Latest Textbooks for Engineering Courses

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The Latest Textbooks for Your Engineering Courses from CRC Press

Transcript of Latest Textbooks for Engineering Courses



Clean Tech..............................................................6

Chemical Engineering ............................................7

Systems Engineering ..............................................9

Civil & Environmental Engineering......................11

Electrical & Computer Engineering ......................17

Mechanical Engineering ......................................29

Materials Science..................................................43

Water Science & Engineering ..............................46

Nanoscience & Technology ................................47

Ergonomics, OCH & Industrial Engineering ........48

Math for Engineers ..............................................50

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BiofluidMechanicsThe HumanCirculation, Second EditionKrishnan B. ChandranUniversity of Iowa, Iowa City, USA

Stanley E. RittgersUniversity of Akron, Ohio, USA

Ajit P. YoganathanGeorgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, USA

“… the book provides a good platform in fluidmechanics prior to progressing to the physiologi-cal applications which make it an appropriatetextbook for BME students.”

—Tim McGloughlin, University of Limerick

This classroom-tested text teaches students howfluid mechanics is applied to the study of the humancirculatory system, focusing on the heart and majorarteries. This second edition includes improved fig-ures, additional examples, and more problems at theend of each chapter. It also presents a new chapteron the computational fluid dynamic analysis of thehuman circulation, which reflects the rapidly increas-ing use of computational simulations in research andclinical arenas.

Course Level:Junior-Senior Undergraduate/First-Year GraduatePages: 451 Pub Date: February 2012 Cat no: K12006ISBN: 978-1-4398-4516-5Price: $104.95 / £66.99Ancillary Materials: Solutions manual, figure slide

Selected Contents: FLUID AND SOLID MECHANICS AND CARDIOVASCULAR PHYSIOLOGY:Fundamentals of Fluid Mechanics. Introduction toSolid Mechanics. Cardiovascular Physiology. BIOMECHANICS OF THE HUMAN CIRCULATION:Rheology of Blood and Vascular Mechanics. Staticand Steady Flow Models. Unsteady Flow andNonuniform Geometric Models. Native Heart Valves.CARDIOVASCULAR IMPLANTS, BIOMECHANICALMEASUREMENTS, AND COMPUTATIONAL SIMULA-TIONS: Prosthetic Heart Valve Dynamics. VascularTherapeutic Techniques. Fluid DynamicMeasurement Techniques. Computational FluidDynamic Analysis of the Human Circulation. Index.

Also available as eBook

Basic TransportPhenomena inBiomedicalEngineeringThird EditionRonald L. FournierUniversity of Toledo, USA

Exploring fundamental engineering and life scienceprinciples to uncover key concepts in biomedicalengineering transport phenomena, this text beginswith a review of the basics of thermodynamics. Itthen examines the physical properties of body fluidsand the cell membrane before moving on to theproperties of blood, solute transport, pharmacoki-netic analysis, extracorporeal devices, tissue engi-neering, and bioartificial organs.

• Provides an introductory-level text for students in bioengineering, chemical engineering,mechanical engineering, and the life sciences

• Presents a basic understanding of the theories oftransport in biological systems

• Highlights real-world applications in the development and design of artificial organs,drug delivery systems, and tissue engineering

• Includes numerous examples of the numericalmethods used to solve the problems

• Contains an extensive bibliography, many illustrations, and chapter homework problems

Course Level:Senior Undergraduate/First-Year GraduatePages: 483Pub Date: August 2011Cat no: K11304ISBN: 978-1-4398-2670-6Price: $89.95 / £44.99Ancillary Materials: Solutions manual

Selected Contents: Introduction. A Review ofThermodynamic Concepts. Physical Properties ofthe Body Fluids and the Cell Membrane. ThePhysical and Flow Properties of Blood. SoluteTransport in Biological Systems. PharmacokineticAnalysis. Extracorporeal Devices. TissueEngineering. Bioartificial Organs. Index.

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Coming soon!

A LaboratoryCourse in TissueEngineeringMelissa Kurtis MicouUniversity of California–San Diego,La Jolla, USA

Dawn KilkennyUniversity of Toronto, Ontario,Canada

This hands-on lab manual contains classic TE exper-iments as well as modern TE techniques, emphasiz-ing the importance of engineering analysis, mathe-matical modeling, and statistical design of experi-ments. It includes over 20 stand-alone experimentsthat provide more than a semester’s worth of activ-ities, allowing instructors to customize their courses.Pre-lab and discussion questions are included foreach experiment.

Course Level: Junior-Senior Undergraduate/First-Year GraduatePages: 256Soft CoverPub Date: August 2012Cat no: K13694ISBN: 978-1-4398-7893-4Price: $59.95 / £38.99Ancillary Materials: Solutions manual

Selected Contents: Getting Started in the Lab.Lab Safety. Essential Lab Skills for Tissue Engineers.Isolation of Primary Chondrocytes from BovineArticular Cartilage. Measuring and ModelingGrowth of a Cell Population. Purification of a CellPopulation Using Magnetic Cell Sorting.Decellularized Matrices for Tissue Engineering.Effect of Plating Density on Cell Adhesion toVaried Culture Matrices. Dynamic vs. StaticSeeding of Cells onto Biomaterial Scaffolds. CellPatterning Using Microcontact Printing.Measuring and Modeling the Motility of a CellPopulation Using an Under-Agarose Assay.Characterizing Matrix Remodeling ThroughCollagen Gel Contraction. Effect of SubstrateStiffness on Cell Differentiation. Effect of CultureConfiguration (2D vs. 3D) on MatrixAccumulation. Combining in silico and in vitroTechniques to Engineer Pluripotent Stem Cell Fate.The Fahraeus-Lindqvist Effect: UsingMicrochannels to Observe Small VesselHemodynamics. Examining Single Cell MechanicsUsing a Microfluidic Micropipette AspirationSystem. Contribution of Tissue Composition toBone Material Properties. TechnicalCommunication: Presenting Your Findings. Also available as eBook


Analysis andApplication ofAnalogElectronicCircuits toBiomedicalInstrumentationSecond EditionRobert B. NorthropUniversity of Connecticut, Storrs, USA

This book helps students understand and design sig-nal conditioning systems using analog integratedcircuits. It explains the electronic components andsubsystems—the “building blocks”—that are usedin ECG, EEG, EMG, ERG, tomographic images, bio-chemical spectrograms, and other crucial medicalapplications. Substantially updated and revised withnew problems and a glossary, this second editionalso includes three new chapters that address wire-less patient monitoring using UHF telemetry; poweramplifiers and their applications to biomedicalinstruments; and RFID, GPS, and ultrasonic tagsused in ecological research.

Course Level: Senior Undergraduate/First-YearGraduate Pages: 578Pub Date:March 2012Cat no: K12982ISBN: 978-1-4398-6669-6Price: $119.95 / £76.99Ancillary Materials: Solutions manual

Selected Contents: Sources and Properties ofBiomedical Signals. Properties and Models ofSemiconductor Devices Used in Analog ElectronicSystems. The Differential Amplifier. GeneralProperties of Electronic, Single-Loop FeedbackSystems. Feedback, Frequency Response, andAmplifier Stability. Operational Amplifiers andComparators. Introduction to Analog Active Filters.Instrumentation and Medical Isolation Amplifiers.Noise and the Design of Low-Noise SignalConditioning Systems for Biomedical Applications.Digital Interfaces. Modulation and Demodulationof Biomedical Signals. Power Amplifiers and TheirApplications in Biomedicine. Wireless PatientMonitoring. RFID Tags, GPS Tags, and UltrasonicTags Used in Ecological Research. Examples ofSpecial Analog Circuits and Systems Used inBiomedical Instrumentation. Appendix. Glossary.Bibliography and Recommended Reading.

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Design ofBiomedicalDevices andSystemsSecond EditionRichard C. FriesBaxter Healthcare, Round Lake,Illinois, USA

Paul KingVanderbilt University, Nashville, Tennessee, USA

The second edition of this bestseller provides a com-prehensive overview of biomedical device and sys-tem design from a strong design perspective, cover-ing topics related to databases, process analysis, anddevice improvement. It addresses all aspects ofdesign that must be considered for complex bio-medical projects. With each chapter updated toreflect advances in the field, this second edition fea-tures information on device definition and reliabilityas well as testing and hardware verification. Itexplains the need for documentation techniquesand requirements in the generation of a designteam, discusses the legal ramifications of medicaldevice development and failure, and summarizeskey ways to protect intellectual property.

Course Level: Senior Undergraduate/First-YearGraduate Pages: 424Pub Date: August 2008Cat no: 61798ISBN: 978-1-4200-6179-6Price: $129.95 / £82.99Ancillary Materials: Solutions manual

Selected Contents: Introduction to BiomedicalEngineering Design. Fundamental Design Tools.Design Team Management, Reporting, andDocumentation. Product Definition. ProductDocumentation. Product Development.Hardware Development Methods and Tools.Software Development Methods and Tools.Human Factors. Industrial Design. Biomaterialsand Material Testing. Safety Engineering: Devicesand Processes. Testing. Analysis of Test Data.Reliability and Liability. Food and DrugAdministration. Regulations and Standards.Licensing, Patents, Copyrights, and TradeSecrets. Manufacturing and Quality Control.Miscellaneous Issues. Product Issues. ProfessionalIssues. Design Case Studies. Future Design Issues.

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BiotechnologyFundamentalsFirdos Alam KhanManipal University, Dubai,United Arab Emirates

This textbook discusses the fundamentals and latestdevelopments, including stem cell research,cloning, biofuel, transgenic plants, genetically mod-ified food or crops, pharmacogenomics, and nano-biotechnology. It includes definitions, historical per-spectives, time lines, major discoveries, careerprospects, ethical issues, and future trends.Incorporating extensive pedagogy into the content,the author provides examples, end-of-chapter prob-lems, case studies, and laboratory tutorials.

• Includes information on current research trends

• Covers novel medical genetics topics, such asintra-uterine insemination

• Gives examples of the process of biotech product development

• Examines ethical issues within biotechnologyresearch and product development, such asembryonic stem cells, cloning, gene therapy, andGM crops

• Contains learning objectives in each chapter,problems, lab assignments, and references

• Suggests field trips that can be used to applyand better understand concepts

Course Level: Undergraduate Pages: 608Pub Date: September 2011Cat no: K11059ISBN: 978-1-4398-2009-4Price: $89.95 / £48.99Ancillary Materials: Solutions manual,PowerPoint slides, figure slides

Selected Contents: Introduction toBiotechnology. Genes and Genomics. Proteinsand Proteomics. Recombinant DNA Technology.Microbial Biotechnology. AgriculturalBiotechnology. Animal Biotechnology.Environmental Biotechnology. MedicalBiotechnology. Nanobiotechnology. ProductDevelopment in Biotechnology. IndustrialBiotechnology. Ethics in Biotechnology. Careersin Biotechnology. Laboratory Tutorials. Glossary.

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Clean Tech

Introduction to BiofuelsDavid M. MousdaleBeocarta Ltd., Glasgow, Scotland

Providing complete coverageof biofuels, this textbook dis-cusses the multidisciplinarystudy of bioenergy and thepotential for replacing fossil fuels in the comingdecades. With numerous examples throughout, thebook explores key technologies, including biotech-nology and genetic reprogramming of microorgan-isms. The author also examines the future of chem-istry from a broad perspective, addressing the eco-nomic, social, and environmental issues that areextremely important to any study of bioenergy as aroute to sustainable development.

Course Level: Undergraduate Pages: 455Pub Date: July 2010Cat no: K10607ISBN: 978-1-4398-1207-5Price: $125.95 / £80.99

Introduction to RenewableEnergyVaughn NelsonWest Texas A&M University,Canyon, USA

This textbook focuses onenergy sources, resourceassessment, and applications.It discusses large and small systems for the genera-tion of electricity, including village power. It alsoexamines policies, legislation, regulations, environ-mental issues, and economic analyses of the differ-ent renewable energies.

Course Level:Undergraduate/Graduate/ProfessionalPages: 408Pub Date: April 2011Cat no: K11553ISBN: 978-1-4398-3449-7Price: $99.95 / £63.99Ancillary Materials: Solutions manual,PowerPoint slides

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Biomass toRenewableEnergy ProcessesEdited by

Jay ChengNorth Carolina State University,Raleigh, USA

“This volume is a major achievement for its cover-age of the production and implementation of bio-logically based resources, and related principlesand technologies. Cheng is an expert in biopro-cessing and environmental engineering …Summing Up: Recommended.”

—CHOICE, June 2010

Course Level: Undergraduate Pages: 517Pub Date: December 2009Cat no: 9517XISBN: 978-1-4200-9517-3Price: $107.95 / £69.99Ancillary Materials: Solutions manual

Also available as eBook

Principles ofSustainableEnergyFrank KreithUniversity of Colorado, Boulder,USA (retired)

an F. KreiderKreider & Associates, Boulder,Colorado, USA

“… combines the expertise earned from decades of practical and scholarly research with the mostup-to-date analysis of the energy scene.”

—Dan E. Arvizu, Alliance for Sustainable Energy andNational Renewable Energy Laboratory

Course Level: UndergraduatePages: 895Pub Date: December 2010Cat no: K10742ISBN: 978-1-4398-1407-9Price: $125.95 / £80.99Ancillary Materials: Solutions manual, lectureslides, figure slides

Also available as eBook


Chemical Engineering

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BatchDistillationSimulation, OptimalDesign, and Control,Second EditionUrmila DiwekarVishwamitra Research Institute,Clarendon Hills, Illinois, USA

Helping students gain a solid, hands-on backgroundin batch processing, the second edition of this best-seller features special sections on complex columnconfigurations and azeotropic, extractive, and reac-tive distillation. It also includes a new chapter onvarious kinds of uncertainties in batch distillationand a new chapter describing software packages forsimulation, design, optimization, and control.

• Details various operating modes as well as newconfigurations in batch distillation design andoperation

• Examines the challenges involved in a rigorousmodeling of batch distillation column dynamics

• Provides a hierarchy of models of varying complexity and rigor

• Presents approaches for the optimal design ofbatch distillation columns

• Compares batch distillation columns and continuous columns

• Illustrates control problems in batch distillation

• Discusses the analysis and synthesis of columnswith complex thermodynamics and complex,unconventional column configurations

• Includes many examples and homework problems

Course Level: SeniorUndergraduate/Graduate/ProfessionalPages: 400Pub Date: December 2011Cat no: K12825ISBN: 978-1-4398-6122-6Price: $159.95 / £99.00Ancillary Materials: Solutions manual, figure slides

Selected Contents: Introduction. Basic Modesof Operation. Column Dynamics. SimplifiedModels. Optimization. Complex Columns.Complex Systems. Batch Distillation Control.Consideration of Uncertainty. Batch DistillationSoftware Programs. Index.

Also available as eBookNot available for sale in Canada

ComputerMethods inChemicalEngineeringNayef GhasemUnited Arab Emirates University,Al-Ain

This text teaches how to solvecommon chemical engineer-ing unit operations. It covers chemical engineeringthermodynamics, fluid mechanics, material andenergy balances, mass transfer operations, reactordesign, and computer applications in chemicalengineering. Each chapter contains a theoreticaldescription of process units followed by numerousexamples that are solved step by step via hand cal-culations and computer simulation usingHysys/Unisim, PRO/II, Aspen Plus, and SuperProDesigner.

• Combines theory, hand calculations, and resultsobtained from software packages

• Helps students solve realistic problems andexplore alternatives that are inaccessible via handcalculations

• Covers many applications in chemical engineering, including fluid flow, reactor design,heat exchangers, distillation, absorption, andextraction

• Shows how to solve systems of equations usingPOLYMATH, E-Z Solve, Simulink, and gPROMS

• Teaches how to generate correlations for experimental data with Excel, SigmaPlot, andSYSTAT

• Explains how to complete a Gantt chart usingMicrosoft Visio

• Includes problems and references at the end ofeach chapter

Course Level: Undergraduate/First-Year GraduatePages: 523Soft Cover Pub Date: August 2011Cat no: K12271ISBN: 978-1-4398-4999-6Price: $69.95 / £44.99Ancillary Materials: Solutions manual,PowerPoint slides, figure slides

Selected Contents: Thermodynamics and Fluid-Phase Equilibria. Fluid Flow in Pipes, Pumps, andCompressors. Material and Energy Balance. Shelland Tube Heat Exchangers. Reactor Design.Distillation Column. Gas Absorption. Liquid–LiquidExtraction. Process Simulation. Appendices. Index.

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Chemical Engineering


Introduction toProcess ControlSecond EditionJose A. RomagnoliLouisiana State University, Baton Rouge, USA

Ahmet PalazogluUniversity of California, Davis, USA

“This book contains the essential material for a firstcourse on process control at an elementary leveland I highly recommend it to instructors who[teach this] course at this level.”

—Mehmet C. Camurdan, Bogaziçi University

This classroom-tested text provides a bridgebetween the traditional view of process control andthe current, expanded role by blending convention-al topics with a broader perspective of more inte-grated process operation, control, and informationsystems. Addressing issues in today’s teaching ofprocess control, this second edition updates andexpands the content of its predecessor with 50 per-cent more exercises and many application examplesof control problems.

• Offers unique perspectives on contemporaryprocess control

• Contains many innovative teaching and learningprinciples

• Presents application examples of control problems, including regulatory control of continuous processes, advanced control configurations, and operations involving a number of sequences in conjunction with conventional regulatory loops

• Incorporates an extended list of new exercises

Course Level: SeniorUndergraduate/Graduate/ProfessionalPages: 643Pub Date: February 2012Cat no: K12554ISBN: 978-1-4398-5486-0Price: $149.95 / £95.00Ancillary Materials: Solutions manual, figureslides, online MATLAB® toolboxes and simulationexamples

Selected Contents: Introduction. Modeling forControl. Process Analysis. Feedback Control.Model-Based Control. Multivariable Control.Control in Modern Manufacturing. Appendices.Index.

Also available as eBook

Principles ofChemicalEngineeringProcessesNayef GhasemUnited Arab Emirates University,Al-AinRedhouane HendaLaurentian University, Sudbury, Ontario, Canada

Written in a clear, concise style, this text provides anintroduction to chemical process principles. It meetsthe needs of advanced undergraduates withdetailed information on materials and energy bal-ances that arise in connection to chemical reactions.The book includes wide coverage across the biome-chanical and electromechanical fields and intro-duces the numerical methods used to solve equa-tions fundamental to more advanced topics.

