Lady gaga – telephone

Post on 03-Jul-2015

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Transcript of Lady gaga – telephone


Here we see a vehicle from the movie ‘Kill Bill’ this car is very famous and recognised around the world. The truck consists of a yellow paint job and ‘PUSSYWAGON’ written in a large pink font across the rear of the car, this promotes Bricolage and intertextuality in the music video as it is promoting an action film with a type of crime genre music video, as well as promoting the film Kill Bill.

In the music video a dystopian narrative is also used, this means that everyone dies through the villains who in this case are Lady Gaga and Beyoncé, this suggests that there is no hope in world. In this scene of the music video the antagonists poison everyone's food in the diner in the hope of killing off these people, the reason is not clear however. This suggests that the antagonists are evil.