Latin Gematria: 666666 - · This word study provides yet another way to...

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Transcript of Latin Gematria: 666666 - · This word study provides yet another way to...

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Latin Gematria:

Exploring A Possible

Solution Method For The

Infamous 666666666 Riddle

666666666 ===

RRRooommmaaannn PPPeeeooopppllleee WWWooorrrllldddwwwiiidddeee (((111 BBBooodddyyy))) +++

SSSeeevvveeennn CCCaaaeeesssaaarrrsss (((777 HHHeeeaaadddsss))) +++

TTTeeennn---SSSooovvveeerrreeeiiigggnnn CCCooouuunnnccciiilll (((111000 HHHooorrrnnnsss))) +++

SSSaaatttaaannn (((888ttthhh


An example of this methodology

7 Heads + 10 Horns + 1 Body + Satan = Sum 168 = CAESAR

AUGUSTUS (Honorable Caesar)


(Ten men) 343 = SENATUS POPULUS

QUE ROMANUS (Senate and People of Rome)


(Light Bringer) 666

Revelation 13:18, “Here is

knowledge. And he who

has understanding will

count the number of the

creature, for it is the

number of a son of man,

six hundred and sixty

and six.”

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Summary of Findings:

This word study provides yet another way to confirm that gematria alone cannot provide a definitive answer to the 666 mystery.

Using a computer algorithm to combine names and titles, I was not surprised to find countless combinations of famous names and

titles totaling 666. So wisdom is needed to discern beyond gematria, just as the Book of Revelation indicates (“… he who has

understanding will count…”). A computer can count, but it lacks understanding. As for me, I only hope this study is helpful, I don’t

even know what I don’t know.1

My research findings in this paper are focused toward a ‘roman-beast’ theory: six and only six

Caesars (Julius to Nero)2 have come so far as the ‘heads’ on the beast occupying Jerusalem and

worshipped as “DIVUS” (divine) and other blasphemous titles by Roman inhabitants of Jerusalem

up until the Jewish state’s destruction by civil war around 66 AD. Even in the Book of Daniel, the

Father only overthrew the Babylonian rulers after they tried to elevate themselves as gods on earth.

As for Babylon the Great, the seventh head is yet to come but when that head comes: (1) his military

will occupy Jerusalem and (2) he will be worshipped as a ‘god’ over the Jewish people. These two

criteria appear to be essential to qualify that unfortunate ruler as the seventh head.

All beasts have a body -- the body of the Roman beast is from the sea and is called “POPULUS ROMANUS” (People of Rome).

Meanwhile, the horns on the beast that rule for “one hour” are together called “DECEMVIRATE” (ten-member council), which you

1 My goal here is to share research and analysis. If this paper makes any absolutist statements that appear to prophesy of some future event, please

forgive the statements as they are mere theory if they come from me. I only present absolute statements to show the continuity of the theory, not to claim any theory is actually correct. To learn more about me, visit my blog: Logical Hierarchy.

2 Alternatively, the first six heads might begin with Octavian, as Octavian is credited with beginning the infamous imperial cult, and the following key titles originated with him: PRINCEPS, DIVI FILIUS. The problem with an ‘Octavian as first head’ theory is that it would name the sixth head outside the Julio-Claudian bloodline by pointing toward the short-lived “GALBA IMPERATOR CAESAR”, whose reign ended around January 69AD. Other than the fact that Galba received more titles (including PATER PATRIAE), there is little to distinguish him from the next Caesar (Otho), whereas Nero as the sixth head fits better with the Jewish civil-war theory (Israel loses priesthood and legal authority by 68AD) explained in detail below.

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can see foreshadowed by the first council of “ten men” (DECEMVIRI) that ruled Rome for “one year” and wrote the foundational

tablets of Roman law.3

666 is a mystery - researching it provides an intellectual journey that should bring the student deeper than simply trying to convince

himself that he has successfully identified one “antichrist” or “beast”.4 Personally, I think the study of bible history around 666

reveals continually repeating lessons in the self-magnification of man, money, religion, governance, and symbolism (earthly and

stellar). For example, the POPULUS ROMANUS was an early ‘corporate’ and ‘sovereign’ body in world history -- it could buy, sell,

appear in court, etc – as long as Rome existed, it could not die.5 Or consider how the King of Babylon, Nebuchadnezzar, erected a

66-foot tall golden statue of himself for people to worship - in Babylon they worshipped 36 gods, which is interesting because 1 + 2 +

3 … + 36 = 666. The list of factoids about 666 is voluminous – with so many connections, where does one begin?!

3 The ten horns are also foreshadowed by the Roman “SENATUS” (Senate), a patrician system maintained through wealthy bloodlines – see for example, the root word of SENATUS is SENEX (old man), from SENE (six or old) and X (Roman numeral ten). An animal’s horn reveals how old that animal is, and it flows with blood at the base like a literal kind of bloodline. In the bible, a horn is also a sovereign status symbol.

4 There are countless possible 666 theories, and it is very difficult to prove one is absolutely correct, which may even be the ultimate point (to think and study and share interesting perspectives about our dramatic world, rather than to just preach dogmatically). A quick example: one possible ‘beast-theory’ is that 7 heads are 7 world empires: Egypt, Israel, Babylon, Persia, Greece, Rome, Britain. It also appears possible (even likely) that multiple theories could simultaneously be correct or exemplary, similar to how fractal shapes reveal the same pattern/ratio in different places and times. What if our minds only experience the relative probability of various realities? Interesting to ponder.

5 It is also foreshadowed by (or actually is) the modern day Sedes Sacrorum (“Holy See”) of the Roman Empire, which is a kind of legal ‘jurisdiction’ currently claimed over every living thing on planet earth by the “Holy Roman Catholic Church”. See for example, "We define that the Holy Apostolic See and the Roman Pontiff hold the primacy over the whole world." A Decree of the Council of Trent, quoted in Philippe Labbe and Gabriel Cossart, "The Most Holy Councils," col. 1167. Dogmatic Constitution on the Church, Vatican Council I, 1870. Indeed, as the Roman Catholic religion and governance has literally borrowed names, titles, and offices directly from Roman government under Caesar, it is not surprising to find commentators explaining how the Roman Government exercises the modern day authority of the Caesars. See e.g., Pope Pius IX, in his "Discorsi" (I., p. 253) claiming to be Caesar: "The Caesar who now addresses you, and to whom alone are obedience and fidelity due." "[S]superior papal authority and dominion is derived from the law of the Caesars." Lucius Ferraris, in "Prompta Bibliotheca Canonica, Juridica, Moralis, Theologica, Ascetica, Polemica, Rubristica, Historica", Volume V, article on "Papa, Article II", titled "Concerning the extent of Papal dignity, authority, or dominion and infallibility", #19, published in Petit-Montrouge (Paris) by J. P. Migne, 1858 edition.

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Coin from Basel, Switzerland featuring a dragon.

Basel is the home of the international central bank for world commerce.

A clue that names and titles are important to analyze together can be found in Revelation 17:14, the passage that comes immediately

after the mystery of the beast is explained, “These will make war with the lamb, and the lamb will conquer them because he is Lord of

lords and King of kings and those with him are the called and chosen and faithful.” Notice the titles are given as the reason.

Notice also that the word “count” in Revelation 13:18 is actually plural, because of the Aramaic yod after bet (KhShbyuhy), so the

phrase is ‘count them’ (plural). Perhaps this is a clue that we are to count multiple names/titles to reach 666. In the Roman tradition,

names and titles were often used interchangeably. For example, “Caesar” started as one man’s name (Gaius Julius Caesar), but it

became the name/title for all subsequent emperors of the Roman state.

In my opinion, the most relevant beings/things/systems manifesting 666 in a destructive manner today will destructively try to mimic

the biblical messiah. So in this manner 666 can be a numerical way to characterize a usurper, or ‘fake messiah’, championing the self-

magnification of man, solar-based worship, and man’s most powerful corporate/proxy bodies of governance. As you research

financial power, secret societies, royal bloodlines, and organized religion you tend to discover an amorphous conglomerate of

organizations (even ‘death cults’ on some levels) fighting amongst themselves for transient powers on earth. Google “new world

order” for a day or two, and if you know how to find legitimate information then you’ll see credible whistleblowers throughout the

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ages have testified about various evil and powerful members of the human race reveling in violence and rape for occult purposes, all

the while their organizations are shrouded behind veils of money, bureaucracy, and propaganda.

And if you research this topic long enough you may also find the mark of the beast is quite likely that specific tool used to torture and

kill the messiah Yahshua, several apostles, and other enemies of the Roman State - the cross - which the Roman religions later usurped

for ‘death idolatry’ (to promote their blood ceremonies) and to promote ‘holy wars’. A classic example would be those Roman

religious soldiers called Templars who wore the cross on their armor while slaughtering Jewish people throughout Europe during the

Middle Ages.6 Ever since the writing of the Book of Revelation, the cross has been used to promote and justify the killing of Jews.

The image of the cross has become so idolized that Romanized people willingly tattoo it upon themselves, bow down to it, and even

pray to it. You get the picture…

Like the study of fractals, there are many ways to look at 666, so a strong and defensible theory should present itself in many

disciplines (i.e., language, math, history, biology, chemistry, geography, physics) with consistent repetition over space and time. So

please be careful of bible commentators (including myself) if they claim to have single right answers in any singular discipline

(especially ‘gematria’). Science requires thoroughness and cross-referencing, not quick answers written in some English paragraph,

for example.

6 Though the Templars came from a variety of nations, the interwoven nature of their actions with Catholic Rome, and their legal status through that jurisdiction is particularly interesting. Consider also the history of Temple Bar in the city-state of London.

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Personally, I don’t think anyone has published a satisfactory answer that harmonizes disciplines - the 666 riddle remains a mystery for

the Father YHVH to reveal precisely. In the meantime, perhaps we should all just try to avoid tattooing ourselves with ancient

instruments of torture, and other bizarre forms of idolatry.7 Instead, let’s grow resources organically and share abundantly. According

to Genesis 1:27, mankind was made in the image of the Father. If we seek the Father first, I suppose we humble ourselves and do not

elevate our own image. But if we commit idolatry, we do elevate our image/proxy/corporate above the Father’s creation, and therefore

seek and praise lower-dimensional images for power.

Lots of Evidence Hitler at Church Cross-Shaped Flag of the Third Reich

Research it yourself: the cross marks an entire worldwide history of war and torture, in opposition to Yahshua’s teachings.

Nazi Germany provided us a recent and extreme example of how the cross is used to motivate people to kill Jews.

7 Several bible passages appear to discuss bearing a cross to follow after Christ, such as Matthew 10:38-39, and Matthew 16:24-25. However, in these passages, ask yourself whether Yahshua instructs his followers to elevate a battle symbol, or rather to follow his example of having such immense faith in the Father’s plan of salvation that you’re willing to let people murder you on a cross before denouncing your faith?

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My Background:

I’m very passionate about the literal words of the gospel – I read the literal text in ancient Aramaic, the original language spoken by

the biblical messiah Yahshua (aka, Jesus).8 Focusing on every letter in the gospel has become a passion in my life, and over the last

year I’ve found many interesting codes in the text, such as:

Code 1: Sword and shepherd’s staff encoded in the Book of Revelation when mapped out on the face of the earth

Code 2: The riddle “time, times, and the dividing of time” = 690

Code 3: The gematria value of the golden rule (618) = the golden ratio (618)

Code 4: Electromagnetic and gravitational coupling constants in the gospel of Matthew

Code 5: Quantum electrodynamics arrow techniques reveal an hourglass and peace symbol encoded in the Book of Revelation

In all of my work, I feel I am just barely scratching the surface, so my findings remain in a brainstorming-state. And I do really enjoy

posting findings online to receive comments and input, with the goal of expanding and polishing each code in due time. I encourage

anyone who can improve on (or criticize) my work to do so freely. I don’t seek credit or praise (nor do I deserve these); I just strive to

keep my trust in Yahshua’s message of salvation from YHVH.

Read the Oldest and Most Literal Bible Today!

For the old testament, this will require you to read Hebrew: Interlinear Hebrew-English Old Testament.

As a native English speaker, my experience is that it is worthwhile to read slowly, like a child.

And for the gospel, the oldest and most literal text is written in the Aramaic language spoken by the messiah Yahshua, which I

encourage you to begin reading today: Interlinear Aramaic-English New Testament. Of the gospel available to us in this age, the

recorded eyewitnesses to Yahshua’s ministry are Peter, Matthew, and the beloved disciple.