• Uses simple, concise language suitable for anintroductory-level course

• Discusses calculations of potential, internal, kinetic, and enthalpy changes

• Reviews biochemical and electrochemical fields

• Contains end-of-chapter problems, examples,and case studies

Course Level: UndergraduatePages: 400Pub Date: September 2008Cat no: 8013XISBN: 978-1-4200-8013-1Price: $107.95 / £69.99Ancillary Materials: Solutions manual, CD with software and exercises

Selected Contents: Introduction. Process Unitsand Degrees of Freedom Analysis. MaterialBalance in Single Unit Processes. Multiple-UnitProcess Calculations. Material Balances inReactive Processes. Multiple Systems InvolveReaction, Recycle, and Purge. Energy Balancewithout Reaction. Energy Balances with Reaction.Combined Material and Energy Balances.Unsteady-State Material and Energy Balances.Appendix. Index.

Also available as eBook


Systems Engineering

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Design ofEnterpriseSystemsTheory, Architecture,and MethodsRonald E. GiachettiFlorida International University,Miami, USA

This text provides students with the knowledge andskills necessary to lead enterprise engineering proj-ects. The author describes a systematic methodolo-gy to design an enterprise system and presents anenterprise architecture that has three views ofprocess, information, and organization. The textincludes methods to analyze and design each viewand then demonstrates how to integrate them toarrive at the overall enterprise design.

• Focuses on enterprise engineering, with explanations of best practices and examples foreach technique

• Describes a systematic methodology for designing an enterprise system

• Presents an enterprise design project and a deliverable in each chapter to illustrate how theconcepts are applied in practice

• Supplies a software application called theBusiness Process Analyzer that implements aqueueing network model to estimate the cycletime, throughput rate, and waiting time of business processes

Course Level: Undergraduate/First-Year GraduatePages: 447Pub Date: January 2010Cat no: K10955ISBN: 978-1-4398-1823-7Price: $104.95 / £66.99Ancillary Materials: Solutions manual,PowerPoint slides, student projects, quiz questions,software, templates, checklists

Selected Contents: Enterprise Engineering.Systems Theory. Modeling Concepts. EnterpriseDesign Methodology. Enterprise Architecture.Enterprise Analysis and Design Methodology.Strategy. Problem Formulation andRequirements. Generate and EvaluateAlternatives. Process Modeling. QueueingTheory. Process Analysis. Process Design.Information Modeling. Organization Modeling.Enterprise Integration Technology.

Also available as eBook

SystemsArchitectingA BusinessPerspectiveGerrit MullerEmbedded System Institute, The Netherlands

Focusing on systems architecting for business enter-prises, this practical, scenario-driven guide is derivedfrom industry-training classes taught by the authorat the Embedded Systems Institute in Norway.Suitable for graduate students and practicing engi-neers in the industry, the book places the processesof systems architecting in a broader context by jux-taposing the relationship of the systems architectwith enterprise and management. The text is writ-ten in an approachable style with end-of-chapterexercises.

• Presents a practical, scenario-driven guide to systems architecting for business organizations

• Places the processes of systems architecting in a broader context by discussing the relationshipof the systems architect to enterprise and management

• Includes information resources on systems architecting

• Contains case studies and homework problems

Course Level: Graduate/ProfessionalPages: 263Pub Date: September 2011Cat no: K12115ISBN: 978-1-4398-4762-6Price: $89.95 / £57.99Ancillary Materials: Solutions manual,PowerPoint slides, figure slides

Selected Contents: Process and Organization.Role and Task of the Systems Architect. FromCustomer Understanding to Requirements.Systems Architect Methods and Means. Strategy.Harvesting Synergy, Product Families. SupportingProcesses. Systems and Software. BoardroomPresentation. Human Side. Reflection and Wrap-Up. References. Pictorial Index.

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Systems Engineering

Modeling andControl ofEngineeringSystemsClarence W. de SilvaUniversity of British Columbia,Vancouver, Canada

This text provides a unified treatment of the model-ing of mechanical, electrical, fluid, and thermal sys-tems. It then systematically covers conventional,advanced, and intelligent control, instrumentation,experimentation, and design.

• Takes an integrated approach to modeling multidomain systems that draws from equivalentcircuits, Thevenin’s theorem, and linear (line)graphs

• Describes conventional and popular controltechniques both in time domain and frequencydomain

• Covers intelligent control techniques, such asfuzzy logic control

• Presents important aspects of laboratory experimentation, including control system instrumentation

• Discusses the use of MATLAB®, Simulink®,LabVIEW™, and the associated toolboxes

• Summarizes key concepts and formulas in windows, tables, and lists for easy reference

• Includes a large number of real-world examples • Contains numerous problems and exercises,most of which are based on practical situationsand applications

Course Level: UndergraduatePages: 796Pub Date: August 2009Cat no: 76868ISBN: 978-1-4200-7686-8Price: $129.95 / £82.99Ancillary Materials: Solutions manual, online teaching aids

Selected Contents: Modeling and Control ofEngineering Systems. Modeling of DynamicSystems. Model Linearization. Linear Graphs.Transfer-Function and Frequency-DomainModels. Response Analysis and Simulation.Control System Structure and Performance.Stability and Root Locus Method. ControllerDesign and Tuning. Digital Control. AdvancedControl. Control System Instrumentation.Appendices. Index.

The Art ofSystemsArchitectingThird EditionMark W. MaierAerospace Corporation,Chantilly, Virginia, USA

Extensively revised, the third edition of this best-selling text explains how to create a system fromscratch, presenting invention/design rules togetherwith clear explanations of how to use them. Theauthor supplies practical guidelines for avoidingcommon systematic failures while implementingnew mandates. He uses a heuristics-basedapproach that provides an organized attack on veryill-structured engineering problems. Examiningarchitecture as more than a set of diagrams anddocuments, the book looks at architecture as a setof decisions that either drive a system to success ordoom it to failure. It provides methods for integrat-ing business strategy with technical architecturaldecision making.

Course Level: Graduate/ProfessionalPages: 472Pub Date: January 2009Cat no: 79131ISBN: 978-1-4200-7913-5Price: $107.95 / £69.99

Selected Contents: INTRODUCTION: Extendingthe Architecting Paradigm. Heuristics as Tools.NEW DOMAINS, NEW INSIGHTS: Case Study:DC-3. Builder-Architected Systems. Case Study:Mass and Lean Production. ManufacturingSystems. Case Study: Intelligent TransportationSystems. Social Systems. Case Study: Hierarchicalto Layered Systems. Software and InformationTechnology Systems. Case Study: The GlobalPositioning System. Collaborative Systems. MODELS AND MODELING: RepresentationModels and Systems Architecting. DesignProgression in Systems Architecting. IntegratedModeling Methodologies. ArchitectureFrameworks. THE SYSTEMS ARCHITECTING PROFESSION: Architecting in Business andGovernment. The Political Process and SystemsArchitecting. The Professionalization of SystemsArchitecting. Appendices. Reference TextsSuggested for Institutional Libraries. Glossary.

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Civil & Environmental Engineering

EnvironmentalToxicologyBiological andHealth Effects of Pollutants, Third EditionMing-Ho YuWestern Washington University,Bellingham, USA

Humio TsunodaIwate Medical University, Japan

Masashi TsunodaKitasato University School of Medicine, Sagamihara, Japan

This book discusses the sources, metabolism, anddamage process of toxicants; factors that may influ-ence toxicity; and natural defense systems. It focuseson the chemical and biological characteristics ofmajor pollutants and addresses their relationship withendocrine disruption and environmental cancer.

• Covers the sources, chemistry, and effects ofenvironmental toxicants in animals, plants, andhumans

• Examines known environmental causes of cancer,the classification of carcinogens, metabolism ofchemical carcinogens, and DNA repair

• Discusses environmental fluoride—its occurrencesand forms, sources, problems in developingeconomies, and biochemical effects

• Reviews endocrine disruption and mutagenicpollutants

• Provides a new chapter on occupational toxicology written by Drs. Humio Tsunoda andMasashi Tsunoda

• Includes more than 100 illustrations, referencesfor further reading, and end-of-chapter reviewquestions

Course Level: Junior-SeniorUndergraduate/Graduate/ProfessionalPages: 397Pub Date: November 2011Cat no: K11871ISBN: 978-1-4398-4038-2Price: $109.95 / £63.99Ancillary Materials: Solutions manual

Selected Contents: Environmental Changes andHealth. Occurrence of Toxicants. Toxic Action ofPollutants. Factors Affecting Xenobiotic Action.Biotransformation: Metabolism of Xenobiotics.Responses to Environmental Toxicants. AirPollution: Inorganic Gases. Air Pollution:Particulate Matter. Environmental Fluoride. ...

Also available as eBook


Principles ofEcotoxicologyFourth EditionC.H. Walker, R.M. Sibly,S.P. Hopkin, and D.B. Peakall“An excellent fresh edition to one of the best eco-toxicology textbooks. Authored by some of the bestscientists in the field, it deserves a place on thebookshelf of any serious environmental scientist.”

—Michael C. Newman, College of William & Mary

This new edition of a bestseller describes the majorclasses of pollutants and discusses their effects on liv-ing organisms and the whole ecosystem. Updatedthroughout, this edition includes a new chapter onfuture prospects for ecotoxicology, information onnanoparticle pollution, new case studies, andexpanded coverage of bioaccumulation, biomark-ers, and risk assessment.

Course Level: Junior-SeniorUndergraduate/Graduate/ProfessionalPages: 386Soft Cover Pub Date:March 2012Cat no: K12907ISBN: 978-1-4398-6266-7Price: $89.95 / £36.99Ancillary Materials: Figure slides

Selected Contents: Introduction. Pollutantsand Their Fate in Ecosystems: Major Classes ofPollutants. Routes by Which Pollutants EnterEcosystems. Long-Range Movements and GlobalTransport of Pollutants. The Fate of Metals andRadioactive Isotopes in Contaminated Ecosystems.Fates of Organic Pollutants in Individuals and inEcosystems. Effects of Pollutants on IndividualOrganisms: Testing for Ecotoxicity. BiochemicalEffects of Pollutants. Physiological Effects ofPollutants. Interactive Effects of Pollutants.Biomarkers. In Situ Biological Monitoring. Effectsof Pollutants on Populations and Communities:Changes in Numbers: Population Dynamics.Evolution of Resistance to Pollution. Changes inCommunities and Ecosystems. Extrapolating fromMolecular Interactions to Consequent Effects atPopulation Level. Biomarkers in PopulationStudies. Ecotoxicology: Looking to the Future.Glossary. Bibliography. Index.

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Civil & Environmental Engineering


Craig’s SoilMechanicsEighth EditionJ.A. Knappett and R.F. CraigUniversity of Dundee, Scotland, UK

“Jonathan Knappett isbreathing a fresh lease of lifeinto this old favourite with several new slants … a‘must consult’ textbook.”

—Edward Bromhead, Kingston University, UK

“I would highly recommend this as one of thefinest textbooks on the topic of soil mechanics.”

—Gregory Ohrn, Northern Arizona University,

“This valuable textbook is highly recommended tostudents, engineers, and educators in the field ofgeotechnical engineering.”

—Mehrdad Razavi, New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology

New to the Eight Edition

• Rewritten throughout in line with Eurocode 7,with reference to other international standards

• Restructured into two major sections dealingwith the basic concepts and theories in soilmechanics and the application of these conceptswithin geotechnical engineering design

• New topics: limit analysis techniques, in situ testing, and foundation systems

• Additional material on seepage, soil stiffness, thecritical state concept, and foundation design

• Enhanced pedagogy, including a comprehensiveglossary, learning outcomes, summaries, andvisual examples of real-life engineering equipment

Course Level: Undergraduate/First-Year GraduatePages: 584Soft Cover Pub Date: February 2012Cat no: Y105176ISBN: 978-0-415-56126-6Price: $59.95 / £32.99Ancillary Materials: Companion website with solutions manual, data sets, figure slides, glossaryflashcards, spreadsheet tools, extended case studies,useful web links

Selected Contents: Basic Characteristics of Soils.Seepage. Effective Stress. Consolidation. SoilBehaviour in Shear. Ground Investigation. In SituTesting. Shallow Foundations. Deep Foundations.Advanced Foundation Topics. RetainingStructures. Stability of Self-Supporting SoilMasses. Illustrative Cases.


CoastalEngineeringProcesses, Theoryand Design Practice,Second EditionDominic ReeveUniversity of Swansea, Wales, UK

Andrew ChadwickUniversity of Plymouth, UK

Christopher FlemingHalcrow Group Ltd.

Praise for the Previous Edition:

“The extent of coverage is impressive. As well asbeing a useful reference book in its own right, it isextremely useful to have a single starting-point forgraduates … the book is well structured and easyto use.”

—S. Sinclair, Maritime Engineering

This second edition brings the models and examplesof practice up to date. It expands the coverage oftsunamis and generating energy from waves tofocus on both the dangers and opportunities thatthe ocean presents to the coastal zone. The text pro-vides engineering students with a thorough intro-duction to all aspects of coastal processes, morphol-ogy, and design of coastal defenses.

• Views the subject from a practical angle, including numerous case studies to illustrate the successful application of mathematical modeling to real-world practice

• Offers expanded coverage of tsunamis and waveforces

• Updates all material to reflect current practice

• Includes more illustrations and examples

Course Level: Undergraduate/GraduatePages: 552Soft Cover Pub Date: December 2011Cat no: Y108969ISBN: 978-0-415-58353-4Price: $59.95 / £36.99

Selected Contents: Wind Waves. Design WaveSpecification. Coastal Water Level Variations.Coastal Zone Processes. Coastal Morphology:Analysis, Modelling and Prediction. Design,Reliability and Risk. Field Surveys and PhysicalModels. Conceptual and Detailed Design.Renewable Energy. Dredging and Ports.References. Appendices.


Civil & Environmental Engineering

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ConstructionMaterialsTheir Nature and Behaviour,Fourth EditionEdited by

Peter DomoneUniversity College London, UK

John IllstonRetired Engineer, UK

“A textbook such as this will not only be useful as a reference book for a number of … courses, butwill also be helpful in providing a unified perspectiveto students learning about materials under theseconditions.”

—D. Gunaratnam, Architectural Science Review

The twenty-first century has brought much growthin our understanding of materials’ behavior and intheir technology and use. This new edition beenexpanded to cover recent developments, such asthe use of glass as a structural material. It also exam-ines the contribution that material selection makesto sustainable construction practice, considering theavailability of raw materials, production, recycling,and reuse. Maintaining previous editions’ accessibleformat, the text starts with fundamental principlesand continues with each of the major groups ofmaterials, including metals, concrete, ceramics,polymers, fiber composites, bituminous materials,timber, and glass.

• Includes a new section on glass and new sectionon the selection of materials and environmentaland sustainability issues

• Provides a new chapter in each section on recycling

Course Level: Undergraduate/ GraduatePages: 584Soft Cover Pub Date:May 2010Cat no: RU54644ISBN: 978-0-415-46516-8Price: $62.95 / £35.00

Selected Contents: Fundamentals. Metals andAlloys. Concrete. Bituminous Materials. Masonry:Brickwork and Blockwork. Glass. Polymers. FibreComposites. Timber. Selection, Use andSustainability Issues.

Introduction to TunnelConstructionDavid Chapman and Nicole MetjeUniversity of Birmingham, UK

Alfred StärkBeton- und Monierbau mbH, Austria

“Invaluable to recently graduated engineers anduniversity students … A comprehensive work thatcould well become the standard introductory textfor early stage tunnellers, and could attract moreengineers into tunnelling. As such, it should beheavily promoted.”

—World Tunnelling

Tunneling provides a robust solution to a variety ofengineering challenges. But it is a complex processthat requires a firm understanding of the groundconditions as well as structural issues. This book cov-ers the whole range of information that tunnel engi-neers need to know. Coverage includes hard-rockand soft-ground conditions; site investigation,parameter selection, and design considerations;methods for improving the stability of the groundand lining techniques; health and safety considera-tions; and monitoring of tunnels during construc-tion. It also includes a number of case studies of realtunnel projects to demonstrate how the theoriesapply in practice.

• Offers a unique introduction to tunneling forengineering students

• Combines principles with practice

• Includes case studies of recent tunnel projects

Course Level: Graduate/ProfessionalPages: 416Soft Cover Pub Date:May 2010Cat no: RU54384ISBN: 978-0-415-46842-8Price: $74.95 / £39.99

Selected Contents: Introduction to Tunneling.Site Investigation and Laboratory and FieldTesting. Tunneling Techniques. Tunneling DesignIssues. Modeling. Monitoring. Case Studies.Summary of Key Aspects. Bibliography.

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Civil & Environmental Engineering


Introduction toSystems EcologySven Erik JorgensenCopenhagen University,Denmark

Using quantitative methods to understand how eco-logical systems operate and influence each other,this textbook presents a complete and practicallyapplicable ecosystems theory that offers a generalframe of reference for ecological disciplines. Thebook is built on fourteen principles for ecologicalsystems, including the general application of ener-getics principles in systems ecology. The text pro-vides students with a thorough understanding ofhow ecosystems work and how they react to distur-bances such as pollution. It summarizes importantpoints at the end of each chapter, includes plenty ofexamples and exercises, and contains many illustra-tions, some in color.

Course Level: Junior-Senior Undergraduate/First-Year GraduatePages: 360Pub Date: April 2012Cat no: K12561ISBN: 978-1-4398-5501-0Price: $99.95 / £63.99Ancillary Materials: Solutions manual,PowerPoint slides, figure slides

Selected Contents: System Ecology: AnEcological Discipline. Conservation of Energy andMatter. Ecosystems: Growth and Development.Irreversibility and Order: The Second and ThirdLaws of Thermodynamics. The Biochemistry ofEcosystems. The Thermodynamic Interpretationof Ecosystem Growth and Development. TheEcological Law of Thermodynamics. EcosystemsAre Open Systems. Ecosystems Have aHierarchical Organization. Ecosystems Have aHigh Diversity. Ecosystems Have a High BufferCapacity. The Components of Ecosystems FormEcological Networks. Ecosystems Have a VeryHigh Content of Information. Ecosystems HaveEmerging Holistic System Properties. Applicationof System Ecology in Ecological Subdisciplinesand Environmental Management. References.Appendix. Index.


