Lakeview Elementary School - · Sylis McCallum, Logan Gibb, Tracy Buffin, Dylan Mutch,...

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Transcript of Lakeview Elementary School - · Sylis McCallum, Logan Gibb, Tracy Buffin, Dylan Mutch,...

Lakeview Elementary School Principal: Mrs. Dawn Paylor Vice-Principal: Mrs. Amanda Pockrant

304-8th Avenue East, Meadow Lake, SK S9X 1G9

Principal & Vice-Principal’s Message Thank You, Thank You, Thank You

As we enter a new year, we want to take this time to reflect on all the wonderful things

that have been happening at Lakeview and the key people that contribute to our

successes – our teachers, students, families and community.

We would like to recognize the many volunteers and families that have donated either

the gift of time and/or the gift of donations to support Lakeview students and activities.

We have many parent/family members that volunteer to prepare snacks, read with the

students and help with events such as the Friendship Feast. We also have parent/

family volunteers who contribute items for students such as clothing to help keep our

students warm during the cold winter months.

A huge THANKS to the staff of Lakeview School, the Groenewegen Family,

Tolko Industries LTD and Eagle Creek Motor Products LTD for the donation to

our Gift of Giving Christmas hampers! Your generosity is very much

appreciated! There will be many happy Lakeview families thanks to your kind


On behalf of the Lakeview staff we would like to thank all of our families and look for-

ward to the many educational experiences we will have in 2018.



The turkey

dinner was well

received by all.

A huge thanks

to everyone that

helped out with

the event!

You can reach us












Be o n T i m e

A l w a y s d o y o u r

b e s t

Re s p e c t

O t h e r s

Ke e p o n t a s k

Le t E x c e l l e n c e

S o a r

E x e r c i s e d a i l y

Y e s t o

l i f e - l o n g

l e a r n i n g

SCC Monthly Attendance Draws

If your child is unable to attend school, please notify the front office personnel. We

know that consistent attendance throughout the school year contributes to higher levels

of learning and achievement. Thanks to our SCC for sponsoring monthly prizes

for our Attendance Draw. For the month on November and December our winners will

be enjoying a Sundae Party on January 11th.

If your child attends daily and arrives on time; he/she will be entered into our

Monthly Attendance Draw!!

Congratulations to the following for winning the Sundae Party:

Kaylee Montgrand, Owen Sinclair, Sean Sundell, Hudson Heit, Hunter Midgett, Kyrin Aubichon,

Sylis McCallum, Logan Gibb, Tracy Buffin, Dylan Mutch, Quinn Fleury, Selest Janvier, Evan

Russell, Dylus Crookedneck, Journee Sinclair, Thea Burgess, Hayes Siklenka, Natalya Janvier,

Lucas Fillion, and Davis Osborne.

Play with letters, words, and sounds! Having fun with language helps your child learn

to crack the code of reading. The tips below offer some fun ways to help your child be-

come a happy and confident reader. Try a new tip each week. See what works best for

your child.

Talk to your child. Ask your child about his/her day at school. Encourage

him/her to explain something they did, or a game that was played during recess.

Say silly tongue twisters. Sing songs, read rhyming books, and say silly

tongue twisters. These help kids become sensitive to the sounds in words.

Use your child’s name. Point out the link between letters and sounds. Say,

“John, the word jump begins with the same sounds as your name. John, jump. And

they both begin with the letter, J.”

Play with puppets. Play language games with puppets. Have the puppet say,

“My name is Mark. I like words that rhyme with my name. Does park rhyme with

Mark? Does ball rhyme with Mark?”

Trace and say letters. Have your child use a finger to trace a letter while say-

ing the letter’s sound. Do this on paper, in sand, or on a plate of sugar.

Write it down. Have a paper and pencil available for your child to use for writ-

ing. Working together, write down a sentence or two about something special. En-

courage your child to use the letters and sounds he/she is learning in school.

Play sound games. Practice blending sounds into words. Ask “Can you guess

what this word is? m-o-p.” Hold each sound longer than usual.

Read it again and again. Go ahead and read your child ’s favorite book for the

100th time! As you read, pause and ask your child about what is going on in the


Talk about letters and sounds. Help your child learn the names of the letters

and the sounds letters make. Turn it into a game. “I am thinking of a letter and it

makes the sound mmmmmmmm.”

