Laqu9107 feedback

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Transcript of Laqu9107 feedback

I can’t believe that you always do not follow what I am saying.


Fully reference means, I need original reference which I used the yellow colour

highlight it yet. The original reference means that reference comes from the yellow

highlight original text. And you must write the fully reference below, the fully

reference same as reference list format.

1. According to Robinson (1994) and Thamhain (1988), a team can be defined as

an aggregate of people but every group does not get qualified to be known as a

team (Robinson, 1994; Thamhain, 1988). As per Katzenbach and Smith, 1994,

however a team is a group of people consisting of varied skills having an aim at

a general purpose, goals of performance and general approach to which each

member is accountable in a mutual manner (Robinson, 1994; Thamhain 1988).

Fully reference in here:

Katzenbach, J.R and Smith, D.K, 1994, The Wisdom of Teams: Creating the High-

Performance Organization. HarperBusiness.

Pay attention, when you used the As per Katzenbach and Smith, 1994, and “Robinson,

1994; Thamhain 1988” this is not original reference. I need “Katzenbach and smith

1994” this fully reference.

2. According to Edgar Schein (1985), work groups are employees of an

organization working in aggregation to each other with a focus on individual

goals (Schein, 1985).

Fully reference in here:

Schein, E.H, 1985, Organizational Culture and Leadership. University of California:

Jossey-Bass Pub

3. Stage 3 is norming wherein agreement begins to form and leader facilitation is

enhanced. Individual team members acknowledge their roles and responsibilities

due to which conflict does not arise (Mancero, et al., 2011b)

Fully reference in here:

Mancero, M., Cárdenas, G., & Sucozhañay, D., 2011b, Fragmentation and connection

of frames in collaborative water governance: A case study of river catchment

management in Southern Ecuador. International Review of Administrative Sciences,

77 (1), pp 50-75.

4. Performing is the fourth stage where teams are aware strategically and have

knowledge of what they further need to do. There is a shared vision of the team

members and they do not require consistent supervision of the leader (Craps,

2004; Dercon, 2004).

Fully reference in here:

The Performing stage is not arrived at by all gatherings. (Tuckman & Jensen, 1997)

In the event that gathering parts have the capacity develop to stage four, their ability,

extent, and profundity of individual relations expand to genuine association. In this

stage, individuals can work freely, in subgroups, or as an aggregate unit with

equivalent office. Their parts and powers rapidly conform to the changing needs of

the gathering and people. Stage four is checked by reliance in individual relations

and critical thinking in the domain of assignment capacities. At this point, the

gathering ought to be generally gainful. (Tuckman & Jensen, 1997) Singular parts

have ended up ensuring toward oneself, and the requirement for gathering regard is

past. Parts are both exceptionally undertaking focused and very individuals situated.

There is solidarity: bunch character is finished, bunch confidence is high, and

gathering dependability is extraordinary. The assignment capacity gets to be bona

fide issue comprehending, driving to ideal arrangements and ideal gathering

improvement. (Tuckman & Jensen, 1997) There is backing for experimentation in

taking care of issues and an accentuation on accomplishment. The general objective

is profit through critical thinking and work.


Tuckman, B. & Jensen, M. (1977) Stages of Small Group Development. Group and

Organizational Studies, 2, 419-427.

5. According to Scott Peck (1971), on the contrary to Tuckman’s model, is the

development model of groups. A group with several strangers aggregated

together for creating a group has to be face 3 different phases (Idrissou et al.


Fully reference in here:

Pay attention, Idrissou et al. 2011a this is not original reference. I need Idrissou et al.

2011a fully reference.

Idrissou, L., Aarts, N., van Paassen, A., & Leeuwis, C., 2011a, The discursive

construction of conflict in participatory forest management: The case of the Agoua

Forest restoration in Benin. Conservation and Society, 9 (2), 119-131

6. According to Gray (2007), Conflict is defined traditionally as the incompatible

activity perception between work groups with regard to aims, perceptions and

beliefs which can cause a barrier towards effective goal achievement (Idrissou,

et al., 2011a).

