases.


Practice II (Observation)During the practice students get introduced with the particularity of career counsellor’s work in elected institution (relating with the theme of a master's thesis) or institution, or organization considering peculiarities of age and tasks of counselling for pupils or job-seekers, in a group or individually. Observe methods used by a career counsellor in his work. Analyze specific features of career counsellor’s work discussing legal and labour legislative aspects.Carry out work on the theoretical part of the theme of their master’s theses. Cognitions acquired in theoretical research are bonded with practical work of career counsellor. Carry out the findings research.

Learning outcomes defined for the study course Evaluation form of learning outcomes

Ability to use theoretical knowledge of career counselling in practical consultancy activities in accordance with professional profiles and target groups, particularities of economic sectors or economic activities of a company, including environmental and situation context.

Practical classes

Ability to work with other professionals in the field of career counselling and develop contacts with collaboration partners.

Practical classesTest

Practice III (Counselling & Guidance Practice)During practice students perfect their personality by developing practical skills of establishing a contact and that of getting in touch with people of different age and sex (motivated and unmotivated) as well as skills of analyzing individual’s course of life and experience, and



development of a career portrait. It strengthens basic skills of counselling acquired before; students get introduced with new methods of counselling and analyze them.They apply in practice individual and group counselling management by working a half of practice time as counsellor-assistants, and the other half – as counsellors.Carry out experimentally forming (transforming) research work in practical counselling work.

Learning outcomes defined for the study course Evaluation form of learning outcomes

Ability to use theoretical knowledge of career counselling in practical consultancy activities in accordance with professional profiles and target groups, particularities of economic sectors or economic activities of a company, including environmental and situation context.

Practical counselling

Ability to determine the objective of career counselling according to the client’s needs; plan counselling process and elaborate an individual career development program; provide professional client support for career development within the job-seeking process

Practical counselling

Ability to develop various types (for example, individual, group, specific target groups of clients, etc.) counselling methods and programs and introduce the latest achievements of professional career in counselling practice; approbate and evaluate them; consult clients of different age, from different social and cultural groups and levels of education individually and in groups, including virtual environment.

Practical counsellingTest

Practice IV (Research)Practice IV is organized in the 3rd semester (2nd year of studies). Practice IV is organized in collaboration with institutions, organizations and enterprises, whose work is directly related to carrier counselling. During practice students acknowledge proficiency necessary for planning the research work and its implementation by starting researches in the sphere of career counselling in various institutions/enterprises/organizations. Master students use knowledge and skills acquired in different study courses, especially a study course of work organization (methodology) necessary in their research work.

Learning outcomes defined for the study course Evaluation form of learning outcomes

Able to demonstrate thorough knowledge and understanding of the career counselling field, which provide the basis for creative thinking and research, including working in contact between different fields.

Presentation of the research methodology

Able to plan and carry out scientific and practical researches in the field of career counselling independently and in collaboration with other researchers, implement the latest achievements of professional career counselling in practice.

Presentation of the research resultsTest

Practice V (Research)Practice V is organized in the 4th semester (2nd year of studies). During practice V master students continue their researches started during practice IV. This practice is organized in collaboration with institutions, organizations and enterprises, whose work is directly related to carrier counselling. During practice students choose a form of the experiment to be carried out as well as its kind and place together with the supervisors from the offered list: 1) transforming/forming experiment, continuing work on the groups of the same respondents, which were involved in the first stage of the research (during practice IV); 2) in the same institutions, companies by carrying



out repeated findings researches; 3) in other companies/ institutions by carrying out findings researches.

Learning outcomes defined for the study course Evaluation form of learning outcomes

Able to demonstrate thorough knowledge and understanding of the career counselling field, which provide the basis for creative thinking and research, including working in contact between different fields

Presentation of the research results

Able to plan and carry out scientific and practical researches in the field of career counselling independently and in collaboration with other researchers, implement the latest achievements of professional career counselling in practice.

Publication of the researchTest