8 In Aramaic, Yahshua’s name is spelled yod-shin-vav-ayin. To pronounce it correctly, speak from your heart while following his commandments.

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Working Toward Possible Solutions of the 666 Riddle:

On the infamous mystery of 666, the Book of Revelation specifically instructs those with wisdom to “count the number” (the phrase in

Aramaic is ‘KhShbyuhy lmnyna’). Words, names, and letters can be counted with a simple and ancient technique called ‘gematria’

(a=1, b=2, etc).

At the time the Book of Revelation was written,9 the Romans used 23 letters to write their Latin language, so that is what I have used

for my gematria calculations here:10

So, using ancient Latin/Roman gematria (A=1, B=2… T=19), I began to count possible 666 solutions. At first this proved quite time

consuming (to analyze the possibilities by hand), but with the help of an algorithm posted online by Tushar Mehta, I was quickly able

to explore the gematria values of millions of possible names and titles. And I found 666 repeatedly when applying names and titles in

the algorithm. If you’re so inclined and you understand Excel spreadsheets (not difficult), you too can explore the algorithm -- with

enough data you’ll find 666 in your own name and life, as well as in ancient Rome, Egypt, your spice cupboard, anywhere!

9 In all likelihood the Book of Revelation was written before the assembly of Laodicea burned to the ground in 66 AD (otherwise, why would the message in Rev 3:14-22 be given to an assembly that claims to be rich but its location is burned to the ground?). The prophecy of 666 was foreshadowed again when London burned to the ground in 1666 AD.

10 However, the history of the Roman alphabet is not exactly so easily summarized. For example, during the reign of Emperor Claudius (41AD - 54AD), Rome utilized three additional letters (for 26 total): Claudian Letters. After Claudius’ death (54AD), the extra letters were abandoned. Another example is that the Classical Latin Alphabet (picture above) only materialized around 146 BC when the Romans conquered the Greeks, and incorporated aspects of Greek into their language. And before that time, the history of the Roman alphabet involves an analysis of the Etruscan era. Caution: this is extremely boring reading unless you have a specific reason to research this field.

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But theologically, I think the most relevant answers would be found in this category: the official name for the People of Rome (e.g.,


PATER PATRIAE…), plus the ten horns that are like kings (DECEMVIRI, DECEMVIRATE). Notice though that in drawing this

conclusion I am actively trying to make the data fit my theory, which emphasizes the problem with using gematria alone whenever the

data is voluminous (as here if I have the luxury of combining names and titles). If you’re inclined, you could use this methodology

with any alphabet in any empire, and you’d find 666 combinations all over the place.

Personally, I think the best 666 answer should somehow incorporate Babylonian astrology and idolatry, which I have only barely

touched upon with this study.11

Remember for example Nebuchadnezzar’s 66-foot golden statue - that’s foreshadowing.

Notice the ‘little horn’ on each of these coins: Alexander the Great (left) from Greece, and Caesar Octavian (right) from Rome.

This is just another example that emphasizes the continuity of Babylon Persia Greece Rome.

Just as Rome conquered and unified many nations under one Roman flag (such as Egypt, Israel, Gaul), today the United Nations and

its International Court of Justice (ICC) are prime candidates for fulfilling the role of Rome and unifying nations under the Roman UN

flag. For example, the ICC has a constitution called the Rome Statute and it is headquartered in the European Union which was

11 For example, if Prince William is the ‘little horn’ who eventually takes the name King Arthur, it may help to know that Arcturus comes from a constellation in Bootes, which is southwest of Draco. Under some theory, Arthur might be seen as Arcturus within the constellation Boötes, the bear-trainer, the ploughman, who pushes the plough, Ursa Major, the great bear around the dragon, while the dragon holds the lesser bear within its coils. See article. In ancient Babylon the stars of Boötes were known as SHU.PA. They were apparently depicted in Babylon as the god Enlil, who they presumed was the leader of the Babylonian pantheon and special patron of farmers. See article. It has been written that Draco is like a 13th hidden constellation at the center of 12 constellations -- Draco is sometimes rendered as two serpents or dragons upon a cross.

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founded by the Treaty of Rome.12

The ICC even claims authority to 'judge the world', which is a statement made repeatedly about the

Roman Pope in the Roman religion. Compare the bible, which confirms the responsibility to judge the world belongs to the Father in


Vatican medallion from 1965, “PONTIFEX MAX[IMUS]”.

The obverse side highlights the Vatican’s participation in the United Nations.

12 Note specifically section 1 of Article 93 of Chapter 14 of the UN Charter, “All Members of the United Nations are ipso facto parties to the Statute of the International Court of Justice.”

13 Personally, I don’t wish to bash Catholics. Who am I to even hold a candle to the innumerable wonderful and inspiring and beautiful and loving deeds accomplished by Catholics? And I’m reminded by the divine admonition to those residing in Babylon immediately before its judgment and destruction, “Come out from within her my people, so that you do not share in her sins, so that you do not receive of her injuries.” Revelation 18:4. He calls certain Romans “my people”. I would offer the same analysis for people working within the New World Order today – how many amazing inventions and stories are experienced here on earth through neo-Roman personalities? Who am I to go around judging journeys? Labels are just labels – more important are a person’s words and actions. Earth is full of interesting sagas.

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When viewing the many results below, you’ll notice some categories use the title Pharaoh – this is because Julius Caesar was the first

Roman Emperor called ‘Pharaoh’ (as memorialized on Egyptian temples of the day), a tradition he began shortly after conquering both

Israel and Egypt; also he was the first Roman Emperor worshipped as “Divine” in Israel.

Caesar Augustus coin featuring Egyptian sphinx

The Book of Revelation describes the ‘beast of the sea’ as having four key features: seven heads (Rev 13:1), ten horns (Rev 13: 1), a

body (Rev 13:2), and an eighth head described as “the dragon and the creature that was and is not”. (Rev 17:1). And yet the most

popular 666 gematria solution on the internet today relies upon just one of the beast’s heads (QSR NRWN) together with ‘inflated’

gematria techniques (i.e., where ‘lamed’ = 20, even though it is the 12th

letter of the aleph bet). The ‘Caesar Nero = 666’ solution may

be a useful trail-marker but I still think we can do better (than focusing on just one inflated head) because the literal text of the Book

of Revelation describes the beast as having multiple heads and a body and horns.

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HHHeeeaaaddd +++ HHHooorrrnnnsss +++ BBBooodddyyy +++ SSSaaatttaaannn === 666666666

# Title 1 + Title 2 + Title 3 + Title 4 + Title 5 + Title 6 + Title 7 = Sum

A 45 = CAESAR (Caesar)

195 =


MAXIMUS (Greatest


211 =


POTESTAS (Power over all


100 =


(Ten Member


44 = ROMA

(Rome) 71 = LUCIFER


- 666

B 45 = CAESAR (Caesar)

71 = DIVUS (Divine)

124 = PATER

PATRIAE (Father of the


211 =


POTESTAS (Power over all


100 =


(Ten Member


44 = ROMA

(Rome) 71 =




“And I stood on the sand of the sea. And I saw a creature coming up from the sea that had ten horns and

seven heads, and on his horns, ten crown headbands, and on his head, the name of blasphemy….The creature

that you saw was, and is not, and is going to come up from the sea and go to destruction…. Here is

understanding for him who has wisdom. The seven heads are seven mountains on which the woman sits.

And there are seven kings, five have fallen and one is the other has not yet come. And when he comes, he

must continue a little while. And the dragon and the creature that was and is not, even he is the eighth and is

one of the seven and goes to destruction…. The waters that you saw, on which the harlot sits, are nations and

multitudes and peoples and languages.” Revelation 13:1; 17:8; 17:9-11; 17:15.

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C 123 =

AUGUSTUS (Honorable)

196 =


PERPETUO (Dictator in


100 =


(Ten Member



ROMANUS (People of Rome)

39 = DRACO (Dragon)


- 666

D 109 =


195 =


MAXIMUS (Greatest



ROMANUS (People of Rome)

84 =


(Ten men)

70 = IESUS



- 666

E 172 =


POPULI (Master of the


115 = DIVI

FILIUS (Son of God)


ROMANUS (People of Rome)

100 =


(Ten Member





- 666

F 95 =


(First One)

45 = CAESAR (Caesar)

196 =


PERPETUO (Dictator in


115 = DIVI

FILIUS (Son of God)

100 =


(Ten Member


44 = ROMA

(Rome) 71 =




G 124 = PATER

PATRIAE (Father of the


123 =

AUGUSTUS (Honorable)

109 =



(First One) 100 =


(Ten Member


44 = ROMA

(Rome) 71 =




H 71 = DIVUS (Divine)

56 =

PHARAO (Pharaoh)

45 = CAESAR (Caesar)

115 = DIVI

FILIUS (Son of God)

100 =


(Ten Member



ROMANUS (People of Rome)

71 =




Public Domain Research

I 71 = DIVUS (Divine)

109 =


123 =

AUGUSTUS (Honorable)

84 =


(Ten men)


ROMANUS (People of Rome)



- 666

J 45 = CAESAR (Caesar)

123 =

AUGUSTUS (Honorable)



ROMANUS (Senate and

People of Rome)

84 =


(Ten men)




- 666

K 56 =

PHARAO (Pharaoh)

115 = DIVI

FILIUS (Son of God)

124 = PATER

PATRIAE (Father of the


172 =


POPULI (Master of the


84 =


(Ten men)

44 = ROMA

(Rome) 71 =




L 56 =

PHARAO (Pharaoh)

123 =

AUGUSTUS (Honorable)

124 = PATER

PATRIAE (Father of the


84 =


(Ten men)


ROMANUS (People of Rome)



- 666

M 56 =

PHARAO (Pharaoh)

196 =


PERPETUO (Dictator in




ROMANUS (Senate and

People of Rome)





- 666

N 45 = CAESAR (Caesar)

124 = PATER

PATRIAE (Father of the


115 = DIVI

FILIUS (Son of God)

84 =


(Ten men)



ROMANUS (Senate and

People of Rome)

39 = DRACO (Dragon)

- 666

Public Domain Research

O 124 = PATER

PATRIAE (Father of the


211 =


POTESTAS (Power over all


84 =


(Ten men)


ROMANUS (People of Rome)

39 = DRACO (Dragon)


- 666

P 95 =


(First One)

195 =


MAXIMUS (Greatest


45 = CAESAR (Caesar)

84 =


(Ten men)


ROMANUS (People of Rome)

39 = DRACO (Dragon)

- 666

Q 95 =


(First One)

124 = PATER

PATRIAE (Father of the


71 = DIVUS (Divine)

45 = CAESAR (Caesar)

84 =


(Ten men)


ROMANUS (People of Rome)

39 =

DRACO (Dragon)


R 123 =

AUGUSTUS (Honorable)

45 = CAESAR (Caesar)


(First One) 56 = PHARAO (Pharaoh)

100 =


(Ten Member



ROMANUS (People of Rome)

39 =

DRACO (Dragon)


S 95 =


(First One)

115 = DIVI

FILIUS (Son of God)

109 =


100 =


(Ten Member



ROMANUS (People of Rome)

39 = DRACO (Dragon)

- 666

T 124 = PATER

PATRIAE (Father of the


195 =


MAXIMUS (Greatest


100 =


(Ten Member



ROMANUS (People of Rome)

39 = DRACO (Dragon)


- 666

Public Domain Research

U 56 =

PHARAO (Pharaoh)

71 = DIVUS (Divine)

195 =


MAXIMUS (Greatest Pontiff)

84 =


(Ten men)


ROMANUS (People of Rome)

52 = HYLL

(Shining One) - 666

V 56 =

PHARAO (Pharaoh)

211 =


POTESTAS (Power over all


100 =


(Ten Member



ROMANUS (People of Rome)

91 = DRACO

HYLL (Dragon Shining



- 666

W 56 =

PHARAO (Pharaoh)

115 = DIVI

FILIUS (Son of God)



ROMANUS (Senate and

People of Rome)

100 =


(Ten Member


52 = HYLL

(Shining One)


- 666

X 45 = CAESAR (Caesar)

109 =



(First One) 208 = POPULUS

ROMANUS (People of Rome)

100 =


(Ten Member




- 666

Y 45 = CAESAR (Caesar)

123 =

AUGUSTUS (Honorable)


(First One) 211 =


POTESTAS (Power over all


44 = ROMA

(Rome) 100 =


(Ten Member


48 = IOVE

(Jove) 666

Z 195 =


MAXIMUS (Greatest


115 = DIVI

FILIUS (Son of God)