Fully reference in here:

I need Gray (2007) fully reference, it is not reference of Idrissou 2011a.

Gray B., Putnam, L., & Bouwen, R., 2011a, An interactional approach to framing in

conflict and negotiation. In W. A. Donohue, R. G. Rogan & S. Kaufman (Eds.),

Framing matters: Perspectives on negotiation research and practice in communication,

pp. 7-33, New York: Peter Lang

7. Putnam (1985), led towards delineating conflict management to be termed as

negotiation characterized through exchanging proposals or counterproposals as a

way to reach a settlement which satisfies the work groups and involved teams

(Bailey, 2007). Conflict involves different perceptions according to Lewitt

(1999), which are inclusive of traditional perception, human relations and

conflicting interactionist views (Craps, 2004; Dercon, 2004).

Fully reference in here: I need Putnam (1985) this reference, Lewitt (1999) this


Putnam, L. L., Lewicki, R., Aarts, N., Bouwen, R., & Woerkum, van, C., 2009,

Disentangling approaches to framing in conflict and negotiation research: A meta-

paradigmatic perspective. Human Relations, 62 (2), pp 155-193.

8. According to Putnam (1992) and Roloff (1994), negotiation takes place when

more than one parties interdependently perceive the goals of work groups to be

incompatible (Aarts, et al., 2013).

Fully reference in here: I need Putnam (1992) and Roloff (1994), this reference,

Putnam, L. L., Lewicki, R., Aarts, N., Bouwen, R., & Woerkum, van, C., 2009,

Disentangling approaches to framing in conflict and negotiation research: A meta-

paradigmatic perspective. Human Relations, 62 (2), pp 155-193.

9. Fisher, et al. (1991) (Baron, 2006; Kenny, 2006), describe negotiation to be


Fully reference in here: I need Fisher, et al. (1991), this reference,

Fisher, R., Ury, W. & Patton, B. (1991). Getting to yes: Negotiating agreement

without giving in. New York: Penguin Press

10. As per the study elaborated by O Hair (2010), it was evidently stated that there

exists a relationship between negotiation and communication to solve conflicts

between work groups and teams (Bijlsma, et al., 2011)

Fully reference in here: I need O Hair (2010) this reference

Various researchers have contended that refereeing, and especially clash

determination, is an imperative indicator of the gathering and/or dyadic conflict–

performance relationship (Jehn & Bendersky, 2003). Tjosvold (1991) has contended

that a helpful methodology to clash determination permits clash of a mixed bag of

sorts to be determined in a manner that is valuable to the gathering.


Jehn, K., & Bendersky, C. (2003). Intragroup conflict in organizations: A contingency

perspective on the conflict–outcome relationship. Research in Organizational

Behavior, 24, 187–242.

Tjosvold, D. (1991). The conflict-positive organization. Boston: Addison-Wesley

11. Work group’s influence in effective management of employees which was

proved by using dominant patterns of behaviour, work group’s dynamics and

elaborate conflicts leading towards adverse impact on the organization culture

(Lee, et al., 2005).

Fully reference in here: I need Lee, et al., 2005 this reference

Lee, C., & Bobko, F. (2005). Self-efficacy beliefs: Comparison of five measures.

Journal of Applied Psychology, 79, 364-369

12. The relationship between work group and conflict as described by the

researchers of Columbian University (Carron, et al., 2003), stated that work

groups have group dynamics involved in them but without effective management

of these work groups and team works, conflict is bound to exist (Carron, et al.,


Fully reference in here: who is the Columbian university research? I need name and

year. At same time, I need that person’s fully reference.

13. An example here can be quoted of Apple Inc. which is a leader in among

technology companies even though the competitive is so fierce (Andisani, 2008).

In this globalized world, the requirement is to avoid cultural clash because teams

and work groups are formulated of diverse backgrounds and cultures (Asah, et

al., 2012). Apple on the contrary has managed to imbibe the cultural perspective

in the minds of its members that it is important to focus on a shared goal

(Andisani, 2008). When teams and work groups conflict with each other at

Apple, a negotiation process is implemented such as arbitration or mediation

which are both third party models of negotiation to manage conflict.

