Landlord Gas Safety ertificates/Inspections OIL GAS LPG Inskip · - 3 - Inskip St. Peter’s .E....

Post on 03-Apr-2020

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Transcript of Landlord Gas Safety ertificates/Inspections OIL GAS LPG Inskip · - 3 - Inskip St. Peter’s .E....

FIRST SUNDAY OF THE MONTH 9.30amSt Peter’s Inskip 11am St Anne’s Copp 6.30pm St Anne’s Copp SECOND SUNDAY OF THE MONTH 8.30am joint service at St Anne’s Copp 9.30am St Peters Inskip 11am St Anne’s Copp 6.30pm St Anne’s Copp THIRD SUNDAY OF THE MONTH 9.30am St Peter’s Inskip 11am St Anne’s Copp 6.30pm St Anne’s Copp informal praise FOURTH SUNDAY OF THE MONTH 9.30am St Peter’s Inskip 11am St Anne’s Copp 6.30pm St Anne’s Copp

BATHROOM SPECIALISTS Bathroom adaptions for assisted living


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Ordinary people called by Jesus to serve the community


St. Peter Inskip

+ St. Anne


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Vicar Reverend Paul Graham Hunter

01772 690157


Reader Angie Ashcroft 01995 670444

Churchwarden Alison Rees

01995 671463

Churchwarden Paul Garrett

01253 353773

Church Hon Secretary Marilyn Rowe

01995 671020

Hon Treasurer Kath Shipley

01995 670684

Copp School Headteacher

Beverley A Melvin

01995 670969


Churchwarden Mrs Maureen Williamson

01772 690016

Churchwarden Mrs Georgina Miller

01772 690608

Church Hon Secretary Mrs Elizabeth Heritage elizabeth

01772 671467

Hon Treasurer Mrs Christine Hall


Inskip School Head Teacher

Kate Leyland

01772 690438

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WEST END D.I.Y STORES Yvonne and Sally Coop

Courtesy of

Great Eccleston Tel: 01995 670386

Open: Tuesday—Saturday

9.15 am to 5.30 pm


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Tel: 01253 392620

51A Layton Road, Layton, Blackpool FY3 8EB

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Turbulent times “Are you settling in?” is a question I have been asked many times in the last couple of months. Change can be very stressful, whether it be moving house, changing jobs, retiring, welcoming a new member to your family, going on holiday, adjusting to illness or disability, or losing a loved one. Sometimes we can plan changes in our lives, sometimes we welcome them and sometimes they creep up on us without no-tice. I am pleased to say that I have been able to answer the settling in question with a definite “YES”! I am enjoying the relative peace and quiet of the beautiful villages and countryside of the parishes of Copp and Inskip. I have met many lovely people, received a warm welcome in churches, schools, shops, cafes and village centres and eaten more cake than I ought to! Knowing the language and having an insider’s knowledge of many Lancashire traditions has helped, as has the hospitality and help-fulness of many parishioners and villagers. It was very different 20 years ago when I moved to East Africa for the first time with my family. We had never been to Africa before and did not really know what to ex-pect. The heat, dust, poverty and noise all hit us and it took quite some time to adjust. We did receive help from many people, but we had to work hard to learn the lan-guage and customs of a very different place. Looking back, it was well worth the effort, as we made some wonderful friends and has some tremendous experiences, but the change was certainly stressful. I was reminded of something that helps me through the changes in my own life as I read the story of Daniel in the Bible this last week. He was a young man who faced the stress of being forcibly removed from his home and sent into exile in another country. There he thrived, despite being far from home and facing opposition and hatred from locals who were jealous of his success. Some of them plotted against him and even had him thrown into a den of lions for refusing to obey an unjust law. Through it all, Daniel stuck to his principles and was filled with peace. He was able to do this because he trusted God, kept God’s word and prayed to him regularly (3 times a day, we are told in Daniel 6v10). As a result, God saved Daniel from the li-ons and blessed him. When I have faced the challenge of change in my life, I too have found it helpful to keep to a regular pattern of reading God’s word and praying. In doing so I am re-minded of God’s love for me (and us all) through Jesus and his concern for every aspect of our lives. It’s a discipline that I think we can all benefit from these days. We live in turbulent times and our country is facing changes which some people will welcome and others will fear. In our own lives, none of us know what lies around the corner. But if we trust God, read his word and pray to him, he will care for us and give us his peace. With my love and prayers in Christ, Rev Paul Hunter