ROMANUS (People of Rome)

100 =


(Ten Member


48 = IOVE



- 666

Public Domain Research

AA 71 = DIVUS (Divine)

109 =



(First One) 343 = SENATUS


ROMANUS (Senate and

People of Rome)

48 = IOVE



- 666

BB 115 = DIVI

FILIUS (Son of God)

211 =


POTESTAS (Power over all



ROMANUS (People of Rome)

84 =


(Ten men)

48 = IOVE



- 666

CC 71 = DIVUS (Divine)

109 =


124 = PATER

PATRIAE (Father of the



ROMANUS (People of Rome)

84 =


(Ten men)

70 = IOVIS

(Jove, genitive)

- 666

DD 45 = CAESAR (Caesar)

124 = PATER

PATRIAE (Father of the




ROMANUS (Senate and

People of Rome)

84 =


(Ten men)

70 = IOVIS

(Jove, genitive)


- 666

EE 109 =


195 =


MAXIMUS (Greatest



ROMANUS (People of Rome)

84 =


(Ten men)

70 = IOVIS

(Jove, genitive)


- 666

FF 123 =

AUGUSTUS (Honorable)

109 =


56 = PHARAO (Pharaoh)


ROMANUS (People of Rome)

100 =


(Ten Member


70 = IOVIS

(Jove, genitive)

- 666

Public Domain Research

GG 45 = CAESAR (Caesar)

172 =


POPULI (Master of the


100 =


(Ten Member



ROMANUS (People of Rome)

141 = IESUS


(Jesus Lucifer)


- 666

HH 95 =


(First One)

123 =

AUGUSTUS (Honorable)

211 =


POTESTAS (Power over all


84 =


(Ten men)

44 = ROMA




- 666

II 95 =


(First One)

123 =

AUGUSTUS (Honorable)

211 =


POTESTAS (Power over all


84 =


(Ten men)

44 = ROMA




- 666

JJ 95 =


(First One)

123 =

AUGUSTUS (Honorable)

195 =


MAXIMUS (Greatest Pontiff)

100 =


(Ten Member


44 = ROMA




- 666

KK 71 = DIVUS (Divine)

124 = PATER

PATRIAE (Father of the



(First One) 123 =

AUGUSTUS (Honorable)

100 =


(Ten Member


44 = ROMA


109 =




LL 109 =


196 =


PERPETUO (Dictator in


124 = PATER

PATRIAE (Father of the


84 =


(Ten men)

44 = ROMA




- 666

Public Domain Research

MM 45 = CAESAR (Caesar)

196 =


PERPETUO (Dictator in


211 =


POTESTAS (Power over all


100 =


(Ten Member


44 = ROMA


70 = IOVIS

(Jove, genitive)

- 666

NN 109 =


123 =

AUGUSTUS (Honorable)

196 =


PERPETUO (Dictator in


84 =


(Ten men)

44 = ROMA


70 = IOVIS

(Jove, genitive)

- 666

OO 45 = CAESAR (Caesar)

124 = PATER

PATRIAE (Father of the


196 =


PERPETUO (Dictator in


109 =


100 =


(Ten Member


44 = ROMA


48 = IOVE

(Jove) 666

PP 56 =

PHARAO (Pharaoh)

196 =


PERPETUO (Dictator in


115 = DIVI

FILIUS (Son of God)

123 =

AUGUSTUS (Honorable)

84 =


(Ten men)

44 = ROMA


48 = IOVE

(Jove) 666

QQ 71 = DIVUS (Divine)

109 =


211 =


POTESTAS (Power over all



(First One) 44 = ROMA


84 =


(Ten men)

52 = IOVI




RR 71 = DIVUS (Divine)

109 =


195 =


MAXIMUS (Greatest Pontiff)


(First One) 44 = ROMA


100 =


(Ten Member


52 = IOVI




Public Domain Research

SS 116 = DIVUS

CAESAR (Divine


238 = DIVI


AUGUSTUS (Son of God


84 =


(Ten men)

44 = ROMA


124 = PATER

PATRIAE (Father of the


60 = IOVEM

(Jove, accusative)

- 666

TT 71 = DIVUS (Divine)

196 =


PERPETUO (Dictator in


211 =


POTESTAS (Power over all


84 =


(Ten men)

44 = ROMA


60 = IOVEM

(Jove, accusative)

- 666

UU 71 = DIVUS (Divine)

195 =


MAXIMUS (Greatest


196 =


PERPETUO (Dictator in


100 =


(Ten Member


44 = ROMA


60 = IOVEM

(Jove, accusative)

- 666

VV 65 = DIVOS (Divine)

109 =



45 = CAESAR (Caesar)


(First One) 208 = POPULUS

ROMANUS (People of Rome)

84 =


(Ten men)

60 =





WW 65 = DIVOS (Divine)

45 = CAESAR (Caesar)

196 =


PERPETUO (Dictator in


100 =


(Ten Member



ROMANUS (People of Rome)

52 = IOVI

(Jove, dative)

- 666

XX 65 = DIVOS (Divine)

45 = CAESAR (Caesar)

196 =


PERPETUO (Dictator in


100 =


(Ten Member



ROMANUS (People of Rome)

52 = HYLL

(Shining One)

- 666

Public Domain Research

YY 65 = DIVOS (Divine)

45 = CAESAR (Caesar)

123 =

AUGUSTUS (Honorable)


ROMANUS (People of Rome)

84 =


(Ten men)

141 = IESUS


(Jesus Lucifer)

- 666

ZZ 71 = DIVUS (Divine)

45 = CAESAR (Caesar)

70 = IESUS

(Jesus) 100 =


(Ten Member



ROMANUS (People of Rome)

124 = PATER

PATRIAE (Father of the


48 = IOVE

(Jesus) 666

AAA 71 = DIVUS (Divine)

45 = CAESAR (Caesar)

172 =


POPULI (Master of the


100 =


(Ten Member



ROMANUS (People of Rome)

70 = IESUS


- 666

BBB 45 = CAESAR (Caesar)

56 =

PHARAO (Pharaoh)



ROMANUS (Senate and

People of Rome)

100 =


(Ten Member


52 = HYLL

(Shining One) 70 = IESUS


- 666

CCC 45 = CAESAR (Caesar)

124 = PATER

PATRIAE (Father of the


84 =


(Ten men)



ROMANUS (Senate and

People of Rome)

70 = IESUS



- 666

DDD 45 = CAESAR (Caesar)

211 =


POTESTAS (Power over all


84 =


(Ten men)


ROMANUS (People of Rome)

118 = IESUS


(Jesus Jove)


- 666

Public Domain Research

EEE 45 = CAESAR (Caesar)

195 =


MAXIMUS (Greatest


100 =


(Ten Member



ROMANUS (People of Rome)

118 = IESUS


(Jesus Jove)


- 666

HHHeeeaaaddd +++ HHHooorrrnnnsss +++ BBBooodddyyy === 666666666

# Title 1 + Title 2 + Title 3 + Title 4 + Title 5 + Title 6 + Title 7 = Sum

A 56 =

PHARAO (Pharaoh)

71 = DIVUS (Divine)

123 =

AUGUSTUS (Honorable)

124 = PATER

PATRIAE (Father of the


84 =


(Ten men)


ROMANUS (People of Rome)



B 195 =


MAXIMUS (Greatest


123 =

AUGUSTUS (Honorable)

109 =



(First One) 100 =


(Ten Member


44 = ROMA


- 666

C 56 =



95 =

PRINCEPS (First One)

172 =


POPULI (Master of the




ROMANUS (Senate and

People of Rome)



- 666

D 56 =



71 = DIVUS (Divine)

196 =


PERPETUO (Dictator in




ROMANUS (Senate and

People of Rome)





Public Domain Research

E 71 = DIVUS (Divine)

95 =


(First One)

109 =


123 =

AUGUSTUS (Honorable)

124 = PATER

PATRIAE (Father of the


100 =


(Ten Member


44 =




F 56 =

PHARAO (Pharaoh)

195 =


MAXIMUS (Greatest


172 =


POPULI (Master of the


115 = DIVI

FILIUS (Son of God)

84 =


(Ten men)

44 = ROMA


- 666

G 56 =

PHARAO (Pharaoh)

123 =

AUGUSTUS (Honorable)

195 =


MAXIMUS (Greatest


84 =


(Ten men)


ROMANUS (People of Rome)


- 666

H 45 = CAESAR (Caesar)

71 = DIVUS (Divine)

123 =

AUGUSTUS (Honorable)

84 =


(Ten men)



ROMANUS (Senate and

People of Rome)


- 666

HHHeeeaaaddd wwwiiittthhhooouuuttt hhhooorrrnnnsss +++ BBBooodddyyy === 666666666

# Title 1 + Title 2 + Title 3 + Title 4 + Title 5 + Title 6 + Title 7 = Sum

A 44 = ROMA

(Rome) 45 =

CAESAR (Caesar)

71 = DIVUS (Divine)

95 =

PRINCEPS (First One)

115 = DIVI

FILIUS (Son of God)

124 = PATER

PATRIAE (Father of the


172 =


POPULI (Master of the


Public Domain Research


B 44 = ROMA

(Rome) 45 =

CAESAR (Caesar)

95 =

PRINCEPS (First One)

115 = DIVI

FILIUS (Son of God)

172 =


POPULI (Master of the


195 =


MAXIMUS (Greatest


- 666

C 44 = ROMA

(Rome) 45 =

CAESAR (Caesar)

71 = DIVUS (Divine)

115 = DIVI

FILIUS (Son of God)

195 =


MAXIMUS (Greatest


196 =


PERPETUO (Dictator in


- 666

D 45 = CAESAR (Caesar)

71 = DIVUS (Divine)

95 =

PRINCEPS (First One)

123 =

AUGUSTUS (Honorable)

124 = PATER

PATRIAE (Father of the


208 =


ROMANUS (People of


- 666

E 45 = CAESAR (Caesar)

95 =

PRINCEPS (First One)

123 =

AUGUSTUS (Honorable)

195 =


MAXIMUS (Greatest


208 =


ROMANUS (People of



- 666

F 44 = ROMA

(Rome) 45 =

CAESAR (Caesar)

71 = DIVUS (Divine)

123 =

AUGUSTUS (Honorable)

172 =


POPULI (Master of the


211 =


POTESTAS (Power over

all Tribes)

- 666

G 44 = ROMA

(Rome) 71 = DIVUS (Divine)

109 =


123 =


124 = PATER


195 =


- 666

Public Domain Research

(Emperor) (Honorable) (Father of the

Nation) MAXIMUS (Greatest


H 44 = ROMA

(Rome) 45 =

CAESAR (Caesar)

56 =

PHARAO (Pharaoh)

115 = DIVI

FILIUS (Son of God)

195 =


MAXIMUS (Greatest


211 =


POTESTAS (Power over

all Tribes)

- 666

I 44 = ROMA

(Rome) 115 = DIVI

FILIUS (Son of God)

124 = PATER

PATRIAE (Father of the


172 =


POPULI (Master of the


211 =


POTESTAS (Power over

all Tribes)


- 666


(Caesar) 115 = DIVI

FILIUS (Son of God)

123 =

AUGUSTUS (Honorable)

172 =


POPULI (Master of the


211 =


POTESTAS (Power over

all Tribes)


- 666

K 44 = ROMA

(Rome) 45 =

CAESAR (Caesar)

56 =

PHARAO (Pharaoh)

71 = DIVUS (Divine)

115 = DIVI

FILIUS (Son of God)

124 = PATER

PATRIAE (Father of the


211 =


POTESTAS (Power over

all Tribes)


L 44 = ROMA

(Rome) 56 =

PHARAO (Pharaoh)

95 =


(First One)

109 =


115 = DIVI

FILIUS (Son of God)

123 =

AUGUSTUS (Honorable)

124 = PATER

PATRIAE (Father of the



Public Domain Research

JJJuuusssttt ttthhheee hhheeeaaaddd wwwiiittthhhooouuuttt hhhooorrrnnnsss ooorrr bbbooodddyyy === 666666666

# Title 1 + Title 2 + Title 3 + Title 4 + Title 5 + Title 6 = Sum

A 56 =

PHARAO (Pharaoh)

95 =

PRINCEPS (First One)

109 =


195 =


MAXIMUS (Greatest


211 =


POTESTAS (Tribunician


- 666

B 56 =

PHARAO (Pharaoh)

71 = DIVUS (Divine)

95 =

PRINCEPS (First One)

109 =


124 = PATER

PATRIAE (Father of the


211 =


POTESTAS (Tribunician



C 56 =

PHARAO (Pharaoh)

95 =

PRINCEPS (First One)

124 = PATER

PATRIAE (Father of the


195 =


MAXIMUS (Greatest


196 =


PERPETUO (Dictator in


- 666

D 71 = DIVUS (Divine)

95 =

PRINCEPS (First One)

109 =


195 =


MAXIMUS (Greatest


196 =


PERPETUO (Dictator in




Public Domain Research

Single Right Answers?