Reinforced andPrestressedConcrete Designto EC2The Complete Process, Second EditionEugene O’BrienUniversity College, Dublin, Ireland

Andrew DixonConsulting Civil and Structural Engineer, Ireland

Emma SheilsUniversity College, Dublin, Ireland

Fully revised to Eurocode 2, this second editionretains the original’s emphasis on qualitative under-standing of the overall behavior of concrete struc-tures. With a new chapter dedicated to case studies,worked examples, and exercise examples, it is aneven more comprehensive guide to conceptualdesign, analysis, and detailed design of concretestructures. The book provides civil and structuralengineering students with complete coverage of theanalysis and design of reinforced and prestressedconcrete structures.

• Updated to Eurocode 2

• Covers the whole process of structural analysisand design of concrete

• Contains multiple case studies and examples toguide students through the design process

Course Level: Undergraduate/ GraduatePages: 536Soft Cover Pub Date: January 2012Cat no: Y106943ISBN: 978-0-415-57195-1Price: $59.95 / £34.99

Selected Contents: Structural Loading andQualitative Design: Fundamentals of QualitativeDesign. Basic Layout of Concrete. Loads andLoad Effects. Preliminary Analysis and Design:Fundamentals of Structural Analysis. Applicationsof Structural Analysis to Concrete Structures.Preliminary Sizing of Members. Case Studies.Detailed Member Design: Design of ReinforcedConcrete Members for Bending. Design ofPrestressed Concrete Members for Bending.Combined Axial Force and Bending of ReinforcedConcrete Members. Design for Shear andTorsion. Appendices.

Civil & Environmental Engineering

GeomaticsEngineeringA Practical Guide to Project DesignClement A. OgajaCalifornia State University,Fresno, USA

This nuts-and-bolts resource examines key compo-nents and aspects of land surveying and geomaticsprojects. The text guides students through the proj-ect design and proposal process commonly usedfor soliciting professional geomatics engineeringservices. It also addresses professional and ethicalresponsibility and other issues.

Course Level: Senior Undergraduate/First-YearGraduatePages: 296Pub Date: September 2010Cat no: K10904ISBN: 978-1-4398-1743-8Price: $104.95 / £66.99

Also available as eBook

Elements ofEnvironmentalEngineeringThermodynamics and Kinetics, Third EditionKalliat T. ValsarajLouisiana State University, Baton Rouge, USA

Along new problems and examples, this third editionnow explores green chemistry and engineering, pol-lution prevention, and global climate change. Thebook gives students the ability to make chemicalproperty estimations with only a limited chemistrybackground.

Course Level: Junior-Senior Undergraduate/First-Year GraduatePages: 484Pub Date: June 2009Cat no: 78194ISBN: 978-1-4200-7819-0Price: $107.95 / £69.99Ancillary Materials: Solutions manual


Introduction to StructuralAnalysisDisplacement andForce MethodsS.T. MauCalifornia State University,Northridge, USA

Acknowledging that virtually all computer structuralanalysis programs are based on the matrix displace-ment method of analysis, this text begins with thedisplacement method and then introduces the forcemethod of analysis. It shows how these methods areapplied, particularly to trusses, beams, and rigidframes, and includes more than 500 illustrations.

• Bridges the gap between what is traditionallytaught in classrooms and what is actually practiced in engineering firms

• Covers influence lines, nonprismatic members,composite structures, secondary stress analysis,and limits of linear and static structural analysis

• Integrates classical and modern methodologiesin problem solving, including computer analysisof structures

• Explains complicated analysis using simplifiedmethods and numerous examples

• Provides an understanding of the underlyingmethodologies of finite element analysis

• Includes a matrix operations tutorial and supplementary review notes as appendices

Course Level: Junior-Senior UndergraduatePages: c. 328Pub Date:May 2012Cat no: K14511ISBN: 978-1-4665-0416-5Price: $129.95 / £82.00Ancillary Materials: Solutions manual, figure slides

Selected Contents: Truss Analysis: MatrixDisplacement Method. Truss Analysis: ForceMethod—Part I. Truss Analysis: Force Method—Part II. Beam and Frame Analysis: ForceMethod—Part I. Beam and Frame Analysis: ForceMethod—Part II. Beam and Frame Analysis: ForceMethod—Part III. Beam and Frame Analysis:Displacement Method—Part I. Beam and FrameAnalysis: Displacement Method—Part II.Influence Lines. Other Topics. Appendices.

Also available as eBook

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FundamentalConcepts ofEarthquakeEngineeringRoberto VillaverdeUniversity of California, Irvine, USA

Enhanced with numerous illustrations and a rangeof historical case studies, this book describes thetypes and extent of damage that an earthquake canproduce. It covers the ways that earthquakemotions can be characterized and discusses howlocal soil conditions and soil-structure interactionmay affect the characteristics of these motions.

Course Level: Junior-SeniorUndergraduate/Graduate/ProfessionalPages: 960Pub Date: January 2009Cat no: 64959ISBN: 978-1-4200-6495-7Price: $139.95 / £89.00Ancillary Materials: Solutions manual

Also available as eBook

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Civil & Environmental Engineering


City Planning forCivil Engineers,EnvironmentalEngineers, andSurveyorsKurt W. BauerSE Wisconsin Regional PlanningCommission, USA

“I highly recommend CityPlanning for Civil Engineers, EnvironmentalEngineers, and Surveyors as an authoritativeresource for those new to the land-use arena and tothose wanting to improve their knowledge and addvalue to their land surveying practices. It deserves aplace on the bookshelf of any land surveyor whosepractice includes urban land development.”

—Jeff Salmon, Professional Surveyor Magazine

Course Level: Junior-Senior Undergraduate/First-Year GraduatePages: 368Pub Date: September 2009Cat no: K10440ISBN: 978-1-4398-0892-4Price: $96.95 / £61.99

Soil MechanicsFundamentalsIsao IshibashiOld Dominion University,Virginia, USA

Hemanta HazarikaKyushu University, Japan

This textbook delineates howsoil behaves, why it behavesthat way, and the engineer-ing significance of such behavior. It explains thesebehaviors based on mathematics, physics, andchemistry in a simple but complete manner. Theauthors include essential engineering equations,along with 180 exercise problems and solutions.

Course Level: Undergraduate/First-Year GraduatePages: 342Pub Date: December 2010Cat no: K12080ISBN: 978-1-4398-4644-5Price: $79.95 / £49.99Ancillary Materials: Solutions manual,PowerPoint slides

Also available as eBook

Principles ofStructuralDesignWood, Steel, and ConcreteRam S. GuptaRoger Williams University, Bristol, Rhode Island, USA

With homework problems, examples, case studies,and designs of completed model structures, thisself-contained book explains recent practices ofstructural design in wood, steel, and concrete aswell as the code-connected fundamentals that othertexts often take for granted. It presents the LRFDapproach for designing structural elements accord-ing to the latest codes.

Course Level: Junior-SeniorUndergraduate/GraduatePages: 488Pub Date: August 2010Cat no: 73397ISBN: 978-1-4200-7339-3Price: $125.95 / £80.99Ancillary Materials: Solutions manual

Also available as eBook


Electrical & Computer Engineering

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Introduction toVLSI SystemsA Logic, Circuit, andSystem PerspectiveMing-Bo LinNational Taiwan University ofScience and Technology, Taipei

Suitable for courses in VLSI system design and digi-tal integrated circuit analysis and design, this textcovers all the basics of VLSI fabrication and low-levelsystem design. Taking a bottom-up approach, thebook starts with an overview of logic design princi-ples before tackling design issues and fabrication.The book includes numerous worked examples andhomework problems.

• Uses a bottom-up approach starting with anoverview presented in a tutorial chapter

• Begins with logic design principles and works itsway toward practical applications and fabrication

• Provides comprehensive coverage of the basicsof VLSI design

• Includes many worked examples and homeworkproblems

Course Level: GraduatePages: 915Pub Date: November 2011Cat no: K13126ISBN: 978-1-4398-6859-1Price: $119.95 / £76.99Ancillary Materials: Solutions manual, figure slides

Selected Contents: Introduction. Fundamentalsof MOS Transistors. Fabrication of CMOS ICs.Layout Designs. Delay Models and Path-DelayOptimization. Power Dissipation and Low-PowerDesigns. Static Logic Circuits. Dynamic LogicCircuits. Sequential Logic Designs. DatapathSubsystem Designs. Memory Subsystems. DesignMethodologies and Implementation Options.Interconnect. Power Distribution and ClockDesigns. Input/Output Modules and ESDProtection Networks. Testing, Verification, andTestable Designs. An Introduction to VerilogHDL/SystemVerilog. Index.

Also available as eBook

Guided WavePhotonicsFundamentals andApplications withMATLAB®

Le Nguyen BinhThe European Research Centerof Hua Wei Technologies GmbH,Munich, Germany

Along with covering fundamentals, this book pro-vides an advanced understanding of guided opticalwave devices. It focuses on the essentials of thetechnology and applies these aspects to modernoptical fiber communications and signal processing.The book describes single mode planar, 3D inte-grated, and nonlinear optical waveguides. MATLAB®

code is included throughout the text.

• Presents fundamentals of guided waves and simplified theoretical techniques

• Discusses linear and nonlinear aspects of opticalwave guiding

• Covers applications of guided wave devices inoptical communications and signal processing

• Discusses all basic circular and Cartesian structures of guided wave photonic structures

• Examines the direct effects on the optical transmission medium due to the guiding of thelightwaves

• Covers manipulating lightwaves for modulationand generation of lightwave signals

• Includes case studies, examples, homeworkproblems, and color images

Course Level: SeniorUndergraduate/Graduate/ProfessionalPages: 804Pub Date: August 2011Cat no: K11400ISBN: 978-1-4398-2855-7Price: $119.95 / £76.99Ancillary Materials: Solutions manual, figure slides

Selected Contents: Single Mode Planar OpticalWaveguides. 3D Integrated Optical Waveguides.Single Mode Optical Fibers: Structures andTransmission Properties. Design of Single ModeOptical Fiber Waveguides. Scalar Coupled-ModeAnalysis. Full Coupled Mode Theory. NonlinearOptical Waveguides: Switching, ParametricConversion and Systems Applications. IntegratedGuided-Wave Photonic Transmitters. Nonlinearityin Guided Wave Devices. Appendices.

Also available as eBook

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Electrical & Computer Engineering

ElectromagneticWaves,Materials, andComputationwith MATLAB®

Dikshitulu K. KalluriUniversity of Massachusetts,Lowell, USA

“Most appropriate for advanced engineering students. Comprehensive, yet ‘eases’ into difficultmatters.”

—Andrew M. Sessler, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory

“… a meticulously written and extremely usefulbook for both students and professionals … bringstogether many increasingly important conceptsfrom previously somewhat separate areas of electro-magnetics into one clear and coherent tome.”

—Michael A. Fiddy, University of North Carolina at Charlotte

“… a required reference in the library of anyonedoing research or development in plasma physics or engineering.”

—Igor Alexeff, University of Tennessee

Composed of three parts, this book begins with theelectromagnetics of bounded simple media, moveson to electromagnetic equations of complex media,and then covers electromagnetic models and com-putation. The author takes a modern approach byusing FDTD methods and commercial software suchas MATLAB® and provides a strong base of concep-tual mathematical aspects. The material strikes a bal-ance between theory, intuitive approximate solu-tions, and the use of commercial software and inter-pretation of solutions. Case studies and practicalexamples are presented throughout the text.

Course Level: SeniorUndergraduate/Graduate/ProfessionalPages: 886Pub Date: August 2011Cat no: K11757ISBN: 978-1-4398-3867-9Price: $129.95 / £82.00Ancillary Materials: Solutions manual,PowerPoint slides, figure slides

Selected Contents: Electromagnetics ofBounded Simple Media. ElectromagneticEquations of Complex Media. ElectromagneticComputation. Appendices. Problems.

Also available as eBook

Coming soon!

LightwaveEngineeringYasuo KokubunYokohama National University,Japan

Suitable as both a textbook and as a referencesource, this book is divided into two parts. The firstsection presents a comprehensive introduction tolightwave engineering using plane wave. The sec-ond section provides an in-depth analysis of light-wave propagation in terms of electromagnetic the-ory. The book features useful appendices that offerformulas for Fourier transform, derivation of Green’stheorem, vector algebra, Gaussian function, cylin-drical function, and more. Additional topics coveredinclude fundamentals of interferometers and res-onators, guided wave, optical fibers, and lightwavedevices and circuits.

• Presents an introduction to lightwave propagation theory

• Provides essential information written in anaccessible format

• Covers advanced lightwave engineering

• Includes appendices on Fourier transform formulas, derivation of Green’s theorem, andvector algebra formulas

Course Level: SeniorUndergraduate/Graduate/ProfessionalPages: c. 416Pub Date: August 2012Cat no: 46489ISBN: 978-1-4200-4648-9Price: $99.95 / £63.99

Selected Contents: Introduction to LightwaveEngineering Using Plane Wave. Analysis of LightWave Propagation in Terms of ElectromagneticTheory.

Also available as eBook


Electrical & Computer Engineering

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Fundamentals of ElectricalEngineeringCharles A. Gross and Thaddeus RoppelAuburn University, Alabama, USA

This book provides an overview of the electricalengineering profession to college students and pro-fessionals outside the field. It presents informationon the necessary technical competencies requiredwithin the field. Simple and easy to use, yet com-plete in rigor and coverage of fundamental con-cepts, the book teaches the fundamentals of electri-cal engineering without including the typical ana-lytical methods that hold little relevance for non-electrical engineers. Many examples explaining con-cepts and homework problems are included withinthe chapters to aid with student comprehensionand application.

• Offers a concise explanation of the fundamentalsof electrical engineering

• Integrates coverage of practical applications andtheoretical fundamentals

• Maintains mathematical and scientific rigor tothe point that it remains useful in real-worldapplications

Course Level: Junior-Senior UndergraduatePages: 481Pub Date: February 2012Cat no: K11681ISBN: 978-1-4398-3714-6Price: $89.95 / £57.99Ancillary Materials: Solutions manual, figure slides

Selected Contents: What Is Engineering?Electrical Circuit Concepts. Electrical Energy.Electrical Generation and Transmission. ElectricalLoads. Semiconductor Devices. Sensors andInstrumentation. Digital Logic. Robots.Appendices.

Also available as eBook

Coming soon!

Numerical andAnalyticalMethods withMATLAB forElectricalEngineersWilliam BoberFlorida Atlantic University, Boca Raton, USA

Andrew StevensElectrical Science, Inc., Rye Brook, New York, USA

This textbook presents basic programming tech-niques consistent with MATLAB®. It also discussesnumerical and analytical concepts applicable toelectrical engineering. The text contains many sam-ple MATLAB programs that provide guidance forstudents completing the assigned projects. Casestudies relate concepts presented in the chapters toengineering in practice. The book addressesSimulink®, curve fitting, optimization, partial differ-ential equations, Laplace transforms, control sys-tems, signal processing, differential equations, tran-scendental equations, and numerical integration.

• Presents electrical and computer engineeringexamples, cases, and problems

• Integrates MATLAB throughout the text andincludes 50 MATLAB programs

• Includes case studies related to engineering practice

Course Level: UndergraduatePages: c. 368Pub Date: August 2012Cat no: K12515ISBN: 978-1-4398-5429-7Price: $109.95 / £70.00Ancillary Materials: Solutions manual

Selected Contents: Numerical Modeling ForEngineers. MATLAB Fundamentals. Matrices.Roots of Algebraic and Transcendental Equations.Numerical Integration. Numerical Integration ofOrdinary Differential Equations. Simulink. CurveFitting. Optimization. Partial DifferentialEquations. Laplace Transforms. Signal Processing.Control Systems.

Also available as eBook

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Electrical & Computer Engineering

Wind EnergySystemsControl EngineeringDesignMario Garcia-SanzCase Western University,Cleveland, Ohio, USA

Constantine H. HoupisAir Force Institute of Technology,Wright-Patterson AFB, Ohio, USA

Presenting the latest advanced robust control engi-neering design techniques for wind turbine appli-cations, this book introduces a concurrent engi-neering approach to design efficient and reliablecontrollers for the most critical problems of multi-megawatt wind energy systems. It describes largeaerodynamic flexible structures that work undervery turbulent and unpredictable environmentalconditions and are connected to a variable anddemanding electrical grid. Exemplifying how toachieve future control challenges in new energysystems, the text also explores concurrent engi-neering methods, advanced quantitative robustcontrol techniques, and switching control strate-gies for critical applications.

Course Level: GraduatePages: 631Pub Date: February 2012Cat no: K11158ISBN: 978-1-4398-2179-4Price: $99.95 / £63.99Ancillary Materials: Solutions manual, figure slides

Selected Contents: PART I: Advanced RobustControl Techniques: QFT and NonlinearSwitching: Introduction to QFT. MISO AnalogQFT Control System. Discrete QuantitativeFeedback Technique. Diagonal MIMO QFT. Non-Diagonal MIMO QFT. QFT for DistributedParameter Systems. Nonlinear Switching ControlTechniques. PART II: Wind Turbine Control:Introduction to Wind Energy Systems. Standardsand Certification for Wind Turbines. Wind TurbineControl Objectives and Strategies. Aerodynamicsand Mechanical Modeling of Wind Turbines.Electrical Modeling of Wind Turbines. AdvancedPitch Control System Design. ExperimentalResults with the Direct-Drive Wind Turbine TWT-1.65. Blades Manufacturing: MIMO QFT Controlfor Industrial Furnaces. Smart Wind TurbineBlades. Offshore Wind Energy: Overview. AirborneWind Energy Systems. Appendices. Problems.Answers to Selected Problems. References.

Also available as eBook


Principles ofPowerEngineeringAnalysisRobert C. DegeneffUtility Systems Technologies,Inc., Niskayuna, New York, USA

M. Harry Hesse

This classroom-tested, graduate-level text presentsthe basic tools required to understand the compo-nents in an electric power transmission system. Itexplains from first principles the expressions thatpredict the performance of transmission systemsand transformers. The authors then extend theseconcepts to balanced three-phase systems andunbalanced systems. They introduce symmetricalcomponent analysis of transmission systems, three-phase transformers, and faulted systems. They alsodescribe the design of untransposed transmissionlines and discuss other analysis component systems.

