Kwantlen Polytechnic University sUPPorting the library

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Transcript of Kwantlen Polytechnic University sUPPorting the library

Kwantlen Polytechnic University12666 – 72 Avenue

Surrey, BC V3W 2M8

604.599.2000 |


Learn more at At the heArt of LeArning

In addition to our research collections and services, students utilize many other resources available at our four campus libraries; casual seating and gathering spaces, computer and WIFI access, and a variety of study spaces to accommodate individual and group learning.

annUal USAge StAtiStiCS ▪ Library Users (gate count): over 1,000,000

▪ Items Borrowed: over 60,000

▪ Questions Answered: over 45,000

▪ Group Study Room bookings: over 20,000

Skilled staff members are eager to assist students, visitors and Kwantlen employees alike, while our Librarians offer expert assistance teaching academic research classes, providing general reference support and subject-specific information services.

visit oUr LiBrArieSSurrey Library, Building Arbutus Building12666 - 72 AvenueSurrey, B.C. V3W 2M8604.599.2103

Richmond Library, Room 11008771 Landsdowne RoadRichmond, B.C. V6X 3V8604.599.2692

Langley Library, Room 110020901 Langley By-PassLangley, B.C. V3A 8G9604.599.3204

Cloverdale Library, Room C13105500−180 StreetSurrey, B.C. V3S 6R1604.598.6043

sUPPorting the library

At the heArt of LeArning

Over one million people walk through the doors of our libraries every year. They are gathering places of knowledge and study in the heart of the four growing communities we serve; Richmond, Langley, Surrey and Cloverdale. Kwantlen’s vision for these libraries is one of dynamic, welcoming, intellectual and social gathering places dedicated to successful working, learning and teaching. Our committed and skilled library team delivers excellent services and resources to support our vibrant evolving environment. By providing streamlined access to a wealth of information, our libraries make learning easy for our diverse community of library users.

a Polytechnic UniVerSityKwantlen has been a pillar in the Lower Mainland for over 30 years. We are one of Canada’s most innovative universities, committing ourselves to meeting the educational needs of students, responding to the changing demands of the labour market and serving one of Canada’s most dynamic regions.

the LiBrAryThe library supports university programs and initiatives by providing streamlined access to a wealth of relevant scholarly resources in a variety of formats. At the centre of academic learning, our libraries offer a wide range of services that help learners achieve their educational goals. The purpose of the library is to enable students to learn more about the subjects that are formally taught at Kwantlen while developing library research skills and information literacy.

sUPPort the LiBrAryAs it is central to the learning environment, our libraries need support for resource materials and technological advancements to provide the optimal educational experience. There are a variety of ways your donations can support the library – the acquisition of books and other media, supporting subscriptions to online resources or funding capital projects. Recognition programs are available, including book plates which will inform learners in years to come of your commitment to education. Making a gift to the library will help us maintain excellence in each field−now and in the future.

Please contact Kwantlen Polytechnic University Foundation for more information at 604.599.2010 or visit

sUPPorting the LiBrAry pLedge forMDonor Information




City: province: postal Code:

phone: email:

Signature: date:

gift informationI believe in helping Kwantlen students succeed!

i would like to make a one-time contribution of $

i would like to make payments of $

Monthly Quarterly Annually

Begin on: MM / dd / yy end on: MM / dd / yy

please direct my donation to:

Library’s greatest need other. please specify:

Payment Options Cash/Cheque−Chequepayable to Kwantlen Foundation

please charge my: Visa Mastercard

American express

Card #: expiry date:

name on card:

Please return this form to the office of advancement12666 – 72 avenue, surrey b.c

cedar building, room 1020 or fax to 604.599.3138for the purpose of recognition, i wish to remain anonymousi would be interested in learning more about supporting Kwantlen. please contact me.

Charitable registration # 86156 2924 rr0001156 2924 rr001

the information you provide will be collected & maintained by Kwantlen to assist in our advancement & development efforts.

office of advancement12666 −72Avenue

Surrey, B.C. Cedar Building, room 1020p 604.599.2010 f 604.599.3138


together we bUilD FUtUres

sUPPorting the library