Personally, I think the 666 riddle will remain a mystery for YHVH to reveal precisely. In the meantime though, perhaps readers will

find the possible solutions in this paper are interesting and thorough. If I had to choose the most likely candidate in all this research:

Best 666 Solution?

109 = IMPERATOR (Emperor)


MAXIMUS (Greatest Pontiff)


ROMANUS (People of Rome)


(Ten men) 70 = IESUS

(Jesus) 666

The four reasons I find this combination so compelling are:

(1) IMPERATOR and PONTIFEX MAXIMUS are the only two titles from the Roman Empire that actually survive to this day,

as the British Royals claim the first, and the Vatican claims the second. Their use throughout history shows their exploitation for war,

resource domination by the wealthy, and religious persecution. Incidentally, the Roman title PRINCEPS also survives as “prince”

today, but its prominence began with Octavian Caesar rather than Julius Caesar, so I would consider it (rightly or wrongly) to be less


(2) The Catholic Church has relentlessly strived to incorporate all people into its POPULUS ROMANUS, via the Roman Code

of Canon Law. And its popes routinely make extreme statements that only in the body of the Church can a person find salvation.

Importantly, the Roman influence at the United Nations is pervasive.

(3) It is quite fitting to use just one word, DECEMVIRI, to describe the ten horns because the Revelation 17:13 states

explicitly that they have ‘one will’. The Roman origin of the DECEMVIRI shows a special connection to the writing of law and the

divining of signs, both of which are used to describe the beast in Revelation chapter 13.

(4) There is only one Roman name, IESUS, that the whole world willingly worships, tattoos upon themselves, goes to war to

propagate, and so forth. Despite conventional teaching, I think the Roman IESUS is different in character than the Yahshua of the

gospel. During the abomination of desolation at the end of this age, I would expect the imposter god Satan claiming his Roman name,

and so much more.

Public Domain Research

Another Contender…

45 =

CAESAR (Caesar)

195 =


MAXIMUS (Greatest



(First One) 84 =


(Ten men)


ROMANUS (People of Rome)

39 = DRACO (Dragon)


Or Maybe This One?

168 = CAESAR

AUGUSTUS (Honorable Caesar)


QUE ROMANUS (Senate and People of Rome)


(Ten men) 71 = LUCIFER

(Light Bringer) 666

What If?

71 = DIVUS (Divine)

45 =

CAESAR (Caesar)

172 =


POPULI (Master of the


100 =


(Ten Member



ROMANUS (People of Rome)

70 = IESUS



Public Domain Research

Pope Gregory as Pontifex Maximus. This coin was issued to ‘celebrate’ the new Gregorian calendar.

Notice the dragon (ouroboros) eating its own tail.

Egypt Is Important

Why do I think the title Pharaoh is so important? Well, Egyptian mythology and geometry have been THE central focus of those

building/enshrining the world’s largest power structures for virtually all of recorded history, including even to the present day.14


14 When researching Egyptian connections and other modern blasphemies, I caution fellow researchers to avoid falling into the amateur trap of rejecting the bible outright. If you prefer an analogy, one should not throw the baby out with the bathwater. The baby here would be the ancient literal text/testimony of the gospel, and the bathwater would be religious dogma of any kind, whether Egyptian, Greek, Roman, Jewish, Catholic, Muslim, etc. Sometimes these Egyptian/Freemason documentaries get carried away on tangents and mistranslations, so please fact-check everything you can, within reason. For a positive example, see the scholarly works of Michael Heiser as he logically fact-checks in rigorous detail the ancient history and languages of Egypt, Sumeria, etc against claims that Christianity is just a copy-cat religion. I agree with Heiser that the literal gospel is not a copycat of old prophecies.

Public Domain Research

for example Secrets in Plain Sight -- documentaries like these help expose the rampant idolatry in our world, where powerful

organizations and dogmatists honor buildings and obelisks and statues of stones/wood/ jewels above people. 15

And even then,

Egyptian history traces back further still to Babylon and Sumeria – it’s really just a maze of international confusion and idolatry.

The first seal that Caesar Augustus used for safe-conducts, dispatches, and private letters was an Egyptian sphinx

Egypt is also named in Revelation 11:8, “And their corpses on the streets of the great city that is spiritually called Sodom and Egypt,

where their Master was crucified.” Egypt is also prominent in major prophecies perceived to possibly relate to the end of the present

age, such as Daniel 11:40-42, “And at the time of the end… the land of Egypt is not for an escape.”16

15 As highlighted above, the image of the cross has become a foremost subject of idolatry over the last 2,000 years. It is used to promote war and

slavery and is elevated above the message of the messiah. Yahshua advocated against war, slavery, and hypocrisy. He advocated for peace, humility, and charitable hearts.

16 But compare for example Isaiah 19:22-25 (regarding possibly the millennial reign), “In that day is a highway out of Egypt to Asshur, and come in have the Assyrians to Egypt, And the Egyptians into Asshur, And the Egyptians have served with the Assyrians. In that day is Israel third, After Egypt, and after Asshur, A blessing in the heart of the earth. In that YHVH of Hosts did bless it, saying, `Blessed [is] My people - Egypt, and the work of My hands - Asshur, And Mine inheritance - Israel!'

Public Domain Research

The Isle of Man government issued commemorative triangular coins of the Queen of England

to commemorate the Tutankhamen touring exhibition at London’s O2 arena

The Beast from the Sea in the Book of Revelation

In Revelation 17:9-11 an angel from heaven reveals part of the mystery surrounding this beast of the sea whose number is 666, “The

seven heads are seven mountains on which the woman sits. And there are seven kings, five have fallen, and one is, the other has not

yet come. And when he comes, he must continue a little while. And the dragon and the creature that was and is not, even he is the

eighth and is one of the seven and goes to destruction.”

Seven Heads

The prophecy in Revelation 17:9-11 fits the research here-- there were only six Roman Emperors, beginning with Julius Caesar (the

other five: Octavian, Tiberius, Caligula, Claudius, Nero) that presided over Jerusalem’s occupation up until its civil war and internal

destruction in 66AD - 68AD. Why was Jerusalem destroyed by 68AD (and not 70AD as conventionally taught)? Complete and total

civil war and riots had scattered the city by 68AD, resulting in utter lawlessness -- the temple and city were overrun by rebels in

68AD, the high priests and leading Jewish authorities were murdered by 68AD, the rebels had robbed Jerusalem’s residents of their

food by 68AD so Christians and Jews alike fled to the mountains by 68AD, those who ‘governed’ Jerusalem by 68AD were rebel

warriors in the midst of a civil war, and they had received no legal authority from the people or government to claim the nationhood of

Public Domain Research

Israel or assert the sovereignty of Jerusalem. So Jerusalem was no longer governed by Jewish law in 68AD, as these historians help

summarize for illustrative purposes:

The highly embittered refugees who succeeded in escaping the Galilean massacres fled to the last major Jewish stronghold—

Jerusalem. There, they killed anyone in the Jewish leadership who was not as radical as they. Thus, all the more moderate

Jewish leaders who headed the Jewish government at the revolt's beginning in 66 were dead by 68.

Ancient Jewish History: The Great Revolt (66 - 70 CE), by Joseph Telushkin.

Finally, in May 66 AD, an organized rebellion broke out against the Romans… In July 66 AD, the Jews stormed Jerusalem,

burned the place, killed the Jewish high priest, and attacked the local Roman garrison, slaughtering many of them. This was

followed by an appeal to end the Roman subjugation of the Jews. By September 66 AD, the anti-Roman Jewish extremists had

full control of Jerusalem. The Church and Western Culture, by Tom Streeter.

See also, Eusebius, Church History, book 3, chap. 5.

The messiah Yahshua recognized that the high priests in Jerusalem held the seat of Moses (Matthew 23:2). So if the priests were the

ones with legal authority in Jerusalem, given to them by the Father, then in biblical terms Jerusalem was conquered by 68AD because

it had no high priest, no legal authority, etc. The self-warring Hebrew rebels who murdered the priestly lineage did not magically gain

legal authority by their murders; likewise, the fact that these murderous rebels maintained most of the masonry walls of the city up

until the siege of Emperor Titus in 70AD is not a persuasive standard for Jerusalem’s integrity. In other words, the integrity of the

Jewish people under the law is the real key for prophecy, not the integrity of outer masonry walls maintained by rebels warring

amongst themselves and lacking legal authority to represent Jerusalem.

So by this theory, each of these six and only six Caesars (Julius to Nero) was a ‘head’ on the beast occupying Jerusalem.

In Rev 17:9, a key clue seems to be that the heads are located where the woman sits. So if the throne of the woman is in Italy/Rome,

then the heads (Caesars) must be too. And on that note, important research traces the bloodline of Prince William directly to Italy.17

17 Apparently William’s bloodline is traceable to the Italian ‘House of Guelph’, then from there to the German Saxe-Coburg-Gotha line, and then finally to the English Windsor line where it currently resides to lord over the United Kingdom. As for who really cares or should care about these endless genealogies, I personally don’t have the patience to investigate claims of grandeur and royalty. To me it seems like a bunch of pomp and

Public Domain Research

One Body

All beasts have a body -- the body of the Roman beast came from the sea and had a two general names: “ROMA” (Rome) or

“POPULUS ROMANUS” (People of Rome). And then in a legal sense the nation was also called “SENATUS POPULUS QUE

ROMANUS” (Senate and People of Rome). Interestingly, the POPULUS ROMANUS was an early ‘corporate’ body in world history

-- it could buy, sell, appear in court, etc – as long as Rome existed, it could not die. See e.g., A History of Roman Law, by Andrew


Another way to describe the body of the beast is through the modern day Sedes Sacrorum (“Holy See”) of the Roman Empire, which

presents itself as a kind of jurisdiction currently claimed by the Catholic Church over every living thing on planet earth. "We define

that the Holy Apostolic See and the Roman Pontiff hold the primacy over the whole world."- A Decree of the Council of Trent,

quoted in Philippe Labbe and Gabriel Cossart, "The Most Holy Councils," col. 1167. Dogmatic Constitution on the Church, Vatican

Council I, 1870.

In theory, the first (in time) creature from the sea may be the Imperial Cult in Rome, and then the ‘Holy See’ came later (second

creature from the land) to exercise all the authority and blasphemy of the first.18

power struggles based on occultist conjecture and affinity for the bloodlines of dead tyrants -- houses divided against themselves. Why give precious energy to focusing on such tyranny? Perhaps it’s like watching a sinking ship -- hard to turn away from the carnage, especially if you’re on board.

18 Revelation 13:12, “And all his authority, of the first creature, he will exercise before him and he will cause the earth and those who live in it to worship the first creature whose deadly wound was healed.” To the extent those inside the Catholic Hierarchy really believe the ‘Caesarion is really Jesus’ propaganda, then they are worshipping Caesar through ‘Jesus idolatry’ as the continuation of the Imperial Cult. See also, The Son of God in the Roman World or The Eagle and the Dove, by Michael Peppard. Personally, I think if a Pharaoh/Caesar does return someday the general public will be faced with one of these strawman-type arguments (where two false choices are presented): False option 1: the real bloodline lineage of Jesus can be traced to Egypt/Rome/Britain/whatever; or False option 2: Jesus never really existed. Many other strawman options have been presented too by modern writers who tend to ignore scientific evidence and spiritual evidence and simply deduce from history books a “Jesus” confined to earthly politics. Their books are useful to test faith and history though, as I expect the Father uses historical authors for this purpose – pray for them.

I think the truth is found in Yahshua’s literal words, as for example, ‘And the dragon was furious about the woman and he went to wage war with the rest of her seed, those who keep the commandments of Alha and have the testimony of Yahshua.’ Revelation 12:17.

