Knapp 3

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Transcript of Knapp 3

Knapp 3: The Elocorotes. Knapp 3. The Elocorotes. (Follow up of " Knapp 2 " ) Written in February 2007 Science fiction written by Alfredo Francisco Umberto Juillet Frascara. Place: Knapp Year: 3537 E.C. 7.702 words

1 .- THE WAR AGAINST THE ELOROCOTES Chapter 1. THE WAR AGAINST THE ELOROCOTES. The time of Astor and his wife has ended. Thirty years had passed. The travels to another Branas are extinguished , due to the war against the Elorocotes , a race from star 6345 ; a bacteriological war; instead of Bombs made of powder and Uranium, or Plutonium, or Neutrinos, thousand of trillions of nanobots could change bodies at will ; a person firing a Mauser laser could see, with his own eyes, how his legs became jelly and his arms became Tentacles. But for now let us put aside the effects of War, and let's concentrate ourselves with Knapp Star and the Knapp Planet , terraformed naturally , where different species lives and thrives , with no Cretacic Extinction in its Records ... This are the billion species not known to Man of Earth origin ! Lacetur Graf and Zepter Zeit , from Earth, became famous as DNA Experts ; fully known are their Treatises and the good Contribution they made in the efforts against the Elocorotes ; The reason of their disappearance from the News Media and Military Circles was widely commented - efforts to find them shed no light about their whereabouts. So here is the true story of their lives after their disappearance from the

Knapp 3: The Elocorotes. limelight of everyday News Services . The Sea stretched in front of the ship; the turbines impulse it at eighteen knots; the pilot was looking the end of a fine day in a sea at calm. At the Captain's cabin , Lacetur Graf, Zepter Zeit, Captain Lustiges and First officer Taschen were talking in front of a holographic sea table. "Three days to Island 20 ! We'll take some water and if possible, meat, for our ship. "= Captain Lustiges informed to his clients. Zepter, a black haired man in his sixties, said :" We are happy to see all is going behind schedule ! Wish everything else could be likewise." "It will be , herr Zeit ! And, after the disembark, in the Island 20, are you sure you'll be O.K. in this wilderness ? "- First Officer Taschen asked, lighting his pipe. "We need a lot of time and tranquility to see our experiments hath success! "- Zepter Zeit said, looking at the charts, obtained after three satellites were put in Orbit by the Federation of Planets , three years away. "This planet was going to be colonized by the Federation ."Captain Lustiges remembered them. "But now, they are engaged with the Elocorotes, and if we win this war, perhaps the colonization plans could be realized.- Zepter Zeit said. "The experiments here could make the difference in this war. What the enemy has shown to us in tantalizing . We weren't advancing in that direction, perhaps for a sense of virtue. But we cannot stay put when the enemy transforms our soldiers in intelligent goo."- Lacetur Graf expounded. "Who do you think it will win the war against the Elocorote ?- Taschen asked to Zepter Zeit. " I cannot say the Elocorotes will win . We have powerful weapons. A solar bomb and all its culture would end."- Zepter Zeit said. "So this is more of a battle?”- Taschen asked. "Not quite so ; if they win, and forbade us the entrance to their planetary system , others could learn their technology and defied the Central Government will be the rule among the dissident worlds."- Zeit said. A bell rings; and the Captain said :" They've calling me, Sirs. Excuse us."- And went out of the cabin, followed by the first officer. "Nice fellow, this Captain. He has manners."- Zepter said. " A thing generally forgotten."- Lacetur replied. "Three more sea -faring days ! Hope the weather didn't change."- Zepter said. "Our team is waiting us at the "Island 20" ; wish they did their work."- Graf commented. "The Government paid them well, now they want us to succeed . How's the weather, there ?"- Zeit asked. "No idea ! We're in summer here ; rains should be far in the future."- Graf replied. "I feel secure, in this environs. No spaceships lurking around, no alien dangerous races threatening our Government ."- "That's the way Branas are! Up until now, not a threat has come in this unknown uncharted star system."- Zeit expounded.

