Kovel city gymnasia

Post on 27-Jun-2015

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Transcript of Kovel city gymnasia


LOGO Kovel City Gymnasia

“We Live and Study in Harmony”

Company name

Our Teachers

Ільюх С.М. вч. математики

Гарбуз В.Р. вч. англійської


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Gymnasia Symbols

- Coat of Arms

Gymnasia Flag -

Company name

Our Core Values:

- we stand for dignity and equality of our students;- we encourage initiative and support individuality;- we help students develop confidence through

learning, personal experience and achievement;- we cater for students’ academic, artistic and

physical development;- we provide high quality level of teaching and

psychological service;- we collaborate with higher educational

establishments not only in Ukraine but also abroad.

Company name

Kovel City Gymnasia

Kovel City Gymnasia is found in the picturesque town of Kovel in Volyn Region, the north –west of Ukraine. It was founded in 1997. Nowadays about 330 students study here under the guidance of 45 highly-qualified teachers. The gymnasia is specialized in Mathematics and foreign languages. The staff of Kovel City Gymnasia cater for high academic level of knowledge of the students, as well as provide wide possibilities for development of students’ creative, leadership and individual abilities.

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Extra-Class Activities

Students of Kovel City Gymnasia participate in various hobby groups, circles, youth clubs and organizations, such as amateur music and dance studios, sports clubs, School European Club “Diversity”, Students’ Council. They have worked out School Constitution based on principles of democracy in education, take an active part in the school-ruling process and life. Students are developing self-government, participate in solving some educational issues and are in charge of a number of extra-curricular activities. They issue school newspaper “Gymnasist”, organise different sorts of holidays, arrange meetings for disabled children of local Public Community Rehabilitation Centre.

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Kovel City Gymnasia

School European Club “Diversity” Camping Day

Gymnasia Choir Volunteering

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Kovel City Gymnasia

Sports Competition

Dance studioThe Day of Gymnasist

The Day of German Culture

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Kovel City Gymnasia

Polish Partner School in Chelm Project “River Buh, don’t separate us”

Project “Healthy Lifestyle” “The Movement of National Resistance“

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Our Learning Profiles


MathematicsComputer Studies



Kovel City Gymnasia

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Our Museum

The museum of Kovel City Gymnasia was opened on September 1, 2003. The exhibits include information about the history of the school, photos, newspaper articles, students’ and teachers’ prizes and awards.

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Our Classrooms and Studies

Methodology Study

English Language Classroom

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Our Classrooms and Studies

German Language Classroom

Computer Studies Classroom

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Our Classrooms and Studies

Ukrainian Language Classroom

History Study

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Our Projects and Winners

Students of Kovel City Gymnasia participate in Olimpiads in various

subjects, they are winners of Regional and Ukrainian Olimpiads in

English, German, Russian, Ukrainian, Mathematics, History, Computer

Studies, winners of FLEX Program for young leaders, Ukrainian

competition in English Greenwich, scientific research papers, as well as

participants of mutual Ukrainian-Polish projects, such as:“Folk Handicraft”, “Sharing Cultures and Traditions” (2005);“Leadership” (2007);“The Movement of National Resistance in Ukraine, Poland and

Germany” (2008);“River Buh, don’t seperate us but unite” (2010);“Our Green Planet” (2011);“The Day of German Culture” (2011).



Sergey and Galina Gorkun 2008