Public Domain Research

It has been written by commentators that if a government has not signed a treaty naming Rome as the head of the foreign country, as

provided for in the Roman Code of Canon Law, then the nation is considered ‘rebellious’ and lacking official ties to the ‘Holy See’

(i.e., the rebellious nation has no Apostolic Delegate). The United States and the United Kingdom apparently did not allow Rome to

serve as their legal head until (1) the UK restored relations in 1982 shortly after prince William was born, and (2) the US made the

relations official in 1984 after Ronald Reagan became president.19

Ten Horns

As early as 452BC in the Roman Republic, there were occasions where exactly ten wealthy men (such as patrician senators) made

non-appealable decisions in Roman government – this was called a DECEMVIRI (ten men) or DECEMVIRATE (ten-member

council). For example, a DECEMVIRI could make fundamental decisions on public sacrifices (SACRIS FACIUNDIS), or the writing

of laws with consular imperium (LEGIBUS SCRIBUNDIS CONSULARI IMPERIO). This amounted to enormous power and

prestige in Rome, essentially a dictatorship of ten men. Some historians have commented that although the original DECEMVIRI

turned out to be run by tyrants, the infamous 12 tables of law created by them in 451BC was ‘successful’ and foundational for the

entire Roman Republic.

So these ten men/horns above the king/head were able to control the head in some manner. In Daniel 7:24, the ten horns are “from the

kingdom” and they are mlkyn (translated ‘kings’ or ‘sovereigns’), whereas in the Book of Revelation they are only like mlkyn?

According to my research, every single time this plural Aramaic word mlkyn (kings, sovereigns) appears in the Book of Revelation it

is used with a negative connotation, which is interesting to ponder.

Indeed, studying the DECEMVIRI SACRORUM and the so-called “Sibylline oracles” can be helpful to provide additional clues here

– these worked together to help dictate the making of sacrifices to roman gods, as the DECEMVIRI would convene privately and then

rule unilaterally, and the rulings were respected by Roman government. See e.g., Article on Lost Books of Humanity.

So a tradition of the DECEMVIRI in the Roman Empire was to meet secretly, set laws, command sacrifices, and prophesy from

Roman religious texts. If this is any precedent, then the Jesuit institution of the current Roman Empire is a strong candidate to be their

predecessors. Revelation 17:13, “These have one will, and they give their own power and authority to the creature.” Studies into the

19 See e.g., The History & Hierarchy of the Roman Empire now called the Roman Church or Holy Roman See.

Public Domain Research

handful of mega-wealthy bloodlines today (numbering about 10), such as the Orsinis and Rothschilds and Rockefellers, can also be

revealing here.

One possibility is that a kind of senate makes up the horns of the beast, or at least it foreshadows the horns, “SENATUS POPULUS


The Latin word SENATUS comes from SENEX, meaning “old man”.21

When Rome began as a kingdom

around 753BC, the Senate was composed of exactly 100 senators 22

-- these were wealthy landowners that counseled and empowered

the king,23

which in theory would be represented spiritually as 100 horns/senators on 1 head/king. So under this theory, when the

seventh head of the Roman Empire comes to fulfill Revelation 13, that head will be reduced to just ten old and wealthy men who

counsel him and give him power, including especially monetary and legal power. Again, studies into the handful of mega-wealthy

bloodlines today, such as the Rothschilds and Rockefellers are probably insightful here.

When Julius Caesar (the first head of the beast) ruled Rome, the Senate did his will because they lacked the authority to make him

move (just like a horn is supposed to lack authority to move a head; rather it is the head that moves the horns). Moreover, a beast’s

horn is a weapon and regal symbol of power.24

The senate helped authorize military power and status as a senator was very much

20 SENATUS POPULUS QUE ROMANUS – this phrase actually separates the senate (SENATUS) from the people (POPULUS). The word QUE, meaning “and”, emphasizes this separateness. This is important because the Book of Revelation separates out the horns for unique analysis.

21 In ancient Latin, SENE is the prefix for old, and X is the numeral for ten. This is interesting because the Book of Revelation identifies “ten

horns”. Moreover, in the original Aramaic language of the Book of Revelation, the word ten (Easr) also means “tithe”. Perhaps these words are useful trail-markers to help us look for ten old men or families to whom everyone in the world pays tithe – bankers perhaps?

22 Over 700 years later, during the reign of Roman Emperor Octavian, the Senate members numbered approximately 600, but only 100-200 were active at any time.

23 At least as early as the 3rd century BC, the Roman Senate exercised emergency powers, including appointing a dictator when necessary (albeit subject to checks and balances). The Roman Senate had curious procedures at times, as for example when before any meeting could begin, a sacrifice to their ‘gods’ was made, and a search for divine omens (called ‘auspices’) was taken. Lintott, 72. Those interested in further study here should research the house of the senate, “curia”, an ongoing parallel of it has even survived in the Catholic Church to this day.

24 See e.g., Rev 17:12 (“And the ten horns that you saw are ten kings who have not yet received a kingdom, but they take authority as kings one hour with the beast.”); Dan.7:24 (“And the ten horns out of the kingdom [are] ten kings, they rise, and another doth rise after them, and it is diverse from the former, and three kings it humbleth”).

Public Domain Research

considered a matter of prestige (for example, they called themselves ‘patricians’). The senate was also the group that proclaimed

Caesar to be divine.

Blood flows at the base of a beast’s horn, so perhaps the horns represent “sovereign” bloodlines in some manner. One of the

traditional ways that a Roman senator showed his power was by tracing his bloodline back to Romulus, the founder of Rome

(according to legend).

A horn is a way to show the age of an animal (each year the horn adds a new visible segment, just like trees add a new visible ring

each spring). This is significant because the root word for SENATUS (SENEX) means “age”. Another interesting note: from the

same root is SENECTA, meaning ‘to shed snake skin’.

In Revelation 18:3, one theory is that the horns here are not nations (Eamma), or else the verse would be repetitive, because Eamma

and mlkyh are listed in order. In this view, Eamma should be translated as ‘peoples’. I’ve researched it thoroughly and I think

‘peoples’ can be used consistently for Eamma. All the same, it’s helpful to analyze peoples as nations and vice-versa. If you study

issues of sovereignty (as I do), this is fertile ground for research.

I reason the man does not come from the nation, but rather the nation comes from the man. The nation of Israel came from Jacob.

Israel is a horn, and Jacob is a head. On the ram in Daniel, the nations of Media and Persia are horns. So the head of the beast is the

king, and the body (that follows the head) is the people. It looks like the body of the beast is nations and peoples and congregations

(Rev 17:15), unless the harlot is sitting on the beast’s head, which seems unlikely as that would be awkward imagery.

With regard to who these tens horns might be today…I simply do not have the patience or desire to spend much time researching

endless bloodline genealogies and the occult, just to try to prove to myself I know who is the top Orsini or Rothschild or Rockefeller

or Windsor, or which holding companies and corporations these self-proclaimed “lords” own, or which secret societies they control, or

which occult practices they like best and when and where.

Many researchers devote their entire careers to such inherently speculative yet fascinating and often valuable research details, so you

can peruse their findings to determine what you think is true or false or comedy (a few examples for illustrative purposes):

Bloodlines of the Illuminati

Jesuits: Link 1; Link 2; Link 3

Public Domain Research

Black Nobility

Reptile Theory 25

In my opinion, it really doesn’t matter what you ultimately conclude here – rather, the key thing to understand is that trusting in

earth’s wealthy and hierarchical bloodlines, or supporting their organizations as your life’s purpose,26

is just another way to die, albeit

potentially an ‘interesting’ and dangerous way to die as you run the risk (the higher you climb their caduceus, the thicker the risk) of

entangling yourself in their often bizarre crimes and rituals.

25 I haven’t really studied the reptile theory. It appears to be based not on concrete DNA-blood sample evidence, but rather on witness testimony from ‘former insiders’ (who may have been brainwashed incidentally). With that said, it is intriguing to ponder in biblical context some of the different reptile theories… What if the dragon (reptile) identified in Revelation were represented in the bloodline of Cain? For example, follow the murders, follow the blood, and perhaps you find yourself staring at the mark of Cain. The mark of Cain would theoretically be right there in his/our DNA, his reptilian blood if you will. And of course that sounds fantastic here in the real world, but so does a serpent talking to a man’s rib turned into a naked lady in the garden of Eden, followed by angels who come to earth to procreate with women in Genesis 6, making something called Nephilim, and then at some point a red dragon and its angels are cast from a place above us that we can’t see called heaven in Revelation 12. Why would we accept the bible for its angels in heaven and for the messiah’s blood like a lamb, etcetera, but when we hear “reptile bloodline”, we say “but that sounds crazy”? I don’t know – it just presently seems to me there is a probability that we are literally and humorously characters in a fascinating story about Earth. I try to analyze everything probabilistically like this.

26 Compare Joseph who served Pharaoh, and Daniel who served Nebuchadnezzar, and yet these men ultimately maintained their allegiance to YHVH.

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Coin from the Holy Roman Empire showing a prince from Bavaria. Note the shining pyramid in the sky. Bavaria is

considered the birthplace of the illuminati. It’s also the birthplace of Pope Ratzinger.

Personally, I think the ten horns relate in some way to the Jesuits. According to my research, high-level Jesuits are quite abundantly

Satanic in ritual, and they appear to truly hate the whore of Catholic Rome (and Jewish Jerusalem?). It appears the highest-level

Jesuits actively worship Satan, but you would never know it just by looking on the surface of their activities - for political and security

reasons they claim to honor “Jesus Christ”.

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An important likelihood is that the beast is distinctively Roman Christian (Catholic +

Protestant + Orthodox). For example, research who has been the number one

persecutor of the Jewish people, who slanders the original biblical names (especially

the Hebrew name “Alha”) and yet claims to follow His Word, who created the bogus

religion of Islam, who has the worst record of subverting literature and debate (i.e.,

inquisitions, book burnings), and who is primarily responsible for the great

commercial exploitation of the planet in the name of the Babylonian god of money

(spelled “GD” in Hebrew). It’s Roman Christianity!

After the crucifixion of the messiah, many zealots arose - Constantine, Charlemagne,

the Knights Templar, and now today who can count how many ‘Christians’ lust for

resources by conquest – all roads do indeed appear to lead back to Rome. It’s not

just the Jesuits, or Prince William, or any one group or person. Rather, Satan has a

piece in all of us when we use his money, revel in his rituals, and let violence flow

through us as vessels of darkness. But Satan has nothing in the messiah Yahshua,

according to John 14:30, “For the ruler of this world/age comes and he does not have

anything in me.”

Emperor Charlemagne after his inauguration to Later coin from the “Holy Roman Empire”

begin the “Holy Roman Empire” Note the IMP for Emperor.

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Was There A Roman “Satan”?

It is difficult to identify any particular Roman ‘Satan’. However…


In Roman religion the highest god was IUPPITER (Jupiter). Here is his picture on a coin from 68AD (along with Caesar Nero on the

other side):

It is commonly stated that Jupiter was the Roman version of Zeus. Did Jupiter’s name evolve from combining the archaic Latin IOVE

(Jove) with PATER (Father)? Some have stated that I-O-V-E is pronounced in Latin as “ee” “ah” “wu” “eh”, which sounds a lot like

‘Yahweh’, so perhaps there are some unresolved layers of mimicking here. For some thought-provoking commentaries with

references, see here, here, and here.

I don’t have solid answers on this pronunciation question, only educated thoughts and questions -- I reason that the true pronunciation

of the sacred name yod-hey-vav-hey involves literally breathing the right sounds (just as YHVH breathed creation), from the origin of

a reverent heart in spiritual service.27

If you are able to accomplish this in meditation, I would consider it a gift.

So on the surface, the sacred name is guarded in mystery. And there are deep insights here for those willing and chosen to seek the

Father. I’ll venture it fits the ‘666 usurper’ theme that Satan claims the name YHVH for himself, changes the pronunciation, and

makes it originate from the tongue rather than the heart.

27 Matthew 15:8-9, “This people honors me with their lips, but their heart is very far from me. And vainly they reverence me while teaching the doctrines of the commandments of men.”

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Similarly, in my Strong’s concordance, I see the Hebrew name GD is the Babylonian god of fortune, whereas Yahshua’s name

transliterated (Y-Sh-U-Ea) in Hebrew mean’s Yah’s fortune. And in the Arab tradition and in the Jewish Talmud, Gad was a name

ascribed to the planet Jupiter. So again we see evidence of the Roman religion promoting the worship of Jupiter through its chosen

name, “God”.