Knapp 3: The Elocorotes. "Hope this keeps on being the same forever ! Our race is very bellicose as it is ! No need of alien threats, to kill ourselves."- Graf said. " I remember History Lessons : one war after another for Centuries on end ! Like a course of action."- Zeit said. "Like a curse. Well, guess I'll be in the bridge; too early to go to bed."- Graf said. "Suit yourself. "- Zeit said, and departed to his own cabin; locking the door, be start his HoloPC and studied some ADN examples; he takes notes on a Notepad, ideas kept flowing to him until 3.00 hours in the morning ; he then shut off the small machine and after a shower and a milkshake, he went to bed. Up on the control cabin, the Captain Lustiges was looking through the radar. The sea hasn't any reef 11 charted yet - the course he had donned about six times already ; blips occasionally, from the radar, shown him strange presence , could be sea creatures , or large birds. "In a world with so many creatures, we cannot be sure if it's a rock or a creature that startled our sensors."- Captain Lustiges said. Lacetur Graf went out of the Bridge and he observed the sea from the bow. Dark, with occasionally a glimpse of the stars above, it was menacing and terrible. He mused there, thinking in how many horrors could be swimming below the ship. He glimpsed a stupendous flying creature, silhouetting his figure against the stars - no less than ten meters long, and seemingly going in the same direction : Island 20 . Three days later, the ship arrives to Dream Gulf, where the buildings of Project He'rab were located. Three buildings in a row, and the harbor at five hundred and fifty meters away. The Gulf was surrounded by the Jungle; birds were flying or swimming ; it was an idyllic landscape. "Sounds the whistle !"- Captain Lustiges said; at the sound, those at the buildings knew of their arrival, and some of them walked or bicycled to the Dock that was at the seashore, a humble contraption of poles and logs. The ship secured by the ropes and the anchor, Captain Lustiges disembarked by a ramp , and saluted Mr. Glauben, Mr. Ubel and Mr. Urugehe , the three Directors from the Project . Mr. Urugehe, who was a tall dark man in his forties, said: "Happy to see you, Captain Lustiges ! Did you brought me what I asked you?" "Yes , Director Urugehe ! Three boxes , and how are things going here ?" "All behind schedule ! "- He replied. In that instant, Dr. Graf descended from the ship, and Captain Lustiges said :" This is Mr. Graf and this is Mr. Zeit ! May I present you the Directors Mr. Ubel, Mr. Urugehe and Mr. Glauben !'- "How do you do ?"- Glauben asked. "Fine, thanks you . Glad to be here, at last !"- Zeit answered, aspiring the perfumed air. "Oh, you 'll be working here without hindrances of any type, Dr. Zeit ! And the installations are in working order. "- Mr. Glauben informed 13

Knapp 3: The Elocorotes. The crew from the "Masht " begun unloading the craters and carrying to the compound with a small tractor vehicle ; meanwhile, the Scientific personnel went to the buildings on foot . At both sides of the narrow dirt road, the trees were growing packed one to the other. "See this trees around here? Bulldozers made a wide road here, a year and a half ago ! And gives ample space ; but the vegetation here grows exuberantly and in another year this road will be gone."- Director Doctor Urugehe said. "Perhaps new machinery could arrive in time to made a wider road!”- Zepter Zeit said "Do you believe that ? Ours it's a secret project, no ? So, when it's over, none of us will remain here, and those buildings will be swallowed by the Jungle."- Urugehe said. "We must concentrate in our present job. This enclosure and its future destiny is of no importance ."- Lacetus Graf growled. They enter the bigger building and the Directors presented them 14 HIS staff: forty eight Scientists , who used green, yellow or orange coats, to differentiate from one section to another . Mr. Urugehe said :" Colleages: may I present you Mr. Lacetur Graf, and Mr. Zepter Zeit ; they will guide us in our jobs , from now on. Our previous work will be presented to them in due course, and I am sure we'll succeed in our efforts ; there's a war out there, and we shall be the winners ."- Urugehe said . A scant rumor of applause was heard . Dr. Zeit went to the podium, and said, by the loudspeaker:" Hello! My name is Dr. Zeit ; me and Dr. Graf will try to minimize the effect of the enemy deployment of DNA bombs ! And in doing so, turn that weapon against their Creators !"- A row of applause saluted his words. The meeting was over , but they kept talking there with the ones interested in to learn something more of their goals. Dr. Zeit was saying:" Deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) is a nucleic acid that contains the Genetic instructions for the development and functioning of living organism . All living exception is a group of viruses that have RNA genomes, but viruses aren't normally considered living organism. The main role of DNA in the cell is the long term storage of information . The Genome is often compared to a set of 15 blueprints , since it contains the instructions to construct other components of the cell , such as proteins and RNA molecules . The DNA segments that carried this genetic information are called genes, but other DNA sequences have structural purposes, or are involved in regulating the expression for genetic information." They were hearing him, well aware of his intentions; after a while more similar elemental information, Dr. Zeit end by saying :" And we'll try and succeed ! We'll obtain the elements who will defeat the enemy , while strengthening our forces in combat." Later, they were visiting each Laboratory in the main building ; in the afternoon they were shown the rest of the installations . At dinner time, at the Casino, everyone were present, in a gay atmosphere of comradeship . Half of the

