Lantei Case study - LUCKINSlive

Post on 24-Mar-2022

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Transcript of Lantei Case study - LUCKINSlive

Company Overview

Lantei specialises in delivering a wide range of electrical compliance services such as Electrical Installation Condition Reports, emergency lighting and � re alarm testing. The company also o� ers thermal surveys and power quality analysis.

Lantei was formed in 2010 and operates mainly in the North East and North West of England, although it does have the capability to deal with projects anywhere in the country. Most of the company’s work is directly with end users, with a high percentage of repeat business. Its clients include Costa Co� ee, Marriott, Isover, JD Sports and Leeds Metropolitan University. The company is predominantly electrical but also o� ers additional services and is currently working at bringing commercial and industrial Gas Safe testing on board using Amtech software.

Lantei prides itself on providing a professional service with a personal touch that ensures each customer receives the same high level of service, irrespective of their size.

“We looked at other Inspection & Testing software and it just doesn’t have the same functionality, FastTest is by far the best product on the market.”Anthony Smith, Managing Director

Technical Challenge

Lantei employs six full time engineers working on compliance testing and certi� cation, supported by a number of part-time engineers and an additional � ve sta� involved solely in PAT testing.

At any one time there may be several engineers working on a large project so it is important that the information being submitted by each can be managed quickly and e� ciently, and retrieved when required.

In parallel, the presentation quality of the documentation is also important as it in� uences customer perception.

Case Study 028 28 28

FastTest has been designed to help increase productivity in everyday tasks.

Lantei ElectricalCompliance SpecialistsSector Electrical compliance

Software Utilised FastTest

Location Preston

Why Amtech

Having evaluated a number of software packages on the market it was clear that Amtech’s FastTest o� ered the highest level of functionality, was easy to use and provided the required presentation quality. “The � nal print quality of the certi� cates is so much better than any of the others,” Anthony Smith, Managing Director, noted.

Lantei also subscribes to Amtech’s PremierCareXtra technical support service so that any technical issues are resolved in the minimum time.

Meeting the Challenges

Every engineer involved in Inspection & Testing work has a copy of FastTest on their laptop so that they can enter information

and data directly into the software on site. This information is then emailed to the o� ce where it is restored, checked and veri� ed and assigned a serial number. A PDF version of the certi� cate is then created, with a copy being sent to the customer.

A key feature of FastTest that helps to make this procedure more e� cient is the ability to standardise the log-ins for each licence, rather than having a di� erent log-in for each engineer. This helps to maintain the uniformity and greatly facilitates the management of the information during the project and when searching for information at a later date.

To � nd out more about Amtech visit or call 0800 028 28 28 028 28 28

“With FastTest we can bring all of the information together from several engineers very quickly and e� ciently. With other Inspection & Testing software that lacks this functionality, this would take far too long for large projects.”Anthony Smith, Managing Director

FastTest provides a rangeof reports including:

* Circuit Charts* Installation Board Details* Excessive Earth Fault Loop

Impedance* Earth Fault Loop Analysis

Anthony Smith, Managing Director of Lamtei