Larry's Newsletter No.136

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Family Newsletter

Transcript of Larry's Newsletter No.136

NO.136 OCTOBER 2011

Larry’s Newsletter

Coventry Transport Museum .......Indian Summer in Stratf0rd

Sunday October 2nd was

a beautiful sunny day,

so we headed off t o

Stratford to spend a

morning by the River

Severn, with Callum

having his first picture

on Falstaff’s lap.

Coventry Transport Museum .......More Stratford Sunshine!!!

Coventry Transport Museum .......Windermere ResidentialOn Monday 17th October Larry travelled by Coach to Newby Bridge on the banks of Lake Windermere to s p e n d 5 d a y s o n a residential with Year7 students from Heartlands Academy. Hard work, but great fun!!!

Coventry Transport Museum .......It’s Callum’s 1st Birthday Party Fun!!!

Saturday 23rd October was Callum’s

1st Birthday. In the morning it was

Party time at the chapel, and then it

was back to Nanny & Grandad’s to

open his presents - just l ike

Christmas morning!!

Coventry Transport Museum .......It’s time to open the presents!!!