Knapp 3: The Elocorotes. group were electro people, but their status was only noticeable by a bracelet on their left wrist. 16 "Our Staff is a mixed one - as you should know I.A. and Naturals." - Urugehe said. "Of course ! We aren't so many as to populate the Universe by ourselves in the first millennia ."- Zepter Zeit condescends. Lacetur said:' There is some pretty strange stuff in space. Things that not even the strangest science fiction stories have dreamed. Some things are just so weird that even astrophysicists don't know what they are. When stars die they go out in many different ways. When normal stars, like our sun, die they go by throwing off their outer layers and leaving behind a White Dwarf. When really massive stars die they often blow up in a huge explosion called a Supernova. Depending on how massive a star was that went supernova, a Neutron Star or a Black Hole may be left behind as a monument to the star's life. But there are still stranger things in space. Not very long ago astronomers were baffled by the mystery of Quasars. These objects look like stars but are much farther away than stars in our galaxy and they are much brighter. There is also a phenomenon that has caused much excitement and wonder among astronomers called Gravitational Lensing. This is where really massive things, like galaxies and galaxy clusters, actually bend light like a lens using gravity! But one of the strangest things in space is the mystery of Gamma Ray Bursts. These are what seem to be random bursts of gamma rays, you know the radiation that made the Incredible Hulk. They come from every direction in the sky, they never repeat, and they are very energetic." "And there is more : you are bachelors. Had you not women, or are you gays?”- Urugehe asked . " We're straight. And our women, long time dead."- Zeit informed. " I assume you are using Vitalong ?"- Urugehe asked. " And nanobots."- Lacetur Graf murmured. " And nanobots ! In this time, life expectancy for any given individual , is of a hundred and thirty two years . My age, ninety two, it's not to be amazed . In time, life expectancy would be a thousand years !"- Urugehe said. "And more.- Dr. Glauben approved. " Pity you're not in that kind of field. I would had asked you for an enlargement myself ! A Captain for, say, three hundred years more !"- The Captain Lustiges said. "Every man wants to life for ever , but everyone die eight hours each day !"- Urugehe remarked. "That has to change , they say."- Captain Lustiges said. "We are made not of software and plastics ! We are the sum of a billion creatures in symbiosis . That's why we must advance with utmost care in this matters. Nobody of us , Scientists, wants to provoke a mayor change in our cells , of for the sake of this conversation, in the bodies that comprehends our race.

Knapp 3: The Elocorotes. Easily we could provoke 17 even the extinction of Man, by trying to give more span of live to individuals ."- Zepter said. "But tell me, Dr. Zeit, how do you wish to end with our enemies, the Elocorotes, using DNA?”- Captain Lustiges asked. "By reversing results ! When they want to make us bags of cells, our bodies will maintain their shape thanks to the Nanobots. When they less expect, they will be defeated by our efforts ; our space warriors will march by their streets and squares , while they will be the amorphous bags of cells, lying on the floor."- Zeit envisioned for them the future. 19 Director Urugehe stands up and said :" I hope, ladies and gentlemen, our dinner was a pleasant one. As were are all present now, and our chiefs , Mr. Lacetur Graf and Dr. Zepter Zeit are here, to guide us into succeed, it is about time to know each other’s better for that purpose, music will be provided, and dance will be allowed !" They all applauded, and some yelling were also heard. "And, to begin this merriment, let us, men, prepare the floor !"- And they begun helping the electro men , taking tables and chairs out of the Casino ; soon music starts, and the first couples begun to dance . Director Urugehe also provided them with soft drinks ; some electro people were helping with the deliverance of soft drinks. 23 There were more women than men at the team, and younger - a lot of them were assistants, and their skills vary among them , but not one of the males resented that, as they were happy with women going around . The Earthlings Dr. Graf and Dr. Zeit , with sixty two and sixty three years old, were very pleased to dance with young women of twenty four or thirty years old. They were joyful, and of light talk. After the dance, they went to their rooms, and after their long day , they slept. Outside, the male Epeople keep watch in the tranquil night . Near the dock, the ship " Mascht" was gently moved by the waves . 24 At the new day, the Scientists had animals from the jungle to begun their experiments - mammals and dinosaurs weren't much available, so the scout parties ( mostly Epeople) searched them far from the compound site. Afterwards, on the scant kinds obtained, the DNA was inserted in their bodies in several ways - generally by the air ,sprinkling it from the roof by hoses. Monkey - like figures come out from the 25 quadrupeds ; jelly come out of small rodents ; birds usually became balls where the distinguishable thing was a unique red eye on top . After months, Zeit requested enemy samples to the Authorities . Five weeks

