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Jaipur, January 15, 1954.

No. F. 15 (12) La5.152.—In exercise of the powers conferred by

section 29 of the Indian Boilers Act, 1923 (Act. No. V of 1923) the Govern-ment of Rajasthan is pleased to make the followino Ru' es the same having been previously published as required by section 31 of the said Act.

By Order of His Highness the Rajpram. kh, G. L. HERTA,

Secretary to the Government.


(V or 1923) 1.—Preliminary.

1. Short title.—These rules may be called the Rajasthan Bjiler

Rules 1954. These shall come into force with immediate effect.

/[1 A. Extension to Abu, Ajmer and Sunel Area These rules shall also extend to Abu, Ajmer and Sunel a-ea, on and from the 1-3-1960 and as from that date, the corresponding rule in force in such area shall

be repealed.]

2. Thfinitions.—In these rules, unless there is anything repugnant

the subject or context,— (a) "the Act" means the Indian Boilers Act, 1923,

(6) "Section" means a section of the said Act,

(e) 'Regulation" means a regulation framed by the Board under section 28 of the said Act,

(d) "Rule" means a rule frame?. by the Government of Rajasthan under section 29 of the said Act,

(e) "Commissioner" means the Commissioner of Labour,

Rajasthan:- 61

3. Payment of fees.—All fees, payable under the Act or any reuulation or rule framea thereunder, shall be deposited by the payer in a Government Treasury under the head XXXVI—M.scellaneous Depart- @, S meat Fees for the Inspection of Steam Boilers". An application under.

section 7 or section 8 to which the treasury rec-ipt obtaincd on par went of the prescribed fee is attached shall be decmed to be accom•t panied by the prescribed fee.

1.-Addsdriao notification No: D.6899 F. 8 (22)/Lab•169 dated lot Itily, 1980.

• - •

7)C 4 Ge5-0...





H.— Duties of the Chief Inspector.

4. Administrative control.—The Chief Inspector shall work under

the administrative control of the Commissioner and shall submit to him— (a)

an Annual Report on the administration of the Act; (b) such other report and returns as m iy be called for.

5. Daly of general control.—The Chief Inspector is vested with all

the powers of an Inspector under the Act. His duty, consist in supervising and or examine 'i controlling the work of the Inspect )rs, and he shoilldctually inspect

sanai cases, or where he considers thttrelle-vtork of QMVInipector requires a personal cheek.

6. S:ecifio duties.—Chief Inspector shall-

• (a) personally check the registration particulars and calculations

submitted by Inspectors for all bailers inspe.ted for registration as prescribed in the Regulations and enter under his own signature the approved working pressure and all orders required by section

7; - in


the registration bnb) enter under his ok;

own signature any subsequent entries required

(c) obtain from the State of registry the registration book of any boiler the transfer of which is reported under section

6 (b); (d) fix the area under the control of each Inspector; (e) approve the programmes of all Inspectors subordinat e to him with due regard to the convenience of owners generally;

.srAf) examine and countersign the Inspector's elemorandum of Ins-

pection Book of each huller after each inspection;

(g) examine and pass orders on the diaries and returns of Inspectors;

(4) pass orders in all cases in which an Inspector proposes to • increase or 1%41103 the pressure allowed for any boiler under section

8, or to revoke, cancel or refuse to renew the certificate of a boiler under seeti2n 11, or to order important repairs, structural alters. 'Lions, or renewals in a boiler under section 8;

(i) pass orders in all oases in which it is reported that after due notice the boiler has not been proptzly prepared for inspection;

(j) decide all appeals against the order of an Inspector under section 19;

(k) sanction prosecutions under the Aet; .

-(0 inquiry in i o serious accidents to boilers.

7. Instructions to owners.—It shall be the duty of the Chief Inspec-tor to adv se owners as regards the mainte ance

, working and cleaning of boilers, he should issue a set of instructions on the lime indicated in Form C of the Appendix. These instrmt.ons should be hung up in each boiler house.

I t 4.


S. Registers to be kept.—The Chief Inspector shall keep in his office—

(a)a Register in Form A of all boilers registered in. the State,

or the registry of which has been transferred from another State:

(b)the Reg stration Book and Memorandum of Inspection Book

of all boilers on his reghter;

(e) a Register of aipeals;

(d) a P sgister of accidents;

(e)a Register of registration and inspection fees received._

9. Coiitrol of bills.—The Chief Inspector shall be the contratrz.vling


countersigning authority in respect of all conting ling allowance bills of officers subordinate to him.

/11.—Mdies of Inspectors.

10.Subordinate to Chief Inspector.—Inspectors

shall be directly

subordinate to and under the control of the Chief Inspector, they should ordinarily be appointed to take charge of specific areas.

11. General duties. Of Inspectors.—The main duties of the Inspector,

as laid down in the Act, are the inspection and ination of boilers

eam.pirs. Inspectinii shall he Parried out

exam in strict accordance

and st with the Regulations and Chapters IV and V of these rules.

12.Inspectors to see that boilers are corked according to latv.—In

addition t , ) the inspection and examination of boilers, it is the duty of

Inspecto t s , - for an.:gist erect or itncertif aatecl boilers within

their are rsas,

o and

arch see that

a certificated boilers are worked in accor-

dance with the te ins of theft certificates and with any regulation or rule

under the Act for their safe working.

13. Inspectors to advise o wners.—At the time of inspection, Inspector

should advise the owner and the person-in-charge of the boiler on the management and up.kerp of the boiler with spcoial reference to the amount of cleaning required in view of the quality of water used.