Fully reference in here: I said it before, I need apple reference. It is not other

researcher’s reference.

Andisani 2008 has cited an example of Apple Inc. There is no Apple reference.

Andisani 2008 cites Apple as an example of a leader in technology based company,

and carries on to talk about Apple’s ability or achievement to inculcate “cultural

perspectives” in its employees towards achieving a “Common Goal”.

14. Negotiation from the perspective of Thibaut (1975) and Walker (1975)

paradigm, can be best done by adopting mediation and arbitration as third party

processes of Negotiation (Van Paassen, 2011b).

Fully reference in here: I need Thibaut (1975) and Walker (1975) this reference

Thibaut, J.W. and Walker, L, 1975, Procedural Justice: A Psychological Analysis. L.

Erlbaum Associates.

Issue two: some part need explain it further and must use different sources to support viewpoints

1. Please explain below figure. Explain it actually and use different source

support the viewpoints. Please write the answer and fully reference below.

(Figure 2: Conflict Resolution Stages by Negotiation)

(Source: (Davis, 2011; Franks, 2011))

Explain does not means you just describe the figure, you need link your research topic

and write down your analysis which based on different source. Please redo this part.

And I find just two source, I said it before, please use different source. Three or more.

I find the reference of Bodtker, et al., 1997 twice. I cannot believe it. This person

wrote two models in his text. Are you kidding me?

There comes a point, often after a stalemate is reached, where the parties decide to try

negotiation to attempt to resolve the conflict. The process of initiating negotiation can

be difficult as it may be interpreted as a sign of weakness. This is one reason why it is

often useful for third parties to become involved.

The timing of this step is crucial. Resolution can only be achieved if the parties are

willing to negotiation. In order for the conditions to be ripe, there must be both a

perception on all sides that the present course is unsustainable, and a perception that

there is a suitable "way out" of the conflict. In some instances, participants realize

their course of action cannot succeed and they initiate discussion. At other times,

outside interveners may bring the parties to the negotiating table. The timing is critical

however, because if negotiation is started too early, before both parties are ready, it is

likely to fail. And repeated failed negotiation efforts reinforce the notion that the

conflict is intractable and can make resolution more difficult by discouraging further


Negotiation may lead to a settlement, but may also simply lead to a pause in the

conflict. If the latter, there is a relatively good chance the conflict may cycle back to

escalation at a later time.

Negotiations generally go through a series of stages: each group decides on its

position; determines its alternatives. Once together with the other party, they share

their positions, consider options, exchange concessions, perhaps reach an accord, and

implement it.

A number of theories have emerged to understand negotiating tactics, their strengths

and weaknesses, as well as how to respond to them. Generally speaking, negotiations

are complex, drawn-out processes and a broad range of factors make each somewhat

unique. Their shape depends upon the procedures that have become institutionalized,

the number of parties and number of representatives present, the scope of issues under

discussion, the degree to which it is part of a broader framework of negotiations, and

the extent to which they are taking place in the public eye.

According to Figure 2, Conflict Resolution stages by negotiation are not only

essential for an organization but also for individual members in a team or a group.

The figure clearly illustrates that there are 5 stages by which conflict can be resolved.

However, there are five stages of conflict itself (Bonito, et al., 2002). The first stage is

the latent stage where people can be under conflict without knowing that they are.

The second stage is the perceived stage of conflict. Felt stage is the third stage after

which are the stages namely, manifestation and aftermath. As per figure 2, the first

stage to resolve conflict is to analyse first the condition and situation (Bodtker, et al.,

1997). The second stage lies in cognition and personalization. The third, fourth and

fifth stages are connected to each other and without the completion of third, the fourth

and fifth stages cannot follow because at the third stage the initial conflict barriers are


2. Please explain below figure. Explain it actually and use different source

support the viewpoints. Please write the answer and fully reference below.

(Figure 3: Relationship between work groups and conflict)

(Source: (Bandura, 2012))

Explain does not means you just describe the figure, you need link your research topic

and write down your analysis which based on different source. Please redo this part.