Knapp 3: The Elocorotes. elapsed, the requested samples arrives on board of the Latebo" , a spaceship With Brane - traversing capabilities, named usually a "ripper spaceship" . His captain called Zeit on board, and presented himself and the crew, saying :" Doctor Zeit : I am Captain Shingle; this is first officer Yones, Second Officer Somer ; Commander Officer Tiles, Security Chief officer Offnung, Radarscope officer Kiefer; Locks Crewman Haar ; Engineer chief machinist Fluch ; Medic officer Betreuen ; Cryogenic Pods officer Aufsetzen ; Security Crewman Anlassen ; Landing party crew members Mutze, Habe, Garung, Ferien , Elend." "Thanks you very much , Ladies and Gentlemen ! Most honored to knew you all, let's see if my contribution to Science could be of use in this war." "We are loosing this war, Doctor."- Captain Shingle said. "That's why the 26 High Command send us in a hurry. There are a hundred and thirty eight prisoners of war , locked, at this spaceship. Use them well."- Captain Shingle demanded. "We had several security chambers in our compound. Please carry them there, Captain , and also I will be glad if you could stay until our preliminary tests are over, in order to send , with you, our findings to Headquarters." Captain Shingle replied: " I can remain here for two more days, Doctor. But I'll ask Headquarters about your request." "That will suffice." - Zeite said. As he has only two days left, he takes the prisoners - guinea pigs to the Laboratory, and begin doing mild tests in them, not to kill specimens in the first rounds. While he was at it, Captain Shingle prepare an exploratory team , saying to his officers : " Gentlemen, we are in an uncharted planet; we'll explore the surrounding areas and then we'll go to the nearest continent." Second officer Somer , who was looking at the holomaps, said:" Continent of the South Pole." "No, I don't want to explore ice caps ! Let's see another."- Captain Shinge said. “Continent Two and Three.”- Officer Somer pointed it. "Strange name. Possibly as it's a bisected continent. Let's call it Toothree", all right ?"- Captain Shingle proposed. "Continent Toothree it is ,Sir."- Somer recalled it , saying to the Computer the new name, who appeared hovering over that continent in the photomap. "A central mountain ridge. Let's start by the middle."- Captain Shingle said, smiling. "Explocraft One , Two and Three are operational, Sir. Which one do you prefer ?"- Yones asked. " Let's try number Two ; and as we are just making a general exploration, no more, let's use tech craft fully occupied."- Captain Shingee said. "Twenty three people, Sir; including you."- Yones said. " All right, make it snappy!" - Captain Shingee said. Soon the twenty crewmen were aboard ; Captain Shingee at the pilot seat, with Somer, Tites, and Radarscope officer Kiefer in the front seats , and at the rear, the rest - among them, twelve females, who were chatting at heart's content , happy to be outdoors for some time.

Knapp 3: The Elocorotes. Shingee rise the exploratory craft , encircled the compound, and headed north. Soon the "Twenty Island" was far behind pope, dwindling at the distance. "Zusammenziehen!"- Kieper said, who was looking the island by the radarscope; soon they were traveling above the great ocean; the sky was with some huge clouds. 29 "A perfect day."- Captain Shingee said, happy to see a blue sky instead of the ink blackness of Outer Space through the windows. The mountains stretched from one horizon to the other, with ice covering the major part. They landed on a plateau, while snow was falling and so, they used thermal suits that wasn't any hindrance at all . Women were playing with snow balls; Captain Shingee used a personal flier, and hovered around for a while. It was fun, after so many weeks in outer space. They take samples of the ice, with a profundity of seven meters; they returned to the Explorer Air Craft , and went north, looking at the chain of mountains. After the mountains, the jungle; out they went, without the thermal suits this time, to find heat and insects , big trees shining under the star, and birds flying like green arrows, feeding on insects posed on branches . They walked to a sunny spot, where a crystalline pool of water invited them to drink; Captain Shingee said :" Please, nobody drink or eat a thing from this planet, before we could analyze it." So, there were several crew members that takes fruits and nuts in bags, to analyze inside the ship - afterwards. At the compound , in the first experiment; Doctor Zeit saw the Elocorote standing in the small room. His appearance was weird; for it was Saurian in Origin, like a big one meter and twenty centimeters lizard , walking on two strong legs , and with a long head, showing a big snout. "All ready, Doctor !"- Zeit told Dr. Lacetur Graf ; this turns a knob on a panel, and a shower of Nanobots washes the green figure of the Elocorote, who begun to twist and yell, while his body changes into 31 a red ball. Cleansed the room, some Electro men pushed the red ball; it was like a globe full of water inside. "The Elocorote turns into a ball of protoplasm, Sir."- Zeit told his colleague. "Second test, please !"- Lacetur Graf asked for; the assistants bring forth a second Elocorote; this was stronger and chains were required for his "cooperation" ; once alone at that hermetic chamber, the specimen was sprayed with other kind of Nanobots ; this time his body segmented itself, and then fall like stripes of meat to the floor among the fluids that minutes after were contained on his body. The mess was great. "Experiment number three, after the duly cleansing!”- Zeit announced by the loudspeaker; the Electro men cleaned the mess, and Zeit said :" Let's start with Experiment numbers three!”- Zeit was proud of this one, as it was entirely his own . The subject was smeared with a glue, and it transformed into some kind of a tree, roots included; Zeit explained :" This is my favorite option: change