Visit for more information on how you can launch your

TIPS for Parents with Children in Kindergarten

Special Notes & Coming Events... Lunch Activities

Please see the calendar for a list of

lunch time activities!

SCC Meeting

Our next SCC meeting is on Tues-

day, January 9th at 7:30 p.m.

Please join us if you can.

FREE Hot Lunch

On Friday, January 12th, all LES

students will

enjoy a warm

bowl of turkey

soup for lunch.

Awards Ceremony

Friday, January 19th at 12:50 p.m.

in the gym, Miss Fishley and

Mrs. Kopperud’s classes will be per-

forming. Parents are welcome!

Subway Hot Lunch

Our hot lunch for this month is

scheduled for Friday, January 26th.

Order forms will be going home clos-

er to the date. You can also order

online through School Cash.

Spirit Day

Workout Day will


Lakeview’s next

spirit day. Come

dressed in your

favorite workout

clothes on

January 26th.


Thanks to the United Church of

Canada for the donation of mittens

for our students.

Winter Wonderland -

An SCC Family Engagement


Our Family Engagement Evening

will be held on Wednesday,

January 24th from 6:30-7:30 p.m.

at Lakeview School! We invite your

family to join us for a Winter

Wonderland fun filled evening!

We will have an

evening of

horse drawn

sleigh rides,




and of course

hot chocolate!

February Break

The dates for the February break

are Monday, February 19th–

Friday, February 23th, with

school starting once again on

Monday, February 26th.

Door of Hope and RCMP

On behalf of the Door of Hope and

Meadow Lake RCMP,

we would like to thank everyone

who donated a toy item. Our Lake-

view Community does an amazing

job in helping the less fortunate.

Canadian Parents for French


Our next CPF meeting is on

January 8th, 6:30 pm at Lakeview

Everyone is welcome!



Christmas Concert


Last year we raised $1,122.55

at our Christmas Concert silver

collection! The money raised

assisted in purchasing new

sound equipment for our gym

and music room. This year

money raised will help in

purchasing a cordless mic.

Lakeview Clothing

We will once again be selling

Lakeview clothing in the New

Year! More information to

follow in January.

Character Education

Our virtue for the months of No-

vember, December and January

is Self-Control. Self Control is

controlling your feelings, impuls-

es, desires or actions by your

own will. One of the skills that

help us stay in control is: 1 + 3

+10. Please have your child

practice this skill at home:

As soon as you feel your

body sending you a warning

sign that says you are losing

control, do three things:

First stop and say: “Be

Calm.” That’s 1

Now take three deep, slow breaths from your tummy. That’s 3.

Finally count slowly to 10 inside your head. That’s 10.

Put it together and you have 1 + 3 + 10

See you January 8th!!

Mathletics & Computers:


See Calendar

After School Programs: 3:30-4:30pm

Monday/Tuesday: Grades K-2

Wednesday/Thursday: Grades 3-4

Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat

1 2 3 4

5 6

7 8

Computers 1A

Classes Resume

Gr. 3 Girls Lego at


CPF meeting 6:30

at Lakeview


Computers 1B

SCC Meeting 7:30


Computers 1C

Gr. 3 Boys Lego at



Mathletics 1/2F

Gr. 4 Girls Lego at


Sundae party for

Nov. & Dec. attend-

ance winners


Mathletics 2A

Gr. 4 Boys Lego

at noon

Free Turkey Soup



14 15

Mathletics 2B

Gr. 3 Girls Lego at



Mathletics 2C

Art Club at noon: 2A


Mathletics 2/3C

Art Club at noon: 2B

Gr. 3 Boys Lego at



Mathletics 3A

Art Club at noon:

2F & 2C

Gr. 4 Girls Lego

at noon


Mathletics 3B

Gr. 4 Boys Lego

at noon

Awards Assembly

- Gr. 3 perform


21 22

Mathletics 4A

Gr. 3 Girls Lego at



Mathletics 4B


Mathletics 4C

Gr. 3 Boys Lego at


SCC Family

Engagement night



Mathletics 3/4F

Gr. 4 Girls Lego

at noon


Computers 1A

Gr. 4 Boys Lego

at noon

Spirit Day-

Workout Day

Subway Hot


28 29 Computer 1B

Gr. 3 Girls Lego at



Computer 1C


D3 D4 D5 D6 D1

D2 D3 D4 D5 D6

D5 D1 D2 D3 D4


Christmas Holidays - NO SCHOOL


Turn Around Day