14. Specific duties.—In9pectors shall—

(a)prepare a programme of inspections with regard to conveni-

ences of owner generally in the most suitable order of places to save time and expenditure in cross journeys and sul mit it at such periods as m y he pres3ribecl at le ist I t ellys before the first date f iced in the programme to the Chief Inspector for approval to enable the 10 days notice required under sections 7 and 8 to be given to

the owner;

(b)maintain a Memorandum of Inspection Boi.1: for each boiler

under their charge and submit it to the Chief Inspe.t r for examina-

tion and counter-signature after each inspection;

(c)keep a diary for weekly submission to the Chief inspector,

showing places visited, boilers rogistered or insp-ietcd with fees paid

thereon,thereon, variations from the programme and any oth import

(d) receive application for registration or inspection under secetions 7 or 8. proposals for repairs, alterations, or renewals under sections 12 and 13, and reports of accidents and r section 18;

(e) inquire into accidents to boilers and stoam.pipes and report to the Chief Inspector;

(f) report to the Chief Inspector cases of unreported accidents discovered at the time of inspection;

(g) submit for the orders of the Chief Inspector_

(1) the Memorandum of Inspection Books of all boilers pro-posed for registration under section 7;

, (2) proposals for increasing or decreasing the pressure of a boiler after inspection under section 8 ;

(3) proposals for necessary repairs, structural alterations or renewals to a boiler under section 8 or 12 ;

(4) proposals for revoking, cancelling or refusing to renew a certificate under section 11 or 8;

(6) report when boilers have not been properly prepared for inspection under section 14;

(6) proposals for prosecutions under the Act. .V16. Inspections at spociol times.—No examination of a boiler shall

be made by an Inspector for the purpose of registering or issuing a certif cat. for a boiler on a Sunday or gazetted Public holiday or between the howl; of sun.aet and sun-rise w,thout the specific orders of the Chief Inspector in each case. In such cases an extra fee equal to the usual registratio n or inspection fee for the boiler may be charged and half of the extr fee may be paid to theInspector."

16. Attendance, during hearing of appea/i.—Under orders of "the Chef Inspector, Ittspecto-s shall attend during the hea-ing of appeals with

regard to boilers under their charge before the Chief Inspector, or the Appellate Authority.

17. Registers to be kept.---Every Inspector-in-charge of an office shall keep—


a Register in Form A of all registered boilers situated within his jurisdiction;

(b) a Register of accidents;

(c) a Register of registration and inspection fees received.

I V.—Administrative Instructions for Registration. 18. Imp vtance of regi .treeion.—Technical regulations for the regis.

tration of boilers and the scale of fees for registration are prescribed

in Chapter IX of the regulations. The details of measurements rewarded at the time of registration constitute a permanent record for the boiler and determine the original pressure to which the boiler is allowed to work. It is accordingly essential that the work should be done with the greatest care and precision.

19. Receipt of applications.—Applications for registration shall be made under notion 7 (1) to the Chief Inspector, and shall be noon-pealed under rule 3 by a receipt for the prescribed fee. No applieaticn shall be accepted without the receipt. No boiler shall be registered if on measurement the fee is found to be deficient, until the deficient has been paid. Any excess payment will be refunded at the time of registra-tion.

20. Necessity of avoiding delay. —It is essential that no delay should occur in registration. In large towns, uhe measurements under section 7 (3) should ordinarily be completed and the report submitted to the Chief Inspector within 7 days of the receipt of the application; in no case should the interval exceed 30 days. The Chief Inspector should issue his orders under section 7 (4) without delay.

21. Register ofregistered boilers.—Thee:lief Inspector shall maintain a Register of registered boilers in serial order in form A in two parts; in Part I (boiler• originally registered in the State) the registered number of a boiler shall be the one immediately following the last serial number in the Register. Gap number due to boilers being br_ken up or transferred to another State shall not be filled up in Part II (to:lers ( eginallv regietkreetj.iiother States) entriesahall be made

asgrescribectin 'Rule 23. Inspectors-in-charge of an office sTril,1 keep a similar Registafir l boilers within their jurisdiction.

22. Procedure on transfer of a boiler.— Whenever a boiler istransfer-red. fr )rn another State into the State of R jasthan the owner shall, under section 6 (b) apply to the Chief Inspect( r for the registration of 4

the transfer; theiler cambeSeemeaelaa1./CL.registration has effected. The Chief Inspector shall then ottiin from e Slate from ;MEM; boiler was transferred the Registration Bo( k and Memoran-dum of Inspection Be. k of the boiler. No fee shall be -ch rged ftri recording transfers.

23. Entry of transferred boiler in Register. —Oa receipt of the Regis-tration and Memorandum of Inspection B mks. the CLief Inspector shall enter th- filer under its or inal number in Pert U of Register, and shall ins rue e Iespec cr o fie ocal

er is si ua enter it semi ar is Register. • e ewes tration Bock and the 111.morandum of Inspection Book shall be kept in the Chief Inspector' s Office.

24. •Naronransferred and dismantled bailers.—Whenever a boiler has been transferred to another State or broken up, the fiat eh .11 be noted in the Register. In the case of a boiler that has been perms-nen ly d qmantled the Registration Book and the Memorandum of Ins• petition Beek shall be dertroyed.



7.---Arirainisfrative Instructions for Inspection.