Knapp 3: The Elocorotes. like a tree, produces oxygen and the trunk could serves to made furniture or make fire." "I adhere to your personal election, Dr. Zeit ! But we have a boss, and he is the one who will choose among this samples. I tell you, all of this is being fully recorded , and 32 samples will be sent to Headquarters."- Lacetur Graf said. Another Elocorotes were brought , Lacetur Graf was excited ; this experiment was a suggestion of one of his collaborators , and improved by himself. The rain of nanobots fall the body of the intelligent saurian , and it shrinks until it was the size of a pear. "You see? The subject, in this Experiment, contracted so much, that his body became a dense elongated sphere. This time, whoever, the subject is totally and absolutely dead." - Lacetur Graf explained ; Zeit objected mildly :" But, we have here a dead body. When used in an attack, everyone at the enemy, will perish." "That, or became a freak! Same thing."- Lacetur replied. The Electro men disposed of the ball, throwing it into an Incinerator. "Burning evidence ! We must get ride of this remains, or else somebody could ask count of us in the future !"- Zeit said. 33 "Yes ! We have that ancient myth, probing the conquered could ask compensations from the conqueror, when him, in the long run, also became conquered !"- Lacetur Graf said. "The Jews!”- Director of Project He' rab (Glauben ) said. "The same! Conquered by the Germans, seek refuge in that ancient melee (mélange) of people from Europe, the United States, and after the giants defeated Hitler, they asked for compensations."- Graf remembered. " They blackmailed Konrad Adenauer into sign for a payment of billion dollars , or else the defeated half Germany was not going to receive loans !"- Graf also remembered. "When studying History, we stumble on these unjust cases, that in private life are condemned ! Different politics when it's good for the Powerful! That is called double talk."- Glauben said. "The nice words and the Code of Honor goes down the drain when it's convenient for the mighty ! Well, let's think positive here! Let's proceed with our task.' - Zepter said. They were ready to offer the needed help to authorities, and Dr. . Zeit called to the officers at the spaceship " Latebo" , saying :" We are ready to deliver the first DNA samples who will give our Starfleet the might necessary to achieve Victory!” 34 Second officer Yones send notice to the Captain , that was now at the forest. "The Scientific Personnel has the DNA studies ready, Captain. They are

Knapp 3: The Elocorotes. requesting your presence here." Captain Shingee was near a brook, and butterflies were dancing under the light; He said :" Pity we must went away of this Virginal World ! Take the samples on board, First Officer ; we will return immediately." "All right, Sir."- Yones replied, and did as told. Captain Shingee returns to the :Latebo" half an hour later; he was also carrying live specimens to the ship. "I congratulate you , doctors ! Your work will be appreciated by our Authorities ! "- Captain Shingee said, when visiting the Scientific Compound for the last time. "Thanks you! Well, we did as much as we could; but we want to wait here for the end result in the fields of battle ! Tell Authorities that."- Doctor Laceter Graf said. "I will ! Farewell !"- Captain Shingee said, and departed. Once in space, they prepare the ship to traverse the Branes ; everyone strapped to their seats, and soon they return to their 35 natal environs... "Call Headquarters! Tell them the “LATEBO" is on the way home!”- Captain Shingee said. But there weren’t answers from Headquarters, until they arrive to the Cosmodrome, at Planet Centre, Lorigor City . When opening the door lock, a stench pervaded the air; Captain Shingee disembarked with three naturals and ten armed Epeople. They visited the Headquarters during three hours , everywhere they look, rotten balls of meat were giving the same stench. Captain Shingee returned to the "Latebo" and called everyone to the Mess Hall, where he said :" Crew of the "Latebo": the end of the war among humans and Elocorotes seems to be ended , and it's a pity to say we were defeated." "And exterminated."- First Officer Yones added . "That is not confirmed! We are going to visit planets until we find survivors !"- Captain Shingee said. "Or until the enemy forces finds us."- Second officer Somer said. They circled the planet for radio signals; they found 36 seven; soon Captain Shingee was landing with his crew at RABEN IV, a Military compound on the Keyball Mountain Ridge. When descending from the Spaceship, a group of military Epeople welcomes them; and his officer said :" Nice landing, Captain . I'm Sergeant Effort . Please follow me to see our Commanding Officer ." "Thanks you, Officer Effort. I'm Shingee, Captain of the "Latebo" spaceship."- Shingee replied, and with four members of the crew, followed the Military down a shaft; eight hundred hundred and thirty two floors below, then they went out , and at a corridor a Eman was waiting. "Good morning, Captain ! Please follow me, to introduce you to Our Commander."