• Fills the need for a graduate-level text thataddresses three-phase power system analysis

• Describes transmission line and transformer characteristics

• Presents a detailed treatment of symmetricalcomponent analysis

• Includes examples and homework problems ineach chapter

Course Level: Senior Undergraduate/First-YearGraduatePages: 452Pub Date: December 2011Cat no: K14138ISBN: 978-1-4398-9231-2Price: $129.95 / £82.00Ancillary Materials: Solutions manual, figure slides

Selected Contents: Transmission LineCharacteristics. Single-Phase Transformers.Balanced Three-Phase Systems. UnbalancedThree-Phase Systems. Symmetrical ComponentRepresentation of Transmission Lines.Symmetrical Component Representation ofTransformers. Symmetrical Component FaultAnalysis. Design of Untransposed TransmissionLines. Other Component Systems. Appendices.Index.

Also available as eBook


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DistributionSystemModeling and AnalysisThird EditionWilliam H. KerstingNew Mexico State University,Las Cruces, USA

Thought to be the only dedicated textbook focusedon computational modeling for electric power dis-tribution systems, this third edition clearly explainsthe principles and mathematics behind these mod-els and provides approximation methods that helpstudents recognize when a result is not what itshould be. Using the same authoritative yet accessi-ble approach found in previous editions, this bookhas been updated to reflect the latest changes andadvances in the field.

• Revises coverage of transformer models for newand existing common connections

• Shows how to compute the power losses on thephase, neutral, and ground conductors

• Explores updated applications of theforward/backward sweep iterative method

• Supplements analysis of a distribution feederwith a look at dispersed generation

• Applies a commercial analysis program to thestudy of IEEE test feeders

• Includes chapter-end summaries, problems, andreferences

Course Level: First-Year GraduatePages: 455Pub Date: January 2012Cat no: K12639ISBN: 978-1-4398-5622-2Price: $109.95 / £68.99Ancillary Materials: Solutions manual, figure slides

Selected Contents: Introduction to DistributionSystems. Nature of Loads. Approximate Methodof Analysis. Series Impedance of Overhead andUnderground Lines. Shunt Admittance ofOverhead and Underground Lines. DistributionSystem Line Models. Voltage Regulation. Three-Phase Transformer Models. Load Models.Distribution Feeder Analysis. Center-TappedTransformers and Secondaries. Appendices.

Also available as eBook

ElectricalMachines withMATLAB®

Second EditionTuran GönenCalifornia State University,Sacramento, USA

An ideal tool for advanced students in electrical andother areas of engineering, Electrical Machineswith MATLAB® encapsulates the invaluable insightand experience that eminent instructor TuranGönen has acquired in almost 40 years of teaching.With simple, versatile content that separates it fromother texts on electrical machines, this resource iseasy to read and packed with in-depth informationon crucial concepts.

• Covers novel topics in electrical machineapplications and electric power systems, suchas renewable energy, energy storage, and smartgrids

• Presents new material in the appendices, including an extensive glossary

• Provides introductions and problems in eachchapter, with selected answers at the back of the book

• Contains MATLAB® calculations and othernumerical examples throughout

• Includes a color insert with tables, equations,photos, and more

Course Level: First-Year GraduatePages: 653Pub Date: November 2011Cat no: K13615ISBN: 978-1-4398-7799-9Price: $129.95 / £82.00Ancillary Materials: Solutions manual, figure slides

Selected Contents: Basic Concepts. Three-PhaseCircuits. Magnetic Circuits. Transformers.Electromechanical Energy Conversion Principles.Induction Machines. Synchronous Machines.Direct-Current Machines. Single-Phase andSpecial-Purpose Motors. Transients and Dynamicsof Electric Machines. Renewable Energy. WindEnergy and Wind Energy Conversion System.Solar Energy Systems. Energy Storage Systems.The Smart Grid. Appendices. Answers to SelectedProblems. Bibliography.

Also available as eBook

Electrical & Computer Engineering

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Probability and RandomProcesses forElectrical andComputerEngineersSecond EditionCharles W. Therrien and Murali TummalaNaval Postgraduate School, Monterey, California, USA

Updated and with more material, this second edi-tion discusses continuous and discrete randomprocesses with applications for signal processing. Ituses examples from different fields, illustrating howpresented concepts are tied to important engineer-ing applications. The text introduces basic ideas ofdecision theory and its applications to communica-tions, radar, and sonar and develops elementaryconcepts of queuing theory for analysis of packet-switched networks. It includes numerous examples,more than 200 homework problems, and severalcomputer projects.

New to the Second Edition

• A chapter on random vectors that addsadvanced material and supports topics associatedwith discrete random processes

• Reorganized chapters that clarify topics randomprocesses, including Markov and Poisson, andanalysis in the time and frequency domains

• A large collection of new MATLAB®-based problems and computer projects/assignments

Course Level: First-Year GraduatePages: 431Pub Date: September 2011Cat no: K11329ISBN: 978-1-4398-2698-0Price: $79.95 / £49.99Ancillary Materials: Solutions manual, figureslides, downloadable MATLAB functions

Selected Contents: PART I: Probability andRandom Variables: Introduction. The ProbabilityModel. Random Variables and Transformations.Expectation, Moments, and Generating Functions.Two and More Random Variables. Inequalities,Limit Theorems, and Parameter Estimation.Random Vectors. PART II: Introduction toRandom Processes: Random Processes. RandomSignals in the Time Domain. Random Signals inthe Frequency Domain. Markov, Poisson, andQueueing Processes. Appendices.

Also available as eBook


Discrete Systemsand DigitalSignalProcessing with MATLAB®

Second EditionTaan S. ElAliKing Faisal University, Al-Ahsa,Saudi Arabia

This text offers in-depth coverage of both discretelinear systems and signal processing in one volume.Firmly rooted in basic mathematical principles, itincludes many problems solved first by using ana-lytical tools and then through application of MAT-LAB®. Each chapter provides examples that illustratethe theoretical concepts.

• Includes additional chapters on IIR and FIR filterdesign, block diagrams, state-space, samplingand transformations, and FFT and its many applications

• Includes many examples using the data acquisition toolbox of MATLAB

• Presents tools to design, test, and implementlinear digital filters and processors

• Provides end-of-chapter examples and problemsas well as concluding “insights” for almost allchapters

• Solves problems and examples analytically and,when applicable, numerically using the latestversion of MATLAB

Course Level: Senior Undergraduate/First-YearGraduatePages: 619Pub Date: December 2011Cat no: K11391ISBN: 978-1-4398-2818-2Price: $99.95 / £63.99Ancillary Materials: Solutions manual, figure slides

Selected Contents: Signal Representation.Discrete System. Fourier Series and the FourierTransform of Discrete Signals. z-Transform andDiscrete Systems. State-Space and DiscreteSystems. Block Diagrams and Review of DiscreteSystem Representations. Discrete FourierTransform and Discrete Systems. Sampling andTransformations. Infinite Impulse Response FilterDesign. Finite Impulse Response Digital Filters.Bibliography. Index.

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Optimal andRobust ControlAdvanced Topicswith MATLAB®

Luigi Fortuna and Mattia FrascaUniversity of Catania, Italy

This self-contained handbook covers advanced top-ics in automatic control, including the LQR and H-infinity approaches as well as concepts of modelinganalysis. It deals with advanced automatic controltechniques, with particular attention to their robust-ness. The authors explain how the linear matrixinequalities technique can be used as a unifying toolfor system analysis and controller design. They pres-ent the essential theoretical background and illus-trate the techniques with numerous examples andMATLAB® exercises.

• Offers an easy way to understand advanced topics and tools in automation control

• Provides homework problems, numerous examples, and MATLAB-based solutions

• Concentrates on linear systems and controldesign

• Compiles main norms and algebraic Riccatiequations in appendices and lists essential references for further reading

Course Level: GraduatePages: 251Pub Date: February 2012Cat no: K14407ISBN: 978-1-4665-0191-1Price: $99.95 / £63.99Ancillary Materials: Solutions manual, figure slides

Selected Contents: Modeling of UncertainSystems and the Robust Control Problem.Fundamentals of Stability. Kalman CanonicalDecomposition. Singular Value Decomposition.Open-Loop Balanced Realization. Reduced-OrderModels. Symmetrical Systems. Linear QuadraticOptimal Control. Closed-Loop BalancedRealization. Passive and Bounded-Real Systems.H-infinity Linear Control. Linear MatrixInequalities for Optimal and Robust Control. The Class of Stabilizing Controllers.Recommended Essential References. Appendices.Index.

Also available as eBook


Real-Time DigitalSignalProcessing fromMATLAB® to Cwith theTMS320C6x DSPsSecond EditionThad B. Welch, Cameron H.G. Wright, and Michael G. Morrow“This book has taken a bold step forward. It notonly presents the theory, it reinforces it with simula-tions, and then it shows us how to actually use theresults in real-time applications. … the reader canstep into the real-time world of applications with atext that presents an accessible path.”

—Delores M. Etter, Southern Methodist University

New to the Second Edition

• The latest high-performance hardware, includingthe OMAP-L138 Experimenter Kit and otherdevelopment boards

• Additional topics, such as PN sequences

• More advanced real-time DSP projects, includinghigher-order digital communications projects

Course Level: First-Year GraduatePages: 436Pub Date: December 2011Cat no: K13903ISBN: 978-1-4398-8303-7Price: $89.95 / £57.99Ancillary Materials: Solutions manual; figureslides; source code, example files, test signals, and executable programs on book website

Selected Contents: Enduring Fundamentals:Introduction and Organization. Sampling andReconstruction. FIR Digital Filters. IIR Digital Filters.Periodic Signal Generation. Frame-Based DSP.Digital Filters Using Frames. The Fast FourierTransform. Spectral Analysis and Windowing.Projects: Project 1: Guitar Special Effects. Project 2:Graphic Equalizer. Project 3: Peak Program Meter.Project 4: AM Transmitters. Project 5: AM Receivers.Project 6: Phase-Locked Loop. Project 7: BPSKDigital Transmitters. Project 8: BPSK DigitalReceivers. Project 9: MPSK and QAM DigitalTransmitters. Project 10: QPSK Digital Receivers.Appendices.

Also available as eBook

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Electrical & Computer Engineering

ComputationalMethods forElectromagneticand OpticalSystemsSecond EditionJohn M. JaremUniversity of Alabama,Huntsville, USA

Partha P. BanerjeeUniversity of Dayton, Ohio, USA

Praise for the First Edition:

“The book is directed towards graduate studentsand researchers but selected sections would providevaluable undergraduate teaching material. It is thetype of wide-ranging reference book that will findits way onto many bookshelves and, over the years,will become well-worn from frequent use.”

—, 2001

• Supplies a variety of tools for accurately solvingelectromagnetic and optical problems involvinganisotropic materials in planar, cylindrical, andspherical systems

• Includes illustrative examples of system theory asapplied to anisotropic electromagnetic andoptics problems

• Presents an extensive literature base for currentresearch and applications of state variable techniques to optics and electromagnetic

• Covers diffraction gratings, photorefractives,photonic band gap structures, metamaterials,chiral materials, and nanomaterials

• Contains homework problems, case studies, andexamples

Course Level:Undergraduate/Graduate/ProfessionalPages: 432Pub Date: April 2011Cat no: K10235ISBN: 978-1-4398-0422-3Price: $119.95 / £76.99Ancillary Materials: Solutions manual

Selected Contents: Mathematical Preliminaries.Scalar EM Beam Propagation in InhomogeneousMedia. EM Wave Propagation in Linear Media.Spectral State Variable Formulation for PlanarSystems. Planar Diffraction Gratings. Application ofRCWA to Analysis of Induced PhotorefractiveGratings. Rigorous Coupled Wave Analysis ofInhomogeneous. ...

Also available as eBook

MicrocontrollerProgrammingAn IntroductionSyed R. RizviOld Dominion University,Norfolk, Virginia, USA

“… a good framework to the tools and techniquesthrough the assembly and C languages for buildingembedded applications. … The approach in thebook is a simplified one which is targeted to begin-ning undergraduate students in computerscience/electrical engineering with little program-ming and hardware experience. … covers all theessential topics in a typical microcontroller pro-gramming. … plenty of exercises, examples andhands-on codes that compliment the discussed con-cepts, and these items definitely help the students.”

—Shaharuddin Salleh, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia

This text helps students better understand theessentials of microcontroller programming.Focusing on Motorola 68HC11 microcontroller,numerous flowcharts illustrate step-by-step proce-dures and full-length projects provide practicalproblem solving approaches, with examples thatportray real-life scenarios. Concepts are reinforcedwith nearly 450 end-of-chapter quizzes as well asquestions and problems of varying complexity. Thetext also includes extensive margin annotations withexpert tips to help build practical knowledge.

Course Level: GraduatePages: 546Pub Date: November 2011Cat no: K12313ISBN: 978-1-4398-5077-0Price: $109.95 / £70.99Ancillary Materials: Solutions manual; figureslides; video tutorials, an assembly program bank,and laboratory exercises on book website; CD with assembly and C source code

Selected Contents: Number Systems,Operations, and Codes. Semiconductors andDigital Logic. Microcontroller Hardware.Microcontroller Software. Instructions. ControlStructures and Subroutines. Hello, World!Input/Output (I/O) Ports. Interrupts. AnalogCapture. Input Capture. Higher-LevelProgramming. Appendices.

Also available as eBook

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Electrical & Computer Engineering

Plasma Physicsand EngineeringSecond EditionAlexander FridmanDrexel University, Philadelphia,Pennsylvania, USA

“Excellent for students. New addition of liquid plas-ma discharge is very good. … opens the eyes of stu-dents who are learning this subject for the first time… has the best chemistry of various plasma dis-charges and covers a wide range of industrialapplications of cold plasma discharges.”

—Young I Cho, Drexel University

Reflecting recent developments in plasma scienceand technology, this second edition continues to beone of the best textbooks in the field. Along withmany new topics, this edition includes two newchapters on microdischarges and discharges in liq-uids. It contains a database on plasma kinetics andthermodynamics, numerical formulas for practicalcalculations, and many problems and concept ques-tions.

Course Level: Undergraduate/GraduatePages: 941Pub Date: February 2011Cat no: K10619ISBN: 978-1-4398-1228-0Price: $129.95 / £82.00Ancillary Materials: Solutions manual

Selected Contents: Fundamentals of PlasmaPhysics and Plasma Chemistry: Plasma in Nature,in the Laboratory, and in Industry. ElementaryProcesses of Charged Species in Plasma.Elementary Processes of Excited Molecules andAtoms in Plasma. Plasma Statistics and Kinetics ofCharged Particles. Kinetics of Excited Particles inPlasma. Electrostatics, Electrodynamics, and FluidMechanics of Plasma. Physics and Engineering ofElectric Discharges: Glow Discharge. ArcDischarges. Nonequilibrium Cold AtmosphericPressure Discharges. Plasma Created in HighFrequency Electromagnetic Fields: Radio-Frequency, Microwave, and Optical Discharges.Discharges in Aerosols, Dusty Plasmas, andLiquids. Electron Beam Plasmas.

Also available as eBook

Optical FiberCommunicationsSystemsTheory and Practicewith MATLAB® andSimulink® ModelsLe Nguyen BinhThe European Research Centerof Hua Wei Technologies GmbH,Munich, Germany

This book provides students with an understand-ing of fundamental and modern lightwave tech-nology for high-speed telecommunications fornext-generation Internet networks. It details tech-niques and applications of optical communicationsemploying single mode optical fibers as the trans-mission medium.

Course Level:Undergraduate/Graduate/ProfessionalPages: 560Pub Date: April 2010Cat no: K10309ISBN: 978-1-4398-0620-3Price: $125.95 / £80.99Ancillary Materials: Solutions manual, down-loadable MATLAB and Simulink models

Also available as eBook

Electric andHybrid VehiclesDesign Fundamentals,Second EditionIqbal HusainNorth Carolina State University,Raleigh, USA

“Dr. Iqbal Husain takes his newedition to the next level …”

—Annette von Jouanne, Oregon State University

“… I rank this book among the best on the subjectmatter. …”

—Hamid A. Toliyat, Texas A&M University

Course Level: Junior-Senior UndergraduatePages: 523Pub Date: August 2010Cat no: K10593ISBN: 978-1-4398-1175-7Price: $104.95 / £66.99Ancillary Materials: Solutions manual

Also available as eBook

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Electrical & Computer Engineering


PhotovoltaicSystemsEngineeringThird EditionRoger A. Messengerand Jerry Ventre

Thoroughly updated, thethird edition of this bestsellerprovides a comprehensiveengineering basis for PV system design. It presentsthe what, why, and how associated with electrical,mechanical, economic, and aesthetic aspects of PVsystem design. Along with reorganizing the chap-ters, this edition offers updated, more detailedexamples; includes additional material on incen-tives, structural design, and the use of ASCE 7; andemphasizes array layout, wind loading, and shadeanalysis.

Course Level: Junior-Senior UndergraduatePages: 527Pub Date: February 2010Cat no: K10154ISBN: 978-1-4398-0292-2Price: $104.95 / £66.99Ancillary Materials: Solutions manual

Digital ImageProcessing andAnalysisHuman andComputer VisionApplications withCVIPtools, Second EditionScott E Umbaugh“This is a nicely presented book and the topics it covers in depth are well described. … if you are look-ing for a book on the basics of image processingcomplete with some ready-made software to let youwork through the ideas, this is a good choice.Needless to say it would make a good course text …”

—Mike James, IProgrammer, September 2011

Course Level: Junior-Senior UndergraduatePages: 977Pub Date: November 2010Cat no: K10112ISBN: 978-1-4398-0205-2Price: $125.95 / £80.99Ancillary Materials: Solutions manual,PowerPoint slides, CD with software tools

Also available as eBook

Electric EnergyAn Introduction,Second EditionMohamed A. El-Sharkawi “I found the book to be anice introductory course tothe discipline of electric ener-gy production, transmission,and distribution. I would rec-ommend it to the undergrad-uate student beginning to explore the rewardingcareer path of electrical engineering, and equally soto nontechnical professionals working in the powerand energy industry … . I truly enjoyed reading thisbook.”

—Pouyan Pourbeik, IEEE Power & Energy Magazine

Course Level: UndergraduatePages: 496Pub Date: August 2008Cat no: 62190ISBN: 978-1-4200-6219-9Price: $107.95 / £69.99Ancillary Materials: Solutions manual

Also available as eBook

Electrical PowerTransmissionSystemEngineeringAnalysis and Design,Second EditionTuran Gönen

This self-contained tutorialincludes ample numericalexamples and problems and familiarizes studentswith vocabulary and symbols used in the industry. Itcovers topics ranging from transmission systemplanning and analysis of balanced and unbalancedfaults to construction of overhead lines and factorsaffecting transmission line route selection.

