Lakeview Procedures Punctuality and...

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Transcript of Lakeview Procedures Punctuality and...

Welcome back ! We hope that everyone had a relaxing sum-

mer and that everyone is ready for another exciting year of

learning. And it is indeed going to be an exciting year here at

Lakeview! We would like to extend a warm welcome to all the students and their fami-

lies who are new to Lakeview this year. We look forward to meeting you.

If you’ve been by Lakeview this summer (and last week!), you have probably noticed a

lot of construction going on. All of the plumbing lines in the school are in the process of

being replaced and this work will continue after hours until November. Part of the roof

was redone and the front entrance way has had new concrete put in. So it has been a

very busy place throughout the summer.

You will notice that your child will be bringing home numerous documents during the

first week of school. These forms contain important information that will help the school

and your home prepare for the upcoming school year. We hope that you will give them

your careful attention and quickly return completed forms to school if needed. Thank

you for your attention and cooperation in these important matters.

Our monthly newsletter is packed with lots of helpful information to help parents know

what is going on at the school. If you require a hard copy of the newsletter, please let

Mrs. Klimczuk our morning secretary, know and she will be pleased to send home a hard

copy. September’s newsletter is now available for your viewing. Also, to keep up-to-

date on the happenings at Lakeview, the public calendar found on our website is updated

daily with any events that are going on and you may check it at any time. Caution:

Printing the calendar at the beginning of the month will most definitely cause you to

miss some things. This is a live calendar and

changes can happen at any time!

Have a great September!

From the Principal’s Desk


T H I S I S S U E :

School Visitors 2

Class Organi-



Open House 3

Picture Day 5

Medical Infor-




Lunch Info 8,9

Lakeview Views Lakeview Public School

S E P T E M B E R 2 0 1 6 N E W S L E T T E R


Mrs. G. Harris


Mr. D. Holmes


Mrs. J. Dykstra

Mrs. S. Klimczuk

Early Release Day

An Early Release Day is scheduled for

Friday, September 16. Students will be

dismissed at 12:05. Transportation will

run approximately 3 hours earlier than


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Student Agendas

The cost of student agendas

once again this year will be $5.

Our expectation is that every

student will learn to use the

agenda effectively and that

parents will sign the agenda on

a daily basis. A partnership of

students, parents and

educators is vital to the

learning success of students.

Working together with open,

honest communication will help

to build a strong home-school

partnership and will ensure

that we can nurture,

educationally stimulate and

support our most valuable

resources, our children.

Agendas can be purchased

through School Cash Online.



How Do We Use Your Email Address?

School Visitors & Volunteers

All visitors to our school should enter through the main front doors and re-

port to the office immediately upon arrival. A visitor is anyone who does not

work here or attend school here. If you are picking up your child early for an

appointment, we ask that you wait at the office for your child. If you are one

of our valuable volunteers, you must have completed a Volunteer Application

form and be approved as a volunteer. Each time, we will ask you to sign in at

the office and wear a volunteer identification badge. Parents picking up or

dropping off their children at the beginning or the end of the school day are

asked to wait outside as the halls easily become crowded at these times. We

would also ask that when the bell rings at 8:45 in the morning and teachers

come out on duty that parents move off of the playground area so that teach-

ers have a clear view of our students and can focus all of their attention where

it belongs.

These measures are in place for the safety of our children and we ask that

you recognize our concern if we stop you and ask where you are going and

how we might help you.

If you must text your child during the school day, we remind

you that the only time that he/she is able to use his/her cell

phone is during nutrition breaks from 10:40-11:00 and 1:00-

1:20 and should not be responding to you outside of these

times. We ask that you set a good example, showing your

child that you respect the Lakeview Electronics policy and

recognize the importance of his/her instructional time.

If you provide us with a current email address, then we can send you important messages through-

out the school year. Please check your Student Verification Form that comes home to be sure that

your email address is correct. A Communication Survey sent home last spring to parents indicated

that email was the best way to communicate with you. If we have your email address, we will even

send you the newsletter each month!