Regretfully, misguided pilgrims kiss the foot of this infamous statue of “Peter” in Rome (left). One theory is that Peter’s

statue was originally inside the Roman pantheon as Jupiter (see e.g., the sun dial on his head), but was rendered

‘Catholic’ by adding the ‘top of a key’ to it. Compare the Jupiter/Zeus statue at right (note the similar face and outstretched

foot). Why are so many statues of the 'gods' from the Pantheon now found in the Vatican Museum with the exception of

Jupiter? For more Roman Catholic idolatry pictures, see article.

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Iovi (Jove, Jupiter) on one side and on the other is Constantine,

the founder of ‘The Holy Roman Empire’.


Another option for a Roman Satan is DRACO, which is Latin for “dragon” or “serpent”. The word is represented in the constellation

Draco and interestingly, DRACO was a popular symbol of the Roman military as early as the 2nd

Century BC. It remained important

over the centuries in Rome - for example it was employed in the Arch of Constantine in the 4th

Century AD. Here are a couple early

Roman images of DRACO in its military context:

Military version of DRACO Coin with the Draco standard

dragon with wolf-like jaws from the time of Julius Caesar (48-47BC)

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Note also that the legendary King Arthur’s surname is ‘Pendragon’ and may refer to this draco standard. Another interesting bit of

history is that there was a famous lawmaker named Draco in Greece, which is the origin of the word “draconian”.

Hyll or Lucifer

Hyll is the name used in Isaiah 14:12, which the common translation describes as that fallen angel Satan. Around 400AD or earlier

the name was translated from the Hebrew HYLL into the Latin LUCIFER (shining one). The Roman use of LUCIFER can be seen as

early as the 2nd

Century BC in the writings of Cicero, for example.

The Uniqueness of Julius Caesar and the Imperial Cult Governing Jerusalem

Careful students will ask - why does this word study begin with Julius Caesar as the beast’s first head if the ancient kings of Rome

claimed dictatorial authority similar if not greater to Julius Caesar’s claim to authority? The answer: Julius Caesar was categorically

unique for biblical prophecy purposes because he was the first Roman dictator/sovereign occupying Jerusalem and worshipped as a

god by inhabitants of Jerusalem. Indeed, this worship by Romans and Roman-sympathizers was the beginning of the infamous

“Imperial Cult” that occupied Jerusalem -- see for example, Emperor Caligula attempting to place his statute inside the temple of

Jerusalem: Philo of Alexandria, On the Embassy to Gaius XXX.203. Here are some other keys that are helpful to explain why Julius

Caesar was so important to prophecy:

Julius Caesar (“JC”) was a classic anti-Christ figure because he seized total sovereignty over the people and accepted worship

as a god. For example, in 44 BC, while enjoying the title DICTATOR PERPETUO (“Dictator for Life”) Julius Caesar

permitted a statue of himself to be erected with the inscription DEO INVICTO (“Unvanquished God”),28

which was a way to

emphasize to the so-called ‘enlightened ones’ of Rome that he was the new ‘Alexander the Great’ inheriting the Greek


28 Remember Rev 17:3 explaining that the red creature is full of the names of blasphemy. The Roman Imperial Cult beginning with Julius Caesar was filled with names and titles of blasphemy. In Daniel, it is where Nebuchadnezzar or Belzeshazzer exalt themselves that YHVH intervenes. Thus, the Imperial Cult becomes very important to prophecy from this perspective of self-exaltation by a dictator, whether it be the King of Babylon or the Caesar of Rome.

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o So the Roman people worshipped Julius while he was alive and after his death, and neo-Romans have done so

throughout history, including for example this famous quote from one of the drafters of the U.S. Constitution,

Alexander Hamilton, “The greatest man that ever lived was Julius Caesar.”

And here is another example of Caesar-mania, “When Caesar returned to Rome after the battle of Thapsus, he came

not as the servant of the senate, but as master of the world. He crowned his victories by four splendid triumphs, one

for Gaul, one for Egypt, one for Pontus, and one for Numidia. He made no reference to the civil war; and no

citizens were led among his captives. His victory was attended by no massacres, no proscriptions, no confiscations.

He was as generous in peace as he had been relentless in war. Caesar was great enough to forgive his enemies. A

general amnesty was proclaimed; and friend and foe were treated alike. We may see the kind of power which he

exercised by the titles which he received. He was consul, dictator, controller of public morals (praefectus morum),

tribune, pontifex maximus, and chief of the senate (princeps senatus). He thus gathered up in his own person the

powers which had been scattered among the various republican officers. The name of “imperator” with which the

soldiers had been accustomed to salute a victorious general, was now made an official title, and prefixed to his

name. In Caesar was thus embodied the one-man power which had been growing up during the civil wars. He was

in fact the first Roman emperor.” Outlines of Roman History, by William C. Morey

o As highlighted above, to the extent those in the Catholic Hierarchy really believe the ‘Caesarion is really Jesus’

propaganda, then they are worshipping Caesar through ‘Jesus idolatry’ as the continuation of the Imperial Cult. Roman

historians are not shy about making connections between the ‘Catholic Jesus’ and the ‘Roman Caesar’, as we can see

for example in The Son of God in the Roman World or The Eagle and the Dove, by Michael Peppard.

o Julius Caesar he has some very famous quotes to his credit:

VENI, VIDI, VICI (I came, I saw, I conquered.)

FERE LIBENTER HOMINES ID QUOD VOLUNT CREDUNT. (Men in general are quick to believe that which

they wish to be true.)

ALEA IACTA EST (The die is cast.)

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Julius Caesar on one side, and a calf that looks like a wolf on the other.

Julius Caesar was instrumental in implementing the solar calendar above the lunar-solar calendar in Jerusalem. The calendar

was even named after him, “Julian Calendar”, as well as the month of July. Compare Daniel 7:25 (“He intends to change

times and law.”)

Julius invaded Britain in 55 BC, which was considered to be a bold and unprecedented military choice. This was also a key

turning point in Britain becoming a Roman colony. To this day, Britain continues to make claims over Israel, as in the queen’s

coronation where the priest claims her people are “thy people Israel”. It’s a lot of pomp and show, but they seem to love this

stuff that promotes British-Israelism, so it seems relevant on some level. See pages 112-114 of my thesis for additional

factoids and research citations. Indeed, even from a legal perspective there are serious questions surrounding the

Egyptian/Roman/British legal connection:

o We can read in the Magna Carta at section 13 a possible sovereign reservation for the Roman city of London, “And the

city of London shall have all its ancient liberties and free customs, by land as well as by water.”

o It also bears explaining why the queen must receive permission from the “Lord Mayor” when entering the Square Mile

of London, which is owned by the “Crown Corporation”. This appears to some kind of ancient corporation with deep

Public Domain Research

roots in Freemasonry that serve Roman and Egyptian symbolism. Perhaps the ten horns of the beast find refuge in this

northern land?

Julius Caesar broke the law when he crossed the Rubicon and invaded the city of Rome. And the people of Rome rewarded

him as we can see from the titles above conferred on Julius Caesar by the people. In prophecy, the people are ‘the sea’ (yma),

as we can see in Rev 17:15 (“the waters that you saw on which sits the harlot are peoples and assemblies and inhabitants and

languages”). The first beast is described as coming out of the sea in Rev 13:1.

The Aramaic spelling of Caesar is “qsr”, which reminds of a “quasar”, a luminous body powered by a black hole at its center.

Compare the cross-shaped image at the center of the M51 galaxy. There is likely more to this battle of ‘Yahshua v. Caesar’

than meets the naked eye.

M51 Whirlpool Galaxy The center of M51 looks like a cross

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The Egyptian crosier (sometimes called a shepherd’s crook or auger) is represented on Caesar’s coin

because he is PONTIFEX MAXIMUS of Rome.

Why Rome?

This is a complex question, but the beginning of an answer may be that the Roman bloodlines come from Jacob’s brother Esau. See

e.g., The Roman Empire, The Empire of the Edomite, by William Beeston.

According to Beeston’s book, “The descendants of Esau,” say the Jewish Rabbins, “the sworn enemies of the descendants of Jacob,

even to the end of the world, were at first a small nation, inhabiting Mount Seir and the adjacent country, contiguous to the land of

Canaan. They were easily confined within their own limits, so long as the Israelites enjoyed a great and formidable empire in Canaan:

but, after that the powerful republic of the twelve tribes had been destroyed by the Assyrians and the Babylonians, they wonderfully

increased in numbers and in strength; extended their dominion in the West; subjugated Italy; founded Rome, and the Roman Empire;

and at length entirely overturned the Jewish state, the Second Temple being destroyed by Titus Vespasian; and, profession the religion

of Jesus Christ, which they were the first of all nations to embrace, they hold Jacob in captivity till Messiah Ben David shall appear.”

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After the fall of the Roman Empire, the PONTIFEX MAXIMUS became the Catholic Pope in Rome.

But he’s not only in Rome; it’s a worldwide empire…

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The Catholic Church considers itself the “mother” of all Christian churches.

Compare the Book of Revelation describing the ‘mother of harlots and abomination of the earth’. Rev. 17:5.

Caesar’s Titles

The titles for Caesar presented in this study are not trivial – each was utilized for some or all of the first six Caesars. Titles appeared

prominently on coins and buildings as a testament to their importance in Roman identity. So this word study provides an analysis of

possible 666 solutions where Julius Caesar is the first head of the Roman beast identified in Revelation 13. Julius received several

titles emphasizing his complete authority over the people. The one that likely carried the most legal weight was IMPERATOR

(emperor), which Julius was not the first to receive. But arguably the most blasphemous one was DIVUS (divine), which was

arguably unique to Julius. As highlighted above, during his life he accepted the title “unvanquished god”, and then the DIVUS label he

received after his death because his nephew Octavian wanted to increase the family’s political power by claiming ‘the gods’ supported

Caesar’s bloodline. In any case, after Julius the next five heads of the beast (Octavian to Nero) did not all use the same titles for

themselves, but there was much overlap (see chart below tracking which ones they all received, and which ones only some received –

Public Domain Research

for example, all of them received the title DIVUS). Before I present the chart below to help track these titles, here are a couple

graphics to provide some insight into the relevance of Roman coinage for our study here:

Caesar’s Title

Description and Coin

Bible Verses That

Help Illustrate The

Battle Between

Caesar’s &

Yahshua’s Titles Caesar

Original Latin: CAESAR

Julius Caesar was called “CAESAR” because it was the name he received

from his father’s bloodline, and yet it became the title for all future

emperors of Rome, beginning with Julius’ immediate successor (his great-

nephew Octavius).

Revelation 19:13, “And he

was clothed with a

garment dipped in blood

and his name was called

‘mlTha dAlha’ [Word of

Matthew 22:18

“’Why do you tempt me, hypocrites. Show

me the denarius of the head tax.’ And they

brought to him a denarius. And Yahshua

said to them, ‘Of whom is this image and

writing?’ They said ‘Caesar’. He said to

them, ‘Give therefore of Caesar to Caesar,

and of Alha to Alha’.”

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Lawrence University, Roman Coin Catalog #62


Rationale: in the Imperial

Cult, Caesar’s name

became a word from his



Original Latin:


This title predated Julius Caesar, but it was given new meaning through

Julius, because he used it as part of his dictatorship and helped set the

precedence for its use exclusively by the Roman head of state (though this

was not entirely respected for the remainder of the Roman Empire).

From the people, this title in Latin would be “IMPERIUM” meaning

“Imperial”, and referring to the right to rule. For example, after the king

was elected in the early days of the Roman Kingdom, apparently the

Roman governing body would next grant the king IMPERIUM so he could

act on his new title under Roman law.

Interestingly, Caesar Tiberius rejected this title at first (along with


Note that IMPERATOR was the “PRAENOMEN” (first name) of all

emperors. So here we have another cross-over between name and title.

Another reason IMPERATOR is such an important title is that it is one of

only two titles that survive to this day on modern coins, as the British

Revelation 19:16, “And he

had a name written on his

garments, on his thighs,

‘mlka dmlka [King of

kings] u mra d mruTha’.”

Revelation 5:12-13, “And

they were saying with a

loud voice, ‘Worthy is the

sacrificed lamb to receive

power and wealth and

wisdom and strength and

honor and glory and

blessing…. Blessing and

honor and praise and

dominion to a world of


Public Domain Research

royals claim to be IMPERATOR. (The other surviving title is PONTIFEX

MAXIMUS, discussed below).

Lawrence University, Roman Coin Catalog #61


Original Latin: DIVUS or


This was a title that the senate granted to the emperor after his death, to

signify his divinity. Every Caesar in the Julio-Claudian bloodline accepted

this title. You can read about it by studying the “Imperial Cult”.

