Latino Dropout: What are doing about it?

Post on 10-Jul-2015

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Transcript of Latino Dropout: What are doing about it?


Andrew Behnke

What we are doing about it?


Some numbers

U.S. Latino Population Today in Millions

13 million 1980

(Migration Policy Institute, 2010; Pew Hispanic, 2013)

54 million 2012 92 million- 2030

(Fraga et al., 2009; Migration Policy Institute, 2010; Pew Hispanic, 2012)

U.S. Latino Youth Today in Millions

(Migration Policy Institute, 2010; Pew Hispanic, 2011)

Latino Growth 2000-2010









2010 2012 2014 2016 2018 2020

Undocumented Documented

Latino seniors



§  Personal Reasons (problems at home, pregnancy) § highest teen pregnancy / birth rate

§  Family Economic Issues § “need to pay bills, we need to make money to

help are families”

§  Struggle with English § “have trouble with English, can’t understand, the

teachers go to fast”

§  Peer Influences §  “not cool to be considered smart” §  “why go [to school] when your other friends are

skipping” §  a competition to be the most distracting student

§ Discrimination still huge… §  safe school climate especially important for girls

how do we stop it?


its really about where your heart is

high touch personalismo

Focus on really LOVING and nurturing the relationship

Be genuine

praise folks specifically

“I am so glad you were bold enough to tell me that, it means the world to me”

Who are your partners? •  Call for a community partners

meeting o  Determine partner’s role o  Who can do what? o  Identify existing groups and/or help with

recruiting participants and best practices when targeting a group that is to be built

find out what gets them excited

futbol, basketbol, music, technology, their families,

their friends

ask them

 Preparing  for  College  

be passionate

show you really care

the 5 s P

Problem: what do they feel the problem is?

Praise: be genuine and focused

Past Experiences: identify what experiences they have had with

folks like you before

Problem Solve: resolve the concerns they have and figure

out the logistics

Prepare them for what to expect

engage youth

engage their parents

retain youth •  make short videos - animoto •  use technology – wiggio •  home visits •  pull out at school


20 mile march

“figuring out what works, understanding why it works, grasping when to change and knowing when not to.” Jim Collins

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