And I find just two source, I said it before, please use different source. Three or more.

I find the reference of Bodtker, et al., 1997 twice. I cannot believe it. This person

wrote two models in his text. Are you kidding me?

Because of changing financial conditions, associations as of late have grasped new

structural structures intended to diminish expenses while at the same time expanding

adaptability and responsiveness to client requests (Boyett and Conn, 1991 ; Byrne,

1993; Donnellon, 1996). The ensuing compliment, more decentralized hierarchical

structures have a tendency to be manufactured around gatherings and rely on upon

rich synchronous correspondence gave by groups and teams to a much more

prominent degree than more customary progressive and brought together associations

(Nohria, 1991 ). What's more, gatherings have gotten to be vital vehicles for

distinguishing excellent arrangements to rising hierarchical issues (Dumaine, 1991 ).

While gatherings have ended up fundamental to associations, they introduce their own

inborn issues of coordination, inspiration, and refereeing (Gladstein, 1984; Jehn,

1995). In substantial part, the utilization of gatherings as key building pieces of

authoritative structure and system is by all accounts commenced on the presumption

that gatherings can assemble the differing qualities of data, foundations, and qualities

important to get things going (Jackson, 1992), to deliver compelling authoritative

activity. In the event that gatherings are to give discussions to offering data crosswise

over utilitarian and social limits (Lipnack and Stamps, 1993), on the other hand, the

differing perspectives and foundations parts bring with them to the gathering must be

effectively overseen. Also, the workforce is getting to be progressively differing on

various measurements (e.g., age, sexual orientation, ethnicity). Despite the fact that

distinctions among parts of workgroups are the standard, Byrne's (1971) similitude

fascination hypothesis recommends that individuals incline toward likeness in their

connections. Similarly, hypotheses of choice (Chatman, 1991) and socialization (Van

Maanen and Schein, 1979) advance similitude in qualities and demographics as the

premise for keeping up successful workplaces. As of late, in any case, assorted

qualities scholars (Jackson, 1992) gathering scientists (Gruenfeld et al., 1996), and

imagination scholars (Amabile, 1994) have been singing the applauses of differences

in workgroups. In any case observational research on the impacts of assorted qualities

has created blended results.


Amabile, Teresa M. 1994 "The atmosphere of pure work: Creativity in research and

development." In William R. Shadish and Steve Fuller et al. (eds.), The Social

Psychology of Science: 31 6-328. New York: Guilford Press.

Baron, R. M., and D. A. Kenny 1986 "The moderator-mediator variable distinction in

social psychological research: Conceptual, strategic, and statistical considerations."

Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 51 : 1 173-1 182.

Byrne, D. 1971 The Attraction Paradigm. New York: Academic Press

Boyett, J. H., and H. P. Conn 1991 Workplace 2000: The Revolution Reshaping

American Business. New York: Dutton.

Donnellon, Anne 1996 Team Talk: The Power of Language in Team Dynamics.

Cambridge, MA: Haward Business School Press.

Dumaine, Brian 1991 "The bureaucracy busters." Fortune, June 17: 36-50.

Nohria, Nitin 1991 "Garcia-Pont, Carlos Global strategic linkages and industry

structure." Strategic Management Journal, 12: 105-1 24.

Jackson, Susan 1992 "Team composition in organizations." In S. Worchel, W.

Wood, and J. Simpson (eds.), Group Process and Productivity: 1-12. London: Sage.

Lipnack, J., and J. Stamps 1993 The Teamnet Factor: Bringing the Power of

Boundary Crossing in the Hearts of Your Business. Essex Junction, VT: Oliver


Gladstein, Deborah L. 1984 "A model of task group effectiveness.'' Administrative

Science Quarterly, 29: 499-517.

Gruenfeld, Deborah H., Elizabeth A. Mannix, Katherine Y. Williams, and Margaret A.

Neale 1996 "Group composition and decision making: How member familiarity and

information distribution affect process and performance." Organizational Behavior

and Human Decision Processes, 67: 1-1 5.