25r Procedure at inspections: internal irNpertiou.Dc tailed ins' rue- . tions for th , inspection of hollers are conthint d in Cht.rter IX of the ReguLtions. The fcllowing general priic«lrr: at inspection should be obscrvcd.—

• At a thorough inspection of a be . ] r the Inspect or sliculd, whore

the size-and construction cf he boiler remit, go inside -:t rnd nu ke thorough inspectio n rf al its internal parts. But b -3fore doMg so he should satisfy h'msrlf th .t proper pnAision has been rm de for dis-, c,nnect:cn from any other boiler undo r ste m.

Should he find that proper provision for disconnection has m t been made or th -.t the boiler has not been properly (leaned or that it is unreasonably hot he should decl ne to procel d with the inspection and • should; rep- rt th-1 fact; to the Chef Inspector kir faders under•

. section 14 (2) of the Act.

When a boiler is of such a size or its construction is such that the Inspector cann-t go insi le it there must be sufficient sglit holes or handholes pr nrided to enable him to see the principal intim parts. If any important part o" a boll-r is so constructed that the Inspector cannot examine it he should report the facts to the Chief Inspector for orders.

26. External inspection.—Boilers must be examined externally as well as internally; particular attentic n should be paid to the external parts of the boilers whore in contart with seating blocks and brick work, especially when the situation is damp. Having regard to many serious defects discovered, Inspector should lake care, in order to en-sure proper inspection, that boilers, of which the whole of the outside cannot be readily examined, are cleared whenever they- consider it necessary of any concealing covering, supports or fittings.

-Saddle tanks and engine fittings of locomotive type boilers sho-uld be removed for inspectirm of the pats underneath at the first ins-pection and at any reasonable period afterwards if the Inspector can-not satisfy hMF-elf. If the ( wners in any special case have any good reasons for not wishing to clear covered parts the case should be sub-mitted to the Chief Inspector for orders. The Inspector must keep in mind that he is not to certify as efficient any boiler regarding the con-dition of which he cannot thoroughly satisfy himself. .

27. Casual working inspections.—At the inspection of one of a bat-tery of boilers the Inspector should take the opportunity of exami-- ring the other boilers under steam with special reference-to the water gauges, pressure gauges and safety valves.

28. Proposals fcr reduction of pressure.—Vi hen- the Inspector - decides that-a boiler in one or more of its parts is no longer fit for the pressure approvedfor it he should, w'thout delay, report his r ropcsais..

_ _ _ _ at. n 01.4n4' r■ A nt 1- ba alemo 'firms

- submit his calculatio ns for the wastedparts for .pcessure.W cheek:and approval of :

'h regardto pittin plat and wasting of shell plates the Inspector must bear in mind that shell pes-ordinaril y are considerably Aron- . ger in the body of the plate, owing to being unpierced than at the

- .seams and consequently may become reduced in. thickness to an appro. •

and still be stronger than the seams.

, . , cable extent in the body of the plate,

i.e. elsewhere than at the seams,

29. Repairs to boilees.—Under section 12 of the Act the sanction f

1/4- ■ 1 of the Chief Lispector to all repairs proposed for boilers must be obtain- ' ( i ed beforehand.

A few water tubes or smoke tubes, however, may in an emergency be renewed pending tha sanction of the Chief Inspector but all such cases must be reported immediately to the Chief Insrector who may, if he deems fit, notify his S. 4netion

to the owner without verification of the renewals by an Inspector.

Gene-ally in repairing boilers the object to be obtainedis to make up for darna

of the p icgo or w t stag tetl, by suitable. compensation, ether by renewal or repair Coverins patches ad w thhe object of hiding defects are a source of dangerpatc

and mustp notplie

be pastsed. Welding by electric a nd.oxy-acety:ene p may be employed

in the reps r of boilers, but as the eficiency of the

rocesses welding depends n largely on the skill and care of the operator each case will have to be decided o its merits.

Extensive repairs such as renewal of furnaces, end plates, parts of shell, fireboxes, girders, etc., should be supervised, so

far es his other duties permit. by the Inspector, and at such times when ficeboxes and smoke tubes of locom:.five type boilers are withdrawn, advantage of the opportunity should be taken to inspect the internal parts otherwise inaccessible t I close inspection. Reracrs to boilers are prescribed

in Chapter IX, Regulation 392 of the Regulations.

30. Entries in Memorandum of Inspection Books.—An

Inspector shall, as soon as convenient after an inspection, make the necessary

entries in the Memorandum of Inspection Book for the boiler and sub-mit the book to the Chief Inspector. Care be taken to preserve the books and to keep them "clean. Inspecton notes should briefly state to what extent boilers were cleared of the.brick-work, lagging or concealing parts, the general condition of the boiler, parts

the next inspection. requiring attention or repair and it special preparation is required at

Inspectors should also note in the Memorandum of Inspection Books all casual visits, inspections of steam-pipes, visits for inspection

of repair, inquiry into accidents, etc., and so provide a

guidance of Inspecs

; In making inspections it is impo taint that the Inspector should pay particular attention to entries made in the Memorandum of Ins-pection Book at previous Inspections.

31. EtWald in oral /Gates .—In addition to the entries required to

C be made under the regulatis in a certificate for a boiler the Inspee-

tor should st

mate in the remarks column his requirements, if any, with

; regard to hydraulic test, removal of lagging, brick-work or ether con-1, / aling part for ti1..c_-110tt1=-E'

Isectic'n to enable the owner to have the

se C._

perly prepared at that time. Be should also state in the same p ro same place his requirements regarding the repair or renewal of any part that may be consideied fit only for the period of the certificate.