School Organization

P A G E 3 N E W S L E T T E R


Mrs. G. Harris Principal

Mr. D. Holmes Vice-Principal

Mrs. J. Dykstra Secretary

Mrs. . Klimczuk Secretary a.m.

Teaching Staff:

Mrs. L. Versteeg & Ms. Mammarella Kindergarten

Mrs. Lobb & Mrs. Beaulieu Kindergarten

Mrs. Block Kindergarten

Ms. Belzil Grade 1

Mrs. McCarthy Grade 1/2

Mrs. Gaspic Grade 2

Mrs. Reimer-Wiebe Grade 2/3

Mrs. Brown-Robson Grade 3

Mrs. Bridges Grade 3/4

Miss Taylor Grade 4

Mrs. Scott Grade 5

Mrs. Bohonos Grade 6

Mr. Davidson Grade 5/6

Mrs. Fraser Grade 7

Mr. Michel Grade 7/8

Mrs. Knerr Grade 8

Mme Rodgers Core French

Mlle Wilson Core French

Mrs. Hellinga Library

Mrs. Storring Learning Resource Teacher

Mrs. Robinson Learning Resource Teacher

Support Staff:

Mrs. Batt Educational Assistant

Mrs. Skinner Educational Assistant

Ms. MacMillan Educational Assistant

Mr. Sentance Youth Worker

Mrs. Woodland Instructional Coach

Mrs. Krizmanic Custodian

Mrs. Shandala Night Custodian

Mrs. Pekelja Night Cleaner

Mrs. Chen Night Cleaner

Mrs. Pellizzaari Lunch Supervisor

Mrs. Easterbrook Lunch Supervisor

The classes have been organized according to

the number of students we had registered in

each grade the week before school began. Due

to movement of students over the summer, new

registrations on the first day of school and the

primary class size cap mandated by the Minis-

try of Education, re-organization will likely be

necessary over the next two weeks and some

movement of students and staff may occur. We

thank you in advance for your patience and un-


Careful consideration is given to the composi-

tion of each class. We look at balancing gender,

abilities and levels of independence, along with

looking at maturity, friendships, behaviours

and students who do/do not work well togeth-


Requests for a change in class

placement will only be considered

in very extenuating circumstances.

Class Organization Lakeview Staff 2015-2016

Join us for an Open House to meet the staff on Thursday, Sep-

tember 22 from 5-6:30 p.m. Pizza will be available for a free-

will donation.

We welcome Mrs. Klimczuk to our front

office staff and are pleased to introduce

our new Youth Worker Mr. Sentance.

P A G E 4

Your child’s safety is

our utmost priority!

Attendance Procedures Punctuality and consistent

attendance are important

and expected. Our Board of

Education has a call-back

policy for absent students.

Therefore, it is very im-

portant that you contact us

if your child will be either

absent or late. Otherwise

we must attempt to reach

you to verify the child’s

whereabouts by calling all

numbers available to us,

including your work and

emergency contact num-

bers. The school answering

machine is available 24

hours per day for your con-

venience. Please call 905-

945-5427 to let us know if

your child will be absent or


If your child arrives to

school late, he/she is re-

quired to come to the office

to receive an admit slip

before going to class. This

helps in maintaining accu-

rate attendance and is for

your child’s safety.


School Council

All parents are welcome to come to our council meetings. School Council is an important part of our

school, offering input into decisions that are made at our school. The Council usually meets 6 times

per year in the early evening. The first meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, September 27 at 6:30 p.m.

Watch for more information to come home. At this meeting we will select our chair and other offic-


Magazine Fundraising Campaign Please support this

important fundraiser

which will be used

to purchase outdoor

play equipment and

to purchase more

technology for

classroom use.

Hope you haven’t renewed those magazine subscriptions yet! Orders for

new subscriptions or the renewal of old ones can be done through our maga-

zine fundraising campaign which kicks off later in September and will con-

tinue for two weeks.

Picture Day

Our school picture

day is scheduled for

Wednesday, Sept.

21 with a retake day

on October 28.



Safety Patrollers from grades 5-8 will do their very best to help all students cross the driveway

safely. Responsible students are encouraged to help out the school by serving in this

important role. Students who are interested in being a Safety Patroller will be bringing home a permission form.