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Inskip St. Peter’s C.E. Primary School ‘Learning, Loving and Living with Jesus’

The school year passes so quickly! Our Year 2 and Year 6 pupils have just completed their annual tests, the SATs, and we are so proud of their attitude and application. Our staff continue to do a fantastic job to prepare the children well and as a result our pupils work very hard for these giving a huge effort, we’ve even heard the comment of “I can’t wait to see my SATs paper!’. As our Year 6s start to think about their secondary schools, we look forward to welcoming our new Reception pupils into school over the next few weeks and so the ‘circle of life’ continues. In order to wel-come these new children to our school, our pupils created posters il-lustrating what they love about Inskip St. Peter’s. These are some of the things they wrote; ‘Welcome to our amazing school’, ‘School is the best’, ‘we have delicious dinners’, ‘our teachers are kind and always listen to you’, ‘we care about each other’, ‘we have a big playground and field’, ‘It’s so much fun!’, ‘Friendly kids, lots of them, I hope you like our school…it is the best school ever’, ‘ learning and loving with Jesus’, ‘Our lessons are great!’, ’I love school’, ‘we have nice teachers’, ‘we have lots of friendly kids!’, ‘It’s so fun, it’s so cool! It is guaran-teed! We can’t wait for you!’, ‘Inskip is awesome, this is the best school ever, learning new things every day! School is cool and excel-lent!’ It is lovely to read such lovely feedback from the children. One child simply put, ‘Our School, It’s Great! Let’s be Friends’ which I think is a wonderful message for all new members of our school community children and adults alike. Wishing you a very happy summer from everybody at St. Peter’s School. Please do visit our website in order to read our blogs about everything we get up to. Kate Leyland Head Teacher




Proprietor: Mr Andrew Cross DipFD, MBIFD

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Sandy Lane, Preesall,

Poulton-le-Fylde FY6 0NU

Tel: 01253 810492 Fax: 01253 812207

Raikes Road, Great Eccleston,

PR3 0YA Tel: 01995 672328

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BAPTISMS 07/04/2019 Lucy Jennifer Hardcastle Harriett Louise Hardcastle

WEDDINGS 12/04/19 David Christopher Hawtin and Linda Blenkinship

FUNERALS 18/03/2019 Roger Harrison Kay 26/03/2019 Thomas Richard (Dick) Aspden 02/05/2019 Margaret Hartland 16/05/2019 Lilian Doreen Haslam


Morning Evening 30th Galatians 5: 1, 13—25 Genesis 27: 1—40 Luke 9: 51—end Mark 6: 1—6 JULY 7th Galatians 6: 1—16 1 Peter 5: 5b—11 Luke 10: 1—20 Luke 15: 1—10 14th Colossians 1: 1—14 Genesis 32: 9—30 Luke 10: 25—37 Mark 7: 1—23 21st Colossians 1: 15—28 Genesis 41: 1-16, 25-37 Luke 10: 38—end 1 Corinthians 4: 8—13 28th Colossians 2: 6—19 Genesis 42: 1—25 Luke 11: 1—13 1 Corinthians 9: 16—end

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St Anne’s church

Is now open every Tuesday Between 11am and 4pm

Throughout the year For private prayer/meditation

Or just a look around

St. Peters’

????? QUIZ NIGHT ?????