In the repairs column should be entered the year e f repair and description of repair effected. Only important rep ice should b noted.



condition • • oiler, the boiler will be c onsidered to be in good conditi. His remarks should be brief. In the absence of remarks nn the-


32. Engraving of Registry Number•—Paper slip of the proper size

bearing the reg stry number allotted for a boiler will be supplied by the Chief Inspector. The slip should be pasted on the part of the boiler ointed out by the Inspecter and the evice trace through

with a p cutting tool. The engraving should the

dn be completed by the

removal to the pcescribed depth of the metal between the traced lines.

33, Arranging for inspections.--In arranging for inspections par- ticular attention should be paid to Cal provisions of rile 14 (a). The notice required by sections 7 (2) and S (4) shall be sent in Form "B".

If a hydraulic test is necessary inthe o addwner.

ition to the ordinary inspection

:maple notice must be given to

34. Issue of certificates and

provisional order .—In cases in

which the Inspector is empowered to issue a certificate under section S witlivt _further. reference, theser4LifiPilte shordelorcSma

wi issue a p hours of the com letion of

itaeI. Where he

proposes to rovisions order Inspector must satisfy

himself thae r is fit to be worked at the maximum pressure

and for the period the boiler entered in the provisional order. The fact of


issue of provisional order must be reported immediately to the Chief

Inspector• drau/ic test.—Provi-

35. provisional orders to be issued after loy f registration after

sional orders should be issued actor eves siry case o

hydraulic test of boiler if the Inspector The steam test may be witnessed at any convenient


within the period of the provisional order after th is issif test was

satisfactory, the certificate under section 7 (6) is be ued.

36. Forms of provisional orders and certifiemesProvisional

orders and certificates are prescribed in

Forms V and VI respectively

of the Regulations. The period specified in any provisional order ores

rtificate shall

begin on the day following that on which the enabling through ins-

pection or hydraulic test is mad ee. Wher a certificate supersedes

\ a provisional order during the period of its currency, the period of the certificate shall be retrospective and shall be ' n from the same

time as that of the provisional order.

37. Duplicate Certificates,--A duplicate of any certificate granted under section 7 or section 8 which is at the time in force

shall be granted by the Chief Inspector on the application of the owner of the boiler if the Chief Inspector is satisfied that the

duplicate is required fora bona fide purpose and the foe prescribed under rule 44 is paid. -

38. Fees for inspection.--Fees for inspection shall be calculated on the basis of boiler rating, prescribed in Chapter IX, Regulation 384 of the Regulations. The following fees are prescribed :_

Registration fees.—Fees for registration and first inspection of boilers are prescribed in Regulation 385 of the Regulations.



fees.---Fees for ordinary ins pe ction of boilers shall levied in accordance with the following scale.—

For boiler rating not exceeding 100 Rs.

F Jr boiler rating exceeding 100 but not exceeding 300 70

60 For boiler rating exceeding 300 ' but not exceeding 500 75 -- For boiler rating exceeding 500 but not exceeding

700 90 F n. boiler rating exceeding 700 but not exceeding 900 105 For boiler rating exceeding 900 but not exceeding 1,100 120 F n. boiler rating exceeding 1,100 but not exceeding 1,300 135 Fir biller rating exceeding 1,300 but not exceeding 1,600 145 For boiler rating exceeding 1 600 but not exceeding 2,000 150 For boiler rating exceeding 2,000 but not exceeding 4,000 180 For boiler rating exceeding 4,000 but not exceeding 6 000 195 1? ,x. boiler

For boiler rating exceeding 6,000 but not exceeding 8,000 210 ng exceeding 8,000 but not e. ieding 10,000 230 For boiler rating exceeding 10,000 but not ei ..eding 10,060 250

Provided that when any owner is willing to accept a renewed certificate for less than twelve months in order to approximate the

date of annual inspection to the date on which other boilers in the locality months as are inspected, a certificate for such period less than twelve!

may be necessary for such approxinntion of date map be granted at a reduced fee to be calculated at one twelfth of the

ordinary fee for each full month, portion of a month not being reeckoned.

39. Fee to cover inapsction and testa.— A fee paid for te ins-pection of a boiler shall cover o ough inspection, hydraulic th

est and ;team feet where such are necessary, subject to the provisions of section 14 (2).

40• Second fee in defaup. —A second fee will be leviable for •e-inspection in any ease where the inspection of a boiler is begun, owing to the fLult or neglect of the owner or person in charge, not completed within a period of six months from the date of

ommencement of inspection. 41.* (1) Sanction of Chief Inspector to second fee.

—No extra fee hall be levied except with the Banc' is n of the Chief Inspector. *Substituted Vide

Notification No. D/58691F. 5(22)1 Lab/59 dated lot July. 1060.

.......1.''— . t.t

-..7 -,, 10 te N

-`21 'k Ia.

Special fee for inspection out of season. —For inspections

-Nt• •L:-.,

--k carried out on applications made before the date of expiry of a

..... ...._, certificate no travelling expenses of the Inspector and staff shall be

.:. -t leviable. In cases where the owner requires the inspections titan) date

,,,,:s _ prior to the expiry cif a certificate, the charge th Chief Inspector may, in

. 5 ... addition to the inspection fees,

e travelling expenses from , .... 7...

