Lab Results Interface Validation Suite WG July 28, 2011.

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Transcript of Lab Results Interface Validation Suite WG July 28, 2011.

Lab Results Interface Validation Suite WG

July 28, 2011


• Purpose• Review of Architecture• Workgroup Administration• Timeline• Next Steps


– Provide Specifications and Project Management for the LRI Validation Suite

– Provide a suite of HL7 v2 validation tools for testing LRI conformance

– Provide a set of test data (LRI-compliant HL7 v2 lab result reports)

– Provide tools for evaluating CLIA compliance of lab test reports (42 CFR §493.1291)

High Level Architecture

CLIA Specifications Checklist Tool

Workgroup Administration

• Workgroup Meeting Time• Committed Member Registration

– Workgroup Co-Chairs• Rob Snelick (NIST)• TBD (volunteer needed)

– Join S&I Framework Wikispaces Site– Register as committed member– Join LRI Validation Suite Work Group to support

• NIST Tool• CLIA Specification Checklist Tool

– Requirements Definition and Development

• Test data, test cases, and testing

• Consensus Process for Document Approval

Volunteer Opportunities• Programming• Analysis & Design• Specific tool knowledge• Domain expertise

– HL7 v2– Vocabularies: UCUM, LOINC, OIDs, SNOMED CT– CLIA Requirements– Meaningful Use Requirements

• Test data and test cases• Validation of results• User-acceptance

LRI Timeline

Jul 2011

May 2011

Jun 2011

ImmediateNext 90 Days

Short Term3 to 9 months

Long Term9 to 36 monthsInitiative

LRI Validation Suite Workgroup

Lab Results Interface Initiative (other WGs)

Immediate Initiatives

Short Term Initiatives

Long Term Initiatives

LRI Arch WG Artifacts

Aug-Sep 2011 Oct-Nov 2010 4Q 2011 1Q 2012 2Q 2012

LRI Use Case finalized Stage 2 Meaningful Use - Final

Software Architectural Design

Validation Suite Code Development

Stage 2 MU -Draft

Lab Test Tool -R1

LRI Vocab WG Artifacts

LRI Implementation Guide Draft delivered

LRI Pilots

Test Plan Test Data-Set 1

Lab Test Tool Prototype

Test Data-Set 2

Lab Test Tool -Final

Planned Activities• Types of Tasks

– Analysis– Design– Development– Verification

• Areas of Focus– Testing Methodologies– Test Plans– Test Data– Vocabulary– LIS Test System– EHR LRI Reference Implementation

• For each area of focus we’ll perform an analysis and design to identify specific tasks

• Some areas of focus will become sub-groups (e.g., test data)

Overview of Focus Areas I

• Testing Methodologies– LIS systems and EHRs supporting the LRI implementation guide– Approaches

• Inspection Testing, Automated Tested, Combination • How do we test vocabulary?

• Test Plans– LIS systems and EHRs supporting the LRI implementation guide– End-to-end process– Range of test cases

• Test Data– Identify common-typical use cases from in-scope lab results– Support the range of message content (e.g., multiple results in a single message)– Data must be relevant and realistic (e.g., use correct code for result)– Community to decide level that is important, breadth, and depth

Overview of Focus Areas II

• Vocabulary– Collect and organize all specified vocabulary– Develop a common format to represent and provide APIs to access– Common component for tooling

• Lab System Test Tools– LIS Validation Engine– LIS Simulation

• Test Harness to test EHR systems• Generate/Send messages to EHR System• Create/Generate testing artifacts

• EHR Reference Implementation– At minimum capable of parsing, mapping, and displaying received lab results– Verify that the LRI IG is implementable– Phase 2 may add functionality (e.g., generate a PH lab message)

Topics for Next Meeting

• Clarify questions on architecture• Determine code contribution process• Communication channels and collaboration• Present draft detailed design


• Sign up for Wiki and Work Group– Indicate where you can help out

• Review LRI Architecture• Review existing NIST Meaningful Use HL7 v2

tools• Post feedback on Discussion tab