KnowEm Social Media Brand Protection

Post on 13-Sep-2014

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Introducing KnowEm’s mission to protect your brand or business from IP infringement, cyber jacking and misrepresentation on hundreds of Social Networks

Transcript of KnowEm Social Media Brand Protection

Social Media Brand ProtectionIntroducing KnowEm’s mission to protect your brand or business from IP infringement, cyber jacking and misrepresentation on hundreds of Social Networks

A Vanity URL, or Username, is an extension of a domain that can be created on a Social Network. These can be created by anyone on a first come-first serve basis:

Social Media Brand Protection

Domain Names consist of the very traditional and familiar marketing presence of “dot coms” and other extensions (such as .net, .co, etc.)

A Vanity SubDomain is offered just like a Username to anyone on a Social Network, except the brand or Username is placed before the domain name:

Internet Properties for your Brand or Trademark

There are now 3 major types of properties which can represent your brand on the web. Those are:

● Domain Names available for purchase and protected by the UDRP.● Vanity URLs, which are freely available to the public and are not protected by any central authority.● Vanity Subdomains, which are also free and also not protected by the UDRP.

Social Media Brand Protection

How the UDRP Protects your Domain Names

The Uniform Domain-Name Dispute-Resolution Policy (or UDRP) is a process established by the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) for the resolution of disputes regarding the registration of internet domain names.

Basically, it guarantees that no one can claim a domain name which violates your brand or trademark rights. If someone does claim, you can contact the UDRP and have them take it down.

Social Media has NO Central Authority or UDRP to Protect You

The UDRP only applies to domain names, not social media. Anyone can go to Twitter or Facebook and claim your brand or trademark and they have every legal right to do so. There is no one central authority you can contact to resolve the dispute of ownership or have the username removed.

Sure, you can contact the owners of Twitter or Facebook (good luck trying that), but what about the other 500 Social Networks active today, and the ones being launched tomorrow?

The only protection you have in Social Media is registering your name before someone else does.

How Are You Being Represented?

The Kanye West Syndrome

That’s not so bad, except for the fact that the fake @kanye account is using his real picture and name.

This is allowed by Twitter, and they will not delete this account, as long as he identifies that he is “not kanye west”.

This person grabbed the name @kanye on Twitter first.

Here’s an example of what happens when you don’t register your name on a Social Network before someone else got a chance to grab it.

As a result, the real Kanye West had to settle for @kanyewest.

Does It Really Matter?

Social Media: The Big Players

By now you’ve probably heard of and are already using the largest Social Networks for your brand. In case you’re not, here’s an idea of their popularity:

99% of US online specialty retailers use YouTube, up from 93% in 2012(source: L2)

Facebook users share 2.5B pieces of content on the site each day(source: Nielsen)

25% of consumers who complain about products on Twitter expect a response within 1 hour (source: Amex OPEN Forum)

43% of US marketers have found a customer through LinkedIn(source: A Sales Guy Consulting)

Where KnowEm Fits In

Social Media: Identifying The Up and Comers

One of KnowEm’s greatest values to your brand is reserving that brand on Social Networks before they become incredibly popular and it’s already taken. We add about 20 new sites on average each month as soon as they launch, insuring that all our clients’ trademark or brand names are reserved immediately.

2012 20132012 2013 2012 2013

Growth Percentage of Brands with a Social Presence in Under 6 Months

59% of brands have presences on Instagram, up 9% from Q4 2012

(source: Simply Measured)

69% of brands have presences on Pinterest, up 10% from Q4 2012

(source: Simply Measured)

70% of brands have presences on Google+, up 4% from Q4 2012

(source: Simply Measured)

What We Offer

KnowEm Services

● Create a new email address to confirm all new social media profiles and collect correspondence.

● Cross-check the preferred Username against all networks and record where it has already been registered.

● Secure the brand (username) on every social network where it is available.

● Secure an alternate username (if requested) where the primary is not available.

● Confirm all email verifications

● Complete the Social Media profile: Upload an Avatar, insert a URL, post a Bio/Description and all pertinent identifying details (name, address, phone, etc.) and include hashtags and/or keywords.

● Optionally provide a public Knowem profile linking all social accounts in one central location.

● Provide a report of all the new social profiles created, including the new profile URL, category, and description of each Social Network.

● Provide an additional report of networks where the preferred name was already registered, with contact information and links to takedown requests for the site.

What We Offer

KnowEm Plans

KnowEm offers 3 basic plans for Social Media Brand & Trademark Reservation:

Business Level


100 Social Profiles created on the most

popular Social Networks.

Corporate Level


150 Social Profiles created on the most

popular Social Networks.

Enterprise Level


300 Social Profiles created on the most

popular Social Networks.

In addition, KnowEm offers a monthly Brand Protection Program. As new Social Networks launch, or as existing ones where you do not already have a presence gain in popularity, KnowEm will create 20 new profiles every month as long as you subscribe - and you can cancel at any time.

What We Offer

KnowEm Enterprise

For Agencies and bulk volume purchases, KnowEm offers 2 Enterprise-grade solutions:

Professional Enterprise DashboardThe Professional Enterprise Dashboard allows for the management of multiple Knowem profiles in one central, easy to manage location. You can review every Social Network in our database (over 500 of them) and rank them by Alexa, Google Pagerank, Moz Score and number of incoming links. The Enterprise Dashboard also provides a Social Media Monitoring Alert system, which will alert you in near-realtime whenever your brand is mentioned anywhere on the social web.

Private Label Enterprise DashboardThis dashboard can also be completely white labelled, offering your agency the opportunity to brand it as your own so that your customers can directly log in and view their own reports. Point any domain or subdomain to our servers, add your own logo and color scheme and the entire system is available for you to market directly to your customers.

KnowEm Enterprise Dashboard Preview

Control Panel Overview, Showing Created Profiles Graphs

KnowEm Enterprise Dashboard Preview

View Graphs of Social Media Activity for Your Brand

KnowEm Enterprise Dashboard Preview

Search Social Monitoring Alerts by Date, Source or Keyword


Thank You for Considering KnowEm?™

If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact us:


Phone 1-800-691-KNOW

On the Web http://knowem.com