Course Level: Junior-Senior UndergraduatePages: 876Pub Date:May 2009Cat no: K10135ISBN: 978-1-4398-0254-0Price: $139.95 / £51.99Ancillary Materials: Solutions manual

Also available as eBook


Electrical & Computer Engineering

For more information and complete contents, visit

Introduction to SensorsJohn Vetelino andAravind ReghuUniversity of Maine, Orono, USA

The need for new types ofsensors is more critical thanever due to increasingly com-plex technologies, health andsecurity concerns for a bur-geoning world population, and the emergence ofterrorist activities. This book examines the theoreti-cal foundations and practical applications of sensorsin the modern era. It explores various types of sen-sors and industries that use them, providing back-ground on advances of each type to reveal theunderlying rationale for its use. The text includesmany homework problems, figures, and examples.

Course Level: Junior-Senior UndergraduatePages: 208Pub Date: August 2010Cat no: K10422ISBN: 978-1-4398-0852-8Price: $104.95 / £66.99Ancillary Materials: Solutions manual

MechatronicsA Foundation CourseClarence W. de SilvaUniversity of British Columbia,Vancouver, Canada

This text provides the multi-disciplinary approach neededto develop a foundation inmechatronics. It covers electri-cal and mechanical compo-nents, sensors and instrumentation, drives and actu-ators, controls, signal processing, component inter-facing, modeling, and design. Practical applicationsand tools introduced up front are uniformly integrat-ed throughout the text. The book includes numer-ous exercises based on real engineering practice aswell as cases studies and worked examples that makeuse of MATLAB®, Simulink®, and LabView®.

Course Level: UndergraduatePages: 896Pub Date: June 2010Cat no: 82116ISBN: 978-1-4200-8211-1Price: $104.95 / £66.99Ancillary Materials: Solutions manual, lectureslides, teaching suggestions

Digital SignalProcessing withExamples inMATLAB®

Second EditionSamuel D. StearnsSandia National Laboratories,Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA

Donald R. HushLos Alamos National Laboratory, New Mexico, USA

“… The authors of this new edition detail uniqueperspectives of signal processing and its applica-tions. … The reader of this text is fortunate to beguided by two wonderful teachers who translate theissues and understanding of using signal processingin the real world to examples and applications thatopen the door to this fascinating subject.”

—Dolores M. Etter, Southern Methodist University

With the best-selling first edition recommended bythe late Dr. Richard W. Hamming, this updated andexpanded second edition introduces the fundamen-tals of DSP and discusses current DSP applications.This edition includes new chapters on analog sys-tems models and pattern recognition using supportvector machines as well as many new sections anda more comprehensive table of transforms.Numerous exercises and examples harness thepower of MATLAB®.

Course Level: Senior Undergraduate/GraduatePages: 516Pub Date: April 2011Cat no: K11720ISBN: 978-1-4398-3782-5Price: $99.95 / £63.99Ancillary Materials: Solutions manual, downloadable MATLAB functions and examples

Selected Contents: Least Squares,Orthogonality, and the Fourier Series.Correlation, Fourier Spectra, and the SamplingTheorem. Linear Systems and Transfer Functions.Finite Impulse Response Filter Design. InfiniteImpulse Response Filter Design. Random Signalsand Spectral Estimation. Least-Squares SystemDesign. Adaptive Signal Processing. SignalInformation, Coding, and Compression. Modelsof Analog Systems. Pattern Recognition withSupport Vector Machines. Appendix. Index.

Also available as eBook

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Electrical & Computer Engineering

Signals andSystemsLaboratory with MATLAB®

Alex Palamides andAnastasia Veloni

This text teaches studentshow to perform signals andsystems analysis with MAT-LAB® and study associated concepts while at thesame time learning how to program in MATLAB.Every theoretical concept is accompanied by thecorresponding code implementation, with com-mands executed one by one at the MATLAB com-mand prompt and results given in tables.

Course Level: UndergraduatePages: 567Pub Date: August 2010Cat no: K11500ISBN: 978-1-4398-3055-0Price: $83.95 / £53.99Ancillary Materials: Solutions manual

Also available as eBook

ClassicalFeedbackControlWith MATLAB®

and Simulink®,Second EditionBoris Lurie and Paul Enright

Including problems, applications, and MATLAB® sim-ulation and design examples, this second editiondescribes the design and implementation of high-performance feedback controllers for engineeringsystems. It emphasizes the frequency-domain designand methods based on Bode integrals, loop shaping,and nonlinear dynamic compensation.

Course Level: Junior-Senior UndergraduatePages: 564Pub Date: October 2011Cat no: K12752ISBN: 978-1-4398-6017-5Price: $119.95 / £76.99Ancillary Materials: Solutions manual

Also available as eBookSimulation ofDynamicSystems withMATLAB® andSimulink®

Second EditionHarold Klee and Randal Allen

This book takes students through the process ofconverting a mathematical model of a continuousor discrete system into a simulation model. This edi-tion contains a new chapter on Real-Time Workshopand expands coverage of many topics.

Course Level: Junior-Senior Undergraduate/First-Year GraduatePages: 815Pub Date: February 2011Cat no: K11660ISBN: 978-1-4398-3673-6Price: $139.95 / £89.00Ancillary Materials: Solutions manual,PowerPoint slides, downloadable MATLAB®,Simulink®, and Real-Time Workshop files

Also available as eBook

Modeling andSimulation ofSystems UsingMATLAB® andSimulink®

Devendra K. Chaturvedi

This text covers all the important aspects of model-ing and simulating both physical and conceptualsystems. Various real-life examples show how simu-lation plays a key role in understanding actual sys-tems. The author develops models for complex sys-tems and reduces their order so they can be appliedeffectively in online applications.

Course Level: Junior-Senior UndergraduatePages: 733Pub Date: December 2009Cat no: K10335ISBN: 978-1-4398-0672-2Price: $139.95 / £89.00Ancillary Materials: Solutions manual,PowerPoint slides


Mechanical Engineering

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Instabilities ofFlows andTransition toTurbulenceTapan K. SenguptaIIT Kanpur, India

This book covers classical hydrodynamic instabilityto contemporary research areas, including bluffbody flow instability and mixed convection flows. Itpresents a concise, up-to-date treatment of theoryand applications of viscous flow instability. It alsoexamines applications in aerospace and otherbranches of engineering such as fluid mechanics.

• Provides complete coverage of transition concepts, including receptivity and flow instability

• Introduces linear receptivity using bilateralFourier-Laplace transform techniques

• Presents natural laminar flow airfoil analysis anddesign as a practical application of classical andbypass transition

• Distinguishes strictly between instability andreceptivity, which leads to identification of wall- and free stream modes

• Describes energy-based receptivity theory for the description of bypass transitions

• Uses a dynamical system approach for tacklingmultiple Hopf bifurcations

Course Level: GraduatePages: 526Pub Date: April 2012Cat no: K13719ISBN: 978-1-4398-7944-3Price: $129.95 / £82.00Ancillary Materials: Solutions manual, animations

Selected Contents: Introduction to Instabilityand Transition. Computing Transitional andTurbulent Flows. Instability and Transition inFlows. Bypass Transition: Theory, Computationsand Experiments. Spatio-Temporal Wave Frontand Transition. Nonlinear Effects: Multiple HopfBifurcations and Proper OrthogonalDecomposition. Stability and Transition of MixedConvection Flows. Instabilities of Three-Dimensional Flows. Analysis and Design ofNatural Laminar Flow Airfoils.

Also available as eBook

Analytical HeatTransferJe-Chin HanTexas A&M University, College Station, USA

“… it will complete my library … [and] comple-ment the existing literature on heat transfer. It willbe of value for both graduate students and facultymembers.”

—Bengt Sunden, Lund University

Filling the gap between basic undergraduate cours-es and advanced graduate courses, this text explainshow to analyze and solve conduction, convection,and radiation heat transfer problems analytically. Itdescribes many well-known analytical methods andtheir solutions, such as Bessel functions, separationof variables, similarity method, integral method, andmatrix inversion method. Developed from theauthor’s 30 years of teaching, the text also presentsstep-by-step mathematical formula derivations, ana-lytical solution procedures, and numerous demon-stration examples of heat transfer applications.Problems and references are included at the end ofeach chapter.

Course Level: GraduatePages: 326Pub Date: July 2011Cat no: K12869ISBN: 978-1-4398-6196-7Price: $119.95 / £76.99Ancillary Materials: Solutions manual, figure slides

Selected Contents: Heat Conduction Equations.1-D Steady-State Heat Conduction. 2-D Steady-State Heat Conduction. Transient HeatConduction. Numerical Analysis in HeatConduction. Heat Convection Equations. ExternalForced Convection. Internal Forced Convection.Natural Convection. Turbulent Flow HeatTransfer. Fundamental Radiation. View Factor.Radiation Exchange in a NonparticipatingMedium. Radiation Transfer through Gases.Appendix. Index.

Also available as eBook

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Mechanical Engineering

Coming soon!

ComputationalFluid Mechanicsand HeatTransferThird EditionRichard Pletcher andJohn C. TannehillIowa State University, Ames, USA

Dale AndersonUniversity of Texas at Arlington, USA

This comprehensive text provides the basic funda-mentals of computational theory and methods.Divided into two parts, the book begins with mate-rial fundamental to the understanding and applica-tion of finite-difference methods. The second partillustrates the use of such methods in solving differ-ent types of complex problems encountered in fluidmechanics and heat transfer.

• Presents the information in a two-part formatthat introduces the fundamentals of heat transferand fluid mechanics before exploring diversereal-world applications and comparing variouscomputational methods

• Provides increased coverage of the Navier-Stokesequations and techniques for solving them

• Includes new material on flux vector splitting,unstructured grid methods, and high-resolutionmethods/algorithms for practical applications

• Contains new end-of-chapter problems

Course Level: Senior Undergraduate/First-YearGraduatePages: c. 856Pub Date: August 2012Cat no: RU0374ISBN: 978-1-59169-037-5Price: $129.95 / £82.00Ancillary Materials: Solutions manual, figure slides

Selected Contents: Fundamentals of Finite-Difference Methods: Introduction. PartialDifferential Equations. Basics of Finite-DifferenceMethods. Application of Finite-DifferenceMethods to Selected Model Equations.Application of Finite-Difference Methods to theEquations of Fluid Mechanics and Heat Transfer:Governing Equations of Fluid Mechanics andHeat Transfer. Numerical Methods for InviscidFlow Equations. Numerical Methods forBoundary-Layer Type Equations. ...

Also available as eBook

ComputerMethods forEngineeringwith MATLAB®

ApplicationsSecond EditionYogesh JaluriaRutgers University, Piscataway,New Jersey, USA

Now with MATLAB®, this substantially revised andupdated edition shows how computationalapproaches can solve complex mathematical equa-tions, such as simultaneous algebraic equations,ODEs, and PDEs, that typically arise in engineeringproblems. The text explains how to use MATLABand Fortran to solve numerous engineering exam-ples and problems.

• Shows students how computational approachesusing MATLAB and Fortran can solve complexmathematical equations that typically arise inengineering problems

• Incorporates recent advances in computationalsoftware and hardware

• Discusses the solution of different types of mathematical equations, including simultaneousalgebraic equations, ODEs, and PDEs

• Explores the applicability, efficiency and behaviorof various numerical methods

• Contains new and updated references, newexamples, and additional exercises at the end of each chapter

Course Level: UndergraduatePages: 631Pub Date: September 2011Cat no: RT90366ISBN: 978-1-59169-036-8Price: $119.95 / £76.99Ancillary Materials: Solutions manual

Selected Contents: Introduction. BasicConsiderations in Computer Methods. A Reviewof MATLAB Programming. Taylor Series andNumerical Differentiation. Roots of Equations.Numerical Solutions of Simultaneous AlgebraicEquations. Numerical Curve Fitting andInterpolation. Numerical Integration. NumericalSolution of Ordinary Differential Equations.Numerical Solution of Partial DifferentialEquations. Appendices. References. Index.

Also available as eBook


Mechanical Engineering

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Heat ExchangersSelection, Rating,and Thermal Design,Third EditionSadik KakaçTOBB University of Economicsand Technology, Ankara, Turkey

Hongtan LiuUniversity of Miami, CoralGables, Florida, USA

Anchasa PramuanjaroenkijKasetsart University, Chalermphrakiat Sakon NakhonProvince Campus, Thailand

Revised and updated with new problem sets andexamples, this edition presents a systematic treat-ment of the topic, focusing on selection, thermal-hydraulic design, and rating. Topics discussedinclude their classification, design methods, and sin-gle-phase forced convection correlations in channels.

• Presents a systematic approach to heat exchang-ers, focusing on fundamentals and applications

• Contains two new chapters on micro/nano heattransfer and polymer heat exchangers

• Provides realistic design examples to enableinstructors to assign thermal design projects tostudents

• Offers 58 solved examples to help studentsunderstand thermal-hydraulic design and the rating of heat exchangers

• Includes end-of-chapter problems to test students’ assimilation of the material

• Gives the thermophysical properties of variousfluids in the appendices

Course Level: Undergraduate/GraduatePages: 631Pub Date:March 2012Cat no: K12267ISBN: 978-1-4398-4990-3Price: $129.95 / £82.00Ancillary Materials: Solutions manual, figure slides

Selected Contents: Classification of HeatExchangers. Basic Design Methods of HeatExchangers. Forced Convection Correlations forthe Single-Phase Side of Heat Exchangers. HeatExchanger Pressure Drop and Pumping Power.Micro/Nano Heat Transfer. Fouling of HeatExchangers. Double-Pipe Heat Exchangers.Design Correlations for Condensers andEvaporators. Shell-and-Tube Heat Exchangers.Compact Heat Exchangers. ...

Also available as eBook

Introduction toThermal and FluidEngineeringAllan D. KrausJames R. WeltyOregon State University,Corvallis, USA

Abdul AzizGonzaga University, Spokane, Washington, USA

Providing a concise overview of basic concepts, thistextbook presents an introductory treatment ofthermodynamics, fluid mechanics, and heat trans-fer. It explains how automobile and aircraft engi-neering, steam power plants, and refrigeration sys-tems work. It also addresses fluid statics, buoyancy,stability, the flow of fluids in pipes and fluid machin-ery, and the thermal control of electronic compo-nents. Along with numerous problems, each chap-ter includes worked examples, some of which high-light the design aspect of thermal and fluid engi-neering.

Course Level: UndergraduatePages: 972Pub Date: September 2011Cat no: 88084ISBN: 978-1-4200-8808-3Price: $129.95 / £82.00Ancillary Materials: Solutions manual, figure slides

Selected Contents: The Thermal/Fluid Sciences:Introductory Concepts. Thermodynamics:Preliminary Concepts and Definitions. Energyand the First Law of Thermodynamics. Propertiesof Pure, Simple Compressible Substances.Control Volume Mass and Energy Analysis. TheSecond Law of Thermodynamics. Entropy. GasPower Systems. Vapor Power and RefrigerationCycles. Mixtures of Gases, Vapors, andCombustion Products. Introduction to FluidMechanics. Fluid Statics. Control VolumeAnalysis—Mass and Energy Conservation.Newton’s Second Law of Motion. DimensionalAnalysis and Similarity. Viscous Flow. Flow inPipes and Pipe Networks. Fluid Machinery.Introduction to Heat Transfer. Steady-StateConduction. Unsteady-State Conduction. ForcedConvection—Internal Flow. Forced Convection—External Flow. Free or Natural Convection. HeatExchangers. Radiation Heat Transfer. Appendices.

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Mechanical Engineering

Mechanics of Fluids9th EditionJohn Ward-Smith

As in previous editions, the ninth edition of this best-seller introduces the basic principles of fluidmechanics in a detailed and clear manner. It pro-vides a sound physical understanding of fluid flowthat is essential for an honors degree course in civilor mechanical engineering as well as courses inaeronautical and chemical engineering.

The book focuses on the engineering applications offluid flow, rather than mathematical techniques. Itintroduces students to the subject gradually, mov-ing from the simple to the complex and from thefamiliar to the unfamiliar. An entirely new chapteron the modern context of fluid mechanics exploresthe pressing issues of climate change, new forms ofenergy generation, and fresh water conservation.Essentially self-contained, the text uses SI unitsthroughout, contains many worked examples, andgives references for further study.

Course Level: Junior-SeniorUndergraduate/GraduatePages: 720Soft Cover Pub Date: August 2011Cat no: Y112274ISBN: 978-0-415-60260-0Price: $59.95 / £39.99Ancillary Materials: Solutions manual

Selected Contents: Fundamental Concepts.Fluid Statics. The Principles Governing. TheMomentum Equation. Physical Similarity andDimensional Analysis. Laminar Flow betweenSolid Boundaries. Flow and Losses in Pipes andFittings. Boundary Layers, Wakes and OtherShear Layers. The Flow of an Inviscid Fluid. Flowwith a Free Surface. Compressible Flow of Gases.Unsteady Flow. Fluid Machines. Fluid Mechanicsin a Changing World. Appendices.


Elements ofHeat TransferEthirajan RathakrishnanIIT Kanpur, India

Designed for chemical, mechanical, and aerospaceengineering students taking courses on heat andmass transfer, this textbook presents the basics andproceeds to the required theory and its applicationaspects. Major topics covered in detail include con-duction, convection, radiation, boiling, heatexchangers, and mass transfer. Along with detailedexplanations of the topics, the author providesappropriate numerical examples to clarify theoryand concepts. Exercise problems are presented atthe end of each chapter to test the understandinggained within each subject.

• Offers thorough descriptions of heat transfer theory and related applications

• Includes numerical examples

• Provides end-of-chapter problems, along withadditional homework problems

Course Level: Senior Undergraduate/GraduatePages: 549Pub Date:March 2012Cat no: K13693ISBN: 978-1-4398-7891-0Price: $99.95 / £63.99Ancillary Materials: Solutions manual,PowerPoint slides

Selected Contents: Basic Concepts andDefinitions. Conduction Heat Transfer. One-dimensional, Steady-State Conduction. UnsteadyHeat Conduction. Convection Heat Transfer.Radiation Heat Transfer. Mass Transfer. Boilingand Condensation. Heat Exchangers.