7:30pm on Friday 14th June In the YIPs Centre

Tickets £7:50 to include buffet BRING YOUR OWN BEER OR WINE

For tickets, or to reserve a place,

see any member of the PCC or call Rick Williamson on 01772 690016


Elswick Singers for the wonderful concert they

put on at St Anne’s Church at

which £260 was raised for

Church funds.

FILM NIGHT Thank you to all who attended our

film night screening of “The More You Ignore Me”.

We raised £302 for the local MIND charity.

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Great Eccleston Copp CE Primary School Report for St Anne’s Church Annual General Meeting

Christian Values These are changed every half term and we have a specific focused area in the hall and in classrooms. Christian values include tolerance, perseverance, trust, hope, courage, com-passion, forgiveness, thankfulness and peace. They underpin the ethos in school and we now have a Copp Koala award each week, which is given to the child who has shown how they have lived out the Christian value for that half term. British Values These are changed every half term and are: tolerance, rule of law, individual liberty, de-mocracy, British history and mutual respect. They are displayed throughout school and are embedded within the curriculum. Worship We hold worship services to begin every day at Copp focusing on Christian values and how we can live our lives through God: Monday: Reverend Jim Tuesday: Pupil worship class – this is prepared and led by children Wednesday: St Anne’s Thursday: Worship through song Friday: Celebration assembly Each worship includes focused music for the children to walk into, a Bible reference or story, children’s prayers, Copp prayer, the Lord’s Prayer, a hymn and time for reflection. We share whole school worship on our Class Dojo, which is an internal communication system for parents. Curriculum We continue to provide a broad and balanced curriculum which is relevant to our chil-dren. We aim to provide a Wow factor for each theme and this year these have included a visit to the pantomime, a French Day, food tasting, a visit to the Liverpool Philharmonic, Den Day, Spirituality Day, Roald Dahl Day, and a visit to Blackpool Tower. RE RE is taught every week, with approximately 80% relating to Christianity. Other religions are taught and compared with Christianity and we have recently created areas for other religions in our classrooms. Each classroom has reflection area which include big ques-tions, children’s prayers and other prayers (including the Lord’s Prayer, a Bible, photo-graphs and other resources which link to the current value. Each class also has an RE scrapbook which shows what the children have learned from and about religion. Attainment Pupils continue to attain well and are consistently in line with but usually above the na-tional average attainment rate. Behaviour The Learning Ladder was introduced to ensure that behaviour systems have continuity across school. There are 7 areas to the ladder and every day children start afresh on the

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JULY 14th 4th Sunday after Trinity 9.30am Holy Communion 16th 7.30pm PCC Meeting in vicarage 21st 5th Sunday after Trinity 9.30am Holy Communion 28th 6th Sunday after Trinity 9.30am Holy Communion AUGUST 4th 7th Sunday after Trinity 9.30am Holy Communion


Morning Evening JUNE 2nd Acts 16: 16—34 1 Peter 4: 7—11 John 17: 20—26 John 15: 26—16: 4a 9th Acts 2: 1—21 Exodus 33: 7—20 John 14: 8—17 2 Corinthians 3: 4—end 16th Romans 5: 1—5 Exodus 3: 1—15 John 16: 12—15 Matthew 28: 16—end 23rd Galatians 3: 23—end Genesis 24: 1 –27 Luke 8: 26—39 Mark 5: 21—end

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St Anne’s Copp Diary

JULY 28th 6th Sunday after Trinity 11.00am Holy Communion 6.30pm Evening Prayer


Diary JUNE 2nd 9.30am Sunday after Ascension Day

Holy Communion 9th Pentecost 8.30am Joint Service of Holy Communion St. Anne’s Copp 9.30am Holy Communion 14th 7.00pm Quiz Night at YIPS 16th Trinity Sunday 9.30am Holy Communion 23rd 1st Sunday after Trinity 9.30am Holy Communion 30th 2nd Sunday after Trinity Joint Service at St Peter’s 9.30am Holy Communion JULY 7th 3rd Sunday after Trinity 9.30am Holy Communion