Knapp 3: The Elocorotes. "Fine."- Captain Shingee replied; at a door, the Eman rapped on the surface of it; a green light flickered above that door, and the officer said :" Please, come on in, Sirs ! I' m not allowed to enter." Captain Shingee and his men enters the room, where nothing like a furniture was to be seeing. The door clicked shut and a voice from a loudspeaker said :" Welcome to your residence, Gentlemen! I am COATUS, Main Computer for Base 030, formerly known as Raken IV . We obey 37 now only to the Elocorotes representative Grrk Duk ! The Elocorotes gives us , Electro machines, the title of Allies in the war against Humans !" "Traitor !"- Captain Shingee yelled at the ceiling. "No need to get excited, Captain ! You are going to obey, and we are going to see you behave yourself as Servants of the New World Order. " - The mechanical voice said. Further conversation wasn't made, and every effort of the Captain and his retinue did, wasn't enough to open the door. At the spaceship, Officer Yones was seeing at his console, where the radar was showing him dots that represents airships approaching. " Let's see ... strange unidentified crafts ... Red Alert !"- Yones said , alarmed. He set the shields and the DNA bombs exploded as white bags of flour; the "Latebo" soared into space, and then officer Yones descended to the atmosphere, to burn any nanobots left over the hull. 38 "The site was under enemy control!”- Yones said by the Intercom. "Our Captain and the other ten members?”- Second officer Somer asked. "Lost. We cannot fight against DNA bombs; we could destroy that site: atomic Bombs still are a powerful weapon."- Officer Shingee remembered. "Revenge our Captain !" "And spoil the ground for the next five thousand years? I don't think it's a good idea."- Yones said, and leaves the planet. He set course to Orion B ; there, he find a whole terran Division of Starfleet showing its fangs . "Identify yourself!”- Was the first message they received, when at half a parsec away from the fringes of Orion B planetary system. "Latebo spaceship , serial number 030426 ."- Yones said; he was looking at several officers on the main screen . He, too , was being seen by the Mother ship "Chicago" , some 390.000 kilometers away. "All right, Captain Shingee; go to Dock 308, orbital Station 3."- He was told by the Commander of that Mother ship . Soon they disembark - just the officers - through the pneumatic tube; they were welcomed by a pair of beautiful officers - Mareen and Lorana. "Welcome to our Station ! Debriefing in fifteen minutes."- One of them (Mareen) 39 said. "Enchanted to obey you, Officer! And how do you defended from the Elocorotes 's attack ?"- Yones asked her.

Knapp 3: The Elocorotes. “We had been not attacked.”- Officer Mareen replied. “Yet."- The other officer, Lorana, added. " I saw whole planets devoid of life , thanks to the enemy."- Yones told them. "We know ! Half the advanced posts are disappeared."- Mareen informed. "Wish we could talk later. I mean, to realize we are at home again."- Yones propose them. "Seriously ? "- Lorana asked, smiling. " Of course !"- Yones replied. " No problem . I'll be your Chaperone while you stay on this Station."- Mareen said. "I'm dreaming !"- Yones couldn't believe his hears . "No : I was joking !"- Mareen laughed. They were guided where some commanding officers were waiting and after the presentations, they seated in front of a large table, to talk about what they saw and what they didn't realize at that first sight of the enemy forces at the planet Centre. "In the end, your Captain went to that reunion disarmed, carrying ten crew members with him. "- The debriefing officer said, after hearing the oral report . " Yes, that's what happens. You see, we were 40 very happy to see there were remnants of the enemy attack alive, so we never suspected anything was going wrong."- Yones said. "We understand that; officer Yones. I can see you have very important information aboard the "Latebo" - we'll disembark that cargo, and our Scientists will know what to do with it."- Commander Brnos said. "And what about our ship, the “Latebo "? Some mission in the future, and who is going to be the next captain ?"- Yones asked eagerly. "By now, nothing of the sort. You'll be grounded at AMARILO, Fourth planet of this Star System of Orion B ; And don't you worry : the minute a whole out attack against the Elocorotes is needed, you and your team will be in the front line."- Brnos said. "That'll suit us fine, Commander ! Thanks you, Sir!”- Yones said, as he really wanted to revenge his Captain Shingee and the other crew members ... The rest of the "Latebo" natural crewmen were also summoned to that debriefing room; for five days they were answering questions . But that first "night" there, Officer Yones and officer Somer spent several hours meeting the ladies at the Casino - at twenty one hours , the place transforms into a ball room for officers; and couples could dance there until midnight. Dancing, Yones could take Mareen's hands in some instants of the dances, and soon they were looking hard into each other's eyes - they end by kissing each other, at the verge of midnight . 41 When they leave that place, both couples were walking by the corridors, telling each other's lives ... Mareen, at 01.00 hours, said :" Guess it's time to show you the cabins. Shall we proceed?” "Affirmative."- Yones replied.

