kpmg Reference XXX 2 © 1999 KPMG Information Risk Management E-Commerce Seminar University of...

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Reference XXX 2

© 1999 KPMG © 1999 KPMG

Information Risk Management

E-Commerce SeminarUniversity of Queensland

Duncan C MartinKPMG


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This presentation has been prepared by Duncan C Martin, of KPMG IRM in Brisbane. The views expressed are those of the author, and not necessarily those of KPMG


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A few basics What do we mean by risk? What’s special about e-Commerce risks? Approaches to managing certain

components of risk Questions


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What is e-Commerce?

Internet-enabled commerce ‘Sexy’ - but dangerous

- Inward risks - hacking, denial of service- Outward risks - unauthorised disclosure of

private information and IP

Global network of computer networks (Comparable to the telephone network)

No owner or single administrative body


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Types of e-Commerce - 1

Business to Business (B2B)- Internet enabled relationships with business

partners, customers, suppliers (extranets)

Business to Consumer (B2C)- Relationships with individual customers/end-


Intra-Business (Intra-B)- Relationships within or between internal

businesses/functional areas


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Types of e-Commerce - 2

Customer to Business (C2B)- “Reverse” market, where customer dictates

product/service and terms of delivery (Priceline)

Customer to Customer (C2C)- Consumers interacting directly to create spot

markets (eBay)


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Typical stages of e-Commerce

Stage: 1 - establishing an Internet and e-Commerce presence through e-mail

Stage: 2 - establishing a visual e-Commerce presence with a pre-sale and post-sale web site

Stage: 3 - on-line order entry

Stage: 4 - internal integration of web based e-Commerce activities and “back office” functions

Stage: 5 - external integration of seller and buyer networks to allow automated supply-chain management

Stage: 6 - complete integration of technology including core technologies


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What is risk?

“The exposure to the possibility of such things as economic or financial loss or gain, physical damage, injury or delay, as a consequence of pursuing a particular course of action.”


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General risks

Some unique general risks present themselves:

- Possible loss of public confidence (if control failures are publicised)

- Failure to comply with legal and regulatory requirements (possibly in multiple jurisdictions)

- Erosion of traditional control mechanisms (loss of ‘common sense’ and compensating controls)

- Technical complexity of infrastructure and systems

- High reliance on third-parties (Trust)


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Specific risks

Specific e-Commerce risks are many and varied. It is convenient to group them as follows:

- Strategic risks- Project and operational risks- Infrastructure risks


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Strategic risks

Risks to the e-Commerce initiative due to the overall strategy/plan

- E-Commerce strategy itself- Senior management support- Competing organisational priorities - Legal and regulatory issues- Invalid assumptions


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Project/operational risks

Risks due to the implementation project itself, IT operations, and routine use of the system

- Financial and human resources- In-house expertise- Outsource partners- Stakeholders - Support processes - Monitoring


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Infrastructure risks

Risks due to the underlying application and technical (hardware and network) infrastructures

- The technical infrastructure- Security over the technical infrastructure - System availability/reliability - Application security controls - Application processing controls- Interfaces with other systems


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What and where is the risk?

What is the approach to managing strategic risk?

What is the approach to managing project risk?

What is the approach to managing information and technology risk?


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Assessing the risk

E-Commerce strategy relative to overall business goals

E-Commerce program management Operations management Application infrastructure Technology infrastructure


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•Hardware failures•Software bugs•Operational errors and accidents


•Hacker•Spy•Fraudster•Unscrupulous competitor

•Disgruntled employee

•Former employee



Intentional•Fire•Flood•Earthquake•Hurricane•Extreme heat•Extreme cold



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People actively in the loop - policy enforcement

Physical isolation of information Restricted logical access Business hours


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E-Commerce environment

Protection policy enforced by machine- You can talk to a person, you must program a

machine- Machines have a hard time with discretion

Any time, any where, service expectation Millions of potential customers or clients Different employee to customer ratios

and skill sets



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Making sure the data is not altered as it passes between one end point and another