Also available as eBook


Mechanical Engineering

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Nuclear Systems,Second Edition Volume I: Thermal HydraulicFundamentalsNeil E. Todreas and Mujid S. KazimiMassachusetts Institute ofTechnology, Cambridge, USA

This textbook enables students to develop theknowledge and design skills needed for workingwith the next generation of nuclear reactors. Itstresses the integration of fluid flow and heat trans-fer, various reactor types, and energy source distri-bution. This edition covers recent nuclear reactorconcepts, such as Generation III+ and IV reactors, aswell as new power cycles. It also features new chap-ter problems and new examples using conceptparameters.

• Offers rigorous coverage of nuclear power generation fundamentals

• Details the latest developments in nuclear reactorplant design and operation

• Builds from basic nuclear power concepts toadvanced topics and complex formulations

• Illustrates integration of fluid flow and heat transfer as applied to single- and two-phase coolants

Course Level: GraduatePages: 1034Pub Date: September 2011Cat no: K10438ISBN: 978-1-4398-0887-0Price: $119.95 / £76.99Ancillary Materials: Solutions manual

Selected Contents: Principal Characteristics ofPower Reactors. Thermal Design Principles andApplication. Reactor Energy Distribution.Transport Equations for Single-Phase Flow.Transport Equations for Two-Phase Flow.Thermodynamics of Nuclear Energy ConversionSystems: Nonflow and Steady Flow: First andSecond Law Applications. Thermodynamics ofNuclear Energy Conversion Systems: NonsteadyFlow First Law Analysis. Thermal Analysis of FuelElements. Approach to Simplified Flow Analysis.Single-Phase Heat Transfer. Two-Phase FlowDynamics. Pool Boiling. Flow Boiling. SingleHeated Channel: Steady-State Analysis.Appendices.

Also available as eBook

Thermodynamicsfor EngineersSecond EditionKaufui Vincent WongUniversity of Miami, Coral Gables, Florida, USA

Ideal for a one-semester thermodynamics course,this second edition presents a comprehensive treat-ment of classical engineering thermodynamics toprepare engineering students for professional prac-tice. This edition includes a new chapter on ther-modynamic property relations as well as updated,expanded problem sets.

• Takes a straightforward, student-friendlyapproach that minimizes the use of complexmathematics

• Limits the manual interpolation of thermodynamictables and allows students to expand the computer-aided tables made available on the Internet

• Introduces the control volume as the more general system and control mass as a specialcase, making it easier to comprehend the firstlaw of thermodynamics

• Unifies the treatment of the conservation of energy, the creation of entropy, and the destructionof availability by using a balance equation foreach of them

• Uses logic diagrams to help students understandthe logical steps in solving thermodynamicsproblems

• Includes extensive problem sets and more than100 illustrations

Course Level: UndergraduatePages: 450Pub Date: August 2011Cat no: K12033ISBN: 978-1-4398-4559-2Price: $99.95 / £63.99Ancillary Materials: Solutions manual, figure slides

Selected Contents: Concepts, Definitions, andthe Laws of Thermodynamics. Properties of PureSubstances. Mass Conservation and the First Lawof Thermodynamics. Second Law ofThermodynamics and Entropy. Exergy(Availability) Analysis. Vapor Power Systems.Thermodynamic Property Relations. Principles ofEnergy (Heat) Transfer. Appendices. Answers toProblems. Index.

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Mechanical Engineering

Coming soon!

Solid MechanicsVariationalFormulation andHigh OrderApproximationMarco BittencourtUniversity of Campinas, Brazil

This classroom-tested text incorporates the varia-tional formulation of mechanical models based onthe principle of virtual work. All models are pre-sented following the same sequence of steps,including kinematics, strain measurement, rigidbody deformation, internal and external work,equilibrium, constitutive equations, and structuraldesign. This presentation allows students to estab-lish a logical sequence for treating any mechanicalproblem. MATLAB® programs are supplied to runthe examples.

• Formulates and approximates solid mechanicalmodels starting from simple cases and proceeding to more complex nonlinear problems

• Offers an integrated approach of mechanicalmodels, finite element approximation, and applications using MATLAB

• Includes many exercises and real-world examplesof mechanical models

Course Level: GraduatePages: c. 700Pub Date: August 2012Cat no: K12742ISBN: 978-1-4398-6001-4Price: $99.95 / £63.99Ancillary Materials: Solutions manual

Selected Contents: Introduction. Equilibrium ofParticles and Rigid Bodies. Bars in Traction andCompression. Shafts with Circular andNoncircular Cross Sections. Beams (Euler-Bernoulli Beam). Beams with Shear Effect(Timoshenko Beam). General Beams. High-OrderShape Functions, Mapping, and NumericalIntegration. Plates (Kirchhoff Plate). Plates withShear Effect (Reissner-Mindlin Plate). VariationalFormulation and Approximation of MechanicalModels. Solids. Nonlinear Transient StructuralModels.

Also available as eBook

The FiniteElement Methodfor Mechanics ofSolids withANSYSApplicationsEllis H. DillRutgers University, New Brunswick, New Jersey, USA

This volume explores the theory behind the methodand use of ANSYS. Totally self contained, the bookprovides the necessary background on solidmechanics (elasticity, plasticity, viscoelasticity) andmathematics. It includes theory, examples, anddetailed instructions for using ANSYS to solve prob-lems involving small- and large-deformation elastic-ity, plasticity, viscoelasticity, vibrations, wave propa-gation, fracture mechanics, building, plates andshells, and contact.

• Provides strong coverage on FEM concepts,applications, and interpretation of output

• Uses carefully explained ANSYS examples toshow the use of a specific FEM program

• Covers basic mechanics concepts as well as finite element methods

• Presents a chapter on FEM for fluid mechanicsand heat transfer

• Includes ANSYS commands and procedures in an appendix

• Contains chapter problems

Course Level: Undergraduate/GraduatePages: 508Pub Date: August 2011Cat no: K12048ISBN: 978-1-4398-4583-7Price: $99.95 / £63.99Ancillary Materials: Solutions manual

Selected Contents: Finite Element Concepts.Linear Elasticity. Triangular Elements for the PlaneProblem. The Four Node Quadrilateral and OtherElements. Plasticity. Viscoelasticity. DynamicAnalysis. Fracture Mechanics. FiniteDisplacements. Bending of Plates and Shells.Constraints and Contact. Heat Conduction inElastic Solids. Appendix.

Also available as eBook


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Mechanics of Solids andStructuresSecond EditionRoger T. FennerImperial College London, UK

J.N. ReddyTexas A&M University, College Station, USA

This revision of a popular textbook emphasizes thedevelopment of analysis techniques from basic prin-ciples for a broad range of practical problems,including simple structures, pressure vessels, beams,and shafts. The authors integrate numerical andcomputer techniques with programs for carryingout analyses, facilitating design, and solving theproblems found at the end of each chapter. Theyalso present the underlying theory and traditionalmanual solution methods along with these tech-niques. This edition covers relationships betweenstress and strain, torsion, statically determinate sys-tems, instability of struts and columns, and compat-ibility equations.

• Provides a modern approach to advancedstrength of materials

• Balances numerical and classic approaches tomechanics

• Presents FEMs for structural mechanics designanalysis

• Integrates numerical software modeling andcomputation

Course Level: Undergraduate/First-Year GraduatePages: c. 705Pub Date:May 2012Cat no: K12712ISBN: 978-1-4398-5814-1Price: $129.95 / £82.00Ancillary Materials: Solutions manual

Selected Contents: Introduction. StaticallyDeterminate Systems. Relationships betweenStress and Strain. Statically IndeterminateSystems. Bending of Beams: Moments, Forces,and Stresses. Bending of Beams: Deflections.Torsion. Instability and the Buckling of Struts andColumns. Transformations of Stress and Strain.Equilibrium and Compatibility Equations: Beamsand Thick-Walled Cylinders. Energy Methods ofStructural Mechanics. Appendices. Index.

Also available as eBook


The MechanicalandThermodynamicalTheory ofPlasticityMehrdad NegahbanUniversity of Nebraska, Lincoln, USA

Spanning every significant facet of the mechanicaland thermodynamics theories of plasticity, this bookprovides an accessible introduction to continuummechanics and thermodynamics for those with min-imal background. Expanding upon what is found ina typical text, the author covers what is needed todevelop and select plasticity models or use them forsolving static and dynamic problems. He also pro-vides material to develop advanced models andevaluate leading-edge applications. The book coversrate- and temperature-dependent plasticity,anisotropic plasticity, thermodynamic constraints,and crystal plasticity.

• Provides a complete, integrated, and accessibleintroduction to continuum mechanics, thermo-dynamics, and plasticity, including rate and thermal effects

• Presents the material in a simple one-dimensionalsetting that provides a foundation to betterunderstand the full dimensional explanation

• Goes beyond equilibrium problems to considerequilibrium, steady-state, and dynamic problems

Course Level: Graduate/ProfessionalPages: 780Pub Date: April 2012Cat no: 7230ISBN: 978-0-8493-7230-8Price: $119.95 / £76.99Ancillary Materials: Solutions manual

Selected Contents: Plasticity in the 1-D Bar.Vectors and Tensors. Describing Motion,Deformation, and Temperature. Elastic, Plastic,and Thermal Deformation. Traction, Stress, andHeat Flux. Balance Laws and Jump Conditions.Infinitesimal Plasticity. Solutions for InfinitesimalPlasticity. First-Gradient ThermomechanicalMaterials. Elastic and Thermoelastic Solids. FiniteDeformation Mechanical Theory of Plasticity.Thermoplastic Solids. Viscoelastic Solids. Rate-Dependent Plasticity. Crystal Plasticity.Appendices. Index.

Also available as eBook

Order your review copy at www.crctextbooks.com36

Mechanical Engineering

Also available asindividual Textbooks

Solid-State Physics, Fluidics, andAnalytical Techniques in Micro- and NanotechnologySelected Contents: Historical Note: The Ascent ofSilicon, MEMS, and NEMS. Crystallography.Quantum Mechanics and the Band Theory ofSolids. Silicon Single Crystal Is Still King. Photonics.Fluidics. Electrochemical and Optical AnalyticalTechniques.

Catalog no. 55119, June 2011, 656 pp.ISBN: 978-1-4200-5511-5, $99.95 / £63.99Also available as eBook

Manufacturing Techniques forMicrofabrication andNanotechnologySelected Contents: LITHOGRAPHY:Photolithography. Next-Generation Lithographiesand Lithography Research. PATTERN TRANSFERWITH SUBTRACTIVE TECHNIQUES: Dry Etching.Wet Chemical Etching and Wet BulkMicromachining—Pools as Tools. Thermal Energy-Based Removing. Mechanical Energy-BasedRemoving. PATTERN TRANSFER WITH ADDITIVETECHNIQUES: Physical and Chemical VaporDeposition—Thin Film Properties and SurfaceMicromachining. Chemical, Photochemical andElectrochemical Forming Techniques. ThermalEnergy-Based Forming Techniques—Thermoforming. Micro-Molding Techniques—LIGA.

Catalog no. 55194, June 2011, 670 pp.ISBN: 978-1-4200-5519-1, $99.95 / £63.99Also available as eBook

From MEMS to Bio-MEMS and Bio-NEMSManufacturing Techniques and Applications

Selected Contents: FROM TRADITIONAL MANU-FACTURING TO NANOTECHNOLOGY:Nonlithography-Based (Traditional) andLithography-Based (Nontraditional) ManufacturingCompared. Nature as an Engineering Guide:Biomimetics. Nanotechnology: Top-Down andBottom-Up Manufacturing Approaches Compared.Packaging, Assembly, and Self-Assembly. SelectedMaterials and Processes for MEMS and NEMS.Metrology and MEMS/NEMS Modeling. SCALINGLAWS, ACTUATORS, AND POWER AND BRAINS INMINIATURE DEVICES: Scaling Laws. Actuators.Power and Brains in Miniature Devices. MINIATUR-IZATION APPLICATION: MEMS and NEMSApplications.

Catalog no. 5516X, June 2011, 650 pp.ISBN: 978-1-4200-5516-0, $99.95 / £63.99

Also available as eBook

Fundamentals ofMicrofabrication andNanotechnologyThird Edition, Three-Volume SetMarc J. MadouUniversity of California, Irvine, USA

“… offers the widest and yet the most detailed coverage of all essential and fundamental aspectsof microfabrication and nanotechnology. Theauthor has done an excellent and remarkable jobin synthesizing such diverse material under a singleumbrella.”

—Suman Chakraborty, IIT Kharagpur

“Once again, Professor Madou has made anincredible contribution to the MEMS/NEMS globalcommunity in writing this series of books.”

—Nico de Rooij, EPFL

“… the potential to become a ‘classic’ just like theone-volume predecessor … easy to read, and Ifound some concepts explained in ways I hadn’theard before … Very ambitious, very informative,very good for teaching!”

—Jorg P. Kutter, Technical University of Denmark

Thoroughly revised and updated and illustrated incolor throughout, this bestseller has been expandedto three volumes to reflect the substantial growth inthe field. The set lays the foundation for compre-hensive theoretical and practical understanding ofMEMS and NEMS. The books include end-of-chap-ter problems and worked-out examples, with manyculled from recent literature and the author’s ownwork.

Course Level: Senior Undergraduate/GraduatePages: 1992Pub Date: August 2011Cat no: 3180ISBN: 978-0-8493-3180-0Price: $249.95 / £159.00Ancillary Materials: Solutions manual,PowerPoint slides, figure slides, sample quizzes,errata website—available for all volumes


Mechanical Engineering

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CombustionEngineering2nd EditionKenneth W. RaglandUniversity of Wisconsin,Madison, USA

Kenneth M. BrydenIowa State University, Ames, USA

This new edition emphasizes the role of fundamen-tal science in the engineering and design of com-bustion systems. Focused on the fundamentals ofgaseous, liquid, and solid fuel combustion, the textprovides the foundation needed for the design andengineering of sustainable and efficient combustionsystems.

• Offers a combustion fundamentals-based introduction to engineering sustainable systems

• Presents mathematical methods with qualitativedescriptions of their use

• Covers gaseous, liquid, and solid fuel combustionequally, focusing on biomass fuels

• Details the latest developments in combustionengineering

• Integrates alternative and renewable fuel topicsthroughout the text

• Includes numerous tables with practical data andformulae, worked examples, chapter-end problems, and references

Course Level: Undergraduate/GraduatePages: 550Pub Date:May 2011Cat no: 92502ISBN: 978-1-4200-9250-9Price: $109.95 / £69.99Ancillary Materials: Solutions manual

Selected Contents: Basic Concepts: Fuels.Thermodynamics of Combustion. ChemicalKinetics of Combustion. Combustion of Gaseousand Vaporized Fuels: Flames. Gas-Fired Furnacesand Boilers. Premixed-Charge EngineCombustion. Detonation of Gaseous Mixtures.Combustion of Liquid Fuels: Spray Formationand Droplet Behavior. Oil-Fired FurnaceCombustion. Gas Turbine Spray Combustion.Diesel Engine Combustion. Detonation of Liquidand Gaseous Mixtures. Combustion of SolidFuels: Solid Fuel Combustion Mechanisms. FixedBed Combustion. Suspension Burning. FluidizedBed Combustion. Appendices.

Also available as eBook

Road VehicleDynamicsFundamentals and ModelingGeorg RillUniversity of Applied Sciences,Regensburg, Germany

Presenting the terminology of automotive engineer-ing, this book introduces the basic mechanics andanalytical methods used in vehicle dynamics. It pro-vides insight into tire force and torque generationand surveys the components of drive train and sus-pension systems. The text also covers the funda-mentals of vehicle dynamics and includes a tiremodel and dynamic models of force elements.Using simple vehicle models, the author provides adeep understanding of the dynamics of road vehi-cles. Many MATLAB® examples are used to verifytheoretical predictions.

• Derives vehicle dynamics fundamentals fromsimple models

• Presents case studies with MATLAB to developstudents’ modeling skills

• Develops vehicle models of increasing complexityas the text progresses

• Provides an easy-to-use tire model

Course Level: Undergraduate/GraduatePages: 361Pub Date: September 2011Cat no: K11773ISBN: 978-1-4398-3898-3Price: $99.95 / £63.99Ancillary Materials: Solutions manual, downloadable MATLAB codes

Selected Contents: Introduction. Road. Tire.Drive Train. Suspension System. Force Elements.Vertical Dynamics. Longitudinal Dynamics.Lateral Dynamics. Driving Behavior of SingleVehicles.

Also available as eBook

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Mechanical Engineering

Introduction toRocket Scienceand EngineeringTravis S. TaylorStarting at basic levels, thishands-on text looks at theoverall process of performingrocket science and becominga rocket scientist. It discussesthe history of rocket science;explains how to build, test, and fly a rocket; and elu-cidates the general rules and basic physics behindthe design of a rocket engine. The author also cov-ers aspects of orbital mechanics and rocket propul-sion, design, and engineering. He provides chapterproblems and many real-world examples, includingthe Jupiter Icy Moons Orbiter.

Course Level: Undergraduate/GraduatePages: 314Pub Date: February 2009Cat no: 75284ISBN: 978-1-4200-7528-1Price: $96.95 / £61.99Ancillary Materials: Solutions manual

Introduction toFluid MechanicsFourth EditionWilliam S. Janna

Designed for students takingtheir first course in fluids, thispopular text provides anunderstandable introductionto engineering fluid mechan-ics. Keeping complex mathe-matics to a minimum, this edition offers updatedpractical examples and applications to build an intu-itive understanding of fluids concepts. It details tab-ular information for use in thermal/fluid design work,includes more than 750 class-tested problems, andprovides example problems for students to progres-sively develop problem solving skills.

Course Level: UndergraduatePages: 738Pub Date: November 2009Cat no: 85247ISBN: 978-1-4200-8524-2Price: $129.95 / £82.99Ancillary Materials: Solutions manual, lecture slides

Also available as eBook

The Dynamics of EnergySupply, Conversion,and UtilizationHoracio Perez-Blanco

Providing a complete portfo-lio of various energy tech-nologies, this book helps stu-dents develop competence inenergy matters on three levels: basic concepts,essential computations, and dynamic modeling. Itcontains numerical examples that further conceptu-al insights and uses dynamic modeling to show howdifferent energy systems fulfill different needs in atimely manner.