. (‘- .,-, the owner of the boiler. If the owner applies for inspectiotravelling


after the expiry the certificate, he shall be liable to pay the

:-... ., expenses of the Inspector and his' taff at the discretion of the Chief

.7'.., , ,..- :4 . rs Inspector. —4..., -......_ -

--:- --, -1 If the inspection is carried out at the request of the owner

ff.t., . -6 at a time other than the specified one, to suit the convenience of the


••-.. ,,•-.1. owner, the travelling expenses of the inspector and the staff shall be .-..._ L.

. -.2. ---c• -7 realised from the owner.

J \.• ,1

'‘A , f ,.., ..., 43. Fee for copy of Registration Book.—

- .., ...t> cja For each copy ..

RS. 101- .../. L"

‘--/-' r ‘r---' • 6 44. Duplicate certificate fees. —Fees for duplicate certificates

.....s' *" q under rule V—t 04+, a c2)- -... - „. For each

.• .•. Rs 51-

45. Refund of fees . —Fees paid in excess and fees paid for an

inspection which for any reason not due to any fault or omission of the ownr or person in charge of the boiler has not made, shall be_

refundede if a refund is applied for within one year from the date of

payment. Accidents.

46, Investigation of accidents.—On the receipt of a report of

an accident to a boiler or steam-pipe under section 18, the Ins plapec

ce tto or

should, with the lecat possible delay, proceed to the investigate the aeoident. If the roport is received by the Chief Inspector, he should forward it at once to the Inspector within whose jurisdiction the accident has occured for necessary action. m.

47. Procedure during inquiry.—The Inspector at his inquiry shall

make a careful examination of the damaged parts, and shall take such measurements and make such sketches for the purpose of his report as he

may deem necessary. He shall inquire into the circumstances Atending

the accident and note the time of its occurrence, its nature and extent, the injury caused to persons and the damage done to property. The report should be in the style of the Report of Preliminary Enquiries under the British Boiler Explosion Act. 1882, and 1890.

48. Power to hold inquiry in writing.—Inspectors are authorises

take the written statement of witnesses and all persons immediate concerned with the accident, in order to comply with the provisions

* 2 Substituted Vide Notification No. Dt5809rfe. 5 (22),'LaW69 clated-1

Ally, 1960. , t - Li (C frit •


Sec. 18 (2), the Inspector should present to the owner or person in charge of the boiler a series of written questions on all points that are material to the enquiry.

49. Use of boiler after accident.—The Inspector must decide whether the use of the boiler can be permitted at the same or at lower pressure without repairs or pending the completion of any repairs or alteration that he may order. In no case should he issue a provisional order or renewal certificate until his orders have been carried out.

50. Procedure in case of serious accidents.—The report should be sent without delay to the Chief Inspector,if he considers that the inves-tigation has been sufficient, he will record the facts in his Register of accidents and enter a brief account of the accident in the Registration B ok, a copy being made in the Memorandum of Inspection Bock. If hcwever, the accident is of a serious nature and in all cases in wh:ch an explosion has occurred, the Chief Inspector should, after receipt of the Inspector's report, proceed to investigate the accident personally either alone or with the assistance of a member of the panel of assessors appointed under rule 63 who may be appointed for this purpose by the Commissioner. Reports of such inquiries should be recorded as indi-cated above.

51. Remuneration of Assessor.—The assessor shall be remunerated at such rate as may be prescribed by the State Government and be allow-ed the travelling expenses incurred by him in attending the inquiry.

52. Reference in Annual Report.—A brief account of all accidents and their causes should be included in the Chief Inspector's Annual Report.

53. Unreported accidents.—If in the course of an inspection or at any other time, the Inspector recovers damage which comes within the definition of an accident, but which have not beenreported he should re-port the facts at once to the Chief Inspector for action under sec-tion 24 (d).


54. Filing of appecits.—Everj7 petition of appeal shall be made in writing either in English or in Hindi.

55. Presentation of appeal.—An appeal may be presented either personally or by registered post to the Chief Inspector.

56. Forms of appeal.—The petition of appeal shall be accompanied by the original order, notice [or]report appealed against, or by a certified copy thereof, or where no such order, notice or report has been made in writing by a clear statement of the facts appealed against the grounds

—of appeal and the referring section of the Act.

01. Substituted vide Notification No. D/6899/F.3(22)1Labi69 dated 1st July, 1990.

57. Fixing date for hearing.—On receipt of an appeal, the Chief Ins-pector shall, if the appeal is to be heard by himself, at once fax a date for hearing the appeal, if it is to be heard by the appellate authori-ty constituted by the State Government under section 20, obtain a date for the hearing of the appeal from that authority.] It is important that there should be no delay in the decision of appeals, as the stoppage of a boiler is likely to put the owner thereof, to great inconvenience. The decision should ordinarily be given within 10 days from the receipt of the petition of appeal.

68. Procedure before hearing.—When the date for hearing has been fixed, Chief Inspector shall at once issue a notice to the appellant stating the date for hearing and inferming him that if he wishes to be heard in support of the appeal or to produce evidence he must be present either in person or by authorised agent with his evidence ou the date fixed. The notice shall be sent lay registcred post to such address as shall be entered in the petition of appeal.

59. Presence of inspector.—In all appeals the Chief Inspector shall decide whether the presence of the Inspector is necessary. and shall issue orders accordingly.

2[1:in ,ler orders of the Chief Inspector. an Inspector shall attend before the Chief Inspector or the appellate Authority, during the hear-

- ing of an appeal with regard to a bo.ler under his charge.]