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“Ready to Learn” step; they then move up or down according to the behaviour for learning they demonstrate. Those children getting to the top of the ladder receive a Top Copp card to share with parents. This has been very effective in allowing children to manage their own behaviour and has had a positive impact so far on general behaviour. Attendance This has been consistently about 97% which is classed by Ofsted as excellent. Attend-ance and punctuality is monitored on a half termly basis so that children who are miss-ing vital learning are identified. There have been no racist incidents over the past year. Safeguarding and Well-being Key people: Pupils choose a member of staff as their person to talk to if they need it. Safety Walks/Talks: Staff talk to the children about how safe they feel in school. Online Safety: Each half term there is a designated Online Safety Day. PREVENT: We have just updated our Emergency Plan, which in cludes procedure for Lockdown. Fire Safety: Every half term we hold a fire drill to ensure that pupils/ adults know the procedures. We have a Learning Mentor, Mrs Taylor, who supports children and adults with social and emotional issues. Pupil Voice We now have a range of pupil groups who take ownership for specific areas of school. These include: the school council, Junior Leadership Team, Values Group, Friendship Committee and Gardening Committee. These groups meet regularly and have a clear agenda for what they want to achieve. We also have a range of clubs including: choir, Christian Club, Lego Club, ICT Club, Mine-craft Club Art and Craft Club, range of sports, peripatetic music and Mad Science. Community and parents Every half term we hold a coffee morning or an afternoon tea in combination with a family morning/ afternoon, where parents/grandparents/other family members can mix with others and share their children’s learning. These events are often used to raise money for school or for charities such as MacMillan Cancer, Trinity Hospice and Chil-dren in Need. We also hold parental sessions each half term to discuss progress and attainment. Wrap Around Care We have a breakfast and after school club (Geccoes) which is very popular with children and parents. We have recently started a Holiday Club to provide support for parents in the holidays and this, also, has proved very successful. Beverley Melvin Headteacher

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One Sunday morning at a small rural

church, the new minister called on one of

his older curates to lead in the opening Prayer, the curate stood up, bowed his

head and said, “Lord, I hate buttermilk,”

The minister opened one eye and wondered where this was going. The Curate

continued, "Lord, I hate lard,” now the min-

ister was totally perplexed. The curate con-

tinued, “Lord, I'm not too crazy about

plain flour, but after you mix them all to-gether and bake them in a hot oven, I

just love biscuits,”

“Lord help us to realize when life gets hard, when things come up that we don’t

like, whenever we don’t understand what

you are doing, that we need to wait and see

what you are making. After you finish mixing and baking, it’ll probably

be something even better than biscuits.


Romans 8:28

Open church

St Peter Inskip For a trial period from the second week of July the

church will be open between

10am –5pm You are welcome to

come inside to Experience and Explore. Or For

quiet prayer and reflection

Because your

LOVE Is better than life, My lips will

Glorify You Psalm 63:3


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St Anne’s Copp

Diary JUNE 2nd Sunday after Ascension Day 11.00am All Age Worship 6.30pm Holy Communion 9th Pentecost 8.30am Joint Service of Holy Communion at St. Anne’s 11.00am Morning Prayer 6.30pm Evening Prayer 16th Trinity Sunday 11.00am Morning Worship 6.30pm Vestry Praise 23rd 1st Sunday after Trinity 11.00am Holy Communion 6.30pm Evening Prayer 30th 2nd Sunday after Trinity Joint Service at St. Peter’s 9.30am Holy Communion— JULY 7th 3rd Sunday after Trinity 11.00am All Age Worship 6.30pm Holy Communion 14th 4th Sunday after Trinity 8.30am Joint Service of Holy Communion at St Anne’s 11.00am Morning Prayer 6.30pm Evening Prayer 21st 5th Sunday after Trinity 11.00am Morning Worship 6.30pm Vestry Praise