Krto kids eng

Post on 20-Jul-2015

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Transcript of Krto kids eng

LaFabricadeKrtocarrer dels dominics, 10 local08022 barcelonaTl. +34 932 541

A chair for kids from 3 to 6 years old to play with it, draw, paint and also keep their paintings intothe drawer. Available in a double sided fi nished white+natural.

Help children to devolop creative ways, artistic view and mechanical coordination.Using colors and lones along with the assembly and handling of tha chair.

Packaging Measurements: 49cm x 56cm x 6cm.Contens: Central Body (1ut.) + Sit (1ut.) + Nere (1ut.)

Also fi nd inside where go to reuse the packaging.The assembly instructions are on the back of the packaging.

The chair is compoused of three pieces, done of double face cardboard giving it strength, the materialcomplies with: RD782/1998, UNE-EN 71-3A1:2001,

71-3AC:2002, CE 1935/2004

Here you can appreciate the features of the chair and how they interact with her little ones.

You can contact to:

www.lafabricadekrto.comFB: facebook/lafabricadekrto

twt: @lafabricadekrto