60. Attendance of witnesses.—The appellateCourt shall have power to secure the attendance of witnesses and to make local inquiries under the provisions of the Code of Civil Procedure.

61. Exparte 'decisions.—If the appellant is not present on the date fixed, the appeal may be decided in his absence.

3[62. Constitution of Appellate Authority.—

(1) The appellate Authority shall consist of a chairman and thr ae assessors selected in each case, from among the panel speci-fied in rule 63.

(2) The Chairmen shall be a person, who is or has exercised powers of a District Magistrate or a District Judge.

(3) The Chairman shall hold office for such period as the State Government may specry in this behalf.]

63. Panel of Acrecrore.--The State Government shall constitute a panel of assessors for the purpose of assisting in the hearing of appeal. Assessors must be fully qualified mechanical engineers.

4164. Attendance of assessors .—Whno a date for an appeal before the appellate authority has bean fixed. the Chief Inspector shall under the

I, Substituted 2. Added . ride Notification No. D.189417.6(92)/Labf59 dated let 3. and 4 and 5 Substituted I July, .1960.

-a 6 .

Al .4 9


order of the Appellate Authority arrange for the attendance of three members, from the panel of Assessors, to act as Assessors.]

*[65. Costa in Appeal.—(1) Whore an appeal is dismissed, the Appellate Authority may fix the costs of the appeal.

- (2) In any appal, where a local inspection is required, the appli-cant shall deposit in advance the full costs of such inspectili -Cas deter. mined by the Appellate Authority ] —

V66. Fees required for certificates granted on appeal.—Any order on appeal authorising the registering of a boiler or the grant or renewal of a certificate shall be deemed to be subject to the payment of such fees as are prescrib e d by rules or regulations framed under the Act.

67. Remuneration of Assessor.—The Assessor shall be remunerated at such rate. as may be prescribed by the State Government and be allowed the travelling expenses incurred by him in attending the Court.

68. [Penalty.—A person who does or cc:Jamas to do any act prohibi-ted or prescribed under the rules shall be punishable with a fine, which may extend to one hundred rupees.]


Register of Boiler (Rule 8 of the Rajasthan Boiler Rules, 1954.)

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0 0.0 .3

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a IT o fl


In Part II of the Register, column 1 should contain the registry number and letters.

Provisions shall be made for the removal of lagging or brick-work or other concealing part and for the drilling of plates, if required by the Inspector, and for verifying the pressure urge and safety valve dimensions and weights. All smoke-tubes, smoke-boxes and external flues shall be swept clean.

Provision shall be made for the effective disconnection of all steam and hot water communication with any other boiler under sterni as prescribed in Part III of the regulations. This shall be effected by the removal of a length of pipe from the steam feed and blow down piping or by the insertion of subsantialblank flanges.Where blank fh ages are employed, they shall be inserted between the flanges of the chest and the pipe attached to it. No blank flange shall be inserted between a safety valve chest and the boiler.

Note:—These provisions as to effective disconnection shall extend to every case wherein a person is sent or with the assent of the owner or person in charge goes into a boiler for any purpose.

*Substitute vide Govt. Notification 1■4o. ID/6899/ 1;1 .5 (22)/ Lab/59 dated 1st [ 1 Added I Slily, 1960.


(6) Preparation for Hydraulic Test

The chests of all mountings subject to steam pressure shall be in place and shut tight or blank flanged. The safety valves shall either be jammed down or removed, and the chest-openings blank flanged. The attachment fur the Inspectors pressure gauge and the- nipple for connecting the Inspector's test pump hose shall be in order. All doors shall be properly joined and tightened up. The boiler shall be c omp-letely filled With water, care being I aken to allow all air to escape and, if possible, a preliminary test not exceeding the working pressure of the boiler shall he taken before the Inspector's visit to test the tightness of the joints.

Preparation now Required---(A), (B).


Indian Boilers Act, 1923 (V of 1923).

Notice for examination of boiler vnder sections 7 and 8.

(Rule :13).

No of 19 ,

Chief Boiler, Inspector's Office.

Dated the 19

In reply to your application dated you are hereby informed that Boiler Registry No at the above named pp wises will be thoroughly examined/hydraulically tested by the Government Inspector on the To enable-the examinath n to be made, you are required to—

(a) afford to the Inspector all reasonable facilities for the exa-mination and all such information as may reasonably be required by him;

(6) have the boiler properly prepared and ready for examination in the prescribed manner, see instruction on reverse;

(el provide in the case of a boiler about to be registered such drawings, specifications and certificates and other particulars as may be prescribed;


(d) produce to the Inspector the last certificate of the boiler et the time of Inspection.

Inspector of Boilers.

(Reverse of Form B).

(See reverse for preparation required).


(a) Preparation for inspection.

At every inspection of a boiler ft r the grant or renewal of a eel./ if i-()ate, the boiler shall be empty and thoroughly clean in all its p ts All doors of manholes, handholes and sightholes and cleaning plugs and all caps in the headers and mud-drums of water-tube boiler all firebars. bearers, front plates, bridge plates, fire-bridges, brick arches, oil-fuel bu-ners and mechanical stoker fittings shall be removed. All v:Aves and cocks comprising the boiler mountings shall be opened up and taken apart and the valves or cocks ground, when necessary, before the 'inspector's visit.


(Rule 7).

General Working of Boilers Instructions to B Filer Atthndants.

These instructi ins should be frequently and carefully studied, with a view to keeping in mind the precautions to be observed, and the ordinary procedure to be followed in the safe working of boilers.