All pupils living north of Olive Street are to cross with the Crossing Guard or at the lights and NOT use any “short

cuts”. Pupils are to follow their directions to assist in their own safety. All students are expected to cross with the

Crossing Guard’s “all clear” signal. Parents can help by modelling how to follow the directions of the patrollers and

cross the driveway only at the crosswalk.

Please remind your child(ren) about the proper way to cross at the lights. They should push the buttons, wait for the

“walk” symbol and look both ways before stepping onto the road.

Bicycles can be used by students who are 9 and older, but should be walked on sidewalks, across the crosswalks and on

school property.

Bus Transportation

This year, there will be approximately 11 buses that

will be bringing students to Lakeview. These buses

use the laneway in front of the school. This lane-

way is for buses ONLY. Students who ar r ive at

school by bus should exit the bus and immediately

follow the sidewalk around to the back of the

school. Each bus will have a letter to identify which

bus the student should be on. Please be sure that

your child is familiar with this letter as buses will

not always arrive in the same order for pick-up at

the end of the day. Students who take the bus will

need to ensure that they proceed quickly to the bus

loading area at the end of the day. Buses will arrive

in 3 waves, departing at 3:25, 3:30 or 3:35.

Should changes need to be made to your child’s

pick-up or drop-off location, please understand that

this process will take a few days.

“Your character is

who you are when no

one is looking.”


New Bell Times

Allergy Alert

Medical Information

P A G E 6 N E W S L E T T E R

Some of our students have life-threatening

allergies to nuts and nut products. When

you are packing your child’s food for nutri-

tion breaks, please take extra care to ensure

that the foods are nut-free. Help us to

ensure the health and safety of all our stu-


If your child must take medication at

school, the District School Board of Niaga-

ra has policies and procedures which must

be followed. A medication form must be

completed by the parent and the child’s

doctor and the medication must be in the

original prescription container. Please

check with our office for more infor-


Allergy Alert Taking Medication at School

Is your child feeling well enough to come to school?

There is a child in Grade 1 this year who suffers from a severe Primary

Immune Deficiency Disorder which has been treated with a bone marrow

transplant. Although this child appears well, his immune system is ex-

tremely compromised. We are asking that parents are diligent at keeping

their children home from school when they are not well and that the

school office is notified immediately if your child develops a communica-

ble illness such as chicken pox, measles or influenza. These diseases

WILL lead to hospitalization for this child and may be fatal. If ex-

posed to some illnesses, immediate time-sensitive medical treatment is

required. It is important to understand that illnesses that are minor for

other children are severe and lead to hospitalization and serious compli-

cations for a child with a compromised immune system.

Please make sure that the office and your child’s

teacher are aware of any significant health issues

that may be cause for concern throughout the

school day. Should your child require an Emer-

gency Medical Information form (for health con-

cerns such as diabetes, serious asthma, epilepsy

etc) or an Anaphylaxis Medical Information form,

please notify the office immediately so that we can

send one home for you to complete. Having this

up-to-date information is critical for your child’s


Emergency Medical Information Student Accident Insurance

The District School Board of Niagara does not provide

medical payments coverage for students. Reliable

Life Student Accident Insurance forms have been pro-

vided to each student to assist you in getting cover-

age. If you have no other coverage it is important

that parents/guardians purchase this coverage to en-

sure that medical or dental costs are covered in case

of accident. It costs as little as $2 per student for basic

school day/school activity coverage.

What is this growth mindset business that I see all

over Lakeview School?

One of our school goals this year is to help students

to develop a growth mindset which means that they

aren’t afraid to face challenges, make mistakes, work

hard and develop their intelligence in different areas.

Each month we will have a different quote to think

about. Look at this month’s quote: Can you see the

difference between saying: “I can’t do this” and “I

can’t do this yet”? A small word but a world of

difference! Look at the differences below between

someone who has a growth mindset and someone

Over the next few months, we’ll share tips with you on what you can do to support this mindset with your student.

TIP OF THE MONTH: When your child says: “I don’t get this!” - you add, “yet”. When your child says: “I don’t

know how to do this!” - you add, “yet”. When your child says: “I can’t!” - you add “yet”. This helps to reinforce the

idea that learning takes time and just because you don’t get it right away doesn’t mean that you aren’t smart.

