Kylie Minogue Just Can’t Get Ex Olivier Martinez Out of Her Head: How to Get Your Ex Back, Kylie?

Post on 09-May-2015

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Throwing your ex out of your life may be easy for some but throwing them out of your head may be a hell of a job to do! That’s why Kylie Minogue just can’t get ex Olivier Martinez out of her head as per the news on Mirror posted April 5, 2014. May be you need to learn how to get your ex back, Kylie! Anyway, here is an excerpt from the news report: Kylie Minogue just can’t get ex Olivier Martinez out of her head Apr 05, 2014 21:35 By Katie Hind She misses the handsome twice-­unfaithful toad so much that she wrote her latest hit about him, it seems Kylie Minogue‘s time with hunky Olivier Martinez won’t stop ­spinning around in her mind. She misses the handsome twice-­unfaithful toad so much that she wrote her latest hit about him, it seems Kylie, 45, let slip that her inspiration for Beautiful, her duet with Enrique Iglesias, came from a trip last year to Paris – where she and Olly lived while together. They split in 2007 after he was caught getting up to no good with Michelle Rodriguez (now Mrs Cara Delevingne) and model Sarai Givati. The lyrics to Beautiful clearly show Kylie reminiscing about a very strong previous relationship, citing her long lost love as the “one”. Interesting story! Isn’t it? Kylie rightly says relationships aren’t easy to sustain. They’re like roller coaster rides. You need to stick strong or else you may fly off away! She even keeps meeting Olivier’s parents trying to, as she says, calm herself down. The more interesting question is: Do we really keep carrying the burden of all broken relationships in our mind for ever? And how big is the role of infidelity in breaking them and throwing us apart from those we love the most? As I feel infidelity on the part of your partner does turn you furious at the spur of the moment, but it goes on burying itself in the deep trenches of mind with passage of time. May be that’s what we humans are designed like! Again, does a part of our mind always keep desiring to reunite with those we broke off at some point in our life? The emotional burden of the memories of unfulfilled desires is too heavy to carry. That’s why you always want to learn how to get your ex back! Will Kylie Minogue get Olivier Martinez back in her life? Will she? Or will she not?

Transcript of Kylie Minogue Just Can’t Get Ex Olivier Martinez Out of Her Head: How to Get Your Ex Back, Kylie?

How to Get Your Ex Back, Kylie?

Kylie Minogue Just Can’t Get Ex Olivier Martinez Out of Her Head

Throwing your

ex out of your life may be

easy for some

but throwing them out of your head may be a hell of a job to do!

That’s why Kylie

Minogue just can’t get ex Olivier

Martinez out of her head as

per the news on Mirror

posted April 5, 2014.

She misses the

handsome twice-

unfaithful toad so


that she wrote her latest hit about him, it seems 

Kylie, 45, let slip that her inspiration for Beautiful, her duet with Enrique Iglesias, came from a trip last year to Paris – where she and Olly lived while together.

They split in 2007 after he was caught getting up to no good with Michelle Rodriguez (now Mrs Cara Delevingne) and model Sarai Givati.

The lyrics to Beautiful clearly show Kylie reminiscing about a very strong previous relationship, citing her long lost love as the “one”.

Interesting story! Isn’t it?

Kylie rightly says relationships aren’t easy to sustain. They’re like roller coaster rides. You need to stick strong or else you may fly off away!

She even keeps meeting Olivier’s parents trying to, as she says, calm herself down.

The more interesting question is: Do we really keep carrying the burden of all broken relationships in our mind for ever?

And how big is the role of infidelity in breaking them and throwing us apart from those we love the most?

As I feel infidelity on the part of your partner does turn you furious at the spur of the moment, but it goes on burying itself in the deep trenches of mind with passage of time.

May be that’s what we humans are designed like!

Again, does a part of our mind always keep desiring to reunite with those we broke off at some

point in our life?

The emotional burden of the memories of unfulfilled desires is too heavy to carry.

That’s why you always

want to learn how

to get your ex back!

Will Kylie Minogue get Olivier Martinez back in her life?

Will she?

Or Won’t?