Precautions before starting the fires.

Before starting the fires in a boiler, the attendant should—

(1) see that there is sufficient water in the boiler and that gauge cocks are working freely,

(2) ease safety valves, cr open cock nn tap of boiler to allow air to escape,

(3) see that the blow-off cock is fully closed and tight,

(4) see that the safety valves and feed check valve are free and workable,

(5) see that water is not leaking from any part of the boiler

(6) note if the pressure gauge pointer is at Zero,

(7) see that the feed pump is in working order.


He must not rely on the supposition that the water he has pre-viously put in is still in the boiler, as it may have run out without his knowledge through a lcak or open cock, nor can he be sure that the gauge glass shows the true water level until he has tested it. This is done in tho following mariner, shut off the lower gauge cock and empty the glass by the drain cock, then shut the drain cock and open the gauge cock, if everything is in order, the water will then rise in the glass to the same hight as before.

Raising nam.—In getting up st eam in all types of boilers, the operation should be as gradual as cirermstanoes will allow. Nothing turns a new boiler into an old one sooner than getting up steam too quickly. Forcing the fires when starting wcrk if liable to cause of the &earns straiving and tubes of the boiler. In the case of large Milers generally Steam should not be got up in less than six hours. Before getting up ste..m the watcr level should be observed, to ensure that the water is at the proper bight in the glass, the pressure gauge noted, and the safety valves tried to see they are free. The blow-off cockshould be ex .mined to see that it is completely shut and tight.

Pressure gauge.—The pressure order, and be in such a position attendant. There should be a plain pressure allowed for the boiler, and that the figures may easily be read.

Steam Pressure.- Ordinarily the safety valve will prevent the steam from rising much above the working pressure, but if the steam gauge shows so rapid an increase of pressure as to indicate danger of exceeding the h •ighest limit, water should be immediately fed into, the boiler and the dampers partially closed in order to diminish the effect of the fire. If, however, the water has fallen so low th A there is danger of an accident from this cause, the fires should le withdrawn before feeding in water, the safety valves eased, and if the eng - ne is at rest, it should be started so as to reduce the pressure.

The safety valves are provided to guard against over-pressure. They should be moved by band every day so as to prevent them from sticking. If moved only occasionally, they are liable to leak.

The valve can be tested by slowly raising it a little, and when let down, it should close perfectly tight. It should never be opend by a sudden knock or pull. If it does not close tight, turn it on its seat until it fits, or when its construction does not permit this, raise it slowly a few times and let it down again, but on no account must the valve be screwed down further or loaded more than what has been allowed by the Inspector.

Safety Valves must be overloaded, and spring valvesshould have ferrules or other provisions against their being screwed down too far. In case of an accident resulting from wilful overloading the culprit might be held criminally responsible at the official enquiry or in quest.

cr steam gauge should be kept in as to be easily seen by the boiler mark on it s'iowing the heghest the dial should be kept clean so


Low Water Safety Valves.—If there is a low water safety valves test it occassionally the lowering the water level to see that the valve begins to blow at the right point. It should give warning "before" the water level has wink too low, and before damage can be done When the boiler is opened, examine the floats and low er and see that they are, free and that give the valve the full rise. With the ordinary type of high-steam and low water safety valve the float should be down at its lowest position and are valve full open when the boiler is empty.

The Water Gauge ; .—The se will be kept best in order by frequen-tly blowing through. The cocks are thus kept in goo:, working condi-tion without leaking. Blow though the drain cook at the bottom of the gouge, and shut and open the steam and water cocks every few hours. These cocks should be blown through more frequently when the water is dirty. Should either of the Passages become choked, or whenever the water in the gauge glass moves sluggishly. the passage must be cleaned. This is best done with a wire. The gauge glass is so arranged that its top cock connects with the steam spa( e and its bottom cock is below the water line. The water line will o Tiinarily be near the centre of the glass tube. Always test the glass water gauges throughly the first thing in the morning and at the commencement of every shift. This is done by firs opening the drain cock, then shutting the upper cock which should ghe water, the upper cock should then be opened and the

• bottom cock closed which should g've steam, during this test the drain cock should be kept open.

If water and steam do not appear in proper order the cocks are choked and the passages should be cleaned. To lessen the risk of breaking to the gaug e glass the water cock should always be re-opened after the steam cock.

Gauge glasses with a narrow white strip running the whole length of the glass on the aide next the boiler are recommended, as they show the water line more clearly especially when the water is dirty.

rhe Indian Boiler Regulations require every water gauge glass to be fitted with a guard to prevent injury to the attendants. See that it is always in place, and clean, when there is steam in the boiler.

Special note.—It does not follow that there is plenty of water in the boiler because there is plenty - of wi,tir in the gauge glass. The passage may be choked and empty gauge glasses are sometimes mista-ke for full ones, and explosions have resulted therefrom. Hence the impTntance of keeping the gauge cocks perfectly tight and clean and of blowing through the test cocks frequently.

A large number of accidents have been due to inoperative water gauge, and to negligence of the attendant in not carefully reading the water level.

The blow off-cock.—The blow off should be used daily if the water is at all dirty or sedimentry, especially with Locomotivetype and Vertical Boilers, as their narrow water spaces are liable to get choked with mud,



which so on hardens into a solid mass. The amount of water to be blo-wn out depends the size of the boiler and can be determined only from experience .When blowing cut the best result is obtained, if the water has been at rest for sometime to (say before the engine is started) thus giving the sediment time to settle, if the feed water is clean, merely turn the cook on round.