P A G E 8


As you are aware, school zones and parking lots are VERY congested during arrival and dismissal times

so it is imperative that we have safety procedures in place. School parking lots were designed to pro-

vide parking for staff and a few visitors, therefore there is not enough parking for the number of families

who drive to school and wish to park each day. (We currently have 38 staff members and 41 parking

spaces.) We strongly encourage families to walk to school together rather than drive. This will save

gas, improve fitness rates and will help to protect the environment, but most importantly, will ease traf-

fic congestion around schools, improving safety to our children. If you must park your vehicle at the

beginning or end of the day, we strongly encourage you to park on the side streets around the

school. Once the construction is finished on Murray Street, an excellent parking spot for parents to

pick up students will be the lot at the end of Murray Street at the back of the school yard. There is a

gate there for students to use and, with no traffic congestion, it will be a much safer pick-up spot.

We beg for your cooperation in helping to ensure the safety of every person during these busy arrival

and dismissal times. Staff will be in the parking lot directing traffic for the first week of school. Please

follow their directions and show understanding for the reasons we are out there providing guidance and

instruction. The following procedures will be in place:

In the morning, if you enter the back parking lot between 8:45 and 9:00, you will be directed into

the Kiss & Ride lane and may have to wait in line to leave the parking lot area.

If you are in our parking lot, park in designated spots only. PLEASE NOTE: The area along the

west side of the driveway to the parking lot is NOT a parking area. This is a fire lane and tick-

ets can be issued to those who violate this designation. Obey the ‘No Parking’ signs.

Staff is out on duty at 8:45 a.m. so you can drop your child off and carry on with your day. If you

are dropping your student off, please use our Kiss & Ride lane. There will be 3 drop-off spaces

in front of the entrance gate. Please remain in line and follow the directions of the staff. Be

sure that your children are ready to hop out of the car when you stop so that you do not hold

up traffic in the parking lot. It is safest if children exit your vehicle on the passenger side only.

Children who walk to school should cross with the crossing guard and follow the sidewalk around

to the back of the school. Students should not be using the front doors to enter the school

unless they are late. If you have business at the office or with a teacher, you are most welcome

to use the front doors but the children MUST use their regular door.

Please allow your children to go to the school yard by themselves. This is an excellent opportunity

for them to develop independence and confidence. Children will be dismissed through their

regular doors at the end of each day so that they may meet younger siblings at the primary

doors or you, the parents, in front of the school.

Please use extra caution if entering or exiting our parking lot as there is a sidewalk which crosses

the entrance.

Parking Lot Restrictions & Safety

P A G E 9

P A G E 1 0

From your school nurse

Did you know that every elementary and secondary school in Niagara has access to a school nurse? The school nurse provides teachers, parents and students sup-port and resources on health related topics, including:

Healthy eating

Physical activity

Tobacco use prevention


Mental and emotional health

Puberty and sexual health

Drugs and alcohol

Secondary school nurses in public schools provide:

Sexual health counselling

Birth control

STI testing

To learn more about the school nurse call 905-688-8248 or 1-888-505-6074 ext. 7379 or visit search school nurse

Check out the link on our main webpage that will give you more information about DSBN’s Strategic Plan

that many of you contributed to last year. It is centred around 3 key messages:

I matter as an individual.

I matter as a learner.

I matter as a community member.

Grimsby Fire Department Open House

Grimsby Fire Department’s 2016 Open House is taking place on Sunday September 25th from 11am – 3pm. This is a fun, interactive and informative event for all ages which rein-forces the importance of Fire Prevention. Here are a few highlights of our event:

~ Sparky the Fire Dog

~ Sparky Inflatable Bouncer

~ Hose Target Practice

~ Live Burn Demonstration

~ Truck Tours

~ Giveaways ...and much more!

Our Fire Prevention staff will be dropping off Home Escape Plans and posters to each school prior to the Open House.Home Fire Escape Plans can be brought to the Open House for a

chance to win 1 of 2 "Firefighter for a Day" prizes!