Course Level: UndergraduatePages: 320Pub Date:May 2009Cat no: 76884ISBN: 978-1-4200-7688-2Price: $119.95 / £76.99Ancillary Materials: Solutions manual, CD withViSim™ and Simulink® examples, online trial version of ViSim

Fluid MachineryApplication,Selection, and Design,Second EditionTerry Wright and Philip GerhartThis second edition providesa comprehensive introduc-tion to the fluid mechanics ofturbomachinery. By focusing on the preliminarydesign and selection of equipment to meet per-formance specifications, the authors promote abasic yet thorough understanding of the subject.Topics covered include gas and hydraulic turbines aswell as industrial equipment such as pumps andfans. The book presents illustrations, examples, andexercises that emphasize real-world industrial appli-cations of fluid machinery.

Course Level: UndergraduatePages: 453Pub Date: December 2009Cat no: 82949ISBN: 978-1-4200-8294-4Price: $129.95 / £82.99Ancillary Materials: Solutions manual

Measurement,Data Analysis,and SensorFundamentalsfor Engineeringand SciencePatrick F. Dunn

A combination of the author’s other two books, this set covers sensor technology as well as basicmeasurement and data analysis subjects—topics notusually covered together in other books. MATLAB®

applications are included in all sections.

Course Level: UndergraduatePages: 614Pub Date: April 2011Cat no: K13493ISBN: 978-1-4398-7529-2Price: $119.95 / £76.99Ancillary Materials: Solutions manual; PowerPointslides; errata, MATLAB files, learning objectives,review puzzles/solutions, lab exercises, and differentialequation derivations on author’s website

For more information and complete contents, visit 39

Mechanical Engineering

Stresses inBeams, Plates,and ShellsThird EditionAnsel C. Ugural

Noted for its practical, stu-dent-friendly approach tograduate-level mechanics, thisbook focuses on elasticity andstress in construction. Using many examples, prob-lems, illustrations, and engineering applications, theauthor introduces the more advanced concepts inelasticity and stress gradually. The text covers classicaland numerical/computer methods, including FEAand computational/equation-solving software.

Course Level: Undergraduate/GraduatePages: 596Pub Date: August 2009Cat no: K10142ISBN: 978-1-4398-0270-0Price: $139.95 / £89.00Ancillary Materials: Solutions manual

Also available as eBook

Fundamentals of Sensors forEngineering and SciencePatrick F. Dunn

This text enables students tomake informed decisionswhen choosing sensors for applications. The authoremphasizes the underlying physics of each type ofsensor and its basic characteristics and illustrates thevarious uses of sensors via current applications inengineering and science.

Course Level: UndergraduatePages: 110Soft Cover Pub Date: April 2011Cat no: K12810ISBN: 978-1-4398-6103-5Price: $49.95 / £31.99Ancillary Materials: Solutions manual, links toonline materials

Also available as eBookMeasurementand Data Analysisfor Engineeringand ScienceSecond EditionPatrick F. Dunn

This popular text presents thefundamental tools of experi-mentation that are currentlyused by engineers and scientists. It covers basic con-cepts related to experiments, measurement systemcomponents and responses, methods of data analy-sis, and effective communication of experimentalfindings.

Course Level: UndergraduatePages: 504Pub Date: January 2010Cat no: K11230ISBN: 978-1-4398-2568-6Price: $94.95 / £59.99Ancillary Materials: Solutions manual; PowerPointslides; errata, MATLAB® files, learning objectives,review puzzles/solutions, lab exercises, and differentialequation derivations on author’s website

Also available as eBook

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Mechanical Engineering

ThermalRadiation Heat TransferFifth EditionJohn R. HowellThe University of Texas at Austin, USA

Robert SiegelHeat Transfer Consultant,Shaker Heights, Ohio, USA

M. Pinar MengucUniversity of Kentucky, Lexington, USA

Providing a comprehensive overview of the radiativebehavior and properties of materials, this bookdescribes the physics of radiative transfer, methodsfor developing analysis, and various mathematicaland numerical techniques. This fifth edition includesfour new chapters on inverse methods, electromag-netic theory, scattering and absorption by particles,and near-field radiative transfer.

Course Level: GraduatePages: 987Pub Date: September 2010Cat no: K10138ISBN: 978-1-4398-0533-6Price: $135.95 / £87.00Ancillary Materials: Solutions manual, online appendices and errata

Selected Contents: Introduction to RadiationTransfer. Definitions of Properties at Interfaces.Radiative Properties of Opaque Materials.Configuration Factors for Diffuse Surface withUniform Radiosity. Radiation Exchange inEnclosures Composed of Black and/or Diffuse-GraySurfaces. Radiation Exchange between NondiffuseNongray Surfaces. Radiation Combined withConduction and Convection at Boundaries. InverseProblems in Radiative Transfer in TransparentMedia. Radiative Properties of Participating Media.Relations for Radiative Transfer in Plane Layers andMultidimensional Geometries. Energy Transfer inPlane Layers and Multidimensional Geometries:Participating Media with and without Conduction.Optically Thin and Thick Limits for RadiativeTransfer in Participating Media. Solution Methodsfor Radiative Transfer in Participating Media.Electromagnetic Wave Approach to RadiationTransfer. Absorption and Scattering by Particles andAgglomerates. Near-Field Thermal Radiation.Applications of Radiative Transfer in TranslucentLiquids, Solids, Windows, and Coatings.Appendices.

Also available as eBook

AdvancedThermodynamicsEngineeringSecond EditionKalyan AnnamalaiTexas A&M University, College Station, USA

Ishwar K. PuriVirginia Polytechnic Institute andState University, Blacksburg, USA

Milind A. JogUniversity of Cincinnati, Ohio, USA

“The layout is successful and the beautiful illustra-tions as well as the many written problems willmake its useful as a textbook for undergraduateand graduate courses.”

—Panayiotis Vlamos, President, V-Publications

Designed for students who need to understand andapply the engineering physics of thermodynamicconcepts, this book features physical explanationsalong with mathematical equations so that the prin-ciples can be applied to real-world problems.Employing almost 300 illustrations to enhance clar-ity, the book first presents the phenomenologicalapproach to a problem and then delves into thedetails. Using a self-teaching format, the authorsforego esoteric material in favor of concrete exam-ples and applications. The book includes severaltables containing thermodynamic properties andother useful information.

Course Level: Undergraduate/GraduatePages: 1142Pub Date:March 2011Cat no: K10287ISBN: 978-1-4398-0572-5Price: $129.95 / £82.00Ancillary Materials: Solutions manual,downloadable thermolab software files

Selected Contents: Introduction. First Law ofThermodynamics. Second Law ofThermodynamics and Entropy. Availability.Postulatory (Gibbsian) Thermodynamics. StateRelationships for Real Gases and Liquids.Thermodynamic Properties of Pure Fluids.Thermodynamic Properties of Mixtures. PhaseEquilibrium for a Mixture. Stability. ChemicallyReacting Systems. Reaction Direction andChemical Equilibrium. Availability Analysis forReacting Systems. Thermal Sciences andBiological Systems. Problems. A Summary ofChapterwise Formulae.

Also available as eBook

Heat TransferThermalManagement ofElectronicsYounes ShabanyFlextronics Corporation,California, USA

This book helps engineeringstudents develop the neces-sary expertise in thermalmanagement of electronics and move a step closerto being a multidisciplinary engineer. It covers thebasic knowledge necessary to understand and solvesimple electronic cooling problems and thenexplores heat transfer fundamentals to give studentsa deeper understanding of the associated physics.

Course Level: Undergraduate/GraduatePages: 523Pub Date: December 2009Cat no: K10756ISBN: 978-1-4398-1467-3Price: $129.95 / £82.99Ancillary Materials: Solutions manualHeating and Cooling of Buildings

For more information and complete contents, visit 41

Mechanical Engineering

EngineeringHeat TransferThird EditionWilliam S. JannaThe University of Memphis,Tennessee, USA

This updated edition covers practical applications ina way that de-emphasizes mathematical techniquesbut preserves the physical interpretation of heattransfer fundamentals and modeling of heat transferphenomena. An abundance of drawings, graphs,examples, and problems show how derived equa-tions are used to model physical problems.

Course Level: UndergraduatePages: 680Pub Date: January 2009Cat no: 72021ISBN: 978-1-4200-7202-0Price: $139.95 / £89.00Ancillary Materials: Solutions manual, lecture slides

Also available as eBook

Design forEfficiencyRevised Second EditionJan F. Kreider, Peter S. Curtiss, and Ari Rabl

Retaining coverage from theoriginal text while updatingthe information in electronicform, this revised second edi-tion presents the technical basis for designing thelighting and mechanical systems of buildings. Thisedition offers a full chapter on economic analysisand optimization, new heating and cooling loadprocedures and databases, simplified procedures forground coupled heat transfer calculations, andnumerous homework problems.

Course Level: UndergraduatePages: 863Pub Date: December 2009Cat no: K10576ISBN: 978-1-4398-1151-1Price: $129.95 / £82.99Ancillary Materials: Solutions manual, down-loadable HCB software, CD with over 1,000 tables

ContinuumMechanics forEngineersThird EditionG. Thomas Mase, Ronald E. Smelser, and George E. Mase

This bestseller provides all the introductory back-ground needed to make effective use of today’sadvanced engineering design tools and methods.This edition adds material relating to engineeringareas, such as micromechanics and biomechanics,and includes more worked examples and end-of-chapter problems.

Course Level: GraduatePages: 398Pub Date: July 2009Cat no: 85387ISBN: 978-1-4200-8538-9Price: $107.95 / £69.99Ancillary Materials: Solutions manual

Also available as eBook

Order your review copy at www.crctextbooks.com42

Mechanical Engineering

Dynamics inEngineeringPracticeTenth EditionDara W. Childs

This popular book treatsdynamics as a continuousevolution of motion using dif-ferential equations rather than algebra-based math-ematics. Examples demonstrate the development ofgeneral modeling and analysis approaches for parti-cle and rigid-body motion in planar motion.Multiple MATLAB® computer example problemsand tools help students master the subject.

Course Level: UndergraduatePages: 390Pub Date: August 2010Cat no: K11527ISBN: 978-1-4398-3125-0Price: $115.95 / £73.99Ancillary Materials: Solutions manual

Also available as eBook

MechanicalVibrationAnalysis, Uncertainties,and Control, Third EditionHaym Benaroy and Mark L. Nagurka

This third edition of a best-seller focuses on strengthen-ing engineering students’command of mathematics as a cornerstone forunderstanding vibration, control, and the ways inwhich uncertainties affect analysis. It explains theessential equations involved in modeling vibratingsystems and shows students how to employ MAT-LAB® as an advanced tool for analyzing specificproblems.

Course Level: Undergraduate/GraduatePages: 992Pub Date: June 2009Cat no: 80563ISBN: 978-1-4200-8056-8Price: $139.95 / £89.00Ancillary Materials: Solutions manual, down-loadable MATLAB primer

Also available as eBookThe FiniteElement Methodin Heat Transferand FluidDynamicsThird EditionJ.N. Reddy and D.K. Gartling

The third edition of this masterwork contains con-siderably more workable exercises and examplesassociated with problems in heat conduction,incompressible viscous flow, and convection heattransfer. The book also uses applied examples toillustrate applications of FEM in thermal and fluiddesign analysis.

Course Level: Undergraduate/GraduatePages: 524Pub Date: April 2010Cat no: 85980ISBN: 978-1-4200-8598-3Price: $159.95 / £99.00Ancillary Materials: Solutions manual

Also available as eBook

Product Designfor Manufactureand AssemblyThird EditionGeoffrey Boothroyd,Peter Dewhurst, andWinston A. Knight“If you are a manufacturingstudent looking to learnsomething that will increase your value to potentialemployers, go out and buy this book. … it is apractical book, it works spectacularly well in thereal world.”

—Ernie Appleton, Industrial Robot, April 2008

Course Level: Senior Undergraduate/GraduatePages: 709Pub Date: December 2010Cat no: 89277ISBN: 978-1-4200-8927-1Price: $135.95 / £87.00Ancillary Materials: Solutions manual

Also available as eBook


Materials Science

For more information and complete contents, visit


EngineeringDesign withPolymers andCompositesSecond EditionJames C. Gerdeen, PhD, PEand Ronald A.L. Rorrer, PhD, PEUniversity of Colorado, Denver, USA

With new chapters on polymer fusing, rapid proto-typing, and piezoelectric polymers, this second edi-tion provides one of the only textbooks on the analy-sis and design of mechanical components madefrom polymer materials. It explains how to createpolymer materials to meet design specifications.

• Discusses the material behavior and design techniques for polymers, which are differentthan those for typical metals

• Explores how to save the weight and cost ofmaterials to support a sustainable future withdiminishing resources

• Describes how to select the best polymer materialfor various applications

• Explains how to save time and money by makingpolymer prototypes

• Illustrates laminate analysis with MATLAB® andOctave

• Includes real-world examples and end-of-chapterproblems

Course Level: Senior Undergraduate/GraduatePages: 420Pub Date: December 2011Cat no: K12777ISBN: 978-1-4398-6052-6Price: $139.95 / £89.00Ancillary Materials: Solutions manual, figure slides

Selected Contents: Mechanical Properties ofPolymers. Viscoelastic Behavior of Polymers.Creep and Fatigue Failure. Impact Strength andFracture Toughness. Selection of Polymers forDesign Applications. Design Applications ofSome Polymers. Composite Material Mechanics.Composite Laminate Failure. Polymer Processing.Adhesion of Polymers and Composites. PolymerFusing and Other Assembly Techniques.Tribology of Polymers and Composites. Dampingand Isolation with Polymers and Composites.Rapid Prototyping with Polymers. PiezoelectricPolymers. Appendices. Index.

Also available as eBook

ComputationalMaterialsScienceAn IntroductionJune Gunn LeeKorea Institute of Science andTechnology, Seoul, South Korea

This practical text covers the essentials of computa-tional science and explains how computational toolsand techniques, such as molecular dynamics andfirst-principles methods, work to help solve materi-als science problems. It focuses on the electronicstructure level of nuclei and electrons and the atom-istic/molecular level. Along with numerous workedexamples, references, and homework problems, thebook presents exercises that employ the most fre-quently used computer programs in the field: XMD,LAMMPS, and VASP.

• Provides a much-needed practical introductionto computational science for nonspecialist materials science students and engineers

• Employs XMD, LAMMPS, and VASP, the mostfrequently used computer programs in the field

• Offers the option of conducting lectures andrunning exercises simultaneously

• Includes exercises with XMD that can be carriedout on PCs as well as exercises with LAMMPSand VASP that can be implemented on any mini-supercomputer via remote access from the classroom

• Contains numerous worked examples, references,and homework problems

Course Level: Senior Undergraduate/GraduatePages: 302Pub Date: September 2011Cat no: K11634ISBN: 978-1-4398-3616-3Price: $89.95 / £57.99Ancillary Materials: Solutions manual, figure slides

Selected Contents: Introduction. MolecularDynamics. MD Exercises with XMD andLAMMPS. First-Principles Methods. DensityFunctional Theory, Treating Solids. DFT Exerciseswith VASP. Appendices. Index.

Also available as eBook

BiomaterialsA Nano ApproachSeeram Ramakrishna,Murugan Ramalingam,T.S. Sampath Kumar, andWinston O. Soboyejo

This book examines basicconcepts, various processingmethodologies, and techniques involved in thepreparation and characterization of nanobiomateri-als that are specific to biomedical applications. It describes how basic concepts in nanotechnologycan be applied to the processing of novel nanobio-materials.

Course Level: Senior Undergraduate/GraduatePages: 372Pub Date: June 2010Cat no: 47817ISBN: 978-1-4200-4781-3Price: $99.95 / £69.99Ancillary Materials: Figure slides

Order your review copy at www.crctextbooks.com44

Materials Science

Principles ofCompositeMaterialMechanicsThird EditionRonald F. GibsonUniversity of Nevada, Reno, USA

“Professor Ron Gibson provides a comprehensivetextbook to cover the basic concept of anisotropyand inhomogeneity of composites as well as thestate-of-art issues such as dynamic behavior, frac-ture and testing. Many worked-out examples andhomework problems are most useful for readers tounderstand the basic concepts to be used in practi-cal applications of composites. …”

—Nobuo Takeda, University of Tokyo

While continuing to cover classical methods, thethird edition of this popular bestseller also includesfrequent references to current state-of-the-art com-posites technology and research findings. Alongwith many new worked-out example problems,homework problems, and figures, this edition offersexpanded coverage of finite element modeling andtest methods. It also discusses particle composites,nanocomposites, nanoenhancement of conven-tional fiber composites, and hybrid multiscale com-posites.

Course Level: Senior Undergraduate/GraduatePages: 683Pub Date: September 2011Cat no: K12275ISBN: 978-1-4398-5005-3Price: $109.95 / £69.99Ancillary Materials: Solutions manual, figure slides

Selected Contents: Introduction. LaminaStress–Strain Relationships. Effective Moduli of aContinuous Fiber-Reinforced Lamina. Strength ofa Continuous Fiber-Reinforced Lamina. Analysisof Lamina Hygrothermal Behavior. Analysis of aDiscontinuously Reinforced Lamina. Analysis ofLaminates. Analysis of Viscoelastic and DynamicBehavior. Analysis of Fracture. Mechanical Testingof Composites and Their Constituents.Appendices. Index.

Also available as eBook

PhysicalProperties ofMaterialsSecond EditionMary Anne White“… well written and compre-hensive in its presentation …there is an especially wel-come text-related website …”

—James A. Clum, Journal of Materials Education, 2011

“This book stands out as a unique resource for students and established scientists working at themodern materials/chemistry/technology interface.… This new edition includes many new state-of-the-art topics …”

—Timothy M. Swager, MIT

Course Level: UndergraduatePages: 469Pub Date: June 2011Cat no: K12969ISBN: 978-1-4398-6651-1Price: $79.95 / £49.99Ancillary Materials: Solutions manual; companionwebsite with videos, more problems, lecture slides,figure slides, and updates to further reading sections

Also available as eBook

For more information and complete contents, visit 45

Materials Science

Introduction toCompositeMaterials DesignSecond EditionEver J. Barbero

This second edition of a best-seller contains new chapterson damage mechanics, fabric-reinforced composites, andexternal strengthening for infrastructure. It coversfiber and matrix selection, fabrication processes, pre-diction of material properties, and structural analysisand design of beams, plates, and shells. Powerfulpreliminary design tools, such as “carpet plots,” areused in examples throughout the book.

