L5 Internet Empowerment Lesson

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Transcript of L5 Internet Empowerment Lesson

Entrance Activity

YOU MUST log on and complete the Quiz to re-cap some of the areas covered last lesson in the Convergence Video.

Internet Empowerment – L5

Unit G325: Section B – Critical Perspectives in Media

Monday 17th March 2014


Aims & Objectives

• Re-cap Prior learning of SOME of the key terms/theory we have covered so far.

• Establish how the Internet has the ability to “empower” consumers to become Prosumers

• Establish how we are “part of the experiment as well as conducting it” (Leadbetter – 2009) through case study examples.

• Review the learning.

AO1 Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of media concepts, contexts and critical debates, using terminology appropriately and (AO1) Apply knowledge and understanding to show how meanings are created when analyzing media products.

At the end of the Quiz, YOU SHOULD for effective revision create your own Quiz and send to someone else in the class OR Upload the link to your own Blog Page to Test yourself at home.

As part of going into the Exam,YOU MUST become familiar with some of the latest “tech” developments in relation to Media in the Online Age and Global Media.

YOU SHOULD use some of these links to establish important information such as:

• Critical Opinions• Key Facts/Statistics


"I believe we can build a web that truly is for everyone: one that is accessible to all, from any device, and one that empowers all of us to achieve our dignity, rights and potential as humans."

Tim Berners-Lee

Media consumers are now “part of the experiment as well as conducting it”

(Leadbetter – 2009)

empowers all of us conducting it

- Prime example of 'Citizen Journalism' (Gillmor - 2004)- The site "empowers" us to participate in gathering stories of magnitude as WE produce

and upload the 'visual imperatives' (Galtung & Ruge) that help sell a story

"Join Us" feature - this is a democratised feature and conforms to Dave Winers (1994) prediction that "once the users take control, we never give it back”.

empowers all of us conducting it

• News Aggregator• Has regular contributors but a significant “chunk” of the news content is provided by

Bloggers and “citizens”.• 43.2m unique visitors a month (Visits the website more than once in a month)• 112m Visitors (Browsers) per. Month!

'Citizen Journalism' (Gillmor - 2004)

‘Temporary Autonomous Zones’ (TAZ) – Hakin Bey

• A term used to describe where normal mainstream rules don’t apply.• Where fans can be united by their love of a specific type of media that is misunderstood or disapproved by mainstream media.

‘Temporary Autonomous Zones’ (TAZ) – Hakin Bey

• Where fans can be united by their love of a specific type of media that is misunderstood or disapproved by mainstream media.

“Every consumer gets courted across multiple media platforms” (Jenkins – 2006)http://www.mirror.co.uk/all-about/grand%20theft%20auto%20v

• The popularity of the game has occurred for many reasons but one of the main reasons is the online capabilities.

• The list of stories from the Institution above denotes the ‘moral panic’ (Barker – 2001) this product has created and how, in many ways, it is misunderstood.



The media has enabled us to be "part of the experiment as well as conducting it" (Leadbetter - 2009). - Discuss.

- Look over the notes you have made so far for this Unit to highlight examples of where this is now evident- Research one example of a case study where we are "part of it" - VOD/Connected Television/Social Media- Research one example of a case study where we are

"conducting it" - ???

YOU MUST answer this question in 2 PEA Paragraphs


FINISH the question and upload content onto your own Blog Page.

DUE: Thursday 20th March