L10 super size me

Post on 13-Apr-2017

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Transcript of L10 super size me

Re-Cap prior learning

You must, Using the knowledge and understanding you have of this predominantly Observational account of September 11th, write down 3 key codes (verbal/non-verbal/technical) that presents “realism” to the spectators.

Title:Super Size Me –


Monday 2nd March 2015

FM4: Varieties of Film Experience – Issues and Debates

Section B Specialist Study 2: Spectatorship Topics –

Spectatorship and Documentary

Theoretical approaches to consider:

James Berardinelli (2005)

• “Alongside telling his personal tale, Spurlock interviews a vairety of talking heads and spends some time investigating why fast-food entrees are replacing healthier choices in elementary and high schools”

• “The evidence is all anecdotal, but it’s pretty convincing”

• “Little of what Spurlock presents in Super Size Me is new or revolutionary, but he packages it in an entertaining and easily digestible manner. It’s one thing to know that fast food is bad for you. It’s another to that “badness” demonstrated”

Your task!

• Make sure you use the resources to analyse this important case study.• “Black Canvas” – Make notes on the other side of the sheet based on what is

written on the Whiteboard.