Knapp 3: The Elocorotes. "Very well. "- She smiled, pressing his hand - soon they were at his cabin, while Officer Lorana guided Office Somer to his place. Yones shut the door, saying :" You are a beautiful person." "Am I ? " - Mareen smiled; she was looking superb in her tight uniform. Yones kissed her, and soon they were panting through lots of caresses ... At dawn, Mareen left the room, saying:" See you around, Yones." "Affirmative."- Yones replied, happily ... Five days elapsed, Commander Brnos said to Yones:" The tests probed successfully. The new DNA bombs are being armed, and soon we're going out, to recover what were our possessions ." "Hope so."- Yones said. "Now, I want you at Brane Knapp 3 , and talking with the Doctors - see if they had something else for us ."- Commander Brnos said; he called all hands on board, and said :" A mission for us, guys : back to Knapp Planet." They all applauded - they were happy to return to that Greenery! The portals ( huge masses of starships deployed in a ring around the Orion B planetary system - opened to let the fast “Latebo" spaceship out to deep space... Inside Yones was seated on the Captain's seat - nobody told him not to be the new Captain , nor his position on the ship - officially. They traversed through the Branes ; the computers guiding, left the ship in front of Knapp 3 . Yones made the scanners revise around the ship at top distance range . "Just two satellites at this side of the planet; the other must be circling at the other side of the planet."- Kiefer said. "Must be ? Let's take a look!”- Yones said; they change orbits during two days elapsed time. "Nothing! And the land scanners didn't localize it."- Kiefer said. "Could be underwater! " - Commander Officer Tites said. Yones moved his head, saying:" Strange, but we have a mission to comply with. Let's descend to the Project He rab 's compound now." Soon they were landing, at the north of the compound and at 580 meters away. Yones said:" I want ten Electromen with me ! The rest stays here!" He begins walking with his Electromen, saying:" I want every one of you in constant communication with your fellow men at the spaceship ! It's that clear ?" "Yes, Captain!"- The ten electro men replied in unison; they walked by the forest, and suddenly a Megalosaur , who was like a green statue waiting for a pray, roared and attacked them very suddenly; Yones fired several times his pistol, and the bullets went inside the Megalosaur like pebbles thrown to the sand ; giving horrific growls, the Megalosaur attacked them full force, maiming and devouring them all in two minutes elapsed time . 45 Soon some guards from the compound appeared there, startled by the sound of Laser beams, detected by the monitors at the buildings and surrounding areas. "Remnants of an attack."- Epor said, taking a shred of plastic from the ground. 46 "Megalosaur footprints ! Seems a Megalosaur was here."- Epor said, looking at the ground.

Knapp 3: The Elocorotes. "Call our Security Manager! Tell him to close the entrances! "- The only Natural said to Ergon 30300. Soon they found the Megalosaur, who was defecating near some bushes; George Boron went there, and with a stick, prowled on the hot steaming shit. Soon he finds several plastic materials , and three bones. "Human remnants."- He said, to the Epeople present. "Our most sincere condolences, Sir."- Ergon said to the Natural, knowing the attachment humans had when someone of their kind dies . "Yeah ! A guy was killed here, and he was with several Epeople ! There must be a spacecraft near this site ! All of you, go out and finds it! And call me later."- George Boron ordered, returning immediately to the compound, afraid to be seen by the Megalosaur . 47 Zeit receives the news, and told Dr. Graf: “Seems Headquarters sent a team here and they stumbled on an hungry Megalosaur." "How are they ?"- Dr. Graf asked . " They are all dead. George Boron sent a e- team to search for the bigger spaceship."- Zeit explained. "A great tragedy indeed !"- Lacetur Graf said. The Chief of Security, Londer Viction, received the message at his desk on his second floor 's office ... " Sir, we had found the spaceship ! " - An Eguard told him . "Fine. Go to Dr. Graf, and intercommunicate him with the spaceship, please."- Londer told the eman. Soon Dr. Graf was communicating via the eman with the other eman close to the officer at the spaceship ... " I'm Dr. Lacetur Graf ! Welcome to this planet!” " I'm Second Officer Somer ! I'll be there soon, as we need to talk important matters with the Directors of Project He'rab ! We assume there are enemy forces circling the planet - that's why we aren't using normal radio signals ! " - Somer told the Doctor. " I'll be waiting ."- Lacetur replied, and they ended the communication shortly afterwards. Zepter Zeit said :" There is danger, then ! Circling this planet - an enemy ship ? I found it very difficult." "Not so ! Perhaps the Federation Spaceship was followed here !"- Lacetur guesses. Two hours later, the Emen and five crew members from the LATEBO Spaceship arrived to the compound; Somer, Mutze, Habe and five Epeople from the spaceship also appeared - using two small all terrain vehicles. "Good to meet you ! Come along; we have a nice place where to talk."- Lacetur said, who was at the entrance of the first building. "Thanks you, Doctor."- Londer told him. Once at a wide office, and attended by Efemale (coffee, biscuits, sodas), Zeit said :" Our men finds your captain's expedition totally wrecked up. There's