As per the above given figure, the relationship between work groups and conflict is

proportional in nature (directly proportional). When creativity in performance is low,

the conflict level is low and the group thinking is supported by lower levels of

complacency as depicted (Bodtker, et al., 1997). However, as the performance

creativity increases, the level of conflict also increases until it reaches mid-way

wherein creativity is present, disagreements are healthy and speculative ideas are

discusses. In such a situation the performance shows higher degree of creativity in it

(Bandura, 2012). On the contrary, with higher conflict level and in cases of

performance creativity being negligible, group work will be hampered as the ideas of

each member of the group will not be in alignment leading to inadequate cooperation.

3. Please explain below figure. Explain it actually and use different source

support the viewpoints. Please write the answer and fully reference below.

(Figure 5: Conceptual model to illustrate the relationship impact of work

groups on culture)

(Source: Bandura, 2012)

Explain does not means you just describe the figure, you need link your research topic

and write down your analysis which based on different source. Please redo this part.

And I find this part’s explanations is not match this figure. Please do it carefully.

As per the above given Figure 5, Organization culture, working in team and

development of an organization are all three aspects which need to be focused

on by the human resource personnel as this department is responsible for

offering commitment to organization (Bodtek, et al., 1997). With human

capital adequate skills, minimum adverse impact of working in team will be

experienced over organizational culture and there will be adequate

development of an organization taking place (Aarts, et al., 2003).

4. Please rewrite below part, and use different source to support your viewpoints.

Please write the answer and fully reference below.

Some reference almost same, and I think you always use some reference

which you select it from other person’s work. Please do not do this thing.

My tutor can see, and I can see it. Please redo it.

And the give me all fully reference which came from below part.

Fully reference in here:

According to Kozlowski (2000) and Klein (2000), an impact of conceptual

problem is faced by groups and teams working together to achieve a goal. This

impact is negative in nature and it affects the performance and productivity of

group members and team members. Additionally, Kozlowski (2000) it has

been clearly stated that coordination lacking between members of team mostly

leads towards team failures and inefficient management of team. In response

to the statement of Kozlowski (1988), Bailey (1999), stated that however there

is a significant impact of team work and group work on the way in which team

members and group members are managed effectively and this impact cannot

be dissociated (Bailey, et al., 2000). Aarts (2013), in addition have stated that

when working in a team, members in a team can have various perceptions,

some team members may work more while others don’t work at all and in

some situations team work may often take more time. These are some barriers

imposed by working in teams and groups on effective team member or group

member management (Aarts, et al., 2013).

5. Please rewrite below part, and use different source to support your viewpoints.

Please write the answer and fully reference below.

Some reference almost same, and I think you always use some reference

which you select it from other person’s work. Please do not do this thing.

My tutor can see, and I can see it. Please redo it.

And the give me all fully reference which came from below part.

Fully reference in here:

I can see the red words more than once in this file. Please do not do this


According to Caron (2010), most issues in work places arise not because employees

do not have the capability of performing their work appropriately but because

employees in work groups and teams often cannot get along with other employees

(Caron, et al., 2010). This is the main impact of work groups and teams on effective

management of employees within an organization culture. However, according to

Argyris, 2007, teams and work groups are often diversified in nature and employees

react differently to this diversification. Experiences of life and culture are two factors

that in turn influence work groups and teams and these two factors are actually

responsible for the reaction of each member in the group and team (Argyris, 2007). In

the study performed by Bailey (2000), it was clearly stated that the problem of

diversity is a significant one and this has also been explained with the help of a

conceptual problem (Bailey, et al., 2000).

6. Please rewrite below part, and use different source to support your viewpoints.

Please write the answer and fully reference below.

I can see the Argyris 2007 more than once in this file. Please do not do this again.

Please redo it.

Fully reference in here:

As per the research prepared by Argyris, 2007, the results depicted that the impact of

Conflict and negotiation is evident on the process of effective employee management

(Argyris, 2007). Van Passen, 2011b mentioned the effective management of

employees to be influences by the conflicting interests of team members and group

members that does not allow the group or team to produce something positive to reach

to the goal oriented (Van Paassen, 2011b). In the same study it was illustrated that the

first impact of conflict on effective management of employees is deteriorated

performance of employees.