The scum cock.—When scum eccks ale fitted, if the feed water is dirty a little should be blown-off daily if the water is clean, merely turn the cock n:und. Before opening the scum cork see that the wateris at the height in dicated by the water level pointer, otherwise the seeming will be ineffective. Water should be blown from the surface through the scum cock when steam is being drawn off i.e. when the engine or other machinery is working.

Manhole and other door joints.--When making such joints, the joining materials should never be of round-seetioved packing. Care must be taken that the spigot of the door is centrally plc ced in the hole, as many accidents have resulted from p utking being blown out between the spigot and t-ide of hole even when die clearance was only 1 inch. The nut: must be e reftlly And evenly tightened. Further tightening should be made during the process of heating up the boiler when raising steam.

Steam iripes.—When properly arranged should Rine no trouble. Fre-quently, however, they are so designed as to contain p .ckets in which, while out of use, condensed stem accumulates. Such -water exceedi-ngly dangerous and great care should be taken to see that the pipes are properly drained before the stop valves opened, therwise "water hammer' will ti ke place even with the best designed steam pipes, and disastrous explosion causing less of life and property may occur.

Scale and grease.—Roughly speaking, scale offers a hundred times as much resistance to the pAssAge of heat as dose a similar thickness of steel or ir.m. A half-inch furnace plate covered with 1111; inch seal is as efficient a heat retarder as a ste. 1 furnace 10 inches thick gre se is about ten times worse than scale. In a bailer at work the temperature of a clean furnace plateis only slightly in excess Of that of the water in the bolt!, butif scale of grease is in terposed between the water and the plate, the latter acquires a tempura:tun , more nearly approximating that cf the flame with which it is in contact. If the fire is fierce (artificial draught) the furnace tube may grow- so not that it elongates considerably. If, in addition, cold air is admitted during each firing a concertina /Lotion of the furnace tubes place. which is one of the worst causes o' holier weir and tear.

We Le atad tear can be reluced and the life of a boiler prolongedif scale and grease are prated rain accumulating in a boil er.The a inbined effect of scale or gre bse and artificial draught are disastrous, Scale also causes waste of feel.

orcnsa.—A mixture of se!iiment ry water, soda, and grease pAoduces adhetive scum. Where this suspected, the water level should never

be Idtvered below the furnace top, unit ss the boiler is afterwards entered in this seem cleaned off the furnace plate before jiring again.

Scale removal.—The customary method is not a satitfactury one. The boiler is emptied and then collect down by opening all the manholes and the result is that the :teak., which would otherwise be soft, hardens through contact with the air, and requires laborious chipp ng off.

A very effective, but slower, method, is to retain, - the water in the boiler until cool, and not to run it out until the men are ready to enter the boiler with water_ hose, brushes and scrapers. The scale will thenbe soft and easily removable.

If time is a, consideration, the cooling be accelerated by adding cold feed to the hot water in, the boiler and slowly running off the cooled water. Another method is to blow-off the b -Tier with the lowest possible pressure (not more than 201b.) and to keep it closed until cold. The scale will then be easily removed.

Treatment of feed water.—Many feed water require soda or other chemical to arrest corrosion or to change the mtitre of the scale.

There is no harmless chemical which will remr , ve scale or sediment when it has once get in to the boiler, and the only effective process is to purify the feed water before it enters the boiler. By this means the sediment, and geneally too, the added chemicals , can be deposited in tanks or in filteters, an therefore, never goes into the boiler, Excepting when the water obtainable is very good, water purifying apparatus ought to pay any boiler owner, particularly t those works where three ( r more boilers are in constant work, boler owners w:shing to have definite advice as to the Lest treatment of their feed water should have it analysed at some Chemical Laboratory and ascertain the beat treatment' in the particular circumstances.

Special attention is drawn to the not infrequent very bad practice •- of allowing the waste steam from the engine cylinders or pumps to be

drained into the boiler feed water tanks. The waste steam from cylinders is always run with a certain amount of oil matter whichwill d epoated in the Feed water Tanks and ultimately be pumped into the boiler, with possible disastrous results as it will be obvious to every careful boiler attendant that should the oil be deposited on the furnace crowns. They may become over-heated and collapse.

It should be the first care of the boiler owner, and the boiler attendant to see that the feed water is kept as pure as possible. Impure feed water means additional expense on the up keep of the boiler.

Preservation of boilers when not in use.—Steam bottom when not in use are Liable to deterioration from corrosion and unless well cared, for and made rust-proof they may depreciate more rapidly than when in use. They shuuld be thoroughly drained and thoroughly dried and all valves, cocks and openings clused so as to ex-lude moisture. Another plan is to fill the boler with water to which about 1/10 per Gent caustic soda has been added.


Special Instruction for Boiler No

The boiler should be opened up and thon ughly cleaned after a period of work which should not exceed A record of such cleanings should be maintained and produced, when required by the Inspector.

Dat d Inspector of Boilers.


Accident report under sertion 18 (1) of the Indian Boilers Act, 1923.


The Chief Inspector of Boilers. Rajasthan, Jaipur.

The undersigned begs to report that an accident occurred in the.. Factory at on date hour causing slight/serious

injury as detailed below:-

1. Nature of accident ..

2. Cause of accident

3. Full details of damage to Bona. No

4. Full details of damage to steam pipe

5. Full detail of ;njury caused to any person


Signature of the owner or agent of the Boiler.

Government Central Press. Jaipur.