Knapp 3: The Elocorotes. a Megalosaur roaming this countryside." "You should kill him."- Londer said. "Not necessarily ! It hasn't come here to destroy valuable property, and furthermore, this is their planet - if we shoot every dangerous animal, what that will make of us ? Killers ? Non Ecologists? We prefer to scare them; usually that functions in the desired direction."- Lacetur Graf said. "I will try to accomplish my Captain's orders : what have you now to show me ? We need a good weapon , to defeat the enemy."- Officer Yones said. "Why ? Our previous deliveries should have to work efficiently ! Or it fails ?"- Lacetur Graf asked, in a worried way. "Our side is half defeated . A hundred planets had been devoid of human life." "No kidding !" - Zeit murmured. " Certainly I'm speaking with the truth ! Wish I could be lying, but for what purpose ? They made a blitz attack ! All of a sudden , they deployed their Genetic Bombs , and life ends in a ball of protoplasmic goo."- Londer explained. They talked about it, and then Lacetur Graf said :" We had achieved much more than we first delivered to your Headquarters . We could eliminate that race, with a Bomb of Nanobots ; like a rapid fire set on dry grass , they will be erased from our maps !" "That same DNA device must had been used against our outposts!”- Londer said. "Very possibly ! Both races will exterminate each other! A sad joke of Destiny !"- Zeit said, somberly. "Headquarters sent us here, to take your findings , if any, to keep on fighting . When do you think you could deliver the new samples, to me? - Londer asked. "Right away, of course !"- Zeit replied. "My Emen are ready to carry it to the "Latebo". - Londer said; and in a couple of hours the suitcases were on the pair of trucks. Londer was happy, with the suitcases at his side; the night was on, but the pair of trucks were illuminating the night with eight beams in each vehicle; small animals could be seen, and a pair of Quentrosaur were there, on the path, eating cicadas trees. "We must give a detour! One brush with those animals, and our vehicles could be damaged.”_ Ofnung said ; so they begin making a detour ; but finds the Megalosaur , who was searching for an easy meal ! As Londer was on the second car, he and his mates saw how 52 the terrible Megalosaur attacked the first truck, heaving it up in the air, and smashing it on a tree trunk ; with the impact, a shower of branches and leaves fell down; while this happened, the Eman driving Truck 2 accelerates and soon they were out of reach from the pheromone's ridden Megalosaur . "Pity on the first truck."- Londer said. "Elend was there, Sir, with four Electromen."- Offnung informed him. "Pity on him ! Who knows how many knowledge goes with them? "- Londer murmured, almost to himself. At a fast pace, the machine arrives to the side of the enormous bulk of the LATEBO Spaceship ; the bay door number two opened, and the land vehicle gets

Knapp 3: The Elocorotes. inside; opening the door , Londer told the officer in charge of the Locks :" Don't wait for the another truck: it's busted, and the personnel inside of it, disposed off by a Dinosaur ." " Aye aye, Captain."- The Electromen in charge said, adding:" Sorry for them, Sir." "Yeah ! Very sorry !'- Londer replied automatically, and went to put the samples of ADN at a safe pressurized special chamber; he said to officer Offnung :" Guess we can leave now." "Of course, Commander. All systems are in green." "Let's return to our Base .. shields on, while near this planet."- Londer ordered. The LATEBO spaceship hovered above ground, and departed up like an arrow... Soon , the spaceship LATEBO jumped Branas, and arrives to AMARILO Base , in the Fourth planet of Orion B Star System, where the Commanding Officer, now called "Liberator" (formerly General Kovinsky) receives them at his office. " We had obtained the new DNA Samples , to fight the enemy, Sir."- Londer told the big brass . " Fine ! The samples will be sent to the laboratories, where they must tested it before we could use it. And tell me, how are the doctors at that far away planet ?" _ The "Liberator" asked him. "The doctors are in good health, so his scientific personnel; the place is a greenery, sorry only there are too many dinosaurs."- Londer confided him. "That's good - let them alone, so they could create! But with new weapons, the Victory is ours! "- "Liberator " Kovinsky said . 54 Months later, a big Army, composed of many Starships, arrives to the vicinity of Star 6345, homeland of the Elocorote. They fought the Humans, who arrives for the millions; DNA bombs exploding side by side, killed thousands of Elocorote; meanwhile, small scout ships race to the nine planets of Star 6345 , and delivered their Nuclear charges; planet 6345-2 and 6345-3 ends by exploding, destabilizing the whole planetary system for another dangerous two million years. Half of the Federation Fleet was destroyed in that day , and all of the Elocorote 's Army ; what was not destroyed by the DNA bombers, the Atomic bombs did. After the war was ended, the Commanding General declares he was to maintain the large Army he still had , saying those Starships will became populates as Island in Space for the astronauts who wanted to live there with their families. The War against the Elocorotes was over, and humanity retained his leadership over the Via Lactea Galaxy . The End. 27.02.2007 Chile, R . M . ( Finished Typed 04.03.2007. Revision finished 05.03.2007 )

Knapp 3: The Elocorotes.