Argyris, 2007 is first mentioned as the researcher and then as the source. Same in case

of Van Paassen, 2011b

7. Please rewrite below part, and use different source to support your viewpoints.

Please write the answer and fully reference below.

Some reference almost same, and I think you always use some reference

which you select it from other person’s work. Please do not do this thing.

My tutor can see, and I can see it. Please redo it.

And the give me all fully reference which came from below part.

Fully reference in here:

Van Paassen, A., 2011b, From cohesion to conflict in participatory forest

management: The case of Ouémé Supérieur and N'Dali (OSN) forests in Benin. Forest

Policy and Economics, 13 (7), 525-534.

However, conflict and negotiation are both processes that do slow the general

functions of an organization (Van Paassen, 2011b). The relationship between conflict

and negotiation is evident from this perspective but this relationship adversely affects

management of diverse employees because members of the groups as well as the

teams have a tendency to fall into conflict when cultural diversity is present (Bijlsma,

et al., 2011). In such a situation, it is the duty of a leader to negotiate the conflict and

resolve it.

8. Please rewrite below part, and use different source to support your viewpoints.

Please write the answer and fully reference below.

Some reference almost same, and I think you always use some reference

which you select it from other person’s work. Please do not do this thing.

My tutor can see, and I can see it. Please redo it.

And the give me all fully reference which came from below part.

Fully reference in here:

On the other hand, managing adverse impact on employees by distracting their focus

from organizational goals and their individual goals leads towards making it even

more difficult for employees to survive during negotiation process (Van Paassen,

2011b). Negotiation from the perspective of Thibaut (1975), Walker (1975) paradigm,

can be best done by adopting mediation and arbitration as third party processes of

Negotiation (Van Paassen, 2011b).

An example here can be cited from Hamilton, et al, 2010, of Enron when the company

was only a company dealing with pipelines and it mainly lost the contract of setting

up itself in India because authorities in the local environment of India felt that the

organization is trying the fasten up the negotiation process (Hamilton, et al., 2010).

Then again, overseeing unfavorable effect on workers by diverting their center from

hierarchical objectives and their individual objectives drives towards making it

considerably more troublesome for representatives to get by amid transaction process

(Van Paassen, 2011b). Arrangement from the viewpoint of Thibaut (1975), Walker

(1975) standard, can be best done by receiving intercession and discretion as outsider

techniques of Negotiation (Van Paassen, 2011b). A case here can be refered to from

Hamilton, et al, 2010, of Enron when the organization was just an organization

managing pipelines and it basically lost the agreement of setting up itself in India on

the grounds that compelling voices in the neighborhood environment of India felt that

the association is attempting the secure up the transaction process.

Van Paassen, A., 2011b, From cohesion to conflict in participatory forest

management: The case of Ouémé Supérieur and N'Dali (OSN) forests in Benin. Forest

Policy and Economics, 13 (7), 525-534.

Hamilton, B. H., Nickerson, J. A., & Owan, H., 2010, Team incentives and worker

heterogeneity: An empirical analysis of the impact of teams on productivity and

participation. The Journal of Political Economy, 111(3), 465-497.

Issue three: not link your above research

Please summarise above what your research have done, then use different source to

support your idea. Last paragraph should summary which part used what kind of

model or theories.

This paper has focused on work groups, teams, conflict and the process of conflict

negotiation. With the help from literature review several theories have been explained

and applied in order to derive the relationship between each of these and the process

required to be adopted when resolving conflict between work groups or teams through

negotiation. In order to explain team and work group functionalities, Tuckman’s

model of development has been applied along with Scott Peck model. Conflict

resolution model and the model of negotiation processes have additionally been

explained in order to understand the impact of conflict and negotiation on effective

employee management. Individual members of organizations that are either working

without work group collaboration of team work, all involve different perspectives and

beliefs but when working under the same organization, culture of an organization

often influences the way in which people think, believe and respond (Drucker, 2008).