Roman Imperial Coinage, Vol 1, Pg 332 – Tiberius 51AD – 83AD

Revelation 1:5-6,

“Yahshua the messiah…

who worked to us a

kingdom priestly lalha

uabuhy [to Alha and his


Revelation 19:16, “And he

had a name written on his

garments, on his thighs,

‘mlka dmlka u mra d

mruTha’ [Lord of lords].”

The general word for

divine in Hebrew and

Aramaic is ALHA (aleph-

Public Domain Research

This coin was issued by Octavian in 38BC to honor Julius Caesar.

Note the alternate spelling – DIVOS, which is the archaic Latin (see e.g., Valverde 2003, 37), while DIVUS is referring to the nominative

form of the noun (a position by nomination).

lamed-hey-aleph). This

word is used repeatedly in

the Hebrew Bible and in

the Aramaic Gospel, even

though the present Roman

Church tends to demonize

the word by associating

with Islam’s similarly

spelled “Allah” in English.

Note they are pronounced


Son of God

Original Latin: DIVI


Historians identify this title as coinciding with the “Imperial Cult” that

originated with Julius’ nephew Octavian. Around the time that Octavian

erected the temple to his blood relative Julius, he labeled himself DIVI

FILIUS (Son of God). Essentially this was just political posturing by

Octavian, who perhaps really did presume he was partially divine. Who

knows what he actually thought, but in the days of the Imperial Cult,

historians could be assassinated for writing ‘blasphemies’ against the

emperor (i.e., saying he was not who he claimed to be).

Revelation 1:5-6,

“Yahshua the messiah…

who worked to us a

kingdom priestly lalha

uabuhy [to Alha and his


Revelation 21:7, “And he

who overcomes will

inherit these and I will be

to him Alha and he will

be to me a son.”

Public Domain Research

Lawrence University, Roman Coin Catalog #67


Original Latin:


This title was given to Julius after his death. Princes and Political Cultures,

The Senate, page 54.

The origin of the word is very important, because it appears to have

originated from the word “augur”, referring to the priestly office of Rome.

The augur is depicted routinely on Caesar’s coins, as in this example

behind Caesar’s head:

Revelation 5:12, “And

they were saying with a

loud voice, ‘Worthy is the

sacrificed lamb to

receive... ayqra [honor] and glory and blessing.”

Public Domain Research

Roman Imperial Coinage, Vol 1, pg 334 (Gaius 39AD – 58AD)

Lawrence University, Roman Coin Catalog #66

First One

Original Latin: PRINCEPS

This title originated during the Roman Republic before Caesar. For

example, Pompey received it for his victories. But Caesar Octavian gave it

new meaning and exclusivity when it was awarded to him by the Senate. It

basically means “first one” of Rome. In some historical accounts it means

“first citizen” (PRINCEPS CIVITATIS), in the sense of the ‘first citizen’

Revelation 1:5, “And from

YShuEa mShyKha the

witness faithful, the

firstborn of the dead…”

Public Domain Research

being the ruler. Indeed, PRINCEPS is where we get the English word


The historical consensus is that Augustus employed the title for political

reasons, as ‘first citizen’ was not a threatening title (to the people, who

would be wary of an absolute dictator).

Revelation 1:17, “Fear not.

I am the first and the last.”

Master of the People

Original Latin:


This title originated well before Julius Caesar, around the year 501 B.C. It

was a type of dictator position for emergency powers. I was not able to

find a record of Julius Caesar or his progeny using this title, perhaps

because the title was later possibly merged with PRAETOR MAXIMUS –

this is relatively speculative though. I was also unable to find a coin with


Caesar did accept many PRAEFECTUS titles though, and the word also

appears in the bible. Perhaps the most comical one bestowed upon him by

the Senate was PRAEFECTUS MORUM (Controller of Morality). It’s

been said that the humor was not lost on the Roman people that their

praefectus morum was an adulterer.

Revelation 1:5, “And from

YShuEa mShyKha …the

head of sovereigns of


Revelation 5:9, “You are

worthy to take the book

and to loosen its seals,

because you were

sacrificed and you bought

us with your blood for

Alha from all the tribes

and nations and


Dictator for Life

This title is one originating with Julius Caesar, and it was printed on coins

bearing his face. Each of the Caesars after Julius served a term that ended

Revelation 1:6, “To him be

glory and auKhdna lEalm

Public Domain Research

Original Latin:


with their death, though not all officially accepted this title, as for example

we can see that Octavian appears to have declined this title. See Princes

and Political Cultures, by Greg Rowe, The Senate, page 49.

Yale University, Coin Gallery, Silver Denarius

Ealmyn [dominion to ages

and ages].”

Revelation 5:13, “And I

heard them saying to him

who sits on the throne and

to the lamb, ‘Blessing and

honor and praise and

auKhdna lEalm Ealmyn [dominion to ages and



Original Latin: PHARAO

When Julius Caesar conquered Egypt and married Cleopatra, he became

Pharaoh. Upon leaving Egypt he gave the ‘ruling authority’ to Cleopatra,

but in principle the ‘right to reign’ was still vested with him.

Octavian was called Pharaoh, as were other Roman emperors. See for

example, Roman Emperor Augustus Named as Egyptian Pharaoh on Philae Victory

Stele, by Archaeology News Network (April, 2010); Roman Period, by Global

Egyptian Museum.

Here’s a coin celebrating Egyptian conquest by Caesar:

Matthew 2:15, “From

Egypt I have called my


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Lawrence University, Roman Coin Catalog #62

Father of the Nation

Original Latin: PATER


Julius Caesar was given this title by the Senate after he was given credit

for ‘ending’ the civil wars in Rome. A few Romans before him had also

received the title.

Later emperors in the Julio-Claudian line received the same title from the

senate. There is no credible record that Caesar Tiberius ever accepted this

title, though it was offered to him.

Lawrence University, Roman Coin Catalog #69

Revelation 5:10, “And you

made them a kingdom

for Alhyn, and as priests

and kings they will reign

on the earth.”

Public Domain Research

Power over all Tribes

Original Latin:


The book Plebs and Princeps (by Zvi Yavetz) emphasizes this is the most

important title and power of the emperor, from a political standpoint.

Origins of this title are “murky” according to scholar Greg Rowe in his

book Princes and Political Cultures, The Senate, page 46. It appears that

this title originated with Octavian around 36 BC, well after Julius’ death.

Before this title, the plebian’s tribune could veto any legislation of

magistrates. When the title was given to Octavian, it meant the plebians

had lost their veto power, and therefore Octavian was a supreme ruler of

Rome in a sense.

It has been written that most emperors' reigns were dated by their

assumption of tribunicia potestas, though some emperors, such as

Tiberius, Titus, Trajan and Marcus Aurelius had already received it during

their predecessor's reign. Marcus Agrippa and Drusus II, though never

emperors, also received tribunicia potestas.

Notably, there were many forms of TRIBUNUS in Rome (military, pleb,


Revelation 13:7, “And it

was given to him to wage

war with the holy and to

conquer them and was

given to him authority

over all ShrbTha [the

tribes] and inhabitants and

languages and peoples.”

Revelation 7:4, “And I

heard the number of the

sealed, one hundred and

forty-four thousand from

all the tribes of Israel.”

Public Domain Research

Lawrence University, Roman Coin Catalog #72

People of Rome

Original Latin: POPULUS


This title was never given to Caesar. It simply means “people of Rome”,

but what is interesting is that this title became an entity and the basis of the

‘corporation’. This title could receive money, make petitions, etc. Scholar

Greg Rowe even points out that the title was “sovereign”. Princes and

Political Cultures, The Senate, page 42.

Head Priest

Original Latin:


This title refers to the Roman high priest. Interestingly, Caesar could

choose to serve directly as PONTIFEX MAXIMUS (and in some cases he

did honorifically, as for example with Tiberius), but it was within his

authority to give this office and its responsibilities to his head priests of


Revelation 1:5-6,

“Yahshua the messiah…

who worked to us a

kingdom priestly lalha

uabuhy [to Alha and his


Revelation 5:10, “And

you made them a

kingdom for Alhyn and

as priests and kings they

will reign on the earth.”

Public Domain Research

Roman Imperial Coinage, Vol 1.

Gematria Alone Remains Inadequate

Because I am working with a lot of historical information, it should come as no surprise that the Roman Caesar occupying Jerusalem

always had some combination of titles totaling 666. Indeed, using the titles above I can find multiple 666 combinations using Roman

titles together with any Emperor’s birth name (e.g., Gaius Julius Germanicus), or his common name (e.g., Caligula), or his accession

name (e.g., Gaius Julius Caesar Augustus Germanicus). 666 is simply that easy to find if you have enough data. So perhaps gematria

does not prove much, or perhaps the one correct answer is hidden in gematria like one coin stacked among millions in a vault.

I think using coins to illustrate is particularly appropriate for this topic because the Book of Revelation 13:17 provides, “…so that no

one could buy or sell again except those who had the mark of the name of the creature or the number of his name.” Note also the

word used in the ancient text of Revelation 6:6 “dynra” – this is a roman coin, so the text suggests a (revived?) roman empire during

the third seal. Interestingly, the current monetary unit in Iraq (Babylon) is called the dinar.

Another interesting bit of information is that Julius Caesar was the first Roman to put his own face on a coin, which followed the

Greek tradition (of the Hellenistic kings). Previously the Romans only put dead rulers on coins, so Julius was unique in this regard as

well. It’s important to note just how much of Rome follows in the Greek tradition - the Latin language, the polytheistic worship, the

governing style, etc. – it’s important because the man in the book of Daniel has a golden head (Babylon), a silver upper body (Persia),

a copper midsection (Greece), iron legs (presumably Rome), and then feet of iron and clay (presumably neo-Roman governance by the

people democratically).

Other theories exist of course.

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Another theory I have is that when the little horn uproots three horns in the future, this is a play on the triumvirate (Julius Caesar,

Pompey, and Crassus).

If this research is useful, then where do we go from here?

As of today (October 27, 2013), I’ll venture there has yet to be a seventh head with these titles who is also occupying a Jerusalem

under Jewish law, and who is also worshipped there as ‘divine’. Therefore, the prophecy appears to remain exactly as John

recorded it in Revelation 17:10: “the other [head] has not yet come.”

Remember that after Julius Caesar conquered Egypt he not only became Pharaoh, the Egyptians called him Pharaoh.

Perhaps when the seventh comes he may take some combination of these titles above totaling 666.

Tracking the history of the “Holy Roman Empire,” it appears that Germany is quite relevant. For example, note that Hitler tried to

become the undisputed ruler of the world as “Kaiser”, a word originating from “Caesar”. Facts like these can be seen as trail-markers

showing the relevance of a theory. The trail-marker is pointing to German history, where we find one of the official locations of the

“Holy Roman Empire” (an empire that spanned the years roughly 962AD – 1806AD).

In my opinion, there is only one human living on earth today, an Englishman with bloodline roots in German and Italy: William

Arthur Philip Louis (the expected future king of England) who is theoretically prepared to accept some combination of the titles above

and to whom most of the western world (POPULUS ROMANUS) would willingly give a leavened ceremony filled with blasphemous

titles upon western military powers killing people (especially “Arabs”).

England was an original Roman colony, and an entire worldwide propaganda campaign has been in force for centuries to demonize

the Hebrew biblical name “Alha” and to claim the crown’s blood lineage back from Britain (‘covenant land’) to “Jesus”. In the

original Hebrew bible, the name of the Father’s kingdom is Alha, written Aleph (A) – Lamed (L) – Hey (H) – Aleph (A). The name

was unchanged in the Aramaic language spoken by the messiah yShuEa (pronounced “Yah-shua” I think), though today in Hebrew it

is often called “Eloha”.

If you are like most Christians and have never actually read the literal gospel before, you might assume “Alha” is referring to “Allah”,

the warlike ‘god’ of the Islamic religion that was concocted about 600 years after Yahshua walked the earth. For your own sake,

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please refrain from such a time-backwards assumption.29

In combating Islam, popular Christianity and Judaism blinded their

adherents to the real name origin of Alha. Today, adherents of popular Christianity and Judaism almost universally react in a negative

way to this Hebrew and Aramaic name (Alha) that appears throughout their own bibles, and which Yahshua himself said repeatedly

in a positively glowing manner while he walked the earth! So, if you haven’t already, please read the literal gospel for yourself to

undo any cookie-cutter prejudices you may harbor here, and to help restore the name Alha to its original Hebrew/Aramaic definition.