Course Level: Senior Undergraduate/First-YearGraduatePages: 562Pub Date: July 2010Cat no: 79158ISBN: 978-1-4200-7915-9Price: $104.95 / £66.99Ancillary Materials: Solutions manual; figureslides; software and errata on website

Also available as eBook

PhaseTransformationsin Metals andAlloysThird Edition(Revised Reprint)David A. Porter, Kenneth E. Easterling,and Mohamed Sherif

Supplemented by practical case studies involvingengineering alloys, this new edition addresses com-puter-aided calculation of phase diagrams. It alsoadds new exercises and expands treatment of bai-nite transformation, nucleation, metallic glasses,steel, and Scheil’s Additivity Rule.

Course Level: Junior-Senior Undergraduate/First-Year GraduatePages: 520Soft Cover Pub Date: February 2009Cat no: 62107ISBN: 978-1-4200-6210-6Price: $75.95 / £47.99Ancillary Materials: Solutions manual, figure slides

Also available as eBook

Electronic,Magnetic, and OpticalMaterialsPradeep Fulay“Technological aspects of fer-roelectric, piezoelectric andpyroelectric materials are discussed in detail, in away that should allow the reader to select an opti-mal material for a particular application. The basicsof magnetostatics are described clearly, as are awide range of magnetic properties of materials … .”

—Tony Harker, University College London

Course Level: Senior Undergraduate/First-YearGraduatePages: 436Pub Date:May 2010Cat no: 9564ISBN: 978-0-8493-9564-2Price: $104.95 / £66.99Ancillary Materials: Solutions manual, figure slides

Also available as eBook

PhysicalMetallurgySecond EditionWilliam F. Hosford

Including historical and con-temporary examples, amplereferences, and sample prob-lems, this volume combinestheoretical concepts, realalloy systems, processing procedures, and real-world applications. It reviews properties common toall metals; discusses specific nonferrous alloy sys-tems, iron-carbon alloys, special steels and low car-bon sheet steel, and cast irons; and covers powdermetallurgy, corrosion, welding, and magnetic alloys.

Course Level: Senior Undergraduate/First-YearGraduatePages: 441Pub Date: April 2010Cat no: K10701ISBN: 978-1-4398-1360-7Price: $104.95 / £66.99Ancillary Materials: Solutions manual

Also available as eBook

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Hydrology inPracticeFourth EditionElizabeth M. Shaw, Keith J. Beven, Nick A. Chappell, and Rob Lamb

This fourth edition replaces the material on the FloodStudies Report with an equivalent section on themethods of the Flood Estimation Handbook. Othercompletely revised sections on instrumentation andmodeling reflect the many changes that haveoccurred over recent years.

Course Level: UndergraduatePages: 560Soft Cover Pub Date: July 2010Cat no: RU53848ISBN: 978-0-415-37042-4Price: $62.95 / £35.00


Water Science & Engineering

GroundwaterHydrologyEngineering,Planning, andManagementM. Karamouz, A.Ahmadi, andM. Akhbari

This textbook examines theinterface between groundwa-ter engineering and management with tools such asdata collection, simulation modeling, and economicanalysis. The chapters contain the latest developmentsin groundwater engineering and planning. Theauthors present relevant modeling software applica-tions for hydrology, hydraulics, planning and man-agement, conjunctive use, and climate change impli-cations. The book includes figures, tables, equations,examples, end-of-chapter questions, and case studies.

• Discusses groundwater hydrology and the basiclaws of groundwater movement

• Presents the technical aspects of developing andsolving groundwater flow equations

• Describes environmental water quality issuesrelated to groundwater systems

• Examines the details of groundwater flow modeling• Introduces conceptual models to simulategroundwater systems

• Supplies basic information about the conjunctiveuse of surface and groundwater

• Highlights aquifer restoration in the context ofdifferent groundwater pollution control issuesand the utilization of groundwater treatment

• Delineates the impact of climate change on thehydrological cycle

Course Level: Junior-SeniorUndergraduate/Graduate/ProfessionalPages: 676Pub Date:March 2011Cat no: K11707ISBN: 978-1-4398-3756-6Price: $119.95 / £63.99Ancillary Materials: Solutions manual

Selected Contents: Groundwater Properties.Groundwater Hydrology. Hydraulics ofGroundwater. Groundwater Quality.Groundwater Modeling. Groundwater Planningand Management. Surface Water andGroundwater Interaction. Aquifer Restoration andMonitoring. Groundwater Risk and DisasterManagement. Climate Change Impacts onGroundwater.

Also available as eBook

Fundamentals of WaterTreatment UnitProcessesPhysical, Chemical,and BiologicalDavid Hendricks

With chapter glossaries, sidebars, illustrative exam-ples, spreadsheet tables, and problems, this text-book delineates the principles that support practiceusing the unit processes approach as the organiz-ing concept. The author gives students a clearunderstanding of basic principles by identifyingstrands of theory rather than discussing the latesttechnologies.

Course Level: Junior-SeniorUndergraduate/GraduatePages: 927Pub Date: November 2010Cat no: 61917ISBN: 978-1-4200-6191-8Price: $125.95 / £80.99Ancillary Materials: Solutions manual, online spreadsheets

Also available as eBook

For more information and complete contents, visit 47

Nanoscience & Technology

NanotechnologyUnderstanding Small Systems,Second EditionBen Rogers,Sumita Pennathur,and Jesse AdamsA 2011 CHOICEOutstanding AcademicBook Award Winner

“This updated work takes the revolutionary con-cepts and techniques that have traditionally beenfodder for graduate study and makes them accessi-ble for all. Covering subjects ranging from materi-als science to mechanics and biotechnology to pho-tonics, [the authors] deftly introduce the reader toeach topic and quickly explain why it is importanton the nanoscale. An exciting feature is the ‘back ofthe envelope’ examples, where the reader is walkedthrough ‘quick and dirty’ calculations to illustrateand understand (mathematically) the complex con-cepts discussed. … this outstanding introduction tothe broad field of nanotechnology provides a solidfoundation for further study. Highly recommended.”

—N.M. Fahrenkopf, CHOICE, 2011

Through real-world examples, problems, illustra-tions, and applications, the authors accomplish thedelicate task of keeping the book engaging whilenot glossing over real explanations of complex con-cepts. They take a systems approach, demonstratinghow the various areas underlying nanotechnologycome together to create systems with unique func-tions and characteristics.

Course Level: UndergraduatePages: 421Pub Date: July 2011Cat no: K12225ISBN: 978-1-4398-4920-0Price: $99.95 / £63.99Ancillary Materials: Solutions manual; figureslides; companion website with further reading and lecture notes

Selected Contents: Big Picture and Principles ofthe Small World. Introduction to Miniaturization.Introduction to Nanoscale Physics.Nanomaterials. Nanomechanics.Nanoelectronics. Nanoscale Heat Transfer.Nanophotonics. Nanoscale Fluid Mechanics.Nanobiotechnology. Index.

Also available as eBook

Introduction toNanoscienceGabor L. Hornyak,Joydeep Dutta, Harry F. Tibbals, and Anil K. Rao“This volume exposes students to the completescope of nanoscience, allowing them to bring theirdisciplinary knowledge to the table and to under-stand the science, language, and techniques used inallied fields so they can develop a big picture inter-disciplinary view … . Highly recommended.”

—B. Ransom, CHOICE, November 2008

Course Level: Junior-Senior UndergraduatePages: 856Pub Date:May 2008Cat no: 48058ISBN: 978-1-4200-4805-6Price: $94.95 / £59.99Ancillary Materials: Solutions manual, figureslides, lecture slides

Also available as eBook

Fundamentals ofNanotechnologyGabor L. Hornyak, John J. Moore, Harry F. Tibbals, and Joydeep DuttaA 2009 CHOICEOutstanding AcademicBook Award Winner

“… an outstanding, essential resource … can beread and appreciated by experts and nonspecialistsalike. A revolutionary book in a revolutionary field.”

—B. Ransom, CHOICE, August 2009

Course Level: Junior-Senior UndergraduatePages: 786Pub Date: December 2008Cat no: 48031ISBN: 978-1-4200-4803-2Price: $94.95 / £59.99Ancillary Materials: Solutions manual, figureslides, lecture slides

Also available as eBook

48 Order your review copy at

Ergonomics, OCH & Industrial Engineering


Analysis ofQueuesMethods andApplicationsNatarajan GautamTexas A&M University, College Station, USA

“The breadth and scope of topics in this book surpass the books currently on the market. For mostgraduate engineering or business courses on thistopic, the selection is perfect. … excellent coverageof both classical and modern techniques in queue-ing theory. Compelling applications and case stud-ies are sprinkled throughout the text. For many ofus who teach graduate courses in queueing theory,this is the text we have been waiting for!”—John J. Hasenbein, The University of Texas at Austin

Combining elements of classical queueing theorywith recent advances in stochastic networks, thisbook presents numerous real-world examples andindustrial applications. It contains prerequisite mate-rial and many solved and unsolved problems.

Course Level: GraduatePages: 802Pub Date: April 2012Cat no: K10327ISBN: 978-1-4398-0658-6Price: $119.95 / £76.99Ancillary Materials: Solutions manual

Selected Contents: SINGLE-STATION QUEUES:Exponential Interarrival and Service Times:Closed-Form Expressions. Exponential Interarrivaland Service Times: Numerical Techniques andApproximations. General Interarrival and/orService Times: Closed-Form Expressions andApproximations. Multiclass Queues with PoissonArrivals and General Service (M/G/i). NETWORKOF QUEUES: Exact Results in Network of Queues:Product Form. Approximations in QueueingNetworks. ADVANCED TOPICS: Fluid-FlowModels for Bursty Traffic. Analysis for Transientand Nonstationary Queues. Stability in Multi-Class Queueing Networks. APPENDICES.


ProbabilityFoundations for EngineersJoel A. NachlasVirginia Polytechnic Institute andState University, Blacksburg, USA

“I think this will make an excellent introductorybook on probability for engineers and it will pre-pare the IE, CE and EE students for advanced cours-es that deal with random processes.”

—Edward A. Pohl, University of Arkansas

“… a good starting point for more advanced stud-ies. … creates a solid foundation to build up knowl-edge in more advanced statistical research. … Thestrength of the book is that it presents and trans-lates the intuition concerning probability intomathematical structures using examples and expla-nations rather than the traditional approach oftheorem and proof. … perfect for undergraduateengineering students looking for a textbook onprobability."

—Uday Kumar, Luleå University of Technology

“… rewarding and fruitful from the pedagogicalpoint of view. … a valuable tool for engineeringstudents who wants to learn the basic conceptsand notions of probability theory and to be able tomake use of these on engineering problems.”— Christophe Bereguer, Grenoble Institute of Technology

Course Level: First-Year GraduatePages: c. 184Pub Date:May 2012Cat no: K14453ISBN: 978-1-4665-0299-4Price: $129.95 / £82.00Ancillary Materials: Solutions manual

Selected Contents: Introduction. Set TheoryReview. Probability Basics. Random Variables andDistributions. Functions of Random Variables andExpectation. Joint, Marginal and ConditionalDistributions. Moments and Moment GeneratingFunctions. Sums of Independent RandomVariables. Approximations and Limiting Behavior.Appendices. Tables.

Also available as eBook

For more information and complete contents, visit 49

A First Course in QualityEngineeringIntegratingStatistical andManagementMethods of Quality,Second EditionK.S. Krishnamoorthi andV. Ram Krishnamoorthi

Suitable for candidates preparing for the certifiedquality engineer exam, this edition reflects thechanges in the latest revision of the ISO 9000Standards and the Baldrige Award criteria. Alongwith new mini-projects and examples, it incorpo-rates lean methods for reducing cycle time, increas-ing throughput, and reducing waste and includesmore coverage of strategic planning.

Course Level: Senior Undergraduate/First-YearGraduatePages: 634Pub Date: August 2011Cat no: K11869ISBN: 978-1-4398-4034-4Price: $129.95 / £82.00Ancillary Materials: Solutions manual, figure slides

Also available as eBook


ProjectManagementSystems, Principles,and ApplicationsAdedeji B. Badiru

This textbook presents thetools and techniques used ineach stage of project man-agement. It includes end-of-chapter exercises, soft-ware tools, case studies, and graphical representa-tions to supplement concepts.

Course Level: Senior Undergraduate/First-YearGraduatePages: 587Pub Date: December 2011Cat no: 83198ISBN: 978-1-4200-8319-4Price: $99.95 / £63.99Ancillary Materials: Solutions manual, figure slides

Also available as eBook

Ergonomics, OCH & Industrial Engineering

ManufacturingTechnologyMaterials, Processes,and EquipmentHelmi A. Youssef, Hassan A. El-Hofy, andMahmoud H. AhmedUniversity of Alexandria, Egypt

This text explores all of the manufacturing process-es, materials, and equipment used to convert rawmaterials into a final product. It presents the mostcommonly used and recently developed manufac-turing methods, along with applications, workedexamples, exercises, and review questions. Materialscovered include metallics, polymers, ceramics, andglasses. The book discusses heat treatments, smelt-ing of metals, casting, forming, powder metallurgy,joining processes, and surface technology. It alsolooks at the environmental aspects related to manu-facturing and clean factories and describes trends insurface hardening technology.

Course Level: Senior Undergraduate/First-YearGraduatePages: 947Pub Date: August 2011Cat no: K10541ISBN: 978-1-4398-1085-9Price: $139.95 / £89.00Ancillary Materials: Solutions manual

Selected Contents: Introduction toManufacturing Technology. EngineeringMaterials. Heat Treatment of Metallic Materialsand Alloys. Smelting of Metallic Materials.Casting of Metals. Fundamentals of MetalForming. Bulk Forming. Sheet Metal Forming.High Speed Metal Forming. Powder Metallurgyand Manufacture of Ceramics. Processing ofPolymers. Manufacturing Processes forComposites. Traditional Machining Processes.Nontraditional Machining Processes. NC ofMachine Tools. Industrial Robots and Hexapods.Surface Technology. Joining Processes. AdvancedManufacturing Techniques. Materials, Processes,and Design for Manufacturing. Quality Control.Automation in Manufacturing Technology.Health, Safety, and Environmental Aspects inManufacturing.

Also available as eBook

Order your review copy at www.crctextbooks.com50

A First Course in DifferentialEquations,Modeling, andSimulationCarlos A. Smith andScott W. CampbellUniversity of South Florida,Tampa, USA

Emphasizing a practical approach for engineers andscientists, this text avoids overly theoretical explana-tions and shows students how differential equationsare derived by applying basic physical principles andexperimental observations to engineering systems.This resource also covers classical methods forobtaining the analytical solution of differential equa-tions and Laplace transforms. In addition, theauthors discuss how these equations describe math-ematical systems and how to use software to solvesets of equations in which analytical solutions can-not be determined.

• Teaches how to model engineering systems

• Reviews the necessary physics material

• Explores how to obtain the analytical solution of differential equations using actual physical systems

• Discusses how the roots of the characteristicequation provide the qualitative nature of theresponse of any systems

• Explains how to use simulation software

• Provides numerical values in all examples andproblems

Course Level: UndergraduatePages: 345Pub Date:May 2011Cat no: K12318ISBN: 978-1-4398-5087-9Price: $89.95 / £57.99Ancillary Materials: Solutions manual, figure slides

Selected Contents: Introduction. Objects in aGravitational Field. Classical Solutions of OrdinaryLinear Differential Equations. Laplace Transforms.Mechanical Systems: Translational. MechanicalSystems: Rotational. Mass Balances. ThermalSystems. Electrical Systems. NumericalSimulation. Index.

Also available as eBook


ErgonomicsFoundationalPrinciples, Applications, and TechnologiesPamela McCauley Bush

This valuable resource allowsstudents to understand andimprove the environments,equipment, and systems with which humans interactin the workplace, recreational environment, andhome. The book provides all the necessary elementsfor a quality ergonomics course, including a samplecourse syllabus, homework assignments, class proj-ects, lab exercises, and more.

Course Level: Senior Undergraduate/First-Year GraduatePages: 356Pub Date: December 2011Cat no: K10245ISBN: 978-1-4398-0445-2Price: $79.95 / £49.99Ancillary Materials: Solutions manual,PowerPoint slides, lab manual

Also available as eBook

BehavioralResearch andAnalysisAn Introduction toStatistics within theContext of ExperimentalDesign, Fourth EditionMax Vercruyssen and Hal W. Hendrick

Reflecting the changes of the APA guidebook andincluding SAS statistical software in the end-of-chapterexercises, this fourth edition presents new statisticalprocedures and new examples in sport science, publichealth, gerontology, and biomedicine. It covers thebasic statistical methods used in behavioral research,experimental design, and report writing.

Course Level: First-Year GraduatePages: 299Pub Date: October 2011Cat no: K10935ISBN: 978-1-4398-1802-2Price: $99.95 / £63.99Ancillary Materials: Solutions manual,PowerPoint slides, figure slides

Also available as eBook

Ergonomics, OCH & Industrial Engineering

Math for Engineers

A First Course on BiofluidMechanics in Human Circulation What’s New

• Improved figures and additional examples

• More problems at the end of each chapter

• A chapter on the computational fluid dynamic analysis of the human circulation

Catalog no. K12006, February 2012, 451 pp.ISBN: 978-1-4398-4516-5, $104.95 / £66.99

Also available as eBook

See p. 3 for more details.

The Most Complete MEMS & NEMSCoverage AvailableWhat’s New

• Recent developments in DNA and protein arrays, fluidics,photonics, and actuators

• Latest nano- and micromanufacturing techniques, including rapid prototyping

• Updated examples culled from recent publications and the author’s work

Catalog no. 3180, August 2011, 1992 pp.ISBN: 978-0-8493-3180-0, $249.95 / £159.00

See p. 36 for more details.

A 2011 CHOICE OutstandingAcademic Book Award WinnerWhat’s New

• Up-to-date introduction to one of the world’s fastest growing fields

• Updated examples and illustrations based on userfeedback

• Companion website with further reading suggestions, lecture notes, and more

Catalog no. K12225, July 2011, 421 pp.ISBN: 978-1-4398-4920-0, $99.95 / £63.99

Also available as eBook

See p. 47 for more details.

New Editions of Popular Textbooks

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