As evident from the perspective of this persuasive report, there exists an evident

relationship between culture of an organization with attributes such as discussed i.e

work groups and teams, conflict and negotiation (Francois, et al., 2007). Work groups

and teams are different to each other even though they are often used interchangeably

(Andrisani, 2008). In a working group, each member works on their shared visions

and goals rather than working to achieve individual goals whereas in a team work, the

focus of individual members is on their goals and objectives. Conflict and negotiation

on the other hand are both related to group work and team work (Applebaum, 2014)

(Bean, et al., 2006). The influence of working groups and team work is evidently seen

as positive as well as negative (Antoni, 2010). When members in a team or a group

are not managed effectively then it leads towards development of conflict which not

only hampers the productivity of a team but also an organization on the whole.

Individual members of organizations that are either working without work group

collaboration of team work, all involve different perspectives and beliefs but when

working under the same organization, culture of an organization often influences the

way in which people think, believe and respond (Drucker 2008). As evident from the

perspective of this persuasive report, there exists an evident relationship between

culture of an organization with attributes such as discussed i.e work groups and teams,

conflict and negotiation (Francois et al 2007). Work groups and teams are different to

each other even though they are often used interchangeably (Andrisani 2008). In a

working group, each member works on their shared visions and goals rather than

working to achieve individual goals whereas in a team work, the focus of individual

members is on their goals and objectives. Conflict and negotiation on the other hand

are both related to group work and team work (Applebaum 2014) (Bean et al 2006).

The influence of working groups and team work is evidently seen as positive as well

as negative (Antoni 2010). When members in a team or a group are not managed

effectively then it leads towards development of conflict which not only hampers the

productivity of a team but also an organization on the whole.

Groups ought to be perceived and coordinated inside their associations (Pearce &

Ravlin 1987). Associations need to unmistakably characterize their desires and

instruments of responsibility for all groups (De Meuse & Futrell 1990). Hierarchical

society needs to change imparted qualities into behavioral standards (Brill 1976). For

instance, group achievement is encouraged by a society that fuses imparted

encounters of achievement. In times of financial realism, there may be social clash

and conflict between standards of keeping up clinical benchmarks and holding fast to

the health awareness association's mission (Firth-Cozens 1998). Colleagues with

higher status likewise have less respect for group standards and may intensify inward

clash (Kane 1975).

Collaboration is a complex sensation. Strong authoritative structures and ideal

individual commitments set the scene for compelling collaboration. Health awareness

groups require a reasonable reason that fuses particular symptomatic gatherings and

parts of patient consideration. At the point when groups have an acceptable reason

that is steady with the association's mission, they can be all the more obviously

coordinated, backed and resourced. Further, key arranging procedures can elucidate

the arrangement of different groups inside human services associations. Authority

styles and examples need to be unequivocal and suitable to the group's formative

stage. In a perfect world, the group pioneer ought to be properly gifted and all

colleagues require unmistakably outlined and vital parts. Groups are more effective

with the base number of parts to meet their motivation and participation ought to be

consistently cleared up in light of patient needs. Colleagues should at the same time

perceive and esteem their commitment to the group. With sufficient self knowledge,

people can trust and admiration the commitments of their partners. Consistent formal

and casual contact helps parts to perceive their own and others' commitments to

patient consideration. At the point when people feel sure of the requirement for all

colleagues, they comprehend the profits of filling in as a group. Over the long haul,

duty fortifies compelling cooperation.

When groups have created clear structures, they have to keep up express techniques

through concurred and formal frameworks of correspondence and co-appointment.

Predictable training and backing for group building and improvement ought to be

available for all social insurance specialists. At the point when all colleagues are

strong, make choices mutually and oversee clash, the group is more powerful. Both

people and the group need standard criticism and distinguishment of their

advancement towards the group's objectives. At last, there is a need to manufacture

and keep up powerful groups to amplify the master abilities of social insurance

experts in gathering complex patient needs. Group advancement and execution can be

advanced through training if there is learning of the most essential attributes of

cooperation in human services settings. Patient consideration will at last be upgraded

through the co-ordinated endeavors of compelling health awareness groups.