Words are real; and authentic names are important.30

Important evidence suggests the human heart speaks Hebrew electromagnetically

29 Some evidence suggests the name/word Alha was adapted by Muslim priests to enforce the worship of one they called “Allah.” Apparently most Muslims agree that the Bible and the Koran point to the same Alhym who guided Abraham. So to gain converts in the area around Judea, Islam simply lifted the name Alha from Hebrew/Christian scriptures and perverted it toward their own new doctrine based on the false teachings of their false prophet Mohammed. Like much of cookie-cutter Christianity and Judaism, Islam is also a religion of hypocrisy and violence throughout history. See e.g.,; former Catholic priest Alberto Rivera provides evidence that early Catholics created Islam in a strategic attempt to create a Jewish enemy and then offer military protection from that danger, in exchange for greater control in Jerusalem.

30 Proverbs 22:1, Ecclesiastes 7:1.

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Why is London Important?

It’s really not difficult to see the Egyptian and Roman connections in England if you look for them, especially if you travel to the City

of London with its Masonic symbolism.

Statuette of Prince Charles ‘the winged god’.

This bronze model was presented by the mayor of a Brazilian town, calling Charles a ‘savior of the world’.

Just like Julius Caesar who allowed a statute of him to be erected with the inscription DEO INVICTO (“Unvanquished God”), Prince

Charles welcomed the above image of him as a winged god in Brazil.

Do we see history potentially repeating itself? This sort of idolatry starts small (like the bronze model) and then it grows -- the Roman

Imperial Cult started with simple statues and speeches praising Julius Caesar, and then it grew into man-god temples after Julius

Caesar’s death, because his adopted son Octavian was fond of self-indulgent blasphemies. Perhaps Prince Charles’s son William will

follow this same tradition if he ever claims to be “king” in Jerusalem! A wealth of research can be found online pointing to the manner

in which the city of London is actually a corporation called “Crown Corporation”, and its church to the God of Babylon (money) is

called Temple Bar.

Perhaps it should also raise an eyebrow that the Queen carries an Egyptian tasseled flail hidden under her arm during the coronation…

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Investiture of Prince Charles (televised worldwide on July 1, 1969)

Standing up from her dragon-adorned throne, Queen Elizabeth gives Charles regalia with the dragon featured on the rod,

ring and sword.

Prince (Princeps) Charles then says, "I, Charles, Prince of Wales, do become your liege man of life and limb and of

earthly worship and faith and truth I will bear unto you to live and die against all manner of folks."

Read all about it in the book by Tim Cohen at pages 198-204.

Latin Spelling on British Coin of IMPERATOR GEORGIUS V

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Queen Victoria named as IMP[ERATOR].

On the other side, George slays a dragon.

To highlight another example, note the message to the assembly of Smyrna in the Book of

Revelation, “So says the first and the last, he who was dead and lives. I know your trial and your

poverty (but you are rich) and the reproach from those who say of themselves Judeans when they are

not Judeans but the assembly of Satan.” Prince William appears to be just another usurper:

o First one = Yahshua. Compare Princeps (first one) William.

o Crown given to Yahshua’s faithful who conqueror. (Rev 2:10-11). Compare William

who wears the British crown and whose name means conqueror. See also Rev 6:2 and


o Note the rich versus poor comparison in Rev 2:9. Obviously William is ‘rich’ on this

earth, while the blessed of Smyrna are poor, but Yahshua is calculated to flip that

paradigm in the future.

o Note that the blessed of Smyrna are thrown in prison, which is a power that a sovereign

like William has. In Britain, he can even do so for people who ‘blaspheme’ his crown.

o He who was dead and lives = Yahshua. Compare the possibility of William fulfilling the prophecy of the beast in Rev

13:3, dying and coming back to life.

o Judean = Yahshua. Compare William who claims to be Judean through the British-Israeli propaganda campaign, while at

the same time William openly participates in occult groups and rituals.

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o Note Rev. 2:11 “second death” is also translated “dragon death”. The symbol for William’s sovereigndom Wales, and

William’s nickname in the Royal Air Force, is the dragon.

o The list goes on if you care to do the research…

Alexander the Great (left) wearing elephant hat and depicted with ram’s horn.

Compare coin minted for Julius Caesar (right) showing his favorite animal, the elephant, with protruding horn.

Prince William receiving an award for promoting his charity, “Tusk”. Notice the charity’s elephant logo emphasizing a little horn of Africa.

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Here is some classical Roman gematria like the above:

Title 1 + Title 2 + Title 3 + Title 4 = Sum

71 = DIVUS (Divine)

109 =


172 =


POPULI (Master of the


314 =




LOUIS (William

Arthur Philip



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And for comparative purposes, here is gematria using the modern English Alphabet of 26-letters:

# Title 1 + Title 2 + Title 3 + Title 4 + Title 5 + Title 6 + Title 7 + Title 8 = Sum

A 311 =





63 =


47 =


95 = SON


60 = HOLY 90 =



- 666

B 311 =





47 =


95 = SON


67 =


146 =





- 666

C 311 =





63 =


95 = SON


51 = ROME 146 =





- 666

D 311 =





47 =


90 =


41 = KING 74 =


52 = POPE 51 = ROME

- 666

E 311 =





95 = SON


67 =


90 =


52 = POPE 51 = ROME


- 666

F 311 =


67 =


90 =


52 = POPE 146 =




- 666

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# Title 1 + Title 2 + Title 3 + Title 4 + Title 5 + Title 6 + Title 7 + Title 8 = Sum





G 86 =


65 =


47 =


95 = SON


52 = POPE 127 =



120 =


74 =


H 86 =


65 =


47 =


95 = SON


52 = POPE 146 =



120 =




I 86 =


67 =


47 =


52 = POPE 74 =


165 =



120 =




J 41 = KING 86 =


95 = SON


90 =


52 = POPE 127 =



120 =




K 86 =


95 = SON


52 = POPE 74 =


165 =



120 =



- 666

But let’s not get carried away and presume these results actually mean anything by themselves. As an example, I can find several

lofty 666 combinations for my own name (obviously I am NOT claiming these titles beyond my name, but simply using them to

illustrate that gematria can easily find 666 with enough data):

Title 1 + Title 2 + Title 3 + Title 4 + Title 5 + Title 6 + Title 7 = Sum

205 =




67 =


41 = KING 60 = HOLY 228 =





- 666

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Using Aramaic gematria, several combinations of the titles for the messiah Yahshua add up to 666 if I cherry-pick results, including

this one:

Title 1 + Title 2 + Title 3 + Title 4 + Title 5 + Title 6 + Title 7 + Title 8


Title 9 Sum

53 =



53 =



125 = rSha



(ruler of

kings of

the earth)

58 =


(son of


93 =



(the first

and the


35 = amra


44 = mrya


134 =




and true)

71 =







Based on the above, I deduct that regardless of which language you apply, gematria alone cannot provide any definitive answer to the

666 question if you are combining names and titles. But personally, I’ll venture the King of England will fulfill some kind of dark

destiny by invading Jerusalem, commanding the temple, and receiving worship as a god, just as his predecessors attempted (e.g.,

Caligula). If/when that happens, gematria will not surprisingly be able to supply all sorts of 666 labels for the interested parties.

I read that 6 is the number of a man, and I reason that 666 is the self-magnification of man. The King of England (or whoever it is)

comes from the people/sea whenever we the people believe in his lies, encourage his commerce, justify his wars, etc. These become

our sins as we support and honor the king’s actions.

British coins featuring the royals’ standard little horn (unicorn’s horn) on the obverse side. Remember the little horn of the Book of Daniel.

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The Second Beast Exercises Caesar’s Religious Authority

There is also another beast from the land,31

which is most likely Catholic Rome, the seat of the self-proclaimed “Holy See”, which is

the institution that has received and currently exercises Caesar’s authority as the Roman high priest, PONTIFEX MAXIMUS. It was

the exact same in ancient Rome -- Caesar could choose to serve as Pontifex Maximus (and in some cases he did honorifically, as for

example with Tiberius), but it was within his authority to give this office and its responsibilities to his head priests of choice.

Pope Leo as PONTIFEX MAXIMUS. It’s right there on the Vatican’s official coins.

31 Revelation 13:11-18, “And I saw another creature coming up from the earth and he had two horns like a lamb and he was speaking as the dragon. And he will exercise all the authority of the first creature before him and he will cause the earth and those who live in it to worship the first creature, whose deadly wound was healed. And he will do great signs, such as, he will make fire to come down from heaven on earth before men. And he will seduce those who are living on the earth by way of the signs that are given to him to do in the presence of the creature, telling those who are living on the earth to make an image for the creature who had the wound of the sword and lived. And it was given to him to give breath to the image of the creature and to cause all who would not worship the image of the creature to be killed, and to cause all, small and great, rich and poor, lords and servants, to be given a mark on their right hands or on their foreheads, so that no one could buy or sell again except those who had the mark of the name of the creature or the number of his name. Here is wisdom. And he who has understanding should count the number of the creature, for it is the number of a man, six hundred and sixty six.”

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"The Pope and God are the same, so he has all power in Heaven and earth." Pope Pius V, quoted in Barclay, Chapter XXVII, p. 218,

"Cities Petrus Bertanous".

There are no shortages of blasphemies in Catholic writings, and many websites on the internet highlight quotes if you prefer sound-

bites. See article. See also here for an interesting and surprising theory that the

doctrine of ‘papal infallibility’ first came through the enemies of popes trying to

claim they were not infallible.

Where might the Roman pope be today without Roman government? It is probably

best said that the roman pontiff lives through the grace of Caesar, and he does not

live in Yahshua.

From YHVH to Yahshua to John, the Book of Revelation predicts the future. What

more can I say?

Perhaps the 666 riddle is partially revealed in this paper somewhere above for

anyone to see. Or maybe not; maybe I’m just as deceived as the next gas guzzler

driving in front of me on the highway. Regardless, I think the journey is just as

important (probably more important) and intertwined with the outcome. And the

chosen people of the Father YHVH do not need the self-proclaimed “Holy See” in

order to see the messiah, but that organization does provide interesting insights.

YHVH’s chosen do not need the self-proclaimed “King of England” to will their inheritance, but we can learn quite a bit from the

history of English sovereignty. If you follow them, the “Holy See” and the “King of England” are probably massive stumbling blocks

to growth and spirituality in YHVH, but if you learn from their examples then I think that’s okay. At times, some of us tend to learn

more from stumbling blocks than from helping hands. I mean, at least the self-proclaimed royals and the Catholic Hierarchy are

interesting in the bigger picture, even if some of them are psychopaths.

As prophesied, anyone on whom Yahshua the cornerstone falls will be crushed (Matthew 21:43-44) when their appointed time comes.

And in the meantime, let us examine the titles we bestow upon ourselves in our own lives. By my universities I am titled with B.A.

and J.D.; in my profession I’m called Attorney and Counselor; and if I am ever given power someday to help reboot nations (either in

a rod of iron/Rome, or with copper to the builders, or walking with feet of iron/Rome and clay/people), I do wonder if I would refuse a

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title like Emperor.32

I am a kind of 666, because 666 = the self-magnification of ANY man, including but not limited to the first six

Caesars, and the seventh who will come and then go to destruction. I think Caesar is a part of us, like the dragon. As far as I know,

only Yahshua was able to say this, “For the ruler of this world/age comes and he does not have anything in me.” John 14:30.

Yahshua was given the cure for the disease, and the cure is trust in YHVH. To seek this solution practically in this moment, read the

gospel in the original language. In that language the Father’s holy spirit of truth is called prqlita (John 14:26), a word that has been

translated “Deliverer”. It can also be translated literally, ‘break the curse’.

TThhee GGoollddeenn RRuullee

‘‘AAllll tthhaatt yyoouu ddeessiirree tthhaatt mmeenn sshhoouulldd ddoo ttoo yyoouu,, ssoo aallssoo ddoo ttoo tthheemm,,

ffoorr tthhiiss iiss tthhee llaaww aanndd tthhee pprroopphheettss..’’ MMaatttthheeww 77::1122

32 I would not even trust myself to become some kind of dictator over people. For example, even if my proposed referenda posted on CAN were to be implemented in the new millennium, I think we humans would somehow find a way to corrupt ourselves and tie new knots around our necks. The best it seems we can do is try to decentralize power structures, encourage local self-sufficiency, promote family values (organic homesteads for everyone), and work tirelessly together to protect the rights and dignity of the innocent and the weak. At best we receive an interesting saga - out of the refiner’s fire, only the remnant is purified.