- The use of signatures to ensure the data stream is not altered

Making sure you know who it is you're talking to at the other end

- Authentication to verify the remote user

Preventing unauthorised third parties from eavesdropping on your conversation

- Encryption to prevent eavesdropping


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Traditional security mechanisms

Confidentiality --Locked file cabinets, drawers, safes, envelopes, personnel, service counters

Integrity-Product seals, shrink-wrap, signatures, barcodes

Availability-Multiple locations, personnel, alternate delivery options

Non-repudiation-Signatures, confirmations, receipts


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E-Commerce mechanisms

Confidentiality- Data encryption, automated access controls, access

control lists, passwords, tokens, biometrics

Integrity- Digital signatures, permissions, hash algorithms,

audit trails

Availability- System redundancies, back-ups, off-site storage,

hot/cold recovery sites, fail-over

Non-repudiation- Audit trails and logs, digital signatures and



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Plaintext to ciphertext Renders message unreadable Secret key method - same key to encrypts

and decrypts Public key method - two keys, one kept

secret and never transmitted, and the other made public. (Public key method is used to safely send the secret key to the recipient so that the message can be encrypted using the faster secret key algorithm).


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Secret key / Public key


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Is anybody listening


Can I trustyou ?

What can

you do ?

Who are you ?

The truth is not always out there!


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The security factor


Primary barriers to successfully implementing E-commerce solutions

0 5 10 15 20 25



Resistance to change

Lack of knowledge

Difficult to implement


Lack of skills

% of responses

Security is #1 150 executives’ opinion of the major

barriers to e-Commerce


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How real is the risk?

Of approximately 643 Surveyed organisations- 90% detected security breaches in last 12 months- 85% detected computer virii- 79% detected employee abuse of Internet privileges- 70% reported serious breaches, (inc. Theft of I.P.

Financial Loss, System Penetration and DoS Attacks)- 74% acknowledged loss due to computer breaches

Only 42% (273) could quantify loss - this was a total of US$266 million

Source: “The Computer Security Institute - “2000 Computer Crime Security Survey” - March 2000


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And in the e-Commerce environment

61 respondents had experienced sabotage of networks at an estimated loss of US$27Million

- (Last year US$11Million)

E-Commerce- 93% of respondents have www sites- 64% of those attacked reported Web-site vandalism- 60% reported Denial of Service (DoS) attacks- 43% conduct e-Commerce (30% in 1999)- 19% had had unauthorised access- 32% didn’t know if their systems had been misused- 3% reported financial fraud


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Three stages to security

Secure the operating platform Secure the web server software Secure the business applications


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Secure the operating environment

Remove unnecessary services Restrict access

- physical- logical - ‘two out of three’

Keep the OS up to date Keep it simple


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Secure the web server

Change the shipped/standard defaults Keep the web server software updated Audit web server logs


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Secure the application

Test the software Keep up to date - bug alerts Security awareness Segregation of duties Knowledgable staff


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Additional protection (never run the web server on the Firewall itself)

Configurations- Sacrificial lamb

- network-firewall-web server-Internet

- DMZ (DeMilitarised Zone)- Internal network-firewall-web server-firewall-


Policies- “Except for” - academia- “Only” - corporations

Audit firewall logs


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Securing web servers

Security tools- Security scanners- Intrusion detection systems- File modification monitors

Hacker deception tools- Dynamic memory buffering- False responses

Third party services- Penetration testing- Certification


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Security policy

Responsibility and accountability- Internet related- Use of tools & review of logs- Incident handling and response- Recovery procedures- Communication and update- Dedicated security resources- Expert resources and reviews


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Multi-layered approach- Platform- Web server- Web applications

Firewalls and tools Security policy Security is the continuous assessment of

risk against expense Security is an enabling technology for



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Common KPMG findings

Blind reliance on the technology - plug and play

Inadequate network intrusion monitoring controls

Policies and procedures are incomplete or weak


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Key messages

Security & e-Commerce have a symbiotic relationship

Risks cannot be totally eliminated but controlled with solutions and procedures

Clients are evaluating PKI solutions for e-Commerce needs

Security risks in e-Commerce are real


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